Baltazar the Mad (RP)
Author | Topic: Baltazar the Mad (RP) |
Member # 2339
written Tuesday, October 7 2003 15:10
*300th reply* Uhhhh.....oh yeah! I'm not gonna be able to post a decent IC until Alcove(Hint hint, MSW) revives Mancire's spirit. So...HURRY UP IN THERE! Get this rp going! It's getting smelly...I mean it's starting to die! You have one chance to spell there(I just randomly selected this word to type in, it doesn't mean it's the one I'm looking for.) as in "They're playing with their toys over there." IC: Mancire's spirit: *Wanders around nervously looking for a way out.* "I gotta get outta here before I become a spectre, or a lich!" [ Tuesday, October 07, 2003 15:11: Message edited by: Zephyr Tempest, the Wielder of Ice ] -------------------- Entertaining songs !Click here to get to the misc. boards! Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!! Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 200 computers: read more! "AH-CHOO!" -George Washington Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00 |
Member # 2242
written Tuesday, October 7 2003 15:49
Firedrake was beginning to get overwhelmed by undead. Suddenly, Jade, Eferas, and Delgar came running into the room. Casting several spells, the undead attacks begin to weaking, SW still locked in combat with the Lich... -------------------- "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes back into you." -Friedrich Nietzsche "There is no dodging the quad laser." -Ignignok Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, November 14 2002 08:00 |
Member # 3320
written Tuesday, October 7 2003 16:29
OOC: Ok. I've wandered around for enough days now, waiting for time to pass in this RP. Time to act. I am a little upset that someone continued the Zombie RP without me. I was going to start the next one. But oh well. Doesn't matter. Let's bring Alcove back into the picture shall we. IC: Alcove has been resting comfortably for 50 minutes with no result from the power crystal. She has just started to enter REM sleep when she feels like she is being choked. She opens her eyes and sees no one at all. But the feeling continues and she tries to sit up. It is then that she realizes that she is completely paralyzed. The choking feeling begins to get stronger and stronger. Suddenly her eyesight goes and she is left in complete darkness. Then a horrible ringing begins in her ears. She starts sweating profusely and begins getting a strange taste in the back of her throat. Then her body starts convulsing and her temperature rises to a dangerous level. She feels as if she is soon going to explode or something else even worse is about to happen. Then the ringing in her ears ceases and she starts hearing voices. Or at least one voice with what seems like a devilish undertone to it. She recognizes it. It is Arcadia. Alcove becomes terrified at the thought that Arcadia is alive and is in the room with her doing these things to her. Alcoves refuses to believe it is true though, and just tries to focus on the voice. The voice is fuzzy and jumbled and she can?t make out what is being said. Then the voice begins to clear a little and she can make out some words. Then a single message in a very loud booming voice becomes apparent. "CURSE YOU ALCOVE!!!!! I THOUGHT I HAD FINALLY RUINED YOU FOR GOOD!!!! WHERE DID YOU GET THAT POWER CRYSTAL?!!!!! NO!!!!!! IT CAN'T BE!!!!!! NOT THE TOMECHLIA CRYSTAL!!!!! DAMN YOU!!!!! I WILL GET MY REVENGE SOMEDAY, ALCOVE!!!!! I WILL SEE YOU IN HELL!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!? The screaming continues and fades as though Arcadia is falling into an abyss. Then all is silent. The convulsions of her body continue and her temperature reaches the death point and continues rising higher. Yet, somehow she is still alive. She continues sweating and then light flashes into her eyes. But not normal light. But light of all colors. Then her head begins throbbing and her heartbeat quickens. She suddenly hears an ear-piercing scream and realizes that it is her own. She doesn't know how she is able to scream, but she does. The screams is so loud and intense that it has to be heard for almost a mile around. She suddenly gets the sensation that her body is floating and is no longer on the bed. She can make out the image of the ceiling moving closer and closer to her and then she stops in mid air and just hovers there. Then she feels a horrific stinging sensation where the power crystal is touching her neck. The next thing she knows, a feeling of being massively electrocuted. Her entire body now starts convulsing from the pulses of electricity that are entering it. She feels a tremendous wind start sweeping around her and sees lightning and a bright blue light twisting around her body. She is still screaming horrifically when suddenly there is a staggering boom and she hears along with her screaming the sound of the entire tower shaking. Then, just as suddenly as the previous events had started, they abruptly cease. She feels the wind cease, the tower shaking end, her screaming stop, the convulsing and electrocution going away, and her body being released from the anti-gravity that had taken over it. Her body thumps back onto the bed and she passes out again. OOC: I will wake her up in my next post. I have no idea where the idea for this post came from or how I was able to write it. But I did. ![]() -------------------- (Looks around in the Study) Colonel Mustard: "Just checking." Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2242
written Tuesday, October 7 2003 17:05
OOC: I started the first one, and I'm going to start the second. Quit acting like it was your idea in the first place. If you wanna start an RP, come up with your own idea. -------------------- "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes back into you." -Friedrich Nietzsche "There is no dodging the quad laser." -Ignignok Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, November 14 2002 08:00 |
Member # 2940
written Tuesday, October 7 2003 19:58
OOC: Sorry for not posting in a while. If we defeat the four Lich Lords I will start the last chapter. IC: Kel-Aziz slowly moved in the darkness, he was somewhere in the tower for he could still hear the battle cries of the Rebels against the undead. The last thing he remembered was moving to strike the Lich Lord, then all was darkness to him. The Lich sent him throug the nether and then transported him into another location. His slow movement was abruptly interrupted by a voice in the darkness. It was a cold raspy voice. Voice: Hashfall, Darubian Raz Galum? At first he did not understand the message, only one word cought his attention "Darubian". He knew well the meaning of that word, how could he forget since he once bowed to protect Darubia with his life. As he remembered this his mind opened to the strange language, suddenly the words started to make sense and order came to his mind once again. The word triggered a revelation in his mind, memories long lost in the dephs of his mind now resurfaced. Long forgotten locations, people, feelings...language...they all came back. The voice spoke again, this time he understood his native language: (conversation below is translated) Voice: I said greetings, Darubian Royal Guard? Have you lost your manners? do you now that language, how do you know who I am...who are yourself!! Voice: many questions, yet so little time for a good conversation. This language is my own...after all I once was a Darubian. Tell me, what is a Royal Guard doing so far away from home. Kel-Aziz: Home? Suddenly new lost memories came back to him in flashbacks. The Royal Halls of the Darubian Kings and the Silver Moon of Darubia came back in all their glory...for a moment. Kel-Aziz: There is no home...were once a mighty empire stood, nothing but sand remains. A large desert covers my land now...that is the curse that comes with inmortality. Suddenly the origin of the voice came out of the darkness and stood before Kel-Aziz. Lich Lord:...So much time has passed, has it not, fellow Darubian. You should not feel so bad with inmortality, it was a great act from the Darubian Kings to grant you such a gift...after had to protect the "ever lasting" Darubian Empire. The rest of us had to gain inmortality through other pacting with the netherworld as you can see... The Lich laughed at Kel-Aziz. Kel-Aziz:...Ahh...curse your tormented soul for speaking the noble language of the Darubia. How dare you speak those words, you have sold out you sould to the devil and you WILL pay...I do not care if you were once a Darubian (taking waveblades out). Lich: Ahh...the Darubian Royal Guard waveblades...the "fangs" of the guards if my memory does not fail me...those Darubian Smiths were quite crafty were they not? The Lich moved his skeletical hands towards his neck and under his raggs they came out with a golden pendant. The creature then moved to remove the cloak covering his head revealing a golden crown with crafty carvings and a peculiar silver gem in the middle. Suddenly it struk him. Kel-Aziz was paralized as he knew that silver gem...the silver moon of Darubia, that was what it represented. Only One class in the Darubian social structure used a golden crown with the silver gem of the Darubian Moon...the Darubian Kings. The Royal Guard of Darubia were intended to ensure that their Emperor was immortal, that he could never die, for that they were given the gift and curse of inmortality by the Darubian Kings. As far as history could tell, they never failed, whether they were facing enemy armies, or powerfull beasts. Their only weakness was magic, but the Kings of Darubia were the greatest mages in the known world. The mortal combination of Elite Combat Warriors and Master Mages were the pillars of the Darubian Empire..and one of them was standing just before Kel-Aziz. Lich: It is a strange feeling. After so many, many centuries of not meeting any of my kind here I am facing one of my equals in mortal combat...oh, the irony... As Kel-Aziz watched the undead Darubian King walk closer he felt something he had not felt in a long, long time... fear. [ Tuesday, October 07, 2003 20:05: Message edited by: The_Nazgul ] -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Member # 65
written Tuesday, October 7 2003 22:28
IC: --half a hour ago-- A strange feeling had passed over Eve. It was as if time had stopped but the duration continued. Using this pause to her advantage she went and retrieved her affects. By the time she came back the world still felt like nothing was changing, nothing was passing. OOC: The above just represents the dry-spell we just had. --present-- Eve started to feel a sense of suffocating dread come over her. She then saw the cause of it. Ancient powerful,unholy and very much present. A Lich Lord. It was looking at Kel-Aziz with what seemed interested contempt and she saw the feeling of horrified recognition pass over his face. OOC:We really need others to post. -------------------- "Heads don't roll, they bounce!" Want to find out how nasty you really are? now! Also look at my site here This is also a good site Posts: 650 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Member # 3320
written Wednesday, October 8 2003 10:01
I will edit this post into a storyline when someone mentions the horrific scream that Alcove let out and the sudden shaking of the tower. I don't like being the only person to notice things. I await others to post. -------------------- (Looks around in the Study) Colonel Mustard: "Just checking." Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 517
written Wednesday, October 8 2003 10:18
OOC: MSW, we're half-way through the battle. If you want Alcove to suddenly regain all her powers and kill Balthazar, at least wait for it to end. And also, since we're half-way through the aforementioned battle, most of the characters are concentrating too much on staying alive to notice the tower shaking a bit. And if it shook more than a bit it would fall down, before you try to tell me it's swaying like a sapling in a hurricane. IC: Delgar immediately summons an illusory darkness around the liche. The liche tries to move out of it, but the darkness follows it. Jade, waving her sword above her head, pursues the liche, muttering the power words to start the enchanted fire blazing across the sword. Suddenly, a skeletal hand waves out of the darkness and swings around, brushing it aside. Delgar's mental voice can be heard... Ouch, that really hurt! The liche turns to face Delgar, but as it does, Jade's sword sticks into it from behind. The heat warms the liche from within. The vast magicks keeping the lich alive fuse with the sword's enchantment, and in an awesome light show, fly around the liche in ever-increasing circles. Jade can only stare, awed, as the lights circle in on the trapped figure of the liche, reduced in seconds from amazing magical might to a crumbling heap of dust, which quickly crumbles still further until it is not visible at all. Recovering, Jade frowns at the sword-hilt in her hand, all that is left of one of the most powerful magical artifacts from Alcove's priceless hoard. Then, turning, she throws it to the ground, and turns to face Delgar, who is restraining Eferas from rushing to the aid of Shadow Wolf, still locked in mortal combat with the other liche. 'What do we do to help him?' 'Nothing, until either he or the liche dies. No magic can enter that field around them. The best thing you can do is seal the doors-there are still two more liches running around. Leave the one nearest to Balthazar's throne room open, we'll need it. Oh, and Eferas...if you could tell the rest of the rebels who Jade and I are?' -E- -------------------- Let them eat cake! Polaris Boards: The System is Up. Perennially. Posts: 2314 | Registered: Tuesday, January 15 2002 08:00 |
Member # 1046
written Wednesday, October 8 2003 14:36
OOC: Time to finish the lich. IC: "Like the feeling of being on fire?" Shadow Wolf laughed. Part of the Lich Lord's body was already shrouded in the flames of burning mana. It had weakened to the point that it had to release Shadow Wolf. The blademaster held up Silentstriker to cover his face, in defiance to the desperate spray of magical ice. A blue glow was forming on the blade - Shadow Wolf was channeling energy to it. "I will spare your pain, Lich." The movement of Shadow Wolf that followed too fast for the eye to track. Soon the mana shield faded, and all that could be seen was a panting Shadow Wolf ... and the Lich Lord's icy helmet. -------------------- Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands. -------------------- Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00 |
Member # 2940
written Wednesday, October 8 2003 16:03
OOC: Two Lich Lords down, two to go. I am fighting one of the Liches in some dark place in the tower with Eve, although I dont know how she got there but I will fix that in the following IC. The other Lich is wondering somewhere, maybe preparing an attack...I will leave that Lich to you people, just dont kill it in one post. IC: As the Lich form of a former Darubian King walked closer to Kel-Aziz, the fear within him grew stronger. The Lich felt his fear. Lich: Ahh...what is this...a Darubian Royal scared?! Kel-Aziz could not deny it, he was scared but he was not ashamed of being so. Specialy considering the formidable fow he had in front. Suddenly the Lich Lord stopped a few meters away from Kel-Aziz. Lich: This is close enough...I may not have fear like you do, but I am no fool. I wouldn't feel safe around a Darubian Royal Guard if he was buried upside-down in ice with a knife sticking out of his thoat. But there are precautions I can take. The former Darubian King started mutering strange old words as a golden aura of light surrounded his skeletical body. He then quickly proceded to cast a small firebolt, to Kel-Aziz surprise he threw it somewhere into the darkness of the room. From the other side a female scream could be heard. (In common language) Lich: What do we have over there...brought some frieds with you Darubian Warrior? Making a hand motion he slowly draged Eve near him with an invisible force. Eve tried in vain to free herself but the magical binding was too strong for her. Lich: That foolish Lich Lord. I told him I wanted the Darubian warrior and no one else! Why would he transport this weak female here...good thing he is dead, he did not deserve the title of a Lich Lord. The Darubian Lich muttered some other words as a magical blue aura surrounded Eve. A brief scream followed the light...then she was not there. (In Darubian language, translated) Kel-Aziz: Where did you take her? Lich: Oh..dont worry about that mortal, she is safe with a Lich friend of mine. Now...lets have a little chat for old times sake. -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3320
written Wednesday, October 8 2003 19:37
OOC: Because of the fact that I am getting yelled at in two different RPs right now, I will have to take Alcove out of this RP somehow for a while. I am sick and tired of being criticized for suggesting something in an RP. Ever since I came here, it has been nag, nag, nag. Well since it won't stop, then I now understand that I seem to be a burden in this RP and the other as well. Consider me shot from both for a while. Your burden has gone. IC: Alcove wakes up after passing out on the bed from all the magical terror she just endured. She is now soaking wet with sweat and every muscle in her body aches. She tears the metal ring around her neck off and the power crystal falls on the bed. As soon as it comes off, she senses a malevolent evil presence nearby. Then she hears a voice come from what seems to be the other side of the barrier. It sounds like Arcadia again. "Ha ha!!!! Foolish woman!! You shouldn't have removed that crystal!! Now you are open to my wrath and are at my mercy!!!!!" Just then, a hole is torn through the magical barrier in the doorway and it dissipates. A lich lord is now standing in front of her. It speaks to her with Arcadia's voice. "I don't know how my spirit got into this lich's body, but I will take full advantage of it!!!! Prepare to die Alcove!!!!!!" Alcove is scared stiff, but she then realizes that her magical powers are back. She backs up against the wall of the room and quickly says a series of words. With a white flash of light, Alcove disappears from the room and reappears outside the tower, a distance away. She is now a hundred yards from the tower. She hears a voice yelling from the tower out at her. "Curse you Alcove!!!!! When did you get your powers back?!!! I'll get you yet!!!! And with that, the lich turns around and walks away from the window. Alcove has no idea what to do. Realizing her powers are back once again, she chants a few words and floats into the air. She then proceeds to the top level of the tower and enters through a window. She runs to a blank wall, pushes a brick and a door swings inward. She runs inside and pushes on the brick again. The wall slams shut behind her as she grabs a torch that's hanging on the wall. She casts a spark spell and lights the torch up. She then locks several deadbolts on the door, and then turns to face the room. She is now standing in her private strong room. She has enough food and water to hold out in here for a long time. She walks around and lights the other torches in the room. She walks over to a blank wall and thrusts her hand into it. It passes right though. "Ha! I thought it was there. Right where I remembered it." It turns out that there is an illusion machine setup on the sill of a window in the room. It gives the appearance of a solid brick wall on the inside and outside. "Well, at least I have all of the essentials." She even had a privy placed in the room, as well as a bed. "Thank god I am the only person who knows this room exists. Not even Baltazar knows about it. I thank you Theodus for this blessed gift." With that, she sits down at a table in the room and listens to the sounds of fighting coming from below her. OOC: Now my character will be out of the way until the fight against Baltazar. Have fun. -------------------- (Looks around in the Study) Colonel Mustard: "Just checking." Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2940
written Thursday, October 9 2003 07:18
Kel-Aziz: Why...why did you turn to the evil forces of the the nether, you had all the power you could were a Darubian King!! Lich: Ah!! Let me teach you a little something about that power. I do not know what training you Royal Guards had, but we had to pass many years of ordeals and stupid testing to reach further plains of magic. We were not allowed to study many secrets of power and knowledge beyond our assigned level. Hundreds of levels were kept in the tomes of the Darubian Kings, hundreds of powerfull enchantments and secrets of the universe beyond your understanding kept under the close watch of my mentors, The Darubian King Masters. Only they were alowed to see and use this power, while the rest of us would see how our life was wasted in the libraries and pointless classes. I for one, was not in the mood for waiting so much. You brute Royal Guards were allowed to obtain eternal life once you compleated your training, but we were kept away from it for considering us a potencial danger..bah, what did they now... Kel-Aziz: They were right...just look at you are nothing but a shadow of your former self...a pitfull undead under the orders of a mad man. You have reached rock bottom. Lich:Ah!! have no idea what it is to be a Lich Lord. I only follow this foolish mortal because that is the only way I can be summoned into this world and search for... that is none of your business. The Darubian Lich then casts a lightning spell that surrounds Kel-Aziz who inmediatly screams in pain. Lich: Do you see now? I searched in the nether for what my mentors would never give me. I escaped from this plane many years ago to join an army that realy apreciated power. The lighting grew stronger as Kel-Aziz continued to scream and the Darubian Lich walked closer. Lich: Were is the Darubian King and his power now, where is his mighty tower, where is his knowledge.. Kel-Aziz had stopped screaming in pain, but the lightning continued. Lich: Dust...they are nothing but dust now...not even history remains to tell about them. The Lich then stopped to see as Kel-Aziz body fall uncouncious to the ground. Lich: Soon...there shall be no recolection at all from the Darubian Empire. The Lich lifted his hand and reached towards Kel-Aziz heart only to be burned. Lich: are wearing the Darubian Armour!! Kel-Aziz slowly stood up. Kel-Aziz: Here lies their the blessing the Darubian Kings made to my weapons and armour, in the work and craft of the Darubian Smiths and in the training and discipline of a Darubian Royal Guard. Here lies the power of Darubia. For the first time since he set foot on the Island Kel-Aziz took his cloak off and uncovered his face. A toasted face from the years of wonderings and small wounds here and there, markings of a veteran from many battles, stared into the Lich´s empty eyes. To the Lich´s surprise he was wearing a golden helmet, quite plain but also quite beautifull. Lich: What is this!! A Darubian Royal Guard with helmet...I do not remember that... Kel-Aziz: That is because this was not original to my armour (See Tower of Babil RP), only this part was... Kel-Aziz then took off the rest of the burned raggs over him to reveal a bright golden light. It was the Darubian Royal Guard armour. A beautifull piece of art and efficiency carefully created by the Smiths of Darubia. In the center of the breastplate the simbol of the Darubian Empire could be seen proudly. The Silver Moon of Darubia and the twin waveblades across it showed quite clearly the crafty hands of the Darubian Smiths. Lich: So...this is it. Kel-Aziz: Let the battle comence. [ Thursday, October 09, 2003 12:33: Message edited by: The_Nazgul ] -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2242
written Thursday, October 9 2003 17:25
Noticing that the other 2 liches were dead, and that the third was aproaching he quickly signaled Jade, Eferas, Molek, Namothil, and Shadow Wolf, who was still recovering from combat with the lich. "Alright, I feel down a trap door earlier, remember? So here's the plan. There's one right by the door. So we wait for the lich to stand over it and me and Namothil will set the trap off, sending the lich into the depths. The path to Baltazar will be clear. I need Jade and Eferas to trick the lich into standing still on the trap or stall him in combat, and Shadow Wolf can signal us. After the signal, the trap goes off and the lich falls for a long time," said Firedrake. They scrambled to get into position... -------------------- "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes back into you." -Friedrich Nietzsche "There is no dodging the quad laser." -Ignignok Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, November 14 2002 08:00 |
Member # 1046
written Thursday, October 9 2003 19:24
"Alright, y'all might be able to see me, the the Lich will be too concentrated to sense my presence." With that Shadow Wolf cloaked himself. He then leapt to a spot with perfect view, and waited... -------------------- Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands. -------------------- Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00 |
Member # 2940
written Friday, October 10 2003 19:44
As ShadowWolf waited paitiently for the Lich he started sensing a sudden cold around the hallways, so did the remaining hidden rebel soldiers. Then from a dark hall, the figure of the Lich could be seen aproaching, unluckily for ShadowWolf and the band he was using Eve as a humand shield, magicaly binded to the Lich. Eve tried in vain to release herself from the magical chain. Lich: Mortalsss....prepare to meet your doom!! The cold in the air started to be unbearable it suddenly past from a simple cold to an unforgiving frost that slowly covered walls, celings and armour. If something was not done soon the skin would start to suffer serious consecuences. Back at Baltazars chambers... Baltazar: Soon they shall be here. Their punny forces have been greatly reduced by my Lich Lords. He then turned to the portal he had opened before. Baltazar: The gate is almost ready...once I get it open all the horrors of hell will aid me against these mortals and none of their magic or skill will save them then...hahAHAHAHAHA!! Somewhere else in the tower... Kel-Aziz had made quite an impression on the Lich in the first brief recon combat. Spells flied by Kel-Aziz and waveblades clashed on undead shields. Lich: You fight well warrior. I should have not underestimated your abilities. Kel-Aziz: You are lucky my poisons dont harm you. This battle would be over by now. Lich: Do not worry my fellow Darubian, it shall be concluded soon enough. The Lich the casted yet another lighting spell only to be once again dodged by Kel-Aziz´s increadible speed. Not only did he dodge the attack but was fast enough to even deal a blow of his own to the energy consuming shield. Lich: I do not remember you Darubian Guards were so fast, but let me remind you something. While my magic energy is drained it is in no way compared to the fisical energy draining you are having with those moves. Kel-Aziz smiled, confidence once again in his eyes. Kel-Aziz: Your years in the nether have made you weak Lich! You are but a foul shadow of a Darubian King. Lich: Nonsense!! You have not yet seen the hole power of darkness. Kel-Aziz: Well lets see it then. [ Friday, October 10, 2003 19:45: Message edited by: The_Nazgul ] -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Member # 517
written Friday, October 10 2003 23:14
Delgar's spirit quickly disappeared. He knew how fast liches were to detect illusions. But maybe they weren't quite fast enough... To the amazement of everyone in the room, Eve suddenly wriggled out of the liche's grasp, and darted forward. The liche cried out, and stepped forward after her, but seemed to fall over something...and then the something was Eve's body, and Eve was pulling herself back, away from the liche. The liche raised itself up, and laughed. 'Mortal worms. You think your pitiful tricks will help you survive? Even now the cold is seeping into your bones, into your very souls. How long do you think you shall survive?' -E- -------------------- Let them eat cake! Polaris Boards: The System is Up. Perennially. Posts: 2314 | Registered: Tuesday, January 15 2002 08:00 |
Member # 169
written Saturday, October 11 2003 04:39
"Long enough, lich." Namothil stepped forward. "Shielded. Ordinarily I could not touch you. But there is a cure for this." His hand slipped into a small pouch, and whipped out a small metal diamond, throwing it the lich, and following with a dagger. The lich staggered, first from the shock of having his shields broken, and then from the impact of the dagger. Not near enough to bring it down, but enough to break it's concentration. At once, the room began to warm. Posts: 422 | Registered: Tuesday, October 16 2001 07:00 |
Member # 2940
written Saturday, October 11 2003 08:23
As the Lich staggered back the nearby rebel soldier saw their chance, unfortunatly for them the Lich was not as unprepeared as he seemed. As the soldier walked closer the Lich pointed his bony hands towards the nearby soldiers and out of every finger a small ray of light shooted out, piercing the forehead of the rebels. They stopped where they were. The Lich then spoke in some unknown language as if giving orders of some sort. The party soon realised that they were indeed orders as the rebels turned to face their own brothers. Not far from there a few levels over the battle, the duel between the Darubian Warrior and the Darubian Lich Mage continued. [ Saturday, October 11, 2003 08:24: Message edited by: The_Nazgul ] -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2242
written Saturday, October 11 2003 08:24
Firedrake continued to wait for the signal, and for the lich to step a little further back, hopefully, someone would knock it onto the trap door, and the lich would fall down to it's doom. -------------------- "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes back into you." -Friedrich Nietzsche "There is no dodging the quad laser." -Ignignok Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, November 14 2002 08:00 |
Member # 2940
written Saturday, October 11 2003 08:42
Kel-Aziz and the Darubian Lich made a pause to consider their next move. Kel-Aziz: Your bolts and magic are worthless and energy consuming Lich. My waveblades will never drain out, what are you going to do...? The Lichs overconfidence was no more as he did not respond in words but instead responded in yet another spell. Inmediatly Kel-Aziz felt its efects. Kel-Aziz: My...armour...its are my waveblades. Lich: You see now warrior. What you have in endurance I have in spell variations, much more than all your pitfull combat moves. The Lich then proceded to yet another hasted strike against Kel-Aziz. Lich: Lets see if you can dodge this!!! As he said this the Lich started shooting frost bolts madly at Kel-Aziz, many missed their target only this time many others actually found their objective. Kel-Aziz was thrown over exhausted by all the fierce cold bolts hiting his armour. Once again, slowly, Kel-Aziz stood into his defense position, frozen as a statue but sharp as a feline, his long lost memories now regaining precense in his body and mind. Lich:...I admire the fortitude of grunts. So hard to not unbreakable. The Lich launched yet another hasted attack on the slowed Darubian Warrior. -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2242
written Saturday, October 11 2003 16:44
The fight continued, the lich continued to avoid the trap. Namothil, Molek, and Eve fought with the lich. Jade, Eferas, and Delgar through spells. The lich swung, throwing Molek across the room. Eve slashed at the lich, but the lich casted a armor spell, and the blows did nothing. Eve was also throw across the room. Eferas tossed a Fireball at the liches face, stunning the lich. Namothil jump kicked the lich, catching it off guard, and it stumbled backwards onto the trap. Firedrake pulled the switch as SW gave the signal. The trap opened, the lich fell, but managed to grab on the ledge. He tried to pull himself up, but one of his own skeletons was knocked into the pit by a rebel soldier, taking the lich down with him. "Nooooooooooooo!!!!" the lich screamed on his way down. A few seconds later a satisfying crunch marked the end of the third Lich Lord... -------------------- "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes back into you." -Friedrich Nietzsche "There is no dodging the quad laser." -Ignignok Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, November 14 2002 08:00 |
Member # 1046
written Sunday, October 12 2003 07:19
"That's gotta hurt," Shadow Wolf remarked. "Especially when you're a bundle of bones without an actual brain." "We should move on," Molek announced. "Gladly." The force continued upward, as Kel-Aziz battled the last Lich... -------------------- Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands. -------------------- Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00 |
Member # 2940
written Sunday, October 12 2003 11:38
IC: The Lich had turned the tables. Kel-Aziz could not keep up with the Lichs speed and was slowly weakening at a faster rate than the Lichs draining. Lich: Soon I shall break your defense and no combat move shall save you then. Kel-Aziz did not respond as the Lich launched yet another strike. This time Kel-Aziz got hit several times all over his body. The Lich, to finish him off, casted one huge magic spell that created a small tornado enough to send Kel-Aziz flying. He fell like a rock. Lich: ...Had it not been for your armour you would be dead by now. To the Lichs surprise Kel-Aziz, yet again, slowly recovered and placed his waveblades in defense position, bearly able to hold the weight of his own armour. The Lich, filled in anger, prepared for one final strike. Energy flowed all around his body and the heat could be felt by Kel-Aziz as a tingling sensation covered all his body caused by the heavy aura of magic. The Lich made some handmotions as a glowing fire surrounded his bony hands. Lich: You have an admirable resistance worthy of a Darubian Guard, but it is time you leave this world, I have other matters to attend. As the Lich elevated and launched his last attack at Kel-Aziz from above, Kel-Aziz reacted. Faster than the common eye to see Kel-Aziz jumped at the charging Lich and slashed both of his waveblades at him. The Lich, unable to both dodge and cotrol his power, flied right past Kel-Aziz as his energy fields on both hands blowed just before the Lich hitted the ground sending the former Darubian King flying across the room. Without wasting any more time Kel-Aziz dashed towards the fallen Lich and pierced both waveblades through his cloak and right through his rib bones. Lich: How...I...I am a Lich Lord...a Darubian King... Kel-Aziz: My boots, they are speed bots (see Zombie Attack RP). You only slowed me down back to my normal speed. I just waited till you lowered your defenses for a final attack. Kel-Aziz took his waveblades back only to slash at the Lich once again, this time taking his bony arms off. Kel-Aziz: Once you left the Darubian Kings for a life as undead, you left both the power and knowledge they had. I only realised later in the battle that you were not an enemy to be afraid of, just another coward with dark powers beyond his control. Lich: Curse you Darubian Warrior...curse you to th... Kel-Aziz did not wait anymore and smashed the Lich Lords head with both waveblades, followed by an inmediate desintegration of the creatures body. Only the Darubian crown and amulet remained, the objects of a former Darubian King. The crown was cursed beyond repair, he could sense it from were he stood, the amulet with the Silver Moon of Darubia however, was still curse removalble. Kel-Aziz took it with him. On the back of the pendant, written in Darubian it said: "He who knows how to handle both superior and inferior forces will be victorious." Kel-Aziz: Too bad you never learned that lesson. On a small side marking it said: Mal-Shazur, Darubian King. Servant ot the secret flame of Darubia. As Kel-Aziz left the battlefield he could not help to feel somewhat sorry for Mal-Shazur, after all he was but one of the last remaining testaments of his nation and his past. The rebel army had valiantly fought through the many battles and traps of the tower and finnaly made it to the last level. The chambers of Baltazar, the grand master of Siris Island. Of the thousand men that started this adventure only a few dozen would meet Baltazar in battle and even less would live to tell the story to children of Siris Island. This is how the final battle took place and how the turn in Siris Islands destiny was forged by the bravery of few and the aid of the foreing heroes. FINAL CHAPTER: Baltazar The army finnaly made it to the top. From that point many of the Rebels stared through the windows and past the Castles walls. They stared at Siris Island and the many small towns and villages all over. Many of them wondering at the fact that before they would only see this tower from afar and cowering in fear. Now they were there, at the very gates of the Tyran ready to reclaim what was rightfully theirs. Molek: This is it men. We have made it. The few remaining rebels gathered around Molek together with the surviving adventurers. Molek: Past these horrible gates...he awaits. Let us not lower our strength and courage for this shall be the battle were we shall need it the most. Let us never forget the crimes this mage has done to our kingdom, our lands and our families. Let us never forget...what this tyran has done to our brothers today. It is true, many of us shall not live past this day to see the new sunrise by the Siris Island coast, but let it be known to the world and the people of Siris Island that those who fought and died in this battle, died not in vain but for freedom....Siris Islands freedom!!! The whole force screamed in joy as they clashed their weapons by the gate that separated them from Baltazar. At the other side Baltazar awaited calmy, sitting on his throne just by the fiery portal. Baltazar: So...they made it here. Never mind, I shall hold them long enough myslelf, long enough for the portal to be ready and the demonic horde crush into this world. Ready to follow my command. The huge iron door bumped every now and then as the rebels prepared their entrance. OOC: This is it people...the end. Kel-Aziz shall arrive later in the battle. Lets make this a cool RP ending. [ Sunday, October 12, 2003 11:51: Message edited by: The_Nazgul ] -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2242
written Sunday, October 12 2003 17:09
Firedrake whipped out his assassin daggers for this fight and concentrated for a few minutes, attempting to memorize a few minor fire spells before the battle began... -------------------- "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes back into you." -Friedrich Nietzsche "There is no dodging the quad laser." -Ignignok Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, November 14 2002 08:00 |
Member # 1229
written Sunday, October 12 2003 22:41
OOC: Sorry guys, I've copped out. There's too much in my daily schedule to keep doing this. Was fun. Posts: 69 | Registered: Tuesday, May 28 2002 07:00 |