Avernum 4?
Author | Topic: Avernum 4? |
Member # 39
written Saturday, September 24 2005 21:04
Avernum 4 is going to be a movie of Jeff Vogel making lewd propositions to his copy of Atlas Shrugged on a loop for 4 hours. And you idiots are going to love it. I hate each and every one of you losers more than the last. You deserve the talentless, uncreative crap you've invited upon yourselves. Posts: 1074 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Member # 247
written Saturday, September 24 2005 21:18
No Andrea, No. ![]() [ Saturday, September 24, 2005 21:20: Message edited by: VCH ] -------------------- I stop rubber at 160km/h, five times a week. CANUCKS RESPEK! My Style The Knight Between Posts. Posts: 2395 | Registered: Friday, November 2 2001 08:00 |
Member # 5450
written Saturday, September 24 2005 21:39
Thats a new one, VCH. Where did you get it? -------------------- I'll put a Spring in your step. Polaris Posts: 2396 | Registered: Saturday, January 29 2005 08:00 |
Member # 39
written Saturday, September 24 2005 23:07
quote: Posts: 1074 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Member # 5977
written Saturday, September 24 2005 23:40
quote:I already started a tirade against you on an other topic, so I wouldn't do it a second time, but please, if you hate us, then just leave the forum, would you? -------------------- Thralni's almighty Avernum pages: My webpage, containing scenario's and graphics made by me (And maybe someday the homepage of the almighty chicken gods). Click here for more information on Olga's fortune teller kiosk Olga's fortune teller kiosk has been temporarily closed down, but you can contact the prophet with a PM - Was signed by the prophet of the almighty chicken gods, gods of everything that is a chicken. Work has begun on the Nephilian grammar and vocabulary guide! Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00 |
Member # 4506
written Saturday, September 24 2005 23:49
quote:We've gpot to have someone evil while TM's away, if only to keep us on out toes. ;) - Archmagus Micael -------------------- "You dare Trifle with Exile?" - Erika the Archmage -------------------- My Scenarios: Undead Valley : A small Undead problem, what could possibly go wrong? -------------------- Proof of Richard Black's existance: Richard Black - PROOF of his existance (the Infernal one's website). Posts: 1370 | Registered: Thursday, June 10 2004 07:00 |
Member # 39
written Sunday, September 25 2005 00:31
quote:Someone needs to balance out all of the RPG dweebs calling themselves "emperors" and such in their dopey handles. The call was sent out, and I answered that call. ALSO: You started a tirade against me? Who the hell are you? Posts: 1074 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Member # 5977
written Sunday, September 25 2005 04:16
quote:A few things: What have you got against emperors? What call are you talking about? Its none of your business who I am, I just exploded when I saw you starting about the Nazi's on that other topic . -------------------- Thralni's almighty Avernum pages: My webpage, containing scenario's and graphics made by me (And maybe someday the homepage of the almighty chicken gods). Click here for more information on Olga's fortune teller kiosk Olga's fortune teller kiosk has been temporarily closed down, but you can contact the prophet with a PM - Was signed by the prophet of the almighty chicken gods, gods of everything that is a chicken. Work has begun on the Nephilian grammar and vocabulary guide! Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 3513
written Sunday, September 25 2005 08:07
so anyway, Mac beta testing has started. (check the news section of spidweb.com) -------------------- Ignorwhat? Posts: 301 | Registered: Thursday, October 2 2003 07:00 |
Member # 5977
written Sunday, September 25 2005 08:16
quote:Does anybody know when they send out the emails saying who can test and who can't? -------------------- Thralni's almighty Avernum pages: My webpage, containing scenario's and graphics made by me (And maybe someday the homepage of the almighty chicken gods). Click here for more information on Olga's fortune teller kiosk Olga's fortune teller kiosk has been temporarily closed down, but you can contact the prophet with a PM - Was signed by the prophet of the almighty chicken gods, gods of everything that is a chicken. Work has begun on the Nephilian grammar and vocabulary guide! Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00 |
Member # 869
written Sunday, September 25 2005 08:49
Okay, Djur, that's quite enough. Make nice. Everyone else, continue with the topic as before. Don't feed the troll. -------------------- My BoE Page Bandwagons are fun! Roots Hunted! Posts: 9973 | Registered: Saturday, March 30 2002 08:00 |
Triad Mage
Member # 7
written Sunday, September 25 2005 09:31
quote:Probably a week after the beta-testing form closes. -------------------- "At times discretion should be thrown aside, and with the foolish we should play the fool." - Menander ==== Drakefyre's Demesne - Happy Happy Joy Joy desperance.net - We're Everywhere ==== You can take my Mac when you pry my cold, dead fingers off the mouse! Posts: 9436 | Registered: Wednesday, September 19 2001 07:00 |
Member # 6292
written Sunday, September 25 2005 17:00
I just noticed the two new screenshots of Avernum 4. I think the graphics look fine, and it appears we are a little more zoomed in on our PC's. I will be very happy as long as it is still possible to use the keyboard to move around. Clicking mouse buttons to move space by space is more likely to induce carpal tunnel than pressing four or five different keys. In fact, I always prefer to use keys rather than the mouse for game shortcuts. I think good software in general permits both. Lousier software makes you do a lot more work with a mouse to get things done. It's great if there will be both. -------------------- [Insert Signature Here] Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Member # 2902
written Monday, September 26 2005 06:04
Well, if the Player Character graphics stay as they are on the screenshots I won't like A4, really disappointing. I would consider them more a step backwards. Just picking Geneforge graphics simply doesn't fit to Avernum. Hope that this still gets changed, though I doubt it. I rather would have prefered the graphic sets of older times, never really liked the Geneforge ones (main reason why I haven't bought G3, I had enough with G2 already), but now mixing them into Avernum? :( My wife who liked to play A series feels the same about G graphics and reading through some of the posts here and in other forums I think I'm not alone with my growing disappointment after seeing the screenshots... my 2 cents, but who cares anyway Abraxx -------------------- * Knowledge is Might * Posts: 130 | Registered: Monday, April 21 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3442
written Monday, September 26 2005 07:25
quote:Linda anyone? Okay, that means more demons of some nature... When will the Vog-meister learn? Hopefully though, he means Garhzhad or someone. The original thread is here Edit: Nasty quote. [ Monday, September 26, 2005 07:27: Message edited by: SupaNik ] -------------------- "I am a living sign..." Thus endeth this post. Posts: 2864 | Registered: Monday, September 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 59
written Monday, September 26 2005 10:41
In case anyone missed the Spiderweb newsletter: quote: Posts: 950 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Member # 4596
written Monday, September 26 2005 11:25
quote:Can anyone registered on boards get to test it, or we must to register somewhere for chance to test A4? [ Monday, September 26, 2005 11:27: Message edited by: sarua ] -------------------- rpg... rpg... rpg 4ever Posts: 6 | Registered: Tuesday, June 22 2004 07:00 |
Member # 5437
written Monday, September 26 2005 13:30
quote:You would need fill out an application. You don't need to register anywhere else. -------------------- Nena Posts: 2032 | Registered: Wednesday, January 26 2005 08:00 |
Member # 247
written Monday, September 26 2005 19:46
I have a question for those that know. Will we be able to turn the combat-grid off like in A1-3? I hate that thing! -------------------- I stop rubber at 160km/h, five times a week. CANUCKS RESPEK! My Style The Knight Between Posts. Posts: 2395 | Registered: Friday, November 2 2001 08:00 |
Member # 6346
written Monday, September 26 2005 20:04
I have registered for the sole purpose of agreeing with a previous poster that the slimes in Exile III were beautiful. Every time I had to brutally hack one to death, a tear formed in my eye :'( Posts: 5 | Registered: Monday, September 26 2005 07:00 |
Member # 3171
written Monday, September 26 2005 20:31
Ok just read this thread. This guy amuses me. [ Monday, September 26, 2005 21:01: Message edited by: Kingy ] Posts: 776 | Registered: Friday, July 4 2003 07:00 |
Triad Mage
Member # 7
written Tuesday, September 27 2005 01:08
quote:You will be able to choose more PC graphics. They just don't exist yet. Also, the graphics are much better than the Avernum graphics (although the slimes look pretty lame). And as for demon wizards, there are none of those like you suggest. So far it seems to be "I forget that I killed him off in an earlier game". -------------------- "At times discretion should be thrown aside, and with the foolish we should play the fool." - Menander ==== Drakefyre's Demesne - Happy Happy Joy Joy desperance.net - We're Everywhere ==== You can take my Mac when you pry my cold, dead fingers off the mouse! Posts: 9436 | Registered: Wednesday, September 19 2001 07:00 |
Shake Before Using
Member # 75
written Tuesday, September 27 2005 04:23
Yeah, really. The returning powerful wizard is more likely to be a character that you haven't already killed. Posts: 3234 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Member # 869
written Tuesday, September 27 2005 05:05
Imby, you've been playing Nightfall again, haven't you. :P -------------------- My BoE Page Bandwagons are fun! Roots Hunted! Posts: 9973 | Registered: Saturday, March 30 2002 08:00 |
Member # 247
written Tuesday, September 27 2005 14:48
Drakefyre, can the combat grid be removed? As I really don't like the grid. -------------------- I stop rubber at 160km/h, five times a week. CANUCKS RESPEK! My Style The Knight Between Posts. Posts: 2395 | Registered: Friday, November 2 2001 08:00 |