Profile for Smoo-Cow
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Displayed name | Smoo-Cow |
Member number | 5459 |
Title | Shock Trooper |
Postcount | 211 |
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Registered | Sunday, January 30 2005 08:00 |
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Oh no! Beta! in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5459
written Sunday, September 17 2006 00:58
Trust me, I wasn't going to leave it at 'Everyone.' I was actually going to ask if the rating should be 'Teen' or 'Mature' since I'm not completely aware of how much a few cuss words would raise the rating in America. So what'll be? Does 'Teen' cover it or should I slap 'Mature' as the content rating? -------------------- These are my scenarios. I may have too much free time but I really don't care. Backwater Calls, Magus of Cattalon, Rats Aplenty Get them here Visit The Lyceum for all your rating needs. Posts: 211 | Registered: Sunday, January 30 2005 08:00 |
How would you do it? in Avernum 4 | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5459
written Wednesday, September 13 2006 04:39
Goris is a female? -------------------- These are my scenarios. I may have too much free time but I really don't care. Backwater Calls, Magus of Cattalon, Rats Aplenty Get them here Visit The Lyceum for all your rating needs. Posts: 211 | Registered: Sunday, January 30 2005 08:00 |
New Scenarios in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5459
written Monday, September 11 2006 06:06
quote:FYT or something similar. Edit: Ooh! Ooh! I want my ridiculous figure to say 110% [ Monday, September 11, 2006 06:09: Message edited by: Smoo ] -------------------- These are my scenarios. I may have too much free time but I really don't care. Backwater Calls, Magus of Cattalon, Rats Aplenty Get them here Visit The Lyceum for all your rating needs. Posts: 211 | Registered: Sunday, January 30 2005 08:00 |
Oh no! Beta! in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5459
written Monday, September 11 2006 06:02
The beta has been sent to the testers. Hopefully everyone got theirs. I actually did a pretty poor job alpha testing the final dungeon... Enjoy! -------------------- These are my scenarios. I may have too much free time but I really don't care. Backwater Calls, Magus of Cattalon, Rats Aplenty Get them here Visit The Lyceum for all your rating needs. Posts: 211 | Registered: Sunday, January 30 2005 08:00 |
Oh no! Beta! in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5459
written Thursday, September 7 2006 08:44
Bleagh. I would have sent the beta out already if it weren't for one thing. My free-time has shortened drastically this week. So I'm currently still alpha testing but I should be finished by Saturday, maybe Sunday. -------------------- These are my scenarios. I may have too much free time but I really don't care. Backwater Calls, Magus of Cattalon, Rats Aplenty Get them here Visit The Lyceum for all your rating needs. Posts: 211 | Registered: Sunday, January 30 2005 08:00 |
Problem in backwater calls (2) in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5459
written Sunday, September 3 2006 20:45
Since you've messed around with the levers, first pull the blank one, then rock, paper, scissors, rock. The key to the room is in one of the chests in the south-western part of the caves. The slith chief is in the room so that's why you haven't progressed. -------------------- These are my scenarios. I may have too much free time but I really don't care. Backwater Calls, Magus of Cattalon, Rats Aplenty Get them here Visit The Lyceum for all your rating needs. Posts: 211 | Registered: Sunday, January 30 2005 08:00 |
Oh no! Beta! in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5459
written Friday, September 1 2006 09:31
This may be a bit premature but my third scenario for BoA is almost done. I swear I'll get it done by next week's Saturday, possibly a couple of days sooner. So write down your name, write down your operating system and write down your email address and help me make Rats Aplenty the best scenario released by me this year. Some info about Rats Aplenty: It's for level one parties. It has ten towns and two outdoor sections. It's trying to be funny (since it's trying, it will probably fail.) so if you didn't laugh once while playing my previous scenario chances are you won't be laughing now. -------------------- These are my scenarios. I may have too much free time but I really don't care. Backwater Calls, Magus of Cattalon, Rats Aplenty Get them here Visit The Lyceum for all your rating needs. Posts: 211 | Registered: Sunday, January 30 2005 08:00 |
Using BoA to tell a story in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5459
written Tuesday, August 29 2006 01:42
I have nothing against prefab parties. In fact, I would like to see more scenarios with them. But then again it's easier to dislike a scenario if your pc is an unbearable idiot. -------------------- These are my scenarios. I may have too much free time but I really don't care. Backwater Calls, Magus of Cattalon, Rats Aplenty Get them here Visit The Lyceum for all your rating needs. Posts: 211 | Registered: Sunday, January 30 2005 08:00 |
BoA BUGS v6.0 in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5459
written Wednesday, August 23 2006 10:12
Ooh! Ooh! I got one! I noticed this back in 2005, I think... Anyways, the restore_pc(which_char) call acts funny. In stead of really returning the which_char back to full health, it gives it the maximum health of the currently selected character. I hope that made sense. I'm going to bed. -------------------- These are my scenarios. I may have too much free time but I really don't care. Backwater Calls, Magus of Cattalon, Rats Aplenty Get them here Visit The Lyceum for all your rating needs. Posts: 211 | Registered: Sunday, January 30 2005 08:00 |
nature lore: what is your level? in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5459
written Wednesday, August 16 2006 01:26
8 is my highest. -------------------- These are my scenarios. I may have too much free time but I really don't care. Backwater Calls, Magus of Cattalon, Rats Aplenty Get them here Visit The Lyceum for all your rating needs. Posts: 211 | Registered: Sunday, January 30 2005 08:00 |
Dialogue coding error (mine) in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5459
written Saturday, August 12 2006 04:33
You need a " before the ; -------------------- These are my scenarios. I may have too much free time but I really don't care. Backwater Calls, Magus of Cattalon, Rats Aplenty Get them here Visit The Lyceum for all your rating needs. Posts: 211 | Registered: Sunday, January 30 2005 08:00 |
Mad Ambitions - Chika in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5459
written Friday, August 11 2006 07:47
Since killing Chika is impossible then the only logical solution to your problem is to take your own life. The nephilim shaman will kindly provide you with poison potions. Quaff them down and end thy suffering... Seriously though, you're supposed to drink the poison. -------------------- These are my scenarios. I may have too much free time but I really don't care. Backwater Calls, Magus of Cattalon, Rats Aplenty Get them here Visit The Lyceum for all your rating needs. Posts: 211 | Registered: Sunday, January 30 2005 08:00 |
MoC - couple of questions in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5459
written Tuesday, July 18 2006 21:38
I should have fixed this ages ago. For some reason I could never make Beohram stay at the dinner hall. First of all your orders were to kill the nephil chieftain. Have you done it? Did you free the slaves/kill the chief before you joined the army in Gerolt's Hamlet? Did Beohram ever say anything besides "You have your orders?" Could you send me the save file you have? My email address is in the Readme. -------------------- These are my scenarios. I may have too much free time but I really don't care. Backwater Calls, Magus of Cattalon, Rats Aplenty Get them here Visit The Lyceum for all your rating needs. Posts: 211 | Registered: Sunday, January 30 2005 08:00 |
Beta check on aisle three in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5459
written Tuesday, July 18 2006 08:46
That reminds me. When I first sent MoC to Spidweb and after three weeks it still wasn't up there I sent another email and got this response: "Sorry for the delay, and thanks for the reminder. My laptop was stolen (all our Blades email and scenarios were stored on it) and your first email went with it. It's up now. I created the Mac version of the graphics (magi.cmg) for Mac users. Mariann Krizsan" I got this on the 31st of January, so this could at least explain why Ephesos' update for DoK wasn't added. -------------------- These are my scenarios. I may have too much free time but I really don't care. Backwater Calls, Magus of Cattalon, Rats Aplenty Get them here Visit The Lyceum for all your rating needs. Posts: 211 | Registered: Sunday, January 30 2005 08:00 |
MoC - couple of questions in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5459
written Tuesday, July 18 2006 00:45
1) Get yourself a rope from Haven and head to the mountain range east of the nephilim fort. 2) Try exiting and re-entering the fort. This should hopefully place the commander back into his office. -------------------- These are my scenarios. I may have too much free time but I really don't care. Backwater Calls, Magus of Cattalon, Rats Aplenty Get them here Visit The Lyceum for all your rating needs. Posts: 211 | Registered: Sunday, January 30 2005 08:00 |
Beta check on aisle three in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5459
written Tuesday, July 18 2006 00:16
Yay! A new scenario and it looks like I can use my Fightin' Bunch lvl 35 for this one. Yay! On a side note, Jeff's been pretty lazy about putting the scenarios up. Nikki's A Good Beginning still isn't up, although he released it in the beginning of July and I sent Spidweb a new version of Magus of Cattalon around February. -------------------- These are my scenarios. I may have too much free time but I really don't care. Backwater Calls, Magus of Cattalon, Rats Aplenty Get them here Visit The Lyceum for all your rating needs. Posts: 211 | Registered: Sunday, January 30 2005 08:00 |
Bride of the Abominable Photo Thread in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5459
written Friday, July 7 2006 04:34
This photo is no longer accurate. Mainly because I no longer have a gun, a bulletproof vest, or any of the clothing I wear in this photo. ![]() The image is kinda blurry since it was taken with a camera phone. And actually I may have worn my own underwear at the time instead of the ones provided by the military. Oh, and I own the beret now. -------------------- These are my scenarios. I may have too much free time but I really don't care. Backwater Calls, Magus of Cattalon, Rats Aplenty Get them here Visit The Lyceum for all your rating needs. Posts: 211 | Registered: Sunday, January 30 2005 08:00 |
Boa scenario's: what stage are they in now? in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5459
written Sunday, June 4 2006 08:43
*BUMP BUMPITY BUMPY BUMP* So, how many of these scenarios are still being made? Or more importantly has anyone made any progress with their scenarios? I'll go first: I've been trying to design something every weekend and while on some weekends progress has been very slow, Rats Aplenty is steadily nearing completion. I haven't actually finished the design of any town yet. But most of the dialog has been written. Currently I'm coding the side quests and designing towns. If someone has visited my site they'll know that I've set the release date for the 7th of July. I'm not sure if I'll be done by then. That date seemed soo far away when I wrote it down... -------------------- These are my scenarios. I may have too much free time but I really don't care. Backwater Calls, Magus of Cattalon, Rats Aplenty Get them here Visit The Lyceum for all your rating needs. Posts: 211 | Registered: Sunday, January 30 2005 08:00 |
I need to improve my plot... in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5459
written Sunday, May 14 2006 08:34
quote:No. But maybe the demon is: a) Feeding on the minds of the townspeople, until they become drooling vegetables. b) Simply hiding from another demon or something. Maybe a power struggle in hell didn't go well for the demon. c) Using the humans as slave labor to uncover some kind of mystical artifact/build an evil machine. (These ideas suck if you don't refine them.) d) Maybe the demon got kicked out of hell and now he's lonely and tries to make friends with humans but doesn't understand how their minds work so he simply controls them and winds up being slain by bully adventurers. Sniff. That poor demon. quote:Well, gee. That's what I'm using in my new scenario. So, yes. quote:I like Lazarus' idea about killing the demon in the town square. Of course the demon could have also constructed some kind of cliched catacombs underneath the town. [ Sunday, May 14, 2006 08:35: Message edited by: Red 37 aka Smoo ] -------------------- These are my scenarios. I may have too much free time but I really don't care. Backwater Calls, Magus of Cattalon, Rats Aplenty Get them here Visit The Lyceum for all your rating needs. Posts: 211 | Registered: Sunday, January 30 2005 08:00 |
I need to improve my plot... in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5459
written Saturday, May 13 2006 05:54
Pyrulen, what I want is a new scenario that's not made by me. It's been a while since one those showed up. On the Pratchett thing: I suppose one of the Vimes books would make a decent cityscape/crime mystery scenario. Some of the other books have too many different locations in them. Still: yes I think this would be too ambitious. On the demon thing: If you decide to make it anyway then please give thought on why the demon is controlling the village and not just doing the usual: "I evil! I kill!" - routine. -------------------- These are my scenarios. I may have too much free time but I really don't care. Backwater Calls, Magus of Cattalon, Rats Aplenty Get them here Visit The Lyceum for all your rating needs. Posts: 211 | Registered: Sunday, January 30 2005 08:00 |
Beta call for "Where the rivers meet" in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5459
written Saturday, May 13 2006 01:35
When can we expect the release of Where the Rivers Meet, Thralni? I could help with testing if I had an ounce of free time. I don't, you know. -------------------- These are my scenarios. I may have too much free time but I really don't care. Backwater Calls, Magus of Cattalon, Rats Aplenty Get them here Visit The Lyceum for all your rating needs. Posts: 211 | Registered: Sunday, January 30 2005 08:00 |
I need to improve my plot... in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5459
written Saturday, May 13 2006 01:32
Ahem. I believe Pyrulen meant that he was going to adapt a book into a scenario. Personally I think a scenario like that could be a bit too ambitious for a first time designer, since it will most certainly become a largish scenario. As for the demon thing, I'll do some brainstroming m'self: Now this could easily be made into a short scenario. The party might just be passing through the village and notice how everyone is acting strangely or perhaps some of them will attack the party outright. Then the party will explore the mystery, maybe find someone who is resistant to the demon's mind control and this person will nudge the party in the right direction and boom! The party finds the huge fortress of the demon that no-one has noticed before despite it being in an obvious location and hackfest ensues. Of course some people will have a heart attack at the sight of the words "demon" and "scenario" being used in the same sentence. -------------------- These are my scenarios. I may have too much free time but I really don't care. Backwater Calls, Magus of Cattalon, Rats Aplenty Get them here Visit The Lyceum for all your rating needs. Posts: 211 | Registered: Sunday, January 30 2005 08:00 |
Zorvas (VoDT) in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5459
written Wednesday, May 3 2006 09:18
They provide an infinite source of light by casting light when used. Also, betcha didn't rate DoK at the site Ephesos linked. -------------------- These are my scenarios. I may have too much free time but I really don't care. Backwater Calls, Magus of Cattalon, Rats Aplenty Get them here Visit The Lyceum for all your rating needs. Posts: 211 | Registered: Sunday, January 30 2005 08:00 |
Dialogue Node Limit Reached in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5459
written Saturday, April 15 2006 06:56
I have now reached the 200 dialogue node limit in my upcoming scenario Rats Aplenty. Since I am the first to reach this very, very important milestone, I would like to take a moment to thank all the people who made it possible: - My parent for conceiving, feeding and clothing me. I could not have done it without you. - Friends and other family for their support and whatnot. - The community for keeping me interested in designing. - And above all, I'd like to thank Jeff for making the 200 node limit in the first place. Thanks Jeff. Thanks a lot. It wasn't that hard to reach. Anyways, back to writing nodes now, I guess. [ Saturday, April 15, 2006 06:57: Message edited by: Kaupunkijaakari Smoo ] -------------------- These are my scenarios. I may have too much free time but I really don't care. Backwater Calls, Magus of Cattalon, Rats Aplenty Get them here Visit The Lyceum for all your rating needs. Posts: 211 | Registered: Sunday, January 30 2005 08:00 |
Boa scenario's: what stage are they in now? in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5459
written Friday, April 14 2006 01:08
Seems like a fair amount of scenarios being created. Who wants to say something pessimistic about how many will be released? Oh, and no-one should stare at the percent values about the completeness of Rats Aplenty I have on my site. I have pulled them completely out of my ass because I assume that's how most people who use percent values count them. Notice that I have a release date of some sorts for Rats Aplenty. I truly hope I can make it. I would get designing right now but I need to wait for my brain to wake-up and locate the creative juices I have floating somewhere in my body. -------------------- These are my scenarios. I may have too much free time but I really don't care. Backwater Calls, Magus of Cattalon, Rats Aplenty Get them here Visit The Lyceum for all your rating needs. Posts: 211 | Registered: Sunday, January 30 2005 08:00 |