Baltazar the Mad (RP)
Author | Topic: Baltazar the Mad (RP) |
Shock Trooper
Member # 3238
written Sunday, September 21 2003 15:09
The slith captain was lost. Very, very badly lost. All the accursed tunnels have confused her, and she could not make heads or tails of where to go. She was going to black out soon, and was hoping for anything good to happen. She stumbled into the main rebel base on accident instead of what she was hoping, like some stock of potions... Kyrissian stared at the base in suprise. It was suprisingly empty for a base. They musst have left... She serched in a red haze for any potion or healing mechanism. The whole place... emptied... out? The pain was too much. In the mist of red fog and the black blanket that was surrounding her, she caught a glimpse of someone coming out of the tunnel (to the tower... she doesn't know that) and start to race toward her. Kyrissian blacked out. OOC: I want someone to tag along and be the person coming out of the tunnel. I don't care who, but someone that won't kill, but help. She's too easy of a target right now... -------------------- "Friendship is two things: Trust, and sharing. I personally see it as a business opportunity." -Random Quote Newage3 - Insanitatious Fun in a Browser! Posts: 203 | Registered: Friday, July 18 2003 07:00 |
Member # 27
written Sunday, September 21 2003 16:41
OOC: Well with the Hurricane I've been pretty busy. I was trying to find a place to enter the RP again and finally I am able to do something. Most of the time Fluffy wasn't around, he was engorging himself with chicken! ![]() IC: *This is in the potion room.* Fluffy *A bit surprised*: "What is everyone doing here? This is where I keep my secret stash of food... Oh so the tunnel ended up here did it?" *Gets up and smiles* "Well then I can finally prove to Alcove that I am not so useless after all. Mancire we cant kill her yet... Lets take her hostage and then have our fun." *Fluffy lets out howl and jumps at Arcadia.* *To his unfortunate surprise she dodged his attack with ease and immediatly countered with an Invoking spell.* *The spell hit him in the back. Fluffy let out a great yelp of pain, for the spell was like gust of daggers, digging into him.* *Mancire used Silver Needle roar again and this time it was a bit more effective.* *Arcadia was thrown back a few feet but she got up unscathed.* Arcadia: "Hmph, I wonder if all of Baltizar's minions are this weak." *Waves hands around* "SILENCE." *Blue light erupts from her hands and hits Mancire in the mouth. Nothing seems to happen and Mancire opens his mouth for another roar. Nothing but spit leaves his mouth.* Arcadia: "Heh, you wont be talking for quite awhile I'm afraid. Ha ha ha." *The two Demon Golems charge Arcadia.* *She casts a spell. A green light now shoots out of her hands and hits the Demon Golems. They stop and turn torwards Mancire.* Arcadia: "Try getting out of this situation, Gargoyle boy." *The Demon Golems now attack the Semi-Helpless Mancire.* Arcadia: "Now where did tha-" *Fluffy, now in a Feral Rage, leaps at her from behind and gives her a gruesome slash across the back.* *She gasps with pain and falls over.* Arcadia: *Cough* "That will be the first and last time you hit me." *She casts a spell, which throws Fluffy against the wall and holds him there.* *She gets up, the back of her robes soaked in blood. She starts waving her hands around getting ready to cast a deadly and much more powerful spell.* *Mancire continues to dodge the golems' blows.* Mancire (Thinking): "I can't keep this up much longer... Wait this is the potion room, maybe there is a potion in here that can counter the effect of Silence." *He dodges another blow and rushes over to a cabnet of potions. Throwing them aside.* Mancire: "Healing, antidote, Mage Armor. Good Vocalize!" *He drinks the potion and throws the bottle away. Then he clears his throat and roars at the advancing Golems.* *Vocalize not only counter effects silence but it increases the persons voice by ten fold.* OOC: The rest is up to you Zephyr. -------------------- Live teh fez. Posts: 1233 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Member # 2339
written Sunday, September 21 2003 17:15
*Mancire lets out his Power Soundwave roar! The room shakes, and several stones fall. The golems fall apart, and several stones fall on Arcadia. Mancire runs up to Aracdia, and steal s a scroll! It's a Silence scroll!* Mancire: *Reads scroll, suddenly, Arcadia can't cast spells.* "Now who's got the upperhand?" *He walks over to Fluffy. He lets out a coughing fit, and several needles fall out. He takes them and uses them to help pry Fluffy off the wall.* "Now, how shall we interrogate this mage?" OOC: Power Soundwave was so powerful because of the potion he drank. -------------------- Entertaining songs !Click here to get to the misc. boards! Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!! Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 200 computers: read more! "AH-CHOO!" -George Washington Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00 |
Member # 27
written Sunday, September 21 2003 17:22
IC: *Fluffy was calmed down by the small time out he had up on the wall. Once the mage lost her concentration of holding him there, Mancire was able to pry him out of the wall.* Fluffy: *Phew* "I haven't seen such a powerful mage since Alcove. I'll bring her up to Baltazar, it will be easy since she is unconcious. Though that Silence scroll may not have been the best idea. See if you can round up some more demon golems to guard this tunnel, and I'll try to find Alcove to help. Orginize the potions too, they could come in handy." Mancire: "I'll do that." *Fluffy covers his ears* Fluffy: "Ahh, don't talk so loud." *He leaves for Baltazar, an unconcious Arcadia in his arms.* OOC: MSW now its your turn. -------------------- Live teh fez. Posts: 1233 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Member # 2940
written Sunday, September 21 2003 17:39
As Molek and the band leaded the army through the tunnel Kel-Aziz abrubtly stoped. Kel-Aziz: Wait! you hear that dripping? Molek: What!! Kel-Aziz: Guess it was nothing, probably cave ponds. As they where about to continue ShadowWolf stoped the party. ShadowWolf: No wait!! Kel-Aziz is right...there is something out there. Kel-Aziz: Eferas, can you lighten the place. Eferas: No problem. Eferas raised his hands muttered some strange words and with a scream streched his arms towards the darkness, suddenly a huge flamethrower came out of his hands lighting for a few seconds great portion of the tunnel. He then lowered his hands tired by the effort. Drakefire: Over there, on the left!!! Kel-Aziz: Cave slimes!!! Thousands of them!!! Molek: Chaaaaaargee!!!!! A group of the front army moved with the party towards the huge amount of cave slimes. -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Member # 169
written Sunday, September 21 2003 18:04
'You'd think these rebels could at least keep their tunnels reasonably clean.' Namothil thought, as he drew his swords. 'Ah well, I guess we'll have to deal with it.' Twin blades flashed, slashing through the slimes. 'Not the most efficient solution, but it does work. Hopefully these aren't acidic. Wouldn't be a problem for me, but I think the rebels would prefer not to have their weapons dissolved.' OOC: Wouldn't be a problem because his swords wouldn't dissolve anyway. Posts: 422 | Registered: Tuesday, October 16 2001 07:00 |
Member # 3320
written Sunday, September 21 2003 19:11
OOC: You know, when I had originally spoke of Arcadia, it was a woman. How it was evolved into a man, I don't understand. It will be a surprise when the two meet again, but it won't be if it is a man. Can we make it a woman again? Mancire needs to come and get me before I can do anything. IC: Alcove continues on towards Baltazar's throne room. When she gets there, she amazed by the scent of roses and when she opens the door, he is sitting on his throne, cleaner than she has ever seen him. She rushes to him, slightly turned on by the clean scent of roses. He speaks to her first. "Alcove you can bring in that mage now, I'm ready to question her." "Baltazar!!!! We have bigger problems than that now!!! There is devil's witchery brewing against this tower!!! There is an illusion machine covering up a tunnel entrance in the dungeon. The rebels must have placed it there. They are going to attack you through that tunnel. I knew I sensed something grand in scale that they were doing." Baltazar looked disturbed at this news. "Well, well, well. They have made a move against me. Hmmmmm. Gather up all the warriors in the castle and tell them to wait for my instruction. Meanwhile, bring me that mage you have imprisoned. I want to talk to her." ? As you wish." She could hardly tear herself from him because he smelled that good. But, orders were orders. She went to the holding cell chanting several words and brought down the barriers. She went into the cell and cast several calm spells on the mage. Then Alcove magically removed her bindings. Before removing the web casing, she concentrated her a little of her energy into a very strong charm spell. Her hands began to glow red as she chanted and raved the words to the spell. It looked as if fire was now flowing between Alcove's hands. She walked right up to the mage and put her hands on either side of the mages head. A loud bell toll could be heard and then all was silent. Alcove removed the rest of the mage's bindings and the mage just stood there and blinked. Then she spoke. "Oh, hello. Where am I?" Alcove returned with an answer. You are in the tower of King Baltazar, and he requires you're service. Please follow me." Alcove lead the mage to the throne room and presented her to Baltazar. OOC: Nazgul, I need you to talk for the mage in the throne room. I am going to call her Jade. It is up to you to say what she divulges to Baltazar now that she has been charmed. She wears jade green robes, and, well, I?ll leave that up to you. -------------------- (Looks around in the Study) Colonel Mustard: "Just checking." Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2940
written Sunday, September 21 2003 19:25
OOC: Arcadia was always a woman, sorry if I made a mistake somewhere. That other mage can reveal whatever you want but Arcadia will stop any try to organize a defensive is supposed to be a surprise attack and it shall be so. There you could make a special duel against her, I understand you have a side story against Arcadia. I dont care what you do to her just make her gain some time for the Rebelion to reach the tower. She was supposed to prevent Baltazar from knowing about the attack but its a bit late for that so do what you will with both Arcadia and that other mage. IC: Kel-Aziz was about to draw his own waveblades from under his rags when he noticed what Namothil was doing. Namothils blades easily cut through the slimes but to his horrors these continued living even if they were cut in half. Kel-Aziz: HALT!!! PULL BACK!!! All the rebels moved to the right side of the cave, even if Kel-Aziz was nothing but a beggar in apearence his voice had such authority in it that they obeyed, just as the other adventurers had joined him in this quest. Kel-Aziz knew his experience as a Darubian Royal Guard served him well in these kind of situations, since he remembered quite well the battles he had made for his now forgotten Darubian empire. Kel-Aziz: Molek! Do you have any of those explosives to spare. Molek: What do you have in mind. Kel-Aziz just smiled. Molek: Over there, those men have some. Hope you know what you are doing. Kel-Aziz carried an explosive crate towards the other side of the tunnel. Kel-Aziz: Tell the troops to advance faster...just ingore the slimes. As Molek gave the orders and the Rebel army ran through the right side of the tunnel fending of the ocasional slime, Kel-Aziz ran at an incredible speed towards the left side of the tunnel right towards the slime concentration. Kel-Aziz: I will need some space here Eferas, care too make some room!!! Eferas as tired as he was lifted his hands and threw a huge fireball near Kel-Aziz, right in the middle of the slime concentration. Kel-Aziz quickly ran to the site of the explosion left the crate and ran even faster towards the tail of the Rebel army wich was leaving the area. Kel-Aziz: One last favour. Can you take a firebolt shot from here Eferas? Eferas: Phew...your lucky its only a fireball, I am an old man remember. In one last effort Eferas aimed at the crate and shot a decent fireball at it. Then it happened. The explosion blew up the hole slime horde into green soup and luckily for the army, it was not big enough to colaps the tunnel. Kel-Aziz: Good job Eferas, my respects. Eferas: Just leave this old man alone will you. The pair joined up with the rest of the band, wondering what other dangers might they face ahead. (Siris time 3:30PM) OOC: Feel free to add more encounters. [ Sunday, September 21, 2003 19:34: Message edited by: The_Nazgul ] -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Member # 65
written Sunday, September 21 2003 22:13
OOC: Sorry I haven't been posting. OOC: This is long post IC: Eve made some futile attempts at cleaning the dried cave slime of her clothing Another tunic ruined she scowled. She kept up with group then froze, she could her unmistakeable sound of rats. Rats? Finally something that appeals to me They went along another twist in tunnel when at least thirty giant rats surrounded the group from both sides. "Well this will be easy," someone said as they drew their weapons. Eve stared at the rats, they were acting strangely not attacking but just standing there. She then heard a voice in her head You will make good mind-hosts.Many times you soft-skins disrupted my hive-now you will be eaten it sounded cold and painful. Eve looked at others and saw the pained expressions. Obviously they could hear it as well. Her eyes searched the horde of rats and immemdiately saw the shrunken figure in a ragged robe with a faint glow of energy. "Oh hell," she whispered. "What is it? Molek asked, keeping his voice down. "The rats are being controlled by a Ratten, that means they will not stop fighting even if killed until the Ratten controlling their mind is stopped," Eve thought back to her childhood and remembered the stories about the Ratten or Rat Masters. Occasionally the giants would give birth to Ratten, a giant rat that stood on it's hindlegs and was senient. They had strong magically powers and the ability to control lesser minds-like rats. This talent was so powerful that they could over-ride the mind's automatic processes, like dying when killed. There had even been stories where the mind-hosts had been reported to have been partially rotting, the body long dead. "Shall we get this done or not?" Eve asked drawing her swords. What is this? A CAT mind?! KILL it! KILL!! it screamed as the rats surged forward. OOC: Hows that? The ratten has extremely strong magic powers and the other rats wont stay dead until the Ratten is killed. -------------------- "Heads don't roll, they bounce!" Want to find out how nasty you really are? now! Also look at my site here This is also a good site Posts: 650 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Member # 2242
written Monday, September 22 2003 01:39
OOC: I just want to get to the end of the tunnel and get to the real fight. Don't start the fight without me. ![]() -------------------- "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes back into you." -Friedrich Nietzsche "There is no dodging the quad laser." -Ignignok Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, November 14 2002 08:00 |
Member # 3320
written Monday, September 22 2003 02:06
Nazgul, I didn't want to speak for Jade because I don't know the secrets of the rebels and I am no good at giving away secrets of the enemy. Even though I still insist that you should take the part of Jade, it looks as though I will have to do it. This will be one heck of a challenge for me. I will still need you to speak for Arcadia when I call for it. I can't create this whole plot myself. After all, I didn't bring her back from the dead. I had said I had killed her in a power struggle. Now you have arranged it that I must explain how I had supposedly killed her. I don't like that. I am talented at creating stories out of nowhere, but I am not THAT good. This will be the biggest challenge for me yet. Congratulations. I may be stumped completely for the first time in my posts. I have to think about what to write here. I will be back soon with the continued part of my story. And Zephyr, don't interrupt my story until I am finished. I know you are eager to post, but I have just been handed a challenge that might be too much for me. Why don't you lock Arcadia in a cell and then come to tell me. I have to finish this part with Jade first before I introduce Arcadia into my part of the plot. I will be back soon everyone. Give me some time to work this storyline out. -------------------- (Looks around in the Study) Colonel Mustard: "Just checking." Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 517
written Monday, September 22 2003 02:15
Meanwhile, in his cave, Delgar has finally gotten his illusion machines working (translation: I've been unable to post all weekend, sorry I'm so behind...) Scanning for his own name, he finds that Alcove has sent a minion to demand he help Balthazar by tracking the rebel army. The minion is nearly at his house... Focussing on his illusory body left inside his house, he hears a knock. Going to answer, he opens the front door and goes out. 'Yes?' 'I am Morten, Balthazar's Lieutenant. Balthazar requires your services to spy on some rebels who are tunneling under the mountains to attack his tower. He is prepared to pay you up to twenty thousand gold pieces if your help leads to their destruction.' As if he'll ever pay that much...but this is an excellent oppurtunity to help the rebels. 'For that money, I'll gladly come. Do you have any transport to offer me?' 'No-I assumed that you You are a mage, aren't you?' 'Yes, I can indeed teleport, although I don't like to. Very well. Go and tell your master that I'll come...although by the time you get back, I'll be there already...' (OOC: Delgar can't teleport, but he can project his illusory image pretty much anywhere once he's got the right esoteria set up.) With that, Delgar's image disappears from view. Meanwhile, in the tower, Fluffy is carrying Arcadia on his back, looking for Alcove. Suddenly, a voice comes from behind him... 'Not so fast, little wolf. I'm sure you'll be wanting to leave that mage there...' Turning around, Fluffy sees a mysterious robed figure (not Delgar, a completely illusory one this time). Flanking him are two horrific monsters, giant green ratlike things with human faces and arms holding gigantic weapons. Fluffy quails, then recovers his fortitude. Dropping Arcadia's body, he pulls himself up. 'You rebels are no match for me! I'll get you!' With this, he launches himself at the robed figure, who disappears, leaving Fluffy to charge through empty space. Mocking laughter follows him. Fluffy turns, snarling, to see the two ratmen are standing to his side. They begin to circle round him. He charges at one of them, but it turns and flees. Sensing victory is at hand, he pursues, only to run headlong into the wall, knocking himself out. Meanwhile, the noise has woken Arcadia, who is looking, confused, at the ratmen. Suddenly, they disappear completely, along with the illusory passage one of them fled down. 'No thank-yous, Arcadia?' Delgar has appeared, and is looking very pleased with himself. 'Delgar? What are you doing here? I thought you'd defected?' 'A mage without the ability to kill is hardly in a position to challenge one with it, at least not directly. I had to appear to go along with Balthazar, I couldn't have defended myself otherwise. But I don't want to die with him ruling Siris. That's why I just rescued you, and that's why I'm pretending to help Balthazar by giving him false information about the rebels' activities. Speaking of which...' And he disappears, leaving a very confused Arcadia behind him. -E- -------------------- Let them eat cake! Polaris Boards: The System is Up. Perennially. Posts: 2314 | Registered: Tuesday, January 15 2002 08:00 |
Member # 3320
written Monday, September 22 2003 03:10
OOC: I hope this works out correctly. IC: The mage Alcove was bringing through the hall to Baltazar wore jade green robes and had long Jet-black hair. She was in her early twenties and had a beauty that was almost deadly. Alcove enters the throne room, brings Jade in front of Baltazar, and says to him, ?Ask her anything. I hit her with a strong charm spell. She is friendly to us now." Baltazar looks at Alcove with a grin. "So, what is your name mage?" The mage looks up at him and says, "My name, King Baltazar, is Jade. I was third in command in the rebel army, after Molez and Pachu. But, now, even though I don't know why, I am at your services. What is your bidding my lord?" Baltazar got a happy little smile on his face and then asked his next question. "What is this I hear about a rebel tunnel?" She looked at him and gave a little smirk. "Oh, that? The rebels have been magically digging a tunnel from a secret location to the dungeon of your castle. It is over three miles long and was dug by a very powerful mage. I don't know any of the details of when they were planning to attack though. They wouldn't tell me very much because I am third in command and there are stronger mages before me." Baltazar looked disturbed at this news. "Who is this powerful mage?" Jade looked slightly shamed. "They refused to divulge much of that information to me as well. I never actually met the mage, but I was told that the mage joined the resistance some four or five years ago. I have heard the mage's name before, but I cannot remember it." Alcove also looked worried and disturbed. She thought back to the various powerful mage's she had known during her lifetime. Only one she knew of had the power to dig these tunnels. But it couldn't be. Arcadia couldn't possibly still be alive. Could she. Alcove thought back to the day she had killed Arcadia. OOC: I will post the flashback in my next post. This one will be far too long with it. Believe me, it is worth it. ![]() [ Monday, September 22, 2003 03:30: Message edited by: Murder, She Wrote ] -------------------- (Looks around in the Study) Colonel Mustard: "Just checking." Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3320
written Monday, September 22 2003 03:25
OOC: Here is the explanation of Arcadia?s supposed death. I hope everyone enjoys it. I spent a good amount of mental energy on my last few posts. IC: [FLASHBACK] Alcove had been hunting done Arcadia to kill her because she wanted to be the King's Archmage. She had trapped her on the edge of a cliff and they had been previously fighting each other with magic for over an hour. Arcadia and Alcove were both rather weak, but the fight was in Alcove's favor. "There is no escape this time Arcadia!!! This time, you can't teleport out of the situation. You will die today!!! And by god, I will make sure it happens!!!! I will never let you be Baltazar's Archmage!! NEVER!!!!!" Arcadia looked down the cliff face at the ocean and rocks below and then back over at Alcove. "You may try, but you will never succeed Alcove!!! You cannot kill me! I won't let you!! If you try, I will be back someday to avenge my defeat. And I will kill both you and Baltazar. But until then...? She had been preparing a spell to throw at Alcove behind her back while Alcove was speaking. Now she attempted to throw it at Alcove. Alcove sensed that Arcadia was up to something and prepared an ice bolt just in case. Just as Arcadia released her kill spell at Alcove, Alcove threw her ice bolt at Arcadia. The kill spell hit Alcove in the stomach and she fell on her side, clutching her stomach. The ice bolt hit Arcadia in the neck and she fell backwards over the cliff. Arcadia screamed as she went over the edge. "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Alcove in her pain turned around and saw her falling over the cliff. In all her pain, she had a grin on her face. With what little magical energy Alcove had left, she cast a heal spell on herself and made her way to her feet. She limped to the cliff edge and got down on her hands and knees to look over the edge. As she peered over the edge, she could make out the red robes of Arcadia. She could not see her actual body, but just her robes. Of course, that could be because there was at least 358 feet separating her at the cliff?s edge from Arcadia at the cliff?s base. Satisfied at having killed Arcadia, she turned around and headed towards the castle. Filled with satisfaction that her biggest rival was now dead, she set herself up as Baltazar?s Archmage and has lived comfortably until this day. [End of FLASHBACK] OOC: I hope this flashback explains some things. Nazgul, it is up to you to give Arcadia?s account of her supposed death. It is up to you to show exactly how Arcadia survived. And make it decently detailed perhaps by using some of the dialog from my post. I?m sure your explanation will be very good. -------------------- (Looks around in the Study) Colonel Mustard: "Just checking." Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2940
written Monday, September 22 2003 08:53
OOC: Fine, I will take care of Arcadia, but be prepared because I will make a living hell for all those who are at the tower. BTW, please lets avoid unecessary OOC writings (such as why I havent posted, the weather, my abilities as a RP(yes, that one goes for you MSW), when will I post, how I like my dog, etc), they are almost as much as IC!! IC: Back at Baltazars tower... Arcadia watched as Delgar disapeared and as Fluffy regained his conciousnes from the hit against the wall. Arcadia: Oh, no you wont. Arcadia ran towards Fluffy and placed her hands on the creatures head. The beast tried to move in vain as Arcadia accesed his small but usefull brain. In his mind Fluffy could hear... Wolf Man...hear my call...wake from that darkness the man that once ruled this tormented soul, I ARCADIA COMMAND YOU TO BE FREE!!! The mind spell worked but it would not last long on the beast, hopefully it would give her enough time to distract the other strange lizzard beast guarding the tunnel entrance. Arcadia: Wolf man...find the lizzard creature and slay it!! The beasts roared in fury, and runned with surprising speed down the hallway to meet the lizzard creature in deadly combat. Arcadia: I wish I had time to see that battle between beasts but I have other more important things to do right now. Arcadia made her way towards the tower gates, she had to get them closed somehow and prevent the entrance from Baltazars army to the tower and into the tunnel. -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Member # 517
written Monday, September 22 2003 10:41
Meanwhile, In Balthazar's throne room: Balthazar is sitting idly in his throne, the jade mage standing in front of him, in the middle of the throne room, with the contented, half-witted smile of a person under the influence of a charm spell. Alcove is in one corner, frowning to herself. Suddenly, there is a flash of light, and a strange blue portal appears in the middle of Balthazar's throne room. A richly dressed figure with a long, ostentatious cape, appears and steps out of the portal, which promptly disappears. (OOC: remember, it's not munchkinning, it's just one of Delgar's overly elaborate illusions...) Balthazar looks up. 'Delgar? Why are you here?' Bowing low, Delgar replies: 'You summoned me, your majesty. I believe you wanted me to lend my expertise to...ah...a fact-finding enterprise?' 'Fact-finding? Oh, the rebels? Yes, I did. Now look here, Delgar, the rebels are building a tunnel to part of my tower. I need to many of them there are, how long the tunnel is...that sort of thing.' 'And who built it,' chimes in Alcove. 'Yes, that is certainly something we want to know. Can't have mages that powerful running around, oh no.' 'What you ask is not easy, my lord. However, it can be done. Observe.' An illusionary image of Balthazar's tower appears in mid-air. The walls disappear, and everything happening inside is visible...with the notable exception of Fluffy, Mancire and Arcadia. Fortunately, neither Balthazar nor Alcove are interested in the details of a place they are sure is fairly safe, at least for the moment. The image zooms in on the basement of the tower, until the throne room walls have disappeared, and Balthazar's ornamental hangings appear to be hanging from rusty nails in the cellar. One wall of the cellar disappears, revealing a tunnel beyond. There is an almost alarming sensation of movement as the tunnel walls begin to rush past. The tunnel widens out into caves, and then narrows. Occasional sight is had of some creatures peering out of dens, and then nothing, until suddenly the throne room emerges from the mouth of the tunnel, to an almost deserted rebel encampment, with only a few soldiers hanging around to guard it. Balthazar takes a look around, and then laughs. 'These fools think they can harm me? Alcove, summon...oh...five of your imps to guard the cellar. That should be more than enough to deal with these rebels.' 'But where is the mage, my lord?' 'Yes, indeed. Delgar, where is...Delgar, be so good as to end this illusion, will you?' 'At once, my lord.' 'Now, where was I? Oh, yes. Delgar, the mage?' 'I cannot tell, my lord. Perhaps I should scry back in time, to when the tunnel was made?' 'Yes! Do so!' 'My lord, I cannot just do so straight takes time to prepare such a scrying, and more time to carry it out...who knows how long this tunnel has been here? Maybe it was dug years ago, maybe the mage who dug it has long since perished, who knows? I will go, and see, and when I know, I will tell you.' 'Thank you, Delgar. You may leave.' ' lord, there is the small matter of payment...' 'After you find out who dug the tunnel, Delgar. Then you will be paid.' 'My lord...' 'Then, Delgar. Now go!' And, with a giant blue flash, Delgar goes. OOC: To the slightly confused, the reason they didn't see the party when the illusion travelled along the tunnel was because Delgar hid them. -E- -------------------- Let them eat cake! Polaris Boards: The System is Up. Perennially. Posts: 2314 | Registered: Tuesday, January 15 2002 08:00 |
Member # 27
written Monday, September 22 2003 11:54
OOC: Whoa this is all confusing now... I had thought that Fluffy and Mancire had just beaten Arcadia (Zephyrs post) and were beginning to take her to Alcove and Baltazar (My post.) I may have liked to stretch the battle out a bit longer but I am now very confused... If you read Zephyr's battle post, Fluffy never fell unconcious and was pryed out of the wall by Mancire. Its very hard to knock any animal out while they are in a rage, with but one goal which is to kill. Besides I had Arcadia cast a binding spell... Anyway I'm not mad or annoyed I would just like somebody to fill me in on what the hell is going on and where I am, and what really happened, and if the story has changed at all. Thank you. ![]() [ Monday, September 22, 2003 11:57: Message edited by: Enraged Slith ] -------------------- Live teh fez. Posts: 1233 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Monday, September 22 2003 12:25
OOC: Delgar made an illusion and tricked Fluffy into running into the cavewall, knocking himself out. That's how he freed Arcadia. You got a raw deal there, Enraged Slith. You get to fight Zephyr now. At least the spell's gonna wear off soon. Edit referring to FB's post below: See what I mean by raw deal? Fluffard McMuffin is gonna resemble a pincushion by the time this is over. IC: Eferas looked apprehensively at the new menace that was coming to meet them now. The situation seemed easy enough to deal with, but he was tired beyond imagining by the fireballs and especially the flame ray that he had cast to light the tunnel up. He tentatively cast a Firestorm - "Kai'Efer'Herin", Great Fire Cloud - aiming to the right of the ratten - seen from Eferas' point - where the rats stood thickest. What should have mostly ended the fight if the party had been fighting a normal foe, failed to do much difference. At least half of the rats had received so major injuries that Eferas would have expected two thirds of them to drop dead, the last third turning to flight. Instead, all of them rose again, except for five or six that had been powdered by the explosion of the storm, standing at the epicentre of the impact. The ratten was also slighty scorched on its left side now. "The furry guy there in the middle is controlling them? That should be no problem." Eferas said, more to reassure himself than anyone else. There had been situations like this before, but he had never encountered that degree of total control. He could probably pick apart the rats slowly by continually throwing fire until they were all burned away so much that reanimation was impossible - but Eferas was growing tired. He would need to finish this now, and with little expenditure. He needed to place ONE strong spell directly square on the ratten, and the battle would be over. He raised his staff once more, spun it around while chanting unrecognizable words in a tongue even more strange than what he had spoken in his spells earlier, at the same time familiar - a harsh, but flowing language, full of a and o vowels, rolling heavily through his mouth, but not guttural. With a shout, he brought the staff to rest and levelled it at the creature that the cat woman had called a ratten, which reminded him faintly of the wererats he had encountered elsewhere in his travels. "CARTHRAMMEN!" Eferas shouted, his voice now unnaturally thunderous, but it might also have just been the echos down in these caves. A ray of blazing fire shot from the staff, sped through the midst of the rats towards the ratten... ...and narrowly missed. Grazing the side of the creature, the missile passed onwards to slam into a whole flurry of rats, instantly turning to ash about sixteen of them. At least it'll have a hard time raising *those* again. But the ratten itself was, in spite of the wicked burn along its entire right side from cheek to thigh, still far from killed like Eferas had intended with his spell. As if to underline this, two of the sixteen, that had been charred beyond recognition, but not disintegrated to powder, rose again as if alive, and continued their advance. Their fur was burned away, their flesh blackened and charred bones were visible here and there. One was missing its head. Yet they continued onwards, an unnerving and sickening sight. Eferas suddenly stumbled, his eyes milky. Foolish, to speak words of power in a weakened state like this, he scolded himself, while weakly fumbling for an energy potion with his left hand, his right closely gripping the staff so hard his knuckles were white. Hopefully the others could finish off the severely injured ratten and its remaining followers, about ten in number. He drained the potion he had drawn from his pack, and, with a face the color of bleached paper, collapsed into a sitting position. The potion would keep him alive and prevent death from overdraining, but he wouldn't be casting anything so soon again... [ Tuesday, September 23, 2003 14:11: Message edited by: Arancaytar ] -------------------- Visit The Santharian Dream and its RP board. Or the Encyclopaedia Ermariana! Got a brain? Go to Polaris! "It is as if everyone had lost their sense To a conspiracy for downfall and desperance And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey (freely translated). Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2339
written Monday, September 22 2003 14:17
Mancire: "Fluffy, you seemed to be charmed!" *Mancire uses Silver Needle roar, and Fluffy's right arm gets covered in needles.* "Now then, I'm at an advantage! Don't worry, you won't be charmed forever. I know from experience." *He flies into the air.* "Let the battle commence!" OOC: As Mancire said, let the battle commence. -------------------- Entertaining songs !Click here to get to the misc. boards! Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!! Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 200 computers: read more! "AH-CHOO!" -George Washington Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00 |
Member # 2940
written Monday, September 22 2003 15:31
Arcadia finnaly reached the tower gates, at the entrance two huge golems guarded steady like two pillars. Every now and then Arcadia could see as a huge chain turned opening the tower gates wich glowed magicaly. Arcadia: Enchanted chains...there si no way I could cut them...those two golems however may prove usefull. Then it struck her, if those two golems where disabled they would colapse over the tower would take heavy use of magic or man labor to move them out of the way again. Arcadia:...But how can I turn them off for good?...maybe if I made a few golems of my own...only to disctract them...yes that should do just fine! Arcadia closed her eyes and visualised the golems, then she muttered some strange words and out of the very ground came four medium sized golems. Arcadia: Go forth my minions, fight those guardians!! The rock brutes moved mechanicaly towards the huge golems as both of them slowly turned to meet their sorry imitations. One of the Guardian Golems sent its huge hand down right above one of Arcadias golems. The impact made the very ground tremble. As this golem was burried the other three reached their targets hitting hard but in vain, causing just minor damage on the solid Guardian Golems that reached for their new victims. As the two titans where about to burry yet another golem, Arcadia, out of nowhere, fell over the head of one of the Guardian Golems, the creature did not even flinch and ignored her precence as yet another of Acradias golems was burried into the very ground from where it came from. Arcadia touched the rocks surface on the Guardian Golems head and a golden glow came from her hands and eyes. Suddenly the eyes of the Guardian Golem was devoid of the characteristical was disabled. Arcadia: Minions, push with all your strength!! The two remaining smaller golems pushed the disabled Guardian Golem over its twin partner. It seemed they tried in vain, but Arcadia joined in with a glowin beam of pure blue energy that managed to cause the desired effect. The huge piece of magical rock fell right over its slow partner, both of the creatures colapsed and fell with the sound of a meteor hitting the very gates of the Tower, a few human guards were unfortunate enough to be patroling just by the gate. Arcadia: Well, that will shurely sound the alarm and gain some time for the rebels!!...hurry up comrades!!! [ Monday, September 22, 2003 15:37: Message edited by: The_Nazgul ] -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Member # 27
written Monday, September 22 2003 15:39
OOC: THANK YOU FOR EXPLAINING IT TO ME!!! IC: *Not only a mindless zombie at the moment, the needles in Fluffy's arm have caused him to go into a bit of a feral rage. Not a good combination. * A Voice In Fluffy's Head: "KILL, KILL, KILL!!! KILL THE UGLY ONE WHO FLYS!" *Mixed with his rage* "RGGHH, SNORRTT, GHACKHGG. **Imagine this next part happening in 3 seconds** *Fluffy lets out a roar and leaps at Mancire. They are in the small potion room which roof is not too high.* *Mancire dodges his blow easially but to his surprise, Fluffy lodges his claws into the stone and kicks out at Mancire with the claws on his feet.* *The claws rake Mancire across the face and chest, and he falls to the ground.* *Fluffy roars again, and leaps down as fast as he went up. He grabs Mancire and throws him into the air, at the same time moving his other claw to intercept Mancire. The claw slashes Mancire across the shoulder.* *Before Mancire hits the floor Fluffy kicks him hard in the middle, sending him sprawling across the room and partly into the tunnel.* ** STOP IMAGINING ** *Weazing heavilly, Mancire starts to rise when his skull meets Fluffy's forehead.* *Fluffy then grabs Mancire by the throat and in a quick motion slams him against the wall, holding him there, his free claw poised and ready to stab him.* *Before the blow is struck, Mancire lets out a huge roar, throwing Fluffy back onto the opposite wall and giving him several deep gashes from spikes.* *Fluffy is quick to react, but too far away. Mancire lets out another loud roar which now shoves Fluffy into the wall and through it.* *Mancire runs over to the potion cabnet again. Searching for a Potion of Clear Thoughts, before Fluffy has time to recover. The cabnet is in pieces and the potions are all over the floor.* *Searching Mancire finally finds the one he needs.* Mancire: "Good, now I just need t-" *A powerful kick sends Mancire flying into a wall. He despretly holds onto the bottle.* *Before he hits the ground, Fluffy grabs him by the neck and holds him in a choking grip, other claw ready to lunge.* *Mancire trys to roar but he cant let out more than a squeak.* *Thinking fast Mancire kicks Fluffy square in the nuts. (Even though he may not be as physicly fit as some warriors, he still has enough power to make it hurt. OUCH!)* *Fluffy gasps and loosens his grip.* Mancire: "You might be shooting blanks for a while, I'm afraid." *He uncorks the bottle and spills the contents into Fluffy's mouth.* *Clear of all thought, emotion, and feeling, Fluffy slumps to the ground, unconcious for quite a long time.* *Mancire then falls over and joins him on the ground.* OOC: Its up to Zephyr to decide when Mancire gets up. He is pretty drained. -------------------- Live teh fez. Posts: 1233 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Member # 3320
written Monday, September 22 2003 15:58
OOC: Okay Nazgul, you leave me no choice but to destroy Arcadia once and for all. And if I feel like describing what I am doing at the present time of my post, that is my business. Like many other people have said, if you don't want to read it, then skip over it. I am getting quite tired of this same discussion all the time. Looks like I will have to describe Arcadia's escape from certain death. IC: Alcove was standing in the throne room, when she suddenly sensed the presence of her old adversary. She left the throne room and headed towards the castle gate. The sensation grew stronger with every step. She rounded the final corner and then saw her. Alcove's eyes widened in horror. It WAS Arcadia. She was alive and very powerful by the look of things. "So, you ARE alive. I should have guessed as much. How did you manage to survive the cliff fall?" Arcadia, hearing Alcove's sudden words, turned around with a start. "YOU!!! I knew we'd meet again sometime, someplace. Well, to answer your question, I did fall over the cliff face. But I had just enough magical energy for one last spell. I threw a force spell at the rocks and the recoil from it slowed my fall. I hit the rocks hard, but not hard enough to kill me. Now, you will die. Delgar was only shamming. There is a whole army of rebels coming to kill you and Baltazar. That won't really matter because you will be dead before they reach here and at my hands." Arcadia thrust her hands out in front of her and a fireball flew towards Alcove. Alcove only had enough time to jump out of the way, as the fireball struck the wall. Alcove in return lifted her hands above her head and then threw a flamestrike spell at Arcadia. It struck Arcadia in the leg, but did little damage. OOC: The battle between the two has begun. And it will be intense. I can guarantee you that. I will not let it end quickly. -------------------- (Looks around in the Study) Colonel Mustard: "Just checking." Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2242
written Monday, September 22 2003 16:57
OOC: While the other group has some fun COMPLETELY IGNORING THE HEROES IN THE TUNNELS, the heroes reach the illusionary wall. After a completely uneventful trek through the tunnels, the group ended up almost at the illusionary wall. However, everyone was tired, so they decided to rest for a few hours before the real battle began... -------------------- "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes back into you." -Friedrich Nietzsche "There is no dodging the quad laser." -Ignignok Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, November 14 2002 08:00 |
Member # 2339
written Monday, September 22 2003 17:17
*Mancire wakes up and hears the footsteps.* Mancire: "You rebels cannot withstand my wrath!" *He mixes several potions that clearly say DO NOT MIX on the labels. He throws it through the illusionary wall, and it explodes. Some of the rebels fall unconscious.* "Unless you want another bang, LEAVE!" *He drinks a Vocalization potion, breathes deep, runs to the illusionary wall, and lets out a Power Soundwave roar, the group of rebels is thrown back, and they cover their ears. A few more fall unconscious.* "You're lucky I'm a sportsman. I'll take the rest of you on one by one by one." *He walks through the wall, readying a fight.* "You ARE sportsmen...errr...sports people, aren't you?" *He folds his arms and laughs.* "Weak ones first, then strong. You might want to try to kill me quick. Soon Baltazar himself and Alcove will come. And soon, Fluffy, too!" *He throws his head back and laughs once more. The tunnels shake.* They don't know I've been weakened. I may only hold out until Baltazar comes out. OOC: Let the rebels fight him one by one by one, until Fluffy wakes up. Then it's two by two by two. [ Monday, September 22, 2003 17:18: Message edited by: Zephyr Tempest, the Wielder of Ice ] -------------------- Entertaining songs !Click here to get to the misc. boards! Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!! Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 200 computers: read more! "AH-CHOO!" -George Washington Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00 |
Member # 169
written Monday, September 22 2003 17:51
OOC: FB, what on earth makes you think that a band of desperate rebels would even consider doing something that idiotic? Firedrake, you seem to have ignored the battle that had already started. (Rats, etc.) Clarification requested: Are we considering that battle to have ended or not? (IC may follow once this is clarified.) Posts: 422 | Registered: Tuesday, October 16 2001 07:00 |