Baltazar the Mad (RP)
Author | Topic: Baltazar the Mad (RP) |
Member # 65
written Sunday, September 14 2003 21:16
OOC:can I join? Name: Eve Catseye Species:Human/werecat (meaning housecat) Class:Wanderer/adventurer Talents: *Shapeshift* Can turn into a large cat at will but at full-moon is forced to change. *Night-vision* Has good vision at night. *Cat hearing* Hears more than what a human could. Weapons:When human a waveblade and dagger. When a cat-claws. Weaknesses: Silver and fire. Background: Eve comes from a religous small town in Valiorm. When she was eight she was bitten by a werecat while she was lost in the woods. Eve soon discovered what had happened the next full-moon and was forced to keep it secret. For she feared for her life, if someone found out they would proberly kill her. Managing to keep it a secret for years,she finally left the town when she was eighteen. Now making a living doing odd-jobs she was heading towards a neighbouring island when the ship was wrecked and the crew was forced to dock in Siris. Appearance: *Human*Shoulder length brown hair with a lean physique. The strangest thing about her appearance is her eyes, green-yellow with cat pupils-hence her last name, Catseye. Eve is dressed in long pants and a leather jerkin with a green tunic over the top. *Werecat* A brown tabby with yellow-green eyes. Reconizable because she is at least twice the size of normal cat. Misc:Loves fish,not a great like of water. Will not come right out and say she is a werecat. She sometimes reacts to things like a cat would, like hissing when annoyed. IC: Eve stalked into the Tavern and sat in a corner observing the patrons with insolent interest. I don't like this place one bit...of all the places to dock we had to come to a place where the man in charge is a crazy archmage she thought scowling slightly. The people here definately don't look like locals I wonder why they are all here? Eve then rises from her seat and buys a drink half-wishing it was a fish. -------------------- "Heads don't roll, they bounce!" Want to find out how nasty you really are? now! Also look at my site here This is also a good site Posts: 650 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
written Sunday, September 14 2003 21:51
The night is not calm. Storm winds rage from the ocean, whipping the waves into a foam-tipped frenzy, clouding the moon and stars. The rain falls thick and heavy, pounding into rock and mud with a dull thud that goes unheard beneath the crash of the breakers. There is another sound too, of waterlogged wood snapping as it is tossed time and again against the cliffside. If any creatures brave the storm at the cliff's edge, and stare long and hard into the murk of water and rock, they might see a storm-caught fisherman's craft, little more than a leaking dinghy, break apart under the pounding. If any creatures stand at the very edge, on crumbling clay slick with rain, and look down, they might catch a glimpse of the craft's occupant, a small dark figure struggling against the current and sheer weight of water, tossed with bruising force against the rocks. And if that creature is patient and very curious, it may watch the figure slowly win its battle, and wrest itself from the water's grip, and climb up the cliff with inhuman strength that is, nevertheless, barely enough to see the figure through to safety. And that creature may see the figure collapse in complete exhaustion, totally covered in a heavy sea-soaked cloak, and lie unmoving as the storm wears itself down upon the cliff-face. But there are no creatures out on such a night, on that cliff, and so the arrival of Arianne on Siris Island goes unnoticed. -------------------- From many a wondrous grot and secret cell Unnumbered and enormous polypi Winnow with giant fins the slumbering green. Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 3238
written Monday, September 15 2003 01:15
OOC: Well, I guess now a time is any better. Soo many good characters, there aren't enough bad ones. So here we go. -Name: Kyrissian -Gender: Female -Race: Slith/Drake (?) -Appearance: Slender and strong, wears crafted plate mail, in full body armor, and carries a freakin' big steel halberd. -Personality: Fierce, not very playful, rather cunning. -Abilities: Amazing fighting skills... err... that's about it. No magic, weak against magic. -Bio: Kryissian was originally from Exile. She managed to escape after joining a small group of adventurers. She had a dear friend named Melissa in that group, but they were seperated afterwards. Kryissian made it to Siris Island after a year of wandering, and was brainwashed by Baltazar the Mad. She is now a major officer for the army that resides on Siris Island. Rather, this is really knawing on me. Should I make her half drake? She wouldn't know it, and that would give her another disadvantage: Beserk. She would just attack anyone in a huge rage, friend and foe alike. Nazgul, if you accept, please give me the answer of whether or not to make her half drake. -------------------- "Friendship is two things: Trust, and sharing. I personally see it as a business opportunity." -Random Quote Newage3 - Insanitatious Fun in a Browser! Posts: 203 | Registered: Friday, July 18 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2242
written Monday, September 15 2003 01:42
Firedrake slipped out into the night. Sneaking around, he snuck into the local barracks, many of the guards on watch. He waited for a guard to sneak past and then knocked the guard out. Swiping the guards gear, he snuck into the barracks. Noticing that the commander of the barracks was sleeping, he snuck into his office and began searching for information. He didn't find much except for a letter saying that the preparations for the ceremony would be done by the end of the month. He then snuck back out, giving the guard his gear back. He'd never know what hit him. However, people began to scream. Turning the corner, Firedrake noticed that a Greater Wyvern was attacking some people and the local guard was having trouble fending it off. Drawing his sword, he charged into battle. OOC: The Wyvern is not Zephyrs character. -------------------- "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes back into you." -Friedrich Nietzsche "There is no dodging the quad laser." -Ignignok Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, November 14 2002 08:00 |
Member # 3320
written Monday, September 15 2003 03:29
OOC: quote:This should be interesting, Arianne is back. ![]() IC: Mancire looked up from his food at Alcove and asked, "What's was that all about?" She replied, "Oh, never mind him. He's just a bit dumb at times and panics about everything. It's a very long story, and I don't care to tell it. Have you been successfully nourished? Are you strong enough to face Baltazar?" He looked back down at his food and continued eating. "Almost." Alcove became curious. "What brings you here to this tower to see Baltazar?" Mancire finished the last of his food and drank the rest of his drink and answered. "I have a message for King Baltazar." "A message, huh? Well, let's not keep him waiting any longer." Mancire got up from his seat and Alcove led him off to the throne room. OOC: I don't mind having my character called Alyssa, but only her parents knew her by that name. No one else. I would appreciate it if you would call her Alcove. I will start a monster wave after we get a sufficient number of people on the Island of Siris. But that won't be for another page at least, or, 3/4 of the way down this one. -------------------- (Looks around in the Study) Colonel Mustard: "Just checking." Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 1046
written Monday, September 15 2003 04:13
OOC: Vampire's back. Tell a friend. :rolleyes: IC: Shadow Wolf was on the roof, stargazing. He remembered many a night when he and Gynia would be just sitting there doing that, on the roof of the local inn. This made the Master of Thievery (OOC: both stealing and the Circle of Thievery, if you know what i mean) hate the demons even more - the greatest one of them separated the two when he was defeated. At least Shadow Wolf had the initiative to search... A large wyvern flew over his head, as well as the arrows and bolts that followed. It was about to strike at him from behind, but stopped, being able to feel his small, focused aura of soul energy. The creature seemed to know that Shadow Wolf could easily draw his blade, sever his spine, and sheath the weapon again before it knew it. "Leave, creature, before you are harmed," Shadow Wolf warned. "Even I will not be able to help once you get shot down." As if heeding his warning, the wyvern left, to some mountain range in the northeast. The guards and Firedrake were astonished, to see how a muscle-lacking man in black could make such a mighty creature flee. OOC: yeah, SW tries to avoid combat. being a blademaster since he was like 10 as well as being a veteran of a 10 year war, it's wise to believe that he's sick of it, but will fight when absolutely necessary. -------------------- Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands. -------------------- Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Monday, September 15 2003 07:35
OOC: It seems like we should decide now when the new day's going to start - it's night already, and most of our characters won't meet until morning. Milla, I think you're the third - no fourth, with Namothil - in the inn, so I'd suggest you get a room for the night soon, that goes for Namothil too (unless he did drop this, he said he might). Then we could call this a day. ![]() I'll be putting off my next IC until Kel-Aziz (Nazgul that is) answers the question Eferas asked him, atm they're both still standing there in front of the bar. Oh yeah, WM, where does this wyvern come from, is it wild, or is it controlled by Baltazar? Edit: Then I'll just ask FD the same question. ![]() [ Monday, September 15, 2003 08:13: Message edited by: Arancaytar ] -------------------- Visit The Santharian Dream and its RP board. Or the Encyclopaedia Ermariana! Got a brain? Go to Polaris! "It is as if everyone had lost their sense To a conspiracy for downfall and desperance And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey (freely translated). Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
Member # 1046
written Monday, September 15 2003 07:59
OOC: it's the one FD was talking about. -------------------- Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands. -------------------- Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00 |
Member # 27
written Monday, September 15 2003 09:02
quote:IC: Fluffy: "Alcove dont you dare call me dumb! I'll have you know th..." *Alcove and Mancire start to leave. Fluffy starts to panic a bit* "Alcove where do you think you are going with him? Not Baltazar I would hope!" Alcove: "Yes I am taking him to Baltazar, he has a message for him. Now calm down you fool!" Fluffy: *Steps infront of their walking path* "No, I'm sorry I cant let you do that Alcove." *Ignoring him, Alcove pushes him aside and continues torward the throne room.* *Fluffy tries to go after Mancire. He grabs him by the shoulder and pulls him back.* Fluffy: "Just a minute you, if you are going to see Baltazar you must give me any weapons you have, and answer a few questions." *He holds out his hand expectantly.* Mancire: "Out of my way you worm." *He punches Fluffy in the stomach and throws him aside* Fluffy: "Why you... you... you..." *Fluffy's eyes start to glowing red. The hair on the back of his neck is raised. He stares Mancire, breathing heavily. After a few seconds Fluffy lets out a terrifing roar and leaps at Mancire.* *Mancire dodges just in time but is left off completly off guard.* *Fluffy lands and quickly leaps back at Mancire.* *Alcove turns around* Alcove: "**** not again!" *She quickly casts a spell and knocks Fluffy back before he can harm Mancire.* *Fluffy turns torward Alcove and roars.* *Alcove casts another spell and summons a mouse.* *Fluffy lets out a shriek of horror and runs away.* Alcove: "*phew* I have to teach him how to control his rage. Are you alright Mancire?" Mancire: *brushes himself off* "I'm fine, I've been in worse fights." *They continue to the throne room* OOC: As pointless as that fight was, I wanted to have some fun with Fluffy's rage. I also wanted to develop his character some more so you get a feel for who he is. ![]() -------------------- Live teh fez. Posts: 1233 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Member # 2242
written Monday, September 15 2003 11:23
OOC: The Wyvern was a wild one that lived on the island. And MSW, no waves of monsters this time. Or at least that's up to The Nazgul IC: The Wyvern flew off into the distance. With that being done, FD brought the stuff back to his room to read and figure out what it meant. -------------------- "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes back into you." -Friedrich Nietzsche "There is no dodging the quad laser." -Ignignok Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, November 14 2002 08:00 |
Member # 2940
written Monday, September 15 2003 12:07
OOC: Wow, many people joined since my last post. Great! I would just like to point out a few things before going on MSW: Character aproved. Just remember, no attack waves, this is not the zombies RP, we will actually try to have a plot this time. Baltazar does not know any menace in this island and has all under control, he does not need to attack his allready submited people. Any form of attack will only occur if he discoveres any of these new adventurers are causing trouble and even then I think the most logical step would be attacking that character only...not all his own island. Enraged Slith: Character aproved. EatAChinchilla: Character aproved. *Milla* : Character aproved. Just one question, when your character turn into a werecat, does she loose all clothing? or does she transform with whatever she is wearing? Premonition: Character aproved. Good RPers are always welcome. Tommy: Chatacter aproved. You can be a half drake if you want...hey, you can be related to Zephirs character. Who knows, maybe you are another twisted experiment of Baltazar. ------------- Ok, from what I have read these are the players in this RP, please correct me if I´m wrong. Forces of Good: - Nazgul - Namothil - Arancaytar - Wise Man - Firedrake - Eat a Chinchilla Forces of Evil: - Murder, She Wrote - Tommy - Enraged Slith - Zephir Unknown allegiance: - Premonition - *Milla* IC: (Aprox. time: 01:00 AM) Back in the Inn... Kel-Aziz turned to see an old man, he could tell the man was in his seventies at least. Kel-Aziz: Let me do the questioning. Who are YOU? and what are you doing in a place like this?...(he paused) wait...dont bother...I realy dont have time for this conversation, maybe tomorrow old one. Without waiting for a response he left for his room to take a good deserved sleep after the long journey. [ Monday, September 15, 2003 14:19: Message edited by: The_Nazgul ] -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Member # 169
written Monday, September 15 2003 12:43
Namothil settled comfortably into his room. The wards he carried were already set on the door. That alone should be sufficient to deter thieves, and the extra bonus to the innkeeper would also help. For more serious threats he would need to set up other protections. Nothing to match what he could have done once, of course. But that would attract attention. These wards were reasonable for a moderately well-off traveler, but a serious anti-scrying shield would certainly not be considered reasonable. Besides, he only had two left. He set down his pack, and started to organize its contents. 'Poisons - Hmm. Good supply, but I may as well look into local supplies. Soporifics - Adequate. May need more, depending on what my investigations turn up. Medicines - Very short supply, but they wouldn't be much use, since I'm operating alone. Magical supplies - Need to restock. Running out of non-replaceables, too. A half-dozen shieldbreakers left. Might be worth picking up some of those copies, even if they are inferior. Piercing Crystals - three left. Probably not enough. Defenses - Definitely need to find something there.' He sat back, frowning. 'Now, who does one see about obtaining items that are probably severely restricted? The local underworld is out. I don't know the right passwords. Winning their trust would take much too long... Wait a minute.' A memory came to mind - the face of a man entering the inn. 'Something familiar there. I'll have to find out what.' OOC: All protections referred to are items enchanted for specific tasks. No spellcasting involved - they're just to provide a more-or-less secure base. Non-replaceables - the mage who originally produced a lot of Namothil's equipment is dead, and he's never found someone who can duplicate it. BTW, Firedrake, I'm assuming your character is the same one you used for the NSI RP. Is that correct? Posts: 422 | Registered: Tuesday, October 16 2001 07:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Monday, September 15 2003 13:13
OOC: Nazgul, I don't remember Milla saying anything about allegiance. I might be wrong though. btw: I'll usually be able to be on here from 7:00 AM to 14:00 PM board time (thats 17:00 - 0:00 for me); but I might not always be. Just don't expect any post from me in this rp that lies outside these times. IC: Eferas' facial expression hardened slightly as he heard the other one call him 'old one'. He did not comment, however. Instead he adressed the man once more. "Good night, Mister---" he broke off expectantly, hoping to at least learn his name before leaving. Not receiving any other reply but a vague "Good night", Eferas shrugged, picked up the key the innkeep had pushed across the bar, and headed towards his own room haltingly. Once in, he sat on the bed, opened his small sack he had worn on his back, and checked his magical supplies once more - a small pouch of sulfur dust to enhance fire spells. A tiny ruby. Several scrolls for minor, simple cantrips that went beyond his specialized capacity as a fire mage. A small flask filled with an energizing potion. Several crystals used for breaking magical barriers. His supplies were not dangerously meagre, but lower than he would have liked them. He was completely out of scrying orbs and the slowing wands that had always proved so useful in combat. He decided to look for a shop that sold magical equipment in the morning, hoping that the tyrant had not gone so far as prohibiting the sale of such items, which was, after all, a possibility. With that thought, he lay down and went to an uneasy, but deep slumber. [ Monday, September 15, 2003 13:21: Message edited by: Arancaytar ] -------------------- Visit The Santharian Dream and its RP board. Or the Encyclopaedia Ermariana! Got a brain? Go to Polaris! "It is as if everyone had lost their sense To a conspiracy for downfall and desperance And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey (freely translated). Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2940
written Monday, September 15 2003 13:56
OOC: Ok, Im about to start the second chapter. Just so you know, this will be the last chance for anyone to join, after this chapter is over no other player may join this RP. IC: ...right in the middle of Siris Island, over the main mountain, Castle Siris could be clearly seen from any corner of the land. Streching high enough to grow fear in the hearts of all those who once thought to regain their freedom. In the center of the castle, rising even higher, Baltazars tower rised like a dark spine from the core of the earth. Those with keen vision could see the smoke and flames that ocasionaly came out in a show of horrible pirotecnia, those quiet enough to listen could hear the roarings of the horrible artifacts within the protected stone heart of the castle. Locals never stared at that tower much, for they avoided thinking on what horrible deeds were done within that dark fortress. CHAPTER II: Many Meetings all of our heroes and antagonists arrived at Siris Island, Baltazart, the mad Archmage and lord of the Island, was still oblivious of the dangerous adventurers that had landed on his domain who would soon be joined by destiny in a quest to rid this Island from Baltazar the mad. (Siris Island Aprox. Time: 06:00 AM, still night time in Siris Island) [ Monday, September 15, 2003 14:00: Message edited by: The_Nazgul ] -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3320
written Monday, September 15 2003 14:05
*Alcove casts another spell and summons a mouse.* *Fluffy lets out a shriek of horror and runs away.* OOC: That was rather good. I liked it. IC: They reach the throne room door and Alcove opens it. Baltazar sees it open and says, "Come in, come in, my messenger. I hear you have a message for me. What is this all about? I haven't received any messages in a long time." OOC: Your turn Zephyr, I will not take the part of your character. I don't know what the message contains. It is up to you now. I'll be back later people. There is a bad storm heading our way. Not to mention that on Friday will are to be hit by Hurricane Isabelle. Though I'm not very worried. I've been through hurricanes before and they don't scare me much. I am more afraid of tornadoes. Plus I am still sick and recovering. Hope to be back soon. -------------------- (Looks around in the Study) Colonel Mustard: "Just checking." Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2339
written Monday, September 15 2003 14:08
OOC: Mancire isn't quite strong enough to throw aside a werewolf. From now on, say he uses Sonic Soundwave Roar. That spell is strong enough to push a werewolf aside. I've always been on the good side in rps. Or at leasted I've planned to. Mancire will be evil. IC: Mancire: *Manicre approaches Baltazar.* "A message for you, lord." *Gives the message to Baltazar.* "If you are unhappy with this message, I am willing to join your side." *The message reads: Baltazar, Soon you will fall to the rage of the Rebellion. We are growing ever stronger. Your armies cannot match ours. We will invade your castle, and you will fall! This island will be free from your tyranny! YOU WILL FALL! Signed, The Rebellion* OOC: Oooohhh, a threat from The Rebellion. You good guys in this rp can start them. The fight is just not fair. Many more good guys than bad. Hurricane Isabelle is headed your way!? I hope you make it, and that the damage will be minimal. I'm relieved that not even the closest body of water to my house isn't big enough to spawn hurricanes. Phew. [ Monday, September 15, 2003 14:21: Message edited by: Zephyr Tempest, the Wielder of Ice ] -------------------- Entertaining songs !Click here to get to the misc. boards! Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!! Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 200 computers: read more! "AH-CHOO!" -George Washington Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Monday, September 15 2003 14:41
OOC: Just as a question, Zephyr. How does your character, on the evil side, end up with a message from the rebellion? :confused: Ah well. Anyway. I'd better do another ic, the new day is probably going to bring a lot more action and this is my last post for the next 16 hours or so. T'would be too much bother to wrap up all that stuff in the next IC. IC: Eferas yawned, and slowly blinked. He was an early riser, but last night he had stayed in the tavern until pretty close to midnight, and he was also feeling a bit sluggish with only the tiniest traces of a hangover from the drinks he had had. He woke early, and as far as he could see the sun had not yet risen, but he found it rather difficult to get up. Eferas blinked again, this time a bit more energetically. He tried to persuade himself to rise, but failed. He lay still for a few more seconds, and then rose with a gasp as a rather loud splintering crash resounded through the building. (OOC: It's left for you to decide what the noise is.) -------------------- Visit The Santharian Dream and its RP board. Or the Encyclopaedia Ermariana! Got a brain? Go to Polaris! "It is as if everyone had lost their sense To a conspiracy for downfall and desperance And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey (freely translated). Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2339
written Monday, September 15 2003 14:44
OOC: He was captured by a Rebellion Mage, and was forced to send that message. IS that explanation of the message good enough? -------------------- Entertaining songs !Click here to get to the misc. boards! Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!! Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 200 computers: read more! "AH-CHOO!" -George Washington Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00 |
Member # 3320
written Monday, September 15 2003 15:07
OOC: Is someone going to play the part of Baltazar or will everyone permit me to do that. It is a challenge, but seeing how my past posts have been in the other RPs, it is one that I can handle. IC: Baltazar finished reading the message, and looked annoyed. "Those puny mortals, if they think they can defeat me, then they got another thing coming. Alcove, get me my mithral chain mail. From the sound of things, there must be adventurers around. Let's do a quick sweep of the land around the castle. If there is anyone trying to sneak up on us, I want to know about it and retaliate before they know what has hit them." Alcove obeys and goes to the armor room. She speaks quickly and precisely to the armor dealer, who is seated at his desk. "I need the king's mithral chain mail, now! We are going to survey the lands around the castle. He needs his protection just in case." The armor dealer looks at her in annoyance, but knows he must obey the order. "Very well." He gets up goes to a locked door and pulls out a golden key. He quickly unlocks the door, gets the armor, locks the door, and takes it to the counter. "Here it is. I just got done oiling it yesterday, try not to get it dirty or very damaged, okay." He gives her a blunt smirk, and goes back to his desk. Alcove takes the armor back to Baltazar and he asks her to put it on him. She does as he wishes and gets absolutely no pleasure out of this whatsoever. It is a service that she hates performing because he constantly hits on her. She doesn't return the advances because along with his craziness, he is known to not bathe very often, so he has an ungodly stench. She finishes putting the armor on him and they step to the window. Both of them have the power of flight, and soon they both take off out the tower window. While flying away from the castle, he speaks again. "Be a dearie and scan the area for life forms. If you find any let me know." ? Very well," she responds and starts surveying the area. OOC: Alcove can survey an area with her mind, much like a mage can scry an enemy. Think of it as a magic map spell with a detect life spell intertwined. [ Monday, September 15, 2003 15:11: Message edited by: Murder, She Wrote ] -------------------- (Looks around in the Study) Colonel Mustard: "Just checking." Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2940
written Monday, September 15 2003 15:25
IC: (08:00AM) Kel-Aziz had slept quite well that night and he would have probably slept some more had it not been for that drunk who accidentaly broke a window at the Inn. Kel-Aziz remembered he had to meet the Inkeeper at the stable so he hurried his way through the Inn´s back door. ???: Pssst, over here. Kel-Aziz turned around the stable trying to locate where the voice was comming from. ???: Down here. Kel-Aziz looked below his feet, through a small hatch on the ground a couple of eyes could be clearly seen. Kel-Aziz moved aside and the hatch opened, the Inkeeper was in there. Inkeeper: Quick! Get in here. Kel-Aziz: Ok, I want to know what is going on here, why are you people being so secretive! Inkeeper: Shh...lower your voice, they might hear you. Kel-Aziz: Who is "they". Inkeeper: The lords of this Island, Baltazars army. Kel-Aziz: Explain yourself, since I got here I have sensed a strange aura about this place, it is realy uncomfortable. Inkeeper: You sense it to eh...? Are you a Mage of some sort? army. Kel-Aziz: Ha! I am no mage, my blades are more than enough for me. Inkeeper: Great, a warrior! We need warriors. Kel-Aziz: We? who is "we"? Stop the ridles and tell me once and for all what is wrong with this place. Inkeeper: First of all, my name is Belgot call me Bob...I am a Rebel. Kel-Aziz: Rebel? Bob: Thats right. Kel-Aziz: What are you rebeling against. Bob: You better have a seat, Its a long story. Bob quickly explains all the situation in Siris Island to Kel-Aziz, who is not too surprised to see something was wrong in this place, what realy surprised him was to know there was some kind of resistance. Bob: that is why we fight till today, but we need help, all the help we can get...we are planing an attack against Baltazars tower. (he paused for a moment and lowered his voice even more.) We have carefully tunneled through the mountain these last months and we believe we have reached the lower levels of Baltazars tower. (his expresion soon turned serious) The only problem is we are low on troops, most of the rebels have been captured and killed and we have decided to hire as many foreing adventurers as possible. Kel-Aziz had been motionless all the time Bob was explaining their sitation. Kel-Aziz: I understand, and I can sense you speak the truth. Count me in. Bob:...Exelent! You must visit our leader, he lives in a small stoned house by the eastern beach. Without anymore words Kel-Aziz came out of his hidding place. Bob: One more thing! The more warriors you bring with you the better. Kel-Aziz: Dont worry, I have an experienced eye when it comes to searching for good men. With that said, he headed towards the Inn. -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2339
written Monday, September 15 2003 15:26
Mancire: "He left already. I also have the power of flight." *He spreads his wings, and flies out the window. He flies up to Baltazar and Alcove.* "I know where a Rebel base is, it's on a small island south of here! But there are magical towers that they call SAMM(Surface-to-air magic missle) towers. Unless we fly very high, those towers will open fire! But I know where we can get more troops. I have some friends. They live on a Cathedral, they are Gargoyles. They hate the Rebels, they would be willing to join!" OOC: Mancire can fly pretty fast. His wings are strong, and he is lightweight. If you're wondering why he hates the Rebels, they killed his parents, so he was abandoned, and then the 3 insane mages caught him...and you know the rest. And, just so you know, Mancire's wings are seperate from his arms and legs. He still has hair, though. And his skin is NOT completely green. It still has a peach tint. [ Monday, September 15, 2003 15:41: Message edited by: Zephyr Tempest, the Wielder of Ice ] -------------------- Entertaining songs !Click here to get to the misc. boards! Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!! Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 200 computers: read more! "AH-CHOO!" -George Washington Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00 |
Member # 1046
written Monday, September 15 2003 16:24
Shadow Wolf, being one to wake up early, had long finished his breakfast and was already outside asking about this land. Eventually he met a muscular, knight-like warrior. "You look the sort who can fight," the warrior greeted. "Though you seem kinda scrawny. I could use some help in my, uh, job." "There's nothing somebody like you can't lift," SW answered jokingly. "Well, tell me what you need help in, and I'll decide whether or not to help." "Very well. Name's Kel-Aziz." "Call me Shadow Wolf." OOC: your cue Nazgul. -------------------- Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands. -------------------- Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00 |
Member # 1229
written Monday, September 15 2003 16:47
IC: Theobold swam through the waves as fast as he could, his left arm slightly hindered by the longbow over it. He needed to make it to the island before he froze to death, and luckily the island wasn't too far away. To help him move faster, he blotted out all sense of time, just kept himself swimming, always swimming. Eventually he made through an opening into the interior wall of the rocky cliffs, and luckily for him, the weather was calm. Finding a small beach of sand, he climbed ashore and took a moment to recover his strength. Shivering from the cold water, he slowly took off his clothes and placed them on the ground to dry. Then, taking a scroll of 'Light' from the scrollcase at his belt, he recited the words from it. The scroll disappeared, and in his hand a floating ball of fire appeared. Theobold huddled near the ball of fire for warmth, and also used its proximity to dry his own clothes. Finally, when the fire extinguished itself, Theobold put on his (now only slightly damp) clothes and equipment and began to scale up the cliff wall. It was fairly challenging because of the hefty longbow on his arm, but luckily there were many cuts in the cliff wall big enough for hands and feet, and despite his scrawny appearance, Theobold was a strong man. Eventually, after nearly an hour's climb (he had to stop on the way up for a rest at one time), the perseverant Theobold had finally made it up the top. Lying against a rock to gather his strength, he looked up to see the sun setting on the horizon. Good, he thought to himself, smiling a little. He wanted to get the use of his bow back as soon as he could. The fisherman came as promised at nightfall to the hill overlooking the sea. Theobold was waiting, holding up his end of the deal. With him, the fisherman carried a quiver of arrows and a bag slung around his shoulder. Theobold took the full quiver from the old man and looped it around his shoulders, then looked inside the shoulder bag. It contained food provisions - apples, pears and lettuce, and some dried meat. He nodded. "Thank you for holding up your end of the bargain. I'll need these." Theobold scanned the darkness with his keen eyes. Then he said, "I'll need to ask another favor of you. This quest given to me won't be easy. I'll need you to stay at the inn for a while until I return. If I don't contact you in five days, consider me dead and sail away." The fisherman thought about this for a minute, then nodded. "Always glad to help, mi'lord. I'll do as you say." "Again, thanks. I'm going solo from here, get some rest in town and wait for me. I'll pay for what the inn charged you when we get back to Turin." The fisherman nodded again, and was about to say farewell when he realized that the strange man was already leaving. Feeling awkward, the fisherman walked back to town. Theobold crept along the open grasslands near the village docks, carefully avoiding it and staying out of sight. As he crept along, trying to memorize the landscape in his head, he noticed a cloaked figure lying on top of the edge of the cliff wall overlooking the sea. Carefully moving towards the figure, notching an arrow to his bow just in case, he crept towards the figure, who looked either unconscious or dead. The person was lying on their front, and it looked like he/she had fallen just after scaling the cliff wall. Slowly, Theobold bent down to touch the figure, and pulled back when the fallen squirmed slightly under his touch. Taking the figure over his shoulder, making sure no one was looking, Theobold carried the fallen figure to a cluster of rocks nearby, and rested the person against one of the rocks. Theobold lifted back the person's hood to get a good look at them. It was a woman, he found out, eerily beautiful with dark locks covering the sides of her face. Her face glowed pale from, Theobold guessed, the moonlight shining from above. Realizing this woman would need warmth on such a cold grim night, Theo took his mind off his current quest to search in the nearby woodlands to find wood. OOC: Just to clarify, this is the character you used in the zombie war RPG, right, premonition? Hope it's a good description of your character, and I apologize if you hadwanted to start off solo. ![]() I think Theobold will find out sooner or later that your character is a vampire, but, rather than slay her like he usually does with all 'evil' creatures he discovers, for some reason he'd rather wait around and see what happens. (maybe he's allured by the pretty face. ![]() Posts: 69 | Registered: Tuesday, May 28 2002 07:00 |
Member # 2242
written Monday, September 15 2003 16:50
OOC: Yes, you assume correctly Namothil. Why? If it's gear your looking for, FD has some extra stuff he doesn't need. If we assume your from the one of the same guilds as Firedrake, he'll give it to you free. If not, you'll just get it for a slight fee. Firedrake hasn't too much use for extra gold right now. IC: Firedrake entered the inn, heading up the stairs, entering his room. He took out some of the stuff he "borrowed" from the barracks. One of them brought up something about a ceremony of some sort, the other, the location of a rebel base. After a hour or so, Firedrake finished resting and went back out into the night, but was stopped and guiding into the corner of the inn. There, he meet a familiar person... -------------------- "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes back into you." -Friedrich Nietzsche "There is no dodging the quad laser." -Ignignok Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, November 14 2002 08:00 |
Member # 169
written Monday, September 15 2003 17:13
OOC: Actually, my character was hoping yours might have some suggestions on where to look. (He'd prefer to know where to go if he needs to buy something in a hurry.) He doesn't know you've just arrived. Namothil isn't associated with any guild, but is on friendly terms with some. IC: "Ah, Firedrake, right?" "Yes. Namothil, isn't it?" "Still. Haven't had cause to change my name lately." He smiled. "Been in town long? I'm looking for persons selling... various items." "Such as?" "Immediately, magical supplies. Shieldbreakers, if you know anyone who has them for vaguely reasonable prices. I'd prefer the orginals, not copies, but I'd be surprised if anyone around here has originals. Copies are hard enough to get. Piercing crystals, if available. Also need to look into static defenses. My personal gear is fine, but I'd like to be able to set up some decent wards if I have to. For the future, an alchemist amenable to producing neccessary goods would be nice. A guild hall would be helpful, but I imagine the local king wiped it out, or at least tried to when he took power, assuming there ever was one here. My contacts in the guilds are all on the mainland, unfortunately." OOC: Shieldbreakers are exactly what the sound like - they're designed to break down magical protections. 'Originals' refers to those made by the mage I mentioned previously - IOTW, they're not made anymore. [ Monday, September 15, 2003 17:14: Message edited by: Namothil ] Posts: 422 | Registered: Tuesday, October 16 2001 07:00 |