What Kinds of Girls do you Like?
Author | Topic: What Kinds of Girls do you Like? |
Shock Trooper
Member # 216
written Sunday, February 8 2004 20:39
omfg!111 i lyke hot blonde CHIXX WITH BIG JUGSZZOMFG!111233444 they r so hot man.. so fukin hot.. i wan 2 do them all night LOOONG O.O -- *nasally voice* well... i like a girl with good personality. she has to be smart, and i don't care about looks. she just has to be nice *big bertha comes in* oh my... -- i don't like girls. all they are is trouble -.- -- I CAN'T GET A GIRL BECAUSE I HAVE NO SELF CONFIDENCE BECAUSE I HAVE ONLY FIVE POINT FIVE INCHES -- What do you look for in a girl? :3 -------------------- Song of the Pack -- An Online Multiplayer Wolf RPG!~ Posts: 223 | Registered: Friday, October 26 2001 07:00 |
Bob's Big Date
Member # 3151
written Sunday, February 8 2004 21:04
Short hair, glasses, reasonably intelligent. Oh, and being a member of the .001% of the human population I find personably tolerable doesn't hurt either. PS. Having completed puberty is also a plus. *rolls eyes at no one in particular* [ Sunday, February 08, 2004 21:14: Message edited by: Full Frontal Nudity Custer ] -------------------- In a word, gay. --Bob the Impaler Posts: 2367 | Registered: Friday, June 27 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3521
written Sunday, February 8 2004 21:20
I like the waifish types- on the shorter side, slim, with long, wavy hair in some shade of brown. Small, pale faces, big eyes, well-formed noses, and broad smiles. For some reason, although I am a brown-skinned Indian, I've never been the least bit attracted to any girl that wasn't caucasian. In terms of what I like to see on a girl, I like those corduroy flares, and shirts with flared sleeves. Sensible flats are preferable to stilletos. In terms of personality characteristics, I like a girl who has spirit and a good sense of humor, without having an overbearing personality. I like intelligent girls, although I am slightly alarmed and disconcerted when and if they end up being more intelligent than myself. [ Sunday, February 08, 2004 21:31: Message edited by: A Stughalfian Principle ] -------------------- "Let a man find himself, in distinction from others, on top of two wheels with a chain- at least in a poor country like Russia- and his vanity begins to swell out like his tires. In America it takes an automobile to produce this effect."- Leon Trotsky Posts: 1798 | Registered: Sunday, October 5 2003 07:00 |
Member # 366
written Sunday, February 8 2004 23:40
Cute punk/goth girls who don't have a problem with kinkiness. -------------------- I say never be complete. I say stop being perfect. I say let's evolve. Let the chips fall where they may. Posts: 1277 | Registered: Sunday, December 9 2001 08:00 |
Member # 3442
written Monday, February 9 2004 03:14
Well, to start with, it's gotta be a girl. Not one of those "pretend" ones(whom I have no proble with. Usually I tend to go for someone like me, good sense of humour (yeah right lol!), devastaningly attractive and a good sense of humour. And a taste in music is a must. Edit: A DECENT taste in music. [ Monday, February 09, 2004 03:15: Message edited by: SupaNik ] -------------------- Thus endeth this post. Please visit Random Stupidity to see the amazing Spamness, or the wonderful-seven-posts-in-a-row-topic. And have fun! Posts: 2864 | Registered: Monday, September 8 2003 07:00 |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Monday, February 9 2004 05:09
Girls? Vhat eez zees "girls"? -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon TEH CONSPIRACY IZ ALL Les forum de la chance. Incaseofemergency,breakglass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
Post Navel Trauma ^_^
Member # 67
written Monday, February 9 2004 07:26
Anyone with a pulse. It's not vital, but it helps. -------------------- Grammar wenches beware: This is the house that the malt that the rat that the cat that the dog that the cow that the maiden that the man that the priest that the cock that the farmer kept waked married kissed milked tossed worried killed ate lay in. My Website desperance.net - Leave your sanity at the door Posts: 1798 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Member # 3870
written Monday, February 9 2004 07:42
A pulse, fyi, is vital. Very much so, in a certain manner of speaking. ![]() Oh, and I'm a nerd with no life; does that answer all questions about my love life? ![]() Posts: 156 | Registered: Thursday, January 8 2004 08:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 3022
written Monday, February 9 2004 09:59
Anyone who likes me. <Insert slushy sympathy below> Hmm, that probably ruined the effect. Posts: 269 | Registered: Saturday, May 24 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3694
written Monday, February 9 2004 10:48
The kind of girls I like are the intelligent, attractive, sucessful girls. In other words, the ones who actively want me to be shot. Somehow I always end up wanting to be what I can't be, and wanting to be with those who don't want me with them... -------------------- And that was exactly the point of itself. Takes advantage of the easily offended. Posts: 137 | Registered: Monday, November 17 2003 08:00 |
Member # 1104
written Monday, February 9 2004 11:30
Da ones who keep their virginity till marriage. Yes, I'm a fundamentalist, sue me. -------------------- 73|-| 1|\|\/1|\|<1|3|_3 |30063y|\/|4|\| AHEM: Chance Forums! -Reality Corp. Posts: 1307 | Registered: Tuesday, May 7 2002 07:00 |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Monday, February 9 2004 11:52
Me too, in that case. Other than that, I mean, I don't see how I can specify which girls I'm attracted to... attractive ones, really... arrogance doesn't help, of course, but that goes without saying. Long hair, no glasses, and not just to be contrary to Alec. -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon TEH CONSPIRACY IZ ALL Les forum de la chance. Incaseofemergency,breakglass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
Member # 1851
written Monday, February 9 2004 12:06
Man, you guys are shallow *shakes head* -------------------- Ah! My Homepage - In Finnish and English Geneforge - The Maps My Elfwood Gallery - Stories I've written in english The WALL - Forums in Finnish Waitingformedication. I could really use some. Posts: 1308 | Registered: Sunday, September 8 2002 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 3801
written Monday, February 9 2004 12:21
My likes are pretty simple. I just like a girl who is decently good looking but isn't totally obsessed with her looks... Talkative but a little shy, kinda flirty, well balanced personality, well rounded person. -------------------- There is no knowledge that is not power. Take a chance at the Chance Forums! Posts: 323 | Registered: Thursday, December 18 2003 08:00 |
Member # 3040
written Monday, February 9 2004 12:32
Asians. -------------------- who? Posts: 508 | Registered: Thursday, May 29 2003 07:00 |
Shake Before Using
Member # 75
written Monday, February 9 2004 12:46
quote:Even Khoth? ![]() Posts: 3234 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
One Thousand Slimy Things
Member # 66
written Monday, February 9 2004 12:50
Mute. That will go a long way. -------------------- Saundersw3: Do not abuse Wolfie's bunnies while he is not watching KhothMk2: *abuses a bunny while you are watching* KazeArctica: Bastard KhothMk2: It was a masochistic bunny! It was begging me to for hours, and I finally gave in Posts: 995 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Member # 3925
written Monday, February 9 2004 13:54
I like my girls to have short hair and glasses too! It would be nice if they could sit through an entire movie without talking, just snuggling and stuffs. But then again, it wouldn't hurt if they could be "talented" too! ![]() I doubt that there is anyone who could understand/tolerate me... *sighs* well... If I only were Barrett... He has it made, lucky wolf! I have love, tons and tons of it! But no one to share it with... I am lost, I am alone... -------------------- I don't want your sympathy, I want a future. ~Barrett Blackthorne~ Posts: 9 | Registered: Monday, January 26 2004 08:00 |
Member # 4
written Monday, February 9 2004 14:11
Large eyes, fawn-like facial features, short hair, almost cartoonish proportions, petite, innocent-looking, um... ![]() If you look like this and I meet you on the street, run. I will chase you down and attempt to stick it into you by any means possible. ![]() -------------------- We're all amazed but not amused By all the things that you said you'd do. You're much concerned but not involved by Decisions that are made by you But we are sick and tired of hearing your song, Telling us how you are going to change right from wrong, 'Cause if you really want to hear our views, You haven't done nothin'. Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 1723
written Monday, February 9 2004 15:17
THAT WAS YOU?!?!?!?!?!?!? -------------------- "... and approximately one sea turtle." Posts: 277 | Registered: Tuesday, August 13 2002 07:00 |
Member # 1169
written Monday, February 9 2004 15:18
Decidedly glad I don't look much like that, then. (But DAMN.) I like girls who break gender stereotypes. Not butch, exactly, but...shapely, maybe a bit on the large side, built like real women (who have curves) and not afraid to be considered "unfeminine." Short hair is definitely a turn-on, but long thick hair can be sexy too. Intelligence, morbid sense of humor, loyalty, open-mindedness, ideally a love of literature. And of course, correct grammar is a must. I'd hate to have to scythe my own girlfriend. -------------------- "Man hands down misery to man. It deepens like a coastal shelf. Get out as early as you can, and don't have any kids yourself."--Philip Larkin, "This Be the Verse" Fear the wrath of the Grammar Wench, lest ye be cut down by the Glistening Scythe. Posts: 1150 | Registered: Friday, May 17 2002 07:00 |
Member # 4
written Monday, February 9 2004 15:19
Wait, you're a girl, amirite? -------------------- We're all amazed but not amused By all the things that you said you'd do. You're much concerned but not involved by Decisions that are made by you But we are sick and tired of hearing your song, Telling us how you are going to change right from wrong, 'Cause if you really want to hear our views, You haven't done nothin'. Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 1723
written Monday, February 9 2004 15:35
EDIT: TM confuses me on a regular basis As for the kind of girl I like, outgoing and smart. Looks don't really matter too much, as long as they're not so homely that it's distracting. [ Monday, February 09, 2004 15:42: Message edited by: *Sound Effect* ] -------------------- "... and approximately one sea turtle." Posts: 277 | Registered: Tuesday, August 13 2002 07:00 |
Member # 4
written Monday, February 9 2004 15:39
(I was talking to RoR... ...nevermind.) -------------------- We're all amazed but not amused By all the things that you said you'd do. You're much concerned but not involved by Decisions that are made by you But we are sick and tired of hearing your song, Telling us how you are going to change right from wrong, 'Cause if you really want to hear our views, You haven't done nothin'. Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00 |
Member # 2238
written Monday, February 9 2004 15:44
Ah this is an easy one! Height doesn't matter, except that she can't be taller than me. I also don't like beefy girls, I definitly need to be stronger... you can be as ridiculasly (sp problems) clueless as you want, as long as you realize what I expect. As far as physical features, your hair better be in good shape (nothing nappy), preferibly brunnete or blonde. Dress like you mean it, and respect my styles. Looks are always a plus. Oh and it would help if you play video games a lot... -------------------- Fort Emergence Home of the [E.E.P.] Rage and vengeance are minions of me. The fists of the Phoenix will strike the unrightious. It knows your weaknesses, and will strike with fury. The Demonslayer does not faulter. With so many years ahead to fall in line, why would you wish down on me? What's my age again? Posts: 1582 | Registered: Wednesday, November 13 2002 08:00 |