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"a small rebellion" help (stalker's fortress) in Blades of Avernum
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #1
Jaen makes it clear to you that, if you are to say "hi" to Stalker, you will be doing so to say "bye" to him shortly thereafter.
Of course, killing Jaen is still possible.

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Undead Topics Need Loving Too (aka "Give Me Your First-Born") in General
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #703
A thesis written on paper cannot punch you in the face. That's why.

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Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Kissing a girl in General
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Profile Homepage #177
I literally don't know if you're trying to lead me in circles, or if you really are that dense. Like, I genuinely haven't the foggiest idea at this point.

To clarify:
What you originally proposed (after your Kel-like remark of "flee!")-- that two people can have opposing beliefs that are logical -- is not a copout that leftists can use in an argument. It works for conservatives and pundits of all flavors, but a leftist cannot hope of ending a conversation with such cowardice. It's not allowed.

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Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Kissing a girl in General
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Profile Homepage #174
I'm saying that your argument, irrespective of its validity, is only an excuse a conservative can use. Leftists cannot use this reasoning ever. I should, by all means, treat you no more kindly.

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Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
About abandoned scenaios... in Blades of Avernum
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #8
Originally written by Nicothodes:

The police were idiots. They didn't really try to do anything, they just accused my sister's boyfriend, which is ridiculous. She got a new one.
New laptop, or new boyfriend?

(Not that there's a difference if your mind's sick enough ^_^)

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Kissing a girl in General
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Profile Homepage #172
...if I had a billion dollars for each time a leftist was allowed so generous an asscover, I'd be just as poor as I started.
That is too crappy an excuse to permit.

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Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Kissing a girl in General
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Profile Homepage #170
Yeah, but apart from tongue-in-cheek jokes about intelligence, blondes aren't a particularly maligned demographic.

Gays, on the other hand, are *already* spat on. Or, to quantify my statement by example- how many gays are "heavily encouraged" to persue heterosexual lifestyles just to see whether or not they "prefer it"?

Okay, so Alex' rhetoric on homosexuality being an inferior way of living isn't new, but it's still repugnant. The more people who buy this crap, the more people will adopt particularly indignified attitudes to people who don't chose to better themselves.

The similarity between this rhetoric and that about the disenfranchised should be self-evident: Just as poor people are expected to try to contribue to society despite the futility of it, so too are homosexuals persuaded to convert to hetero¢hri$ti-hannity, despite the fact that many would essentially be lying to themselves and conforming to social standards from the pressure.

If Alex were to just say, "I'm doing this because my religion says so and I have faith in it" or "I'm doing this because social stigma is utterly insufferable", I would express ambivalence and pity respectively. This half-assed attempt to introduce logic to the formula is what incenses me.

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Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
New scenario to beta in Blades of Avernum
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #5
Man, I know.
My main point was that the game is so crappy that remaking it is a complete waste of time for everyone involved.

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Kissing a girl in General
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #168
Originally written by Ash Lael:

I like dark doors and dark walls.

[ Tuesday, October 18, 2005 08:36: Message edited by: King Evil ]

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Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Elevation in Spiderweb's games in General
Member # 4
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Maybe Jeff is lazy- I dunno.
What I disliked a great deal was being told that I was going up stairs, only to be traveling up a completely flat surface the whole way.

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
New scenario to beta in Blades of Avernum
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #3
What I Like:
1. I like the idea of having to pay to use a training room.

What I Dislike:
1. It's a maze, and is thus almost unbearably boring.
2. The combat is repetative, redundant and repeating.
3. The combat is repetative, redundant and repeating.
4. The plot isn't particularly good.

Is this, by the by, a remake of Wizardry I for the Apple II?

If so, um, why.

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
What's your best joke? in General
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #16
Originally written by Atrus:

Illiad sucks.

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Fuainarufantashii Shichi: Otozure no Kodomo-tachi in General
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #2
Suggest what? Illegal piracy from AnimeONE?

Nooooo. That would be wrong and bad. ^_^

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Fuainarufantashii Shichi: Otozure no Kodomo-tachi in General
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #0
Who here has seen this film yet? I mean, I have never seen a film with better music in my life.
Although, admittedly, most of the "protagonists" are filler... -_-

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Kissing a girl in General
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #166
*flexes muscles*
Time to get to work.

"First, I haven't actually read anything by Jung. My passion for temperament and personality is based upon the work of Dr. Keirsey, which is, admittedly, partially based upon a small part of a facet Jung's work, but is also largely based upon the work of Hippocrates and Paracelsus, among others."
Fair enough.

"Second, it is not, nor has it ever been, my intention to try to alter your, society's, or anyone else's viewpoint. I have stated how I feel, I have explained why I feel that way, I have attempted to show that I have tried very hard to determine how I feel and not just parrot some one else's empty ideology."
Cripes, you wanna talk about saying nothing? Here's a thought:
Apologetics are nothing more than socially acceptable polemics.

In other words, you may not intend to say anything, but no amount of politesse in the world will change the implications of what you say. If I were to, for instance, explain how I *genuinely feel* about woman's role being in the kitchen, the result of my words is as clear as day.

"Lastly, if my comments came across to you as "complimenting my own intelligence" that is how you chose to take them, not how I intended them."
So what?

"My only intention was to try to show that I was not simply accepting the viewpoint offered me, and that I had tried to give the matter objective thought and research. However, it was, perhaps, done a bit overzealously and I can understand why you might have come the conclusion you did."

A bit overzealous. Just as an exercise...

"I am a rational person."
"I trust in my abilities to think, reason, and come to clear, logical conclusions."
"I am not a blind follower."
"I have thought about this, and analyzed it, and considered it in relation to my own feelings and situation"
"I have considered the pros and cons of both options."
"I'm an open-mined person"
"I am also a supremely rational person"
"I am a rational person."
"I love being a rational person."

These are just the compliments you give to yourself, nevermind the generalizations you make for sake of apologetics. (As I stated earlier, that you are "not arguing anything" does not relieve you of any burdens of proof.)

A bit overzealous. Here's some advice: If you are a rational individual, you don't need to tell us this in every post you make. You just don't.

"The point, however, is that you can either accept that what I say I was trying to communicate actually is what I was trying to communicate or you can, once again, clearly display your own arrogance in your endless assumptions of everyone else motivations and insulting declarations of other's mindlessness."

And what are compliments to one's self, without insults to other people?

Or, in other words: I don't give a damn how noble your motives are. Anyone can do the worst things in the world with the best motives in mind, and the worst people in the world are those who sincerely believe they are the best.

All this paragraph says is "I'm arrogant and mean". That's not an argument, that's ad hominem.

"Thus far you have said nothing of your own point of view or explained why you feel that way"
1. Scroll up.
2. Why I feel that way? Are you telling me to be psychologically introverted, and if so, what the hell kind of mandate is that?

"all you have done is make assumptive accusations"

You want "logic"? Fine, I'll translate this one for you by summing up your premises with the other premises I introduced in the post above.
Your premises:
1. Homosexuals can be "converted"
2. Homosexuals are more happy as heterosexuals

My premises:
3. People do not like gays
(This one REALLY doesn't need to be proven, Mr. Crow.)

My conclusions:
4. Conversion of homosexuality is then viewed as being "charitable"
(Which is to say, (1•2)=>4 )
5. Homosexuals will be looked down upon
(Which is to say, (2•3)=>5)
6. Homosexuality is a choice
(Which is to say, 1 iff 6)
7. Homosexuals will be either more forcefully converted by society or looked down upon more than previously for the lifestyles they "adapt"
(Which is to say, 6v4)

In other words, you are spitting in the face of homosexuals by claiming the moral high road of heterosexuality. Do you live in a magical fairyland where gays don't experience discrimination and feel intense pressures to conform to boob-oggling? For someone who is trying to preserve "apologetics", you sure are pushing a set of statements that glorifies the easy and socially acceptible way out for an underspoken contingent of human beings.

"you have no respect for opinions that differ from your own."
I respect arguments I disagree with a hell of a lot more than I respect aggrandizement and bigotry.

I could get into the "science" you refer to (which you took your damned time in citing), but that would be gratifying the notion that a non-lethal has negative merits, which I will not allow. Anyone with a bias can make a study- for instance, there were studies made in the late 80s and early 90s that "proved" how much less intelligent african-americans were. If you're a man of faith, let's deal with this exclusively on a moral level.

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Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
progress reports in General
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #4
"I've never heard such thoughtful comments. This man is a genious!"


Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Lord Putidus help in Blades of Avernum
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #40
Premise 1- Geek males are amazed by females

Premise 2- I am not amazed by females

/.'. Too much of the hand has made me forget my heart. ;_;

At least I can trust SW to prove that I am still a broken man.

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
What's your best joke? in General
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #1
Just what we need- more progress.

Before I give some of mine, I just want to know how racially charged the jokes can be while still being CoC-compliant.

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Lord Putidus help in Blades of Avernum
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #37
You: I am not a geek
Me: You will not have intercourse with geek females
You: I am a woman, making your statement less valid
Me: Geek males are worse in bed than their female counterparts

PS- You know that you've won the scenario if you die at the end.

(Or is that Canopy? I forget.)

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Undead Topics Need Loving Too (aka "Give Me Your First-Born") in General
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #695
Nothing. I'm just tempting the masses with the promise of another scenario.

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Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Kissing a girl in General
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #164
Originally written by The Seraphim:

Speaking as someone with gay and bisexual friends of both genders, I don't really see a problem with it. It's how they are and whether a religion wants to tell them that's wrong or not, it shouldn't stand in the way of who they are. It's not morally wrong in society's eyes, so why can't Catholicism get with the times?
Ah, but that's the whole repugnancy of Alex' argument.

See, if he can change himself to become heterosexual and is happier afterwards, then he proves that homosexuals are living inferior, subnormal lives. The implication is obvious- if society were to hold this value, secular "ministries" to homosexuals would be able to begin, ushering in a new age of internal cultural imperialism.

Not that he'll succeed because of the rampant cultural liberals who consider all forms of sexiness equally modern, but the notion is still abhorrent.

But, see, I wouldn't be half as miffed with this guy if he didn't spend at LEAST half of every post qualifying almost every point he made with complementing his own intelligence. Self-aggrandizement is not a valid argument form, and makes for patently offensive non-apologetics.

By the way! Is it a coincidence that Alex is both a homophobe (or should I say autophobe?) and an adherent (as his signature would suggest) to jung? If that's the case, the only case I could make to him for homosexuality depends on how much he can still hate women.

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Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
A Hypothetical Conceived Whilst Drunk in General
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #66
Don't feed him! He's an uncontrollable beast. Next thing you know, he'll be posting things like euphemisms for the male member or solid waste products produced by one's rear end!


By the way, am I the only person surprised to see that Amazing_Dild0ni was banned before he even made his first post with his second account?
Not that I'm calling for his reinstatement, but still.

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Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Shall we dance? in General
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #24
Knives are actually Really Bad News in close-quarters.

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Undead Topics Need Loving Too (aka "Give Me Your First-Born") in General
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #687
It's actually a reminder for me to finish E:T.

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Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Lord Putidus help in Blades of Avernum
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #34
That you think geek males are good in bed is doubly amusing.


Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
