New Silver Inn v2.0

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AuthorTopic: New Silver Inn v2.0
Member # 1886
Profile #250
Meawhile, back at the home front, Lethalis keeps things running moderately smoothly, waiting for Drakey to wake up and for production to get back under way. He has started to send out some more scouts to discretely locate possible new markets (waiting on approval from someone in the managerial/administrative ranks before distribution commences). The mines are back up and running; the few remaining members of the Dragon Maw cartel are quietly swept up by either empire soldiers or the Family's enforcers. Acting as the head of the enforces due to Aloreal's disappearance, Lethalis also sets up a regular shift of guards and assigns an enforcer for each scout, with strict instructions not to break any laws and to stay discrete.

"The hippogryph is an amazing creature rarely seen outside of the wild. The tricky thing about hippogryphs is their incredible jaw strength. One terrible clamp of their beaks could rip a huge beast apart in seconds. Let's see what happens when I stick my hand inside..."
*roaring, SNAP!
*rider screams
—Hippogryph rider, WC III

Some cool WoT art here

Nono! Bad Surfer!!

This is it, The Document That no Evil Overlord can do Without
Posts: 505 | Registered: Saturday, September 14 2002 07:00
Member # 2080
Profile #251
(meanwhile at the bar)
*Approaches a ragged looking farmer.

Mars: So, what troubles you?
Farmer: Oh, it's terrible. My plow is broken and I can't afford to fix it. And a wolves keep ravaging my crops
Mars: Hmmm, that sounds pretty bad. How far away is your farm?
Farmer: Just outside of town. Why?
Mars: No reason. I'll be back. Please don't go anywhere until I return.
Farmer: Alright.

*Mars leaves the bar and returns an hour later dragging a dead wolf behind him.

Farmer: You killed one of those wolves?!?
Mars: Actually I killed about 5 of them. They shouldn't be bothering your crops anymore. And I brought you this.

*Mars hands the farmer a plow.

Farmer: Thank you kind sir. How much do I owe you?
Mars: Nothing. Consider it a gift from someone who knows what it's like to do through hardships.

*Suddenly a wealthy looking man approaches Mars.

Richman: Those were my hunting dogs you killed!
Mars: Are you sure?
Richman: Yes. I recognize that one right there.
Mars: You should have kept your dogs in a more secure location, instead of letting them roam the countryside.
Richman: You dare speak to me like that! I'll see you in chains for that.
Mars: Bloody hell. You know something, I'm still feeling generous today, so tell you what. How bout I pay you for those five wolves, buy you a drink, and we can put this behind us.
Richman: Hmmmm. I guess that's fair.

*Mars pays the Richman 800 gold for the wolves and buys him a drink.
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Member # 1886
Profile #252
OOC: That last one was just a bit far-fetched LF. I've yet to hear of anyone ever complaining that wolves were ravaging their crops. Maybe their flocks or herds (which, I'll have you know, almost never happens by wolves anymore, due to the fact that wolves fear people and people exterminate wolves), but never their crops.

Also, most aristocrats could have had your character flogged for doing nothing more than falling in the mud and accidentally getting mud on their boots. At least that was possible in France at one point (I think).

[ Wednesday, April 23, 2003 09:27: Message edited by: Ragnarok Hellcaller ]

"The hippogryph is an amazing creature rarely seen outside of the wild. The tricky thing about hippogryphs is their incredible jaw strength. One terrible clamp of their beaks could rip a huge beast apart in seconds. Let's see what happens when I stick my hand inside..."
*roaring, SNAP!
*rider screams
—Hippogryph rider, WC III

Some cool WoT art here

Nono! Bad Surfer!!

This is it, The Document That no Evil Overlord can do Without
Posts: 505 | Registered: Saturday, September 14 2002 07:00
Member # 2476
Profile #253
Also, most aristocrats could have had your character flogged for doing nothing more than falling in the mud
That's about what I expect Lord Szas will do to me for not having controlled my people.

Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00
Skip to My Lou
Member # 40
Profile Homepage #254
Feeling much recovered, Alex enjoys a cheese sandwich, disgiuses himself, then goes off to see what kind of exotic magery he can learn in the city.

Need a pet? Need cheap labor? Buy a Moose!

Take the Personality Test! INTJ 78% 33% 44% 22%
Huzzah for the Masterminds!
Posts: 1629 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Member # 2242
Profile #255
OOC: Is the storyline ever going to move on? I guess I'll just go help the townsfolk by killing off monsters until we start.

Firedrake having finished his meal, leaves the tavern, and looks for Mars, finding him in another tavern, he says...

FD: Mars, lets go.

Mars: Why? Where are we going.

FD: To kill monsters and get gold.

Mars: Ok, let's go!

Both of them read some posters posted at the tavern. FD notices one that looks interesting.

"REWARD: Monster - Dead or Non-living

Large demonic bug type monster roaming the streets in the older section of the city. Lives in an abandoned building. 5000+ gold to those who kill it! Plus Magical stuff and large, sharp, pointy objects. Bring a claw of the beast to Hugh of the Old Section Militia."

FD: Hmmm... this sounds like our kind of job eh?

Mars: Sharp pointy objects! Let's go! Right now!

And so the two decide to go to the Ye Olde Section of town for a while.

OOC: If you need us, try to get the plot started before we get to the demon bug. :P :P :P

"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes back into you."
-Friedrich Nietzsche

"There is no dodging the quad laser." -Ugnagnok
Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, November 14 2002 08:00
Member # 2080
Profile #256
OOC: Thank you Firedrake, for I was running out of practical ideas(ie the wolf crop thing and buying a farmer a plow, I think I did that. I know it was on the to do list.)

Anyway. Unless a better plot is created I'm gonna go with the one Firedrake thought up and hopefully I won't screw it up like I did the farm plot. Although personally, I think it was all Creed's fault for that one.


Mars: I like sharp pointy things and killing stuff.
Firedrake: So do I.
Mars: So, shall we be as silly as possible while undertaking this quest?
Firedrake: Why not?
Mars: I only hope we kill that thing and make a good name for ourselves before we do whatever it is we came here to do.
Firedrake: Me too.

OOC: I'll let Firedrake start us off.
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Member # 2476
Profile #257
"Well, Archmage and Wise Man, if you want to join Firedrake in his quest, do so. I'll linger here for a while, try their coffee, listen and watch. So return to this place later on."

Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00
Member # 1046
Profile Homepage #258
Wise Man stood up and stretched, making sure none of his 'tools' showed. "Archmage can go. I have some ... old unsettled business to take care of."

With that the blademaster left the inn, for one of the rich corners of the city. Much of the people there eyed him with suspicion, as if he were a thug. Others were curious as to why a mutant human would go to a rich district maintained by mages.

He stood outside the front door of a small mansion and knocked the door. A butler answered it. "Tell your master his mutant son is here." The quickly frightened man ran back inside to tell his master. An old, rich wizard and his two bodyguards greeted him with hatred.

"So you tried to kill me again, huh?" Wise Man asked, coldly.

"You are the illegitimate son, unlike Kahn," the wizard answered, equally coldly. "You spoiled the generations of magi, therefore it is fitting that you die."

Wise Man laughed. "If you want me to die, then why did you not kill me at birth?"

"I prefer the challenge in roasting blademasters with mage fire."

"Very well, old man." Wise Man readied his glaive. The wizard channeled intense magical power into his staff, and his bodyguards charged into battle...

OOC: This is my character's own fight, nobody can help him in this.

Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands.
Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan
Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY
Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00
Member # 2242
Profile #259
Firedrake and Mars walked for a while to the Old Section of town, where several people poked their heads out their windows to look at them, knowing why the two were here.

FD : Let's look over there by that old building.
Mars : It's gonna come from the ground.
FD : How do you know?
Mars : Don't you ever watch movies? The evil always comes from the ground.
FD : I don't know...

At that second, the ground up ahead began to split in two. Dirt was thrown everywhere. A large Bug-like creature's head appeared.

Mars : That doesn't look too big...

And then the huge body appeared. The Demon looked like a huge praying mantis, with a large pair of sharp, scyth type sword. It has 6 or seven hind legs, with a large tail on the end. The Mantis was a black and red color.

Mars : Mabey... I... was wrong?

FD : You could say that. Let's get him.

Then the fight began...

"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes back into you."
-Friedrich Nietzsche

"There is no dodging the quad laser." -Ugnagnok
Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, November 14 2002 08:00
Member # 1046
Profile Homepage #260
The wizard's bodyguards charged directly at Wise Man, not knowing the skills of the blademaster. Just as they were about to strike, Wise Man leaped back and killed both with a wave of shurikens. "You weren't as rich as you were when I was a baby, with those useless bodyguards."

The easily angered wizard fired off a blast of ice, but only managed to hit a mirror image. The blademaster reappeared behind him, and thrust his glaive into the back of his head, killing him instantly.

This is too easy... Old Kalnus doesn't fight this badly.

A voice above laughed coldly. "You think I'd be foolish enough to fight like that weakling? That was just a body double, imbecile! Now, it's time to teach a boy a valuable lesson." Kalnus swoop down from the roof, enchanted sabre barely dodged by Wise Man...

Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands.
Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan
Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY
Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00
Member # 2080
Profile #261

Mars: What kind of sword is scythe-like?
Lone Flame: A scimitar, you idiot.
Mars: Oh yeah. How does Firedrake know of movies?
Lone Flame: He just does. Now get back to work.


*Mars stabs the creature in the leg. Then the creature knocks Mars back 10 feet.


Lone Flame: What are Firedrake's abilities?
Mars: How should I know? You're the divine being.
Lone Flame: But being all-powerful doesn't mean I'm all-knowing.
Mars: Quit making excusses for your worthlessness.
Lone Flame: Shut up.
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Member # 1851
Profile Homepage #262
It is a lovely sunny midday, and Riibu is just in sight of a small village. The village isn't all bundled together, but some huts and homes are a bit further alongside the vast, glimmering silvery blue lake. Some of the bit bigger houses have chimneys, where smoke's curling upwards, and the huts closest to the lake clearly have fishing nets hung on the front-side.
The sound of busy village life reaches Riibu's ears and buzzes around her head in a rush. Then it speeds up and disappears over the hill to unknown lands, where it will spread the scent of fresh fish around and make people miss the sea. Ah, the sea...
Riding closer, she not only notices the cheery people, but also signs of worn-out houses, little gardens gone wild and people who quite certainly have not everything fine.

Near the docks she spots the usual inn and proceeds to get off the horse and then inside the inn. It's a bit dim in there, but the strong presence of alcohol makes her quickly backtrack, at the same time knocking some guy behind her down to the ground.
"Hey!", the guy yells as he hits the ground.
"Sorry, but you know, um, sorry." The guy looks at Riibu disbelieving. She shrugs and says: "The place is full of alcohol."
"I know. Help me up, girl."
Riibu grabs his outstretched hand and heaves him up.
"You wouldn't, ah, know any other place that wasn't so immoral, but still .. full of people?"
"No, we don't have a church in our village.."
"No, I don't mean a church! I meant a more general place.. you know?"
"Ah. Well, then you should go to the item shop, that shack over there", and he points in direction of a grayish house with a misfit garden. Though unbelieving, she thanks the guy and heads that way. She happens to glance behind her and then she sees something odd: some old women looking her way and the house's way, shaking their heads disapprovingly. She still decides to ignore them and continue her way. Rather some house, than a place full of that evil liquid which takes away all wits.

The shadowy shop seems like a place where all work has stopped, but when Riibu watches closely, she can see a hunched shape seated near the common table. There is no items on the table, except a few small pouches. The shape, seemingly like a man, reaches his hand and picks up one of the small pouches. The man whispers barely out loud: "You ought to have grown.. I need you.. I need, but you refuse to help me.. The leaves! Drink.. Green..", and the man shakes with slight mad giggles.
Suddenly someone grabs Riibu's arm and drags her away from the entrance. A weary looking woman scowls at her.
"What are you doing here?? You leave our family alone, we have had enough!"
"I'm sorry, I was told to come here.."
"Don't lie to me girl!"
"What's going on, love?" The person from inside the shop is behind Riibu, and yes, he is a man. Riibu has good time to inspect their looks while the woman tries to explain something about her to the dazed man. They are otherwise quite fine, except for rudeness and dirty clothes. And the man's fingers have green stains. Riibu interrupts their bickering: "Hey, fellas.. what's up with these?", she asks taking the man's and into her own and holding up few fingers, stained ones. Bot of them fall silent, but eventually the man speaks up: "From herbs. I grow.. herbs."
"Oh, really?" The man nods at her, somewhat annoyed.
"I happened to hear that the .. 'growing' wasn't going quite as planned..?"
"Well, the year hasn't been all that good..-"
"Be quiet, Winston!", the woman snaps. "You never know, the girl could be a spy", she says to him.
"On the contrary, I believe I can be of help to you. You grow skribbane, do you not?" The couple looks at each other and then as by one thought, pull her inside. The woman closes the door behind them.
"What do you want?"
"I want to help, of course. You want skribbane, I can arrange it."
"Hilda.. dear, you know we can't make .. it grow by ourselves. A little help is all we need." The woman still doesn't seem to completely believe, but somewhat agrees to him.
"Excellent! You won't regret this", Riibu says going to a nearby window. She whistles a tune to outside, while the couple looks at her suspicious. Then a homing pigeon flies inside and onto Riibu's hand. She whispers something to it and attaches a custom note to it's leg.
"To the inn, little one!" The pigeon takes it's leave and heads back to the inn. There, it will ::hopefully:: deliver the message to the commanding person.

OOC: Eh, long... to me, at least.

Ah! My Homepage - In Finnish and English
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Waiting for medication. I could really use some.
Posts: 1308 | Registered: Sunday, September 8 2002 07:00
Member # 2080
Profile #263
OOC: It's better than what I've got going on. I hoope Firedrake adds some to the fight Mars is in, before I end up screwing the fight up.


*Firedrake stabs the creature, but it has no effect. Then the creature tries to knock FireDrake into a wall, but FD dodges the attack.

Mars: This is fun.
FD: Yep. Your turn.
Mars: Alrighty then.

*Suddenly one of the creatures swords starts glowing a bright green color. Mars slashes the creature. The creature moves to stab Mars in the stomach, but Mars manages to block the attack with his leg just in time. Mars staggers back and falls to the ground. Then FD smacks the creature with a rock, while Mars gets up and blasts the creature with a Fireball.

FD: You alright?
Mars: Sure.

*Mars blasts the creature with a Wound spell.
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Member # 87
Profile Homepage #264
OOC: Sorry for my protracted absence (sp?), whether or not your are sorry is another thing. Last time (pg 6, about the middle), Raphnotch, disguised as a bartender sent two dupes to the clinic. a little later a tree fell in the forest.
IC: and now...
Two bedraggled rogues shamble up to the clinic, one limping and the other crawling.
Raphnotch walks to the edge and looks down.
Atpok, the first rogue, looks up, and says "Man, can you help us?"
Santdoil, the second says, "Yes, we have traveled long and journey hard to reach this place, how do we come up?"
Raf: (under breath) 'not very well' (out loud) "Normally you come up the rose trellis, but you can use the ladder in the closet right inside the door." *thinking, I wonder what took the so long.*
Aptok, from trapdoor: "Gah! this trapdoor is laced with poison!"
Raf: "Well, it is a trapdoor, now, isn't it?"
Santdoil: "Yea, but it is really strong poison"
Raf: "Ok, drink this" @(for action) gives them a potion marked "logarithm"@
A+S drink potion and thank Raf.
Aptok: "The poison feels as if it has been reduced by an order of 10. I feel momentarily smarter." 'hmm.' (the feeling passes)
Raf: "How did you come here?"
Santdoil: "Up the ladder in the closet by the front door."
Raf: "I see, um, how long had you been using scribbane?"
Santdoil: "Since we first found out about it, I think. Some guys came into town selling it."
Raf: 'I think that would be about 3 months ago', "um, How much did you drink a day?"
Aptok: "Oh, I know this; A LOT, We were fighting the rock monsters in a big cave"
Raf: 'Right, rock monsters' "Ok, I am going to make you a pois.., um potion that will restore your mental ability." *or disability*
Raphnotch goes and finagles some alchemical machinery and curses profusely. After a while a thimble measure of ooze oozes out.
Raf, to Aptok: "Drink this. SLOWLY"
Raf then repeats the process for Santdoil.
Raf: "Now are your heads feeling clearer?"
A+S: "Oh, yes, much, thank you" *Due mostly to the industrial mind cleaner you just gave us.*
Santdoil: "What happens if you spill that stuff on the floor?"
Raf: "Just be glad you drank it slowly. So do you remember how you got here now?"
Aptok: "We went down the path outside the inn, where you told us do go."
Raf: "The narrow path headed north, or the footpath headed west?"
Aptok: "No, the other path"
Santdoil: "Yes, the one headed south through the forest."
Raf: The really really winding path through the forest?
Aptok: Yes.
Santdoil: A tree fell on us, that is why we are in such bad shape.
Aptok: Well, he says it fell on us, it more fell up and hit something and then fell on us.
Raf, eyes lighting up: did this tree have red and yellow striped fruit?
Santdoil: Like this @turns around and shows Raphnotch a spot on his shirt.@
Raf: yes, exactly like that. I never would have though that a dimwitberry tree would grow here. they are from my native land, that is why it fell up. Old habits die hard.
A+S look incredulous, or something very much like it.
Raf: Anyway you came for guidance and direction. I presume you wish to continue adventuring?
Aptok: Oh, yes.
Raf: Well there is this nice place down the road, the New Silver Inn (C) where people can help you with that; So now for some guidance, A zebra will never change its spots, and Don't eat the yellow brick road.

Santdoil looks like he is going to say something, then thinks better of it when he sees his partners expression.
Santdoil: I think we'll go see that inn now.
Aptok: Yes, which way was that?
Raf: Just down the path.

Tip of the Day: #13 Stand clear the closing door.

That's treason.
(THNIK)(Peculiar James, FP productions co, inc)
Posts: 816 | Registered: Friday, October 5 2001 07:00
Member # 2339
Profile #265
Then, a sorcerer(sp?) jumps in, he has a strange look, looks very elderly, and has a long staff with a crystal ball at the end of it.

Sorcerer: I am Zephyr Tempest, I am of the Kogan(or Kogal) tribe. I am a dragonmaster, a dragon summoner. Although Kogal Dragon Lords(he summons them) are hard to control, I still am well diversed in the arts of magic, and I am physically(sp?) frail, I am still resistent to several types of attacks, and I can walk on water, but I am slow. May I join?

This is MY link.
Click here,or here for the yoga dance mix!Click here to get to the misc. boards!
Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!!
Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 150 computers: read more!
We have tried to not harm anything in the making of this commercial, but we failed miserably.
One Small Step for man, one giant leap(SHCKXXXXXX)STOP POKING ME!!!
-Starcraft Observers
R.I.P-Here lies NSI, may this rp be remembered.
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Triad Mage Banned Veteran
Member # 165
Profile Homepage #266
Lord Szas fixed his sharp, icy glare -- attested to by only two ice-blue spheres coming from the darkness of his robes -- on the newcomer.
"No. Go seek work elsewhere."
*ef turns to him.*
"Why did you--"
"Quite frankly, I have no reason to trust anyone in Aizo. As our presence reveals, outlanders never have any legitimate business in Aizo, and we cannot exactly allow someone who is most likely a spy -- and VERY boastful of likely entirely impractical abilities -- into our ranks."
"That reminds me -- when ARE we going to go about our, ah, "legitimate" business here?"
"Soon. The meeting scheduled SHOULD be happening within a month, and close to here besides. I have kept quiet about it thus far to keep the flashy idiots that compose present company from knowing when we are to leave, so they shall not follow. We are not exactly going to the kind of party that welcomes uninvited guests, if you catch my meaning."
"I most certainly do..."

desperance -- je me souviens
arena -- et je me souviens de vous
Posts: 2449 | Registered: Monday, October 15 2001 07:00
Member # 2339
Profile #267
*Zephyr gets mad and his crystal ball glows an angry blue, then shoots vines at that guy that rejected him, that person is now entangled in vines and will have to struggle to get out.*

Zephyr: Don't mess with me, I killed Gargoyle, a fire wizard, I am strong, GET IT!??!

This is MY link.
Click here,or here for the yoga dance mix!Click here to get to the misc. boards!
Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!!
Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 150 computers: read more!
We have tried to not harm anything in the making of this commercial, but we failed miserably.
One Small Step for man, one giant leap(SHCKXXXXXX)STOP POKING ME!!!
-Starcraft Observers
R.I.P-Here lies NSI, may this rp be remembered.
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Member # 1046
Profile Homepage #268
OOC: it's about time i ended the battle between Wise Man and his father ... ugh.


Wise Man barely dodged a barrage of homing ice bolts. Kalnus leapt towards Wise Man, catching him off guard, and charged into him, bashing him into a wall.

Recovering quickly, Wise Man teleported behind his father, and made several ineffectial strikes. Kalnus made a hard backhand punch, knocking Wise Man back. He then threw him into the air with a Wind-elemental strike, then fired several Fireballs, hitting Wise Man hard. After he landed on the ground, Kalnus picked him up, and beat Wise Man with the strength of a bear, until Wise Man looked pretty dead. Laughing, Kalnus threw Wise Man into the wall, making sure to break a few more bones. Laughing at the sight of his nearly-dead son lying in his own, growing pool of blood, Kalnus teleported away.

"You old madman..." Wise Man uttered, before losing consciousness...

OOC: No, Wise Man's father isn't insane, they just hate each other THAT much.

Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands.
Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan
Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY
Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00
Member # 2080
Profile #269
*LoneFlame appears and destroys the vines with a single spell.

LoneFlame: Zephyr, you are not welcome in this realm. You will die if you attempt to meddle in the affairs of these people. Leave now, or you will feel the powers of the guardians of this realm.
Zephyr: As if a weakling like you could stop an all-powerful being such as myself.
LoneFlame: Your power exists only by our good grace. Do not force me to caste you into the shadow realm.
Zephyr: Hah! I will simply invent a solution that will keep me above your powers.
LoneFlame: But the souls masses will simply cancel out your attempts and you will remain in the shadow realm. Which reminds me.

*LF casts Zephyr into the shadow realm, thus making him unable to effect the storyline any further. Then LF disappears mysteriously.
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Member # 2339
Profile #270
*The ground shakes and rumbles so hard, people in space can actually see the earth shake voilently!*

Zephyr: I'm back! The Kogan guild is in an alliance with several creatures in the shadow realm!*His crystal ball glows and teleports Lf beside him.* FEEL MY WRATH!!!!! *Shoots Lf with his strongest magic, and Lf dissappears and everything he was wearing falls to the groung, and it shoots out several puffs of smoke, which, up until recently, was Lf.*

This is MY link.
Click here,or here for the yoga dance mix!Click here to get to the misc. boards!
Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!!
Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 150 computers: read more!
We have tried to not harm anything in the making of this commercial, but we failed miserably.
One Small Step for man, one giant leap(SHCKXXXXXX)STOP POKING ME!!!
-Starcraft Observers
R.I.P-Here lies NSI, may this rp be remembered.
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Member # 169
Profile #271
"My game."
Namothil stepped out behind Zephyr. A quick daggerstrike to the base of the skull, followed by a simple torch, killed him, and destroyed the body.
"Did I misunderstand our orders? I thought we were supposed to be inconspicuous."

OOC: Zephyr, being a hostile mage around someone whose business is killing magi is not exactly a good idea.
Try an underpowered character if you want to join in. It really is a better choice for the first time you participate in an RP. I've told you this before, and you obviously paid no attention. Maybe this time you'll get the message.
Posts: 422 | Registered: Tuesday, October 16 2001 07:00
Member # 2339
Profile #272
*Then, a spirit rises from the blood patches that were Zephyr, and reforms into Zephyr's shape, and starts to become solid.*

Zephyr Spirit: FOOL! I AM a shadow realm creature, a descendent of Revival Jam(from Yu-gi-oh)! I will taunt you every where you go, you cannot destroy me, fool!*disappears*

Zephyr's Voice: couldn't even defeat a simple wizard, my you people can be very weak, Lf is dead, can you revive him? NOT WITH ME AROUND!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Then a young wizard steps in, and he looks exactly like Zephyr, except he's younger, much younger, around 11.*

Young Wizard: I am Zephyr Tempest, and apperntice to a Kogal guild council member. I am moderatly skilled in magic, physically frail, and not very resistent to damage. I can walk on water, and I'm pretty fast, may I join?
Young Zephyr: I thought Gargoyle was killed!*Everyone notices young Zephyr's voice is a lot more younger sounding than the elder Zephyr.
Gargoyle's voice: You rat! I made everyone think I was you!

[ Monday, April 28, 2003 14:38: Message edited by: Zephyr Tempest, The Dragonmaster ]

This is MY link.
Click here,or here for the yoga dance mix!Click here to get to the misc. boards!
Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!!
Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 150 computers: read more!
We have tried to not harm anything in the making of this commercial, but we failed miserably.
One Small Step for man, one giant leap(SHCKXXXXXX)STOP POKING ME!!!
-Starcraft Observers
R.I.P-Here lies NSI, may this rp be remembered.
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Member # 1046
Profile Homepage #273
Wise Man remained unconscious, slowly dying in front of Kalnus' mansion. How easily forgotten some characters are...

Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands.
Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan
Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY
Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00
Triad Mage Banned Veteran
Member # 165
Profile Homepage #274
*A cadre of Imperial guards approach the scene. One bellows out, in a thick Aizoan accent:*

Guard: Unauthorized mages, you are to dispell any magics on your person at once or be destroyed.

Zephyr: I kowtow to no Empire, fools!

*Out of the crowd steps a man in resplendent armor carrying a military bill in one hand and a glass orb on a chain in another. Szas nods and falls to his knees as the warrior approaches, his sun-and-sword insignia gleaming on his armor and helmet, his hair a grayed red under that helmet. He walks up to Zephyr, who casts some kind of spell. We never find out what spell that is, as he proceeds to smash him in the side of the head with that glass orb. Stunned, the sorceror can only sit in shock as he is hit in the sternum with the bill, sending him sprawled to the earth, losing blood too rapidly to repair from a shattered aorta.*

Imperial Antimage: Die!

*The antimage swings around again, smashing the glass orb into the "Gargoyle"'s left arm. A surge of power runs up it into his head. The mighty being falls to his knees, screaming miserably, shortly before one strong blow decapitates him.*
Imperial Antimage: Now, gentlemen, I don't imagine the rest of you shall pose us any trouble?

Szas: No, sir. I am sorry for this madness, sir -- I am a mage of great power, sir, and such power attracts persons of mental... infortitude.

Imperial Antimage: Just see that it does't happen again. And for those of you in gray, start cleaning up this mess.

desperance -- je me souviens
arena -- et je me souviens de vous
Posts: 2449 | Registered: Monday, October 15 2001 07:00
