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This forum is for discussion about our powerful game and scenario editor, Blades of Avernum.
# Topic Topic Starter Posts Last post
1596 Za-Khazi Run Shapliest 8 December 17, 2005 20:14
775 Za-Khazi Run & DwtD Dartan 9 July 15, 2004 17:19
2915 Za-Khazi Run - Opal Citadel nearart 9 August 02, 2007 20:40
466 Za-Khazi Run - Places to sell your loot Inferior 6 April 18, 2004 04:15
1483 Za-khazi run help Thralni 11 September 11, 2005 06:48
1458 Za-khazi run help!! Thralni 6 August 14, 2005 09:19
622 Za-Khazi Run question dram 31 July 14, 2004 07:43
486 Za-Khazi Run: Giant's Cavern & Dark Maze Joel Sanda 6 April 24, 2004 18:56
363 Za-Khazi Run: spiraling Crypt spy-there 8 March 30, 2004 13:34
589 Za-Khazi Run: Spiraling Crypt: Insane Solutionless Time-Warp Death Trap? Archmage Alex 23 June 29, 2004 18:09
1581 Zakhazi Run iluvhorses 12 November 25, 2005 18:20
1291 Zakhazi run, forrest, run ! HEEEEELP !!!!! Fort Ganrick 18 May 09, 2005 23:52
414 ZaKhazi Run: Abandoned Crypt Abraxx 4 April 07, 2004 00:44
2790 Zaskiva Sewers ginger8445 7 January 29, 2007 04:44
755 Zaskiva Sewers (ASR) unicorn172 24 October 26, 2004 19:05
1548 Zaskiva Sewers... still confused... Steven 4 October 30, 2005 11:21
2247 Zharrad Wanted!!! SmirfOfDoom 3 September 08, 2004 19:25
861 ZKR Fly areas. Kel-Aziz 9 August 23, 2004 03:53
1012 ZKR help We Didn't Shard of Fire 6 November 16, 2004 20:25
814 ZKR Q's DweezelManSam 6 July 28, 2004 09:46
783 ZKR question unicorn172 14 July 23, 2004 01:51
423 ZKR The Busted Bridge Over the Lava Wanderer 7 April 12, 2004 15:42
894 ZKR- Khoth was disappointing. Figgy 9 September 12, 2004 17:58
790 ZKR-The Broken Fang Clan Nicothodes 2 July 19, 2004 13:28
983 ZKR: A question of time... Neuro 4 October 28, 2004 08:03