Profile for Sir David
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Displayed name | Sir David |
Member number | 919 |
Title | Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! |
Postcount | 3351 |
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Registered | Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
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Childhood's End in General | |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Tuesday, January 30 2007 09:17
Thing about turning 18 is suddenly people in real life start realizing you're as intelligent as you've probably been for the past few years. Now it's not quite as ok to dismiss what you say as "child talk" or whatever. Also, you're another year away from this: ![]() How's that for positive? -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon Polaris = joy. In case of emergency, break glass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
The State of the Union in General | |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Friday, January 26 2007 22:05
Ha ha ha. Reign of terror. -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon Polaris = joy. In case of emergency, break glass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
The Halo Suit of the Modern World - Fraud? in General | |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Thursday, January 25 2007 12:01
I've come to the conclusion that taking people too seriously here is a mark of the newbie. By this definition the majority of the forum are newbies, but I'm ok with that. -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon Polaris = joy. In case of emergency, break glass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
The Halo Suit of the Modern World - Fraud? in General | |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Wednesday, January 24 2007 08:06
quote:Answer: most people here, I would think? quote:I love the internet. -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon Polaris = joy. In case of emergency, break glass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
Please please please give me sympathy? in General | |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Saturday, January 20 2007 14:41
You, sir, are quite literally begging for sympathy. ...and yet, against all precedent, I give it to you anyway. Looks like you deserve it. -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon Polaris = joy. In case of emergency, break glass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
A long time ago... in General | |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Saturday, January 20 2007 07:08
quote:Non? Comment-ça? -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon Polaris = joy. In case of emergency, break glass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
A long time ago... in General | |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Friday, January 19 2007 14:43
Wait. You're 18 now? I thought you'd already been in college for a year. Or did you go early? ...anyway, have some cake: ![]() Admittedly this is a forest, not a cake, but I'm sure you will understand. [ Friday, January 19, 2007 14:44: Message edited by: Sir David ] -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon Polaris = joy. In case of emergency, break glass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
American - Canadian Relationships in General | |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Thursday, January 18 2007 20:17
God damn, people. I'm horrified to ask, Andraste, but what level of school are you in? Also, about anti-Canada feelings: they don't really exist, but the more ignorant of our kind see no reason why we can't annex Canada and would probably consider any protestations on the same level as whining for the sake of whining. Apparently there are some people around the northern border region who envy their southern counterparts their somewhat more actual problem of illegal immigration and, apparently, the legitimacy of their overreaction. Seriously, people? North American unity? Maybe? -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon Polaris = joy. In case of emergency, break glass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
American - Canadian Relationships in General | |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Wednesday, January 17 2007 21:45
Wishes, though. To be sure. (EDIT: In response to Slarty) The US agrees to make every effort possible to improve relations immediately if Canada will allow Teh Robinator to go at its flag with a sharpie. Seriously, though, people on both sides of the border need to back off on the idiocy, the arrogance in particular. Someone here mentioned "minute men" watching the Canadian border and calling in to report Canadians crossing the border. Come on, people. Find something better to do with your time. On the other side of the coin, the general disdain for Americans both individually and as a whole from some Canadians is palpable. Most of those I've met say they only hate the government, not the people, but you have your fair share of both. Honestly, though, I can deal with that if both governments can get their acts together and devise some system of dealing with foreign travelers and immigrants in a way that both are comfortable with and loosen up the border, because seriously, traffic can get ridiculous. [ Wednesday, January 17, 2007 21:47: Message edited by: Sir David ] -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon Polaris = joy. In case of emergency, break glass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
Infractions! in General | |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Tuesday, January 16 2007 20:23
Let's just say it would be easier to keep track of infractions I haven't been guilty of at one point or another. On Spiderweb I kind of go by the rule that if other people can get away with it it must be ok. Right? Of course I'd be disappointed if #10 weren't the most popular choice. -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon Polaris = joy. In case of emergency, break glass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
Back in business in General | |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Friday, January 12 2007 05:33
I love how this topic is right at the top of the list with 0 replies and you're already two posts ahead of your landmark. True Aran style, that. Congrats on the presentation and welcome back (though you're far more active here in your dormant state than I am on vacation with not much to do). -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon Polaris = joy. In case of emergency, break glass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
In memoriam, Polaris in General | |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Sunday, January 7 2007 13:55
An interim interim. Lovely. -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon Polaris = joy. In case of emergency, break glass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
Guys I'm going to bed now in General | |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Wednesday, January 3 2007 11:39
Christ, is this thing serious, people? -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon Polaris = joy. In case of emergency, break glass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
Mountain of Shadows RP: the sequel in General | |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Monday, December 25 2006 22:36
Lisha heard her companion's foreign shout and turned in time to see him swallowed by the tainted water, arms flailing desperately. No time for that, she thought, scanning the chamber before her. If he can crack the ice, he can sure as hell find his way out of a pool of water. Otherwise, it may make things simpler later. Shaking all thought of Tuulentekija from her head, Lisha grasped her cloak to keep it from billowing and lept for the stable ground by the wall of ice, harder than rock, that still enclosed the chamber. Crouching low and stalking silently as she had done so many times before that by now she was all but invisible, she made her way toward the back of the chamber, behind the pentagram and, hopefully, the guard of undead. The ground shook and Cain went rigid, clawed hands out to the side, skewed like broken wings. A tremor of agony went through him, or maybe not, maybe sudden astonishment as the mortal human body met and melded with the spirit of the eternal Guardian of the mountain. From her ever-changing position pressed against the wall, Lisha could see his face only in clips, and what she saw would've taken the heart of one weaker and fresher than she. A glimpse of pain, then of terror, then a never-ending fury so powerful it threatened to consume what was left of Cain's humanity, then so powerful it did. Lisha watched through the breaks between pillars as Cain's mortal soul was annihilated by the demon inside him, and knew that what was left in the ruins of Cain was a new force, one so powerful it took a mountain to contain it, and that all that remained of the Cain she'd fought alongside was wrapped up in that physical body, entirely under the control of Orloki. The red glow dimmed, then flared up tens of times stronger as what could no longer be called Cain stretched its arms wide and gave an experimental roar. And Lisha smiled. So it is done. She found herself directly on the other side of a massive pillar from Orloki and stopped temporarily, listening to the echo in the cavern. Nothing. Nothing in the vibration of the ice that would indicate a hollowness behind her. Only the glint of - what was that? - a crown of kings, perhaps, and there, the golden hilt of a dagger, and all around it a princely sum in gold, silver, and precious stones, all unpardonably encased in the black ice. A kingly sum. Orloki's treasure. Of course, only the termination of the demon's power could release such a trove from its subzero tomb. And what was claimed in the Grand Master's name by her own voice necessitated the demon's destruction, even at the cost of her own life. But if her life was lost, what would there be to guard against treasure-seeking adventurers robbing the Grand Master of his new-found wealth? And what of the library? A demonaic cacaphony arose from the pentagram where Orloki still stood, testing his new body, but Lisha ignored it in favor of this new thought. What of the library? Surely such a treasure would interest the Grand Master as much as his original goal, if not more. The Library of Tass-Shanti was known by all the followers of the Sun, even the commoners, to be the greatest single store of knowledge in any mortal capacity, and only its immutable secrecy kept this fact from the knowledge of all mankind. Surely the loss of such a boon to its already formidable store would border on treason for one such as her, one trained as both a viper and a camel of the Grand Master. But where was it? Where would Gnosis find it? If not in the tomes, where could it possibly be? The treasure of silver and gold was not in a room, but in the very walls, ceilings, and floors of the tunnels through which the walked. From her vantage point, Lisha could see the rest of Orloki's chamber; it was without entrances, and without side storerooms of vast amounts of knowledge. But she knew demons; this one, especially, would not let it out of his sight. Yet tomes held so little for Gnosis... For Gnosis. Of course. The mountain itself contained the knowledge, now in a sentient, non-physical being with very little reliance on physical sustenance. That was also why Orloki allowed them into his lair; they were already in the mountain, and, anyway, could not access his power through spellbooks. The power was in the trio in the mountain, and now that the Curator was dead, that left the power for physicals to access the knowledge in Orloki and the knowledge itself in Gnosis. Tuulentekija. Lisha shut her eyes quickly, unwilling to consider the consequences if she'd let their last simple means of accessing the knowledge contained within the mountain drown in the tained waters. He was on the other side of the chamber now, anyway, and if he was gone, then only the tome lying at the feet of the demon or the demon himself could provide that vital link. And Sequoia stood ready to destroy both. She opened her eyes and whipped off her cloak. The time for secrecy had passed. The demon must stay alive, whatever the cost, at least until she'd verified Tuulentekija's existance. She leapt from the wall with a blood-thirsty yell and thrust herself into the teeming wall of undead flesh paying her no attention, hacking and slashing with her long knives at row upon row of warriors intent now only on one target. Where the ranks were thin enough to risk a moment's pause, she set aside a knife for precision of throwing. If she couldn't reach the druid in time, she'd still have to do her duty to the Grand Master, one way or another. -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon Polaris = joy. In case of emergency, break glass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
Mountain of Shadows RP: the sequel in General | |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Wednesday, December 20 2006 00:17
Within moments of leaving Tuulentekija's meeting point, the three were walking, once again, in all but utter darkness - the Curator ahead, hands spread as if shovelling the ice from their path, Lisha right behind, watching his every motion, and Tuulentekija bringing up the rear, periodically drawing even with Lisha as he overcompensated for the pace at which the ice was closing in on them. The Curator pressed on, senseless to the swordsman's discomfort; it was his job to retrieve him, not to keep him from letting himself into the mountain's clutches. Tuulentekija's rapid questioning was met with a wall of silence, and soon the silence comsumed them again, broken only by the clack-clack of bone on ice and the swordsman's occasional misstep. What little light there was faded and blurred as they moved; the ice, Lisha noted, was getting denser. She increased her pace a bit to see if this was having any effect on the Curator. It was, it seemed; the strain was visible on his gaunt face. The glint in his eyes flickered towards her, then away, then disappeared entirely into the blankness of his visage. Suddenly she stopped. "Lich." The Curator froze, then slowly lowered his foot to the floor. Lisha braced herself a moment before Tuulentekija collided with her, then absently pushed him aside. "Lich, where are we being led?" The Curator hissed in frustration. "You know where Gnosis is leading us." "Gnosis! Oh!" A thought occured to Tuulentekija. "Maybe we could get there more quickly if I - if we- if I helped - you?" The swordsman's residual discomfort with the idea of aiding the lich in any way was palpable, but the Curator's response to the idea all but manifested itself as a physical being. "You... how could you..." Lightning flashed in Lisha's mind. Her hand, unnoticed in the darkness, settled on the lid of a pouch; a weak poison, one easily replenished, but one that would hopefully addle the Curator's thoughts long enough to subdue him, if aimed well. She loosened her muscles and waited, eyes flicking back and forth between the faces of her companions. "Gnosis... Lisha?" "Go ahead." She nodded passively to Tuulentekija. "Well, Gnosis contacted me through the tome and... woke in me a power he said was dormant." The lich shifted his weight. "What power?" "The same power as yours... he - it said I could burrow through the ice." For short distances, but he doesn't need to know that. "So maybe we could find Melora faster if we both channeled Gnosis' power together." "I... do not believe that would help. You cannot sense where she is." "Yes I can. All I have to do is -" A slim knife flew through the air, striking the Curator in the chest and silencing the open-mouthed Tuulentekija. Before the Curator could respond, Lisha followed the knife, taking the Curator to the floor with her. "Tuulentekija, keep an eye on the ice." "What are you-" "He is doubly a traitor. Do not trust a word he says. Isn't that right, lich?" The Curator's struggling ceased as he realized in a matter of seconds that Lisha overpowered him and outweighed him by far. "What are you doing?" he spat. "You fool. Only I can bring you to the shadowed one." "Where is she? Tell me that. Where is she?" "She is... she is with the tainted one. And - another. The human." "Edith," Tuulentekija supplied. Lisha ignored him. "And where are they, lich?" "Together! All together, just as you wanted!" "Yes, but where?" Tuulentekija took a step back and watched in horrified fascination the terrible fury that had come over Lisha, hot as steel fresh from smelting and hard as a blade from the water bucket. "In - the trophy room! They will enter alone momentarily, without our aid and-" "You lie!" She struck him, a blow that made the hardened sowrdsman flinch, and stood. "Tuulentekija, you have no option but to trust me. The lich is lying; I know that. If you are truly in contact with Gnosis, find Melora and bring us to her immediately. The knife I used carried a poison which should incapacitate our friend here at least until we're there; then, we'll see. Keep that sword at hand. Can you contact Gnosis?" "I... yes..." Turning away, he closed his eyes and appaered to slip into some sort of trance. Lisha looked back down at the Curator, curled up on the floor, in time to see his eyes open and focus on Tuulentekija. With a start, she whipped around in time to see a tide of black ice come flowing in, centered on the unattending swordsman. "Tuul-!" She grabbed him and dragged both of them down on top of the Curator as the icy wall stopped right where Tuulentekija had been a moment before. In the time it took the swordsman to realize what was happening, another knife, this time a long, wicked-looking serated dirk, found itself buried almost to the hilt between the Curator's ribs and another blade had been drawn across the creature's throat. The first knife, the poisoned one, fell from the Curator's robes and clattered to the ground as Tuulentekija disengaged and sprang to his feet. "What -!" "The lich was under Orloki's control," Lisha muttered, wiping her blades dry on the Curator's cloak. "With the last of his strength he tried to betray us once again." Not to mention my own failure to remember that a poison depending on its flow to the brain through the bloodstream would have such little effect on a lich. The Grand Master would - will be furious. Tuulentekija doesn't have to know. "Reestablish contact with Gnosis. Quickly. I don't know where Melora is, but Cain and Edith are already in Orloki's grasp. We must join them with as many as we can, as quickly as we can." "Right." Tuulentekija slowly turned away and bowed his head once more. "And Tuulentekija, remember... you are now all that can keep this ice from crushing us. Stay alert." She contented herself with his mumbled affirmation. Half a minute more and Lisha was anxious to move. She'd replaced her weaponry and poisons and searched the body, finding nothing of interest but a small onyx talisman around the neck which she tied to her sash. She looked at Tuulentekija, resisting the temptation to disturb his concentration. I must rely on him now; he's all that can save me from this ice. Tuulentekija looked up with a start. "She's there. With them." "What?" "In the chamber. We must - find the druid." "What?" "They're all there! Orloki's got them!" A chill ran through Lisha's spine. "Who, and how?" "I'll fill you in. Let's go. If I do not respond to you I've given control over to Gnosis." She nodded in silent affirmation and stood behind him as he repositioned himself and began clearing the ice before them. Slower than the lich but safer. The body they left behind; she watched the ice engulf it, just to be sure. In what felt like a few minutes they began to find chunks of black rock; moments later the density of the ice began to decrease sharply and through the ice ahead the light was growing, this time tinged with a hint of red. Lisha reached for her knives. "He is there." -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon Polaris = joy. In case of emergency, break glass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
I was afraid this day would come.... in General | |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Tuesday, December 19 2006 11:52
Another oldbie! Actually, this topic makes me feel old for remembering Chaldrath first-hand rather than from an archive. Scary how even numbers below 3000 are now "old." Welcome back, Chaldrath. I don't think it's fitting that TM's taken over a topic about you even in absentia but maybe I don't know you well enough to say. tAlo - I've been saying that bit about nostalgia for years now... -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon Polaris = joy. In case of emergency, break glass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
Career Choices in General | |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Tuesday, December 19 2006 11:21
Dare I ask - why did you leave out all the arts other than writing? It's funny how everyone here considers him/herself a bloody expert in the field of social/behavioral sciences and yet barely any of us are actually studying it seriously... -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon Polaris = joy. In case of emergency, break glass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
Census Slartificus in General | |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Monday, October 23 2006 09:27
Favorite adjective -- ridiculous Favorite city founded before 0 -- Byzantium Favorite computer or video game released before 1990 -- Donkey Kong Favorite historical war -- The Second Punic War Favorite method of execution -- Iron Maiden. Augh. Favorite philosopher other than Socrates -- I don't know philosophers. Let's go with Nathaniel Hawthorne. Favorite poet -- e.e. cummings Favorite politican (living or dead) -- FDR Favorite scurrilous talk show host -- Don't watch/listen to talk shows Favorite young children's book (i.e., a picture book) -- Where the Wild Things Are! -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon Polaris = joy. In case of emergency, break glass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
Mountain of Shadows RP: the sequel in General | |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Tuesday, October 17 2006 01:56
A glimmer of ice hung in the air, then was gone. At his post by the wall, the Curator suddenly went rigid. "What." Lisha slid over to him. "What have you-" She stopped. His eyes blinked open and he looked up at her. "Has Gnosis given y-" "Yes. Let us go. There is no time, we must hurry." The Curator strode to the wall with Lisha behind, knives ready, wary of both the wall and the undead. What has come over him? Is it just the presence of Gnosis that's given him this... this overwhelming confidence or is there something that even Gnosis missed? A crack resounded in the chamber. Another shimmer of ice drifted from the ceiling. Lisha's eyes followed it up, searching for but not finding a source, some weakness above them that threatened to throw the mountain down on top of them. When she looked down, she started. "Lich. What are you doing." The Curator gave no visual sign of having heard her but kept his attention on his bony hands, the gossamer skin pressed against the black ice - but at the side of the room, not the back. Not to Orloki, but to - where else? Lisha tore him from the wall and raised a knife. "What are you doing? Orloki is behind you. Do not decieve me, lich." For the first time since the death of the wolves, the Curator spoke without fear. "Gnosis returned my knowledge on condition. We must first free your friends from their own cells if we mean to face the Guardian. You may let me go, or you may let the ice consume you. I will leave the choice in your hands." A pause. Lisha lifted her hand from the Curator's robe and motioned toward the wall. The lich bowed slightly, ironically, then moved back to the wall to focus his energies on its restructuring. Lisha watched doubtfully, motionlessly. There was no lie in his eyes; of that she was sure. But why was the Curator necessary to the rescue of the others? What did they need rescue from? And who controlled this power emanating from her undead companion? A section of the ice shifted, then dissolved, and she stepped gingerly over a fallen stalagmite to follow the lich into the growing tunnel. They walked in silence for a while, the lich pushing ahead, hands spread almost as if in suplication, Lisha behind, one eye to the wall and one eye to the Curator. Both hands held ready knives. Eventually she noticed the ice closing behind them; the lich's power, it seemed, was not quite as great as that of the demon. For once, Lisha found the silence discomforting. "Lich. Where are we going?" "To find the swordsman. Do not ask me, ask Gnosis." Tullentekija. Good, if that were true. In a few minutes the dull glow of the ice gave way to a lighter, more translucent quality, then to open air. Lisha blinked. Tuulentekija stood before them, startled but ready, sword held as if to ward off the lich. His eyes darted to hers for half a second, then back. He lowered the weapon, his face betraying confusion. "Lisha?" "Where are the others?" She pushed past the Curator and stood before him. "Melora? Sequoia? Cain?" "I don't - Brother Sequoia went - how is this? How did you- find me?" "Gnosis. Where are they?" The Curator stepped forward and spoke to both of them. "Next we will go to the shadowed one. She will be more difficult to reach. There is no time. Follow me." He stepped back into the passage and they barely had time to leap in after him before the ice closed around them. -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon Polaris = joy. In case of emergency, break glass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
KOOPA CAPERS in General | |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Monday, August 21 2006 11:44
I'm all about the mother freaking magma pits. -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon Polaris = joy. In case of emergency, break glass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
In An Era Of Change in General | |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Sunday, August 20 2006 16:56
I laugh every time I see that, but I hunger for more... oh congrats btw -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon Polaris = joy. In case of emergency, break glass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
A Confession of Spam in General | |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Saturday, August 19 2006 07:42
Huzzah! I remember a time when you had almost as many posts as I did. In fact I remember a time when you had infinitely less than I did. I can't decide whether to be proud of the present circumstances or angry and bitter, but I'll err on the side of positivity if anything. Congratulations, young whippersnapper! You'll understand the joys of moderation when you're a more seasoned member. Um. Ignore the obvious counterexamples. -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon Polaris = joy. In case of emergency, break glass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
Hello in General | |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Saturday, August 19 2006 07:09
I've wanted to play Starcraft for over half a year now but I've been able to keep myself from installing it and completely compromising all my free time. But getting a new laptop puts a whole new spin on things... -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon Polaris = joy. In case of emergency, break glass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
School in General | |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Friday, August 18 2006 19:55
August 24. Guess how much packing I've done. -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon Polaris = joy. In case of emergency, break glass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
Icshi's Whereabouts in Richard White Games | |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Thursday, August 17 2006 12:46
Pre-ex-exarch at the moment. -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon Polaris = joy. In case of emergency, break glass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |