Baltazar the Mad (RP)
Author | Topic: Baltazar the Mad (RP) |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Sunday, September 28 2003 10:56
OOC: Now really, WM. You're not even in the battle. ![]() IC will follow when Alcove makes her entrance, in a later post. -------------------- Visit The Santharian Dream and its RP board. Or the Encyclopaedia Ermariana! Got a brain? Go to Polaris! "It is as if everyone had lost their sense To a conspiracy for downfall and desperance And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey (freely translated). Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
Member # 1046
written Sunday, September 28 2003 11:33
OOC: i would be in the battle from the start, but my character prefers sneaking around instead of doing actual fighting. but fine, i'll go join FD now. ![]() IC: There was a cold breeze in the corridor. Shadow Wolf knew what it was - one of the greater Liches. Alone, he could take on one, but it would take too many resources to be feasible. His choice was to run. The Lich was slow moving, to Shadow Wolf it seemed as if ice bolts came out of its hands on rapid fire. The blademaster parried and deflected the bolts that were on target, but he would not have much room to run - he sensed a second Lich closing in from behind. Thinking quickly, Shadow Wolf took a look around. Just behind him was a square hole in the ground, most definitely a trapdoor that opened. It was slowly closing already. I must leap down before I am crushed by the ice, Shadow Wolf thought. He then hurled a Soul Lance to distract the first Lich so that he could run for it. He leaped down the trapdoor hole just as the second Lich tried to crush him with its ice spells. As Shadow Wolf landed, the trapdoor shut itself completely, leaving no trace of the hole under it... OOC: yeah, now SW is behind FD. -------------------- Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands. -------------------- Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00 |
Member # 2940
written Sunday, September 28 2003 11:36
Back at the tower base... Kel-Aziz had sucsesfully managed to lure the beast into Baltazars forces, decimating them greatly. As Eve got into a personal fight with the enraged beast, Kel-Aziz had enough time to finish the remaining enemy forces with the help of a few rebel soldiers. Now only the huge Werewolf standed between Baltazar and the rebels who now watched from a safe distance as Eve and Fluffy battled to death. All the rebels together could easily kill the beast but not without a great cost of men, a cost Molek was not willing to pay. Molek: There must be an easier way to stop the beast!! I am not going to waste many of my troops in the fight with this beast. Baltazar is still up there somewhere and we will need the numbers to fight him. Soldier: Well we must think of something soon or Eve will die. Suddenly, just like a heavenly present, Firedrake fell from a hatch in the ceeling of a nearby room. Kel-Aziz: Firedrake! Where were you! Firedrake: I´ll explain later...what is THAT!! (pointing at fluffy) Kel-Aziz: Its a magicaly enraged Werewolf, thats the only beast blocking our progress. Firedrake: Well, what are we waiting for, lets help Eve before it too late! Kel-Aziz: I was hoping you would say that. With that said both Firedrake and Kel-Aziz, blades drawn, moved in for the fight as the rest of the rebels watched what these mercenaries were made of. As they charged another adventurer fell by the same trap nearby. It was ShadowWolf. Molek: ShadowWolf!! join your party they are fighting the best!! Quick, I will charge with you!! OOC: I hope I played your character right Firedrake, I read you wanted to fight fluffy. We are good to go. Enchanted Fluffy v/s Eve, Firedrake, Molek, ShadowWolf and Kel-Aziz. I think its fair enough. [ Sunday, September 28, 2003 11:43: Message edited by: The_Nazgul ] -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3320
written Sunday, September 28 2003 14:57
OOC: Now to get Alcove out of the passageway and back to the fight. IC: Alcove studies the locket with earnest. It has a square hole in the middle of it. She then removes the power crystal from its case and examines it carefully. It seems that the pointed end of the pyramid shaped crystal might fit in the square hole. She places the tip in the hole and it suddenly emits a green light. Then the power crystal adheres to the locket for a few seconds. White light starts to appear through the side of the locket, and then she hears a clicking sound, like a lock unlocking. Then suddenly the locket snaps open the green and white light ceases. She stares in awe at what she is seeing. It almost seems like a dream. She is looking at one of the rarest of all artifacts. It is a Ring of Endless Magery. Alcove takes it out of the now open locket and slips it on her finger. She feels a warmth run through her body and her magical energy restore itself. She now feels fully restored back to her former self. She then slips the ring off of her finger and then puts it in her pocket, as she does with the power crystal. Then she hangs the charm necklace back on one of the hooks and presses the brick back in. The wall swings around again and locks into place, showing all the weapons once more. Alcove then walks out of the weapons closet, shuts the door, and locks it. She then proceeds out of the passageway and back into the hall. She begins to walk back to the battle. When she is halfway there, she stops at a window. She realizes that she can pinpoint where Delgar is and maybe she can't slow his progress in the tower for a while. She begins chanting and raving again and soon several imps appear around her. "I want you to go and distract Delgar for a while at this area." She shows the imps with her mind where she wants them to go and then sends them on their way. The imps take off out the window and proceed to the location that Delgar is currently hiding at. She only wants the imps to slow him down and distract him for a while. She realizes that he is too important to kill, but must be stopped for a while. Otherwise, he will continue to stand between Alcove and Arcadia. With the imps distracting him, he will have to remove his presence from the tower for a while in order to fend them off. With that in knowledge, she heads towards the battle and quite possibly, her last battle against Arcadia. She knows she must eventually release Jade from her charming and kill Arcadia once and for all. But she fears it may be at the cost of her own life. Nevertheless, Arcadia must be stopped and Baltazar will have to be killed. She rounds the corner and sees the doorway. The sounds of battle still echo from it as she walks through the doorway and begins to fight, hoping that the imps will get to Delgar soon. OOC: It is up to you people to continue the fight. Arcadia will die and Alcove might end up zapped of all strength. But I want Alcove to survive. And the ring in Alcove?s pocket is meant to go to Jade for her battle against Arcadia and Baltazar. Let?s get down to the battle now shall we? ![]() [ Sunday, September 28, 2003 15:02: Message edited by: Murder, She Wrote ] -------------------- (Looks around in the Study) Colonel Mustard: "Just checking." Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2339
written Sunday, September 28 2003 15:16
*Fluffy finally shakes Mancire's Spectre out of him. Mancire's Spectre is hit against the wall wiht such force, Mancire's Spectre becomes a spirit once again.* Mancire's Spirit: "Good, my descent into the undead's legions has been delayed. I am still an aimless spirit. Listen, rebels, do not kill Fluffy! I can reach him! Just keep him busy!" *He flies over to Fluffy, and tries to reach the inner Fluffy, the Fluffy that wants his clan restored.* -------------------- Entertaining songs !Click here to get to the misc. boards! Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!! Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 200 computers: read more! "AH-CHOO!" -George Washington Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00 |
Member # 27
written Sunday, September 28 2003 15:28
OOC: Zephyr I appreciate you trying to help Fluffy. But he is gone. His entire being is slowly being consumed by a denomic pressance. Any entering of his body and soul would end up with you being consumed by a demon and ending up in eternal damnation with no salvation what so ever. Fluffy is gone and there is nothing that can save him, not even death. IC: *Fluffy, now noticing the new enemies, grabs Eve by the neck and flings her at the arrivals.* *Instead of stepping out of the way and causing her more pain, they brace themselves and catch her, letting her down easy. Stepping in front of her, they move on the offensive and let her rest for a spell.* *The warriors move in fast and start dodging around in formation, almost making it seem like they were phasing in and out of reality.* *Fluffy may be strong but he is atleast twice as fast, and he immediatly evades their attack.* *Fluffy then aims a well timed kick that would have sent FD flying into the ceiling, if he had been a normal fighter. FD stopped in mid air, centemeters away from the kick, and brought his sword down into Fluffy's knee.* *The sword bit in deep, and left a gash. Almost surprising the warriors, Fluffy's wound started to heal itself.* *FD now unable to do anything and still floating down from his jump was kicked hard in the chest by Fluffy's other foot and was sent into the wall with a thud.* *Fluffy landed and immediatly jumped at him again butting him in the nose with his forehead.* *This happened in about a second.* *Fluffy was about to hit him again, when SW slashed at his arm near the elbow joint.* *The arm fell to the ground and was burnt to ashes in a quick fire.* *Fluffy not noticing a thing except that there was a new attack, turned and lashed out at SW.* *His arm grew back* *SW blocked the blow with his sword, while FD sank to the ground, a little shaken but not unconscious. The wind was knocked out of him and his brains were a bit scrammbled. But he was ready to continue.* OOC: Continue the fight. -------------------- Live teh fez. Posts: 1233 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Member # 2339
written Sunday, September 28 2003 15:40
Mancire's Spirit: "Fluffy no longer can control himself." *A tear strolls down Mancire's ectoplasmic cheek. He pulls out a real locket from his robes.* "This is my most dear possesion, a locket my wife had given to me." *He opens the locket. It contains pictures of his family. Suddenly it glows. Several energy balls shot out of it and wrapped around Fluffy.* "I am sorry to perform this ritual...goodbye Fluffy." *Mancire's spirit spreads his arms out. He then starts to fade. He also starts to dissolve. The binds around Fluffy start glowing red.* "Maybe one day you will be freed, Fluffy." *Mancire's spirit then glows a bright blue, and then dissolves, forcing Mancire's spirit into the leigons of the undead. The binds around Fluffy start glowing a very fierce blue, and Fluffy's power starts to slowly drain. The locket falls to the floor and shatters, but the pictures stay intact.* OOC: Quite an item, isn't it? If MSW gets good items, why can't Mancire's spirit? Fluffy is slowly becoming weak. SLOWLY, and there's almost no way to stop them. Only Mancire and his family knows how to stop the binds. Baltazar may revive Mancire as a lich. BTW- Fluffy can still fight. -------------------- Entertaining songs !Click here to get to the misc. boards! Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!! Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 200 computers: read more! "AH-CHOO!" -George Washington Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00 |
Member # 1046
written Sunday, September 28 2003 16:18
Shadow Wolf, lacking the brute strength of a normal fighter, found himself on the ground, with Fluffy on top. Silentstriker was all that stood between the mad wolfman and his throat. Gathering soul energy in his right hand, he thrust his palm at Fluffy's head. A burst of bluish energy sent the creature straight up into the air. He/it would have landed on Shadow Wolf's stomach, but the blademaster rolled out of the way and got back up. Kel-Aziz charged from behind... -------------------- Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands. -------------------- Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00 |
Member # 27
written Sunday, September 28 2003 17:16
IC: Baltazar: "My, my, my, that spirit of Mancire seems to be trying to ruin my plans." *Chuckling* "We wont have that now will we." *Baltazar waves his hands around but nothing happens.* Baltazar: "What the hell... Damnit, it must be one of those ancient relics. There goes my death machine's recovery ability." IC: *Kel-Aziz slashes at Fluffy, but the sword is kicked out of his hands.* *Fluffy uses his hands and launches himself into the air and now stands upright again. The warrior that had injured him was the biggest threat at the moment and had to be taken care of immediatly.* *Instead of charging, Fluffy lets out a tremendous roar, that shakes the tunnel for a second. But it leaves the warriors off balance and gives Fluffy the advantage he needs.* *Fluffy charges forward and smashes SW in the side with his paw.* *SW, unable to block the blow in time, jumps backward to reduce the impact.* *Before SW is able to get back up, Fluffy grabs him by the leg and throws him into Kel-Aziz, who has just recovered his blade. They both go flying back a few feet and they hit the ground.* *Fluffy now roars in triumph, and starts charging their way, when Eve kicks him hard in the leg, knocking Fluffy off balance.* *Fluffy now turns toward Eve, still off balance, when she bashes him with her paw in the head and then in the leg with her foot.* *Fluffy hits the ground and Eve starts to claw at his back ferociously.* *Fluffy reaches behind him and grabs her on the arm and throws her across the room, with a roar of anger.* *SW and Kel-Aziz have enough time to recover, when Fluffy is slashed across the back by FD.* OOC: Continue, I will end it in the next post I make. EDIT: oops, I had to change the beginning because I didn't read the details on the end of Zephyr's post. [ Sunday, September 28, 2003 17:24: Message edited by: Enraged Slith ] -------------------- Live teh fez. Posts: 1233 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Member # 2940
written Sunday, September 28 2003 20:00
Kel-Aziz was slightly impressed by the beasts ability and to impress a former Darubian Royal Guard in combat you need to be quite good. Kel-Aziz: (moving ShadowWolf off him)...that puppy shure is strong (standing up)...but, he wont be able to continue like that for much longer. To ShadowWolfs surprise Kel-Aziz lowers both of his waveblades and puts them back somewhere into his raggs. ShadowWolf: What are you doing...the beast is still alive!! Kel-Aziz just smiled as he watched Firedrake and wounded Eve battle the beast with great ability. Kel-Aziz: Take a closer look at the Werewolf. If you are a veteran warrior you will notice. ShadowWolf: Notice what... Kel-Aziz: This battle is decided, the beast is allready dead. ShadowWolf did not understand his words at first but as he watched the combat he noticed. The wolf beast was not the same as before, somehow, it seemed slower, clumsier in every move. ShadowWolf: What did you do to it? Kel-Aziz: He has been touched by the bite of Hazka and Mishka. ShadowWolf stared waiting for an explanation. Kel-Aziz: ...My waveblades, that is how we call them. ShadowWolf: We? Kel-Aziz: There will be more time to explain that later. My waveblades are not common ones...they are poisonous blade. ShadowWolf: I now about posion and a beats like that can bearly be harmed by such a thing. Kel-Aziz: It is not any poison...and it is not only one... ShadowWolf: What do you mean... Kel-Aziz: I was taught to always avoid killing another living creature, for that I was given these blades, simbols of my peoples beliefs. Hazka, my right waveblade, is enchanted with the poison of the Velthia flower, grown on the highest peaks of the Darubian Mountains. Mishka is augmented with Mothbel Root, it grows only in the deepest and oldest caves of the world. ShadowWolf: I have never heard of such plants or mountains. Kel-Aziz: That is because there are no more Velthia blooming on this world, and the Mountains I mentioned earlier are no longer called that fact, they have not been called like that in a long...long time... Kel-Aziz suddenly seemed distracted, distant, as if traveling in his dreams, until a loud roar waked him up, back into reality as Firedrake had just been sent flying through the room. Kel-Aziz:...As I was saying, both Velthia and Mothbel root are extreamly poisonous, each in its own particular way. Usualy one cut with any of my both waveblades is enough to paralize or to leave my opponent at my mercy...but both of them reaching the same wound... Suddenly Fluffy screamed, Eve was pushed away as Fluffy started having a series of strong convulsions, the roaring continued as the beast suddenly started pouring white bubbling saliva out of its mouth and shaking madly. Kel-Aziz:..are a lethal combination. No known brew or healing spell can save him now. ShadowWolf: When did you strike him with both waveblades? Kel-Aziz: In his right leg...The first strike when I made him follow me into the enemy force and the second one I did just now...just before he threw me over here. The soldiers and adventurers observed in horror as the beast fought the poison within its was loosing. Kel-Aziz: Three minutes. ShadowWolf: What? Kel-Aziz: That has been the record of someone resisting the double bite. This beast is huge and enchanted, he may brake that barrier. In a last mad attempt to serve Baltazar it prepared one last move before expiring... Kel-Aziz: Or maybe not... OOC: I will leave it for Enraged Slith to decide his fate. If he changes his mind and wants to live make him loose his madness. I can come up with something to save him, although it would be cooler if he died. Then again, thats your call. -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Member # 517
written Monday, September 29 2003 10:38
As Delgar is scrying the tower, he comes across some summoned creatures heading in his direction. Alcove's imps...Uh oh... He quickly goes about sealing the cave door off, then returns to his apparatus. How can Alcove have found out where I am? The imps certainly don't have the intelligence to find me this certainly, and Alcove shouldn't have been able to have located me this fast, even if she's been doing nothing else until now. Well, there's no time to worry about that now. The imps oughtn't to last long, this far from the tower. If I can just distract them for ten minutes or so, they ought to dissipate of their own accord... A blinding apparition appears in front of the imps: an flying humanoid, wielding a great sword. It approaches them, and they scatter in all directions. Turning, it chases the slowest, as Delgar revels in the chase. The imps, true to their origional mission, turn towards Delgar's cave once again, but the being is in front of them before they can even turn, and they are forced to turn and flee once again. I'll have to catch one eventually, and when I do, they'll realise that it can't hurt them, but let's just see how long it works... Meanwhile, back at the tower, Arcadia and Alcove are engaged in a mindduel, preventing Eferas and Jade from interfering, and Eferas is barely preventing Jade from killing him before the mindduel has a chance to sort itself out, one way or another... -E- -------------------- Let them eat cake! Polaris Boards: The System is Up. Perennially. Posts: 2314 | Registered: Tuesday, January 15 2002 08:00 |
Member # 2339
written Monday, September 29 2003 12:30
OOC: Don't forget Fluffy is slowly growing weaker. Mancire does now how to cure it, but I didn't say he was able to perform the removal. *Several poeple fall down.* Mancire's magical ability is not enough to perform the removal. You'd need an archmage of the highest order, and Mancire is but a skilled Sound Mage. -------------------- Entertaining songs !Click here to get to the misc. boards! Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!! Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 200 computers: read more! "AH-CHOO!" -George Washington Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00 |
Member # 3320
written Monday, September 29 2003 13:36
OOC: I knew I should have sent out Haikaas. The imps will not disappear on their own. They are special creatures summoned by Alcove and only disappear after being killed by someone or destroyed by Alcove. In addition, don't forget that Jade has that amulet and it causes whoever is looking at her to see Alcove's image because she touched her. IC: Alcove enters the room and sees Arcadia and a new mage. She hadn't seen this one before, but had merely sensed him. She knew he was no real threat to her, so she began concentrating on Arcadia. The image of Delgar began to flicker and fade. She thought to herself. "Yes! The imps must have reached him and are distracting him.? She turns to Jade and speaks. "Jade, you take the new mage, the old graying man in the corner, and I will take Arcadia." She smiles at Arcadia and then quickly runs out of the room. Arcadia's initial reaction is to run after her and that's what she does. Arcadia sprints out of the room after her and Alcove continues running through the halls until she comes to the Castle's training room. As she runs into the room, she looks behind her and sees Arcadia continuing to chase her. The room Alcove is running into is a huge room with seats all around it like an arena from ancient Rome. The room is used for the training of soldiers for the kingdom. Other soldiers would come to watch the battles. It was a spectator sport-like thing. Like gladiator matches, except used for training. The room is one hundred feet long and the same distance wide. King Baltazar would sit in the box of seats right above the doorway she just ran through. The floor was stained with the blood that was shed during the training fights. There is a single window in three sides of the room and steps leading up to the seats. A single pillar holds up the roof in the middle of the room. As Alcove reaches the opposite end of the room, she turns around and sees Arcadia opposite of her in the room. She speaks to her with a smirk on her face, "Well Arcadia, it seems we meet for our last battle. I brought you here so that we could have some privacy. Do you have your crystals ready?" Arcadia smiles back her and responds, "Do you think I would be such a fool to come here without them? I'm not an idiot Alcove. I know what you know. This should be an interesting fight. But, I will never be your prisoner. Baltazar is doomed, as are you." Alcove looks at her with disgust and interjects. "I don't have a single iota of sympathy for Baltazar. I've wanted out of his kingdom for a long time. I plan to rebel against him with the rebels. I have been waiting a long time for the day that they would attack and overthrow him once and for all. But as for you, my dear Arcadia, we have a score to settle, here and now!!" She pulls one of the red crystals from her pocket and starts chanting and raving. Soon a red beam of light and energy comes from the crystal and flies into Alcove's head. Arcadia does the same thing and has the same results. Suddenly a fiery orange light shoots from Alcove's hands and head, and just as suddenly, the same thing starts happening with Arcadia. The orange beams meet in the middle and the mind-duel begins. OOC: There the scene is set up for the mind-duel. I don't know enough about mind dueling to continue this story scene. I need someone else to take over. I want this battle to last no less than three posts and no more than six if that is possible. This should be interesting. Sorry for the long post. Please PM me if you find any mistakes in this storyline. I don?t like leaving mistakes in them. It makes it hard for people to understand what I am writing. -------------------- (Looks around in the Study) Colonel Mustard: "Just checking." Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 1046
written Monday, September 29 2003 14:45
Silently, Shadow Wolf threw a small, special knife at Fluffy. It punctured a major artery. It was not meant to make the creature bleed, however. Slowly, a poison in the knife would seal itself into the body, and another poison would slow Fluffy down, eventually to the point of paralysis. I hope you die quickly, wolf, Shadow Wolf spoke to his mind, though he knew it was in vain. Spare yourself the pain. OOC: ES, you can finish this. Fluffy doesn't have to die if you don't want him/it to. -------------------- Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands. -------------------- Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00 |
Member # 2242
written Monday, September 29 2003 14:45
OOC: After Fluffy either dies or is saved, our group will head upstairs, back to the room of the statues where Firedrake, Shadow Wolf, and possibly Namothil will disarm the traps and attempt to open the large door, allowing the rebels to continue. I'd post it now but Enraged hasn't posted yet, so I'll wait until after. -------------------- "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes back into you." -Friedrich Nietzsche "There is no dodging the quad laser." -Ignignok Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, November 14 2002 08:00 |
Member # 2339
written Monday, September 29 2003 14:50
OOC: Don't forget what Mancire did to Fluffy. IC: *Mancire's Spirit's voice spoke to Alcove.* Mancire's Spirit: After you defeat Arcadia, would you be able to revive me? It's pure torture in the leigons of the undead. I'm not even supposed to be talking to you right now! I want to get out of here! HURRY!!!! *In the mind-duel, Alcove managed to "strike" Aracdia twice when Arcadia only "struck" Alcove once, giving Alcove a small advantage. Alcove kept going while Arcadia slowly started to lose.* -------------------- Entertaining songs !Click here to get to the misc. boards! Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!! Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 200 computers: read more! "AH-CHOO!" -George Washington Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00 |
Member # 27
written Monday, September 29 2003 15:46
OOC: Wow, I sure am being hit with a lot of uber-deadly magical items. It's almost as if you didn't ever have to fight him in the first place. ![]() ![]() IC: *Fluffy starts to weaken at an incredibly fast rate.* Baltazar: "Damnit, I didn't expect the rebels to be so strong. Lets just drain him of the last of his strength." *Fluffy is suddenly hit with a new burst of rage, a newly cast demonic rage spell.* *The pain is unbearable, he starts to flail around with madness.* *His speed is incredable, and he gives several deep gashes too Eve and FD, which start to burn uncontrolably.* *Fluffy then lays his hands on SW and starts shaking him rapidly. Kel-Aziz trys to help but Fluffy uses SW as a club and Kel-Aziz backs away, careful not to hurt his ally.* *Fluffy then flings SW across the tunnel and into the potion room wall, knocking him unconscious.* *The Fluffy falls over, shaking and screaming.* Baltazar: "Hmm, well I guess its over for him. A pity, I expected alot more of him." *Baltazar waves his hands around* *A red gas starts to float out of Fluffy, and starts to form a new being. Fluffy turns back to a normal Werewolf, his rage is completely gone.* *Fluffy trys to get up but falls over coughing.* Fluffy: "Is this the end... have I really failed... I cant give up... no my clan... this..." *His eyes mist over, he quivers one last time and then dies. Blackness envelops his soul, and he is cast into eternal suffering. There is no salvation for Fluffy and nothing can be done. His soul is gone, and his clan is left the same.* *The red gas now forms a demon, a rare type only summoned by the most powerful mages. The heroes now face a Cacofiend.* OOC: Bum, bum, bum.... ![]() -------------------- Live teh fez. Posts: 1233 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Member # 2339
written Monday, September 29 2003 15:53
*Fluffy appears in a very strange place. He sees Mancire's Spirit.* Mancire's Spirit: "Welcome to the leigons of the undead. The last place you'll ever see. I just got caught speaking to Alcove, and they tortured me for what seemed like eons. You might as well say you have been erased from exsistence altogether. Here is where undead are created from lost souls. I GOTTA FIND A WAY OUTTA HERE!!!!" -------------------- Entertaining songs !Click here to get to the misc. boards! Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!! Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 200 computers: read more! "AH-CHOO!" -George Washington Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00 |
Member # 3320
written Monday, September 29 2003 16:19
Can someone please help me? I don't understand how a mind duel works. I would be grateful if someone could write a decent-lengthed fight scene with plenty of detail for me. I would do it, but I am not good with fight scenes and I don't know what happens during a mind duel. ![]() ![]() -------------------- (Looks around in the Study) Colonel Mustard: "Just checking." Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2940
written Monday, September 29 2003 18:34
Kel-Aziz and the rest of the party gathered around the beast. Its body showed a series of horrible cuts, but the poisons had caused the more morrid markings on the corspe. Firedrake: Is he dead? Kel-Aziz: I would hope so...unless Baltazar revives him as some sort of nether creature. Wich would be a problem since poision does not work against any undead. ShadowWolf: He cant come back straight away, all departing souls must first travel to the nether and only there do all living creatures see if they roam the world of the living, go to eternal peace...or eternal torment. Molek aproached from behind. Molek: Lets not waste more time here, the rest of Baltazars army may get into the tower any moment now and there is still much more left to climb. Firedrake: It should be easier, I cleared the lower levels from most of the deadlier traps. Molek: Well done. (turning to the rest of the troops) Men, lets get moving, we have a tyran to slay!!! Back at the highest level... Baltazar: So...they defeated my men and two of my best mutations...thats too bad. Sadly for them their journey shall end in the middle levels, the Lich Kings are almost there...hehehehehehahHAHAHA...BWAHAHA!! I love this power... Walks back to the crystal sphere and observes the battle between Arcadia and Alcove. Baltazar: How foolish, they are having a mind matter who of those mages wins, if they do they shall be too drained and tired to go on. That shall be the moment when both of them shall receive their punishment. I shall show them what a real mage is made of and they shall pay the price of rebelion!! -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 3238
written Tuesday, September 30 2003 00:48
OOC: Er... you did? I didn't notice it or something... Eheh. That was rather idiotic. Ah well, that will be good enough, Thank you, MSW! =) Kyrissian awoke with a start. She jettisoned out of a bed and stepped lightly on the floor. Looking around, she noticed this wasn't the area she blacked out in... The floor was made of marble, and the pillers that stood were elaboritely (sp?) decorated. The bed she was just on was lined with golden twirls, and was magically enchached, as it made itself neat again. There were other markings that some things were here, but whatever it was is now probably gone. Kyrissian looked at herself and noticed her body was completely healed of all wounds. It wasn't a coincidence that she was helped... A strange fleeting memory passed by inside... Melissa... Her past was coming back to her as she tried to shake it out. Her brainwashing was wavering; Baltazar was losing control of his land... Kyrissian numbly shook it out of her mind. Its just pure nonssence. I must go back out there and fight... Her halberd lay right next to the bed, still bloodied. She snatched it and raced out of the room, in seek of the exit. OOC: Well, thanks again, MSW! I'll just say the imps put her there and left. I did not notice the subtle details that was hinting at my rescue... lol. -------------------- "Friendship is two things: Trust, and sharing. I personally see it as a business opportunity." -Random Quote Newage3 - Insanitatious Fun in a Browser! Posts: 203 | Registered: Friday, July 18 2003 07:00 |
Member # 517
written Tuesday, September 30 2003 00:54
OOC: MSW, if Delgar makes false assumptions, that's his problem, and he'll just find himself holding the imps off for longer than he bargained on. Although if the imps are kept in existence by Alcove, they'll probably disappear when the mindduel finishes... If you want me to RP the mindduel I will. I don't think anyone really has any idea as to how it's supposed to work, though, so you could easily make something up... IC: Delgar was beginning to get worried. They should be gone by now. I hope they aren't permanent summons...this isn't getting them any further away... OOC: I have to go now...bah! -E- -------------------- Let them eat cake! Polaris Boards: The System is Up. Perennially. Posts: 2314 | Registered: Tuesday, January 15 2002 08:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Tuesday, September 30 2003 08:17
OOC: MSW, you said earlier Jade looks like Alcove now? Otherwise, I'll change this. IC: Eferas looked up from where he had been standing at the wall to rest after the two mages had been defeated. He gasped. What he had seen earlier had to be illusions, or other magical summonings, since two mages were once more entering the room. Both of them seemed to be Alcove, but one of them turned to the other, called her 'Jade', and told her to 'take the old graying mage in the corner'. Still worse, Delgar's image flickered, and began to fade. Arcadia ran after Alcove out of the room, presumably to duel separately somewhere. Whatever the outcome, there was still Jade to deal with, and he was on his own now, without any means of removing a charm. If his life was in danger, he would have to kill her, or at least injure her sufficiently to incapacitate her. The mage he had persuaded himself was Jade, still looking like Alcove, began to close on him, weaving her spells as she did. Eferas would have to block now, or he would be in for a lot of ducking in a few seconds. He began the duel by casting another Fire Shield, imbuing it so it would weaken magic that passed through it. The magic missiles shot from Jade's hands, but went flying through the sheet of flame that had shot up in a second, and slowed down, easy to dodge. Eferas then responded by casting a whole volley of Flame arrows, deliberately aiming narrowly past his opponent, in order to distract her. He knew that without being able to dispell the charm, his only hope lay in either rendering Jade unconscious or in fleeing the room and locking the door. Meanwhile, Jade had passed around the flame wall, and was shooting another barrage of bolts at Eferas. Her agility was definitely putting him at a great disadvantage. He spun his staff in a warding gesture, knocking the balls off their course. Another narrow escape, and Jade seemed to have more resources than he. OOC: Gotta stop there now. -------------------- Visit The Santharian Dream and its RP board. Or the Encyclopaedia Ermariana! Got a brain? Go to Polaris! "It is as if everyone had lost their sense To a conspiracy for downfall and desperance And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey (freely translated). Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2242
written Tuesday, September 30 2003 11:54
The group kickly advances up through the tower into the room of the statues. SW and FD quickly begin to disarm the traps. It takes them little time. "Now, to get that door open," Firedrake steps on one platform, SW hops up onto another. They pull a lever on each platform at the same time and the door opens. On the other side of the door mist pours out. Firedrake hops down, senseing the evil from within the other room. Several Liches appear in the room. The group prepares for another fight... -------------------- "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes back into you." -Friedrich Nietzsche "There is no dodging the quad laser." -Ignignok Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, November 14 2002 08:00 |
Member # 2940
written Tuesday, September 30 2003 13:07
OOC: Uh...Baltazar summoned only four Liches, and not common ones but Lich Lords. Dont worry I will fix that. IC: As the mist disipates a few humanoid figures can be seen waiting at the other side. Once the mist is totally gone the rebels can see clearly who they are... Molek: Undead!! A formidable force of zombies, skeletons and ghasts are waiting at the other side, ready to clash in mortal combat with the rebel forces. Behind of them however, there was a distinctive figure, Firedrake recognized it. Firedrake: Its a Lich!! The party carefully stared behind the enemy forces to see a tall calmed undead figure dressed in mage robes. Kel-Aziz: Not any Lich...that is a Lich Lord!! No wonder there are so many undead here. Suddenly Kel-Aziz notices ShadowWolf is standing with his eyes closed. Kel-Aziz: What is you sense something else...? ShadowWolf: That Lich...that lich is not alone. Molek: What! You mean there are more of them. ShadowWolf: I can not tell exactly, but there is at least two more in the upper levels. Molek suddenly turned to his men. Molek: Comrades!! Listen carefully, we do not have much time. Baltazars forces from the castle are at this moment trying to find a way into the tower. They will brake in any moment now and we do not have the numbers to fight them. Only this army of undead is blocking our progress to Baltazar...are we going to let these foul creatures take our freedom!! Remaining Rebel Army: NOOOOOO!!!! Molek: Then charge like there is no tomorrow!! A loud battle cry filled the bridge as Rebel forces clashed against the undead like a human wave. The battle for the middle tower levels has started. -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |