OoC Thread for "An RP in the World of Avernum... *Reloaded*"

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AuthorTopic: OoC Thread for "An RP in the World of Avernum... *Reloaded*"
Member # 6403
Profile #376
Originally written by Drakefyre:

Rakshasi absorb all elemental damage too.

Are we using game canon here? I've never noticed that when I play SW games.

EDIT: Added quote for the new page.

[ Friday, April 21, 2006 01:00: Message edited by: radix malorum est cupiditas ]
Posts: 883 | Registered: Wednesday, October 19 2005 07:00
Triad Mage
Member # 7
Profile Homepage #377
At least they do in Exile I-BoE

"At times discretion should be thrown aside, and with the foolish we should play the fool." - Menander
Drakefyre's Demesne - Happy Happy Joy Joy
Encyclopedia Ermariana - Trapped in the Closet
You can take my Mac when you pry my cold, dead fingers off the mouse!
Posts: 9436 | Registered: Wednesday, September 19 2001 07:00
Member # 6403
Profile #378
Absorb or ignore? Those are two very different things.
Posts: 883 | Registered: Wednesday, October 19 2005 07:00
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #379



um... any other words or things with which i can make my frsutration clear?

So where did these Rakthingies come from? WHY are they here? I don't mean, because this and that person summonded them, but isn't this WAY of limit? I mean, to me its almost like what goldenking did: in an instant he summoned a large army of (in this case) almost unbeatable (it seems) creatures. Yes! Am I supposed to be happy/confused/startled? Please clarify. NOW.

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Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
Member # 6670
Profile Homepage #380
Well, TM has been foreshadowing this for some time. It also seems that the Rakshasi are less of a faction and more of a NPC menace that TM has created for everyone in the RP to fight. I'd be more annoyed, but I really wasn't looking forward to a drawn-out fight in North Karnold anyway. Hopefully, TM doesn't turn this into faction-bashing.

Would it be acceptable if I say my faction is post-Exile and thus can deal normal magic damage to Rakshasi? :D Anyway, expect to see more magical clout from the Dominion; for a faction devoted to magic and learning, they haven't been doing enough of it.

If a tree falls on a mime in a forest, does anyone care?
Posts: 1509 | Registered: Tuesday, January 10 2006 08:00
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
Profile Homepage #381
Allow me to suggest the use of the following resource:

Rakshasi at EE

This article summarizes everything we know about Rakshasi from game canon (i.e., the games themselves, not scenarios or RPs). I wrote it using text dumps of the games, so I can guarantee its accuracy.

Also, Dintiradan, you don't need to be post-Exile. There were ways to deal with Rakshasi magically back in Exile II. Anti-magic fields (or better yet, Null Bug or Mung Demon Simulacrums, but you certainly don't have that spell) were one good one.

Slarty vs. DeskDesk vs. SlartyTimeline of ErmarianG4 Strategy Central
Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #382
Slartucker, two things:

1) you're not anymore participating in the RP;

2) I can't care if they are rakshasi, evil hamburgers or giants, I just want to know why they are here. I want to know why TM brought them in, as I have the feeling that we have enough to fight for as it is, without having evil cats who absorb magic all around Ermarian.

Play and rate my scenarios:

Where the rivers meet
View my upcoming scenario: The Nephil Search: Escape.

Give us your drek!
Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
Profile Homepage #383
It amazes me, Thralni, that you even complain when someone who doesn't have to be helpful tries to be.

Get a life. Please. It'll do you good.

Slarty vs. DeskDesk vs. SlartyTimeline of ErmarianG4 Strategy Central
Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00
Nuke and Pave
Member # 24
Profile Homepage #384
Originally written by Mc 'mini' Thralni:

...2) I can't care if they are rakshasi, evil hamburgers or giants, I just want to know why they are here. I want to know why TM brought them in, as I have the feeling that we have enough to fight for as it is, without having evil cats who absorb magic all around Ermarian.
It's a tradition in Arena RPs (from which this one originated) to have plots involving an evil enemy so powerful that everybody has to work together to defeat them. I think the term they use is "Rising Menace". So Rakshasi will be such an enemy for this RP. As for why TM is the one controlling them, probably because somebody has to and TM is one of the veterans who know how to run such a plot.

PS And if I understand the idea correctly, the factions will start getting wiped out if you don't work together, just like in any other RP where DM throws in a powerful boss.

[ Friday, April 21, 2006 09:39: Message edited by: Zeviz ]

Be careful with a word, as you would with a sword,
For it too has the power to kill.
However well placed word, unlike a well placed sword,
Can also have the power to heal.
Posts: 2649 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Member # 6670
Profile Homepage #385
An anti-magic field was what I had in mind. I was starting to allude to researching them before I started the attack on North Karnold. Unfortunatly, an anti-magic field negates my power also, and so STILL requires me to get melee assistance.

Thalni does have a point. The original slant of the RP was to create a world with a large number of factions, with a network of alliances and vendettas. The Rakshasi should be a diversion, not the main point of the RP.

(Reads the EE.) Hmmm, time to consult THE authoritative guide (guess I'm mass producing blessed crossbow bolts now :) ).

EDIT: (Reads Zeviz's post.)
I can see that, but it would have been nice to know that this would have been a 'Rising Menace' RP (or even that TM would be GM; I'd have been nicer to him IC :) ).

Spell Immunity (Su): Rakshasas ignore the effects of spells and spell-like abilities of 8th level and less, just as if the spellcaster had failed to overcome spell resistance.
Vunerable to Blessed Crossbow Bolts (Ex): Any hit scored with a blessed crossbow bolt instantly slays a rakshasi.
- Monster Manual

(Sweet! I can still slay a rakshasi in an anti-magic field, since the vunerability is an extraordinary ability!)

(And yes, I'm just kidding.)

[ Friday, April 21, 2006 09:41: Message edited by: Dintiradan ]
Posts: 1509 | Registered: Tuesday, January 10 2006 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 4153
Profile Homepage #386
Originally written by Zeviz:

PS And if I understand the idea correctly, the factions will start getting wiped out if you don't work together, just like in any other RP where DM throws in a powerful boss.
Yep. Working on it already.

Thuryl: "Runescape: for people who are too stupid to save their games."

Gamble with Gaea, and she eats your dice.
Posts: 4130 | Registered: Friday, March 26 2004 08:00
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #387
Originally written by Mathman v. Qwerty:

It amazes me, Thralni, that you even complain when someone who doesn't have to be helpful tries to be.

Get a life. Please. It'll do you good.

Its hard to have to work in a semi-Europian parliament for to days, non-stop, talking and discussing matters you otherwise know nothing about, like a good healthcare-system for Europe, or ways to reach adequate water supplies, so forgive me if me mood is bad or very touchy at the moment.

Play and rate my scenarios:

Where the rivers meet
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Give us your drek!
Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 4153
Profile Homepage #388
Originally written by Mc 'mini' Thralni:

Originally written by Mathman v. Qwerty:

It amazes me, Thralni, that you even complain when someone who doesn't have to be helpful tries to be.

Get a life. Please. It'll do you good.

Its hard to have to work in a semi-Europian parliament for to days, non-stop, talking and discussing matters you otherwise know nothing about, like a good healthcare-system for Europe, or ways to reach adequate water supplies, so forgive me if me mood is bad or very touchy at the moment.

Please, for the love of all things good and pure, no flame-wars. We're getting enough of that with the rakshasi.

But seriously, this is the last thread we need to get locked because of a petty personal dispute.

Thuryl: "Runescape: for people who are too stupid to save their games."

Gamble with Gaea, and she eats your dice.
Posts: 4130 | Registered: Friday, March 26 2004 08:00
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #389
The Rakshasi have no abnormal weaknesses. (Actually, this was also an issue of contention in the old Arena, and it was ultimately determined that they aren't demons.) You have to gun them down and make sure that they don't catch on fire.

Now Dintiradin's suggestion of using antimagic fields is a good one. But Dintiradin doesn't have the capacity to kill off the Rakshasi in melee. It would be a good idea, for instance, to make an alliance with a faction who has a decent melee force.

That's teamwork.

(And in case you want the words straight from my lips [or fingers], Zeviz is right: RMs are an Arena tradition, and I'm running this one pretty much by the books. I'll try to get no one faction involved above their heads, but if you try to take the Rakshasi on by yourself, it won't go so well.)

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Member # 4574
Profile #390
TM, the Rakshasi. They're good however I can tell from many how amny factions are so far from the action that they aren't THE main enemy. Besides you said that it was ONE of the main conspirators in the revolution.

Dintiradan, you have a small army of ragtag rebels attempting to reclaim Angel's Rest. What's more if you provide the antimagic fields and summon beasts or something then I'll combat the Rakshasi directly. In other words I would like to have a TEMPORARY military alliance with you. Do you accept? Oh and afterwards it's back to being a military rivals.

The ending has not yet been written.
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #391
Well, you should propose this alliance IC.


"They're good however I can tell from many how amny factions are so far from the action that they aren't THE main enemy."
I do not even know what this sentence is saying.

"Besides you said that it was ONE of the main conspirators in the revolution."
Satsujin was. I intentionally left the extent of his involvement vague, however.

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #392
Oh, and before I forget:

I need to know what is going on in Pralgad, who is allied with whom, and where armies are currently situated, so I can position the rakshasi correctly and so I know how to deal with the various factions there.

And if there are any factions on Aizo, which I doubt, let me know- or else I'm simply going to assume that the rakshasi win there. ~_~

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #393
The FNF is on the land bridge, allied to the goblin goblins (who are still there, I presume?), allied to a just found Nephil tribe. I'm planning on moving forward, if that's okay with the other participants.

Rakshasi are like big tigers right? Do they spare their cat brothers, or do they attack everybody?

Slartucker, I apologize. When i wrote that I was very touchy, so that "get a life" didn't do me good at all. Also, what are the goblins going to do?

Play and rate my scenarios:

Where the rivers meet
View my upcoming scenario: The Nephil Search: Escape.

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Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
Profile Homepage #394
Assume for now that the goblins have all turned a sudden retreat and disappeared, and are nowhere to be found. None of the armies are there anymore. I really need to write that last post -- maybe this morning.

And no, Rakshasi have no ties to or care for Nephilim or Nepharim.

Slarty vs. DeskDesk vs. SlartyTimeline of ErmarianG4 Strategy Central
Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00
Member # 3442
Profile Homepage #395
Urgh. Tiger-men. The APL better stay holed up in their caves, because they'd rather take the Rakshsasi on alone than cohort with surface-folks.

Of course, we don't even now they're out there yet...

I need to write an IC tomorrow morning.

You are sleeping, you do not want to believe...

Posts: 2864 | Registered: Monday, September 8 2003 07:00
Member # 6403
Profile #396
Originally written by Ephesos:

Originally written by Zeviz:

PS And if I understand the idea correctly, the factions will start getting wiped out if you don't work together, just like in any other RP where DM throws in a powerful boss.
Yep. Working on it already.

Still waiting for him to come back or should I write an IC now?
Posts: 883 | Registered: Wednesday, October 19 2005 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 4153
Profile Homepage #397
Originally written by Infernal:

Still waiting for him to come back or should I write an IC now?
Change of plans... check your PMs.

Originally written by Thralni:

The star dissappeared. the book closed. It closed befor mernal could even read what was inside.
Um... no. You can't absorb a star eith a spellbook. And if I understand things correctly, TM will be yelling soon.

EDIT: Drat... quote tags again.

[ Saturday, April 22, 2006 10:05: Message edited by: Ephesos ]

Thuryl: "Runescape: for people who are too stupid to save their games."

Gamble with Gaea, and she eats your dice.
Posts: 4130 | Registered: Friday, March 26 2004 08:00
Member # 4574
Profile #398
Originally written by Ephesos:

Originally written by Thralni:

The star dissappeared. the book closed. It closed befor mernal could even read what was inside.
Um... no. You can't absorb a star eith a spellbook. And if I understand things correctly, TM will be yelling soon.[/QB]
It was my understanding that the book could only be opened when the star was out. In fact it was more then obvious that that's what he meant. The book closes when the star isn't there. It can open when it is there.

The ending has not yet been written.
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 4153
Profile Homepage #399
Originally written by Armyking:

It was my understanding that the book could only be opened when the star was out. In fact it was more then obvious that that's what he meant. The book closes when the star isn't there. It can open when it is there.
That much was apparent. But it doesn't give him the power to decide when the star is in the sky.

Thuryl: "Runescape: for people who are too stupid to save their games."

Gamble with Gaea, and she eats your dice.
Posts: 4130 | Registered: Friday, March 26 2004 08:00
Member # 6403
Profile #400
Originally written by Ephesos:

Originally written by Infernal:

Still waiting for him to come back or should I write an IC now?
Change of plans... check your PMs.

For TM's benefit, that means a change of plans on his side of the deal, not mine.
Posts: 883 | Registered: Wednesday, October 19 2005 07:00
