The Silvar Inn

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AuthorTopic: The Silvar Inn
Shake Before Using
Member # 75
Profile #175
(See the NSI, minus whining and flaming.)
Posts: 3234 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Triad Mage Banned Veteran
Member # 165
Profile Homepage #176
SM, if you were paying attention, Si-er came back a while ago and took a buckshot round to the face after attempting to steal the weapon of Aiyosz. He is dead and gone by now.

desperance -- je me souviens
arena -- et je me souviens de vous
Posts: 2449 | Registered: Monday, October 15 2001 07:00
Skip to My Lou
Member # 40
Profile Homepage #177
Originally posted by E-Master:
*The man in red robes is getting impatient.* "Where is the innkeep?"
OOC: Well excuse me for having a life outside the boards :P If I don't post quickly you can just post my actions. Assume I am there to serve at all times.

IC: Alex walks in from his trip around the town. "What happened here?!" he yells. "There is blood and gore all over my fine inn! What have you people been doing?! Can't a man leave his inn for a quick walk without it nearly being destroyed? Oh well, I suppose damages aren't too bad." Alex begins using magic to clean and goes about serving people.

"Hey!", Alex yells to his patrons, "Don't forget to vote for the inn's new facilities! Vote over on the board!"

Please state which facility you beleive the inn is most in need of.


Game Room



Other (please specify)

Need a pet? Need cheap labor? Buy a Moose!

Take the Personality Test! INTJ 78% 33% 44% 22%
Huzzah for the Masterminds!
Posts: 1629 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Member # 2339
Profile #178
A necklace Si-er was wearing(That ended in a cross.), suddenly shook like crazy, along with aother necklace Si-er was wearing, that ended in a skull. A spirit suddenly becomes visible.

Si-er: "You released my spirit from the robe, good job. Now that I'm back, I'd prefer if someone revived me, and put my items back on my body." Everyone notices Si-er's body, his skin is green, and his hair is white. "Well, what are you waiting for?"

OOC: Instead of bringing him back to life himself, I just brought his spirit. But I'm relying on a healer to bring him back. His necklaces allow his spirit to come back to the mortal realm, to find a way back in the body.

[ Wednesday, June 18, 2003 18:49: Message edited by: Zephyr Tempest, The Windwarrior ]

This is MY link.
Click here,or here for the yoga dance mix!Click here to get to the misc. boards!
Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!!
Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 150 computers: read more!
We have tried to not harm anything in the making of this commercial, but we failed miserably.
One Small Step for man, one giant leap(SHCKXXXXXX)STOP POKING ME!!!
-Starcraft Observers
R.I.P-Here lies NSI, may this rp be remembered.
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Dance the Banned Dance
Member # 3052
Profile #179
La Mort:
SM, if you were paying attention, Si-er came back a while ago and took a buckshot round to the face after attempting to steal the weapon of Aiyosz. He is dead and gone by now.
OOC: Eh, oh. I read about the fight and all, I guess I didn't read close enough. Sorry.

IC:Shaper finds Si-ers dead body and is in shock. He finds out he wasn't hired to kill Si-er though by Grah-Hoth.
Posts: 543 | Registered: Sunday, June 1 2003 07:00
Member # 2339
Profile #180
Si-er's spirit: "Well? Someone revive me!" Everyone notices a faint angry face on the spirit.
"Well? Rivive me! And don't touch my necklaces!"

OOC: BTW, all he can do in the mortal realm is see, be seen, and converse. That's it.

[ Wednesday, June 18, 2003 18:54: Message edited by: Zephyr Tempest, The Windwarrior ]

This is MY link.
Click here,or here for the yoga dance mix!Click here to get to the misc. boards!
Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!!
Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 150 computers: read more!
We have tried to not harm anything in the making of this commercial, but we failed miserably.
One Small Step for man, one giant leap(SHCKXXXXXX)STOP POKING ME!!!
-Starcraft Observers
R.I.P-Here lies NSI, may this rp be remembered.
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Shake Before Using
Member # 75
Profile #181
*glares at the spirit*

"Even with the gold and valuables you had, you're still probably in debt to the inn for that Earthquake spell. Go whine to your cult buddies or something."
Posts: 3234 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Member # 2339
Profile #182
Si-er's spirit: "I'll go get my stash." Leaves the inn, 30 minutes later, Ye-er, and Si-er's spirit come in.
Ye-er: "Here's Si-er's stash. I hope it's enough. Oh, and I aldo put my stash in there, too." Ye-er opens a bag, inside are hundreds of cold goins, and jewels, too.
S-er: "Is that enough to reapair the inn AND get me revived? And don't touch my necklaces!"

[ Wednesday, June 18, 2003 19:00: Message edited by: Zephyr Tempest, The Windwarrior ]

This is MY link.
Click here,or here for the yoga dance mix!Click here to get to the misc. boards!
Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!!
Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 150 computers: read more!
We have tried to not harm anything in the making of this commercial, but we failed miserably.
One Small Step for man, one giant leap(SHCKXXXXXX)STOP POKING ME!!!
-Starcraft Observers
R.I.P-Here lies NSI, may this rp be remembered.
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Member # 27
Profile #183
*Granthar is dreaming*
*Granthar is taken back to his masters large home. A tall lean man is standing infront of a Slithzerikai chained to two wooden posts. The Slithzerikai is covered in bruses and cuts. Around the scene stand the other slaves forced to watch the gruesome event*

Man (In a deep voice): "Fool, did you think that I would not find out?"

*The Slith chained to the posts does not answer he just stares at the ground. Granthor immediately recongnizes where and when he is. His father is the one chained up.*

Man: "You stupid, idiotic, dirty slave. Do you not know that it is impossible to do anything without my awareness. I have guards positioned everywhere with powers beyond your comprehension. You are unlucky that they decided to bring you to me first. Now tell me fool, what is the punishment for stealing from the supply rooms."

*The Slith again does not answer he just stares at the ground*

Man: "Answer me!"

*The man slaps the Slithzerikai across the face*

*The Slith still does not answer*

*The man chuckles a little*

Man: "Tough guy, eh? Well we will soon see how tough you really are."

*The Man pulls a Red Whip out of his belt*

Man: "Lets see you squeal."

*He walks behind the slith then raises the whip then lashes the Slith across the back, again and again until the Slith gives in and yells with pain. Granthar watches in horror as his dad is beaten. He has seen this once already and does not wish to see it again.*

Man (While laughing): "It brings me joy to break even the mightiest of spirits."

*After he lashes the Slith a few more times he puts the whip away.*

Man: "Enough fun, now to carry out the punishment."

*The man walks back infront of the Slith and raises his hand up. A small dark purple orb begins to form, growing larger and larger by the second until it is about the size of a pumpkin.*

*Suddenly a female Slith breaks through the crowd of slaves, screaming. Granthar talks to himself, "No, don't do it.*

Female Slith: "Please no! He was just trying to get healing supplies for our son, who is very sick! Please have mercy!"

*The man without looking points his other hand at the interuption and reduces her to dust with flames*

*Clearly shaken by this the male Slith howls with anger*

Male Slith: "YOU BASTARD!"

*With all his might he rips the chains apart and charges the Man. (Granthar trys to run to help his father, but his legs are like anvils and he cannot move.) For a second the man is caught of guard and is knocked over. Before the slith can make another move the man shoots the orb at him.*

*The rest of the slaves watch in horror as the orb erupts into a ribbon of energy which engulfs the Slith and leaves nothing but ashes. Granthar screams*

*The man gets up and brushes himself off.*

Man: "And let this be an example to all of you! Do not defy the Great Xan-Grem or you will suffer like those two fools did! Now get back to work!"

*He leaves while the slaves immediately run back to whatever they were working on.*

*Granthar wakes up sweating and crying*
Granthar: "I swear I'll learn how to fight. I will never be at peace until that man is dead."

*He tries to fall back asleep but he cant.*

"Wow, fish."
Hahahaha, I crack myself up.
Posts: 1233 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #184
[OOC: Si-er is dead, and if he wasn't gone before, he's gone now.]


*Suddenly, Sabertooth and Black Friday III walk into the inn once more. Black Friday III is confused at seeing Si-er's spirit, whereas Sabertooth is just plain irritated.*

Sabertooth: Let me guess. One of you guys did him in, and he's refusing to die?

Slith: It was I, after he tried firing my own gun, with the safety on no less, and after he caused an earthquake in this inn.

Sabertooth: Fine. I'll take care of the green guy. Friday, if the other guy resists, you can have your way with him.

Ye-er: You'll have to get through me, first! We have loyalty, something a halfbreed like you could never--

*Sabertooth aims his right palm at Si-er. Suddenly, a huge beam of darkness with writthing whips of energy emerging at its tip hurdles towards Si-er's spirit. Upon contact, the wisps of energy on the beam engulf Si-er and spread over his spirit. Si-er cries out in horrendous, brutal pain, causing most patrons of the inn to cover their ears in order to keep them from bleeding.*

Si-er: Make it stop, good lord, make it stop! Aaaaaaaaauuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

*The spirit immediately disippates into numerous green sparks that float around ambiently before losing their light and disappearing. Black Friday, along with everyone else in the inn, is speechless.*

Sabertooth: Not even an afterlife for the poor thing. How sad. Heh, I love the sound of a soul being annihilated... It really brings warmth to my heart.

Aiyosz: That was entertaining.

Sabertooth: Thanks. I enjoyed it very much myself.

*Sabertooth turns around to his companion, who could otherwise be mistaken for a statue due to his motionless stance.*

Sabertooth: Hey Friday, I told you that you could have the pleasure of Ye-er. If you won't take care of him, I will.

Black Friday III: O-okay... If you s-say so...

*Black Friday calmly walks up to Ye-er, the latter of which prepares a large ball of fire in its hands.*

Ye-er: Don't take another step, or you'll be burned alive.

*Sabertooth begins reeling over, laughing.*

Ye-er: You asked for it! FLAMESTRIKE!

*A tremendous ball of flames strikes Black Friday squarely in the gut. The warrior is perfectly unharmed, and the cultist is in complete shock. The latter is shocked further when a heavily-plated hand grips him in the throad and lifts him four feet into the air. Black Friday III walks calmly out of the inn, strangling Ye-er single-handedly. He doesn't close the door to the inn as he leaves, allowing the patrons of the inn bold enough to watch. He sets Ye-er on his feet, and then aims a punch. Ye-er doesn't get enough time to collapse from exhaustion when Black Friday III's punch finds its mark in his face. Ye-er's skull is promptly removed, along with his spine fully intact, leaving a horrible trail of blood as it flies over fifteen feet through the air, and lands with a crack and subsequent splat. Black Friday III ducks back through the doorway and into the inn, with blood covering his right hand and flecks of it across his chestplate and helm.*

Black Friday III: That was easy.

Sabertooth: Heheh... I'll give you six points for style, 10 for violence, and 7 for creativity.

Black Friday III: Just a 7.7? I must be losing my touch.

Sabertooth: Don't sweat it. You'll hardly meet anyone that'll need more than a 5's worth in performance, until we encounter Tigerfang.

Black Friday III: True.

*Black Friday III looks down at the ground, and notices a small sac of gold coins that Ye-er dropped from his robes, presumably from when Black Friday III dragged him outside.*

Black Friday III: Ten... Twenty... Hunh. Fifty gold coins. Say Alex, ten of these should cover a night's stay, right?

Alex: S-s-s-sure... Ten will do just fine! Have a good sleep!

*The two Rakshasi go to their room, and have some well-earned sleep.*

We're all amazed but not amused
By all the things that you said you'd do.
You're much concerned but not involved by
Decisions that are made by you
But we are sick and tired of hearing your song,
Telling us how you are going to change right from wrong,
'Cause if you really want to hear our views,
You haven't done nothin'.

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Member # 2339
Profile #185
Si-er's spirit: "I'm getting tired of this! I want to be revived! Where's the nearest healer?"

OOC: Ahem, you can't interact with Si-er's spirit besides talking with him, and Ye-er doesn't have flamestrike. You have the details wrong, therefore that post should be ignored. Abd I'll use Ye-er until Si-er is revived.

Ye-er: "They might have one back at camp!" (I'll need someone to temporary play as a priest at the Dark Cult camp to revve Si-er, please.)

OOC: And TM, I'll say this once; LAY OFF, WILL YA!? YOU'RE RUINING MY PLOT IDEAS!!!!!

[ Wednesday, June 18, 2003 19:36: Message edited by: Zephyr Tempest, The Windwarrior ]

This is MY link.
Click here,or here for the yoga dance mix!Click here to get to the misc. boards!
Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!!
Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 150 computers: read more!
We have tried to not harm anything in the making of this commercial, but we failed miserably.
One Small Step for man, one giant leap(SHCKXXXXXX)STOP POKING ME!!!
-Starcraft Observers
R.I.P-Here lies NSI, may this rp be remembered.
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Member # 27
Profile #186
*Granthar (Still a little shaken) walks out of his room and goes to Alex*
*Right before he does he marks the game room box on the board*

Granthar: "Well now that I'm rested up, I think I can pay off my room. By the way, I need a job to make some money."
*He grits his teeth*
Continued: "I need to learn how to fight and I doubt training is free. So if you would happen to have a job opening I will gladly take it."

"Wow, fish."
Hahahaha, I crack myself up.
Posts: 1233 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Skip to My Lou
Member # 40
Profile Homepage #187
"Sure you can work around here cleaning and serving. That will get a room, food, and some spending gold. If you ask Wise Man his sister will probably give a discount on training. She is the trainer in town."

Need a pet? Need cheap labor? Buy a Moose!

Take the Personality Test! INTJ 78% 33% 44% 22%
Huzzah for the Masterminds!
Posts: 1629 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Member # 2080
Profile #188
OOC: How can one ruin something that is already wrecked?
*Hinosu passes out from drunkeness.

LoneFlame: That was fast. Hey, can I get a drink?

*Alex hands a drink to Lone Flame, which Lone Flame promptly pays for.

LoneFlame: Thanks. Btw, are there any job opens?
Alex: That depends. What can you do?
LoneFlame: Well, I can blow stuff up with magic. I can beat people up. And I can get off my lazy, worthless arse and do manual labor.
Alex: I'll get back to you on it.

OOC: This is up to Alex, so I'm not gonna post further on it til he decides what's best.

Btw, by NSI, are y'all refering to the early NSI where everyone was nice and silly, or the drug dealing quest and war crazed NSI?
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #189
OOC: Listen Chicken little, your characters are DEAD. They're FUCKING DEAD. Just shut the hell up and either make some new ones or get the hell out.

(Of course, I speak for the majority when I say that the latter would be the best option for all involved. All except for you, but I'd hardly call you a somebody, thusly discluding you from any such statement.)

EDIT: Wait now, you actually have a plot? You know, screw it. Nobody wants to hear it, and god knows from previous "plots" of yours that they're nothing but feces anyway.

[ Wednesday, June 18, 2003 20:10: Message edited by: Bad Deacon ]

We're all amazed but not amused
By all the things that you said you'd do.
You're much concerned but not involved by
Decisions that are made by you
But we are sick and tired of hearing your song,
Telling us how you are going to change right from wrong,
'Cause if you really want to hear our views,
You haven't done nothin'.

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Member # 2385
Profile Homepage #190
*Wakes up from his long nap on the floor*

"Hey, barkeep! Your back! I helped myself to a room and your Ale, here's payement."

*Hands Alex 50 Gold Coins*

"Now, is anyone going to offer to help me slay Torlakron?"

I get energy from your jealousy. Ever wonder why I'm so hyper?

The Abyss Scenarios, Forums, Graphics...
E-Master's Graemlins Come take a look.
Miscellaneous Get to the closed misc. forums!
Where's Waldo? Can you find Waldo in less than a minute? *Evil Grin*
End of World Da end is coming!
Posts: 489 | Registered: Friday, December 20 2002 08:00
Member # 27
Profile #191
OOC: Zephyr, if you got a problem please either start a new topic or PM someone. Dont ruin this RP topic by whining.


*Granthar starts his new job. It is a luxury compared to what he went through while a slave*

"Wow, fish."
Hahahaha, I crack myself up.
Posts: 1233 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Member # 2476
Profile #192
OOC: Zephyr, it would probably have been considered a boon, if other people's stories had had a chance to develop too, which they didn't have, as long as every second post was yours. So I think you got what you called for. Moreover you start to pester again. Drakey said to simply tell you when something you do is unacceptable. Both Alec and Imban have been doing so repeatedly. Will you listen?

Lone Flame: we are refering to the nice and silly days.

IC: "Yes, Granthar, train with her. And if you are wise you forget about revenge for a long time. Concentrate on becoming the fine strong guy you certainly are supposed to be. A few years from now is early enough to reconsider your plans, believe me."

"As to the mess in this inn, come on, Riibu girl, we help Granthar and start on a cleaning job. That was quite a performance. Free ale for the warden and the Slith, Alex, it's on me and get me some coffee ready. Oh, and I'd like a library and a lounge. Now everyone: relax.

As Sapher seems to have found an easy path to the surface, how about installing a courier service and supply this inn with surface world goods. We might keep a contact with upperworld politics that way as well. Think about it, Alex, will you? And I might build the library myself. Practical thing to have and there doesn't seem to be one in this area."

[ Thursday, June 19, 2003 00:27: Message edited by: ef ]

Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00
Member # 169
Profile #193
OOC: Erm, is that mission starting any time soon, Firedrake?

IC: "Idiot necromancers. They really should think before they act." Namothil sat down on one of the few undamaged chairs at the bar. "Ale, quickly!" 'Still, someone does need to deal with that lich. Maybe I'll look into it, once this current job is finished.'
Posts: 422 | Registered: Tuesday, October 16 2001 07:00
Member # 1851
Profile Homepage #194
Riibu stucks a few straws to her staff and ties 'em into the staff with some string she found in her Stuff(tm).

Then she goes and prods the floor, and some pieces of wood that used to chairs with the makeshift broom.

"Weehee, cleaning is fun..." she sighs.

"I'd love to go an adventure", she says out loud hopefully. She thinks again.

"On the other hand.. I think I'll just continue with that story I've been writing. I'm really close getting it ready. I sure am gonna have lots of time do write it.."

For a final touch, she goes and puts a tick next to Library in Alex's message.

OOC: eh.. like the good ol' days. Two pages in one night to read.
No fun though, I'll be away for the weekend. I'll have to go to a place without internet connection, raugh.

Ah! My Homepage - In Finnish and English
Geneforge - The Maps
My Elfwood Gallery - Stories I've written in english
The WALL - Forums in Finnish
Waiting for medication. I could really use some.
Posts: 1308 | Registered: Sunday, September 8 2002 07:00
Member # 2893
Profile #195
The Gods, noting the demise of Si-er, are slightly amused, yet amazed that he lasted as long as he did. They claim his spirit and banish it to the bowels of the earth, locked forever away. They placed countless wards and barriers to seal the spirit in and placed legions to guard it lest he try to escape. ;)

The gods also noticed Ye-er. Unsure of his "life status", but desiring to 'nip trouble in the bud' they smite him with lightning and follow up with a fireball. He is then sucked into the same tomb as his mentor by a massive split in the ground. The rift closes.

The gods are pleased that the two upstart necromancers have achieved their fated destiny. ;)

The gods are pleased with the inn keeper and take pity at the damage caused by the misguided necromancer, and bestow upon him a glittering, bejeweled pool table complete with all acessories.

[ Thursday, June 19, 2003 03:11: Message edited by: Felwynne ]
Posts: 97 | Registered: Friday, April 18 2003 07:00
Shake Before Using
Member # 75
Profile #196
OOC : Zephyr, if you wish to rejoin, you're going to have to do so with a new character. Note that (at least in my opinion) one can only rarely if ever be brought back from the dead. Sacrificing yourself for everyone else seems kinda lame if you know you're going just to be brought back afterwards, and a duel to the death between two characters has no tension if death is not to be feared.


*Imban wakes up from the table he spent the night at waiting for something else to choose to attack the inn.*

"I really should get myself a bed next time..."

*Imban walks over to the checklist and puts a check next to game room, then walks back towards his table.*

"Alex? I need a drink... another milk, since I'm going to be going out adventuring later today and don't quite want to get drunk."

[ Thursday, June 19, 2003 03:12: Message edited by: Imban ]
Posts: 3234 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Member # 2339
Profile #197
OOC: Fine, but first, I'll do this:

IC: Suddnely, both of the necromancers come back to life(And tey take their items back.), then rush back to the camp. Evryone hears several loud zaps. The Dark Cult is now on the surface. Now that their goal is done, they will never go to exile again.

OOC: Now then, which kind of character to use....

IC: A 6 foot 8" tall man walks in, he is wearing blue pants, and leather armor. He has one long blue scarf wrapped around his neck, making 2 ends hanging down his back.He is wearing a leather helmet, and metal gauntlets. He has a very long swordcase on his back, it's 5 foot 2"(A very tall man, a very big sword. It makes sense to me.).

Rey: "I am called Rey." He walks towards the counter. "I would like to get a room for the night."

OOC: I might as well...
Character Stats:
Name: Rey
Class: "Tank" Warrior
Status: Alive
Equipment: Boots, and a shirt.(The rest was stated above.)
Bag of coins
Book of sword techniques
rope and grappling hook

This is MY link.
Click here,or here for the yoga dance mix!Click here to get to the misc. boards!
Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!!
Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 150 computers: read more!
We have tried to not harm anything in the making of this commercial, but we failed miserably.
One Small Step for man, one giant leap(SHCKXXXXXX)STOP POKING ME!!!
-Starcraft Observers
R.I.P-Here lies NSI, may this rp be remembered.
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Member # 2242
Profile #198
OOC: Yes Namothil, we're starting on the mission today.


Firedrake came back downstairs after a long, peaceful nap. He took a look around and said, "Whoa... what happened here? Is Alex remodeling?

Alex: No, that Si-er kid decided to hit us with an earthquake.

Firedrake: Really? Looks like most of the cleaning is done already.

FD looked at the sheet taked to the wall.

FD: Hey Alex, we need a Library or a Game Room. The guests have nothing to do. The pool should be for next time.

Alex wrote on some paper, and returned to work.

Firedrake gathered Namothil, ef, Wise Man, and Melissa.

FD: Okay, are we ready to go? Did anyone else volunteer to go?

OOC: My internet is back, so I can post today.

"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes back into you."
-Friedrich Nietzsche

"There is no dodging the quad laser." -Ugnagnok
Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, November 14 2002 08:00
Member # 2893
Profile #199
IC: Suddnely, both of the necromancers come back to life(And tey take their items back.), then rush back to the camp. Evryone hears several loud zaps. The Dark Cult is now on the surface. Now that their goal is done, they will never go to exile again.

Most of your problem with RP is you don't seem to read any other posts that may have shown up since your last. Had you read them you would have certainly seen my somewhat sarcastic post about the gods locking away the spirits of your upstart. This lack of effort has lead to some rather bizarre posts from you. Remember RP means role play not ridiculous post ;)

Read what is going on, have your character act in response, and most of all, and this seems to be the hardest for you--stop making your characters approach invincibility and defy all natural laws (the powergaming nonsense). Remember, not everything goes your way in RL or in RP so roll with it.

Posts: 97 | Registered: Friday, April 18 2003 07:00
