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Avernum I: The Movie in General
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #62
"I've never read Foucault, bu I know ha he had many views defining the modern age. I also know that he could hav used some major Prozac."

Well, see, that's the irony of his works- they stress the individual over the group, but the end result of his writings is just to further homogenization.

"History is bound to repeat itself, so the gentrocracy that is being attacked now will eventually be replaced by another one. Religion has always been ruled by followers of old ways, combatting some sort of neo-belief. I hope that makes sense."

That works when the gerontocracy in question is using its strength to combat comparatively "leftist" forces- Religion in general throughout what might be dubbed as the "post-modern" era, though, is merely fighting a champion of free-marketeering, which is why men of the cloth like Ratzy get so hyped-up about the debauchery of Ole Europe: He can't control it, and he knows damned well that he can't control it. (The post-modern era can also be tied with the rise of small government; now as post-modernism has become an assumed part of our everyday dialectics, Reagan has well and died and we've returned to a more centralized era.) Essentially, the Church's role can be tied into how often it decorates the living rooms of the bourgeoisie. Example: The Borgia Popes brought power to the Church by clinging it to their bosoms and letting the old geezers go Freudian on Lucrece's mammaries. (And also, there's Baptist churches of both the vanilla and minority flavors, which preach self-sufficiency, when a quick look beyond the stained glass would reveal the intense parody of such a situation for minorities and the superfluocity of the situation for the rest of us.)

Religion doesn't have to always be old. It just has to be in favor with the capitalists, or it just won't last very long.

(And I totally agree with the 'history repeating' bit- which is another reason why you should get some writings by Hegel.)

"You sound bitter about people in general. There are some, you know, that aren't going to snub you if you provide a good explanation for something, so matter how 'old-fashioned' or against the common beliefs it might be."

Fair enough- but those people usually have leftist sympathies anyway. Suffice it to say that "freedom of speech" is essentially a two-hundred year precursor to some of the Foucaultian meta-narratives that would be to come, insomuch as the intent is two-faced. It doesn't really mean "We're willing to cooperate," it means "We're willing to put up with you". That's totally against what any self-conscious pomo would tell you, but that's the whole point of democracy and consumerism in general- People decide, but since people are already homogenized (thanks to said gerontocracies, among other factors), it becomes a parody that goes along the lines of "which rich white guy leads the Lolipop Guild" or "which whore we throw our semen-covered monopoly dollars at". So whenever you start concerning the individual, it's only for making a caveat that allows you to acknowledge the You Pick Live MTV zit-sacs that feed society the same nonsense, varying flavors only with the advancement of the Man's dialectics.

(Of course, the incendiary nature of democracy is perhaps one of the few things that took all four years of conservative, preppy education to realize, but it's still better to have learned it, so eh.)

"At any rate, I don't think it's good to give up on humanity as a whole. Life becomes miserable when the majority of the people you know seem like dirt."

Nevermind the fact that you sound like you're trying to make me see myself as a need higher than all others, which itself is a microcosmic impetus for the corporate ladder, life ain't bad. (This is probably because I am a White Male™ with all sorts of distractions, including chauvinism, racism and onanism of all flavors, including consumerism. Most people don't have this luxury.)

"Your last comment was rather humorous. It's also true, to a very very small degree. Every idea stems from some sort of template."

That was more explaining why my years of expression being pidgeonholed made me really pissed, but hey- it's as good of a plug for Hegel's Phenomology of the Mind as any.

(And this sort of tangent happens all of the time.)

If anyone other than Kel didn't get the gist of what I'm getting at, let me know.

EDIT: And speaking of Kel, in advance, I don't really give a damn if I used the wrong variant of "Lucrece".

[ Sunday, June 26, 2005 21:04: Message edited by: Marx' Martyr ]

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Can anyone figure out this riddle? in General
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #28
I'm surprised, ben- I expected "Jesus".

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Elections: The Registration Thread in General
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #120
So I am. Some of the "I'm voting" messages are a bit encrypted...

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Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Elections: The Registration Thread in General
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #118
Registration period is WELL and over. Registrated voters are:

Lord Bob
Jumping Salmon
wz. arsenic
Ominous I'm in us
Backwards impaired.
Jade Wolf
Frozen Feet
the fatman
No 2
Multiple Monikers
Exile Master
Hawk King
Student of Trinity
The Stew Boy
Ice Drake
Meter Maid

That's it. I removed Alex (by his request), didn't count The Idiot and also axed fifty-fifty (duplicates).

[ Sunday, June 26, 2005 15:39: Message edited by: Marx' Martyr ]

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Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
little online game advice in General
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #1
Originally written by Fenwik:

since i brought up gameplay..i'd love to find something in the way of a online game thta really has great gameplay...i'm older in my 50's and i've done most known mmorpg;s.. WOW..DOAC...Asheron's call 1 and 2...everquest.....right now i'm trying the skotos trial that has like 14 games for 12.95 a month......they have a non pvp version of meridian 59 and problem is i can't find any long time players to really recommend.the games.

i just want something without the old boring MMORPG level grind.



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Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Differences between countries, cultural and otherwise. in General
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #55
Originally written by Slp006:

And if we think Australians talk funny, imagine what we think of the Far East!
I'd respond, but I don't think I'm the target audience...

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Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Avernum I: The Movie in General
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #60
Originally written by Slp006:

He's a Marxist, and apparently a die-hard one. They never seem to want to explain anything to the bourgeoisie. It's a religion, I tell you. That's his way of saying, "Repent, heathen!"
Attacking religion for the sake of capitalism, eh? No wonder the Catholic Church is such a gerontocracy.
Have you ever read Foucault?

(If you want a response "with a point", then suffice it to say that nobody really wants to listen when I try to explain anything. It comes in the form of "let's have a nice discussion for the sake of homogenization" that defines the lifeless antimony of the American Dream. With everyone so modern, it's more of a fact that stuffy-old-me can't relate.)

So yeah- go ahead and write a book. It'll just be a fanfiction of the dictionary.

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Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Avernum I: The Movie in General
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #47
Originally written by Backwards impaired.:

Yeah I can see how Blades is an interactive sort of fan fiction
Screw you and die.

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Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Best Games in General
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #11
Originally written by Ash Lael:

The answer, of course, is that BoE is the best game by a large margin. ;)

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Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Just In Time For the Elections: Political Compass! in General
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #32
So do most Americans.

Which doesn't explain voting for Bush, but nevertheless.

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Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Mad Ambition help in Blades of Avernum
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #4
Go outside, save, update, reload.

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Great Debate Live? in General
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #41
I'm open from 1PM eastern until 6PM (depending on when supper is), and from 7PM until 2AM, I'm totally open.

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Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Are stereotype's "bad"? in General
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #9

When your currency is linguistic postmodernism, demanding nuances is like asking a Mexican proprietor to produce a currency with more value as a means of exchange than as its nutritional contents.

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Just In Time For the Elections: Political Compass! in General
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #8
Economically -10.0, Socially -8.0

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Are stereotype's "bad"? in General
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #5
Originally written by Student of Trinity:

Ah, but every author dies once the last word is written, so George Lucas's intentions don't matter a damn. His oeuvre may have a perfectly good Marxist interpretation, no matter what he himself thought it might mean.

By the same token, I bet even Capital could be given a consistent crypto-fascist reading. Now that would be a martyrdom.

If the internet were real life, you'd be face-deep in my fist.

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Oh My! A New Topic! in Richard White Games
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #54
That's enough witty banty outa you foos.

Make me mod.

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Great Debate Live? in General
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #25
Oh, bloody hell. *opens up BitchX*

Whereat, crackers?

(BitchX, BTW, is an IRC client.)

[ Friday, June 24, 2005 08:41: Message edited by: Marx' Martyr ]

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Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Are stereotype's "bad"? in General
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #2
Originally written by Travers:

OR the accent is a sign of education and their defeat is a metaphor for the ultimate victory of the working class.

You think George Lucas cares about the working class? Heh, good funny.

Need I remind you that everyone in that film speaks with an accent except for Haydenson and Palpatine? (And in that way, Lucas could be showing his reactionary hand of nonsense...) If anything, he's massively in support of cultural hegemony.

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Great Debate Live? in General
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #14
I can deal with that time- 2:00 PM might be better, but eh.

Now anyway, any comments/suggestions/additions for the itinerary?

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Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Debate #1 for Moderator Election in General
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #29
Originally written by Zeviz:

However, when I reminded those who weren't around at the time what Alec actually did as a moderator, Alec, BtI and TM started attacking me personally.
I take offense at that- worst (and, IIRC, the only) thing I did was a satire of your actions, which I maintain prove your lack of context for anything that's being said.

My point is that you have no idea what you're talking about with Misc. Apart from the ages of the people involved, it was a different climate that you should have probably left to others who would have (and were in Djur's instance) taking care of it just fine.

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Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Great Debate Live? in General
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #11
Originally written by Zeviz:

Every candidate claims that they will "uphold CoC, while protecting the free speech of members and maintaining a fun and friendly atmosphere".
Every single speech I've heard so far can be boiled down to the sentence above.

Oh, BS. Since when have I insinuated that I will uphold the CoC? :P

Realistically, though, this aught to focus on the differences between the candidates. "Following the constitution", for example, does not prevent the Supreme Court from having difficulties. If I had my way in terms of setting up the discussion, I'd have each of the candidates go in a list (we can maybe have a sign-up), responding to various inquiries turn-by-turn:

+ What is your motivation for running?
+ What is your position on Guanxi in the community?
+ What level of perversion, implied or otherwise, is okay with you? In what context, if it makes a difference?
+ What sort of culture in the boards would you seek to promote, if any?
+ What level of unrelated discussion in any topic is fine with you, and how do plan on dealing with it?
+ How often should topics be locked?
+ Are conservatives on these boards being unfairly abused? Should this be curtailed?

Responses should be concise. My guess is that there will be a list that can be signed up for, and each question will reverse the list- first in line for the first question goes last for the last question, et cetera. I wouldn't mind moderating this discussion since I stand no chance at all of being elected whatsoever, although I would plan to participate.

EDIT: Oh yeah, as for "virgin format", I plan on editing any nonsense or out-of-turn outbursts from the chat, assuming I'm the one who makes it.

[ Thursday, June 23, 2005 09:52: Message edited by: Marx' Martyr ]

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Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Debate #1 for Moderator Election in General
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #24
I'm not sabotaging your campaign- I'm trying to prevent Alec's from being sabotaged.

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Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Avernum 4 Complete Wish List in The Avernum Trilogy
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #45
"I think that the Exile games were very fun. Everything you were seeing for the first time, and things changed as you went on."

Changes? Tell me, who has actually been convinced by those crummy "ruined towns"? Monster levels, I suppose, go up- and hey, you can unlock new dungeons to kill 'em all!

Don't get me wrong. The premise of Exile is interesting, the Vahnatai are an interesting invention, and the plagues almost sorta (but not really) had potential. All that SW sales indicate, though, is how good JV is with his "shareware cut-off" points. Beyond that, the gameplay is as rigid as one could wish and as monotonous as one is in bed, except without the entertainment value for the participant.

"There is a certain thrill in sanctifying an evil altar of undead to protect Formello, and then going on to beat up a cave of Nephilim."

Look, mommy! I'm performing eugenics for god and country! Sheesh- it's like living through every action of every RPG stereotype. If I want to do that, I may as well unzip my pants and watch back-to-back marathons of Conan the Barbarian and Zelda: Warrior Princess.

"Especially because you need to change your tactics against them. Not everything needs to be deep and insightful or radically different."
So 'Bless + Haste + Repel Spirit' becomes 'Bless + Haste - Repel Spirit'? Admittedly, that's as complex as most BoA scenarios have been, but that's still pretty bad.

"I disagree. In Geneforge 2 and 3 and even 1 every day was a new adventure."

Ooh! Ooh! Now that the Fyoras are dead, let's kill the Clawbugs! And then Cyroas! And Battle Alphas! Gotta kill rogues! Gotta kill rogues!

"Valley of Dying Things was some of the best Avernum gaming out there."





Next argument.

"Did you ahve to diss almost every Spiderweb Software game in existance in a single post?"

I didn't. Nethergate is fine stuff (and so is, for that matter, BoE's A Small Rebellion)- which is why I even bother complaining. JV can and has done better.

"About plagues: the monster plagues are fine in my opinion, and so is Valley of the Dying Things. They are a bit clichéd (think the Bible), but I wasn't thinking about that while trying to negotiate between the troglodytes and giants."

The trogs are probably E3's best plague. But if you'll look at the rest of it, you have the slimes which and roaches which are vaguely interesting, the giants which are one massive (no pun intented) chore and a glorified hackfest, the golems which are genuinely repetetive and include machinery because it's just gotta be there, the alien beasts are worse than the golems since their tactic is "charge and bite you", and then there are the Vahnatai, who are the black men of the Spidweb universe.
"What? Your wife was murdered? In her sleep? And there was no break-in?"
"Yeah. I saw a Vahnatai next to our bed with a bloody waveblade, muttering something about crystal souls before he teleported away."

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Oh My! A New Topic! in Richard White Games
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #48
Make me RWG mod.

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Debate #1 for Moderator Election in General
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #22
"1. I couldn't make my own decisions because you and your friends ignored/attacked me unless there was a booming voice of Linda behind me."

I didn't attack you. I did so after this stunt was pulled, though. (And considering Linda's reputation, all that does is add some red, cocentric circles around your groin.)

"2. Linda banned Alec. She did that without asking my opinion. The only thing I could do was to tell her that I thought it was a bit exessive, which I did."

I won't say that you should have known what Linda would have done (although everyone else would have), but it wasn't anything that merited more than a simple edit/lock and a stern warning. So you didn't ban 'em- but you didn't act on your own. The entire incident was so retarded that the fallout wasn't unjustified. If you break the cookie jar on accident, it was still a dumb thing to do.

"3. I did not 'mark out' (whatever that means). I faced flames from half the population of these boards for half a week until Drakey came back and was met by everybody as a great savior. When my term as a temporary admin was done, I left because I was tired of absorbing your constant flames."

Mark out means to get all emo and crying. Admittedly, maybe you didn't mark out then, but this martyr act ain't winning any Tony awards.

"4. Vogel, Krizsan and Strout own these boards. Don't you think they can set whatever rules they want on their own boards? If they don't like what is going on, they shut the board down, as they did with Misc."

Sure, they can set the rules. Doesn't make that ruling any less retarded.

My point is that Alec would be a hell of a lot better than you give him credit for, and your style ain't what's needed, since you don't have any grasp whatsoever of the context- heck, you only just returned. Alec is different. (I'm different too, but for the more inflamatory.)

[ Thursday, June 23, 2005 08:43: Message edited by: Marx' Martyr ]

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Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
