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Happy Birthday, TGM! in General
Member # 2476
Profile #4
Happy Birthday! Try my special cake.

Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00
Religion, Homosexuality, the Usual in General
Member # 2476
Profile #222
2Sa 1:26 I am distressed over you, my brother Jonathan. You were very delightful to me; your love was wonderful to me, more than the love of women.

Eph 2:8 For by grace you are saved, through faith, and this not of yourselves; it is the gift of God;
Eph 2:9 not of works, that not anyone should boast;

Rom 8:2 For the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus set me free from the law of sin and of death.

Gal 3:28 There cannot be Jew nor Greek, there is no slave nor freeman, there is no male and female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Joh 6:37 All that the Father gives to Me shall come to Me, and the one coming to Me I will in no way cast out.

Joh 3:17 For God did not send His Son into the world that He might judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.

Lo and behold, I found God in the Bible. IMAGE(smile008.gif)

Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00
Religion, Homosexuality, the Usual in General
Member # 2476
Profile #220
Jeremiah 23:14 - No direct mention of homosexuality. There's nothing that says there wasn't either.
Oh dear.

Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00
Religion, Homosexuality, the Usual in General
Member # 2476
Profile #209
That is awesome, Cav. Reading it, I begin to remember. That Origines knew greek, latin, and hebrew, and translated a lot. But Augustinus knew hardly any greek at all, and never read the originals, because he wasn't able to.

Also, considering the very rigid position of the catholic church, I'm asking myself, if that could have been initiated or at least inforced by their vehement opposition to the Albigensians in the 12. and 13. centaury. The Albigensians believed that matter was evil per se, so a prolonged stay on earth was nothing anyone could wish for, and procreation should consequently be avoided. They frowned on marriage as well as on any kind of sexual relationship that would lead to the bearing of children. While their leaders, the 'Perfects' were expected to stay chaste, they didn't ask the same of the followers, as long as they avoided the 'normal' procedure. Meaning that they more or less tolerated a lot, that would have been opposed elsewhere.

I'm not sure but wouldn't wonder, if the church had gone on to feel the shock of that threat for a very long time.

Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00
Religion, Homosexuality, the Usual in General
Member # 2476
Profile #204
Jesus Christ reaffirmed the divine creation intent: "'Haven't you read,' he replied, 'that at the beginning the Creator "made them male and female," and said, "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh?" So they are no longer two, but one'" (Matt. 19:4-6, NIV).
Let me quote Matt. 19:9-12:

"Mat 19:9 And I say to you, Whoever shall put away his wife, if not for fornication, and shall marry another, that one commits adultery. And the one who marries her who was put away commits adultery.
Mat 19:10 His disciples said to Him, If the case of the man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry.
Mat 19:11 But He said to them, Not all make room for this Word, but those to whom it is given.
Mat 19:12 For there are eunuchs who were born thus from their mother's womb, and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who made eunuchs of themselves for the sake of the kingdom of Heaven. He who is able to receive, let him receive it."

The word used in the original is 'eunouchos':
'From εὐνή eunē (a bed); literally: a castrated person (such being employed in Oriental bed chambers); by extension: an impotent or an unmarried man; by implication: a chamberlain (state officer): - eunuch.' (Strong's Greek and Hebrew dictionairies)

No condemnation here that I can see.

I'm only talking by the christian point of view.
What I've been taught when I was young is the following:

that we have to differentiate between Jesus - the human man, and Christ - the God consciousness. That Jesus was human, as we are all human, that he suffered and feared, as we all suffer and fear. That he was crucified, as we feel crucified.
That Christ was not the man, but the achievement - the release of the soul from its earthly bondage. Mankind being relentlessly pushed down the long difficult road towards the Christhood - the Realisation of Self.
That life in man is eternal as all life is eternal, that the soul of man is immortal as God is.

That these truths were known to all religions throughout time and lie at their base.

'The oldest wisdom in the world tells us that we can consciously unite with the Divine while in the body, for this is man really born. If he misses his destiny Nature is not in a hurry; she will catch up someday and compel him to fulfil her secret purpose.'

Mind, I was taught by christian pastors.

[ Monday, July 12, 2004 01:48: Message edited by: ef ]

Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00
Backround Sounds -( For Towns) in Blades of Avernum Editor
Member # 2476
Profile #7
A very, very easy way out of these difficulties would be for Jeff to add a few empty files to the sound folder within the BoA .exe. Just ten or twenty, empty, but numbered, that could be used for custom sounds. But I doubt that it will happen.

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Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00
Backround Sounds -( For Towns) in Blades of Avernum
Member # 2476
Profile #7
A very, very easy way out of these difficulties would be for Jeff to add a few empty files to the sound folder within the BoA .exe. Just ten or twenty, empty, but numbered, that could be used for custom sounds. But I doubt that it will happen.

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Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00
Backround Sounds -( For Towns) in Blades of Avernum Editor
Member # 2476
Profile #3
For Mac, see here:
Sound for Mac

For PC, here:
Sound for PC

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Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00
Backround Sounds -( For Towns) in Blades of Avernum
Member # 2476
Profile #3
For Mac, see here:
Sound for Mac

For PC, here:
Sound for PC

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Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00
Religion, Homosexuality, the Usual in General
Member # 2476
Profile #177
If God is the All-Oneness, the consciousness or frequency that is all that is, and encompasses all, then God is above or beyond duality, meaning that God is an entity that contains the seeds of all opposites. Light and dark, good and evil are in synthesis within that entity. This, to me, is the state of perfection from which I sprang forth, and to which I will return eventually.

When Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden, they did not know of good and evil, they were still very close to the state of perfection, very newly born. And therefore you could say that they lived in a state of ignorance. Not knowing imperfection, they naturally had no awareness of the perfection surrounding them. Until the snake (an ancient symbol of the force of life) came to help them, and introduced them to desire and attachment to desire. And the long downward spiral, life in the world of opposites, began. Once they have experienced all there is to experience and know themselves intimately, detachment will be the natural consequence. And seeing through the illusions of life, they'll start to return, start to remember who they essentially are. No longer ignorant, awake and aware. Maybe this is, how God learns about Him/Herself, some say so.

A bit simplified, but in short what I believe in. Consequently I do believe in reincarnation, as did the early Christians, before the church put a ban on that.

So you see, Overwhelming, there is no space for condemnation anywhere for me. And no need to be saved, as I was never lost.

[ Friday, July 09, 2004 05:35: Message edited by: ef ]

Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00
Religion, Homosexuality, the Usual in General
Member # 2476
Profile #133
in a perfect world there would be no autism
But what is a perfect world? One without conflicts and challenges? A lot of you, myself included, could learn from my mentally retarded sister, from her openness, emotional warmth, her caring, sensitivity and joy. I have a long path before me, if I want to match her perfection, handicapped though she may be.

Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00
Religion, Homosexuality, the Usual in General
Member # 2476
Profile #125
Let's clarify this again: I'm not judging anyone. I'm just saying what I think is right. Not because I want to criticize gay people, but because I want to let everyone know what I think is right, so that they can walk the right path and be saved.
Mmh. Saved from what? Eternal damnation? A God who threatens me with that isn't worth a dime. Sorry. I'm not sure I'd like His company, nor will I feel comfortable in His realm.
A God who judges will be judged.

But then I don't think that such a God exists. It doesn't make sense. Healing is always a process of integration, not of splitting. A God who would ask me not to integrate but to split parts of myself is very certainly no healer. And if He is not even that, what can He teach me?

[ Wednesday, July 07, 2004 05:08: Message edited by: ef ]

Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00
Religion, Homosexuality, the Usual in General
Member # 2476
Profile #103
God loves us all. But He is justice, so e can't tolerate sin.
This is interesting. So you would put justice above love?

Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00
Wedding= Off. in General
Member # 2476
Profile #11
I think that she owes you honesty. Even if that might mean to talk about things that add to your pain. She owes you honesty to avoid damage. If you do not solve this riddle now, you may find it difficult to believe in the reality of any relationship that is yet to come, and may find it hard to trust. Whoever could help you to make her open up, get such a person's support.

Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00
Wedding= Off. in General
Member # 2476
Profile #2
What reason did she give, Demonslayer?

Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00
special skills (in case you were wondering...) in Blades of Avernum
Member # 2476
Profile #1
I've always loved your maps. And now that I see you posting, I'd like to thank you for them.

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Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00
VoDT: Elram? in Blades of Avernum
Member # 2476
Profile #1
There are plains southwest of Sweetgrove, where you'll come upon a huge stone circle. Approach it.

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Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00
Religion, Homosexuality, the Usual in General
Member # 2476
Profile #75
I searched the Wikipedia for 'Satan' and this is what I found:

The devil (Greek Diabolos: Slanderer; [ also ] who creates disorder, confusion; Hebrew Schatan: Adversary; Latin Lucifer: who carries light) is defined as a spiritual being, which opposes 'Good' with 'Evil'.

Christianity sees the devil as God's opponent and seducer of mankind. But in the original judaic belief the devil's part is clearly subordinated, the same applies to Islam.
While living in diaspora in Babylon, the jewish people came into contact with the teachings of Zarathustra (Zoroaster). Zoroaster's state religion is dualistic: "..and in the beginning were these two spirits, the twins, who as they say themselves are called the good and the bad in thought, speech and action. Between them the righteous make their choice."
Before that time, the terms 'heaven' and 'hell' had not been known and/or defined in the jewish belief.

The propagation of belief in angels can also probably be attributed to Zoroaster ( angels and faith in angels already existed in advanced archaic cultures, in Babylon, Assyria etc. )

The popular representation of Satan often refers to originally pagan gods. He is also sometimes interpreted as the archetype of the lusty, potent man or as a symbol of internal, instinctive human impulses and forces.

The antique world knew Lucifer as another name for the planet Venus.
In roman mythology, he was the son of Aurora, goddess of the dawn, also called Morning Star.

Messadié regards Satan's change from prosecutor in God's council to God's opponent as a take over from Zoroaster's 'Ahriman'. The evil creator 'Ahriman' and the good god 'Ormudz' are opponents within Zoroaster's teachings.

This difference between evil demiurg and good spiritual entity, that accepts Satan as God's opponent without questioning God's omnipotence was merged in the faith of the christian Gnosis. A faith however, that states divine omnipotence while seeing Satan as opposed to it, has by this logical contradiction a philosophical problem in bringing both parts together, in defining 'Unity'.

Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00
A thought about the line number "bug". in Blades of Avernum Editor
Member # 2476
Profile #15
EditPad Lite is a text editor for Windows and Linux that's free for non-commercial use.
It does not limit the maximum length of a single line, settings such as word wrap, line numbering and auto indent can be made for each file type individually, and it reads and writes UNIX (LF only) and Mac (CR only) text files (in addition to DOS/Win CR+LF files, of course).

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Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00
A thought about the line number "bug". in Blades of Avernum
Member # 2476
Profile #15
EditPad Lite is a text editor for Windows and Linux that's free for non-commercial use.
It does not limit the maximum length of a single line, settings such as word wrap, line numbering and auto indent can be made for each file type individually, and it reads and writes UNIX (LF only) and Mac (CR only) text files (in addition to DOS/Win CR+LF files, of course).

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Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00
A thought about the line number "bug". in Blades of Avernum Editor
Member # 2476
Profile #12
Wordpad works well for me, when I turn off the line break. I've had no problems so far.

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Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00
A thought about the line number "bug". in Blades of Avernum
Member # 2476
Profile #12
Wordpad works well for me, when I turn off the line break. I've had no problems so far.

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Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00
Hello from South America in General
Member # 2476
Profile #50
IMAGE(biggrin1.gif) I'm the only one as far as I know, and we eat, what the fishers bring in.

Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00
Hostile Tallking Spiders in Blades of Avernum
Member # 2476
Profile #14
To edit your way out of this mess, see here:

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Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00
VoDT Question in Blades of Avernum
Member # 2476
Profile #10
1) Meet Vahnatai and talk with them.
2) Visit spiders and accept their mission.
3) Complete spider mission and get your reward (location of opening stone).
4) Then go and find the opening stone.

This is different from BoE, where you could pick up the stone without doing the spider mission, if you already knew where to look for it.

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Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00
