The Mountain of Shadows RP

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AuthorTopic: The Mountain of Shadows RP
Law Bringer
Member # 4153
Profile Homepage #150
EDIT OoC: Alright! 100th and 150th posts in the same thread! (It's late where I am... humor me)


Rubbing his frostbitten throat, Brother Sequoia shot Andros a questioning look. "There are four of us... they are a full guild of trained assassins. Did I hear that right?"


"Well then," the druid continued. "I fail to see the logic. We would need the mountain itself to rise up against them, and it would take our entire Order to even come close! And that's with magic, and I'm the only non-Necromancy spellcaster of any kind here!"

"I agree... it seems like a long-shot." Cyrus said, somewhat non-plussed by Andros's enthusiasm.

"Long-shot doesn't do it justice." Caecus chimed in. "With such a major conflict on the horizon, how can we hope to try and stop them alone?"

"It's very simple..." Andros began. "Neither we nor the Guild know the way to Órloki, so we are nearly even on that level. However, there's something more important than that..."

"And that would be?" Cyrus asked, not quite convinced yet.

"Well, the Guild has always focused on competition. Thus, it's kind of hard for them to work in a group. However, we have already learned how to do this rather effectively, so we've got an advantage." Andros concluded with a flourish.

"Right." Brother Sequoia said, sarcasm evident in his voice. "So, refresh my memory. How many times have we almost killed someone traveling with us so far?"

[ Friday, August 12, 2005 19:45: Message edited by: Ephesos ]

Gamble with Gaea, and she eats your dice.

I hate undead. I really, really, really, really hate undead. With a passion.
Posts: 4130 | Registered: Friday, March 26 2004 08:00
Member # 5450
Profile Homepage #151
OOC: Drakey, you left me in a doozy of a pickle. No matter, I'll do something...

IC: Brail was incredibly hungry. Those two wenches had knocked him out and mugged him. And his sore wasn't making things any easier. He paused to check for any broken bones, and then took his bearings.
Hmm.. He thought. I'm not that far from Aram. Maybe I'll drop in for some supplies. The King will be expecting a report anyway.

Brail limped on. He had a knack for being injured. Just last year he had broke a leg in a fall. I'm really hungry, he kept thinking to himself.


He eventually made it to Aram. The first thing he done was eat and drink. Then he went to the first aid area to get some ice. Then he went to see the King.

'My lord, forgive me. I have partly failed my quest.'

'Partly? I must no how you, you cumbersome fool, did not wind up dead. Tell me.' Lord Karasess was in a good mood.

'Well, first off, we were attacked by wolves, and Weech was killed. Th—' He was interrupted.

'Weech? Your assistant? No matter. You will continue on your own.' Karasess had no emotion in his voice.

'Yes, Weech was killed. Then I met a small band of adventurers who seemed to be passing through, but I expected them to be scaling the mountain. I left. I then found a spy from the Eastern Lands who was out to kill you. I slew him, naturally.'

'And you will be rewarded,' Lord Karasess said. 'Thank you. That will be enough of your anecdote. Now, tell me, did you find out about the spy like I wanted you to?'

'No, my Lord, but I have my suspicions. I believe it is an assain from the Eastern Lands. I know not her name or her quest. She is quite strong, however.'

Karasess nodded and dismissed Brail. Before leaving, Brail got the top swords and armour that Aram had, as well as food, and a large pouch of gold. He then left again, determined to practice with his sword on his way.

OOC: It was the only way I could think of to get food.

I'll put a Spring in your step.

Posts: 2396 | Registered: Saturday, January 29 2005 08:00
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #152
Tomorrow, i'm going camping for about a week, so my groupmembers may control my character. I only ask you, don't let him get killed, don't leave him behind somewhere, and DON'T use any of the fire bolts!

Thanks. be back again in five days.

Thralni's almighty Avernum pages: My webpage, containing scenario's and graphics made by me (And maybe someday the homepage of the almighty chicken gods).

Click here for more information on Olga's fortune teller kiosk

Olga's fortune teller kiosk has been temporarily closed down, but you can contact the prophet with a PM - Was signed by the prophet of the almighty chicken gods, gods of everything that is a chicken.

Work has begun on the Nephilian grammar and vocabulary guide!
Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
Member # 2339
Profile #153
"I would guess we've almost killed someone traveling with us about three times," said Caecus coldly as he looked out a nearby window.

"Andros, do you think they shall attempt to declare war on Verwey?" he asked.

"If they can find Verwey, they might attack it," Andros responded. Caecus looked back at Andros and Brother Sequoia.

"They shall feel our fury. I feel that a full moon is coming. They shall know the wrath of the Moon-solace," Caecus said.

"What is this 'Moon-solace' of which you speak?" said Brother Sequoia.

"It is the only time my people may go to the surface. On the day of a full moon, my people may walk in the sunlight freely. Normally the only time we can bear the surface is at night, so the Moon-solace is revered. But we are still allowed to fight on that day. I shall go help my people prepare for the possible war," said Caecus.

And with that, he left the room.

[ Saturday, August 13, 2005 15:41: Message edited by: Zephyr Tempest ]

*Blue screen error*
Windows detects no current errors, so Windows has decided
to screw around with the files until one occurs.

If you never rise against your oppressor, then you've already lost.
-Zephyr Tempest, your personal entertainer
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Member # 4248
Profile #154
"Back away. Slowly." Tuulentekija said while pulling his sword out of his robes. Cain lifted an eyebrow. "I didn't know you were armed. How did you manage -?"

Tuulentekija lifted his hand to tell Cain to stop. "We have time for questions later. Concentrate on those beasts" Tuulentekija whispered with a low voice. "These are true worgs. They are wolves enchanted with malignant magic, and we propably can't kill them as easily as we killed the first one."

The enchanted worgs were snarling just a dozen feet away from the party. Tuulentekija was sure they would attack at any moment, and had already unsheathed his sword and taken a fighting stance, when the beasts did something which surprised him completely.

The worgs jumped forward and struck their teeth to their dead companion and dragged it to the shadows. "No jo on." Tuulentekija muttered and put his sword away.

"What just happened?" asked Filbert with a nervous tone in his voice. "Why did they leave us alone?"

"Deep down they are normal wolves and have the normal instincts of wolves" Tuulentekija replied and turned to face the others. "When hungry enough, wolves will gladly eat their wounded brothers. We should get going. It'll be dark soon, and we still have to find a good spot for a camp."

"Are you sure they won't come back?" Cain asked while they were walking forwards.

"Not if we get far enough. Their hunger is satisfied and whatever force created them doesn't want them to kill us" Tuulentekija said. "At least, not tonight."


It was almost midnight when they finally decided to camp aside the path they were following. Tuulentekija put up their tent while the others made a fire from the nearby branches. Cain volunteered to take the first shift as a nightwatch, and Edith and Filbert went to sleep. Tuulentekija in turn said that he would go to a little walk and come back later. Cain said it would be quite unwise to away from the fire when there were wolves around, but Tuulentekija assured he would be fine. Not that Cain listened to a word he said, of course. If somebody wanted to take a leak in wolf-infested forest and get himself killed while doing so, well, it wouldn't be any his business, so Cain let Tuulentekija go.

Tuulentekija walked around the dark forest, singing. Not that it would help, but singing in his home tongue somehow comforted him. How long has been since I last talked to someone of my own people? he asked himself. Five years? Or six? Maybe I should consider going back someday. Well, I don't have to worry about that if the mountain proves to be the challenge I've been looking for. Oh well...

Tuulentekija walked around for a short while, inspected the forest around him and tried to sense if something was out of place. But he failed; there was nothing abnormal in the forest, no weird sensations because of supernatural presence. Quite hard to believe there are demons running loose around here he shrugged and decided to go back to the camp to get some rest.

Somebody PLEASE turn the heat on.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
Profile Homepage #155
ooc: t zephyr no silvermins plz k? :)

The Encyclopaedia Ermariana <-- Now a Wiki!
"Polaris leers down from the black vault, winking hideously like an insane watching eye which strives to convey some strange message, yet recalls nothing save that it once had a message to convey." --- HP Lovecraft.
"I single Aran out due to his nasty temperament, and his superior intellect." --- SupaNik
Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 4153
Profile Homepage #156
Originally written by Aranfoolcaytar:

ooc: t zephyr no silvermins plz k? :)
OoC: This seem out of character to anyone else? And the RP is slowly sliding down the boards, so I though it was time to post.


"Well..." Brother Sequoia stared out the door which Caecus had just left through, and he seated himself in an uncomfortable wooden chair. "What now?"

"I suppose we wait." Cyrus said.

A few quiet moments passed, which could've been easily labeled an awkward silence.

"Forget that. I need to walk around a bit," Andros said, departing the building. Cyrus and Brother Sequoia exchanged a brief glance (though the druid wasn't sure exactly where his dead companion was looking), and they silently rose to follow Andros.


Verwey was much quieter than when they'd arrived, and few people remained on the streets. Those who did appeared to be in a big hurry. Cyrus and Brother Sequoia had since caught up with Andros.

"Very odd, isn't it?" Andros thought aloud. "I wonder if Caecus has spread word already."

"Probably. I just wish I knew what was going on for once." the druid replied, calmly eyeing the buildings around them. He didn't really feel threatened or nervous, he just wanted to figure this whole thing out.

Why am I even here? he thought, making sure to keep up with Andros and Cyrus. This is about as far from Krell as I can get, and for what? Some cursed mountain and a bizarre war...

Brother Sequoia nearly tripped over Andros, as he and Cyrus had abruptly stopped walking. The scene in front of them was impressive, to say the least. In what must've been the town square, Caecus was surrounded by at least a hundred of his fellow villagers, including mages, priests and warriors. Clearly he was in the middle of an impressive speech, as the crowd suddenly gave a cavern-shaking cheer.

That's what it is... Brother Sequoia's train of though caught up with his body again. There's just something unnatural about this place. I cannot rest until I know what it is, but it seems that I shall just have to relax and see where this all takes me. Or rather, takes us.

Gamble with Gaea, and she eats your dice.

I hate undead. I really, really, really, really hate undead. With a passion.
Posts: 4130 | Registered: Friday, March 26 2004 08:00
Member # 2339
Profile #157
Caecus was nearing the end of his speech.

"We are the first-borns! Since the beginning of Earth, our civilization has lived! Now we are the only first-borns left! Now is the time to show that we ARE NOT inferior to humans! We can out-live humans, and we can out-fight them! Our numbers are few, but our spirit is strong! Now, a guild wants us dead! They shall see no mercy and no victory!" he shouted.

The Verwey army cheered and chanted "Verwey! Verwey!" Caecus held up his hand for silence.

"The moon-solace draws near! It is also night! Now is the time to march! We shall fight our enemy, and we shall win! To the surface!" Caecus continued.

Caecus rushed over to Andros, Brother Sequoia and Cyrus.

"If you wish to help us, now is the time to march," Caecus said. Part or all of the group, along with the army, continued to march to the surface.

OOC: The first-born soldiers are as good as a well-trained soldier, but not as powerful as one of the RPers. And ,of course, I am not the sole controller.

[ Monday, August 15, 2005 19:53: Message edited by: Zephyr Tempest ]

*Blue screen error*
Windows detects no current errors, so Windows has decided
to screw around with the files until one occurs.

If you never rise against your oppressor, then you've already lost.
-Zephyr Tempest, your personal entertainer
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
Profile Homepage #158
OOC: Ephesos - it's one relative oldbie making inside jokes to another. Be glad you didn't see the RP it referred to. :P

IC post is on the way, but I need time to finish my work first.

The Encyclopaedia Ermariana <-- Now a Wiki!
"Polaris leers down from the black vault, winking hideously like an insane watching eye which strives to convey some strange message, yet recalls nothing save that it once had a message to convey." --- HP Lovecraft.
"I single Aran out due to his nasty temperament, and his superior intellect." --- SupaNik
Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
Member # 2940
Profile Homepage #159
OOC: Bonjour! I'm back from France. I noticed the party my character Cain is in has turned him into a talkative and ironic type of character. He was actually meant to be a no-nonsense assassin of few words, but never mind that, it's nothing I can't fix. Besides I deserve it for not explaining my character further before leaving.


Finally some peace and quiet. Cain thought while enjoying the night watch. The journey so far was already getting on his nerves; he didn't know for how much longer he would be able to carry out his stupid adventurer/assassin façade. Of all the members it was the kid, Filbert, who exasperated him the most. He had killed others less annoying than him. Edith he could stand, her knowledge of the magic arts would serve him well. But it was the foreigner Tuulentekija the one that intrigued him the most, were did he get those ancient maps? He seemed to have an old connection with the mountain.

Cain shrugged and decided to take his mind away from the others for a moment. He reached into his pocket and retrieved the pages from the old diary he had found at his temporary housing in the village. He made sure no one was around and read the interesting bits carefully:

Week 16, Day 2.

"The drums and clanking of armor still follow us, they are restless. We have reached yet another chamber inside this maze of a mountain, we all want to get out, only five of us remain and none of us are interested in anything but getting out of here alive. Sigmund had promised treasure but this cursed mountain has brought only death upon us. I want to go back to the village and earn my bread and gold with the crop…I just want to leave, I'm so afraid. Sigmund says we are moving out again."

Week 16, Day 3.

"Miracle! Finally some treasure. Or something like it. Fredy stumbled with some sort of workshop for the dark things that dwell here. Maybe one of Orloki's workshops. The Priest says the place is charged with negative energy our Mage however, like the rest of us, is interested in the artifact that dominates the center of the chamber, protected by some runes there is some sort of…

Suddenly Cain heard noises nearby; he could see Tuulentekija through the foliage, returning to the camp. Curses! Thought Cain as he pocketed his papers.

"Hello Tuulentekija, anything interesting out there?" Asked Cain.

"Not really. You should get some sleep now. I'll take the next shift." Replied Tuulentekija.

"Nonsense," responded Cain. "I have rested well enough back in the village and have done nothing but a little walk ever since." He paused for a moment and stared at the fire. "Tell me Tuulentekija, If you don't mind me asking. Where are you from?".

[ Wednesday, August 17, 2005 01:29: Message edited by: The_Nazgul ]

"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying."
Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
Profile #160
They walked on in silence for several minutes. making significantly less progress than they would've alone. Lisha noted with annoyance that Melora had adopted a position half a step behind her and to the side, a good place from which to watch and, if necessary, to strike. Lisha kept slowing down imperceptibly in an attempt to adopt her customary position, the one the elf currently occupied, but no matter how she shifted, Melora was always a half step behind. Frustrated and weary, Lisha walked on ahead.

A large, ancient tree, radiating roots in all directions, stood in their path. Avoiding its trunk, Lisha neglected her feet for an instant. One caught under a gnarled fallen limb and she stumbled. She righted herself smoothly, trying to keep her carelessness from Melora's perception. The elf gave no sign of noticing, but continued on. Turning her attention to the path once more, Lisha slipped on a loose rock and was hurled by her own momentum against the trunk.

"Another misstep like those," Melora noted wryly, "and the demon's job will be done. This tree is as good as any."

"Good for..." Lisha inquired, hiding her red cheeks within the folds of her hood.

"For sleep, of course. You cannot go on without it."

Lisha concealed her great relief behind a mask of reluctance. "In a tree? I am no bird."

"Nevertheless, you know how to climb, and are more likely to succeed than any possible enemies. I will climb first to find the best way up." With that, Melora launched herself into the air, catching a lower branch of a younger tree, and lightly hauled herself up. Barely sparing her companion a glance, the elf sought another branch, one closer to the desired roost, and made her way onto it. Seeing little choice, Lisha crouched and prepared to follow.

Minutes later, she found the elf completing a makeshift cot of braches and leaves about halfway up the hoary grandsire. Eyeing her companion suspiciously, Lisha tested the contraption and its construction. Unable to find any defects, Lisha grunted her thanks and settled in, arranging herself in such a way as to make it impossible for even a dark elf to tamper with her poison or lift her weapons without waking her. Daggers clutched in both fists, Lisha closed her eyes. Melora, sitting on a nearby branch, watched as the rise and fall of her chest became slower and more rhythmic and her breath melded with the gentle breeze.

"How do you know they're safe?"

Startled, Melora's eyes flicked to Lisha's, which were still closed. Any human would've assumed he was hallucinating, that the question was a product of his imagination, that Lisha could not possibly have been awake and aware. But where else could the question have come from? Thinking back, Melora desperately sought an answer.

"The- the Verweyans depend on that portal for entry into their hidden village. They think they are unknown to the outside world, that they alone can find the way in, but they underestimate the auditory abilities of my people. A simple password, which Caecus surely uttered correctly, is enough to ensure safe passage. The druid and the rest are far below the surface of the earth, or were when I left, but are only a simple transport spell from that clearing. And unless the archer has done something rash, which is entirely possible, they will be safe among those silver-haired people until someone takes a negative interest in them and exterminates them." Melora, regaining her composure and realizing she'd probably said too much, feel into silence.

"Who are they?"

And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it.
-The Last Pendragon

Polaris = joy.

In case of emergency, break glass.
Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00
Member # 5450
Profile Homepage #161
OOC: I might provide some more insight into Brail as the story goes on.

IC: Brail pratised slicing every tree he came past, like a man posessed. His anger had ceased a bit after two days walking, but he was still mighty peeved that he was mugged. And by women! Brail had always been a bit sexist. He believed that a womans place was either in bed with men, or in the kitchen. This anger was transferred into his training. He also tried to sneak up on small birds and animals, and try and catch them to improve his stealth. After 3 days of this, and with the mountain in sight, he stopped. He decided to start the tedious climb the next morning, as the mountain was within a stones throw.

'Goodnight,' he thought he heard a womans voice say, although he thought it was just his weariness. He ignored it.

OOC: I am one of the first to start the climb, am I not?

I'll put a Spring in your step.

Posts: 2396 | Registered: Saturday, January 29 2005 08:00
Triad Mage
Member # 7
Profile Homepage #162
That was a remarkably fast journey from woods to kingdom to mountain ...

"At times discretion should be thrown aside, and with the foolish we should play the fool." - Menander
Drakefyre's Demesne - Happy Happy Joy Joy - We're Everywhere
You can take my Mac when you pry my cold, dead fingers off the mouse!
Posts: 9436 | Registered: Wednesday, September 19 2001 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
Profile Homepage #163
Originally written by Drakefyre:

That was a remarkably fast journey from woods to kingdom to mountain ...
OOC: Read, no you are not the first. Even if it were a short journey of two weeks (and that's far too close; we're pretty much off the edge of the map here), you would take nearly a month there and back, not taking into account you're on foot, lacking provisions, and wounded (you didn't stop in the village if I remember correctly).
It might make far more sense if you don't report to the King - you can get food elsewhere (perhaps some valuables on you that the women didn't find?). By travelling to the King, you are taking so much time that it puts you effectively out of the plot - by the time you come back many weeks later, the adventure will probably be over. :)

[ Wednesday, August 17, 2005 05:31: Message edited by: Aranfoolcaytar ]

The Encyclopaedia Ermariana <-- Now a Wiki!
"Polaris leers down from the black vault, winking hideously like an insane watching eye which strives to convey some strange message, yet recalls nothing save that it once had a message to convey." --- HP Lovecraft.
"I single Aran out due to his nasty temperament, and his superior intellect." --- SupaNik
Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
Member # 3320
Profile #164
Edith drifts off to sleep along side Filbert. As long as he doesn't touch her while she is sleeping, she doesn't mind. As she lapses into deep sleep, she begins to dream about her father going off on the expedition and then coming back and dying. She starts wandering through various memories of her life after his death. All the hard days of alchemical study. Trying to study her mother's notes on spell-casting and failing at most of it. Practicing her fighting skills based on what she could remember. Being taught at the castle by a witch about potions and poisons. Walking amongst the huge bookshelves of the kingdom's grand library full of endless knowledge.

Then she comes upon the memory of the day she found the book on myths. She recalls reading each and every detail about the myth surrounding The Mountain of Shadows. Everything about the mountain's supposed history and about Órloki. She remembers the vow she made. To one day, when the right opportunity presented itself, jump at the chance to travel to the mountain and avenge her father's death.

Edith's dreams continue in this manner for several hours, until she suddenly starts to dream about Tuulentekija, as if something changed the channel in her mind. She ponders in her dream over why she feels that she knows him. However, just as she starts turning over the possibilities, she becomes aware of something touching her back and roaming over her right breast. Thinking that it’s Filbert, she snaps out of sleep instantly and, grabbing the object with her left hand, she hurls it over in front of the campfire. Getting up rapidly, she sees what it is and immediately becomes aware of hissing all around her.

Instead of screaming like any regular woman would, she yells loudly to rouse everyone. "JUST OUR DAMNED LUCK!!!! SNAKES!!!"

[ Wednesday, August 17, 2005 20:09: Message edited by: Sir Sherlock Holmes ]

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes

Gay Christian Network
The Polaris Board
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Member # 5450
Profile Homepage #165

Originally written by Aranfoolcaytar:

Originally written by Drakefyre:

That was a remarkably fast journey from woods to kingdom to mountain ...
OOC: Read, no you are not the first. Even if it were a short journey of two weeks (and that's far too close; we're pretty much off the edge of the map here), you would take nearly a month there and back, not taking into account you're on foot, lacking provisions, and wounded (you didn't stop in the village if I remember correctly).
It might make far more sense if you don't report to the King - you can get food elsewhere (perhaps some valuables on you that the women didn't find?). By travelling to the King, you are taking so much time that it puts you effectively out of the plot - by the time you come back many weeks later, the adventure will probably be over. :)

I was under the impression that the kingdoms were near the base of the mountain. And also, I did not state (nor did anyone else, IIRC) the distance between villages and the kingdoms. I guess I should of noted the direction I was going, just for reference.

I'll put a Spring in your step.

Posts: 2396 | Registered: Saturday, January 29 2005 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
Profile Homepage #166
"Who are they?"

"Who?" Melora pretended ignorance, even as Lisha pretended to be asleep in spite of their conversation.

"The silver-haired people."

"I have no idea." Melora responded.

There was a brief silence.

"I have heard some stories." Melora added as she realized Lisha wasn't buying it. "They're fables, mostly, but little less contrived than this rubbish about King Albert's treasure." Lisha, even with her eyes closed, seemed to raise her brows. If you do not believe it, then what are you seeking?

"You know, perhaps, that my people dwelled in the forest once. We like to forget that, but it cannot be denied."

[[OOC: Zephyr, once again, a chunk of background is heaped on your village. Just mention any problems.]]

"There were more tribes. We lived without much difference before the shadow first arrived. After that, we grew... apart." She hesitated. "Some of us tended to one side, and some to the other."

"Here's where the fable starts. Popular myth holds that there was a tiny group of us who refused to choose. They held on to their precious neutrality even when the storm broke, and madness took the world."

"And for that, they were cursed. Twice. The shadow elves doomed them never to see the daylight again without suffering burns, and the light elves cursed them to suffer confusion as long as they remained in the darkness. The only time they could live normally was by moonlight. To top it off, their hair was colored silver." Melora finished. Lisha remained silent, and for a moment, Melora believed she had fallen asleep through her tale.

"Caecus was walking about quite ably in light and darkness." She commented suddenly. "Also, he appears to have fallen for an immortality scam."

"That's why I said the story is ridiculous." She considered. "But note that Caecus wears armor that has no openings save for his eyes, and his people still dwells underground. I suppose lamps would dispell the darkness enough to keep their minds clear. Also, elven immortality isn't what it used to be - most of us just live really long, and the curse could have severely shortened their lifespan. Finally, curses can fade over time. For Caecus, the allergy to sunlight cannot have been more than a minor nuisance, or he would not be able to wander above ground even with his armor."

"What would that mean, though?" Lisha enquired.

"Little. Except that the tale also mentions the curse gave them great power under the light of the full moon. If the curse is fading, then so will that power."

"Keep in mind that it has likely been long since they were in battle. I suspect they may not know how much or how little of that power remains."

[ Friday, August 19, 2005 05:13: Message edited by: Aranfoolcaytar ]

The Encyclopaedia Ermariana <-- Now a Wiki!
"Polaris leers down from the black vault, winking hideously like an insane watching eye which strives to convey some strange message, yet recalls nothing save that it once had a message to convey." --- HP Lovecraft.
"I single Aran out due to his nasty temperament, and his superior intellect." --- SupaNik
Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
Member # 4248
Profile #167
"Ah, you want to know where I'm from?" said Tuulentekija and sat beside Cain. "I come from a small village which, in your tongue, would be called the Eagle's Beak. It lies in the north-east, some thousand miles from here."

"Thousand miles?" Cain said and gave Tuulentekija a puzzled look. "You've come a long way. A very long way I should say."

"You can say so" Tuulentekija replied and threw a branch to the fire. "But distance doesn't really mean anything to me now. I've done everything I had to, now I can use the time I have left for anything that comes to my mind."

"So why have you come here?" Cain tried to ask but was interrupted by something flying out of the tent.

"Snakes! There are snakes all over!" Edith yelled.

"Snakes?! Where!?" said Filbert and jumped to his feet, forgetting he was in a tent. They were lucky that the tent didn't collapse.

"If there are snakes in the tent, then just take your sleeping bags and come out. That's much easier than driving a whole nest of vipers away" Cain said and rose to catch the snake Edith had hurled out of the tent. "Besides this is a good oppurtunity to get ourselves little extra supplies. These snakes make good eating."

"They do?" asked Filbert, while he and Edith crawled out of the tent.

"Yup" replied Tuulentekija. "Alongside with bugs, they are the main source of nourishments for those who want to spare their food during a long journey. Now, let's pull that tent down and put it up someplace else. It's well past midnight, and I personally would like to sleep a little before the sunrise."

Somebody PLEASE turn the heat on.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
Member # 4761
Profile Homepage #168
OOC: This is The_Nazgul, I loged in with my "auxiliary account". I hope you don't mind if I put the characters in our party to sleep.


Cain finished installing the tent while the others ate some of the local snakes, he had already eaten his share and was feeling sluggish, the others were feeling it too.

Cain walked towards the fire were the others were gathered and kicked sand in the extinguishing fire. "We leave early this very morning towards the mountains. I suggest we stop eating and start sleeping."
"But I'm not satisfied!" Filbert mumbled, enthusiastically chewing on his snake meat.
"You can eat later." Cain replied, barely holding his urge to punch him.
"He's right," added Tuulentekija "We have enough supplies for our journey up the mountain, we can hunt for more on our way down."
"Exactly and the sooner we leave this forest the better, I don't like the silence of this place." Cain added as we walked into the tent. Filbert followed somewhat disappointed.

Tuulentekija and Edith stared at each other. "I will stay on guard," said Edith, "I have slept enough already."
"Fine by me," replied Tuulentekija.

Cain sluggishly lifted his body; Tuulentekija and Filbert were still fast asleep. He quietly picked his gear and made his way out of the tent and was received by a cold morning breeze; the sun had not risen yet.

"Cold morning is it not?" Welcomed Edith, who seemed undisturbed by the cold, probably hardened by the years living in the surrounding lands. Cain walked to a nearby stream and washed his face with the cold water, He then turned to Edith.

"You are stronger than I thought Miss Edith. You will handle yourself well in the mountain." Cain equipped his gear. Edith was about to reply when Cain walked towards the tent.
"Wakeup! We leave for the mountain." The shout was welcomed by grumbling from inside the tent.

Cain then walked closer to Edith. "I hope that Filbert kid has you'r strength." He lied. He really hoped the kid died as soon as possible.

[ Thursday, August 18, 2005 09:33: Message edited by: Kel-Aziz ]

"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying."
Posts: 30 | Registered: Thursday, July 22 2004 07:00
Member # 5946
Profile Homepage #169
OOC: I'm going to be away for a week. Drag me around whereever you want.
Posts: 10 | Registered: Sunday, June 12 2005 07:00
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #170
Hello all, I'm back again. I see I've alot to read, better get started then...

Thralni's almighty Avernum pages: My webpage, containing scenario's and graphics made by me (And maybe someday the homepage of the almighty chicken gods).

Click here for more information on Olga's fortune teller kiosk

Olga's fortune teller kiosk has been temporarily closed down, but you can contact the prophet with a PM - Was signed by the prophet of the almighty chicken gods, gods of everything that is a chicken.

Work has begun on the Nephilian grammar and vocabulary guide!
Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
Member # 6234
Profile #171
Ha, great to have you back laddy, i mean, mister marvin, the paranoid android. So, tell me, how was your holiday? :D

There are 400 words in the dictionary that begin with "self" and only 8 that begin with "fellow".

When in doubt. . . mumble.

When you are at school, you wish you where old enough to work.
When you are old enough to work, you wish you were at school.
Posts: 150 | Registered: Saturday, August 20 2005 07:00
Member # 1046
Profile Homepage #172
OOC: Wrong topic.

Polaris - Weather balloons, ninjas, and your big daddy Wise Man. What more could you want?
Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00
Member # 6234
Profile #173
okay, sorry then

There are 400 words in the dictionary that begin with "self" and only 8 that begin with "fellow".

When in doubt. . . mumble.

When you are at school, you wish you where old enough to work.
When you are old enough to work, you wish you were at school.
Posts: 150 | Registered: Saturday, August 20 2005 07:00
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #174
No chickens for sale? Pitty. :P

I've read almost all of it, but it may take a while before I post something new. glad to see nobody used firebolts.

thanks chicky for that remark!

Fzmultiply is Cain, yeah?

[ Sunday, August 21, 2005 06:27: Message edited by: Marvin, the paranoid android ]

Thralni's almighty Avernum pages: My webpage, containing scenario's and graphics made by me (And maybe someday the homepage of the almighty chicken gods).

Click here for more information on Olga's fortune teller kiosk

Olga's fortune teller kiosk has been temporarily closed down, but you can contact the prophet with a PM - Was signed by the prophet of the almighty chicken gods, gods of everything that is a chicken.

Work has begun on the Nephilian grammar and vocabulary guide!
Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
