The Mountain of Shadows RP

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AuthorTopic: The Mountain of Shadows RP
Member # 4248
Profile #175
OoC: No, The_Nazgul is Cain. Fzmultiply is Guy.

Somebody PLEASE turn the heat on.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #176
OOC: I finally read all things my group did, and a part that the other group did.


cain walked over to the tent, when Filbert still didn't wake up.

"Wake up!" he shouted inside the tent.

"Coming..." Filbert mumbled. it would be nice if that Cain guy would be more friendly. i did kill that beast. Filbert thought.

Filbert eventually stood up and put his coat on. he walked outside, gteeted by a chilly breeze.

"Its chilly outside" he said. he shivered a bit.

"are you cold?" edith asked him.

"No, I'll just go to wash my face and hands and the nearby stream. i'll go alone." he said when Edith walked his way to accompany him.

Filbert slowly alked to the stream. When he came there he washed his face and hands, when he saw something disturbing. some dead fish where floating around. they haven't been ripped open or killed by something, they just, died. he decided to take one with him and show it to Edith.

"Edith, coma over here!" he shouted, and showed her the fish.

"Poor bastard" cain replied upon seeing the fish.

"its the mounyain." edith said." i can see that because of that scas it has here... You see that?" They looked at a sort of scrathes. they where three scrathes on top of each other, the top and bottom ones slightly bigger, like this:


"That's the mark of the mountain beast" Filbert looked at it with astonishment.

"So what killed it then? the demon himself?"

"no of course not. It was one of his many henchmans. they are kalled Uruk-hai. they are demon-like creatures, with big black wings that let no sun through and kill the light wherever they come. The fish was attacked by one, but I don't know why."

"probably to intimidate us." Filbert answered.

"very good, Filbert kid, maybe your more use than I first thought." Cain said.

Cain walked to their stuff and took his bag. "We should go now." The other followed. The four of them wandered on. he seems clever, although I hope he knows how to fight with a sword, when the firebolts run out. cain thought.

Sorry for that last thought of Cain, I hope you don't mind that.

Thralni's almighty Avernum pages: My webpage, containing scenario's and graphics made by me (And maybe someday the homepage of the almighty chicken gods).

Click here for more information on Olga's fortune teller kiosk

Olga's fortune teller kiosk has been temporarily closed down, but you can contact the prophet with a PM - Was signed by the prophet of the almighty chicken gods, gods of everything that is a chicken.

Work has begun on the Nephilian grammar and vocabulary guide!
Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
Member # 6239
Profile #177
OOC :hey all. i guess that its a lil late but i wanna add a char. wat say? anyway here is the discription of the char.

IC : i stood there with my compatriots. i could feel the slow anger of my kind, feel the blood brought to fire by the words of the sprite. i could feel the need to give purchase to this anger.i flicked my eyes towards the human that was the cause of this. yet, oddly, i felt no anger towards him. i saw the man and realised that there was more to him than met the eye....
i next cast hmy gase upon the druid. here i could see true power. not jus of magic. but of love an of campassion to all those things that move an have a will of there own. an i could see that the druid was uncomfortable in the subteranean lands that i called home. here i was able to let my art prosper. being a mage could be hard at times. the druid turned an looked towards me. an i signalled to him that i wished to speak.

now before i go much further i wanna describe my char.

Description: a mage. bout' 5'8 an lean.being a mage of fire he loved life down below but had an adventrous streak in him.he had coal blaclk eyes but which were flkecked with an angry red. this made staring into his eyes difficult. was a being of few words an very calm. but with a titanic tempr when angry. dressed in flowing black robes. with a sword hung of his right hip. this as he was a person who used his left. he had a single charm on his blade it started an inch an a half below the tip of the blade an curved as 2 runes over till the tip on both sides. it was to give courage to those who need it. he had a scar under his left eye an wore his hair as conforming to the style of his people,long till his mid back. the hair was black an tied up in a ponytail. he wore jus one peice of jewelery an that was a ruby around his neck on a slim twine of mithril.

so wat am i in or wat????

if you cant dazzel them with your brilliance, baffel them with your bull****!!!!!

remember me????
Posts: 6 | Registered: Monday, August 22 2005 07:00
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #178
i say you may join, although you're probably much to late to join. we have progressed very far into the story, so its probably not possible anymore. I think, though, that we should wait till the others also say what they think about it, OK?

Thralni's almighty Avernum pages: My webpage, containing scenario's and graphics made by me (And maybe someday the homepage of the almighty chicken gods).

Click here for more information on Olga's fortune teller kiosk

Olga's fortune teller kiosk has been temporarily closed down, but you can contact the prophet with a PM - Was signed by the prophet of the almighty chicken gods, gods of everything that is a chicken.

Work has begun on the Nephilian grammar and vocabulary guide!
Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
Profile Homepage #179
OOC: For the sake of coherence, please write in objective third person perspective. You can use present or past tense however you choose, but by writing from a first person perspective, you make it easy to confuse the characters, and make it hard to distinguish between speech and narrative.
Also, the Caps Key is Your Friend. Please use it.
Finally, if you have trouble with English spelling, you can use either MS Word's spellchecker, or one of the following tools:

Other than that, I see no problem; you're welcome! ;)

The Encyclopaedia Ermariana <-- Now a Wiki!
"Polaris leers down from the black vault, winking hideously like an insane watching eye which strives to convey some strange message, yet recalls nothing save that it once had a message to convey." --- HP Lovecraft.
"I single Aran out due to his nasty temperament, and his superior intellect." --- SupaNik
Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
Member # 2339
Profile #180
Originally written by Nofrastue:

an i could see that the druid was uncomfortable in the subteranean lands that i called home.
Is your character native to Verwey or did he decide to live there? Verwey natives are supposed to have silver hair when the curse is in effect.

Edit: Eliminated unnecessary text

I'm still waiting to see if Andros, Brother Sequoia and/or Cyrus will go with Caecus.

[ Monday, August 22, 2005 12:17: Message edited by: Zephyr Tempest ]

*Blue screen error*
Windows detects no current errors, so Windows has decided
to screw around with the files until one occurs.

If you never rise against your oppressor, then you've already lost.
-Zephyr Tempest, your personal entertainer
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Member # 2940
Profile Homepage #181
OOC: You can join, but please listen to Aran's instructions. It will make your posts much easier to read. Also, if your character belongs to that mysterious underground tribe then you can't have black hair. According to Zephir's description you were all cursed with silver or grey hair (something like that). And Zephir, please don't quote the hole chunk of text, it slows down the loading of the page and it's not really necessary.


Cain walked faster and faster, so fast he could tell the group was having trouble following him, especially because of the ground they were now walking on. Every step further up the mountain was received by bigger chunks of snow and frost; it was also getting very gold because there were less trees and foliage to block the cold winds. The slope was also increasing considerably. Needless to say, the Mountain of Shadows looked even more intimidating.

Suddenly Cain stopped. The others also stopped somewhat relieved.

"What is it?" Asked Tuulentekija, hardly affected by the weather. Cain simply pointed to the ground. Tuulentekija replied sombrely "We are not alone."

Filbert shivered "Wolves, beasts, snakes? What is it this time?"

There was no time for a response. A humanoid figure jumped out of the foliage, twin blades in hand.

"Get down!" Shouted Tuulentekija as he pushed Filbert to the ground and parried one of the attacking blades with his own. The ambusher was a human and by the looks of things, a very skilled blade master. To Cain's surprise Tuulentekija and the attacker were involved in a fierce display of blade clashing and swinging, the stranger was slowly getting the upper hand.

Edith who had remained silent most of the journey was finally speaking, not to communicate with anyone but to invoke some mysterious power of her own, the attacker was not going to wait for her though as he finally managed to push Tuulentekija's blade aside and charge towards Edith. Filbert, who was in the way, suddenly sprung in to action adopting a defensive position in front of the charging attacker, the blade master smiled at him as he lifted his twin blades.

"Filbert! Get out of his way!" Shouted Tuulentekija.

Suddenly, what appeared to a silver object, flied across the trail towards the back of the blade master. Somehow, the charging blade master detected the missile and turned in a fantastic display of swordsmanship, shattering Cain's incoming dagger. Just as everyone gasped at the display, the blade master choked. He trembled slightly, fell on his knees and then head on into the snow, behind him, Filbert held his blood covered sword.

"I…I killed him." Filbert muttered.

Cain snorted. Surely Edith had placed a blessing or hasting spell on that fool. Upon inspection, Cain noted that Edith looked as impressed as Tuulentekija by Filberts sudden stroke. Hmm…Maybe the kid will be of some use after all.

OOC: That guy was a scout from the blade master clan roaming the woods. A little help for the other guys at the cursed village. One blademaster down. ;)

[ Tuesday, August 23, 2005 00:31: Message edited by: The_Nazgul ]

"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying."
Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00
Member # 1046
Profile Homepage #182
OOC: I've been busy with my... personal/social life lately, but I'll still try to make time for the RP.

"Shall we go?" Sequoia inquired. The army, consisting of every able-bodied man and woman, had been assembled, and already began the march to the surface.

Cyrus nodded, but Andros had second thoughts.

"It may be a good idea, yes," Andros replied. "But with only the elderly and the children here, Verwey seems... fragile. And note that there are still plenty of supplies here. If a scout from the Guild learns of this..."

"Then Verwey will be attacked!" Sequoia exclaimed. By now the army was out of sight. "And it is too late to find Caecus."

"It's not," Andros assured him. "But I think it's a better idea for us to stay behind for a few hours. And yes, the Guild works that fast."

"Perhaps we-"

"Duck!" Andros interrupted, then proceeded to drag Sequoia down anyway. A knife sailed through the air, barely missing its mark, bounced off Cyrus' armour.

"Still got your senses, I see," A blademaster leapt down from the roof of a nearby building, followed by four others - enough to raid an undefended village. Two of the blademasters immediately ran off, too fast for the three to track, leaving the leader and two blademasters. All three had dark blue uniforms with red lining, marking them as the best of the elite. "We come not only to raid Verwey... but to execute you, Mr. Andros Guevero."

(more to come)

Polaris - Weather balloons, ninjas, and your big daddy Wise Man. What more could you want?
Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00
Member # 2339
Profile #183
OOC:FYI, the Verwey elders are quite accomplished mages and priests, if you decide to use their assistance.

And how did they get into Verwey?

[ Monday, August 22, 2005 18:49: Message edited by: Zephyr Tempest ]

*Blue screen error*
Windows detects no current errors, so Windows has decided
to screw around with the files until one occurs.

If you never rise against your oppressor, then you've already lost.
-Zephyr Tempest, your personal entertainer
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Member # 1046
Profile Homepage #184
OOC: The Guild can get anywhere. They just don't have a lot of people. However, they're all talented, highly trained professionals.

Polaris - Weather balloons, ninjas, and your big daddy Wise Man. What more could you want?
Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00
Member # 2339
Profile #185
I'm afraid to say that you did not answer my question. And how could they not be spotted WHILE
I can understand that they could stick to the domes, but the domes are transparent, and there are still people in the houses.

*Blue screen error*
Windows detects no current errors, so Windows has decided
to screw around with the files until one occurs.

If you never rise against your oppressor, then you've already lost.
-Zephyr Tempest, your personal entertainer
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Member # 1046
Profile Homepage #186
OOC: I guess I missed a detail, but it could've been empty. Let's just say they found a way to sneak up on Andros et al and almost succeeded.

Polaris - Weather balloons, ninjas, and your big daddy Wise Man. What more could you want?
Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00
Member # 3320
Profile #187
"Well, well, well. I knew that this fellow had some hidden talent in him." Edith compliments him in front of the others. And almost as if by clairvoyance, she adds more. "And no, Cain, I did not cast a bless spell on him."

"Uh..." is all that Cain can get out as he is dumbfounded by her sudden revelation. Looking at her again, he sees she is smirking at him.

"I can see that you think I'm a psychic now as well as a woman of mystery. I can assure you that I am just as normal as the three of you. Well... in most ways. I noticed the look you gave me after you saw Filbert knife the blademaster. It was so clear that you thought I had helped him in some way as you were sure he didn't have it in him to do that."

"Well... yeah. That’s exactly right. So… Since you brought it up, what were you doing?" Cain asks with a malicious grin.

Edith walks a foot or two towards Filbert and stops just beside the dead man. Holding up her fist, she knocks against something in front of her. It suddenly becomes apparent to the rest of them that there is a transparent wall of ice ten feet wide and 8 feet high in front of her.

Tuulentekija scratches his chin, or at least tries to, but doesn't get past the mask. "Now, tell me, exactly what is THAT for?" He gives her a wry and skeptical look. Or at least she thinks he does behind the mask. She can't tell.

She shifts her left foot up onto a medium-sized rock and answers with a smug face. "Well, to be frank, I was trying to build an ice wall cage around the blademaster to slow him down. Unfortunately, I did manage to finish my spell after he was distracted."

Cain gets a puzzled look. "What do you mean 'unfortunately'?"

Edith starts to chuckle. "You see, Filbert didn't move out of the way like I thought he would. Now he is boxed in with the dead man."

The others examine the area around Filbert and the dean man. Only then do they take notice of the 10-foot by 8-foot ice wall box around the two. When Filbert realizes he is boxed in by ice, he starts to panic. He begins pounding on the walls with his fists, and when that fails, he then tries using his sword to break it down.

"Help!!! Get me out of here!!! I'll smother!!" Yells Filbert.

Now totally laughing, Edith replies. "No... No, you aren't going to asphyxiate. There is no ceiling to the ice walls. Give the spell a minute or two to wear off and the ice will melt itself. You'll be fine."

[ Monday, August 22, 2005 21:29: Message edited by: Sir Sherlock Holmes ]

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes

Gay Christian Network
The Polaris Board
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
Profile #188
Satisfied with the elf's answer, Lisha finally allowed herself to sink into a light, uneasy sleep. Her dreams were broken and senseless; a child hacking at trees with a large sword, a mysterious horseman with the head of a viper, a shifting shape pushing boulders down upon her. A chill wind picked up once more, tossing her makeshift hammock about like a lizard struggling to free itself from a wicked beak. Lisha turned in her sleep, avoiding both the boulders and the swirling air, unconsciously keeping her cloak between her weapons, pressed against her body, and the world outside.

Melora watched through slits, sitting motionless on her nearby perch. She drifted into a half-sleep, letting her mind run free while keeping her senses tuned to her surroundings. She sat that way for several hours, listening to the rustling of the leaves, the chittering insects beneath the bark, the subdued calls of starving birds. This far north, this high up, the air never warmed the body, never stifled one's breath; only the thin, meager sunlight gave a hint of relief, and now even that was choked by the heavy clouds. The human village below would soon enjoy a frigid shower; the mountain would be reblanketed in white.

Forest animals had been creeping by their tree for hours, but a slightly louder noise, the sound of men trying to be quiet, entered the pointed ears and directed the sharp eyes downward. A swordsman's helm moved among the ground foliage, then disappeared. Melora pushed off from the trunk and crawled onto a limb, looking downward. A second head, uncovered, appeared near where the other had disappeared and looked up. Unable to see the sun, the man looked down once more, and Melora moved again. She lowered a foot onto the Easterner's shoulder and pushed.

Whipping the cloak from her body, Lisha woke with a dagger brandished upward. Seeing the sylvan face looking down upon her, she glared, sheathed her weapon, and sat up.



Following her companion's cue, Lisha peeked over the edge of her hammock. A gust of wind sent her nervously back into the center. She crept to the edge again and looked down. The helmed head stared back, but obviously saw nothing. Neither woman moved. The bladesman attributed the sound to the gusty environment and moved on.

From her vantage point and the dim golden glow far to the west of the zenith, Lisha could see that several hours had passed since the elf's explanation. Feeling sufficiently rested, she pulled herself up to Melora's branch and leaned toward her.

"Who is it?"

The elf tilted her head. "They are human swordsmen. Neither carried a bow, but they move with rare strength and grace. There - by that stump."

Lisha looked where the elf indicated. An upright figure in a black cloak stood scanning his surroundings, reasonably well-protecteed by a wild hedge. A black cloak... the trim... l

"The archer's guild."


Lisha looked sidelong at the elf. A slow, terrible smile was growing on her face. Glancing quickly at her companion, Melora dropped to a lower branch and began making her way down. Frantic, Lisha attempted to catch up.

"Elf," she hissed. "Wait. There's no need - wait!"

The elf continued her way down, dropping from branch to branch as lightly as a squirrel. Lisha's knowledge of trees was mostly theoretical; the sandstone of Tass Shanti never yielded so to her weight, and even the warped boards of the roofs of the poor had no leaves to shake, no birds to unsettle. Making as little noise as her companion but significantly less progress, Lisha raced toward the ground below, desperate to intercept the unpredictable elf.

A hand shot out and grabbed her wrist as she prepared to swing to another branchShe grappled for a knife while trying to regain her balance. The elf's eyes sought her own and the pointed face beseached silence; relaxing, pleased to have caught Melora somehow, she stopped and waited. Noting the elf's closed eyes and appearance of deep concentration, she cleared her mind and listened, watching the still bladesman.

At first, there was nothing but the wind and the sound of birds. Then a faint wisp of sound came to her, vanished, and came again, slightly stronger. The sound grew slowly, cautiously, gradually getting louder, then suddenly swelled, a wave towering above the shore. Lisha glanced at her companion. Her delicate face was bathed in white light, a ghastly pall over the beautiful marble features. Then suddenly her eyelids separated, her eyes flickered open, flitted to her face, sparkling in the moonlight, ice cold.

"The moon is full," breathed the dark elf. "They have surfaced."

Lisha managed to break her gaze and glanced down at the stump. The man was gone, the frondescence motionless. The elf, following her gaze, freed her hand and continued her descent, even faster than before. Lisha followed closely, the sense of urgency lending her haste and allowing her to forget the noise she was making. Both were soon on the ground and running, Lisha at Melora's heels, toward the audible host of Verwey.

And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it.
-The Last Pendragon

Polaris = joy.

In case of emergency, break glass.
Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #189
OOC: I'm still not going to post anything, I'm just glad Filbert isn't the complaining fool all the time anymore :) :D

Thralni's almighty Avernum pages: My webpage, containing scenario's and graphics made by me (And maybe someday the homepage of the almighty chicken gods).

Click here for more information on Olga's fortune teller kiosk

Olga's fortune teller kiosk has been temporarily closed down, but you can contact the prophet with a PM - Was signed by the prophet of the almighty chicken gods, gods of everything that is a chicken.

Work has begun on the Nephilian grammar and vocabulary guide!
Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
Member # 6239
Profile #190
OOC: Ya sorry bout that post it was disgraceful now wasnt it? Anyway I guess that my char is gonna be a outsider who had lost his parents (hermits in the forest) an was taken in by the elves. That good????
IC: The mage called Norran was one of the few mages about to join the army and go to battel with the guildsmen. But he was delayed... he was lagging back behind the rest of the army an he saw the outsiders engage in conversation and so decided to join them. he realised that there was more to it than met the eye an wanted to know what. He had nearly reached them when suddenly he spied a troupe of the guildsmen!!!! they were atop a building an one of them hurled a knife towards the druid...

He stopped short in his way an saw that there was some exchange in words. He then heard somethin that made his blood run cold, the words "... raid Verwey..." This made him run towards the men. Both groups saw him at the same time one hurled a dagger towards him... he dodged it eaisly.

OOC: now you people's call.

if you cant dazzel them with your brilliance, baffel them with your bull****!!!!!

remember me????
Posts: 6 | Registered: Monday, August 22 2005 07:00
Member # 1046
Profile Homepage #191
OOC: I'll consider it, although a mage wouldn't be able to dodge the knife of a skilled professional with such ease...

I'll think of something.

Polaris - Weather balloons, ninjas, and your big daddy Wise Man. What more could you want?
Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
Profile #192
Originally written by Zephyr Tempest:

OOC: did they get into Verwey?
Originally written by Wise Man:

"A bunch of weirdos with these really sharp swords ran through here a few days ago. Daddy and some other people left to fight them the next day but they're not back yet." She then pointed at Andros' shirt. "They have shirts just like that, but there's little silver lines on them."

Andros looked back at Sequoia again, this time with a serious look on his face. "Silver lining on black... Those are raiders from the Guild of Blademasters, Sequoia!"

You didn't challenge it then, you can't challenge it now.

And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it.
-The Last Pendragon

Polaris = joy.

In case of emergency, break glass.
Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #193
Ephesos, the Filbert graphic for the scenario is finished for about 50%. What I have to do now is design the armor wearing graphic. School is beginning tomorrow, so delays will become quite frequent. When would you exactly need it?

Thralni's almighty Avernum pages: My webpage, containing scenario's and graphics made by me (And maybe someday the homepage of the almighty chicken gods).

Click here for more information on Olga's fortune teller kiosk

Olga's fortune teller kiosk has been temporarily closed down, but you can contact the prophet with a PM - Was signed by the prophet of the almighty chicken gods, gods of everything that is a chicken.

Work has begun on the Nephilian grammar and vocabulary guide!
Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 4153
Profile Homepage #194
OoC: I apologize... I left for a weeklong backpacking trip in a hurry, and couldn't post the dilemma before I left. In any case, I think I'll stay and fight off blademasters.

Sorry for the confusion... just moved into my college dorm, so things are a bit crazy still. On the bright side, I've got an even faster connection now.

Gamble with Gaea, and she eats your dice.

I hate undead. I really, really, really, really hate undead. With a passion.
Posts: 4130 | Registered: Friday, March 26 2004 08:00
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #195
Glad to see you back, ephesos. Now, when exactly do you need that Filbert graphic for your scenario.

Thralni's almighty Avernum pages: My webpage, containing scenario's and graphics made by me (And maybe someday the homepage of the almighty chicken gods).

Click here for more information on Olga's fortune teller kiosk

Olga's fortune teller kiosk has been temporarily closed down, but you can contact the prophet with a PM - Was signed by the prophet of the almighty chicken gods, gods of everything that is a chicken.

Work has begun on the Nephilian grammar and vocabulary guide!
Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 4153
Profile Homepage #196
OoC: I have no deadline for the graphics. In fact, I have no idea when I'll finish this scenario. I just hope that I can finish it (as a freshman starting college, I can guess that I'll be rather busy in the upcoming months).

IC will be up eventually...

Gamble with Gaea, and she eats your dice.

I hate undead. I really, really, really, really hate undead. With a passion.
Posts: 4130 | Registered: Friday, March 26 2004 08:00
Member # 1046
Profile Homepage #197
EDIT: Double posts are gay.

[ Saturday, August 27, 2005 17:40: Message edited by: Wise Man ]

Polaris - Weather balloons, ninjas, and your big daddy Wise Man. What more could you want?
Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00
Member # 1046
Profile Homepage #198
OOC: Finishing my last post.

"He dodged the slow dagger," the blademaster leader confirmed, glancing at the newcomer. "Gladys, deal with him. I'll deal with the criminal."

He then turned to Andros while 'Gladys' set upon the mage. "Engarde!" The blademaster shouted, and was almost immediately upon him.

With no time to shoot, the sniper lifted his crossbow back with his left hand and drew his machete with his left, barely parrying the attack. At the same time, the third blademaster was already fighting Cyrus with a flurry of sword strikes.

"I've fought you off before, Maxim," Andros shouted as he sidestepped to dodge a stab. "I can do it again!"

Andros returned the stab with vertical slash, barely missing his opponent. "You are little better than a Natural, Andros!" blademaster Maxim exclaimed. "In the end, you are the loser!" He followed with a powerful sideslash, knocking the machete out of Andros' hand.

Immediately, Andros shot his already-loaded crossbow bolt at the blademaster. A split second too slow, though, as he ducked to evade the projectile and lunged back at his chest, only to watch Andros skip to the side and reload a second bolt via a pump mechanism under the bow - two or three pumps are required to draw the string for its maximum potential, but in close combat once is enough.

"You're quite like your master, Maxim," Andros laughed as the two engaged each other again. "You are a Natural!"

"Why you little...!" By now blademaster Maxim was outraged. He charged at Andros at an incredible speed for a regular human, bent down, and swung back up in an uppercut. At the same time, Andros leapt up and slightly back, pointing the crossbow at the blademaster...

OOC: These guys are elites of the elites in the Guild of Blademasters. Try not to get them killed so quickly :)

Polaris - Weather balloons, ninjas, and your big daddy Wise Man. What more could you want?
Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00
Member # 2339
Profile #199
As soon as the Verwey army reached the surface, the curse was lifted from them. All of the soldiers' skin became a dark bluish color. Their ears became pointed and their hair turned different shades of green. In addition, they all grew about two feet (armor and all), and their eyes started glowing blue (this transformation did little to increase their power, and Caecus did not change because he is dead). "Let the wrath of the Moon-elves be known!" Caecus shouted.

They started marching, and they quickly came upon a group of Blademasters (mostly fresh meat). "Take prisoners," Caecus said. Then the battle began.
A young Blademaster immediately charged at Caecus.
"I can tell you are a new recruit, because you charged at the most heavily armored enemy. Heavily armored troops tend to be elite," Caecus said.

"I don't need to be good to beat you!" the recruit shouted back.Caecus quickly lifted his helmet as the recruit slashed at his head.

"Too slow," he commented. Caecus retaliated and cut up his opponent's left hand.

"AAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHH!" the recruit shouted. He seeked vengeance by attempting to stab Caecus' chest. Caecus, in a burst of over confidence, sheathed his swords and picked up his opponent.

"I don't want to bother with you. TAKE HIM PRISONER!" he shouted as tossed the new recruit into his own rank. He then drew his swords and charged into the fray, only to be stopped by the Blademaster group's leader and two of his buddies.

"I shall not surrender!" Caecus yelled as he began to fight them.

OOC: In contrast to the elites in Verwey, these Blademasters are still new to battle. But, of course, there will be more experienced Blademasters later on.

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If you never rise against your oppressor, then you've already lost.
-Zephyr Tempest, your personal entertainer
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
