Baltazar the Mad (RP)
Author | Topic: Baltazar the Mad (RP) |
Member # 2940
written Saturday, September 13 2003 18:11
OOC: Ok, this is it. My first try to make a RP and probably the last. Everyone is allowed to join in as long as you follow the following 10 simple rules so that everyone may have a good time. -------------oo0oo------------- 1- Read previous posts carefully before joining or posting your own. 2- No God Characters (must be well balanced). 3- No killing other characters. 4- Be true to your characters nature. 5- The Characters Background Plot must never be bigger than the current RP plot. 6- Never change, alter or add anything of another characters background without his/her permision. 7- When posting remember to be detailed but be carefull and avoid geting carried away with a hole page. Unless it is realy necesary (an intro or conclusion post). 8- Reference to other characters actions and dialogs must be only superficial and they must be true to that characters nature. 9- Never hurry the plot too much. 10- One character per player. -------------oo0oo------------- Ok, having said all that, here it goes. Enjoy... IC: INTRO On a remote island called Siris, far away from the piercing eyes of the continent inhabitants a once beautifull realm was now under the iron fist of a mad and powerfull dictator, Baltazar the mad. No one realy dared to call him that way since people ended up decapitated or hanged for even lesser actions against his rule. Baltazar was once a powerfull archmage, the right hand of King Theodus the Wise. People say his days alone in his tower made him mad and grew greed for power within his heart. In a matter of years he had created a powerfull army of undead, brigands and malcontents who battled against the noble realm of Theodus. Baltazar found suporters within Theodus army promising power and wealth for those who aided him. Finnaly Theodus was defeated and murdered by Baltazar himself who then claimed the whole Island for himself and his servants. So it has remained for a few decades...untill now. CHAPTER 1: New Arrivals. On some unknown ship by the coasts of Island Siris... Sailor: Siris Island Ahead!!! Captain: Arr, Wake all the lads up. (spit). Sailor: Aye, aye, sir. Captain: We dont want to be surprised by the mad people who live there. Argg...(spit). Kel-Aziz had remained sleeping all the trip. He disliked sea travel and every now and then suffered from sea sickness, but the overpopulated continents had been too much for him so he decided to jump in a random ship at the port in hopes that it would take him to some remote location...for free. The trip to a remote location was done, but he asked no one if he could board that ship, so when one of the nearby sailors spoted him sleeping between some crates between their cargo they were all slightly irritaded. Sailor: Wada we do ta im Cap!! Captain: (Staring at the Island)...I have just the right punishment for him. It didnt take the "sailors" too much time to carry him in a boat and throw him in the island. Sailor: That ought ta teach ya a lesson!! HAAHARGHARGHAR!!!! Kel-Aziz could have single handedly dispached those stupid pirates but he was just not in the mood, besides they had been kind enough to leave him on this beautifull island. A few miles of walk around the Island soon lead him to a nearby port. To his unplesant surprise it was quite active, many ships of all sorts and desings where at the docks and many people moved from here to there but always in an uneasy way, as if they all felt they were being watched. Kel-Aziz: Oh Well...I guess this is at least better than the mainland. As Kel-Aziz entered the port he received the unpleasant looks of the local guards, he could not blame them though, he was once a guard and he would also dislike a fish smelling guy covered in a ragged cloak entering the Darubian Royal Halls, but there was something else in their eyes, he could sense it...some sort of evil was around, but he was to tired to look into it, "Maybe later" he said to himself. Tired by the trip Kel-Aziz decided to make a visit to the local Inn, where he was shure to find a bit of comfort after such a ride...destiny however had other plans in mind. OOC: And so it starts. I decided starting in this port city so your characters should join easily from any corner of this ficticious world (could also be Ermaria, you decide). The only condition is that if you are from this Island you have to be Evil(servant of Baltazar) or a member of some secret resistance or rebel cause. If you come from afar, then you can be what you will. Anyone is free to add more to the plot as this RP develops. Cheers. ![]() [ Saturday, September 13, 2003 18:19: Message edited by: The_Nazgul ] -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2339
written Saturday, September 13 2003 18:24
I've looked this guy over, and I don't see any godliness: Mancire Species: Half human, half drake(Don't ask how.) Abilities: Sonic Soundwave roar(Does damage to enemies, and usually negates a non-magical attack if they were about to hit when this ability is launched. It also throws them back.) Silver Needle roar(A roar where small silver needles shoot out along with the soundwaves and do extra damage to the enemy.) Silent walk(Self-explanatory) Power Soundwave(A very good ability. Second only to Silver Needle roar. It has a more wide spread range.) He is pretty frail, but has plenty of energy. He can also fly. His physical strikes are weak. He's basically a slith with wings. You guessed it, he's an expert on sound. He has acute hearing. He can't wear good armor or else he can't fly. He's pretty much doomed if he can't use Sonic Soundwave roar fast enough in melee. IC: *Sometihng started flying overhead, Kel-Aziz saw it. He was amazed about this astonishing creature!* Mancire: "Ahoy, land walker!" *Flies down and lands in front of Kel-Aziz.* "They call me Mancire. I've flown over this island, because I have a message for someone named "Baltazar". I've heard he lives on this island. Do you know where he is?" OOC: Seriously, is this character too powerful? Don't be offended if Mancire calls your character "land walker." That's what he calls anyone he meets that isn't currently flying or swimming. His quest is to deliver a message to Baltazar, and that's it for now. [ Saturday, September 13, 2003 18:31: Message edited by: Zephyr Tempest, the Wielder of Ice ] -------------------- Entertaining songs !Click here to get to the misc. boards! Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!! Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 200 computers: read more! "AH-CHOO!" -George Washington Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00 |
Member # 169
written Saturday, September 13 2003 18:51
OOC: I'll be using my usual assasain character. Namothil grumbled to himself, "Last time I ever take one of these jobs. 'Find a crazy mage in this area. He's experimenting with summoning demons.' Thanks for telling me that half the magi around here are playing with that. I really appreciate such precise directions." Of course, his instructions had been a bit more precise than that. But then, tracking someone down based on a pseudonym they'd used several years ago was not exactly the simplest possible task. "And to top it all off, the local ruler's a mage, so if he learns what I am, I'm likely to get to inspect the dungeons. What a truly wonderful contract." He slipped into the nearest inn, and quietly took a seat off to the side, not obviously hiding, but also not conspicuous. OOC: I don't know yet who his target will end up being - that's why I didn't specify one. Depending on how the story develops, it might be Baltazar, or it might be some other mage. (NOTE: I may have to drop out of the RP without warning. My schedule is currently more than a little confused.) [ Saturday, September 13, 2003 18:53: Message edited by: Namothil ] Posts: 422 | Registered: Tuesday, October 16 2001 07:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Sunday, September 14 2003 01:42
This is my first try at rp-ing, and I might drop out again if I decide I can't do it. Here's my suggestion for a character: Eferas Cirthain, a human, is 78 years old, app. 180 cm tall, weighing about 80 kg (160 pounds for you non-metric guys ![]() He's a mage (c'mon, what did you expect), and he specializes very much on fire spells that are his strength. He can cast all the standard fire spells from Exile/Avernum (Fire Bolt, Fire Storm, Flaming Arrows, Fireblast, you know the lot). He also has an extra spells at his disposal: - Boiling Blood, a sort of war blessing and hasting in one, that speeds up and strengthens the target by temporarily raising body and blood temperature. It can be cast on himself and on other humans while in body contact. Its effect lasts for about 15-20 minutes, it takes five seconds to cast (where he has to touch the target's bare skin, preferrably near a main artery). However, it has a sort of 'hangover'-aftereffect; after the effects have faded the target will feel very exhausted. He cannot do any other, non-fire spells. His main weakness is, of course, his frailty. At 78 years, he cannot pull half his weight in melee, and has to rely on the protection of his fellow fighters while casting spells. He also hates the touch of iron, therefore he possesses no blade at all, his only weapons are his oak staff and a small knife carved from obsidian. Personality: He is rather rash and volatile, fitting the nature of his preferred element. He is liable to unexpected mood swings, but his anger is just as quickly calmed again. History: Now what kind of world did you have in mind? Is this Ermarian or can you just put in anything? If so, he was born somewhere in a distant land called Santharia. ![]() (OOC: The above is not plot relevant at all, just wanted to give the char a little personal history. It does not have any effect on the plot. He's just an old mage who wants to set out for adventure.) Naturally, he eventually learned of this island and the tyrannical archmage reigning it, who ought to be toppled from the throne. He immediately looked for a captain willing to travel the long way, and eventually he found a mercenary vessel that would hire him, so he would work for the journey by lending them his magic skills should they encounter any assaults while at sea. The journey was calm, and they were only once attacked by a single pirate vessel that was easily dispatched. Then he landed here, and the mercenaries left rather quickly... (Oh yeah, Namothil, he's a pyromancer, but not a demonologist. Just so you don't get ideas... ![]() Is that one accepted? ![]() IC: Eferas slowly walked along the pier and left the quay, trying to look inconspicous - his friends had warned him that the minions of the archmage were extremely dangerous and suspicious of strangers. He surveyed his surroundings for the most friendly-looking inn around. There were a lot of sailor taverns, but they all looked rather dark and dangerous, and Eferas preferred a clean place. Another sign hit his eye: "The Urchin and Starfish" (OOC: That's supposed to be the inn you were heading to, Nazgul, if you don't like the name, I'll change it.). From afar, the place seems civilized enough. He approaches it and enters... [ Sunday, September 14, 2003 01:49: Message edited by: Arancaytar ] -------------------- Visit The Santharian Dream and its RP board. Or the Encyclopaedia Ermariana! Got a brain? Go to Polaris! "It is as if everyone had lost their sense To a conspiracy for downfall and desperance And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey (freely translated). Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2339
written Sunday, September 14 2003 04:00
OOC:I bet you're wondering WHY Mancire is half human, and half drake. Well, both of his parents are humans. He was captured by some insane mages who wanted to breed better warriors. But they found if they wanted them to fly, they would have to be spellcasters, not warriors. They knew a curse, so they casted it on Mancire. Mancire started mutating because the curse's effects had been magnified. He screamed in pain, right when his wings started growing, he fell unconsious. When he woke up, he saw what he had become. He had flown away as fast as he could, with tears running down his cheeks, scared by what he now is. If this rp is on earth, hen scientists captured him, and hasted the DNA(Which they made themselves.) with technology. He was already an expert on sound when he was a human, but he didn't have quite as good hearing. I just wanted you guys to know the twisted path of Mancire. If he finds those mages that changed him, you can guess he'll try to kill them. I'm waiting for your response to Mancire's appearence, Nazgul. [ Sunday, September 14, 2003 08:49: Message edited by: Zephyr Tempest, the Wielder of Ice ] -------------------- Entertaining songs !Click here to get to the misc. boards! Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!! Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 200 computers: read more! "AH-CHOO!" -George Washington Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Sunday, September 14 2003 04:05
OOC: My guess is that this island is in no specific world, and you can attach all sorts of other lands from other worlds to this world, provided they're far enough away to not mess with the island and the plot. (Of course, Nazgul has the final word on that). For example, my character comes from another fantasy world named Caelereth. ![]() [ Sunday, September 14, 2003 04:06: Message edited by: Arancaytar ] -------------------- Visit The Santharian Dream and its RP board. Or the Encyclopaedia Ermariana! Got a brain? Go to Polaris! "It is as if everyone had lost their sense To a conspiracy for downfall and desperance And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey (freely translated). Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 3238
written Sunday, September 14 2003 04:15
OOC: Oh boy. What idjit mess I got myself into. I nearsightness sees that no rp other than the universe thing is in progress, and I decide to make my own! ACK. Well, isn't this a pain in the neck? Oh boy, I gotta bash myself... I'm such and idjit, stuipid, nearsighted idiot idjit lame, unknown, blah, blah, blah... still OOC: ...Stupid dumb idiot. Sorry about that, but I can't believe I didn't notice you had an rp up already. I believe my RP is gonna fall into a rut. Egh... X_x -------------------- "Friendship is two things: Trust, and sharing. I personally see it as a business opportunity." -Random Quote Newage3 - Insanitatious Fun in a Browser! Posts: 203 | Registered: Friday, July 18 2003 07:00 |
Member # 169
written Sunday, September 14 2003 04:30
OOC: Arancayatar, I don't normally go around killing other players. (Actually, I think I've only done that once, and it was one of FB's monstrosities.) A little nervousness might be appropriate if your character finds out who Namothil is, though. He's supposed to be somewhat well known (By reputation only - not by sight.) among magi. He is, after all, a specialist in killing them. IC: Namothil watched as the door opened. An old man stepped through. 'Hmm. Mage, most likely. I suppose he could be a local, but he seems to be a little too nervous for that. Not likely to be a warrior. Not a demon summoner, unless he's found some way to disguise the reek. Not important.' He turned to survey the room again. 'There has to be some way to find my target without arousing suspicion. But how?' Posts: 422 | Registered: Tuesday, October 16 2001 07:00 |
Member # 2940
written Sunday, September 14 2003 08:04
OOC: Namothil: Character aproved. Arancaytar: Character aproved. Tommy: Dont spam. Zephir: Your character is...fine. I will only restrict the ability of your Sonic Soundwave roar. It will harm and it may stop some weak spells but forget about making them bounce, thats just hilarious. Oh and dont mention any modern tecnology like DNA in your background story. Just say it was a horrible curse. As for Mancire's appearence, just make him wear some long robe or cloak, I dont think a horrible mutation as yourself should go walking around like that. As for the world, make it a ficticious one. Only that would explain Zephir weird character. IC: Kel-Aziz was shoked to see this weird creature drop before him. In an almost instinctive way he threw himself at him with his cloak covering the beast, and pushed him into "The Urchin and Starfish" hoping to avoid the piercing eyes of the local guards. As they both fell in the Inn all eyes turned towards him, he inmediatly improvised. Kel-Aziz: HAHAHA!! Yar just hilarious when your drunk Bergund!! HAHAHA! Mancire: GGtttssOffffMme!! Kel-Aziz: Oh, nooo you wont hit the local sailors. You know when you get drunk I have ta take care of ya. HAHAHA!!! Kel-Aziz quickly pushed him through a small room at the very corner of the Inn and closed the door behind him. He then freed the creature. Kel-Aziz: Who are you, What are you and what in Kal-Harums name where you thinking, comming like that out of nowhere!!! Strange creatures like you usualy get killed in human settlements like this...Phew!! [ Sunday, September 14, 2003 08:06: Message edited by: The_Nazgul ] -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Member # 1046
written Sunday, September 14 2003 08:42
OOC: Shadow Wolf. IC: "I sense it, Din." "Sense what?" "The stench of demonic power." "Ya sure you wanna stay here? If ye want we can go back to our own world." "No. I told you, if I can't find Gynia I must at least eliminate the great evils in the land." "Aite... If ya insist, Shadow Wolf." "Here's a safe landing ground. Open the bottom hatch - I'm going in." "I'll stay up here n' dig up the facts. If ye ever need me I got the PsyComm hooked up." After dropping down from the dimensional flyer, Shadow Wolf landed in a deserted alley, Silentstriker drawn. He saw nothing, heard nothing. All clear, Shadow Wolf told Din with his mind. He sheathed his weapon, and went to the local inn to rest... -------------------- Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands. -------------------- Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00 |
Member # 2339
written Sunday, September 14 2003 08:47
OOC: Sonic Soundwave roar does the least damage of his abilities. It sometimes stops swords and spear attacks. It's a deflect type attack. What exactly is wrong with it? I'll edit the part about DNA and say a curse mutated him. IC: Mancire: *Wraps wings around body.* "I am Mancire. I am here because I have a message to deliver to Baltazar. I don't have to worry about getting attacked. I usually fly high enough that people can't hit me. If they do get close enough, I have a special way of fending them off." *Grin. He hen spits out a needle.* "I don't know how those needles get in my then, I'd like to get out of here." *He then looks up, spreads out his wings. Then he roars, and to Kel-aziz's amazement, silver needles come out with the roar. They slice trough the roof, making a hole just big enough for Mancire to fly through. He zooms up.* Bounty Hunter: "It's the legendary drake-man! His skin is worth a fortune! Get him!" Mancire: "I never get tired of doing this!" *He breathes in deeply, then he roars so loud, the Bounty Hunter is thrown on his knees!* "Ahahaha!! No one can catch me, and no one ever will!" *He then flies up high, and circles around.* -------------------- Entertaining songs !Click here to get to the misc. boards! Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!! Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 200 computers: read more! "AH-CHOO!" -George Washington Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00 |
Member # 169
written Sunday, September 14 2003 09:08
'Annoying noise. What happened?' Namothil walked over to the door, and joined the crowd staring at the departing... creature. 'Hmm. I'm supposed to be hunting an idiot mage. This... thing certainly fits the idiot role, but that doesn't make him a mage. Besides, my target is supposed to be human or near-human. That's not it. Still, better to wait for this crowd to start to disperse. I certainly don't want to attract attention.' He glanced over at the incompetent idiot of a bounty hunter that had alerted his target by shouting. 'That one won't last long in his profession.' OOC: Zephyr, you might try toning the insufferable arrogance down a bit. (If your character is supposed to be arrogant, that's fine. Just don't be surprised when people get angry with him.) Oh, and you might try remembering things like bows, crossbows, spells, and other ranged weapons. Posts: 422 | Registered: Tuesday, October 16 2001 07:00 |
Member # 2242
written Sunday, September 14 2003 09:09
OOC: I guess I'll join. Firedrake looked out at the harbor, his ship pulling into the dock. Noticing how quiet things were, he already knew that something was horribly wrong. Firedrake, the renowned Warrior/Assassin for hire, had been hired to investigate the island by the higher ups by the mainland Argenian Republic. As the ship arrived, Firedrake left the boat. Breathing in, he smelled the salty, moist air. He had arrived. Heading to the local inn, he noticed several others had also recently arrived on the island, but took no notice, being very tired from the trip. He got a room and went to it, planning his first move... OOC: Firedrake is a Warrior/Assasin. He's human, and knows a few fire based spells. -------------------- "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes back into you." -Friedrich Nietzsche "There is no dodging the quad laser." -Ignignok Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, November 14 2002 08:00 |
Member # 2940
written Sunday, September 14 2003 09:56
OOC: Zephir: win, you keep your powers. But I dont want to see any new found ability or you are out of this RP. Firedrake: Character aproved Wise Man: Character aproved. Just dont come up with too many powerfull other dimensional stuff. IC: Kel-Aziz just stood back as he saw how all the mercenaries and low life scum around started shooting Mancire for his skin. The local guards didnt seem to be bother by all the mess, they seemed to be having quite some fun watching the strange mutant dodge arrows, bolts, chairs and whatnot thrown by the locals. Kel-Aziz:(to himself)...Ugh...stupid creature. He wont last long. He then turned back to the Inn and rented a room for the night, he had to rest for a while. Tomorrow he would give this strange island a closer inspection. [ Sunday, September 14, 2003 09:57: Message edited by: The_Nazgul ] -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Member # 1046
written Sunday, September 14 2003 10:52
OOC: he just happens to come from somewhere else. ![]() oh, and his friend Din is just there to watch the aircraft and some spare equipment. IC: This town's clean, Din, Shadow Wolf told Din. Thought so, the Dwarven pilot replied through the Psycomm. By the way, want me to drop a crossbow in case that drake dude attacks ye? I took the light crossbow, some ammo, and a few shurikens with me. Don't worry. Aite. Shadow Wolf watched, leaning against the wall, the scene in front and above. The arrogant thing, he knew, thought that none of the focus fire from the locals would hit it. With a small shrug, Shadow Wolf rented a room for the night, and went to sleep... -------------------- Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands. -------------------- Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00 |
Member # 2339
written Sunday, September 14 2003 11:15
OOC: Mancire is at a high enough height that if you want to use a ranged weapon, you have to hit a fast moving dot. He is a bit arrogant. Mancire: "Heheh. I've always liked flying at this height. It's so peaceful, and the people down below will have a hard time hitting me. Now then, where is this "Baltazar"? I don't think he's going to be very patient with me if I don't deliver that message to him soon." *Stares in the distance.* "Hmmmm....I think I might see a tower. Well, I don't have to deliver this message right now. Time for some fun!" *The next thing everyone down below knew, it was raining silver colored needles, and they could hear roars.* "What fun to see those land walkers flee! Now to get ot the tower. Maybe my reward will be larger if my message is early!" OOC: His personality is kinda like the personalities of Thunder and Lightning from the show Teen Titans. He just wants some amusement. You can say his job is a messanger. He has the advantage of flight, which makes him a much better messanger. I'm satisifed with Mancire's abilities. Why would I add more? FYI, he does look like a winged slith, minus the spine thingie. -------------------- Entertaining songs !Click here to get to the misc. boards! Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!! Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 200 computers: read more! "AH-CHOO!" -George Washington Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00 |
Member # 2940
written Sunday, September 14 2003 12:28
IC: Night quickly covered the small but active port. Kel-Aziz aproached the Inkeeper. Inkeeper: Greetings fellow traveler, what may I offer you. Kel-Aziz: A room would be nice. Inkeeper: No problem, that would be 30 gold coins. Kel-Aziz reached under his cloak and out came 30 golden coins. The Inkeeper gladly took them. Kel-Aziz: Say...that strange lizzard guy realy tore up your Inn. Inkeeper: Oh...dont worry about that (he said rather nerviously). The local Guards should probably take that beast down sooner or later...they are the best police force we could have around.(he tried a smile, but it didnt convice Kel-Aziz). Kel-Aziz: Is something wrong? Inkeeper: (leaning closer to Kel-Aziz and whispering)...At the stabled, tomorrow morning. The Inkeeper quickly moved around cleaning the counter. Kel-Aziz noticed he was being observed by a few of the locals. He decided to sleep and meet the man tomorrow morining. -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3320
written Sunday, September 14 2003 12:35
OOC: I think I'll be evil in this RP. I can't be Celisto, I will continue her RP some other time. For now, I will be Baltazar's archmage. I have all the basic archmage qualities. I'll stick to the type of spells that can be found in Exile 3. I haven't played any of the other games yet. My character's background is similar to Celisto's. But, my character didn't choose to leave her evil master and enjoys fighting at his side, despite the fact that he is crazy. She carriers out his every request and has a few hidden qualities that might pop up now and then. I haven't decided on them yet. You could say that one of her hidden qualities is to make her loyalty to whoever is winning currently. If her master begins to lose, she will exchange her loyalty for him with her loyatly of the winning side. She has no desire to fight to the death, but she loves a good battle. She can summon any creature she wishes, but every time she summons a creature, she begins to weaken like Rentar-Ihrno. I will continue to develop this character once we have more newcomers for the fight. There are too few just now. [ Sunday, September 14, 2003 12:36: Message edited by: Murder, She Wrote ] -------------------- (Looks around in the Study) Colonel Mustard: "Just checking." Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Sunday, September 14 2003 15:08
OOC: I'm not sure if Baltazar needs an archmage, since he's one himself, and he probably doesn't trust any power threatening to equal his own... Dunno though, you might be the most powerful of his mages. IC: Eferas had sat down at a table in a shadowy corner (OOC: you know, one of those any inn in an rp has several dozens of ![]() He was causing quite a commotion, because he was dragging another person with him, and was arguing with him loudly. "HAHAHA!! Yar just hilarious when your drunk Bergund!! HAHAHA!" The two looked for all the world like a pair of old sailor buddies, one of them sodden in drink to the hairtips; were it not for two things immediately picked up by Eferas' attentive eyesight: First, the un-sailor-like garments of the one, second, the fact that he was completely covering his struggling companion in a cloak as if to hide him. Just then, the other person broke free, and Eferas gasped. The creature revealed now appeared to be lizardlike, and had scaly wings. Oh my, whoever this is must be pretty darn dumb to reveal himself like that. Unless he has powers far beyond any I've ever seen, this could get a pretty big brawl... Suddenly, the lizard-like creature spread its wings and sped through the roof, and was gone for the time being. After some time and a few drinks, when it was growing dark, Eferas saw the other man approaching and talking to the innkeeper, then after a while he saw the innkeeper whispering something - his voice was inaudible, but Eferas still noted the movement of his lips. The guards at the inn had closely followed the exchange, but had obviously not seen the whisper - otherwise they would have intervened, Eferas was sure. Trying not to draw too much attention, Eferas got up from his table and walked slowly towards the other. Eferas "Greetings. I see that you must be new to this city as well. Would you care to tell me what you have come here for?" Not waiting for an answer, Eferas turned to the innkeeper, and addressed him. He rented a room, and counted out the 30 gold coins from a heavy-looking bag - he was obviously richer than his garb would show at first glance. Every time he took out a coin, he seemed to flinch slightly, as if he disliked the touch - but it might also have just been miserliness. He then turned back to the other newcomer, and waited for an answer. -------------------- Visit The Santharian Dream and its RP board. Or the Encyclopaedia Ermariana! Got a brain? Go to Polaris! "It is as if everyone had lost their sense To a conspiracy for downfall and desperance And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey (freely translated). Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2339
written Sunday, September 14 2003 15:10
Mancire: "Ahhh....that tower is coming up. Hopefuly, it's where three followers of Baltazar will pick up the message." *As he flies closer, he immediatly recongnizes the tower.* "It's all coming back to me, Baltazar was the one that ordered my mutation(Before he escaped the tower, he say a sign that said: Baltazar's tower #42.), THOSE ACURSED MAGES LIVE IN THAT TOWER! I wonder if they were to pick up this message." -------------------- Entertaining songs !Click here to get to the misc. boards! Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!! Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 200 computers: read more! "AH-CHOO!" -George Washington Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00 |
Member # 3320
written Sunday, September 14 2003 16:50
OOC: This may be very long, but I am syill introducing my character. My character's name is Alyssa Chergrave. She prefers to be called Alcove (Pronounced al-coe-vae), though. Magic is her life. Oddly enough, neither of her parents were mages. She started learning magic from a local witch when she was 6, from whom she took her nickname, Alcove. The witch was very old, unfortunately, and died when Alcove was only 12. No one ever claimed the witches home as their own, so, each day, Alcove would sneak away from her parents and walk to the hovel and would maintain it. Each day she would study magic from her various tomes and grew slowly in her magic abilities. She always hid it from her parents, and when she was old enough, she moved away and took the witches tomes with her. She moved to Theodus's Kingdom. When Baltazar took over Theodus's kingdom, Alcove became his mage. She didn't like working for him, but she had no choice. When she started working for him, he placed a power bracelet on her wrist. Should she ever turn against him, all he had to do was activate it and it would kill her. She knew how powerful he was. But she had tricks of her own. She had the knowledge necessary to magically remove it if need be. But, she liked having his protection and a place of her own to live without much fear. IC: Alcove was mixing a brew for potions when she sensed a presence approaching the tower. She ran to her crystal ball and looked deep into it. She saw a flying creature, but did not recognize it. She had the power to read other people's thoughts, but this creature seemed to have a twisted mind and she could not look into it much. She saw images of mages castings spells on a tied down man, but nothing else. A pain reeked through her head and the mind read was cut off. She ran to her master. "There is a creature of strange sorts approaching the tower. What are your wishes?" Baltazar replied, "Did he seem to be dangerous to you in your mind reading?" Alcove jeered, "No. But he has a twisted mind. I could not look into it much. He doesn't seem menacing and he has no threatening magic." Baltazar looked skeptical, "Allow him to approach, but send out two imps to intercept him and bring him to me. It's just in case." She replied honorably, "Yes, my lord. It is done." She went back to her quarters and looked into the crystal ball again. She chanted and raved some ungodly words and struck the crystal ball lightly with her hands. POOOF!!! Two imps appeared at her side and she commanded them, "Go!! Bring the stranger here to me. I will take him to Baltazar myself. Go now!!" She pointed a glowing hand at them and they leapt out of the tower window and slowly flew to the stranger. OOC: It just occurred to me that I didn't describe her appearance. She is a rather beautiful woman. She has golden, fiery red hair. She wears black robes with golden phoenixes all over them. She wears a golden power bracelet on her wrist and a golden ring around her neck. She has Cobalt blue gloves on her hands and has ruby red-painted drakeskin boot on her feet. Her demeanor is that or a calm person and normally very kind. But if she is ever in a rage, she can snap and send spells in any direction with glowing blue eyes and quick precise fury. She rarely ever misses and is fast. Very fast. A slow spell can have a profound effect on her, but the effect will only last ten seconds. She is cloaked in some protective spells, but they deactivate briefly while she is spell casting and aren't used often because of their draining quality. She has other abilities I have not decided yet. They will turn up eventually. She tends to cast spells from a distance, but the distance hinders their effectiveness in no way whatsoever. She can teleport at any given moment, but can't go more than 100 yards at a time. Her teleportation is primarily used to remove herself from a tight spot. She has the ability to cast charm spells on any creature, but the effects once again last less than a minute. That should be good enough for now. -------------------- (Looks around in the Study) Colonel Mustard: "Just checking." Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2339
written Sunday, September 14 2003 17:01
OOC: Well, Mancire is about to be captured, so I should take action immediatly. IC: *When the imps got close, he used Sonic Soundwave roar!* Mancire: "I cannot be captured! I am the legendary drake-man. And...that tower is starting to freak me out!" *Gasp* "The curse!" *Falls unconscious(sp?).* OOC: Your imps had better get him before he goes splat! And there goes Baltazar's message. Look's like he can't hold his own in that tower. Those mages really were insane! [ Sunday, September 14, 2003 17:12: Message edited by: Zephyr Tempest, the Wielder of Ice ] -------------------- Entertaining songs !Click here to get to the misc. boards! Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!! Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 200 computers: read more! "AH-CHOO!" -George Washington Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00 |
Member # 3320
written Sunday, September 14 2003 18:06
IC: The imps get close to the creature and it suddenly tries to throw some magic at them but seems to grimace and fall unconscious. They swoop down and catch it. They then fly back to the tower and deliver him to Alcove. They dump him on the floor and she looks at them with fury in her eyes. "What did you do to him?!!!" One of them responded, "We didn't do anything. He tried to throw a magical spell at us and then blacked out." She calms down. "Well. I have no use for you now. Bye." They look at each other in horror and try to fly back out the window. Before they can, however, she waves her hands in the air and they disappear in a cloud of fire. "Well, now to get down to business." She turns her attention to the creature on the floor. Then she gasps, now realizing what she is seeing. It's a drake-man. They are not an actual species on their own, but only exist because of the insane experiments done by the Mazarin Cult, which once thrived in Theodus's kingdom, but left when Baltazar took power. Baltazar got his insignia from them, and proudly flies it above his tower. They were believed to have all been killed years ago, but this creature was recently made. She regains her posture and casts a spell on the creature to wake it up. Feeling pity for the creature, knowing he was once a man, she says in very angelic and kind words "Get up. You have a message I see. You need to be in good condition to see Baltazar." When the creature gets up, she takes him to the tower cook and has him fed. OOC: Ok, will someone else do something in this RP. There aren't very many people posting. I can't do a whole story myself. -------------------- (Looks around in the Study) Colonel Mustard: "Just checking." Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 27
written Sunday, September 14 2003 19:05
OOC: Ah what the hell, im bored anyway. ![]() Name: Fluffard (Fluffy) McMuffin Species: Um... Human... I guess Class: A really bad Lycanthrope, who cant change back from a Werewolf to a human. Miscellaneous: Terrified of tiny mammals, weakness for food (especially chicken.) Slightly allured by female wolves or dogs. A bit on the dumb side. Is very sensitive about his name. Skills: Very very sharp claws! Goes into a feral rage whenever he gets too angry, scared, or hungry. Biography: Born to a clan of Lycanthropes Fluffard had to learn the arts like his parents. Unfortunatly he went roaming outside in Werewolf form one day and stumbled onto a chicken farm. After eating his fill he was caught by the owner, who by sheer misfortune was a very powerful mage. The mage cast a spell on Fluffy, transforming him into a Werewolf forever. When his parents and clan heard what had happened they all transformed into their animal forms and attacked the farm. In an unsuccesful raid they were all transformed into their animal forms forever. The mage promised to turn them back to normal if they would leave him and his chickens alone, when a huge drake came out of nowhere and ate him. Very angry they all blamed Fluffy for everything and banished him until he could find a way to change them back to normal. Fluffy had no choice but to search for a cure to their problem. After a few years he stumbled upon the Island of Siris, where he met the powerful mage Baltazar. Baltazar promised to turn his people back to normal if Fluffy served him for as many seasons as there were people in his clan. Fluffy agreed, and is still working for Baltazar. IC: *Fluffy walks into the mess hall with an air of importance. He keeps a nervous eye out for any signs of rodents* Fluffy: "Cooky (the cook), oh cooky. Would you mind roasting some chicken for me. I haven't eaten all day and..." *his eyes pass over Mancire and Alyssa* "Damnit Alyssa, who and what is this... this... thing doing here!?!" *Goes into a panic* "Does Baltazar know hes here!?! Has anyone else seen him? Maybe we can still throw him out without Baltazar knowing he had ever been here. Ah damn all those years of hard work gone, now I'll never be able to rejoin my clan! It's my job to make sure that no one is to enter the tower without being invited and look, someone has just floated in here without my knowing! Oh if he finds out were as good as ****ed. I'll surely be fired or maybe even killed! Alyssa everythings going black, HELP HELP I can't breath. ALYSSA HELP..." *pauses* "Alyssa are you listening to me?" OOC: I told you he was a bit dumb ![]() -------------------- "You know a book is good, when it makes you feel like crying or reaching into its fictional realm and strangling one of the characters." Posts: 1233 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Member # 1229
written Sunday, September 14 2003 19:57
OOC: Hope you don't mind if I join this RPG ![]() Here's my character! Name: Theobold Filliach Proffesion: Archer/Rogue Background: He's part adventurer, part wandering thief, and so he has no true home to speak of. Being an adventurer, Theobold takes on mercenary missions solo, and relys heavily on stealth and secret passageways to achieve his goals. Though he has considerable skill in use of the bow and in thief abilities, such as picking locks and finding traps, Theobold seems to have an extraordinary amount of good luck. This good luck may have been what has kept him alive to date. This doesn't make him over-confident of his abilities, however, nor does he rely on his luck. For some reason, Theobold seems to think of himself as some sort of champion of good and tends to see the world in a black-and-white perspective. He can be very over-zealous (some would say obsessive) when dealing with foes he deems "evil". (Though he doesn't use the term loosely) Recently, the port city of Turin has spotted strange sightings around the waters of Siris Island. The mayor of Turin, fearing that Baltazar might be mobilizing an army, posted a hefty reward sum for the death of Baltazar the Mad, in the hopes that passing adventurers would take care of the problem for him. Theobold, seeing an opportunity to rid the world of some more evil-doers, hired a fishing boat to take him to the waters of Siris Island. Appearance: His clothes aren't too fancy - he wears a brown cloak, tunic, pants and surprisingly well-crafted (but not magic) boots that enable him to move silently across most terrain. He also wears standard leather armor. He's a short human, with brown eyes and auburn hair, and has a sterrn, ratty-looking face with squinty eyes. He looks somewhere between his late twenties or his early thirties. His prefered weapon is a yew longbow that he carries on his shoulder, but he also has a sharp dagger complete with scabbard at his belt. He keeps a quiver of iron arrows on his back. Approve? ![]() Anyway, here I go. IC: "Well, here we are, Siris Island, as I promised." Theobold looked across to where the grizzled fisherman was pointing towards the island in front of them. "I guess you'll be wanting me to come into the docks?" The fisherman asked. Theobold thought about this. "No," he replied after a minute. "Not with me anyway. I want my presence to be unknown." He searched the terrain, a plan forming in his head. "Here... see that hill to the right of the docks area?" Theobold pointed out the area. "I've got a plan. However, in order for me to pull it off, I'll need you to perform another task for me. If you do this for me, there will be an extra 500 gold for you back in Turin." "I'm listening," The fisherman said after a moment of hesitancy. "I've decided that I'm going to swim to the island. However, I can't do that without losing my arrows. So, yes, I do need you to get your boats to the docks. Once you get there, get a room at the inn. At nightfall, take my quiver of arrows and some provisions to the hill up there. I'll be waiting for you there." The old fisherman stared at the strange man, digesting this peculiar plan. "Alright," said the fisherman. "I'll do as you say." "My thanks," replied Archebold, and unbuckled the quiver of arrows. Checking to make sure he had everything he needed, he approached the edge of the boat. Then, as an afterthought, he turned to the fisherman. "By the way, some food would be useful as well. Bring that too. I'll see you at nightfall." And with that, he plunged into the sea, swimming for the island. [ Monday, September 15, 2003 16:37: Message edited by: EatAChinchilla ] Posts: 69 | Registered: Tuesday, May 28 2002 07:00 |