Baltazar the Mad (RP)
Author | Topic: Baltazar the Mad (RP) |
Member # 1046
written Friday, October 17 2003 15:36
OOC: Shadow Wolf is the only other person capable of killing Balthazar by the way. He's not even from the world this RP is set in! ![]() IC: (later) -------------------- Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands. -------------------- Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00 |
Member # 2940
written Friday, October 17 2003 18:40
OOC: MSW: good thing you pointed those things out. Its cool to do details in RP, just be carefull not to exeed in the importance you give to them. BTW, thnx for enjoying my RP, specialy considering my many spelling errors all over it. I try to learn as I go, these RP´s are a good way to practice. WiseMan: I will give a sign when you or any other player may kill Baltazar. ![]() IC: As the rebels ran through the tower chasing the remaining rouge demons, the party surrounded the weak, but still growing portal. ShadowWolf: There must be a way to disrupt this portal. Eferas: Well, at least we know fire will not stop it. Eve: But we must do something soon, we saw what crossed that portal last time it was almost ready, who knows what may come out once it is totally functioning. Firedrake: Any Ideas anyone? Baltazar: I have one! Everyone turned to the new arrival. Baltazar came back, glowing in a pure aura of energy that almost hurt the sight and made every hair on the nearby adventurers stand. Baltazar: Why dont you surrender to the inevitable and join my grand army. I strongly suggest you do so for when the demon horde bursts into this plane they will have little mercy with you. Eferas: What makes you think we will ever serve a madman like you. Baltazar: Well...your friend joined me... Everyone looked astonished and surprised at Baltazars aseveration, staring at each other hoping to receive an answer from someone of the party. Firedrake: Look! Behind Baltazar! The party turned to Baltazar and noticed a humanoid figure behind him. Not so tall but not so short or small to go unoticed behind Baltazar. Baltazar: Let me present you my new personal guard, the finest one I might add. A totaly loyal pet and the nasitest one I could find...come foreward Darubian Royal Guard. As far as the party knew, Darubian could well be the name of some type of powerfull golem of some sort. They where not so far from the truth as the man that stood before them certainly showed, not a muscled, but a solid constitution. As he walked closer into the light they saw a man in a beautifull heavy golden armour, carefully crafted and designed. At first glance he looked more like a noble hero taken from old feary tales of epic warriors and battles, but one glance at his face was enough to turn the idea about him. His face had many scars from countless battles, but what was most disturbing was his eyes. Deep, dark, vicious, only comparable to those of the vilest assasins. On both hands he carried vicious looking waveblades stained with the bloods of various enemies and with a slight greenish glow about them, that was enough to reveal his identity to the party. At first they could have no clue whatsoever about the mans identity since they never saw him without his raggs and long cloak over him, the waveblades, however, gave him up. Eferas: K...Kel-Aziz? ShadowWolf: I totally forgot about him back at the battle with the Lich Lord. Firedrake: I thought you were dead! Good to have you back...(aproaching to Kel-Aziz) Eferas: Carefull Firedrake! this was what you carried under your raggs, impressive piece armour you got th... He did not have the chance to finish his sentence when Kel-Aziz punched him in the stomach and left him out of air. Firedrake stared at Kel-Aziz in confusion. Kel-Aziz only reacted by lifting Firedrake and tossing him over old Eferas who fell under the weight of Firedrake. Firedrake: What is wrong with you! ShadowWolf: Wait!..(Holding Firedrake by the arm)...He is not himself anymore. Baltazar: Thats right, he is now my servant and my servant for life!! Namothil: What do you mean wizzard! Baltazar: I mean, that unless you kill him...or me, you shall never free his soul from my control. Firedrake: How... Baltazar: So you see...releasing him from my control is impossible...Darubian Royal Guard, I command you to protect this portal as you once protected your Emperor! I shall take care of these fools one by one if necesary. As soon as he gave the orded, Kel-Aziz firmly moved towards the portal and stood right in front of it, not a single movement in his eyes. Just as a feline he stood waiting, ready to give his life for the portal, just as once we was willing to do for the Emperor. Baltazar: Let the games comence! As he gave the scraeam all the exits or entrances towards the chamber were closed and magical barriers soon covered all possible ways of escape. OOC:To all: I will need for all of you to get seriously wounded by either Baltazar or Kel-Aziz so that this ending works out cool enough for all. If there is no blood and suffering then there is no fun fighting a boss. -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Member # 1046
written Friday, October 17 2003 20:52
OOC: maybe. but then Shadow Wolf is an escape artist and remember that only he and Kel-Aziz can actually kill Balthazar: Shadow Wolf being from another world, and Kel-Aziz being a Darubian Royal Guard... thing. IC: "Yo Namothil and Firedrake, keep Kel-Aziz busy. I'll take Ballhair (OOC: indirect taunt at Balthazar, duh). The rest of you, try to take out the portal!" The party set to action. While Balthazar was preparing a spell, Shadow Wolf disappeared. As Balthazar quickly scried the area for him, the blademaster reappeared behind him, and delivered two fast slashes and a jab, damaging Balthazar's shielding. "Why... Why?!" was Balthazar's response. "I'm not exactly from this world, mage. Neither are my skills and weapons." Shadow Wolf leaped back to dodge a powerful Kill spell at point blank range, then spun Silentstriker to deflect a blast of firebolts. One managed to hit him, knocking him to the ground. "I know how to deal with threats like you." Balthazar then tried casting the Life Control spell on Shadow Wolf again... But to his surprise, the spell produced no reaction, but rather, it just fizzled out. "Nice try, Ballhair." -------------------- Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands. -------------------- Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Saturday, October 18 2003 04:40
OOC: This is certainly an interesting battle to follow, but Nazgul, I must say that you've been severely god-playing your character. It's a good character and a nice plot, but too much demigod-liness can hurt an rp. WM, several of the characters here are from other worlds. Including mine. ![]() Eferas can cast a really nice near-apocalyptic spell at any point if you want, possibly destroying the portal because it is more pure energy than fire even though it's a fire spell. It will render him totally comatose of course. Just say the word. ![]() IC: Eferas coughed heavily, and slowly crawled from under Firedrake. Rising to his knees, he knew that they would have to destroy the portal before the demons came through, or they would be doomed. He might be able to harm the portal if he hit it at the right spot, but all the fire in the world would not avail against the nether creatures. Eferas drained his last two Energy potions in quick succession, wiping over the ruby at the end of his staff with the last drops. As he tried to inconspiciously creep into a corner where he would be well out of the way in case he fell unconscious again - which happened to him fairly often when overdraining himself with spells - he recalled what the Archmagi at the Ximax Academy had taught the students about the theory of teleportation, the class of over half a century ago replaying before his still unfaded memory. The old professor came forward from the magical blackboard on which he had just drawn the diagram with his staff. "Even though most of you will probably never create a portal in your life, it will still help you to know the basic principles that are behind it. As you can see," he tapped the diagram, portals are especially unstable at certain points in time. The portal is most unstable directly after someone has passed through from this side, and directly before someone arrives through it from the other end. If you ever have to destroy a portal in battle, wait until it grows active. You will be able to recognize this from the change in the swirl patterns of the surface: A quickening of the swirls indicate an imminent arrival..." Ah yes. Eferas leaned against the wall in his back now, trying to cover his nervous shaking by appearing to be utterly scared of the possessed Kel-Aziz who was advancing upon them... He waited for his moment, trying for now to be ready to evade any attacks Baltazar or Kel-Aziz might launch against him. He gazed steadily at the portal, watching intently for any change in the pattern of the surface, which slowly swirled in its frame like the surface of a soap bubble. OOC: I won't try to kill Baltazar, but WM, being from another world is not a good excuse for godly power. By that logic, I'd be allowed to blast the Tower out of existence. ![]() ![]() -------------------- Visit The Santharian Dream and its RP board. Or the Encyclopaedia Ermariana! Got a brain? Go to Polaris! "It is as if everyone had lost their sense To a conspiracy for downfall and desperance And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey (freely translated). Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2940
written Saturday, October 18 2003 05:14
OOC: WiseMan did not god-Play, neither did I and as you can see my character maybe a little god-like in combat but a weak mortal to magic, besides, I even let my character be used for evil!. Ok I admit I had to come up with that super Arcane Shield for Baltazar, but that was an excuse to keep you from killing him until my surprise. Besides, bosses should be allowed to be semi gods, no fun in killing a weak boss unless it had powerfull guards or something. IC: As ShadowWolf entered in a risky one on one combat with Baltazar, Firedrake and Namothil still remained quite reluctant to start a battle with his former friend. Firedrake: Kel-Aziz! Wake up! I know your still in there. Kel-Aziz didnt even flinch. He remained static as a golem. Namothil: It is no use, if we want to free him we must slay Baltazar...but how. As they turned to Baltazar they watched as ShadowWolf was sent flying into the air in a small windwhirl that smashed his back against the roof and fell heavily on the floor. Baltazar inmediatly proceded to lightning strike Eve, who was now shaking with the pure energy sent at her. Namothil: Eve!!... As Namothil prepared to aid Eve a fast punch hit him right on his face then a knee kik on his stomach and a final upercut that sent him on his back, all to fast for a common eye to see. While he was used to receive fists and knees in his adventurer career, he could not help be somewhat surprised by the speed of the attack. Before him Kel-Aziz stood impatiently, waveblades still unused, while right behind him the small portal slowly regained its energies and Baltazar weakened Eve more and more each time. Namothil: I guess diplomacy wont work with you... As both Namothil and Firedrake took out their weapons, Kel-Aziz remained still, only staring them with his piercing eyes. -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Member # 169
written Saturday, October 18 2003 05:35
'Even he will find it difficult to deal with blades he cannot see.' Namothil's swords swept out, blurring into their normal state of near invisibility. 'A control spell of some sort. I probably know it. Probably know the counterspell, too, if I could just remember which spell it is. There are times when this curse is decidedly annoying.' He turned slowly, moving to keep Kel-Azziz in view. 'Fast. Very fast. If I just wanted to kill him this would be doable. Difficult, maybe, but possible. Keeping him alive, though...' Posts: 422 | Registered: Tuesday, October 16 2001 07:00 |
Member # 1046
written Saturday, October 18 2003 06:45
OOC: just saying, Shadow Wolf is immune to mental magics, up to and including mind control. however, he lacks the brute strength of a normal fighting character. IC: Shadow Wolf slowly recovered from the attack, to see Balthazar draining energies from Eve, killing her slowly. A small bolt of energy was enough to interrupt him, and catch his attention again. "Nobody's dying by your hands, Ballhair." "Keep calling me that, outsider, and you will end up dead." "Oh, but I intend to be the one that's alive after this mess." Balthazar shot a mass of lightning bolts at Shadow Wolf. The blademaster barely dodged the attack, and returned fire with multiple blade beams... -------------------- Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands. -------------------- Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00 |
Member # 3320
written Saturday, October 18 2003 07:16
OOC: Since the view to the portal is clear, Alcove and Arcadia must be fighting elsewhere in the room. IC: The battle between Arcadia and Alcove raged on away from the portal. In her struggles to free herself, Alcove had pulled Arcadia completely out of the portal. Arcadia was still trying to strangle Alcove to death, and Alcove was doing her best to do the same. Their struggles brought them directly in front of Baltazar's throne. Alcove manages to get a chokehold on Arcadia and begins to turn the battle around. She summons a fireball while trying to choke Arcadia and administers it to her heck. Arcadia is thrown against a wall from the paralyzing attack given to her neck. But she seems to be completely undamaged as she quickly gets back up. With a look of uncontrollable rage on her face, she speaks to Alcove in a loud, evil voice that is her own, but has demonic undertones. "Do you want to know why I came back, Alcove!!? I came back to kill you and take your place!! I fought with you the first time in order to be Baltazar?s right-hand mage. But you defeated me!!!! So I decided to bide my time helping the rebels and build myself in power again while you thought I was dead. I thought my chance had finally come when they decided to storm the castle. I wanted so bad to defeat you that I neglected to find out how powerful you had become. Then you defeated me again!!!!! And managed to kill me this time!!! But by god, YOU WON'T DEFEAT ME AGAIN!!!!! NOT A THIRD TIME." With that she chants and raves and red light encircles her. "I HAVE BEEN TO HELL AND BACK, ALCOVE!!!! And I made a few friends while I was there. NOW YOU WILL FEEL THE FULL FORCE OF MY WRATH!!!!" The red light turns blood red and begins pulsing with black energy. Alcove tries to reason with her. "Why would you want to join Baltazar!!? ARE YOU INSANE OR SOMETHING!!!!! STOP THIS NONSENSE AT ONCE!!! Help me kill him and give this world peace once and for all!! If not, the third time killing you will be the charm!!!!" Arcadia's face immediately flashes over with total disgust. She winces at the very word "peace.? Why would I want to kill him!!? I want to join him and help him rule this world!!!! To share his power is my dream!!! AND YOU'RE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT AWAY!!!!" With that, Arcadia unleashes her newfound dark powers. Red light and dark energy exploded from her hands and strike the ground. Smoke pours out of the energy and fills half of the room. When it clears, there are several demons, imps, hordlings, and two Haikaas standing directly in front of Alcove. Alcove's face contorts into complete horror. Everyone else in the room stops and their faces too fill with horror. Mancire and Fluffy were standing in a corner of the room trying to avoid any more action that might end up with the destruction of their bodies again. The fight to kill Baltazar has just gotten harder. OOC: Can someone contact Zephyr and the owner of Fluffy to bring them into the battle perhaps? And what ever happened to Kyrissian? I hope I didn't ruin any of the plot with this addition. Sorry for it being so long. -------------------- (Looks around in the Study) Colonel Mustard: "Just checking." Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2242
written Saturday, October 18 2003 09:34
Firedrake timed his attacks with Namothil's keeping Kel-Aziz fairly busy trying to fend off the double attack. Firedrake suddenly was hit by a stray lightning bolt, and in the confusion Kel-Aziz's waveblade sliced through his scale armor, cutting Firedrake's left shoulder. Firedrake stumbled backwards for a few seconds, confused as Kel shifted his focus back towards Namothil. Firedrake felt the effects of the powerful poison, but took out a potion, a gray potion, and drank it. The poison was now nuetralized, Firedrake waited a few seconds for the potion to go into full effect. Firedrake checked for any other potions, but saw he only had some of the grey potion left. "I can't get hit again," though Firedrake, as he re-entered combat with Kel-Aziz. OOC: One of Kel-Aziz's waveblades have a powerful poison right? -------------------- "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes back into you." -Friedrich Nietzsche "There is no dodging the quad laser." -Ignignok Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, November 14 2002 08:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Saturday, October 18 2003 10:37
OOC: Each has a powerful poison, but they're curable as long as they're separate afaik. When he strikes you with both, the poisons combine and you're dead. IC: Eferas carefully watched the battle unfolding before him, never taking his eyes of the portal leading into the nether for too long. For now, there were no opponents that he would be effective against, unless he used his most powerful spell, and he did not want to waste it on anything except the portal. A small energy missile, cast by Baltazar, narrowly grazed past his robe. Luckily, he had woven it with a lot of magical protection against heat; after all he dealt with flames pretty frequently. Nevertheless, he was slightly scalded. It was only a matter of time until he would be severely injured. He remembered that he still had a teleport scroll, but it would not help him much here. He would have to save it up until shortly before he fainted, or the foes would mangle him in his helpless state. OOC: Is it okay that I destroy the portal once the demons start to come through? I effectively knock Eferas out at the same time, so it's not really god-play. Of course, no demons at all is too easy. Maybe I'll let one or two through before the thing explodes or something? That okay? -------------------- Visit The Santharian Dream and its RP board. Or the Encyclopaedia Ermariana! Got a brain? Go to Polaris! "It is as if everyone had lost their sense To a conspiracy for downfall and desperance And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey (freely translated). Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
Member # 517
written Saturday, October 18 2003 12:29
OOC: I think MSW has already had some demons come through...destroying the portal is pretty much whenever, I suppose. IC: Anxiously, Delgar's image peered through the wall of the room where Alcove and Arcadia were fighting. Alcove could take out Arcadia or those demons, but never both at once. I'll have to do something...but what? Scrying magically, Delgar searches for weaknesses in Arcadia's magical body...and finds one. Approaching Arcadia, his image reaches out and touches her. At once, she is frozen in place. Her voice rings out. 'What? What are you doing, Delgar?' 'Your spirit is sitting inside an illusion, Arcadia. What you don't know is that illusions can be melded. You don't understand how illusions work, you just use them like those demons you summon. I can control you, Arcadia. Your illusion is weak, and badly made.' Arcadia begins waving her hands, and the demons surrounding Alcove are unsummoned one by one, as Alcove quickly destroys the rest. 'Delgar, why are you helping Alcove? Surely you see she's just as bad as Balthazar?' 'That's what I thought, Arcadia. I hated her for killing you, when I saw you as a mage who had given her life for a rebellion I was afraid to risk mine for. But she has turned on Balthazar and tried to kill him, while you want to take over and rule in his stead. I can still hardly believe you would betray the rebels, betray all you have pretended to believe in so utterly. But you have, and now I feel no remorse for what I must do.' With those words, Delgar begins to wave his hand round. Arcadia's body begins to diminish in size, until it is hardly half the size it was before. Then she begins to change, to blur, and shrink even more, and blur even more, until there is nothing but a small gem in Delgar's hand. 'Alcove, do you still have that Power Crystal?' Alcove looks blank for a second, then casts a quick spell. The crystal appears in her hand. Delgar reaches out, and moves Arcadia's crystal into the same space occupied by the Power Crystal, so that the two crystals meld and become one. 'You must put that crystal through the portal, or we will never close it. Arcadia still holds it open with her will, though she can do nothing else.' Alcove simply nods, glad that Delgar no longer holds his grudge against her but has accepted that he was in the wrong. She opens her mouth to thank him, but he suddenly disappears. OOC: MSW, if you had a special scene in mind which that has spoilt, I'll edit my post, but I couldn't think of anything to do that would affect the main battle and I wanted to post... -E- -------------------- Let them eat cake! Polaris Boards: The System is Up. Perennially. Posts: 2314 | Registered: Tuesday, January 15 2002 08:00 |
Member # 2940
written Saturday, October 18 2003 14:27
OOC: Great RP people!! Omlette: The Portal can be destroyed, Maybe mixing Delgars and Alcoves crystal with a spell from Eferas? Just a thought. Firedrake once again engaged in combat with Kel-Aziz, just in time to cross Kel-Aziz waveblade with his own blade right over Namothils head. Namothil: Phew!, That was a close one. Firedrake: Just in time. Kel-Aziz pulled back and inmediatly charged again waving both waveblades faster than the last time. Had they not been veteran adventurers they would probably be dead by now. Kel-Aziz, both carefully and quickly decided were to defend and attack with each blade, slowy pushing both Firedrake and Namothil away from the portal. When they were more than a few feet away from the portal Kel-Aziz noticed Firedrake was slowing down, slighly, bearly noticable even by Firedrake himself. Kel-Aziz smiled for he knew the poison of one of his waveblades, even though it was eliminated from Firedrakes body in time, left a slight negative effect on Firedrakes now clumsier body, he saw his chance. With a quick block to Namothils bearly visible blades he used his remaining waveblade to disarm Firedrake of his own weapons with an agile move. Firedrake inmediatly pulled back from battle, reaching for his blades. Namothil abruptly moved in to cover his friend in a rushed move, using Namothils own strength to trick him into falling out of combat posture Kel-Aziz quickly slashed Mishka, his left waveblade, at Namothils left hand. Although it was a slight cut it was enough for the Mothbel Root posion to kik in a small bit of blood to cover his hand. As Namothil regained his defensive posture and moved back to see the effects of his wound, Kel-Aziz moved fast enough to reach Firedrake right hand before he took his blades and slightly hit him with Hazka, his right waveblade, making a bearly visible wound. Kel-Aziz spoke for the first time since he was controlled. Kel-Aziz: You have been touched with Mishka and Hazka respectively. Namothil: What are you talking about. ( moving next to Firedrake) Kel-Aziz: Mishka carries Mothbel Root posion, Hazka brings the poison of the Velthia flower. Both alone are dangerous enough to kill a man in the long run, if not treated soon enough they cause paralisis. Firedrake and Namothil stared at each other. Firedrake: Dont worry I have some curing potion left. Its the last bit. As Firedrake streched his wounded right hand with the potion to Namothils wounded left hand Kel-Aziz interrupted. Kel-Aziz: Wait! I would not go so close to Namothil if I were you. Firedrake: you mean (already feeling the effect of the poison..) Kel-Aziz: As I said before, both poisons are dangerous, but get one of them mixed with the other and...(moving his finger across his neck)...In other words, if a drip of Namothils blood covers any of your wounds or vice-versa you shall instantly suffer a horrible death. Namothil and Firedrake slightly separated from each other, they were not about to test the veracity of Kel-Aziz words. Namothil: Th...Throw me the potion, but cover it in something first. Firedrake did as Namothil told him and threw over the potion, just as it flew off his hands it was interrupted in mid air by Kel-Aziz hand. Kel-Aziz: Thank you, It might come handy. As both Namothil and Firedrake slowly pulled back, Kel-Aziz turned and noticed Eferas and Alcove were dangerously close to the portal. Baltazar: You fool! stop them! Baltazar shouted madly as he was too busy trying to hit ShadowWolf, while Kel-Aziz was valiantly slowed down by both Namothil and Firedrake who were fighting both the posion and Kel-Aziz. When Baltzar finaly got ShadowWolf with a powerfull ice bolt that sent him flying across the room near Fluffy and Mancire, Baltazar turned to the conspiring adventurers near the portal. Baltazar: Curse them, the Darubian will not make it time! I shall handle this myself! Baltazar closed his eye and lifted his right finger, he was sudenly surrounded in a white aura. Only Alcove and Delgar were familiar with that spell. Alcove: Cover youselves!! Its a shockwave!! To everyones surprise the spell was stronger than a common one, what they felt next was a a pain that left a shokwave like a spark. From Baltazars finger a bright light wave expanded to the rest of the room. Baltazar: FEEL THE POWER OF THE ANCIENTS!!! THE POWER OF DARUBIAN KINGS!!....HELZ-BAL ARGAMMENON!! The huge energy pulse sent everyone flying to the walls exept for Kel-Aziz who was spared from the full force attack, but still received quite a shock. The screams of pain were soon covered by the sound of the energy blast, that did not harm the portal or structures, but made a serious damage to all organic beings. As the ligh faded only Baltzar remained standing, holding in his hand the Tome of the Darubian Kings. Baltazar:!! I am a God!!! AHAHAHAHAHA!!! No one shall stop me now!! Kel-Aziz who took the weak part of the blow, slowly recovered and walked towards Baltazar. Baltazar: Come warrior, there is much you can help me with this tome. As Kel-Aziz walked by Baltazar the unexpected ocurred. To Baltazars shok and horror, with a faster than the eye move, Kel-Aziz took hold of the Tome threw it in mid air and jumped impressively high enough for a human, with both waveblades out he made a series of vicious slashes at the tome, making a both beautifull but painfull sight for a mage. From the skies, tiny bits and pieces of the reduced tome came flying down over Baltazars loud cry. Baltazar: NOOOOOOOOOoooo!!! What have you done. Baltazar tried in vain to colect the pieces of paper as Kel-Aziz did not waste more time and slashed both waveblades at the suffering archmages robes, they both struk in the same place. The effects of both poisons were inmediate, saliva came out of Baltazars mouth as he turned in both horror and surprise to see the man that betrayed him. Baltazar: How....! Kel-Aziz: I was never under your control in the first place. I Pretended control so that I could be right beside you once you lowered your Arcane Shields. How did I block your mental control? (knoking his helmet)...this is no common helmet or part of the Darubian uniform, it is a gift from a gnomish friend of mine who goes by the name of Rathlan, great fellow( See Tower of Babil RP). Thats lesson number five of the Darubian Guard Code: Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected. Baltazar shoked in convulsions as the poisons were killing him inside out, suddenly it stopped. Kel-Aziz had allready turned his back on him when a fierce beam of energy struk him in his back and sent him almost uncouncious over some of the recovering adventurers. Kel-Aziz: Its not possible, no one can stop both potions but a Darubian warrior or... Baltazar:...King....Thats right, before you stupidly destroyed the Tome, I learned how to stop your poisons!! Yes, it did drain me and lowered my Arcane Shield, but do you think that makes any difference, I am still the most powerfull mage ever!! By this time most of the adventurers were recovering from the shokwave. Namothil: What happened! Kel-Aziz: (Giving him the potion he took from them earlier.)...Listen everyone!! Baltazar shield is gone, you can now--- Kel-Aziz was cut off abruptly as a dark beam of energy shock him uncouncious and bordering death. OOC: This is it people, Give this RP the coolest ending. Green light from now on, remember to let other players participate in the death of Baltazar, I did my part, hope you liked it. [ Saturday, October 18, 2003 16:06: Message edited by: The_Nazgul ] -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Saturday, October 18 2003 15:10
OOC: Just on a side note, Nazgul, Eferas is not anywhere near the portal, to the contrary, he's pulling out of the fray. His spell wokrs over a long distance just as well, and he does not want to risk his life in close combat unnecessarily. Not that it matters much, but I just wanted to point this out. Second, there were two portals last time I checked. Unless I'm totally mistaken, Baltazar had one portal open, which we're trying to destroy, and Arcadia had opened a second in another room, in her fight against Alcove. The crystal Delgar made would presumably close Alcove's, not Balty's portal. ![]() Sorry, I don't feel up for another IC right now, it's 2 AM over here. EDIT: Referring to your post below, MSW. What is it you have in mind with Eferas? I just like to get told before-hand ![]() [ Saturday, October 18, 2003 16:11: Message edited by: Arancaytar ] -------------------- Visit The Santharian Dream and its RP board. Or the Encyclopaedia Ermariana! Got a brain? Go to Polaris! "It is as if everyone had lost their sense To a conspiracy for downfall and desperance And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey (freely translated). Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3320
written Saturday, October 18 2003 15:51
OOC: Alcove and Arcadia are in the throne room, which is where everyone else is. I will not change my location. I am almost done with my next scene. Now I have to change where Eferas is because he is a part of my scene. The demons in my scene did not come from a portal. Arcadia summoned them. Just to make that clear. You didn't ruin it at all, Omlette. You saved me in fact. I couldn't decide what to do with Arcadia and Alcove. You solved my dilemma for me and I am eternally grateful. IC: After being knocked down, Alcove quickly gets back up and runs over to where Eferas is to help him to his feet. She witnessed all that has happened. Then she pulls out the Tomechlia Crystal and turns to Eferas. Alcove: "Eferas, this crystal alone cannot close the portal. It can only reduce it to a small size. At that small size, it will be up to you to use your most powerful fire spell to severe the link with the demons and destroy this portal once and for all!!! Eferas looks at her with horror in his eyes. Eferas: "But Alcove, do you realize that destroying the portal while you have that Power Crystal sticking in it would be deadly to you?!! The explosion would kill you!!! There has to be another way!! I don't want to kill you! I won't kill you!!!" Alcove gets a small fit of rage as she responds to Eferas. Alcove: "I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU DON'T WANT TO DO!!! There is no time for this nonsense talk!! We all made sacrifices for this moment of glory!! It makes no difference if mine is more costly than anyone else's!! THE PORTAL HAS TO BE STOPPED NOW!!!!!" She looks at Baltazar and then back at Eferas. "Besides, I have a trick up my sleeve. I PLAN on living. Trust me." She gives Eferas a wink. "Now I need to shrink this portal. When it ge...? She stops abruptly when she hears a tiny yelling voice. She can't figure out where it is coming from. Then she realizes it is coming from the crystal in her hand. She holds it up to her eye level with a puzzled look on her face. The puzzling look soon turns to a mischievous smile. In the crystal, she can see the tiny human figure of Arcadia staring out at her and yelling curses at her. Alcove: "Well, well, well. What have we here? Hello Arcadia. I am sorry to say that now I have the charm. Three times, you have been defeated. Heh heh heh. THIS TIME YOU WILL STAY DEAD!!!!" Alcove sees Arcadia's face contort into that of the same horror Alcove had been showing earlier. Then Alcove chants some words that no one else in the room understands except for Kel-Aziz and Baltazar, who both turn around in a startled shock when they hear them. When she finishes chanting a white glass-like light swirls around Alcove and she turns around and looks at Baltazar and Kel-Aziz with an almost evil smile on her face. Alcove: "That's right Baltazar. You seem to have forgotten that I too studied from that tome. Oh, I'm sorry. Did I neglect to tell you!!!? HAH HAH HAH!!! Now you can't stop me from carrying out my deed of shutting down your portal. I too know about the Arcane Shield. However, I read on further into the texts and studied the very art of it. Turns out it can be compromised to allow others to use it. LIKE SO!!!!!!" As she says those words, she points a finger at Eferas and raves another series of words and a white beam shoots out and hits him. The white light swirls around Eferas and the same glass-like appearance as around Alcove sets in. All the while that that this is happening, Baltazar is yelling and cursing at Alcove. (They have been edited out for social purposes.) He lets a series of spells fly out at Alcove and Eferas. Eferas tries to run for cover, but Alcove puts up a hand to stop him. Alcove: "Don't be afraid, Eferas. With these Arcane Shields, he can't hurt us and the portal explosion won?t injure me. Now to destroy the portal!!!" While she was speaking, the shields deflected each of the spells that Baltazar threw. As he continued on throwing spells, he didn't notice the adventurers and remaining rebels closing in on him while his attention was diverted. Alcove and Eferas run to the portal and Alcoves thrusts the pointed end of the crystal into it. The portal once more begins to bubble, pop, and hiss. Then slowly it begins shrinking again. OOC: There, I'm done. Next post please. I am satisfied for a while. Sorry about the length. But it was well worth it. Considering this is the end of the RP. [ Saturday, October 18, 2003 16:21: Message edited by: Murder, She Wrote ] -------------------- (Looks around in the Study) Colonel Mustard: "Just checking." Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 1046
written Saturday, October 18 2003 16:20
OOC: if you don't mind, i'll finish him off... IC: Shadow Wolf got up, after painstakingly removing the energies of Fluffy and Mancire such that the two would not kill him. "Shadow Wolf! Do something!" He heard someone say, but did not know who. "None may stop me now!" Balthazar cried. "Prepare to die, rebels!" With that, the wizard king began to prepare some sort of spell to finish them off. Making sure Balthazar wouldn't notice, Shadow Wolf cloaked himself, and became invisible. Balthazar's spell was nearly complete, but none were able to stop him as they were basically attacking the strongest part of his shielding. The spell was suddenly interrupted, by a blade through Balthazar's chest, from behind. "Check," Shadow Wolf whispered, now visible. "You should've been ready for a backstab." "But it is still not checkmate." Balthazar thrust the blade of Silentstriker back out of his body, forcing him to leap back to avoid the firebolt that followed. At least I weakened the fool... Shadow Wolf said to himself... He is no longer invulnerable now. -------------------- Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands. -------------------- Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00 |
Member # 2242
written Saturday, October 18 2003 17:08
Launching himself into the air, Firedrake flips over Baltazar and stabs both of his assassin daggers into Baltazar... OOC: Combined attack everyone -------------------- "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes back into you." -Friedrich Nietzsche "There is no dodging the quad laser." -Ignignok Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, November 14 2002 08:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Saturday, October 18 2003 17:19
OOC: No problem at all with this MSW. But I still want one demon to come through; Balty on his own is no fun. ![]() IC: While the portal was bubbling and shrinking, Eferas prepared to cast the spell he had had in mind. The shrinking finished, the portal now no more than a third the height it had been, about 4 feet (sorry, I use the metric system usually but in fantasy feet just sounds better imo). However, as the portal solidified again, Eferas noticed that there was no decrease in its stability. If anything, the smaller portal had a more focused and stable aura! He would still have to wait until the demons came through. Right now, Alcove, having just inserted the crystal into the portal, was still standing right in front of it. "ALCOVE! Get back from the portal!" Eferas shouted; when any demons passed through they would be right beside her, and the blast radius of the exploding portal would leave her in smithereens at that distance. Even as Eferas retreated again into his corner, Alcove hurried away backwards from the glowing energy surface, not turning her back to Baltazar. As if on cue, Baltazar, clutching at his chest where Shadow Wolf's sword had pierced him, raised one hand balefully and chanted the final words that opened the portal. It pulsed at each syllable, now active. A deep rumble filled the room, coming out of the portal. "NOW, IT IS TIME! BMWWUUAAHAAHA" As the swirls quickened at last, and dark shapes were appearing in the portal, Eferas raised his staff and softly went over the words in his head, when suddenly... *BANG* ...Eferas was lifted off his feet and crashed into the wall behind him. "You did not know that kinetic spells are not affected by an Arcane Shield, did you?" Baltazar gloated, while Eferas tried desperately to get back up and avoid to throw up. Too late. An explosion filled the room, and a cloud rose from the portal. A full-sized demon appeared as the clouds lifted, and it immediately attacked. As more dark shapes appeared in the surface, the portal flickering now with the effort of the teleportation, Eferas straightened himself once more, and pointed towards the portal with the ruby on his staff... OOC: May I? May I? ![]() Edit: If I don't do it now, I won't be able to until tomorrow. And who knows what might happen to my unstable internet connection by then? (my dad turns it off thrice a day) IC: When Eferas had announced that he would not stand for the office of the Archmage of Fire when the current one at the academy retired, and instead would be leaving the academy to go adventuring, the Archmage, Lormas the Fiery, had summoned him one last time. "I know that you will face great dangers on your path, and you will travel far beyond the reaches of this world. I have one last gift to grant you on your way: A High Word of Power. Eferas had shuddered. Words of Power were legendary, but High Words of Power had not been heard of since the War of the Chosen a thousand years ago. "Legend has it that my predecessor and the legendary Xarl Bluestride, High Wizard of Light, devised it in the old days. Of course, Xarl was always known to be a big man for overdrainage, so you want to be careful with your energy. Here is what you do..." Eferas cleared his throat and shouted "CARTHRAMMEN AN'EZRAITH!" - "Fire to Unmake!" - and the world seemed to explode with thunder. A shaft of blinding light shot towards the portal, towards the point just below the center of the top arch, the weakest point of any portal. Striking the surface of energy square, the bolt seemed to dissipate within the portal, as if being itself teleported away. As it was swallowed completely, a moment of silence followed. Nothing happened. Then the portal slowly seemed to fade, collapsing in upon itself like a badly made illusion. "EVERYBODY DOWN!" Eferas yelled with his last strength, as the portal contracted into one tiny ball of light... ...which exploded with an unbelievable force, shaking and cracking the very magic-enhanced and spell-enforced walls, and throwing everyone to the ground, except Eferas, who was already there, a nasty pastel shade in his face. OOC: If anyone disagrees with something in this post, point it out and I'll change it. ![]() EDIT: MSW, I included your change of position now. If you disagree, I'll change it again. But at the current distance, the explosion'd get you. [ Sunday, October 19, 2003 00:59: Message edited by: Arancaytar ] -------------------- Visit The Santharian Dream and its RP board. Or the Encyclopaedia Ermariana! Got a brain? Go to Polaris! "It is as if everyone had lost their sense To a conspiracy for downfall and desperance And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey (freely translated). Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3320
written Saturday, October 18 2003 18:07
You know, it disturbs me to see that no one bothers to speak of Alcove anymore. I was standing directly in front of the portal, and Eferas behind me. Then it explodes, and suddenly I am not there. WHY!!!? -------------------- (Looks around in the Study) Colonel Mustard: "Just checking." Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 169
written Saturday, October 18 2003 19:00
Namothil leapt to his feet as the explosion ended, lashing out at Baltazar. One of his swords sank into Baltazar's arm, cutting to the bone. (OOC: Very tired, will post more later - maybe.) Posts: 422 | Registered: Tuesday, October 16 2001 07:00 |
Member # 2940
written Sunday, October 19 2003 04:16
OOC: Just a reminder, Baltazars Arcane Shield is down and cant be used again since he wasted too much energy healing Kel-Aziz poisons. BTW, nice explosion Arancaytar. [ Sunday, October 19, 2003 04:16: Message edited by: The_Nazgul ] -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3320
written Sunday, October 19 2003 09:35
You know, I am terribly confused as to what is happening. Arancaytar post messed me up and I have no idea what is happening. Will someone give me an idea as to what has happened to Alcove? If I don't get an explanation, I will have no choice but to say she was teleported away or was destroyed by the explosion of the teleporter. It annoys me that Eferas is mentioned as standing near the portal, but Alcove is completely left out of the story. Omlette, please explain the current situation to me. I am completely in the dark despite my Sherlock Holmes logic and observation. Even Sherlock Holmes can't work without the facts. -------------------- (Looks around in the Study) Colonel Mustard: "Just checking." Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Sunday, October 19 2003 11:18
OOC: What happened was this. In your post, you'd moved both of us up close to the portal, and thrown in the crystal to weaken and shrink the portal. In my post, I retreated and waited for the activation, Baltazar tricked Eferas by shoving him into a wall at the precise moment when he activated the portal. So one demon came through. Then I hit the portal and it exploded. In your next post you mentioned that you were still standing close to the portal, so I edited my post and made you retreat from the portal as well. Right now the portals gone, everyone in the room (I don't know about the demon), including Baltazar, are on the floor from the shockwave that the explosion caused, and Eferas is drained to his limits and comatose. Presumably, all of you would get up again to take on Baltazar and the demon in your next posts. -------------------- Visit The Santharian Dream and its RP board. Or the Encyclopaedia Ermariana! Got a brain? Go to Polaris! "It is as if everyone had lost their sense To a conspiracy for downfall and desperance And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey (freely translated). Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3320
written Sunday, October 19 2003 14:44
OOC: I am in the middle of a strike of genius. Please don't post anything concerning the demon. I have a good idea for the demon. Sorry, I accidentally messed up and posted a new post. I need to pay more attention to what I am doing. ![]() ![]() [ Sunday, October 19, 2003 16:35: Message edited by: Murder, She Wrote ] -------------------- (Looks around in the Study) Colonel Mustard: "Just checking." Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2242
written Sunday, October 19 2003 15:03
Firedrake swiped at Baltazar slicing up his arm. Baltazar roared in pain, taking much damage as the adventures hit Baltazar many times. -------------------- "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes back into you." -Friedrich Nietzsche "There is no dodging the quad laser." -Ignignok Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, November 14 2002 08:00 |
Member # 3320
written Sunday, October 19 2003 16:33
OOC: I like it. Thank you. ![]() IC: Alcove gets up off the floor after having been knocked down by the force of the shockwave. But as she gets to her feet, she finds a single haikaa standing directly in front of her, or what she thinks is a haikaa. She doesn't get a look of horror however, but instead gets a smirk on her face. She recognizes the demon as an old teacher of hers. Alcove: "So, we meet again, Alcove. I never would have figured that you would have joined the demons in the Netherworld. Why did you come back now of all times?" Old Witch Spirit (Alcove): "Oh, it's not what you think. I didn't come back to fight you or any of your friends and I am not a demon, but am here in full spirit and I cannot be harmed by any means. My name is not actually Alcove, by the way. My real name was known around this world as Celestia Kilborne." Alcove and everyone else in the room gets a look of complete shock. Baltazar with all of his wounds still lies on the ground and he is more horrified at her appearance than he is shocked. Alcove is the first to question her. Alcove: "You mean THE Celestia Kilborne!!!!? The same Celestia Kilborne who was the warrior and mage queen of Razatlab the Great!!? But it was written that she died almost 300 years ago and Razatlab disappeared and was never heard of again." Celestia Kilborne: "Yes. I came through the portal to help bring about the destruction of my old adversary and husband, Baltazar, or should I say, Razatlab. Oh yes. He is much, much older than you think. He, in reality, is the lost Razatlab, the Great. Did it never occur to you that Baltazar spelled backwards is Razatlab?" Alcove: "Strange that never occurred to me." Celestia Kilborne: "He showed me a tome he had unearthed at the site rumored to be that of the Ancient Darubian Empire during his deadly expedition where only he survived. We secretly studied out of it for several years without anyone else knowing about it. Then one day he was drunk and told me that he killed all the people from the expedition while in his drunken stupor. I told my children and got word out to the villagers and officials. Baltazar didn't find out for several days. And when he did, he accosted me and placed a curse on me that he created from modifying a new spell he had discovered. It was a modification of the near immortality spell. He changed it to make me live for a long time, but instead of staying young, I would gradually grow older and older aging one year for every seven I lived. Even with my strong mage powers, I was unable to remove the curse. The people of the kingdom rebelled against Razatlab and he disappeared with the tome and was never heard from in that land again. I fled the kingdom with my children, came here to this island, and lived here for the rest of my life. But the curse made it so that I had to watch each generation of my family die." She turns and looks at Baltazar with complete rage. Celestia Kilborne: "One day he unexpectedly showed up at my door and we got into a fight where he killed me through strangulation. But now, I will finally get my revenge by sharing the secret of your immortality, Razatlab!!!!" She turns her attention to the fighters in the room. "His strength and magic come from his robes!!! Remove them and he will weaken considerably!!!" She then turns her attention back to Baltazar. "I have waited for this day for a long, long time!! YOU WILL NOT GET OUT OF THIS ROOM ALIVE!!!! I will see to that!!!" Alcove: "You heard her!!!! GO FOR THE ROBES!!!!" OOC: Ok. Next post please. EDIT: There you go Nazgul, I shortened it a little bit and removed Kel-Aziz from it. I have a terrible memory, and must have forgotten. [ Sunday, October 19, 2003 19:49: Message edited by: Murder, She Wrote ] -------------------- (Looks around in the Study) Colonel Mustard: "Just checking." Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |