Baltazar the Mad (RP)
Author | Topic: Baltazar the Mad (RP) |
Member # 2339
written Monday, September 22 2003 17:56
quote:*Shrugs* Mancire woould say sometihng like: "So, none of you have the courage to face me one on one?" if they refused. Hey, FD, what about that ratten and his minions!? -------------------- Entertaining songs !Click here to get to the misc. boards! Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!! Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 200 computers: read more! "AH-CHOO!" -George Washington Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00 |
Member # 517
written Tuesday, September 23 2003 03:33
MSW: Do you really think Arcadia would admit that Delgar was shamming? After all, she's trying to buy the rebels some time, even at the expense of her own life. The last thing she's going to do is let Alcove know that the rebels are coming-she'd be more likely to make her think there's no-one else coming, and that she's trying to take on Alcove all by herself. IC: Suddenly, Arcadia turns invisible. Alcove looks around, confused for a second, then jumps to one side as a fireball flies at her, barely escaping the murderous heat. Hmmm. I didn't know Arcadia was capable of this kind of magic-she must have learnt more since I last faced here. I'll have to be careful... Meanwhile, Arcadia hears a voice in her head...Delgar is interfering again. 'Arcadia? I've made you invisible-should've done that earlier, but late is better than never. Summon something, will you? I can make that invisible too, and Alcove will have to flee. She'll know you're here, but that we'll have to live with.' Arcadia casts a quick summoning spell, and a lizard appears out of thin air...and disappears again. Alcove, meanwhile, has prepared a Death Arrows spell. The lethal bolts fly in a wide arc, and one of them hits Arcadia, causing her to cry out in pain. Alcove, realising where Arcadia must be, readies another spell, but just then she feels herself being knocked down by some invisible presence. From the floor, she throws her readied ice bolt, and hears a reptilian scream of pain. Then, a giant, invisible claw tears into her side. In agony, she prepares a kill spell, and launches it straight up. Recovering, she sees the giant reptile's body on the floor by her...and an ice bolt headed her way. Left without the strength to defend herself or retaliate, she reaches for her safety amulet, and squeezes it. Time seems to freeze for a second...and then she is safe in her hidden room. I'll have to be more careful next time...summon some imps to keep with me, they'll protect me from Arcadia's invisible creatures. But how on earth did she become so good at making creatures invisible? Pondering this mystery, Alcove sets off to look for Arcadia once more. Meanwhile, Arcadia, sheltered under a shield of invisibility, is looking for other ways to delay Balthazar's army. -E- -------------------- Let them eat cake! Polaris Boards: The System is Up. Perennially. Posts: 2314 | Registered: Tuesday, January 15 2002 08:00 |
Member # 3320
written Tuesday, September 23 2003 05:56
Let me put it this way. Arcadia has grown in power considerably since their last meeting. Her power should now match that of Alcove. Arcadia doesn't fear Alcove. She believes that she will have no trouble killing her once and for all. Therefore, she feels that she has nothing to hide. Arcadia is hell bent on destroying Alcove and Baltazar. When a person believes they are invincible, they will tell their victim just about anything. Since Arcadia believes she will soon kill Alcove, she believes that Alcove won't be able to get the information to Baltazar. Don't think that just because Arcadia has certain special powers, that she will be able to overpower Alcove easily. I told you I was not going to let this fight end quickly. It is going to take a while. And when I say AWHILE, I mean AWHILE. Because the fight between Alcove and Arcadia will take a while, Alcove will be able to do nothing about the rebel invasion. They should have plenty of time to invade and overthrow Baltazar. And remember this, I said that Alcove has the characteristic of abandoning the losing side for the winning side. I suggest you leave my storyline in place. There was nothing wrong with it and it doesn't interrupt the rebel invasion in any way whatsoever as I have explained above. Just go with the flow and FIGHT. I will also say this; I have no intention of letting my character die. I will see to it that Delgar does however get his own. The fight between Arcadia and Alcove is not to be a short one. Nazgul, do you think you can put these people straight for me? I don't have the authority here to do that and it is YOUR RP. Explain to them what I mean. PLEASE!!!? ![]() ![]() [ Tuesday, September 23, 2003 05:58: Message edited by: Murder, She Wrote ] -------------------- (Looks around in the Study) Colonel Mustard: "Just checking." Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Tuesday, September 23 2003 06:15
OOC: I really hate to go ooc again, but please, would someone explain the situation to Firedrake and Zephyr? They seem to be a bit confused here. The rat battle had only just begun; the ratten is moderately injured by the Fire spell Eferas spoke, but it is by no means defeated yet. And Eferas himself is near coma from overdraining. This will probably take long, and you can't just skip it. IC will follow when it's cleared up. -~=UNDER CONSTRUCTION=~- Edit: IC doesn't need to follow in this post, since in our scene, my post is the last one. Nazgul, it's Ratten. It resembles a wererat from what I've seen in a few other RPG games, but Ratten is actually the name Milla mentioned. Btw, did you know Ratten is 'rats' in german? ![]() [ Tuesday, September 23, 2003 09:04: Message edited by: Arancaytar ] -------------------- Visit The Santharian Dream and its RP board. Or the Encyclopaedia Ermariana! Got a brain? Go to Polaris! "It is as if everyone had lost their sense To a conspiracy for downfall and desperance And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey (freely translated). Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2940
written Tuesday, September 23 2003 08:46
YET ANOTHER OOC: Woha! Lets calm down people we were doing just fine. As far as I am concerned all IC posts until the last rant of Zephr will be ignored, as Arancaytar and Namothil explained before the party is still in the tunnel facing the wererat. Enraged Slith cogratulations for the cool fight. Murder She Wrote, please calm down...I dont like your tone. Omlette si right about the fact that Arcadia admiting that Delgar was shamming, she would never do such a thing, as far as Alcove can tell Delgar is a noble servant of Baltazar. As for Omlettes post, I dont see anything wrong with it, he never mentioned anything about a short fight or that Arcadia would kill Alcove or anything to make you angry, he is just involving his character into the fight and he has the right to do that. It will also add more fun to the fight and even help Alcove discover Delgars true intentions (If Omlette is OK with that). If Arcadia lives or dies is up to both of you, but it has to be a long cool fight. Lets read the posts more carefully please. Cheers. -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Member # 1046
written Tuesday, September 23 2003 10:41
OOC: sooo, we should get the rats over with soon right? IC: (later) -------------------- Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands. -------------------- Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00 |
Member # 517
written Tuesday, September 23 2003 10:43
YAY4OOC: Nazgul is right, MSW. I'm just doing what you are, prolonging the tower scene while the heroes fight their way through the tunnel. I don't think that one battle between two mages is going to last as long as a three mile trek without getting repetitive (especially as most mages aren't really strong enough to take more than a couple of their own it would be unlikely to last that long anyway...) Conversely, a chase round the tower with Alcove chasing Arcadia is more than likely to last a significant period of time, long enough for the heroes to get there. I won't IC just for the moment, as the ratio of ICs in the tower to ICs in the tunnel is practically the opposite of that of characters in those places...(probably the least intelligible sentence I've ever uttered, but I think you get my drift...) EDIT: No, I don't mind Alcove finding out that Delgar is helping Arcadia. I would prefer it if she didn't reveal it to Balthazar in the same post, but since Delgar isn't actually in the tower, I don't have any major objection. -E- [ Tuesday, September 23, 2003 10:47: Message edited by: Omlette ] -------------------- Let them eat cake! Polaris Boards: The System is Up. Perennially. Posts: 2314 | Registered: Tuesday, January 15 2002 08:00 |
Member # 2242
written Tuesday, September 23 2003 11:17
OOC: Let's just finish this. Rats are a stupid enemy even when led by a more inteligent creature, nomatter the size of the rat. "YOU'LL NEVER BEAT ME MWAHAHHAHAHAHA," the ratton laughed. Firedrake fights his way through the slightly annoying rats, and procedes to beat down the ratton. The ratton now almost unconcious retreats into the darkness with the rats. "What a fool, rats vs. highly trained professionals..." And Firedrake continued on, just about reaching the hidden wall. -------------------- "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes back into you." -Friedrich Nietzsche "There is no dodging the quad laser." -Ignignok Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, November 14 2002 08:00 |
Member # 2339
written Tuesday, September 23 2003 11:52
OOC: FD, you're getting to be a bot uber... IC: *Mancire wakes up. Feeling much better, he hears footsteps.* Mancire: A rebel is coming. I should mix some potions quick! I'm not an alchemist, so anything I mix up will most likely be poisonous! Heheh! *He mixes some potions, and waits by the fake wall, readying to pretend to be a rebel, and give the potion to the approaching rebel.* OOC: Mancire appears to be a thief of some sorts. Next rp, I'll use a samurai! KWAAAAA!!! -------------------- Entertaining songs !Click here to get to the misc. boards! Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!! Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 200 computers: read more! "AH-CHOO!" -George Washington Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00 |
Member # 517
written Tuesday, September 23 2003 12:10
FB, the tunnel is over 3 miles long. I doubt the rebels had traversed more than a third of it before they met the ratten, and doubtless the more interested of them will come up with more encounters along the're going to have to find something else to do, or just not post as many ICs, for the moment. -E- -------------------- Let them eat cake! Polaris Boards: The System is Up. Perennially. Posts: 2314 | Registered: Tuesday, January 15 2002 08:00 |
Member # 2339
written Tuesday, September 23 2003 12:22
Well, how long to you think it would take? -------------------- Entertaining songs !Click here to get to the misc. boards! Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!! Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 200 computers: read more! "AH-CHOO!" -George Washington Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00 |
Member # 2940
written Tuesday, September 23 2003 12:35
IC: The rebel army had just finished dispaching the last rats back into their dark lairs. Mole: We have lost too much time here, double the speed people!! The hole army started moving quite faster, even as some rebel warriors were healed from the recent battle. Kel-Aziz: How much more ahead Molek... Molek: Just a couple of miles, but be weary we dont know what else may lie ahead. Firedrake: What! More miles ahead! Molek: Yes, hold it like a warrior!! (to Kel-Aziz)...your recruit is starting to get impatient. Kel-Aziz: I am sorry Molek, I recruited these men from an Inn, I do not know what are their backgrounds, their fears or the arts in wich they have been trained, I can only tell if a man is a veteran warrior, nothing else. -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Tuesday, September 23 2003 14:31
Eferas sat in silence as the last rats were dispatched by the other mercenaries after the injured ratten had finally collapsed, also somewhat helped along by the solid whack Firedrake had dealt to its head. Luckily, none of the rats engaged him again; he would not have been able to deal with any opponent right now. Deciding whether to use another of his four remaining energy potions, he preferred to wait until the nausea had passed. Who knew how many times he would need the potions again in the tower, and it was absolutely impossible to restock now. He wished he had been a little less miserly back at that shop. Few of his fellows were remotely capable of magic, and he did not suppose they had more potions than he did. As the fight was over, Molek and the other rebel soldiers pressed the group on. Not immediately standing up, Eferas got a nasty comment concerning old men's stamina and suitability for fighting. He considered giving the guy a scorched nose. Still more folly, to waste your energies on that kind of thing. He contented with returning the jibe, threatening jokingly to light a fire under the lower back of the soldier and seeing how much faster he would run. He got up, saw swirling colors and nearly fell back down, but steadied himself on his staff, and drained a second potion after all. Three left, he reminded himself, before striding resolutely on. At that moment, he felt a few particularly large bursts of magic from upwards ahead. Strange - He could normally feel only very major spells from that far away. Some powerful magical battle must be going on, probably in the tower itself, improbable though it was. Whatever was happening, they would have to deal with it when they got there, and Eferas had heard Molek mentioning there were still miles ahead. Well, better start walking then. -------------------- Visit The Santharian Dream and its RP board. Or the Encyclopaedia Ermariana! Got a brain? Go to Polaris! "It is as if everyone had lost their sense To a conspiracy for downfall and desperance And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey (freely translated). Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2242
written Tuesday, September 23 2003 15:04
OOC: I'm not being uber Zephyr. A few peasants might have been able to beat ratton. He commands... rats. Being a heavily armed warrior/assasin, FD could just stomp the rats. And if they were big rats he just chop his way through them. I'm just getting impatient. I guess I'll chill though. Someone more us along. -------------------- "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes back into you." -Friedrich Nietzsche "There is no dodging the quad laser." -Ignignok Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, November 14 2002 08:00 |
Member # 1046
written Tuesday, September 23 2003 15:07
Knowing that he would soon have to do actual combat, Shadow Wolf put on his black leather gloves and blue headband. No more sitting around while these fools fight non-affiliated bystanders, he thought. Shadow Wolf looked at Eferas. The old mage must be feeling the same thing - a battle with powerful magic was taking place in a not-so-distant place. Perhaps it was the tower. One of the mages' energies, though, he could recognize as the same that tried to probe his mind. Interesting... -------------------- Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands. -------------------- Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00 |
Member # 3320
written Tuesday, September 23 2003 15:43
OK. Ignore what I said about Arcadia divulging information about the rebels and Delgar. I didn't mean to start an argument on the topic. Some other things about a previous post are bothering me. Someone said that Alcove clutched her power amulet and teleported away. I feel the need to correct this. Alcove has no power amulets. She can cast spells only. She can cloak herself in protection if need be, but it drains her magical energy slowly just like teleportation, so she uses them rarely. She has learned both mage and priest spells, so she can use anything in the Exile arsenal. Including healing herself and the such. Arcadia can do all the same things. Alcove can go invisible by herself, as should Arcadia be able to. Alcove, like Arcadia, can scan minds. If someone goes invisible, there is no reason why either one of the mages wouldn't be able to scan the area around them for life signals and then fix in on them to target them. I am not trying to start a fight this time, as I wasn't in my previous post either, but people interpreted it that way. I was saying that the fight won't be short. That is to be expected if Arcadia wants to make time for the rebels. But, mages tend to have some sort of protection that keeps them from being injured as badly as they would with average protection. In other words, clear this up for me. How badly are my character and Arcadia injured? That is important for the storyline. Strong mages tend to have decent protection from magical items or just from being powerful. It looks as if this battle is going to have to be well planned and fought out. Both characters have the following abilities. Teleportation, Invisibility, all mage and priest spell types from Exile, flight, protective cloaking spells, and much of the such. Alcove and Arcadia are equal in magical power and abilities. I think it is important not to forget these things. It is logical to believe they would know the same spells and have many of the same abilities. Once again, I am not saying any of this out of anger. I am not trying to start a fight. I am just trying to point out some important facts that cannot be forgotten about the two of them. Everything I mentioned above is important in understanding these two characters. Please, let's not forget them in this battle. ![]() [ Tuesday, September 23, 2003 15:46: Message edited by: Murder, She Wrote ] -------------------- (Looks around in the Study) Colonel Mustard: "Just checking." Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
written Tuesday, September 23 2003 16:14
Arianne stared down at the motionless slith. The blood that flowed through her veins was cold, pooling beneath her in a steadily growing puddle. Her hunger assuaged by the hydra, Arianne simply studied the slith. Alive, but not for much longer. She gestured sharply, binding the wounds with a spell. It was not a healing, for she had never been capable of that, but it did stop the bloodloss. Arianne stepped back and patiently waited for the slith to wake - or die. -------------------- From many a wondrous grot and secret cell Unnumbered and enormous polypi Winnow with giant fins the slumbering green. Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2940
written Tuesday, September 23 2003 18:03
OOC: Ok MSW that information was usefull but plese limit your OOC use and make some more IC. If you are a good RPyer you should be able to send these messages through IC. Take premonitions example. She did not post any OOC explaining that she did not want to continue into the tunnel with the rest of the party, she just RPed and made it clear to everyone that she was at the tunnel entrance waiting for the Slith warrior to wake up. Ok, enough OOC. IC: As the army got closer to the end the soldiers got more and more impatient eager to fight for their freedom and slay Baltazar. Kel-Aziz stared at ShadowWolf and Eferas who seemed more impatient than most. Kel-Aziz: (to Eferas) What is wrong old man? I see something is perturbing your mind. Eferas:...Magic...I sense constant bursts of the tower. Kel-Aziz: Must be Arcadia, thats a good sign. She is still alive, maybe we can make it in time and save her. Suddenly Kel-Aziz walked over a different surface and he noticed it. He the heard as all the rest of the nearby soldiers passed through his same location and strange cracking sounds could be heard as if they were walking on eggs or...bones. Kel-Aziz: HALT!! The hole army stood still as the halting shout could be heard in a echo through the dark tunnel. Molek: What is it now. Kel-Aziz: Give me some light here. A nearby soldier handed his torch to Kel-Aziz and then screamed when he saw what he was standing on. Soldier: We are on a graveyard. The hole army started moving around trying to avoid contact with any corpse. Kel-Aziz leaned over the ground and touched the soil. Kel-Aziz: This is no rock, this is volcanic rock!! Eferas: Then these skeletons are the victims of an ancient volcano eruption. Molek: Intresting archeological find, but we must go on now if you dont mind. Kel-Aziz: Not so fast. Suddenly from under Kel-Aziz raggs a shiny golden glow could be seen. Kel-Aziz stared at the source. Kel-Aziz: Its my waveblades, they glow when undead are nearby. ShadowWolf: That explains why I didnt feel any precense before. Molek: Undead! That is just what we needed now!! Kel-Aziz: Dont worry if we are carefull there wont be any need to fig... Some Rebel Soldier: AHHHhhhhh!!! Everyone turned to the source. It came from the front lines. Suddenly out of the darkness, white figures could be seen with the light of the torches walking slowly towards the rest of the army. Eve: Skeleton Warriors!! Molek: No boney army is stoping this rebel force. CHAAAAARGE MEN!!!! Kel-Aziz: Where is a priest when you need one. -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3320
written Tuesday, September 23 2003 18:42
You know, I am sensing a lot of negative energy from this site. I think I will leave this site for a while. Anyone who wants to take over my character is welcome to. I am fed up with the putting down of my character and me. You may not think it is that, but the comments seem to keep on coming. What else could they be? It's just one complaint after another. Now you are complaining about the length of my OOCs. If you hadn't noticed, I didn't use OOC: at the beginning of any of my recent comments. That is because they aren't out of character comments. They are just comments. But enough is enough. Consider my control of my character from this end gone. You people are now on your own. You can kill my character for all I care. Being at this site just isn't fun anymore. It's downright insulting to be here. Goodbye for a while. ![]() ![]() -------------------- (Looks around in the Study) Colonel Mustard: "Just checking." Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Tuesday, September 23 2003 21:49
OOC: Let's not get worked up please. ![]() IC: Damn. Normal Fire spells were extremely ineffective against Undead, Eferas had found that out in a most painful manner many years ago. The fire would have to completely disintegrate the bones to be of any use, much like the battle with the rats earlier. He didn't want to drain himself with more major magic still outside the tower, besides he was sensing the battle there still going on, and to decide the outcome in the rebels' favor could well take their help. One of his scrolls was against Undead luckily, he read the runes aloud, watched it turn into ash and pointed his hands and his staff at several Undead nearby. Silver light flew from his hands at them. Two of them collapsed, the others were injured but continued on. That was the only one I had, blast it. Eferas was deciding whether to risk his health in a melee or just cowardly draw back to let the others deal with it, when he remembered another worthwile experience he had picked up long ago. All forms of unlife were highly vulnerable to healing spells, as well as blessing. That was what caused priests to be so effective against them. Unfortunately, neither healing nor blessing was in Eferas' spell repertoire. He pulled out a healing potion instead, opened it and waited for the nearest skeletons to advance. With a shout, he swung it at several skeletons, spraying them with the liquid. Giving off smoke, the liquid burned into the bones like acid, the skeletons giving painful gurgles all the time. Eferas corked the flask, and flung it into a whole cluster of Undead. Exploding, the bottle sprayed its healing contents all around and hit several more skeletons, turning one of them into smoking piles of bones, and injuring three more. Wonderful, it actually does work! "Heal or Bless them, it kills them!", Eferas shouted, pulling out another Healing potion. Must watch I don't waste all of those either. -------------------- Visit The Santharian Dream and its RP board. Or the Encyclopaedia Ermariana! Got a brain? Go to Polaris! "It is as if everyone had lost their sense To a conspiracy for downfall and desperance And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey (freely translated). Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3320
written Wednesday, September 24 2003 03:20
OOC: I will change that previous post about Alcove teleporting away with the use of a power amulet. Let's just say that she teleported away by use of a spell. And I still need to know how bad the two Archmages are injured. I can't continue the story correctly unless I know specifically. IC: Having teleported away, Alcove regained her composure in her quarters. Her side still hurt from the giant lizard's claw tearing into her. She decided now was the time for another heal spell. She chanted and then a blue light began to swirl around her. She felt herself healing and getting stronger. Then the light ceased and she was healed. She carefully opened her room door and scanned the surrounding area for life forms. Sensing none, she ran to the throne room. When she opened the door, Jade was still talking to Baltazar, but now she was on his lap. "Baltazar!!!! What do you think this is, happy hour?!! Arcadia is still alive!!! And she attacked me. I suggest you hide or... yes, Jade, you come with me!!" Baltazar looked slightly irritated at hearing this but decided he could be with Jade later. "Prepare your army, Baltazar!!! Arcadia is as powerful as I am. She knew all the spells I knew when I last fought her. I think it is safe to assume she can do as much as I can do now and has grown in power. She is not an adversary to be taken lightly. She will destroy you if she can defeat me." Baltazar looked slightly concerned for the first time in a while. "Very well. I will stay here in my throne room. Just don't let her defeat you. I don't want to lose you." He smiled at her and Alcove suddenly felt an uncontrollable impulse in her head to kiss him. "Oh, dear god, no!!!" Alcove concentrated all her mental energy into getting out of the throne room with Jade before his mind control took over her. She knew she couldn't withstand it completely, so she attempted to get out of range. She went out the door with Jade and shut it. The mind control weakened considerably and she thought she could hear a "Hmmmph? come from Baltazar in the throne room. She looked at Jade and said, "Arcadia has managed to go invisible. She can't do that for long because it drains magical energy. I don't understand how she was able to do it in battle and remain as strong as ever. I have a feeling that she is being helped by someone unknown... or someone we have already met." She contemplated who it might be, but soon gave up. "Now where are Mancire and Fluffy? You better come with me, Jade. I need you to watch my back. I will scan the area around us for life forms while we search for Arcadia. She couldn't have gotten far." They began walking through the hallways while looking for Arcadia, Mancire, and Fluffy. IC: I hope this is to everyone's satisfaction. -------------------- (Looks around in the Study) Colonel Mustard: "Just checking." Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2940
written Wednesday, September 24 2003 07:32
OOC: It is to mine, thank you. IC: Kel-Aziz watched as Eferas slowly pulled back, wondering if to attack or wait behind the troops. Kel-Aziz: Eferas, do not wory, have some rest. Let us deal with these creatures. Kel-Aziz then noticed most of the party was not moving anymore, as they where tired to engage in yet another fight and the Rebels where also moving in quite a clumsy way to meet their undead foe. Then Kel-Aziz noticed the real reason of some of the adventurers attitude, they wanted to see Kel-Aziz fight. He then remembered he had not taken out his waveblades since he reached this Island, it was a common thing in the Darubian Royal Guards, only to fight when extreamly necesary. The rest of the mercenaries and a few rebels were probably wondering what this beggar was capable of besides his great leading ability. Kel-Aziz decided to fight. Kel-Aziz: We will never make it in time to the tower, we need to move faster...Molek! Molek: What is it! Kel-Aziz: Take your men out of here, run towards the tower. Molek: Are you out of your mind! What about all these skeletons. Kel-Aziz: Dont worry about them, I will take care of this situation, I have some experience against undead hordes. (see Zombie Attack RP) For some strange reason Molek actually believed Kel-Aziz could at least hold the skeletons back. Molek: I hope you know what you are doing...ARMY, DISENGAGE, MOVE FORWARD!!! Some of the Rebels at the front line were surprised of the new order and wondered how were they going to get pass the skeleton wall when suddenly a dark figure came running from behind them, only two silver lines could be seen comming from its side. As the man passed right beside them and through to the main body of skeletons could they tell it was Kel-Aziz. Kel-Aziz clashed right in the middle of the skeleton wall blockading the path with both waveblades swinging vicously through skeleton body parts, the rebels were surprised at both the speed and the ease with wich the bones where sliced. Only Eferas, who was more experienced in this matter, could identify the blessing glow of the twin waveblades and the drakeskin speed boots he was wearing. The rebels were surprise to see the skeletons force was actualy dividing by Kel-Aziz´s piercing attack, the momentum was ended when Kel-Aziz shouted. Kel-Aziz: NOW!! CHARGE TOWARDS THE TOWER...GO NOW!!! Molek: ATAAAACK!!!! The hole body of the army pierced through the gap in the skeleton wall, cutting to pieces any skeletons separated from the rest of their groups. The tunnel was soon filled with sounds of clashing blades, broken bones and ocasional screaming...then it was silent. Kel-Aziz looked back as he could see the last row of rebel soldiers disapear into the dark of the tunnel, he then looked forward to find hundreds of scattered pieces of bones here and there with the ocasional dead rebel soldier. It was silent. Then the characteristic "clac" sound of skeletons moving filled the silence. Kel-Aziz took his waveblades into combat position, locked the nearest band... Kel-Aziz: Just like the old days in the Darubian Empire. ...and dashed with incredible speed towards his foe. ...They had all dreamed about this moment. Every rebel warrior at the tunnel that day would never forget what was about to happen. This was an historic moment for Siris Island The tyran wich ruled the land with an Ironfist would, as Arcadia once said "Meet his end this very night". Soldiers prepared their weapons, healed their wounds, prayed and meditated for the day of the liberation had arrived. Behind that illusionary wall was the last obstacle to encounter Baltazar himself. The very structure they stared with fear from every corner of the Island, the simbol of Baltazar´s power. His tower. CHAPTER V: The Tower ...With Arianne watching the lizzard female at the tunnel entrance, Kel-Aziz fighting the remaining skeletons at the tunnel and the Archmages fight in the tower, the Rebel army finnaly arrived at the tunnel exit where the illusion machine still covered their master plan. All this ocurred while Baltazar rested at the top of his tower, oblivious of the attacks magnitude. Molek: This is it men...!! Everyone stared at Molek who was now making his last speech before all hell brakes lose. Molek: This is the moment we have been waiting for, for so long. This is the reason why many of our fellow warriors have died. We have made it this far...we are only a few steps away from our liberation, let this day live in the memory of all of our children and our childrens children, as the day Siris Island regained its freedom!!! The hole army shouted in unison. Molek walked towards a band of rebels who were holding some crates. Molek: Are the explosives ready? Soldier: Yes sir. Molek: You now what to do. The group of soldiers ran out through the ilusionary wall. On the other side Mancire and Fluffy were just recovering from their recent battle when they spoted the band of rebel soldiers charging in. Mancire was about to pierce then to death when Fluffy stoped him. Fluffy: Explosives, they carry explosives. Mancire quickly took hold of Fluffy and carried him away through the tower halls. Soldier: Crates in position, move back!!! The soldiers ran back into the tunnel when the bomb activated itself. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!! The underground levels of the tower where shattered almost entirely, many of Baltazars barraks where destroyed by the explosion. The hole tower, solidly built, did not colapse but moved from side to side by the impact. At the top of the tower Baltazar was awakened from his slumber. Baltazar:...No...this cant be happening... At some intermediate point in the tower Arcadia was smiling for she new her plan had succeded. Back at the underground levels a battle scream could be heard. Molek: FOR SIRIS ISLAND!!! ATTAAAAACK!!!!!!! OOC: From now on, there are going to be deaths. Anyone posting please state if you wish your character to survive, flee, or die on this RP. [ Wednesday, September 24, 2003 07:44: Message edited by: The_Nazgul ] -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3320
written Wednesday, September 24 2003 08:45
OOC: My character shall survive. I will kill Arcadia first though. IC: Alcove and Jade continued walking through the hall. Alcove kept on scanning the whole time. When they rounded the one corner, Alcove started picking up a life form. It was Arcadia. She knew that signal like her own. She sensed that Arcadia was no longer invisible, and when she rounded the corner and saw her, she knew it for sure. Arcadia was standing at one of the tower windows and was gazing out of it. Alcove decided to throw a statue spell at her. But just before she was able to, there was a huge boom and the tower rocked from it. Alcove then turned around with a smile on her face and almost jumped when she saw both Alcove and Jade staring at her. Alcove looked stunned after hearing the explosion and Arcadia noticed it. "That's right Alcove!! The rebel army is attacking your precious tower. And there is nothing you can do about it. You can kill me, but you will never be able to save Baltazar." Alcove looks at her with an evil grin. "What makes you so sure that I want to save him. I don't care about him one bit. In fact, I will be happy if he dies, then I will finally be free. If he is killed tonight, I have no problem joining the rebels. Therefore, it is you who has been tricked. I have no intention of getting killed in this tower, but you will never escape from it alive!!!" Jade and Alcove start preparing spell and move in to attack. OOC: The fight has begun again. Jade might die, but it's not up to me. Even while the tower is being attacked, Alcove and Arcadia will continue fighting it out until one of them is dead. If someone here feels like writing some of Alcove and Arcadia's fight scenes, that is perfectly fine with me. Just don't let the fight end quickly. Alcove does still need to betray Baltazar, and cast a particular spell to remove that death bracelet from her wrist. Sorry about the long OOCs. -------------------- (Looks around in the Study) Colonel Mustard: "Just checking." Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Wednesday, September 24 2003 08:54
OOC: I'd prefer to survive, thank you. ![]() Btw, what 'death bracelet'? Ah yes, the one that kills her on Balty's whim, right? IC: "AATTTAAAAAACK!" Eferas moved out of the tunnel again, and saw several soldiers shaking from the blast and the loud sound of the explosives. He himself had been shaken out of balance a bit, but was otherwise unaffected and not even nervous - as a pyromancer he was used to far greater cataclysms. He decided that the battle might follow within the next twenty to thirty minutes, and prepared himself. Taking out the large obsidian dagger, which was almost the length of a short sword, he once more reached deeply into his pouch of sulfur, mingled the powder with the sweat of his hands and coated the weapon with it. A single word, and the blade would erupt in magical flame, which would last as long as Eferas could keep them going. He also took out the ruby and set it in the smallsocket at the tip of his staff. The gem would amplify his spells greatly - he did not usually use it since it drained him significantly. Finally, he touched his left hand to the nape of his neck and the right to his heart, chanting softly, almost whisperingly, "Fer'Pha'Kyl" - and immediately felt his body speeding up and growing stronger as his blood temperature climbed by at least thirty degrees. He would later feel burnt out as if from a fever, but for the next hour he would be quicker and more agile. He was now able to race up the tunnel just as quickly as the other soldiers. As he passed by the soldier who had made the scathing comment earlier on, he turned his head and shouted "What about that 'old man' now, eh? Never seen a wizard in his best years running, have you?", laughing with the sheer delight for his increased speed - it was a spell he rarely had opportunity to use. He also felt the magical battle rather strongly now, lying just ahead and above. He would see if he should maybe go there instead, he would be more in his element in an arcane fight than in the melee that the rebels would start with Baltazar's guards. That was a decision he could make later, he thought as he passed through the illusionary wall. Edit: Someone move this along, will you? ![]() [ Wednesday, September 24, 2003 19:47: Message edited by: Arancaytar ] -------------------- Visit The Santharian Dream and its RP board. Or the Encyclopaedia Ermariana! Got a brain? Go to Polaris! "It is as if everyone had lost their sense To a conspiracy for downfall and desperance And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey (freely translated). Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2339
written Wednesday, September 24 2003 12:05
*As Fluffy and Mancire raced down the hallway, Mancire stopped, he got down on all fours, and all his joints started glowing a fiery red!* Mancire: "No...the instability...I may not survive this time! Fluffy, sprint to Baltazar, I don't want to die! Quick! Before I explode!!" [i]Those mages' curse was full of flaws. Any moment, I'll explode! Why...WHY...WHY was I chosen to become a drake-man!? I just hope that the rebels don't kill me...and I hope I'll make it! The explosion will be devastating![i] *He thought back to the times of his humanhood, missing his family.* Why did I have to become a drake-man? I did not want to leave my wife, my children, and my cats. They were all I ever wanted...a family. I was so happy...I was so...happy... *He weeps at his losses.* OOC: A heart touching story, isn't it? It''s obvious if the rebels spare him, and restore his humanity, he'd rebel against Baltazar. I don't really care what side he's on right now. -------------------- Entertaining songs !Click here to get to the misc. boards! Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!! Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 200 computers: read more! "AH-CHOO!" -George Washington Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00 |