The Mountain of Shadows RP

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AuthorTopic: The Mountain of Shadows RP
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
Profile Homepage #125
OOC: My computer has died and I don't have time to post right now. I hope to be able to write tonight (in around 4-6 hours); please don't rush my character in the meantime or make any decisions for her (and I mean "any", not just "uncharacteristic" ones).

The Encyclopaedia Ermariana <-- Now a Wiki!
"Polaris leers down from the black vault, winking hideously like an insane watching eye which strives to convey some strange message, yet recalls nothing save that it once had a message to convey." --- HP Lovecraft.
"I single Aran out due to his nasty temperament, and his superior intellect." --- SupaNik
Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
Member # 5302
Profile #126
OOC: I'm afraid I'm going to have to drop out of this RP. I've got a lot of things to do right now and the few hours I have to spare I'm spending working on a BoE scenario and trying to win the Scenario Rating Contest. Sorry.
Posts: 70 | Registered: Sunday, December 19 2004 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
Profile Homepage #127
OOC: Unless this RP lasts shorter than the others, there might be time for you to make a come-back. Good wishes anyway, and I hope you have the opportunity to join another RP here soon: You're among the better ones here. :)

I have one hour to post this, then my battery runs out. Cross fingers.

IC: Melora stood in the clearing alone, surrounded by corpses. The weird character from the mountains - the one who had wept over the wolves - had left again, the other man trailing behind him. Caecus had led Sequoia, Andros and Cyrus off toward his village. And Lisha had wandered off alone. Melora looked about.

What was the deal with these wolves anyway? It could not have been just compassion that stirred the man. Lisha was right: Sequoia would, could not have allowed this if it were needless slaughter.

Needless? She caught herself following human reasoning again. What were the wolves to her - just other predators. She had a knife, they only teeth. That was why she was standing here, and not lying on the ground instead of these beasts. As if contemplating whether to complete the analogy by feeding off her quarry, she approached the wolf she had killed with her dagger. The carcass lay on its side, its sleek, powerful body nearly majestic in spite of the matted, gristly grey fur flecked with blood.

Kneeling beside the wolf's wild face, its gaping maw, she reached out with her hand and closed those staring golden eyes.

"It was your time today, brother. Whatever lies beyond, it will be your path to find out now, and not mine. You fought well, but you met your match as so many before. Who knows when the time may come for me?"

Rising again, she looked into the direction the others had gone in. The mountain rose ominously in the distance to the north west, its grey and white slopes glistening in the late morning sun. It was almost midday.

Caecus and the others had left toward his village, vanishing among the hills to the north. The two who had cursed them for killing the wolves had run off to the south west. What they were hoping to find, Melora was not clear about. Judging by the shouted argument the wind had carried to her ears...

...death will follow them wherever they go... and I want none of what they seek...

...You can't lift the darkness...

she had the suspicion they themselves were not entirely clear about it either, or at least not in agreement.

Lisha had gone to the West. Melora had to face a decision.

She trusted Sequoia, but not Andros. Cyrus was a tolerable man, if he could be called that, but Caecus annoyed her nearly as much as Brail. Lisha was a secretive character, and more than likely a spy (why else would an Easterling seek to conceal her identity in these parts?), but Melora could not care less. It was not her Kingdom spying and not her Kingdom being spied on. Remembering the serene wisdom in Sequoia's gaze, she made half a step northward. And then stopped, as an uncharacteristic thought crossed her mind.

They don't need me. There are four of them. Lisha is alone. Was that her thought? Inconceivable. Lisha was not the only one's whose mind must be tired this morning - blurting out her name to a stranger in such an indiscrete fashion. Melora considered her choices again, but found her feet turning westward almost of her own accord.

Soon, she was running with the fast, lithe elven gait, her light boots seeming hardly to touch the mossy forest floor as she soundlessly followed Lisha.

OOC: David, your call. Does Lisha want to be followed?

The Encyclopaedia Ermariana <-- Now a Wiki!
"Polaris leers down from the black vault, winking hideously like an insane watching eye which strives to convey some strange message, yet recalls nothing save that it once had a message to convey." --- HP Lovecraft.
"I single Aran out due to his nasty temperament, and his superior intellect." --- SupaNik
Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
Member # 5946
Profile Homepage #128
One moment of idiotic charity, and without hours, you find yourself with a cursed entourage. Guy drew in his breath, and forced his anger and irritation to subside.

Whatever next. Whatever next. Why was that man following him? He could have, should have left with the others. They were going to some village or something, and Sullust would have been safe enough there. But no, there just behind him the man walked, like a tail, or a human ball and chain.

Pointless too, since he had no idea where to go. It had been so long since last he planned beyond a day, beyond a next meal...

He shook his head back into reality. His feet had taken him a bit further from the mountain, outwards towards the bright lamplights of civilisation. It was hard to tell what time it was. With the thick canopy above, he couldn't tell.

Looking over his shoulder, he saw that Sullust was still with him.

"Time to rest," he said.

He found the fallen trunk of a tree on which they could sit. It was too damp to make a fire, so he didn't try.

"You understand why we had to get away from them, right?" Guy said suddenly, half to himself. He did not wait for a response.

"These wolves, this mountain, had been at rest, at peace for hundreds of years. Perhaps longer. The damn storytellers may talk all they want about ancient evils and the like, but whatever evil that is here is one that keeps the trees green, the snow clean, and the wolves and other animals well fed and uninterested in the lands beyond. What has this evil done? Removed the treasure of a tyrant who was trying to hide it from his people. The world has done well enough without this wealth, and it will do well to forget it, and the monument to human stupidity this place represents.

"The wolves did not invade the human lands. The humans invaded their lands. Again and again and again. What would I have asked them to do instead of these terrible slaughters? I would have asked them not to come at all. In a few hours, days, weeks, the mountain will kill any transgressors, and all the blood will have been for nothing. There is always an alternative, and the best is often to do nothing, not to run in with clattering blades, and expect the world to make way. One must know that one is not in charge here, and if one does not, one simply invites doom on yourself and others that you may hold dear."

He turned to Sullust.

"You haven't explained yet. What were you doing up the mountain?"
Posts: 10 | Registered: Sunday, June 12 2005 07:00
Member # 3320
Profile #129
Something tells me this is going to be a long, hard trip she thinks to herself as she follows Tuulentekija. Suddenly he gives an audible cry of surprise and stops abruptly.

"Is it a wolf?!" asks Filbert nervously. Tuulentekija answers in a rather serious manner.

"No. It's something much worse than that."

Edith starts getting curious as to what he is staring at, so she walks up beside him, and the others do the same. It doesn't take her long to see what he is looking at. "Well, dear me. What an interesting development."

She looks ahead down the path at a large heap of twisted rusting metal. And just off to the side of it, almost hidden in the bushes, lies a decapitated body wearing a black cloak, the head lying about five feet away from it. Almost humorously, she nudges Tuulentekija and muses, "Well, this isn't something you find every day in our forest. Looks like the other party had been here."

Tuulentekija turns to face them. "Hmmm. I agree. It appears that the party of adventurers and undead encountered a group of animated armor led by a necromancer. They can't be too far away."

He walks over to the armor and inspects it while Filbert fidgets with some of it. Edith in the meantime takes the time to examine her surroundings while Cain goes over to the body and starts going through its pockets. He seems to be disappointed in not finding anything right away. "Darn! They must have cleaned him out. Hello, what's this?"

Edith sees him remove a ring from the man's finger and pocket it. He then stands up and goes over to inspect the armor. Tuulentekija stands up just as Cain crouches down and then walks back over to Edith.

"Well, that definitely had once been a bunch of animated armor. That necromancer had obviously been controlling them. They must have run into the other party and attacked them. I think it's safe to say that the other party won. Uh… Miss Edith, are you okay?"

He looks at her blank face as she stares off down the path. He looks in the same direction, but doesn't see anything. When he looks back at her, her face is no longer blank. She now has a look of bewilderment and worry on her face.

"Miss Edith, what's the matter?" She continues to stare, but answers.

"I... I sense something. I feel that there is evil nearby. Evil and death. Something else has happened further down the path. Listen... I can’t hear any birds singing… I don't see any animals moving about... everything is dead still."

Suddenly, as if some unknown force is pulling her forward, she starts walking slowly down the path.

[ Tuesday, August 09, 2005 21:40: Message edited by: Sir Sherlock Holmes ]

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes

Gay Christian Network
The Polaris Board
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Member # 5450
Profile Homepage #130
OOC: Just a short one at the moment.

Brail was used to being alone. It had happened a lot during his career. He also had experience. That is why he revealed that he was a spy. He thought that they would follow him, and if he got into any trouble they would come into help him. Decent people are very easy to manipulate. He looked over his shoulder. He did not noticed anything. It seem that that group is not decent.
He heard a rustling in the bushes nearby. He ignored it, thinking it was simply a rat or something. But then the rustling grew more persistent. Hw decided to take a look at it. Pulling back the bush, he cursed with surprise as he realised that it was infact a man from a nearby town. But instead of being gratious for his saftey, the man attacked. It was very foolish, as he was very weak. Brail managed to break one of his fingers to make him surrender. He then interrogated him, with interesting results.

I'll put a Spring in your step.

Posts: 2396 | Registered: Saturday, January 29 2005 08:00
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #131
Edith slowly started walking down the path. What the hell is she doing? Its dangerous! Filbert thought. Cain, still searching for loot, also saw her wlking away. He walked towards her and tried to pull her back. it was no use. Whatever you did, evetually she would just go on walking, as if she was a zombie of some sort...

Tuulentekija looked at her, while she again, after falling because Cain pushed her to the ground, stood up and walked down the path. "Maybe we should just let her walk and follow her instead of tiring ourselves?"

i hope he knows where this is going to bring us. i of course really don't think this is a good idea. I'm glad I brought that staff with me. Still, Filbert stood up and joined the rest. he really didn't know what might happen in the near future....

Thralni's almighty Avernum pages: My webpage, containing scenario's and graphics made by me (And maybe someday the homepage of the almighty chicken gods).

Click here for more information on Olga's fortune teller kiosk

Olga's fortune teller kiosk has been temporarily closed down, but you can contact the prophet with a PM - Was signed by the prophet of the almighty chicken gods, gods of everything that is a chicken.

Work has begun on the Nephilian grammar and vocabulary guide!
Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
Member # 2339
Profile #132
"Come. We can rest at my house. It's still the way it was when I left it for the last time," Caecus said.

They walked into the village. There were several mages and priests farther in. Some people were playing on drums with a glass-like top that made a low, echoing sound when hit. All the roofs of the houses were made of a similiar material(the roofs were shaped like domes). The group was goin to a particularly large house. A sign above the door read "Aerdiu".

Caecus, followed by the others, walked inside. It was much like any building at that time (except it was larger and the roof was different). A few feet away from the door was a water/food dish on the floor. It was labled "Milkshake". Caecus stared at it for several seconds before going upstairs to a room that was magically kept cold. There were several drinks in the cold room. "Drink what you want!" Caecus said. "There's another room over there with a good view of Verwey over there that is not cold," he added as he pointed at a closed door.

*Blue screen error*
Windows detects no current errors, so Windows has decided
to screw around with the files until one occurs.

If you never rise against your oppressor, then you've already lost.
-Zephyr Tempest, your personal entertainer
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 4153
Profile Homepage #133
OoC: So, this group is just Sequoia, Caecus and Andros, right? Are we taking Cyrus with us?


Brother Sequoia and Andros each grabbed a flagon of something (neither paid much attention to the label) and crossed the hall to the noticeably warmer room.

Very, very unnatural... the druid thought, slightly creeped out by the strange buildings. He had tried to convince himself that it was glass, or quartz, or maybe crystal, but it seemed too arcane. Downing half of the drink (which turned out to be some rather well-aged wine), he sat down in a chair overlooking the village, leaning his staff against the wall. And it's only going to get stranger, I'm sure.

"What do you make of all this?" Andros asked, not taking his eyes off the strange sight that was Verwey.

"It's very, very unusual. I'm honestly not sure how the people down here survive."

"They managed in Avernum." the archer said, watching a group of priests in the middle of the town. He hadn't drank a drop of his flagon yet.

"True... I just don't know what to think about it all." Sequoia muttered, lapsing into silence.

[ Wednesday, August 10, 2005 15:32: Message edited by: Ephesos ]

Gamble with Gaea, and she eats your dice.

I hate undead. I really, really, really, really hate undead. With a passion.
Posts: 4130 | Registered: Friday, March 26 2004 08:00
Member # 1046
Profile Homepage #134
OOC: Yes, Cyrus is with us. He can't drink anything though.

"On a ligher note, what is this stuff anyway?" Andros wondered. "Ah well, it can't be lethal."

With that, Andros took a sip of the liquid. He grimaced. "You seem to hate it," Sequoia asked.

"Watered down wine," Andros replied. "Probably got some dirt in it too."

He felt a sudden movement to his left, below him. It was a young girl, around the age of six, tugging at his shirt with her small hands. "Can you fill my milkshake?" She asked, holding up an empty silver mug. "I can't reach."

"Sure thing," Andros jogged across the room, filled the mug with milkshake, and returned. "Here you go."

The girl thanked him and replied, "You're so nice. Nobody else here wants to help me because I don't have a mommy. And daddy's gone too."

Andros glanced at Sequoia, who looked back with a raised eyebrow. "Where did he go?" Sequoia asked.

"A bunch of weirdos with these really sharp swords ran through here a few days ago. Daddy and some other people left to fight them the next day but they're not back yet." She then pointed at Andros' shirt. "They have shirts just like that, but there's little silver lines on them."

Andros looked back at Sequoia again, this time with a serious look on his face. "Silver lining on black... Those are raiders from the Guild of Blademasters, Sequoia!"

The girl tugged Andro's shirt again. "Will daddy be alright?"

Andros swallowed a sudden lump in his throat, knowing that her father was likely to be dead. But that doesn't mean he can't still be alive. "He'll be fine, girl," Andros replied after a long pause. "We'll find your father."

"You're so nice," the girl replied. She then laid her mug down on a table and reached for an envelope and a paper flower. "This is for daddy."

After she handed the paper items to him, Andros carefully placed them into his shoulder pack, making sure not to damage the flower. "I'll make sure he sees it," the sniper assured. "By the way, my name is Andros, and the man beside me is Brother Sequoia. What's your name?"

"I'm Cristane," the girl answered, then finished the her milkshake. "I have to go now. Bye!"

"How did this Guild of Blademasters know we're here?" Sequoia asked Andros as she left the building.

"It's one of the Guild's ways of doing things," Andros replied. "I'll explain when we find Cyrus and Caecus.

Polaris - Weather balloons, ninjas, and your big daddy Wise Man. What more could you want?
Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
Profile #135
A chill wind swept through the forest, and Lisha pulled the cloak tight around her body, shivering. A dead leaf swirled through the air before her before impaling itself on a twig. Fools, she thought, crushing the leaf and its bane beneath a leather boot. Following that abomination into an unknown rune. They may be writhing in a desert inferno right now, or trapped and crushed beneath leagues of stone, and they deserve it. Trust is a weakness. Andros, Cyrus... well. The sun shall rise without them, and possibly be the brighter for it. But the druid...

A rabbit poked its quivering nose through the underbrush, then vanished. Seconds later, a great owl spread its wings and launched itself from its perch. Lisha drew the hood tighter around her face. Perhaps I placed too much trust in him. But perhaps... perhaps those of us without worthy education and prudent caution are the most trustworthy of us all. Of them all, she corrected herself. First giving her name, then placing simple Aramites at her own level? If I don't find a place to rest soon, she thought, I'll be placing my poison in that shadow elf's hands...

A twig cracked behind her and she glanced surreptitiously over her shoulder. The path was empty. You're losing your senses, she told herself. Wind does that out here, not just beings. She walked on, right hand slowly closing around the hilt of a long knife. She couldn't be far from a sufficient tree now, but without taking seemingly unnecessary precautions, she would have been dead long since.

The steady stream of soft morning sunlight was broken for an instant and her hand tightened instantaneously. So she was being followed. But by whom, or by what? None of the forest's beasts were that elusive; none that would come so close, anyway. Unless -

Lisha threw the cloak open, drew her twin knifes from their sashes, and hit the ground rolling in one fluid motion. The silent elf, suddenly before her, leapt back and drew her own weapons. However, the assassin was too swift - standing, she immediately hurled her entire weight against the slender elf and knocked her to the ground. A moment later, both were locked in combat on the forest floor.


"Yah! Filthy-"



Melora found Lisha's neck and pressed a blade to it. Lisha curled into a ball, effectively paralyzing the elf's wrist and straining her fingers. Her own knife flew from her hand as Melora struck the fist with her own hilt. Lisha, struggling to roll on top, pinned both arms beneath the combined weight of their bodies. Knowing when a fight was lost, she froze.

"What do you want from me, elf?"

"The use of my arm, to begin with."

"My business is my own. Go back to your people."

Melora's murderous glare went unobserved. "I do as I choose, not as I am ordered. Why don't you, rather, return to your people? There, you do the reverse."

"What do you want with me? I have not attacked you. You have no business with me."

"No," Melora said, relaxing her grip slightly. "No, I have no business with you. And yet you and your fellows have twice assaulted me without provocation. What sort of world must you live in where violence is your first reaction to any situation involving aliens?"

The irony was not lost on Lisha, but she let it go. "Tell me what you want, then leave. I only wish to pass, unmolested, through these communal woods. Y-"

"Strangely enough, that is also what I want - for you to pass unmolested through the forest."

The peculiarity of the statement confounded Lisha for a moment. Then, slowly, she began shaking. As the elf looked on in bewilderment, peels of wild, uncontrollable laughter rose from her breast, echoing through the woods and sending the remaining birds into the air. Utterly unable to regain control of herself, Lisha rolled out of Melora's loosened arms and onto a bed of leaves. Tears pouring down her face, Lisha grasped her sides desperately, struggling to regain her breath while simultaneously pouring it into the cool air in a very audible expression of merriment. It was several minutes before she settled down and forced her lungs back to their regular rhythm. Exhausted, lying helpless on the forest floor, Lisha heaved a deep sigh.


Her mouth twitching, Lisha looked up into the elf's face. The startled, contemptuous look in her eyes almost threw the spy into a new fit of laughter, but fortunately for her, she had not the energy.

"Yes, we humans have our weaknesses," she admitted, still smiling. "Laughter is one of them, especially when we go overlong without rest. Had you been an enemy of mine, your words would have been more deadly than a drop of the tomb vipers' poison. As I now realize, however, by the continued beating of my heart, you are not, and so probably never were, if I know your kind. Either that or you've aquired some sense of honor, in which case you are not the same creature I've read about. As I'm not dead yet, though", she said, sitting up, "I'm willing to believe the former."

"A repetition of such a show of weakness may change the situation somewhat, but no, I am not your enemy. If you are in such dire need of rest, I shall soon seem your greatest ally. Come," she said, rising lightly to her feet, "a suitable shelter is not far from here." She kicked the lost knife in Lisha's direction and turned her back, not entirely turning her face with it. "Your friends, by the way, are alive and relatively safe. The hidden village of Verwey and its silver-haired inhabitants will not survive long, but the other humans and the undead will be out well before it is overrun by darkness. They, like us, do not appreciate the presence of outsiders. They will, however, tolerate them for as long as necessary."

And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it.
-The Last Pendragon

Polaris = joy.

In case of emergency, break glass.
Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00
Member # 5450
Profile Homepage #136
'Who are you?' Brail asked of his captor calmly.
'I - I am not telling.' This man was stubborn. Brail decided to deal out some punishment. Taking the man (who he still did not know the name of), he tied him upside down from a tree. The man was still stubborn as Brail repeated his question.
'WHO ARE YOU?' Brail was starting to lose his paitience.
'I can't understand why you want to know? I am just a man passing...through.' The man was as calm as you would like. Brail knew it was a lie. He suspected that he was a spy from The Eastern Lands, but he still had to confirm that. Ripping off the mans shirt, he looked at his back. Muttering a curse to himself, Brail asked the man more questions.
'I know you have the mark on your back that means you are from the Eastern Lands. I'm not stupid. Now, you better tell me what you are doing, and who you are.'
The man sensed defeat.
'I am a spy for King Johanessen, from the Eastern Lands. He wants me to go to Aram, and slay the leader. It is a frustrating task, but if I succeed, I will be revered by all.'
Brail had enough. He took his knife form his belt, and made an incision down the side of the mans arm. Then his other arm. Then, finally, he casterated him, packed up his camp, and left him to die.

He journeyed on, and soon heard laughter. He walked over, but he noticed that he was too late. The laughter had stopped. He decided to investigate anyway. He reached a small clearing, and encountered two women walking away. 'Hey!' He yelled.

[ Thursday, August 11, 2005 22:57: Message edited by: Spring ]

I'll put a Spring in your step.

Posts: 2396 | Registered: Saturday, January 29 2005 08:00
Member # 4248
Profile #137
Where is she taking us? Tuulentekija pondered. It is as if she knows something we don't. Oh well, there's no real reason to try to stop her. We're going to the right direction anyway.

Tuulentekija took out his compass and looked to the sky. The sun is well down to the west already. It's late afternoon. We should consider building a camp soon. Then suddenly, when Tuulentekija lowered his head again, Edith stopped. It didn't take long for tuulentekija to see why.

"What on earth?" he shouted while gazing to the dead bodies of wolves. There were signs of fight everywhere around him. Seemingly, someone had attacked the wolves. Or then the wolves had attacked someone, and died as a result. But why? Tuulentekija wondered. Wolves normally don't attack people if they aren't extremely hungry, and these wolves look well fed. There's definetly something strange going around here... Just then, as if she had read Tuulentekija's mind, Edith spoke. "These wolves weren't alone. There was something... someone with them, guiding them."

Tuulentekija glanced at Edith. "But who or what was that? Wolves have minds of their own, and they are much more intelligent than dogs. They aren't easily controllable, not even with magic." Then, while saying that, Tuulentekija noticed that Edith was shivering once again.

"Haven't you heard the legends of the demon?" Edith said. "The legends of Órloki, the creature who drove king Albert's minions away, and promised to kill all humans who would ever again come to it's mountain?"

Tuulentekija turned his gaze to the mountain. "No I haven't" he said, but in the meantime several thoughts were crossing his mind. The dream he had had back in the tavern suddenly made sense.

"But may I ask one thing, Miss Edith" he said, still staring at the mountain. "If there's a demon on that mountain, why hasn't it fulfilled it's threat yet?" Then, without saying anything else, Tuulentekija started marching towards the mountain with a determined expression behind his mask.

Somebody PLEASE turn the heat on.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
Member # 3320
Profile #138
Edith watches Tuulentekija as he starts marching towards the mountain and calls to him in a very serious tone. "Halt, soldier!! The answer to that question is simplicity itself, yet could very easily cost you your life if you aren’t prepared. We are being tested by the demon's minions to assess our strength and potential in being able to reach him. Most people don't make it through the first test, and those that do, do not survive the mountain. I know that all too well."

Tuulentekija stops and turns around to face Edith with a skeptical questioning look. "What do you mean by 'you know all too well'? What do you know that you aren’t telling us? You sense things we do not and you know things we obviously don’t. How about leveling with us here and now?"

Edith looks visibly disturbed by this line of questioning, but maintains her expression of seriousness. She sits down on a stump and explains.

"Very well. I sense things because my mother was a mage in practice. Her magical blood was passed on to me. However, I was only ever able to learn some basic spells in my lifetime. You see my mother never got the chance to teach me any of her knowledge. She died in childbirth bringing me into this world. My father ended up raising me. He was a wealthy aristocrat, but was also a retired warrior. He even taught me some good fighting skills. I was more interested in alchemy, though. But before I had gotten the chance to start studying it, the rumors came. When I turned 20, fantastic rumors started sweeping the kingdom about how an entire party of warriors and soldiers from a neighboring kingdom had simply vanished while investigating the legend of the Mountain of Shadows.

One day my father decided to form his own expedition to investigate the fate of the other party and to see if he could verify the legend’s authenticity. We said our goodbyes and he and his group departed from the town. Almost two weeks went by without any sign of them. We began to fear the worst and then one day, our fears were realized. A man in rusted armor, covered in severe wounds, limped his way into the village tavern. He managed to gasp out, '...the mountain... the Mountain of Shadows...' Then he collapsed dead onto the floor."

"And I take it that this man was one of the men from the party?" replied Tuulentekija.

Edith answers with a sorrowful tone in her voice. "It wasn't just one of the men from the party, it was my father."

Edith looks up at Tuulentekija, who is looking down at her with a cold, disturbed expression. "And he was the only one that ever made it back?"

Thinking intently, she responds. "As far as I know, yes. It all happened more than 20 years ago. I never heard word of anyone else ever making it back since then."

Edith goes to stand up, and as she does, she sees Cain and Filbert standing directly behind her. Cain is the first to speak.

"So we are going to be tested? Well I say bring it on."

"What?!! Are we sure that we want to be tested?! I don’t!" Filbert babbles.

Edith smirks at them. "I’m ready. I know some interesting fighting techniques to keep his minions on their toes. And just because I am a lousy mage doesn’t mean I am a lousy alchemist. I can mix up a good surprise for whatever comes our way. Speaking of which..."

She pulls out a small hammer and a pair of tongs and starts to remove the canines from each of the wolves by breaking them from the bone. Looking up at the men, she sees they are staring at her with puzzled faces. She goes back to removing more canines and answers the question before they ask it.

"I'm sure that none of you are aware that wolf canines are a valuable alchemical ingredient. I get my hands on them so very seldomly and I certainly can't pass up an opportunity like this. However, I never hunt a wolf to get them. I only take them from dead wolves that I find. Understand?"

Looking up at the party again, she can see that they appear to be satisfied with her explanation. After a few minutes, she gets to the last wolf. After finishing with it, she starts to stand up, but stops abruptly only part way. She bends back down and starts examining something.

"Oh my. I wonder who this was. I certainly don’t recognize him. Poor thing."

The three men gather around her and see a man lying on the ground in front of a tree, partially buried under the body of the largest wolf. He is obviously dead from the nature of the fatal wounds to his throat. Edith closes the dead man’s open eyes and stands up.

"Well, we obviously can’t help him now, so we better get moving. Keep yourselves alert. I suggest we watch each other’s backs."

[ Thursday, August 11, 2005 18:23: Message edited by: Sir Sherlock Holmes ]

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes

Gay Christian Network
The Polaris Board
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Law Bringer
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OOC: Nice one, David. Played both characters perfectly. :D (though Shadow elves do laugh. Just in different situations... ^_^)

The Encyclopaedia Ermariana <-- Now a Wiki!
"Polaris leers down from the black vault, winking hideously like an insane watching eye which strives to convey some strange message, yet recalls nothing save that it once had a message to convey." --- HP Lovecraft.
"I single Aran out due to his nasty temperament, and his superior intellect." --- SupaNik
Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
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Profile Homepage #140
The two women turned around, looking alarmed. They must of thought that they were being attacked. Brail calmly walked over to them.
'Greetings. My name is Brail, remember me? What are you to ladies doing in this part of the woods?' Brail thought that he could do with some companionship, but if they wanted to be alone, he would let them.

The one on Brails left spoke first.

'I will not choose to disclose my name, and neither will my partner. I don't think that what we are doing is any concern of yours.'

Brail thought quickly. 'You want any guidance for the duration of your journey? I know these woods pretty well.'

OOC: I want to do some more talking, Aran and Dave. Your choice whether or not you let me come with you.

EDIT: Sorry, Aran.

[ Friday, August 12, 2005 14:11: Message edited by: Spring ]

I'll put a Spring in your step.

Posts: 2396 | Registered: Saturday, January 29 2005 08:00
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #141
I hope that man isn't a sign saying we should leave, cause I would reply to that sign immediatly. I'll run away from this stupid forest and never come back! Filbert thought, while looking at the man.

"We should better go" Edith said. Cain nodded and they started walking. "I'm right behind you guys! Don't worry! I'll save you in thenext test! You should really not worry about him!"

Cain turned around. "Please, filbert. Shut up and walk."

They slowly progressed. suddenly, edith looked worried around. "I... I...."

Cain said "What! Did you sense something!"

"No... Its just...." "what is it!" "its, its very quiet. There's something wrong here, though i can't exactly say what."

At that moment they heard noises between the bushes, something big, or some big things, were hiding there...

"Keep standing still!" Tuulenkija shouted.

"Mommy!" Filbert cried. "I said, shut up and stand still!" cain replied.

At that moment several big things jumped out of the bushes, glowing with a faint blue light...

"What are that!" filbert shouted.

"I've never seen such things!" Edith answered.

"I don't care! i going to chop there heads of!" filbert shouted and pulled a small staff out of his pocket. He pointed them at one of the things.

"Try me!" Filbert said to the thing.

the thing jumped at Filbert, while Filbert jumped at him.

"What is that maniac doing!" Tuulenkija shouted at cain. "help him!"

When the thing and Filbert jumped, the small staff began glowing red, then quickly it turned purple, and a big red round thing came out of it.


The red ball had hit the beast. it fell to the ground. Dead.

"What was that thing!" Cain asked Filbert.

"Fireballs. A wand of fireballs." edith answered his question.

"But how the hell did you get it?" Tuulenkija said.

"The shop I went into in the village, also had some wands and potions. i bought this wand. I already thought we would come across such beasts,
so I thought I'd buy it. It contains ten bolds."

"May I see it?" Edith asked.

"Sure" Filbert said, and gave Edith the wand.

she turned the wand round. A small logo was printed on the bottom of the wand: AT
"That's what i thought. Its a Tower wand. That explains the colors when shooting."

"A tower wand?" Cain asked her.

"Its a wand made in the tower of magi. The tower of wizards in Avernum."

"I heard something about Avernum, you know. Its that big "Exile program" Hawthorn once had, before he was assasinated." Filbert said.

"Um... Sorry if I spoil the fun, but here are his friend..." Tuulenkija pointed at five more beasts.

"I see work here isn't finished..." edith said.

OOC: I hope you don't mind about the wand, but I had to give Filbert a good thing, and not only the complaining fool.

[ Thursday, August 11, 2005 23:25: Message edited by: Marvin, the paranoid android ]

Thralni's almighty Avernum pages: My webpage, containing scenario's and graphics made by me (And maybe someday the homepage of the almighty chicken gods).

Click here for more information on Olga's fortune teller kiosk

Olga's fortune teller kiosk has been temporarily closed down, but you can contact the prophet with a PM - Was signed by the prophet of the almighty chicken gods, gods of everything that is a chicken.

Work has begun on the Nephilian grammar and vocabulary guide!
Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
Member # 5450
Profile Homepage #142
EDIT: I quoted myself instead of editing. Sorry.

[ Friday, August 12, 2005 00:15: Message edited by: Spring ]

I'll put a Spring in your step.

Posts: 2396 | Registered: Saturday, January 29 2005 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
Profile Homepage #143
This won't do.

Spring, please fix your post. Neither Lisha nor Melora are open about their names, by custom of their race or occupation or both. Neither are they talkative.

They are also not fools, nor blind, nor deaf. Even a spy (and one like Brail especially, who appears to be so bungling that he actually tells them he is a spy) could not hope to approach them or startle them without the both of them being upon him.

Remember that Melora had no hostile intentions toward Lisha, and they still immediately attacked each other on reflex when they met. As things are, if Brail entered the scene at that moment, he would be killed or at least injured severely enough to be at their mercy.

This way, it makes absolutely no sense.

Edit: Thanks, Drakefyre. It's always good to have people you can depend on. :)


Note: This Roleplay is NOT set in Ermarian. There are no Kingdoms in Ermarian, nor dark elves, nor desert lands, nor most of everything else that is part of our setting.

This means Avernum, Exile, and any other aspect of the game series does NOT exist in our setting.
Up to now, all such mentions have been more or less trivial, which means it is not that disastrous. I'm pointing this out before anyone involves game aspects more strongly within the plot.

[ Friday, August 12, 2005 08:16: Message edited by: Aranfoolcaytar ]

The Encyclopaedia Ermariana <-- Now a Wiki!
"Polaris leers down from the black vault, winking hideously like an insane watching eye which strives to convey some strange message, yet recalls nothing save that it once had a message to convey." --- HP Lovecraft.
"I single Aran out due to his nasty temperament, and his superior intellect." --- SupaNik
Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
Triad Mage
Member # 7
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OOC: This post was sanctioned by Aran and David.

Brail woke up groggily. He gingerly brought himself to his feet and immediately fell back down. A large, throbbing lump on the back of his head drew his attention, and he carefully fingered it. It was extremely swollen and extremely painful. Wincing, he forced himself to open his eyes and examine his surroundings.

He was in a familiar clearing, and judging by the position of the sun in the sky, it had been at least 12 hours since he had come across Melora and Lisha here. Unfortunately, now he was all alone, plus a lump on his head, and minus his weapons and food. He did not remember what had happened, but it didn't take an idiot to figure it out.

With every step a painful one, Brail set out in search of someone, anyone, who could get him a little food before he starved. And he cursed the two women every step of the way.

"At times discretion should be thrown aside, and with the foolish we should play the fool." - Menander
Drakefyre's Demesne - Happy Happy Joy Joy - We're Everywhere
You can take my Mac when you pry my cold, dead fingers off the mouse!
Posts: 9436 | Registered: Wednesday, September 19 2001 07:00
Member # 32
Profile #145
Sullust had been walking silently alongside Guy for hours before he finally managed to answer the question.

"I am seeking the one known as Órloki."

"So you are just another hunter seeking the myth of a treasure. You are all the same. You care for nothing you may destroy on your way to your precious reward. I should just leave you out here and let nature run it's course."

"I am not seeking the treasure. I only want to find out why this demon is summoning me."

"Summoning? Don't be ridiculous, it is all a myth. Do not think you can fool me. I will lead you to the village and take my leave from you."

"Perhaps that will be for the best." Thus the two went silent again, each planning there next move in case the other should become more aggressive. Though Sullust's powers were slowly returning, he knew even at full strength a battle with Guy could prove to be dangerous.

Lt. Sullust
Cogito Ergo Sum
Posts: 2462 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Law Bringer
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OOC: It really was high time for that, Drakey. Much as I am personally opposed to controlling other characters, there are limits.

Still, I should be thankful. David's post wasn't very much to go on for continuing a conversation.


"Fool." The word was spat out, but it did not refer to the one being spoken to. They were already a few minutes gone from the place where they had met Brail.

"You reckon we should have killed him?"

"Safer. You did say a little much."

"I?" Lisha frowned.

"We said a little much." Melora's mouth twitched. "It might have been beyond prudence, and as for surprise, we could have overwhelmed him there and then without any banter.

"What did we gain from this? We have loot to lug around, a few extra rations, and a fool who will wake up by tonight."

"He can report nothing of value. He was sent here with the order to investigate the finding that a spy has been dispatched from the Eastern lands. If he was smarter than he seemed, he now knows that that spy is a woman named Lisha. He knows nothing of what I seek."

Melora hesitated, then decided against. They were not yet trusting each other enough for overly many questions.

'You want any guidance?' she remembered grimly. At that point, Lisha had stepped behind Brail and struck his solar plexus, after which Melora finished it with a punch on the back of his head with her dagger's hilt. 'That was a No.', Lisha had said while he crumpled. Melora had kept silent.

The loot was disappointing. The rations would last them under a week, and the weaponry was inferior to their own - just standard issue. The Aramian King, it seemed, had inherited Albert's miserliness.

There was fresh blood coated on one of his daggers. From how Brail had handled himself (or gotten himself handled) in combat, he was not a fighter. Melora remembered a distant scream she had heard echoing through the woods while following Lisha - but she did not think much of it. Someone who managed to get himself caught and tortured by this fool probably deserved it.


"What do you seek here?"

"I didn't ask you that." Melora was short-spoken. "I am going to the mountain. Like you, and everyone else in this blighted area."

"You do not seem to be the type to crave gold."

"Nor do you. And your sovereign, if the tales be true, needs more gold like the great planes of Shanaar need more sand. But not all treasure is silver and gold." Melora realized she might have said more than she meant to, and was silent again.

The Encyclopaedia Ermariana <-- Now a Wiki!
"Polaris leers down from the black vault, winking hideously like an insane watching eye which strives to convey some strange message, yet recalls nothing save that it once had a message to convey." --- HP Lovecraft.
"I single Aran out due to his nasty temperament, and his superior intellect." --- SupaNik
Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 4153
Profile Homepage #147
OoC: Sorry about the wait, I was waiting to see if Zephyr would post something slightly more useful to the story than this is bound to be. Let me know if I'm out of character (anyone's character).


The sight of the child had cheered Brother Sequoia up a bit. That is, until Andros mentioned the Blademasters' Guild assassins. "That was kind of you to lie to the girl," the druid said quietly, rising to his feet and putting his flagon down.

"Well, what choice did I have? Her father is probably dead..." he ended in a whisper, glancing around to make sure the child had indeed left. Satisfied, he left the room to find Caecus and Cyrus. Taking one last look out at the strange city, Brother Sequoia followed him.

They found Cyrus in the entrance hall, sitting in what must have been an uncomfortable chair (though any chair would be while wearing plate mail). His left arm wasn't attached as strongly as it could've been, Brother Sequoia noticed.

"Where's Caecus?" Andros asked.

"I'm not sure. I guess he had business in the village, but he was being rather quiet about it." the skeleton answered.

In any case, Caecus chose that exact moment to walk back in the door. He immediately turned to Andros and began shouting. "What evil have you brought to my village?"

Andros looked mortified. "I had no idea they would follow me this far... "

"The village's elders told me of a band of bladesmen dressed like yourself, who passed through Verwey a few days ago. The elders sent out a few warriors to deal with them, and only one of them returned! You lured them here!" Caecus was nearly screaming now.

Brother Sequoia could've sworn he heard someone (or something... it had been a strange trip thus far) whisper "kill him now," but decided that the wine had just been too strong.

Andros was getting a little aggravated now. "I told you, I didn't think they would find me here!"

Caecus bellowed back, "What earned you their hatred? And why would they kill my people?"

Cyrus stood up to separate the two, but Brother Sequoia broke in first.

Sick of all the fighting that had filled the past two days, something had finally snapped in the druid. His calm demeanor momentarily forgotten, he leapt between Caecus and Andros, brandishing his staff (which was now glowing a fierce, deep crimson), and shouted, "Caecus, calm down, Andros explain. NOW!"

OoC: So, if I accidentally went out of someone else's character, I went out of mine to compensate.

Gamble with Gaea, and she eats your dice.

I hate undead. I really, really, really, really hate undead. With a passion.
Posts: 4130 | Registered: Friday, March 26 2004 08:00
Member # 2339
Profile #148
Caecus, in a fit of rage, grabbed Brother Sequoia's throat and lifted him up. "HOW CAN I BE CALM WHEN WAR IS LIKELY TO BE ON THE HORIZON!?!" he yelled. Brother Sequoia couldn't stand this, as Caecus' gauntlet was freezing cold! "C...C-C-Cold..." he managed to gasp.

"That's it! One squeeze and one more problem will be gone!" the runes whispered to Caecus. After hearing this, Caecus put Brother Sequoia down. Brother Sequoia gasped for breath. "I am sorry. Andros, please explain why those bladesmen have come here," Caecus said solemnly.

*Blue screen error*
Windows detects no current errors, so Windows has decided
to screw around with the files until one occurs.

If you never rise against your oppressor, then you've already lost.
-Zephyr Tempest, your personal entertainer
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
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"As we all know," Andros began. "The Guild is after me because I was a rejected recruit, and rejects were to be killed. We also know that the Guild is after Orloki and his treasure. The raiders obviously want to capture this piece of land because it makes a reliable forward base for the mountain.

"The Guild hasn't always been like this. Before, only those shown to have the mutation called the "Mark of the Blademaster" were allowed in. I carry this Mark too - just a weaker one.

"However, the Guild numbers were too few with this restriction. With only a couple hundred of members in the Guild spread out around the land, it could never gain any substantial power - the power that it needs to fulfill its dream of policing the land under the cover of night.

"That was why they removed the restriction, and allowed those who were just normal humans, but also skilled with the sword, into the Guild. Eventually, these 'Naturals' gained prominence. Eventually, one of them actually became the Guildmaster.

"Yes, the master of the Guild is a Natural. And that is why the Guild is what it is today - a ruthless organization of raiders and assassins, with its new dream of spreading its name across the map... with fear.

"The Guild wants you dead for associating with me. The Guild wants me dead for knowing all its secrets. They know I know about the resources of the Guild and about the truth behind the Guildmaster. But finally, they know - and fear - the greatest secret... the secret that, though the best of the Guild can defeat Orloki before we even reach him, we as a team are very capable of stopping them dead in their tracks."

Polaris - Weather balloons, ninjas, and your big daddy Wise Man. What more could you want?
Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00
