Baltazar the Mad (RP)
Author | Topic: Baltazar the Mad (RP) |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Friday, September 19 2003 08:08
OOC: This is breaking apart to quarrels and flames. At least I am relieved I'm not the only one who slightly disagreed with your post, Nazgul. Leave out the survivor and the questioning since it's unnecessary (*goes to his post above to edit it out*), but please for Heaven's sake allow me to play my character. ![]() Have you ever thought of the possibility of powergaming/god-acting an NPC? I think that's what you're doing with Arkadia. No offense. ![]() At least you allowed Zephyr to play his own character, locked away though he was. Can't I get the same privilege? ![]() ---IC UNDER CONTRUCTION--- [ Friday, September 19, 2003 10:03: Message edited by: Arancaytar ] -------------------- Visit The Santharian Dream and its RP board. Or the Encyclopaedia Ermariana! Got a brain? Go to Polaris! "It is as if everyone had lost their sense To a conspiracy for downfall and desperance And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey (freely translated). Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2940
written Friday, September 19 2003 08:25
----IC BLOCK---- After this post only Arianne, Spider and Theobold are allowed to post, since they have to explain what they are doing in the cave entrance. MSW, Omlette, Zephir, Fluffy and the Slith Captain may still post since they are in a different location. The party on the other hand cant post until replied by either Arianne, Spider or Theobold. [ Friday, September 19, 2003 11:03: Message edited by: The_Nazgul ] -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3351
written Friday, September 19 2003 12:23
OOC : Sorry if i wasn't clear but the giant spiders will most probably stay in the forest, I made it possible to have them join but only if they were wanted. They were a nice way to introduce Theobold and Arianne to the rebels. I knew no one should join this rp after the second chapter, I truly apology but I read all the posts and respected all the rules as it wasn't mentioned this was an addendum to these rules (I love bureaucracy). I wished to play Aranea but Spider is fine and Arcadia was summoning bug for them. All I ask is to have a stealth spider. Tell me if this is fine or if you want me to edit my previous posts. Could I suggest that Eferas reacts ? IC : Spider stretch. Spider : You said you needed help ! Here is it !!! Spider looks at all characters and spot Eferas. Spider : Hey, you are old but cute ! Spider try to climb on a nearby rock to see everyone but fails and fall soundlessly to the ground. It immediatly stand. Spider (looking with great expectations to Eferas) : you are old can you help me ? [ Friday, September 19, 2003 12:25: Message edited by: So Incredibly Sad ] -------------------- /Seawinds are calling Posts: 187 | Registered: Thursday, August 14 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3320
written Friday, September 19 2003 17:33
OOC: Sorry, my power was gone for almost the entire day. I'm sure that the situation is worse in every place south of us. So I hope everyone else is all right. I will try to continue my part of the story. IC: As the imps holding the mage neared the tower, Alcove commanded them to stop. They ceased movement. She flew in front of them and chanted a few words. She then proceeded to stretch her arms out to her sides and then brought them up in a prayer position. She suddenly jutted her hands out forward and a red wave of energy shot forth at the tower. Each of the fire barriers disappeared and she watched each golem turn around and give her a nod as they moved out of the way. She then spoke to the imps. "Take her inside to the holding cell. And DON'T let her escape!!! Do you understand!!?" The imps nodded to her and took the mage into the tower. Alcove followed behind and entered the tower. She went to Baltazar and told him the news. "I have captured the mage that Mancire tried to bring to the tower. When would you like to question her, my lord?" Baltazar responded, "In due time. Make sure she cannot escape in any way. I?m going to go take my royal bath. I am tired from the scanning journey and quite frankly, I need to freshen up a bit. When I am finished, we will interrogate her. Go about your business." Alcove thought to herself, ?Finally, he is going to get a bath for once.? King Baltazar got up to leave for his bath and remembered something. "Alcove, what ever happened to that Delgar person we once had here? I can't remember his job or anything, but I get the feeling that he was important in some way to this kingdom. Something tells me that we will be needed his services, whatever they were. Do you think you can locate him for me?" Alcove gave him a semi-smile. "Oh, leave it up to me, I will find him someway, somehow. I don't remember where he went or anything much about him, but if I can find him, I will tell him that you require his services and will pay any named fee for them. Is that all, my lord?" ? Yes, that is all. I will return for the interrogation in approximately, two and a half hours." Baltazar continued on towards the royal bathroom. Alcove hurried on to the holding cell to see that the mage would be unable to escape. OOC: Sorry, Omlette, I might need the services of your character. What was his job again? I need an explanation. I'm sure your character would like to be paid a nice hefty sum for his services. I hope that we her from our Carolina natives soon. Otherwise, my part of the story will be dead for a while. -------------------- (Looks around in the Study) Colonel Mustard: "Just checking." Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
written Friday, September 19 2003 19:00
Arianne stared at the man who had seen through her small illusion, ignoring his comment about her being a 'good' vampire. Whatever that means. He knew her, but she did not know him... until she remembered the time of ascendancy, the mishmash of mortal 'heroes' and the human town in the fungal glow. "You," she hissed, eyes wide. "How did you come to be on the surface?" Her hands clenched at her sides, hidden by the deep folds of the cloak. She had a sudden urge to take hold of Arcadia and force the mage to teleport her back, far beneath the surface to the twisting passages and caverns the Clan claimed as their own. But she knew that it would take more than one mage, however powerful, and a functional portal machine. "I merely sought shelter in this tunnel. No more." Arianne fell silent, content to let Theobold explain himself. Her gaze travelled to each member of the party, drawn despite herself to the splashes of blood that marked the recent battle they had fought. Ah, these mortals taunted her with their lifeblood, so close, yet beyond her strength at this moment. [ooc] You didn't expect more of an explanation from Arianne, did you? ![]() [ Saturday, September 20, 2003 01:24: Message edited by: premonition ] -------------------- From many a wondrous grot and secret cell Unnumbered and enormous polypi Winnow with giant fins the slumbering green. Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00 |
Member # 1046
written Friday, September 19 2003 19:42
OOC: SW dresses vaguely like Neo from Matrix, except that the overcoat is similar to a loose shirt that almost flows down to the knee. he wears two layers in case you were wondering. IC: Shadow Wolf noticed the little stains of blood on his thin black overcoat. Then sighed. "Aw damn, this was a new garment too." Everyone glared at him, just because he interrupted Theobold's explanation. "Oh. Sorry. Carry on." I miss Gynia, he thought as Theobold began his explanation... -------------------- Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands. -------------------- Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Friday, September 19 2003 21:20
OOC: Since Spider interacted with Eferas, may I post again? IC: Eferas turned around, made curious by this chittering voice. "You're old, but cute." It chirped now in an unnerving way. Eferas couldn't immediately see where the voice was coming from. Fortunately. Then he noticed. His response was fairly obvious, and frantic as well. "RAAAAHHH! EEEEEKKK! A SPIDER! getitoffgetitoffgetitofff GET IT OFF!!!!!!!" With that Eferas turned in the opposite direction for a while, covered his eyes and cowered on the ground, shaking all over... ((ooc: I didn't even need to strain to stay in character here; here you have the natural response if I'd been there. ![]() -------------------- Visit The Santharian Dream and its RP board. Or the Encyclopaedia Ermariana! Got a brain? Go to Polaris! "It is as if everyone had lost their sense To a conspiracy for downfall and desperance And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey (freely translated). Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2242
written Saturday, September 20 2003 17:46
OOC: The plots not moving. Time to stall for Theobold's response. Meanwhile, a creature waited in the dark, watching the foolish humans stand around, completely oblivious to the fact that they were to be dead shortly. The huge, deadly spider waited for the chance to strike. While the party was distracted by a small spider, the spider charged at one of the mortals, preparing to strike with deadly force. FD noticed in time, and rolled under the spiders legs. "Looks like the explaination will have to wait," Firedrake shouted as he drew his assassin daggers... the group quickly scattered and turned to fight the monstrocity. -------------------- "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes back into you." -Friedrich Nietzsche "There is no dodging the quad laser." -Ignignok Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, November 14 2002 08:00 |
Member # 2940
written Saturday, September 20 2003 18:08
OOC: Good Idea Firedrake. Maybe Theobold and Arianne can prove they dont mean harm by killing the beast...thats up to them. Arcadia: Arena!! These spiders inhabit these caves, be carefull with their poison!! Each member of the party carefully surrounded the huge beast. Suddenly its eyes glowed in red and from its very vicious jaws came out a fireball that swept through the cave, Kel-Aziz and Arcadia managed to jump aside just i n time avoiding the fiery missile. Kel-Azizs dirty rags caught on fire. Kel-Aziz: Ahhh....curse this fire.... Arcadia: Look out its coming again...!! -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Member # 169
written Saturday, September 20 2003 18:19
'Elder aranea. Dangerous, but not an overwhelming threat by itself.' As if in answer to Namothil's thought, three massive, multi-headed lizards appeared. 'Ice hydras. Well, now it's not alone.' He drew a dagger, and threw it into one of the monstrosity's eyes. The aranea screamed in pain, and turned to attack this enemy, as Namothil drew his swords. Posts: 422 | Registered: Tuesday, October 16 2001 07:00 |
Member # 1046
written Saturday, September 20 2003 20:12
One of the hydras plunged a head to bit Shadow Wolf, but ended up biting metal as the blademaster blocked with his sword at the last moment. This had the creature surprised for a moment, and Shadow Wolf took the chance to slice the head off, then thrust his blade through its heart while avoiding the frenzied ice breath. The aranea shot a fireball at Shadow Wolf from behind. He barely managed to dodge - but the fringe of the missile seared part of the right sleeve of his overcoat, leaving a small hole. "Oh, you're paying for THAT, bug!" He shouted, and rushed at the spider in a clockwise arc... [ Saturday, September 20, 2003 20:12: Message edited by: Osama bin Wise Man ] -------------------- Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands. -------------------- Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00 |
Member # 3320
written Saturday, September 20 2003 21:12
OOC: I am hoping someone will start continuing my part of the story. I am getting fed up with being the person who has to do it. I'm sure there is a good reason for the lack of posts. It is probably lack of electricity and Internet. Hopefully. Now to continue my leg of the adventure. IC: Alcove continued on to the holding cell and noticed something strange. She hadn't seen hide or scale of Mancire or Fluffy since she had entered the tower. Where could they be? She put her hands to her head and tried to scan for their signals with no result. That was to be expected. The walls of the castle were extremely thick and she couldn't scan through them very well. All signals would be muffled. She decided that it mustn't be anything serious and went on her way. She rounded the corner and saw her imp guards still on guard. "Everything all right?" She directed towards them. They nodded back. She told them to open the door and they did as she asked. When it opened, a blast of fire came searing out at her. She had just enough time to dodge the flames when the mage came running out the door. Alcove looked up at her and said, "Oh, no you don't!!!!!!" She got to her feet, chanted and raved some words very quickly and threw a blast of statue spell at her. It caught the mage in the back and she froze in mid-run. Alcove walked over to her and realized that this mage would need a more powerful spell to bind her to one place. "So, I statue spell doesn't last long on you. Hmmmmm. There has got to be a spell that will last on you until questioning time. Hah!! I know!!!" She ran to her quarters and grabbed her spell book. She ran back to the frozen mage and laughed. "Ha ha ha ha ha!!! This should keep you in one place for a while. This spell is called a casing spell. It raps the subject up in a casing of webs, sleep clouds, and statue spells." She instructed the imps to take the mage back to the holding cell and they obeyed. When the mage was positioned on her bed, Alcove acted. "Try and escape from this!!!!!" She started ranting and raving and lifted her hands above her head. Her hands started to glow a green color and then red, then blue, then yellow, and finally orange. Then her hands started projecting electricity between them. She then brought her hands down in front of her and thrust them towards the mage. Electricity and orange light shot from Alcove's hands and struck the mage. It was a strange sight there on in, even for Alcove. Webs started to cover the mage and wrap her like a mummy. Then an aqua cloud filled the room. Then yellow bursts shot out from Alcove's hands and struck the mage several times. She recognized these as statue spells. Then all of the sudden the room started to glow purple and then magic barriers started to cover all the walls and finally the doorway. The magic stopped pulsing from her hands, so she put them down, and stared in amazement and surprise. "Hmmmm. I must have missed that part of the spell." She walked over to the pedestal she had placed the book on and looked over the spell. It seemed to end abruptly at the bottom of the page. So, she turned it. "Ah, there's the rest of the spell. Oh, it seems that magic barriers start appearing to totally seal in the subject and then lighting is suppose to flash over them to keep them from breaking." Alcove looked back at the barriers. There was no lightning. She assumed that she missed part of the chanting and looked at the book again. "Oh, there are the missing words.? She turned her attention towards the barriers and said the necessary words. Blue light and lightning shot from her hands and struck the barriers and lightning began flowing through them like it was their blood. Satisfied, Alcove instructed the imps to continue guarding the mage and she headed back to her quarters. OOC: Sorry if that is so long. I have no choice but to do that since no one is continuing my part of the story or giving it any detail. This should set the scene for Mancire and Fluffy to appear again. ![]() [ Saturday, September 20, 2003 21:58: Message edited by: Murder, She Wrote ] -------------------- (Looks around in the Study) Colonel Mustard: "Just checking." Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 3238
written Saturday, September 20 2003 22:05
Kyrissian was watching the battle from a distance. She managed to slay every rebel that attacked her, but not without loss. Her body was ripped up, her left arm could not be used from the pain, and all of her strength was now being used to keep herself consious as she sat in the dimly lit space. Shadow wolf just managed to take out the ice hydra in two fell swoops, and was not heading strait for the spider... she noticed his coat was rather seared. I don't need to interrupt them until they take care of that... She grimaced at her wounds, hoping to have the strenght to destory these rebel heroes before it was too late. -------------------- "Friendship is two things: Trust, and sharing. I personally see it as a business opportunity." -Random Quote Newage3 - Insanitatious Fun in a Browser! Posts: 203 | Registered: Friday, July 18 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3351
written Saturday, September 20 2003 23:52
IC : Spider stealthily runned away from combat and went up to Kyrissian. It is obvious that Kyrissian is weak. Spider : Hi, you are cute. You should ask help to Arcadia. Bye. Spider then run in the woods never to be heard from again? OOC : Spider has served its purpose. Time to let it go. premonition, if you want to go underground I will make another post in which Spider followed you because you are differently cute than the others. Something like : "Spider then run in the woods never to be heard from again? ? until now! Arianne knew she was followed and suddenly stopped. Sure enough Spider bumped on her leg." [ Saturday, September 20, 2003 23:55: Message edited by: So Incredibly Sad ] -------------------- /Seawinds are calling Posts: 187 | Registered: Thursday, August 14 2003 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
written Sunday, September 21 2003 02:54
Arianne stepped back into the deep shadows away from the tunnel's entrance, watching the battle. The aranea was of but passing interest to her, the hydras fascinating. How, Arianne thought idly, will they get out of here? For though the tunnel was wide and high, the entrance would barely allow two people through side by side. Suddenly the tunnel seemed crowded. She noticed the friendly spider run from the battle, as their kind were wont to do. Eyes narrowed, she watched as it ran to something in the forest well hidden from her sight by foliage and painful light. Strangely, she felt loss as it left them: it was familiar. Silly creatures that were no threat or use to anything, but familiar, and Arianne did not wish to see it harmed. Then a fireball came barrelling towards her, and Arianne was forced to pay attention to more immediate concerns. She dodged the fire easily, and the ice breath of the dying hydra with a little more difficulty. Snarling involuntarily as the frost numbed her shoulder, Arianne turned, eyes gleaming with a feral light, to the hydra. Ah, food. It was dead already, and the blood flowing out of its wounds was more temptation than she could withstand. A moment later, Arianne looked up, feeling stronger than she had since first coming to this island. It wasn't everything that she needed, but it was sustenance, and it would do until she found better prey. She stood up to observe the battle again, and immediately ducked to avoid the acid spray intended for Namothil. Mortals! Can they do nothing fast? Arianne scowled at the droplets that had touched her skin. They were not serious wounds, barely more than light burns, but they stung. She cursed the aranea in retribution. -------------------- From many a wondrous grot and secret cell Unnumbered and enormous polypi Winnow with giant fins the slumbering green. Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2339
written Sunday, September 21 2003 03:59
*Alcove was walking around the tower, trying to find Mancire. Then, she heard a grunt, when she went there to look, she saw Mancire struggling to get out underneath a pile of bricks.* Mancire: "The tower got attack by friends of that rebel mage you caught. I was the first victim. Could you get me out of underneath these bricks?" Alcove: "But why did I not find you when I looked all around the tower?" Mancire: "Sometimes I sleep-walk, that's why the other rebel mages were able to surprise me..." OOC: Hmmmmmmmm......odd...your turn, MSW. [ Sunday, September 21, 2003 04:01: Message edited by: Zephyr Tempest, the Wielder of Ice ] -------------------- Entertaining songs !Click here to get to the misc. boards! Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!! Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 200 computers: read more! "AH-CHOO!" -George Washington Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00 |
Member # 169
written Sunday, September 21 2003 05:16
'Acid spray? Acid Spray! Ah well, I suppose an incompetent enemy is a good thing.' Namothil darted in, and slashed off one of the spiders legs. 'I really hate spiders of this size. They're always a pain to kill without magic.' Another dash, and another leg dropped to the ground. Unbalanced, the spider crashed on it's side. 'Should be a little easier to deal with now.' he thought, just as a flailing leg caught him across the back. 'Ouch.' He slammed into the ground some distance from the battle. 'Nothing broken. I'll have a nice set of bruises, though. Swords... Ah, there they are.' Posts: 422 | Registered: Tuesday, October 16 2001 07:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Sunday, September 21 2003 06:00
OOC: Parents cut i-net connection. I'll be gone for a while. -------------------- Visit The Santharian Dream and its RP board. Or the Encyclopaedia Ermariana! Got a brain? Go to Polaris! "It is as if everyone had lost their sense To a conspiracy for downfall and desperance And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey (freely translated). Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3320
written Sunday, September 21 2003 07:51
OOC: Oh, how nice. A sub-plot. I'll do my best. IC: Alcove was skeptical at this comment from Mancire. "What do you mean a rebel mage attacked you in the castle? How did they get in? The windows are all guarded by Demon Golems and any mage trying to get in would be slaughtered." Mancire looked at her with horror in his eyes. "I was in the dungeon of the castle looking for a way out when I saw a human come out of the wall!!!! Yes!!! Right out of the wall!! I tried to run and tell someone what I saw, but the mage must have seen me and followed me. I got to this hallway and suddenly I heard a loud boom over my head. Before I could look up, a bunch of bridges fell down on top of me. I was knocked out cold until you came looking for me. I figure the mage did that in an attempt to try to kill me." Alcove still looked skeptical, but had a grave expression on her face as well. She proceeded to speak to Mancire with a very serious tone in her voice. "If what you say is true, then take me to the place that this mage appeared from. NOW!!!!!" Mancire obeyed and lead her to the dungeon. None of the cells were occupied in the dungeon, and all, but one, were locked. Mancire lead her over to the cell that was unlocked and pointed at its back wall. "The mage came through that wall there." Alcove walked over to the wall and examined it. She scanned the wall with her mind and realized to her horror, that it was an illusion. She inhaled deeply and suddenly ran through the wall. When she was on the other side, she saw what confirmed her suspicions. It was an illusion machine and it was running. She looked away from it and saw to her amazement that there were several tunnels leading away from it and they were all magically dug out of the rock. She decided that exploration was unwise without escorts and other fighters with her, so she turned around and went back through the illusion wall. She turned to Mancire. "Mancire, I need you to find Fluffy, he is still missing. I must go and tell Baltazar what I have found. Regardless of whether you can or can't find Fluffy, come back here and watch that wall. But keep out of site and if you see something or someone come through again, come and tell me at once. The mage that attacked you was just surveying the surroundings. You were just an inconvenience to them, so they tried to kill you before you got word out. Thank goodness you are a hardy little devil. Now I am off." Alcove turned around and began to make her way to Baltazar to tell him the bad news. OOC: How is that for a scene, Zephyr? I made good use of the odd happenings. Sorry if this spoils anything for the rebels. -------------------- (Looks around in the Study) Colonel Mustard: "Just checking." Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2339
written Sunday, September 21 2003 08:03
OOC: I don't think any of the rebels would not approve of that. IC: Mancire: "Fluffy, where are you!? Hey, Fluffy!" *Mancire walks around the tower. He hears a wimper. He looks around the corner, and sees Fluffy confronting a rebel golem. Mancire uses Silver Needle roar, and knocks the golem's head off.* "Fluffy, the rebels dug a tunnel into the tower! I know where the tunnel is though, we need to guard it!" OOC: Your turn, Enraged Slith. Wait, Enraged slith hasn't posted since the 4th page! At least, I think he hasn't. He hasn't posted since Sept. 16! [ Sunday, September 21, 2003 08:05: Message edited by: Zephyr Tempest, the Wielder of Ice ] -------------------- Entertaining songs !Click here to get to the misc. boards! Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!! Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 200 computers: read more! "AH-CHOO!" -George Washington Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00 |
Member # 2242
written Sunday, September 21 2003 08:26
OOC: No, but it'll make the plot more interesting when we emerge from the tunnel into the tower... go ahead and try an ambush. Now, to continue onward. "Time to finish this up," Firedrake thought to himself. Noticing the hydras were dead, and the spider now disabled, he began to chant, waiting for the right moment to strike. His blade began to glow, now on fire, he then ran foward and jumped at the spider. He swung, cleaving the spider almost in two, causing it to die. "I do not see Arianne or Theobold as a threat to us, or they would have taken the advantage right here to try and kill some of us," Firedrake said as he turned to continue up the tunnel. "We should just continue on before someone finds out that there is a tunnel here." Arcadia spoke up, "I want to know what happend to the guards I sent here ahead of time..." Firedrake then continued up the tunnel. OOC: Could we please hurry this up to the next chapter, where we're inside Baltizar the Mad's tower? -------------------- "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes back into you." -Friedrich Nietzsche "There is no dodging the quad laser." -Ignignok Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, November 14 2002 08:00 |
Member # 2339
written Sunday, September 21 2003 09:04
OOC: I just want to warn you, Mancire is a VERY formidable foe. And he might steal your items. And you're gonna HAVE to defeat him before you fight Baltazar. -------------------- Entertaining songs !Click here to get to the misc. boards! Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!! Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 200 computers: read more! "AH-CHOO!" -George Washington Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Sunday, September 21 2003 09:48
IC: When the elder aranea had first appeared, Eferas' senses had shut. He had still been cowering against the ground, safely away from the talking spider, when this huge monstrosity appeared, making the friendly spider seem almost cuddly by comparison. Eferas had not even got out a scream before he had collapsed to the Earth with a thud, his face pale as parchment in shock. Eventually, he came around. "Is it gone?" was his first question. "I killed it. It's over there." was Firedrake's reply. Eferas deliberately turned his eyes the other way. Even dead, a spider was a horrible sight to him. Firedrake spoke again. "We should continue on before someone finds this tunnel." "Yes, let's go. We've wasted enough time here." Eferas said without even blushing, as though he hadn't just got up from where he had lain on the floor unconscious. ((ooc: hopefully there won't be any spiders in the tower. ![]() -------------------- Visit The Santharian Dream and its RP board. Or the Encyclopaedia Ermariana! Got a brain? Go to Polaris! "It is as if everyone had lost their sense To a conspiracy for downfall and desperance And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey (freely translated). Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2940
written Sunday, September 21 2003 11:50
OOC: Time to hurry up the plot. IC: Kel-Aziz had just finish putting his rags out of fire when the last of the Ice Hydras was killed by Firedrake. Arcadia: ...We have lingered too much in the cave entrance, we must get to Tunnel Base now and join the rest of the group...follow me, quick!! Arcadia suddenly started running into the darkness with great confidence as if she knew every part of these caves like the palm of her hand. Down, up, left, right...had it not been for Arcadias guidance they would have lost themselves in those caves. Finnaly the party arrived at what the rebels called "Tunnel Base". It was a huge complex built under the solid rock, obviously with the help of magic. Half a thousand men where moving around in the huge complex...barrels here, crates there...the base was in total activity. Suddenly a Rebel Guard aproached the party. Rebel: Arcadia (kneeling)...we have been waiting for you. Arcadia: Are the troops ready? Rebel: The are ready to fight. Arcadia: Any news of the scout guards we sent to the tower... The Rebel guard suddenly changed his expresion to the one he was used to see in Siris islands inhabitants. Sorrow. Rebel: We have not heard of him, we fear the worst. Arcadia: What!! then we can not waste more time, we must begin the journey through the tunnel before its too late!! The order was abruptly interrupted by a rebel soldier who suddenly screamed in joy... Soldier: Molek is here!! They have made it!! The party turned to see a hole garrison of men walking out of the tunnels, all showing signs of recent battle. The rest of the soldiers in Tunnel Base cried in joy as they saluted their rebel comrades. Molek, the big armoured warrior aproached Arcadia. Arcadia: Molek!! You made it, where is Pachu!! Molek noded. Molek: We lost very good men out there...our base was destroyed...this is it...this is all we have left. Arcadia: Do not worry my brother we still have enough men to slay Baltazar and free this island once and for all. Call every men to the Tunnel Entrance,carry all weapons, explosives supplies and potions...this is it. It is time to commence the journey. They had finnay made it...all heroes and adventurers arrived at the tunnel...the tunnel that would lead those men and women to the very tower of Baltazar. That tunnel would pass right under the huge mountain of Siris Island and the walls of Siris castle and drop these men at the very gates of Baltazars hellish home. All those warriors knew this was it...their great chance to gain back what they lost before, their freedom. But freedom did not come easy, they also knew these tunnels ran deep into the mountain through many other caves and other natural tunnels wich they new nothing of...tunnels where unknown creatures lurked, creatures unknown to surface dwellers. But it was there...the path was there, only darkness was in between and they were rady to fight their fears and gain their freedom through the guts of Siris Mountain...the underworld... CHAPTER IV: the Underworld As our heroes gathered near the Tunnel entrance, Acradia stood high above some crates so that all could hear her before the journey started. The Tunnel was at her back, a perfect circle magicaly opened into the solid rock was awaiting the brave rebels and adventurers like a big worm opening its mouth ready to devour these pitfull creaturess. Arcadia: The time has arrived free people of Siris Island. Our master plan is ready...only the underground journey is left before we reach Baltazars tower. This is the day all of us have waited for so long...this is the day....we shall regain our freedom!!! Suddenly the hole cave was filled with a loud ovation a shouts of joy from the rebels united there. Arcadia: We shall travel through darkness as fast as we can, time is against us for our enemies have found of our plans...but do not fear...I knew this might have happend.(she paused)...This is why I shall transport myself to the very tower in hopes to gain you some time before you arrive. Sudenly the rebels started talking to each other and the tunnel entrance was filled with muttering. Arcadia: Silence!! You must trust me, I shall give you time to make the surprise attack. Molek here shall guide you through the tunnel, he knows the place as much as I do. As for does not matter if I live or die this day, for I am shure you will be victorious by the thime the sun sets. You shal once rulers of Siris Island...farewell my people and wish me luck. With that said Arcadia was covered in a bright light that blinded for a few seconds most of the men standing near her. When the light was gone...Arcadia had gone with it. Molek: You have heard Arcadias will!!! MOVE FORWARD!!! With that shout all the troops started walking forward into the darkness. Leading the group, Molek and the party moved with great confidence. (Siris time 3:00PM) OOC: MSW, Arcadia is now in your control. Let her gain some time for the rebels and make a great is up to you, Zephir and Fluffy if she survives [ Sunday, September 21, 2003 12:48: Message edited by: The_Nazgul ] -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2339
written Sunday, September 21 2003 15:02
*Arcadia teleports near a magical machine. She stares at a towerr wall, she pushes against it, and to her suprise, she falls through it. She looks up to see a pair of demon golems, a werewolf, and some sort of gargoyle.* Mancire: "You have come. But you will not leave. Soon, the rebellion will pay for what they have done." *He stands still for a second, makes a fist, rises it, and then shakes it. A tear strolls down his face.* "They will pay for what they did to my family!" *He readies for a battle, he quickly uses Silver Needle roar. But it wasn't quite succesful, because it ended early with a squeak.* "THE REBELS WILL PAY!" OOC: I don't think Mancire's gonna let her survive... -------------------- Entertaining songs !Click here to get to the misc. boards! Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!! Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 200 computers: read more! "AH-CHOO!" -George Washington Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00 |