The Mountain of Shadows RP

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AuthorTopic: The Mountain of Shadows RP
Member # 4248
Profile #500
"A demon? Where?" Tuulentekija shouted and glanced around the room. There it was, flying away from a bolt of searing light Sequoia was aiming at it. Tuulentekija grasped the handle of his sword, but just then something hit him and smashed him to the ground. "Mitä pirua!?" he shouted and stumbled back to his feet as fast as he could.

There was something infront of him, a black beast growling from anger. First Tuulentekija's pained mind thought it was yet another demonic horror Orloki had sent after them, but then he realized it was a creature much more familiar to him. It was a wolf. The beast leaped back on him before he could do anything to react. Tuulentekija again fell to the ground, the wolf on him.

"Get off you poor excuse of a canine!" Tuulentekija cursed while trying to keep the wolf's open jaws as far of his neck as he could. His sword, which was still sheathed and trapped under his own body, was now the least of his troubles. He could hear angry barks and howls from around him, but he was too busy to locate the source. The wolf's claws were painfully scratching his arms and face, in the same time as it was struggling to get Tuulentekija's hands off of it's own neck. Just when Tuulentekija felt that his grasp was slipping, the wolf yelped and jumped aside. Tuulentekija used the change to get back on his feet and then quickly glanced around. What he saw didn't help his headache at all.

The stone hall was in utter chaos. There were at least a dozen wolves running around on the floor, accompanied by a gargantuan winged demon. The druid was keeping them at bay by flinging bolts of blinding light at them. Tuulentekija turned around to see what had happened to the wolf that had attacked him; it had one of Melora's daggers sticking out of his skull. Without much thinking Tuulentekija kneeled, pulled it off of the dead beast and flung it to the nearest enemy. The wolf yelped and ran directly to a beam of light shot by Sequoia.

Tuulentekija still didn't care about his sword; instead he quickly searched his pockets to find his woodcarving knife. It would be of much better help against the beasts that were racing around. Ukko, if I survive from this day... , he thought and started painstakingly running towards the druid, unaware that his scratches caused by the wolf were already healing...

OOC: Hey. Hey! HEYYY! It's the 500th post! Yippee!

[ Tuesday, January 31, 2006 02:58: Message edited by: Frozen Feet ]

Somebody PLEASE turn the heat on.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #501
EDIT: completely removed. davida's IC made my IC weird, mainly because I had thought he would wait before posting. I'll have to find another way to get Filbert there. in the meantime, I'll get Filbert as close as possible to lisha, cain and edith, and I'll what he will do after that.

[ Thursday, February 02, 2006 10:03: Message edited by: Thralni, The flying Dutchmen ]

Thralni's almighty Avernum pages: Go look! Go go go go! Also there is the Nephilian grammar and vocabulary guide.

Click here for information on Olga's fortune teller kiosk, which has temporarily been closed down. You can contact the prophet with a PM - Was signed by the prophet of the almighty chicken gods, gods of everything that is a chicken.
Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 4153
Profile Homepage #502

Uh... Thralni? Slight problem with your post. Not only did you manage to unknowingly walk past Edith, Lisha and Cain (how, I don't know), but the demon my post referred to is not Cain. I think FF made that clear when he mentioned the wings.

Gamble with Gaea, and she eats your dice.

I hate undead. I really, really, really, really hate undead. With a passion.
Posts: 4130 | Registered: Friday, March 26 2004 08:00
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
Profile #503

Yeah, Cain hadn't lost himself yet by Ephesos' post. I would advise a complete revision of that post. I also doubt that Filbert would be able to get there so quickly after his little run-in; remember, too, that there were only two ways to the place our characters are now. There's a reason nobody mentioned chosing a path; there's only one choice, so far, and that is backward or forward.In addition to that, I find the reentry somewhat unbelievable; nobody would stop fighting, that's for sure, and at least two or three of our characters would kill Filbert on sight, wolf-killer or not. He's going to have to do much more than kill a wolf if he's to be accepted; I highly doubt that Lisha would ever put any trust in him whatsoever.

And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it.
-The Last Pendragon

Polaris = joy.

In case of emergency, break glass.
Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #504
Originally written by Lady Davida:


Yeah, Cain hadn't lost himself yet by Ephesos' post. I would advise a complete revision of that post. I also doubt that Filbert would be able to get there so quickly after his little run-in; remember, too, that there were only two ways to the place our characters are now. There's a reason nobody mentioned chosing a path; there's only one choice, so far, and that is backward or forward.In addition to that, I find the reentry somewhat unbelievable; nobody would stop fighting, that's for sure, and at least two or three of our characters would kill Filbert on sight, wolf-killer or not. He's going to have to do much more than kill a wolf if he's to be accepted; I highly doubt that Lisha would ever put any trust in him whatsoever.

I didn't say Cain was the winged demon. How many demons are there anyway. It may be a misunderstadning, but I assumed the demon that was shot down by sequioa was one demon, and a second charged in together with the wolves (It beats me how these wolves suddenly appeared). Also, how can I possibly know you took two days to get to that place?

Fine, I'll change it (the reentry part, from the point Filbert sees Edith). By the way, it wasn't clear to me where edith and Lisha exactly were. at the library, at the entrance to it, or far from the entrance?

EDIT: WOOHOO! post 1555!

[ Wednesday, February 01, 2006 06:05: Message edited by: Thralni, The flying Dutchmen ]

Thralni's almighty Avernum pages: Go look! Go go go go! Also there is the Nephilian grammar and vocabulary guide.

Click here for information on Olga's fortune teller kiosk, which has temporarily been closed down. You can contact the prophet with a PM - Was signed by the prophet of the almighty chicken gods, gods of everything that is a chicken.
Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 4153
Profile Homepage #505

Alright, we really do need a separate OOC thread next RP...

Thralni, this is where we were after FF's post:
-Melora, Tuulentekija, and Sequoia were in the mostly-ruined library, being attacked by a demon and wolves (the wolves could've come from one of the other two exits I mentioned in my post)
-Edith, Cain, and Lisha were back down the tunnel a ways, where Cain and Edith's spirits were fully imprisoned and seeking a path out. Cain's demonic body, now free to act as a normal demon would (in this case, attacking Lisha).

Important notes to consider when you edit that post... and you really should, trust me:
-Lisha and Cain are fighting.
-Cain isn't really controlling his demon body right now.
-Edith is still slumped lifeless against a wall.
-Melora, Tuulentekija and Sequoia are fighting wolves and a demon.
-The library is still full of smoke.
-Sequoia is in battle-rage mode right now.

In summary, please rewrite that post.

Gamble with Gaea, and she eats your dice.

I hate undead. I really, really, really, really hate undead. With a passion.
Posts: 4130 | Registered: Friday, March 26 2004 08:00
Member # 3320
Profile #506
OOC: Hmmm. I seem to have backed my character into a corner.

IC: "There is no time to explain. We must leave this place before we vanish forever." Edith looks Cain over in disbelief. "I sense that your full mortal soul is here with me now... What has happened to cause this?" Cain shoots her an irritated glance. "Really, do you seriously think that that is paramount right now with our current situation? I'll explain it to you later. Right now we have to get out of this holding cell before my demonic form destroys both your mortal body and harms the others in our group."

Edith hides her questioning glances and turns her thoughts to the room again. "Well in that case, I won't pry. But what can we do? I'm open to suggestions and I would much prefer to not fade away into oblivion. However, the problem remains. How do we get up to the portal? It’s obviously the way out of this cell. Orloki probably made it visible, yet out of reach to taunt his prisoners… to taunt us.” Cain turns and examines the furniture for a moment. “Well, there certainly isn't enough furniture in here to stack high enough to reach it. We’ll have to find some other means of escape." Turning his concentration to the walls, he looks for signs of handholds or toeholds. Though, look where he may, he is unable to find any within reasonable reach. "I have to admit, it looks pretty grim. We certainly can’t climb out with these walls being as sheer as they are. Still there HAS to be a way to get out of here. We simply MUST find a way out.”

Turning her thoughts to the bricks and mortar of the walls, Edith studies them in the dim light. “We're both resourceful people, Cain. I’m sure we can come up with something between ourselves.” Cain wanders over to the desk and chair and looks them up and down, turning over in his mind the possibilities that can be had from their use. Edith walks over to a wall and puts one of her hands against it to test its stability. It's at that moment that a curious thing catches her attention. Touch the mortar where she might, she finds that she cannot feel the same cold that she had detected in the tunnels earlier. "Hello, I think I've found something." Cain turns away from the desk and walks over to her. "What have you found, Edith?"

Edith points to the black ice acting as mortar between the granite blocks lining the walls. "This black mortar... I thought at first that it was some black ice Tuulentekija and I discovered in one of the tunnels. However, I appear to have been wrong. That black ice was devilishly cold to the touch. This stuff appears to be something else entirely, and hot to the touch. Perhaps the black ice can’t be summoned in the Netherworld. Bring me that candle from the desk so I can have a better look." Cain gets the candle and brings it over. Holding it up close to the wall for her, Edith scrutinizes the mortar intently and runs her fingernails over it. To her utter astonishment, it flakes away with ease.

Cain gets wide-eyed as he sees the results, and in excitement, he tries running his own fingernails across the mortar. He obtains the same exact result and instantly gets a feeling of hope. "Why, it's as weak as old plaster. The walls must be disintegrating from their ancient age. I bet we could chip out some toe and handholds large enough to allow us to scale the wall to the portal. If we hurry, we may just be in time!” Edith nods, runs to the bed, and breaks off another one of the rails. Putting down the candle and picking up the bed rail he had dropped earlier, he starts jabbing the mortar with it. To his amazement, he finds that the granite starts to crack and break away bit-by-bit as well as the mortar. Edith sees his discovery and breaks in with enthusiasm. “Unbelievable! This room must be older than I first conjectured. The granite too appears to have been ravaged by the passage of time. Luck seems to be in our favor!”

They continue hacking away at the bricks and mortar for nearly 10 minutes, stopping every now and then to secure a new piece of wood as the pieces they use shatter from the strain and old age. Suddenly, all at once, an entire brick comes loose and tumbles down onto the floor. It shatters on impact with the ground, and sends a shockwave up the walls causing cracks to appear along their length. Stopping to look out through the gaping hole, they can see a world full of fire, lightning, and evil darkness. They can hear the screams of millions of tortured souls. Glimpses of terrifying demons and spirits float by the opening. Some stop every now and then to peer in at them and mock them. Others try to get in through the newly opened gap. Cain and Edith exchange glances of horror and fright from what they see outside of the holding cell. They then look up at the portal and both make it up in their minds to hurry in sheer desperation of not ending up trapped in this horrible world.

They resume their task with rejuvenated energy and vigor. Bit by bit, they manage to wrench a brick here and there out of the wall, putting themselves closer and closer to the portal. Yet, at the same time closer and closer to the terrible world outside of their prison, which ironically guards their safety from the horrors beyond.

OOC: If this scenario seems unlikely, please let me know and I’ll change it as best I can.

[ Wednesday, February 01, 2006 21:08: Message edited by: Sir Sherlock Holmes ]

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes

Gay Christian Network
The Polaris Board
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
Profile #507
OOC: It's fine by me. Reminds me of Act IV in Diablo II, actually.

IC: He is only mortal, or was, at one point. The traces linger.

The demon rose to his full height and roared, almost a cry of freedom. He whirled on the body lying at his feet and bent towards it, taking it in his claws.

Lisha threw her cloak open and drew two long, wicked daggers from within. A shot of pain struck her as she crouched, but she gave no sign of it. He said this would happen. He knows. He said not to fear harming his demonic form, but he doesn't know the power of the desert. I cannot poison him. With the demon's attention entirely on Edith, Lisha pounced, driving both knives deep into his back.

The demon rose up again with a deafening roar, shaking his body to dislodge his attacker. Lisha held on with her legs and the daggers, evading the flailing, grasping arms. He paused for a second, panting, and she took the opportunity to pull out a dagger and plunge it in again, closer to the neck. This time the roar was more restricted, and had taken on a note of shrillness. Lisha's heart paused for a beat. If this demon dies...

Suddenly, the beast tensed and began stumbling backwards. In half a second Lisha's fear for the demon turned to fear for herself; she released the daggers and pushed off just in time. The demon slammed against the wall, further embedding the daggers in his back, then immediately launched himself from the wall at Lisha. Surprised, shesidestepped clumsily and received a claw across her cheek in return. She stumbled back, trying to right herself. The demon turned with an unnatural agility and charged at her. Without conscious thought, Lisha drew a dirk and sliced at him in one swift motion. He jerked away, then crouched, circling, searching for an opening. Lisha transfered the blade to her left hand and groped for a throwing knife with the right. The demon's soulless eyes flickered to her hands, then back to her face; he continued circling. A chill ran down Lisha's spine. Cain is stil there, in a way. The demon knows that I can fight left-handed.

As Lisha hurriedly unbuckled a pouch, the demon dodged to the left, then threw himself at her right side. She slashed his arm, but it was a pinprick; his weight struck her shoulder and she fell beneath him, scrambling desperately to regain her advantage. The demon struck her stomach, and the breath caught in her throat. He raised his fist again, brought it down. Lisha rolled, caught the blow on her shoulder. Returning to her back, Lisha raised the dirk as the demon prepared to strike again. He checked himself just in time to avoid impaling himself. Taking advantage of the momentary confusion, Lisha pushed herself away and stumbled to her feet, sprinting in the direction of the rest of the group. The demon roared and followed. As she ran, Lisha dipped her knife into the pouch she'd used on Filbert. She drew it out. The paste barely gleamed on her blade; there was not nearly enough to rbing down the demon behind her.

Glancing desperately over her shoulder, Lisha opened another pouch. She plunged the knife in and pulled it out, checked to make sure it was coated. In a few bounds, the demon put itself within five feet of her. Whipping around, Lisha let the dagger fly. It struck the demon's chest and embedded itself.

The demon cried out in rage, clutched his chest in pain as the poison took hold. It was a simple poison, the essence of a popular vegetable in Tass Shanti cuisine, but when concentrated and released directly into the blood, it produced the sensation of quickfire running through the veins. The beast ripped the dagger from his chest and threw it aside, groaning in pain. With a murderous look in Lisha's direction, he turned and sprinted back toward Edith.

Damn. Lisha was used to killing, not protecting.

She retrieved the dagger and began running back after the demon. She hurled the dagger; it struck his thigh and was flung aside. The deon stumbled, but did not stop. She drew another, still running, and quickly went through her inventory of poisons.

Pain? Useless. Madness? Useless. Rage? Redundant.


Lisha fingered the pouch that had brought down the Hunti warlord, the Eastern guards, that Osirian necromancer. It previous victims were many, its secret known only to her and the trainer with whom she had developed it. She'd used it for demons before.

But not allies.

Even if it doesn't kill him, it will leave him permanently weakened.

The demon was nearing Edith; his intent as obvious.

Well. As long as he's still able to hold Orloki off. After that, any weakening will most likely be a favor to the rest of the mortals.

She smeared the knife with the numbing potion, more than enough to keep a full-grown man immobile long enough to restrain him with rope and get him safely on a pack animal. A demon wouldn't feel quite the same effect, but this one was still partially mortal. Still flesh and blood, however corrupted.

The demon reached Edith. He took the still form in his claws and threw it against the wall like a ragdoll.

The knife left the numbing pouch and entered the one of her own creation. Just the tip.

The demon went to the wall and bent down.

The knife sliced through the air.


The demon straightened suddenly as if surprised. He reached around for the dagger protruding from his back, but couldn't reach. His thick arms useless, the demon turned to outside help. He backed up to a stalagmite and swung around, catching the knife and tearing it out of his body. The stone shattered; the knife landed at Edith's feet.

Cain's demonic form backed up against the wall, panting, it seemed, but slowly, ever more slowly. He leaned heavily on the stone. Dust fell around him. Slowly, as Lisha watched, the hulking form slid to a sitting position, then began to tip over. In a few seconds, the demon was in a heap on the floor. Still. Lisha smiled grimly.

He won't die. Not from that. I hope Cain will understand. Just not too well. She walked over to Edith's equally still form, keeping and eye on the demon. I'll still need him.

He'd better return soon.

[ Wednesday, February 01, 2006 23:59: Message edited by: Lady Davida ]

And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it.
-The Last Pendragon

Polaris = joy.

In case of emergency, break glass.
Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #508
OOC: *Sighs* I had hoped that Lisha and cain wouldn't have moved in the time that I changed my post. Will I have to start changing my post again?

EDIT: Vhanged my IC a bit, so it wouldn't have to many consequenses for Davida's post.

[ Thursday, February 02, 2006 06:23: Message edited by: Thralni, The flying Dutchmen ]

Thralni's almighty Avernum pages: Go look! Go go go go! Also there is the Nephilian grammar and vocabulary guide.

Click here for information on Olga's fortune teller kiosk, which has temporarily been closed down. You can contact the prophet with a PM - Was signed by the prophet of the almighty chicken gods, gods of everything that is a chicken.
Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
Profile #509
Uhh. Thralni, that still makes no sense. There's no way to work Filbert into that scene as anything more than an observer. If you want him involved in conflict, you're going to need to find a way past Lisha et al. I apologize for completely contradicting your last post, but that was under false assumtions. You can't simply ignore what I've written IC.

EDIT: Assumptions, not pretenses.

[ Thursday, February 02, 2006 09:34: Message edited by: Lady Davida ]

And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it.
-The Last Pendragon

Polaris = joy.

In case of emergency, break glass.
Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #510
OOC: Groan. I'll write the IC again.


Filbert lay on the floor, and looked at the closed tunnel. He could still hear a faint screaming on the other side of the wall, where the stairs were. After waiting for a couple of minutes, in which his leg was still painfull, the screaming of the undead became less and less, and eventually it was gone completely.

He looked around. the tunnel was darkish, although he could still see enough. the stalamites were big, cold, and sharp. he tried to get up. his leg didn't want to. Stupid leg! for once! Do as I tell you! The leg kept complaining abou the fresh wound. He would have to crawl. Hmpf. I hope that wound will heal soon. That ritual was supposed to make healing of wounds go faster. he crawled onwards, into the dark tunnel.

As he crawled, he felt the water on the cavefloor, the small sharp stones, and constantly bumped into another stalagmite. I hate this mountain, he thought, while he bumped into another stalagmite. however, as he crawled, he felt his leg was feeling better. he looked at the leg, and saw it was half-healed. I think I should try to stand up, if that worthless leg complies... He crawled to a stalagmite, and while he supported himself, he erected himself, and tried to walk. It seemed to go alright. This would make everyhting quite a bit easier.

As he walked onwards, he thought he heard screams, groans and several thuds, followed by a silence. he walked, fastening his pace, and stumbled upon a quite peculiar sight. In the half-dark, he sweared he saw two body's lying on the floor, and another standing next to the smaller body. he quickly hided behind a stalagmite, but he tripped. he fell. His half-torn clothes, with his sword, wand and other trinkets, fell on the floor, making a loud noise. The standing person quickly kneeled, and drew somthing from her back. Oh my god

OOC: I really hope this is better. I really don't feel like writing a third IC.

Thralni's almighty Avernum pages: Go look! Go go go go! Also there is the Nephilian grammar and vocabulary guide.

Click here for information on Olga's fortune teller kiosk, which has temporarily been closed down. You can contact the prophet with a PM - Was signed by the prophet of the almighty chicken gods, gods of everything that is a chicken.
Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
Profile #511
OOC: Definitely. Sorry for forcing revisions, but there was simply no way to fit everyone else's posts with yours. This one's good because the only interaction occurs after the action described in my post.

I'd prefer to post again after Sherlock or Nazgul...

And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it.
-The Last Pendragon

Polaris = joy.

In case of emergency, break glass.
Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00
Member # 2940
Profile Homepage #512
Cain slowly opened his eyes. The adrenaline rush he had a few moments ago in that weird hell of a parallel dimension was over. He had escaped and so did Edith. As he surveyed the scene before him, his mind could not help but compare his current state to the one he had when he was stabbed by the Caecus hell spawn. He felt wounds all across his body, not as deep or as plentiful as the ones he had suffered in the hand of the four-armed demon, but still dangerous in their own way. Most of the wounds, he could feel, were already healing by the powers of his dark body. But there was another wound that ran deeper than the physical cut, he could sense it all over him, it was in his blood, it was burning him from within, slowing him almost to the point of mortal men.

As he looked around he could see Lisha standing on guard, the assassins had her eyes fixed in the darkness below, scanning for something. He could also see she had claw marks on her cheek; his claws. On the floor next to him was Edith, apparently not yet awakened from her trip to the netherworld.

Cain smiled. The assassin had done well, he knew his free demonic form would be dangerous, also stupid and reckless, but dangerous nonetheless. Cain was glad the assassin had not refrained from using blades and poison.

Cain groaned as he slowly stood up, drawing the attention of a surprised Lisha, who now pointed her daggers at Cain. Every part of Cain's body was now pain, not an unbearable pain, but enough to delay movement. It felt as if he had slept under a pile of rocks. It was the poison, however, that would stay with him, and it was certainly the lethal variety. Cain could sense the energies of his demonic body fighting for survival, energies that would otherwise go for agility and speed. At the rate his body was recovering all physical wounds would probably fade within the hour, but he knew the poison would be there for the long haul.

A mortal life time perhaps? Maybe more? Cain cared little; he was immortal now, what is a hundred years in the eyes of an immortal. He smiled. For Cain it was all worth it. Now that his soul was finally one, his demonic side would be under total control. What he had lost in his physical form he had gained in spirit and mind, traits that would prove invaluable against powerful beings like Orloki.

Lisha lowered her blades when she recognized the smug smile and the sharp glare on Cain.

"You're back." Lisha said plainly.

Cain stretched his arms and twisted his neck. Ignoring the assassin as usual, Cain walked by her and stared curiously at the path below. His eyes, better adapted at darkness than Lisha's, could clearly see the young humanoid figure of Filbert staring back at them. His presence immediately stirred Cain's fury back to life.

"Have you not learned your lesson fool!?" Cain roared towards Filbert.

"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying."
Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00
Member # 3320
Profile #513
OOC: Sorry about the length, but Cain didn't describe any of the last moments in the holding cell. Not to mention from being thrown about, I doubt that Edith can just come back to her body and get up without a problem.

IC: As Edith's soul starts returning to her body, she immediately feels intense pain everywhere. So much so, that for a moment she contemplates trying to get back to the holding cell. Opening her eyes, she groans in agony as she becomes in full possession of her body and the pain that is emanating throughout it. She tries to sit up, but finds that her back won't cooperate and after screaming her lungs out for a few seconds from the pain, she passes out. As she drifts off into shock-induced sleep and exhaustion, her mind echoes with the events from the last few minutes of her and Cain's imprisonment.

After several minutes of hard work, their persistence was finally paying off. They were closing in on the last three feet separating them from freedom. It was then that Cain noticed something odd about Edith. Looking over at her, he could see that the color was starting to drain from her skin, her hair was taking on a grayish hue, her clothes were beginning to become ragged and frayed, and her face and skin face were becoming wrinkled and frail-looking. It looked to him as if she was aging before his eyes. Even her movements became slower and her breathing more labored. A glimmering of a possibility crept into his mind. Looking himself over, he became at once aware that the same thing was happening to him.

Visibly shaken by the discovery, he had opened his mouth to tell Edith, but stopped when a noise reached his ears. It sounded like the cracking of wood, and looking down, he could see the remainders of the bed, chair, and desk slowly yellowing and then graying. A louder crackling, followed by the splitting and disintegrating of the wood signaled what he hoped wasn't true. By breaking some of the aged bricks away from the wall, they had unknowingly broken open a sealed environment. Now the aurora of death and decay that emanated throughout the Netherworld was leaching into the room, slowly sucking all life and substance from everything in its path. And if they didn't get out quickly, they'd be next.

In a state of sheer terror and horror, Cain quickened his pace towards the portal, half digging, half clawing at the granite blocks and mortar in desperation. Edith immediately realized something was wrong and broke in upon his thoughts before he could comment to her. "Cain?!! What's wrong?! You look like the devil himself is after you!" Cain stopped and stared at her, too horrified to answer at first. Then he reached over, grabbed one of her hands, and pushed it to her face. "You’re not too far off!! Look at your skin... and hair... and clothes!!!" It only took her a moment, but that was long enough to give rise to the same look of fear in her features. "Edith, we've got to get out of here before we end up the same way as..."

Before he could finish his statement, a loud crash took precedence in both their senses. They looked down to see its source and found that their misfortunes had just gone two-fold. The demons and spirits, which had up until now been unable to get into the cell from the outside, had just succeeded. One demon, winged and quite large, had just finished climbing in through a gaping hole in the wall next to the place where the bed once was. As they looked on, the demon turned around and around trying to figure out where they had gone. Then, looking up, it saw them and gave a malicious smile, a smile full of razor sharp teeth. Flapping its wings, it lunged upwards at them as more demons and spirits crawled in through the hole in the wall.

At this point Edith and Cain had almost reached the brink of utter insanity from fear. Cain realized their only chance of getting out would have to be made in the next few seconds. If he didn't try, he and Edith would be at the mercy a demon and doomed to rot and decay. On top of that, his demonic-controlled body might go on to kill everyone. No, he couldn't allow that to happen. With a burst of almost inhuman energy, he lunged at the top of the wall and by pure luck, managed to get a firm grip with his right hand.

Looking down at Edith, he extended his left hand to her, which she promptly grabbed a hold of. "Climb up over me, Edith... it's our only chance!!" Edith did as he ordered, and having pushed herself up with a small foothold, she climbed up over his body and onto the edge of the wall. Half of her body disappeared into the portal as if into jet black darkness as she straddled the edge of the cell wall. Seeing her extended hand, he grabbed it and was about to pull himself up to join her, when he was suddenly jerked downward.

Aware that it was the demon that had a hold of him, he kicked with fury trying to free himself. As he tried to pull himself up, he became conscious that the granite block he was gripping onto was starting to pull away from the wall. Having formed an idea to free himself, he let go of Edith's hand momentarily and put his full weight on the block. Setting the block into a destiny with the ground below, he lunged at Edith's hand once again and caught it. The stone fell down past him and smashed squarely into the demon's head, causing it to let go of him. The demon then hurtled down to the floor and slammed into it with tremendous force.

The shockwave from the impact jolted the walls of the cell and sent large cracks up through them. Almost at once, the blocks started coming loose and raining in on the demons and spirits who were trying to follow them. Edith pulled Cain up to the top of the wall, and getting to their feet, they jumped up into the portal completely as the blocks beneath their feet disappeared. Then, nothing but blackness.

Edith's dreams fade away as someone shakes her to unwilling consciousness.

[ Thursday, February 09, 2006 23:13: Message edited by: Sir Sherlock Holmes ]

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes

Gay Christian Network
The Polaris Board
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
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OOC: :rolleyes: Meh, I skipped that part on purpose, I just want to get moving, must get to Orloki soon!

"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying."
Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #515
OOC: I had actually wanted somebody else to post, but as I feared the thread wouldn't move, I decided to post an IC anyway.


Filbert lay on the floor. It was rather called. his leg was half healed, and his clothes were torn. It was silent after cain had spoken. He only heard the dripping of water from stalagtites on the floor. He crawled, vbery slowly, to a stalagmite, and supported himself on it, while he tried to get up. he left leg was slightly injured because of his fall. he looked into the dark tunnel, where he saw a bif monster, standing besides a kneeled down figure and a lying figure. Cain. I my god. I hope they wouldn't kill me the moment I try to speak. He slowly stood up, and kept standing.

"Cain? Who are the other two? I'm not here to kill you. Yes, you killed my father, and I will have me revenge, but this isn't the time for it."

It remained silent. Why isn't he answering? It still remained silent. Then, he heard footsteps, heavy, big feet where slowly walking towards him. Cain

"Do you seriously believe I'm going to beleive that!?" Cain answered him.

Filbert was taken aback by this. "What do you mean! We must work together if we were to stop orloki!"

Cain started laughing. "Do you really believe to be useful?" Cain answered casually. "Well? Do you?"

What is Cain playing at. he doesn't seem angry at all...

"Every man can be useful. maybe I'm the key to your victory, maybe not. I'm prepared to go with you. I'm prepared to let my chance on revenge go, if only to assist the others of the group."

cain was silent. then he heard screaming from behind Cain. Lisha.

"Did you already forget what had happened in this tunnel! FILBERT! Well! did you! You almost killed us all. If I haddened stabbed you with that dagger, there would be nobody to take revenge on! can't you understand that?"

She slowly came closer, so he could see her. She had several wounds of large claws on her cheeks. she had drawn a dagger. "can't you see that?" it almost looked if she was going to cry, Filbert thought. she looked tired.

"Lisha, you look tired. What do you think is better: Going to fight with a very powerful demon, while being injured and tired, or have somebody to help you, to support you."

Filbert set ba pace towards her. Lisha acquired a more defensive position. Suddenly, Filbert kneeled and grabbed his head with both his hands. FILBERT! You WON'T leave me a SECOND time!

"No! orloki! NO!"

Lisha and Cain looked at filbert. "cain? what the hell is happening with him?"

"Can't you see that... women!" cain answered her, slightly irritated. "It's orloki. He wants control over Filbert. Regain his body. However, Fiulbert his fighting him. maybe, just maybe, if he wins the fight, he may be of slight use to us."

In the meantime, Filbert was still strugling. then he fell on the floor. his eyed were closed. After five minutes, his eyes opened again, and he stood up. Lisha slowly, very slowly, walked to him. Filbert looked at her and grabbed his wand of bolts.

"What are you doing! Are you going to kill me!?"

"No, I'm not", Lisha answered calmly. She looked in his eyes. They were blue, not the black, grey emptiness of edith her eyes.

OOC: the rest is up to lisha, cain and Edith. I'll make it clear that I won't have it that filbert is killed. If he were to be killed, that post will be immediatly rewritten. I hope this IC is satisfactory.

Thralni's almighty Avernum pages: Go look! Go go go go! Also there is the Nephilian grammar and vocabulary guide.

Click here for information on Olga's fortune teller kiosk, which has temporarily been closed down. You can contact the prophet with a PM - Was signed by the prophet of the almighty chicken gods, gods of everything that is a chicken.
Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
Member # 2940
Profile Homepage #516

Cain let out a scream of anger and frustration "We have no time for this nonsense! Lisha, you deal with this fool as you see fit."

As Cain turned his back on the party he gave one last glare at Filbert. "Be warned, one more stupid act on his part..." He paused for a few seconds before continuing his march up the dark tunnel. In any other situation, Cain would have murdered Filbert a long time ago, but deep within, he knew this young fool had a part to play in the events ahead.

[ Sunday, February 12, 2006 04:46: Message edited by: The_Nazgul ]

"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying."
Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 4153
Profile Homepage #517

Sequoia brandished the halves of his staff like a madman, clubbing and zapping wolves. The anger had seized control of his limbs, unaware of the fatigued state of his body. As Sequoia lunged to club another wolf with a glowing chunk of his staff, the demon lunged down at him. The druid turned around to find the demon a foot from his face. It shrieked, and then clawed Sequoia across the chest.

The pain was intense, and Sequoia's mind lurched in its rage as the demon retreated a few paces. The druid bellowed out a spell, and launched a blinding lance of light at the fleeing demon. Aim deadly to the end, the beam pierced the demon's hideously-twisted flesh, and it dissipated in a cloud of black dust.

Sequoia collapsed, clutching his bleeding chest. Tuulentekija reached the druid as he hit the ground, as the few remaining wolves fled the room. Sequoia could hear a few wolves yelp as they left (probably hit by Melora's knives, he thought), and soon all was quiet again, save for the sound of smoldering paper.

"Brother! Are you alright?" Tuulentekija shouted.

Sequoia muttered something under his breath, and felt himself slowly losing consciousness. The anger subsided as his body focused on the stinging slashes across his torso, and his mind slowly quieted down.

There. Perhaps I can rest now... Sequoia thought, all thoughts of Orloki draining from his mind.

Before the darkness closed in, Sequoia heard footsteps from the corridor they'd come in from. He saw the light in his staff fade away, and he felt himself fade out.

OoC: For the record, Sequoia's not dead, I just needed a way to end his current rampage. EDIT: Sorry it took so long, and sorry for throwing you off, Aran. But in all fairness, you've had something like two weeks now...

[ Monday, February 13, 2006 07:49: Message edited by: Ephesos ]
Posts: 4130 | Registered: Friday, March 26 2004 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
Profile Homepage #518
OOC: Crap, I had my IC ready in the train this morning but need to adjust for Ephesos now. I'll post this afternoon when I'm home.

Edit: So I did, Ephesos. Still, it is disheartening to put off an IC for half a month and then have someone post just when you're done. :p

Well, the collision is not that bad. In fact, you killing the demon fits in perfectly where I left off, so in terms of synchronicity my post can begin slightly before yours and finish slightly afterwards, sort of wrapping around.

[ Monday, February 13, 2006 21:35: Message edited by: Arancaytar the Grey ]
Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
Profile Homepage #519
OOC: Argh. Sorry. First a presentation, then exams, then pure, undiluted procrastination. Did you see the XML feed I coded yesterday? That's the kind of thing I've been doing to avoid posting here. But it doesn't become easier from delaying it, and I'm still feeling guilty whenever I think what I did to Valley of Thunder. Never again.

Summary: Sequoia, Melora and Tuulentekija hastened ahead to the burning library where they are now fighting a group of wolves and a demon. Lisha and Cain stayed behind with Edith when she got possessed and then collapsed.


The wolves were no match, hardly more so than they had been earlier, at the foot of the mountain - how many days ago? Far too long, Melora decided. She was a drow, she was born to walk beneath the ground and parley with forces incomprehensible to mortals, but the caves of this mountain were too much even for her. The demon that led the wolves was little worse; his power was less than even the Uruk-Hai who had peskered them earlier. With another casual movement, she swung around and her dagger found the throat of a wolf that had crept up on her from behind.

What troubled Melora most was her own folly.

Literally the oldest trap in the book, and I stepped right in. The concept of hiding self-casting spells in text had been around for as long as knowledge thieves had. The kind of intruder that dark temples and libraries had to beware against were rarely strong warriors, but often powerful sorcerers, hungry for knowledge. They would be lured by a book, would not resist briefly reading in it, and would immediately be coerced into casting the trap spell contained - frequently summoning a host of demons that would then dispatch them. Greed has blinded me, she bitterly acknowledged. If I am to escape with my life, let alone bring anything of value with me from this place, I must act more carefully. Let us begin with these wolf-creatures here... and, carefully - oh so carefully! - two more throwing knives left her hands, felling one wolf and wounding another badly.

The battle was going far worse than it should have been, for a group so skilled. They had been taken by surprise, of course, but far more effective was the presence of Orloki. The taint upon the whole place weighed down on them all, physically palpable like the smell of iron. Anssaria be thanked I am shielded against this.

There was no time. The library might have ceased burning, but the intense fire - along with the destruction of hundreds, thousands of magical tomes - had opened rifts in the aura of this place, through which the power that still survived was now draining away. And once the preservation enchantments on the ages old books faded away, they would crumble to dust at a touch. If anything was to be saved, the attackers needed to be dispatched immediately. Unfortunately, there were far too many. She was losing count of the wolves she had slain - at least five, with this last one, possibly more -, Tuulentekija seemed to be running on pure, undilated berserk rage with his woodcarving knife, and if a druid could go postal, Sequoia was: More than a dozen of the beasts lay in heaps at their feet, but that did not slow their advance or dent their numbers.

And that could mean only one thing...

"Fools! Leave the wolves and get the demon!" With a shout, she sent another assailant to the ground and then searched the room for the creature she had involuntarily summoned earlier. The smoke was blinding, but Melora could see the taint around her as clearly as she would feel the sun washing over her face with closed eyes. It was pervading the entire room, but one dark corner stood out. Screw this. It has not even bothered to attack us; all it does is send these wolves at us and watch the carnage.

Having little hopes, Melora tried one of her knives, but the demon had some kind of shield and the knife bounced away harmlessly. The demon did not even react to the knife.

Melora's gaze was drawn by yet another of the canines that had crept up on her from behind, and as the wolf collapsed moments later, an inhuman shriek told her that her attention had been diverted too long. Whirling around to fend the attacker, she saw she had not been the target at all: Sequoia was still standing, but his chest was slashed and bloody, and the demon was about to finish its work.

But before the drow could so much as draw a dagger - and she could do that very, very quickly - Sequoia had roared a formula and hurled a mighty beam of light at the demon. Proving that rage does enhance magic, focused correctly. The beam struck the demon squarely in the chest, and it was gone.

True to her expectations, the wolves - bereft of the dark power that guided them - suddenly lost their motivation for fighting, and turned tail without hesitation. Melora let them go. Not their fault for being possessed... and I also need to conserve my knives.

She was about to turn her attention to the surviving parts of the library when a groan reminded her that Sequoia's injuries were grave. Even as she hurried to his side, he collapsed. She would have panicked at that point, but could feel that Sequoia's life force was not ebbing, and he had merely lost consciousness. Nonetheless, he was in immediate danger.

I need to help him somehow, she realized, even as the other part of her mind seemed to prepare for playing another round of Moral Self-Conflict, Drow-Style. Besides, if he dies, Lisha is going to kill me.

Just then, there was a strange feeling in the ruptured aura - or rather the memory of a strange feeling Melora had sensed earlier. What had Tuulentekija shouted just before the attack had begun?

Hey elf, there's still one left here... one what? Some book, probably, since she had been panicking at the burning shelves then. In fact, the warrior had been holding a book, she remembered. And the traces of healing magic had been faint across the room, in the midst of the magical inferno, but that merely implied the source to be of an awesome strength. "Tuulentekija!" she shouted. "Where is that book of yours?" She looked around, her words echoing in the bare spaces.


OOC: Writing this under time pressure. Might need some editing, just comment...
Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #520
OOC: I don't see a need for editing. Anyway, I'll continue with lisha and the rest in that tunnel.


cain had turned away from Filbert. Lisha and Filbert looked at him, while he slowly walked away.

"If you do anything foolish, you will regret it. I mean what I say."

After saying that, Lisha too turned away, and followed cain, who now stood besides edith. Edith... I wonder what happened to her.

"is she, dead?" Filbert asked.

"No. She isn't." Cain answered.

Edith lay there, in a dark tunnel, her cloths torn. The floor was cold. So was edith's body. Filbert had now slowly walked over to her.

"Don't" Cain said when Filbert tried to touch her. "She will awake shortly."

After waiting for a few minutes in the silent tunnel, Edith moved. cain and Lisha jumped to her, ready to react when something bad happened. First her arm, then a leg. Then she moved both her arms, her head had moved too by now. She opened her eyes, very slowly.


edith awoke. Lisha and cain looked at her, waiting for her to say something. Filbert slowly walked to her.

"Wha... Who... Fil... bert?" Edith murmled when she awoke. Suddenly she was struck with fear and anxienty, but lisha calmed her down.

"he is not possessed. If he would have been possesed he could have killed you already long ago. he didn't"

This seemed to make Edith calmer. She sttod up, supported by cain, while Lisha took her shredded knapsack. Filbert, meanwhile, took his small bag and searched through it. He found a tiny flask, and approached edith. he gave her the flask.

"here, drink this."

Edith looked at him, not knowing what to do, nor to expect from somebody who had ruined all her herbs. She just stared at the potion.

"Well? Are you going to drink it?"
Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
Profile #521
IC in progress.

EDIT: Or not. If nobody has posted by the time I get a chance to fulfill the above promise, I'll use this post box. If this is still here, though, assume I'm not in the process of posting.

[ Wednesday, February 15, 2006 02:18: Message edited by: Lady Davida ]
Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00
Member # 3320
Profile #522
OOC: Thralni, your post is going to need to be altered. I already created the conditions for Edith's awakening, but as I can see now, they appear to have been completely ignored by everyone. I wrote very distinctly, and I quote...

"As Edith's soul starts returning to her body, she immediately feels intense pain everywhere. So much so, that for a moment she contemplates trying to get back to the holding cell.

Opening her eyes, she groans in agony as she becomes in full possession of her body and the pain that is emanating throughout it. She tries to sit up, but finds that her back won't cooperate and after screaming her lungs out for a few seconds from the pain, she passes out." Furthermore, I wrote after my narrative in the holding cell...

"Edith's dreams fade away as someone shakes her to unwilling consciousness."

Thralni, this is not directed totally at you. So please don't take offense.
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #523
OOC: I had already thought there would be some kind of remark saying I need to change that post. however, that could also have happened in another post. that's not totally clear from your post, sherlock. When did it happen? For as far as I can tell, it should have happened before Cain even took control over his demonic form again.
Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
Profile Homepage #524
OOC: Since the seven remaining characters are currently split in two parties (Lisha, Edith, Cain and Filbert; Melora, Sequoia, Tuulentekija), and I'm the last poster in my party, Ephesos or FF need to post again before my next IC. I mention this because over the next few weeks I will have time to write regularly again.

Or we could join the parties again, which would be great because we could move a little faster. That'd be a good thing.

I never thought I'd say that about any RP, but this one has been running for more than half a year...
Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
