Baltazar the Mad (RP)
Author | Topic: Baltazar the Mad (RP) |
Member # 3320
written Thursday, September 25 2003 17:11
OOC: Alcove is nearly as powerful as Baltazar himself and can find a spell to restore Fluffy's clan back to normal. She has many magical tomes. Alcove and Jade are onto Delgar's little scheme and are planning to retaliate in some way. IC: Alcove and Jade continue to walk down the passageway and soon come to a door. Alcove inserts a key into and it unlocks. She pulls it open and reveals a small room filled with magical weapons. "Which one would you like, Jade?" Jade looks at the weapons and sees a whole array of items. She walks up to a silver broadsword and picks it up. Alcove sees what Jade is looking at. "Ah, that is the Tahitian (pronounced Ta-hee-shan) broadsword. It allows the user to slice through almost anything. It is blessed many times over and can do this also." Alcove shows her a button on the sword. "Press it." Jade presses the button and poison starts to flow on it. Then suddenly the poison ignites and the sword starts flowing with fire. "It a broadsword with endless poison and flame. Is that your choice?" Jade looks at her and nods. "Good choice. I will choose these." Alcove picks up a pair of ruby red gloves. "These are the gloves of Placita (pronounced plah-cee-tuh). They improve a user's magic three-fold and provide a slight magical barrier around the user to ward off attacks. Here Jade, take this necklace as a gift from me to you." Alcove picks up a necklace with a cobalt blue stone attached to it and hands it to Jade. Jade responds, "What does it do?" Alcove returns, "It the Mercury Amulet and it allows you to imitate anyone or anything you touch. It renders the user... well... hard-to-hit and hard to focus on. It jumbles your appearance and makes whoever or whatever you have touched briefly see an image of their self. So, in other words, it makes them think they are fighting a mirror of their self. You will temporarily obtain some of the powers and knowledge of the person or thing you touch. Just repeat these words to activate it. Lakura liberate tu tu mae exferies stah." Jade repeats the words and the amulet on the necklace starts to glow brightly, filling the room with a cobalt blue colored light. Alcove picks up one more weapon for herself, so they both have two. She picks up a ring with an emerald set in it. "This Jade is a Ring of Will. It allows the user to mind-duel better." Alcove then picks up several red gems and puts them in her pockets. "These red gems are called smoky crystals. I have been saving them all for a day like this. In case I should have to help kill Baltazar or some other powerful mage. In this case, Arcadia and Delgar." Alcove then shuts the door and locks it again. "We will probably be back here again eventually. We should now leave through the other passage door." Alcove and Jade walk to the other end of the passage and stop and an illusion machine. Alcove rants a few words and touches it. It glows briefly glows, then starts up. "Before we go, I have something to do.? She removes her robes from her wrist and reveals a power bracelet. She rants and raves for two minutes and then suddenly the power bracelet gives of a tremendous gold light and then breaks apart. ?Now Baltazar can?t kill me if I defect or betray him. We can open the door now." Alcove chants a few words and pulls in a slightly jutted out brick. A door swings back and Jade is amazed to see a brick wall in its place. "Follow me and keep alert." Alcove walks through the illusion first and then Jade follows her. Jade curiously steps through the illusion and then is in the hall with Alcove. "There is no one out here. They must have followed us through the hall and lost us. Let's try to sneak up behind them shall we. And remember, they might be invisible, so I will scan for them." With that, Alcove begins scanning the halls with her mind as they go looking for Arcadia and Delgar. OOC: Alcove and Jade don't know that Eferas is around. They haven't seen him yet. It is now up to other people to continue the story. My brain is going to be wracked out for a while. I hope the story continues well. Sorry if this is very long. It should explain my part for a while to come. [ Friday, September 26, 2003 04:49: Message edited by: Murder, She Wrote ] -------------------- (Looks around in the Study) Colonel Mustard: "Just checking." Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 517
written Friday, September 26 2003 03:18
Suddenly, Delgar looks up. 'They're coming. They've appeared...two rooms away, in that direction. Hush now, maybe I can get an idea of what they've got before they arrive...' He pauses, his image frozen again in a bizzare pose. Just as oddly, it quickly reanimates. 'I can't tell exactly what enchantments they've used-that would take too long. I took a visual look, though, and Alcove has a Ring of Will, and she's given Jade a dangerous-looking sword and some kind of shielding amulet. This changes things, certainly. Our best chance, I think, is a darkness illusion. I can make the room pitch black, and even give you some vague ability to see in the magical dark-Alcove and Jade will appear as white shapes. Unfortunately, this means we won't easily be able to tell them apart, although we only want to kill Jade. If I know Alcove, though, Jade will be the first one through the door...although I'm not sure how much that'll help us.' 'If I put my demons either side of the door,' volunteered Arcadia, 'They can attack them as soon as they appear.' But Delgar had already disappeared, and the amount of light in the room was decreasing rapidly, leaving Arcadia and Eferas little time to prepare before nothing was visible. Then, suddenly, they could each see a green glow. 'The green is you, the red is for the demons, and white will be for anything else.' 'Uh, Delgar? I can't see any red...' 'Nor can I...' 'Oh dear...ah! I know!' 'What?' 'They're still invisible. In fact, it's possible...yes, the green glows are actually your illusionary doubles. Well, there's no particular reason to dispense with that backup...darkness takes a lot of energy to maintain, so Alcove will probably be able to dispel it fairly quickly if you two can't deal with her first. And I think she's about to come...she's in the room next door, along with Jade. Good luck!' -E- [ Friday, September 26, 2003 13:45: Message edited by: Omlette ] -------------------- Let them eat cake! Polaris Boards: The System is Up. Perennially. Posts: 2314 | Registered: Tuesday, January 15 2002 08:00 |
Member # 2940
written Friday, September 26 2003 11:57
OOC: This is getting good. IC: Kel-Aziz finnaly made it to the battle, thanks to his beggar looks he was not a target for many of Baltazars men, wich realy made things easier for him as he dispached enemy soldiers who were unaware of his precense or simply ignored him. He finnaly made it to Molek, who was waving his massive broadsword through the guts of enemy guards. Molek: Kel-Aziz!! I am glad you made it,...(slash,...bash)...I thought you were dead...(clang,...crunch)... Kel-Aziz: Dont underestimate my abilities...(slish,...swack)...I know more about combat than what I may apear to. Suddenly a violent explosion shaked the hole tower. Many men in mid combat, fell on their backs and lost their fighting positons. Kel-Aziz: I thought is was just one explosion to make the entrance... Molek: That explosion was not made by my men... As they thought about what was happening in the upper levels another unexpected even ocurred. Right in the middle of the battlefield a huge wolf like creature teleported in, inmediatly tearing a rebel soldier appart and to the surprise of all tearing one of Baltazars guards. Molek: What in Siris name is that!! Kel-Aziz: I would say its a Werewolf, but its just too big...I have seen none of such a size...maybe...maybe it has been magicaly enchanted. Molek: Then he is no rival for our men. Kel-Aziz: Let me handle this... Molek: You are aware that this beast is not a skeleton. Kel-Aziz: Trust me on this warrior. Having said that, Kel-Aziz inmediatly charged the huge beast, twin waveblades aside. What apeared to be a foolish frontal attack changed abruptly into a smart move. The huge beast waved its sharp claws around with great speed, more than what Kel-Aziz had initialy calculated. The claws managed to tear through some of Kel-Aziz already shreaded cloak as he swiftly passed right besides the creature, not without dealing a blow of his own. The creature roared in fury more than pain, as Kel-Aziz noticed it felt no pain by the cut it received on his left leg. It inmediatly turned towards Kel-Aziz, eyes fiery red, and made a charge of his own. Kel-Aziz smiled as his move had worked out perfectly. He inmediatly stood and began running right through the remains of Baltazars forces with an increadibe ease and speed, more than enough to avoid any of the grunts blades. The Wolf creature roared in fury as it comenced his own run towards Kel-Aziz, but unlike Kel-Aziz, the beast slashed and cut through his way, tearing the remains of Baltazars men as he went. The rebel soldiers who were watching this bloody spectacle from a safe distance were surprised and horrified at Kel-Aziz agility and the Werewolfs brutality. As Kel-Aziz almost flied past the enemy force he could not help but remember one of his lesson in youth, when training for a coup in the Darubian War Academy. Kel-Aziz: (to himslelf)...Lesson number three of the Darubian Combat Code: "Nothing is more dangerous than an attack in disharmony with the mind." -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2339
written Friday, September 26 2003 13:07
quote:Hmmmmm...I didn't know that. IC: *Mancire's spirit flies in front of Fluffy, then Mancire's spirit becomes visible to all.* Mancire's spirit: "Fluffy, stop. I know you do not wish to fight for Baltazar." *Fluffy stops. He's never seen a soul before.* "Do not be afraid of me. I can help you. Just do not attack the rebels." *He turns to Kel-Aziz.* "You may think I was born evil, but you are wrong. I only joined Baltazar to see if he could restore my humanity. But apparently, he does not wish to do so. I know the way to Baltazar, I will show you the way. And if it is within your power, or the power of anyone you know, I would like to live once a human." [ Friday, September 26, 2003 13:38: Message edited by: Zephyr Tempest, the Wielder of Ice ] -------------------- Entertaining songs !Click here to get to the misc. boards! Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!! Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 200 computers: read more! "AH-CHOO!" -George Washington Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Friday, September 26 2003 13:27
OOC: Not when he's in a feral rage. Magically induced, on top of that. I'm afraid you'll have to think of something better, Zephyr. IC: Just then, another green, human-like blot in the darkness appeared. Eferas' invisibility had faded. Ah well, nothing to change about that. We have to fight anyway. Focusing his mind on the ferocity, ever-flowing change, and yearning of the Fiery element, he prepared to cast his spells. He would start with a Fire Wall, as soon as Alcove and the one Arcadia had said was charmed to do her bidding returned. Since one of their two opponents was a rebel, he knew he would have to cut back on the damaging spells till the charmed mage was out of the line of fire, and preferrably free of the charm as well. Where's a potion of Clarity when you need one? A Fire Wall would provide some reasonable defense without doing harm, not as much use as a Null field would be, but it had the advantage of being a spell that Eferas could cast, unlike the Null field. It would have to do... OOC: Is this going to continue soon? I'm sorry, btw, for being late for about 24 hours. My i-net connection gets these 'downtimes' when my homework habits start to decline. ![]() ![]() -------------------- Visit The Santharian Dream and its RP board. Or the Encyclopaedia Ermariana! Got a brain? Go to Polaris! "It is as if everyone had lost their sense To a conspiracy for downfall and desperance And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey (freely translated). Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
Member # 517
written Friday, September 26 2003 13:37
OOC: I think the trouble is that neither MSW nor one of us is willing to IC the battle because there is no consensus about the outcome and we both wish to avoid flames. I'll PM MSW and try and agree on something. MSW, if you read this, PM me back before posting! -E- -------------------- Let them eat cake! Polaris Boards: The System is Up. Perennially. Posts: 2314 | Registered: Tuesday, January 15 2002 08:00 |
Member # 1046
written Friday, September 26 2003 14:23
OOC: can i join the battle? ![]() IC: Shadow Wolf had the skill and the experience to sneak through places, assassinate an important figure, and escape with minimal detection, if any. This time, it was different. Now that the dumb rebel soldiers had charged into frontal assault, the alarm has been sounded, and it was impossible for the blademaster to advance without resistance. Just like now. Shadow Wolf was alone, with a blockade of guards in a bottleneck. "You know, you might want to get out of the way," Shadow Wolf said to them. "I don't want to kill anyone that I don't have to kill, but stand between me and my target." Some guards laughed. The two mages at the back wavered in fear. Those two definitely felt Shadow Wolf's soul energy, and how it's encased around him in an invisible, focussed aura. "I'd say you turn back now, bony," a guard shouted. "You're alone and we got a whole platoon." "Then let's even the scales," Shadow Wolf replied. In several seconds the guards found themselves surrounded by several images of Shadow Wolf. "I dare you all to say the same thing now," they all spoke in unison. Then the images all charged at once, as the real Shadow Wolf sped off towards Balthazar. Distant shouts of 'he got away!' and 'trickery!' could be heard... -------------------- Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands. -------------------- Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00 |
Member # 65
written Friday, September 26 2003 15:31
IC: Eve searched the floor of the tower she was currently on. She became aware of the screams of horror coming from where the main fight had taken place. Turning around she galloped back into the hall. No one noticed a cat come in because they were too busy staring at and avoiding the Beast that was ripping through the soldiers like she did with Tuna. It was shaped like a wolf but many times larger, soldiers blood covering it's muzzle and long fangs. But most horrifying thing was it's eyes. They were glowing with blood and full of psychaotic rage. I thought it wasn't going to be easy she thought. Eve crouched low and bared her fangs. With a hiss she charged the werewolf, clawing up it's back while it was attacking a soldier. Fluffy felt some pain in his back. But he ignored it, there was still more creatures breathing. He had also seen a transparent floating thing it tried to say something but he ignored that too, all he wanted was to kill. Eve dug her claws in trying to keep a grip on the rapidly moving Fluffy. She sunk her fangs into it's back. It was hard, trying to get through all that fur. But she managed to draw blood. When the blood touched her tounge. All the resistances to the call of blood were blown away. She was cat, ableit a werecat and she was damn well going to start acting like one. Eve became a whirlwind of fangs and claws, goughing in the werewolf's body moving up his back and ending up trying to bite the lycanthrope's ears off. Fluffy paused in his decimating. A growl emerging from his throat. The pain in his back hadn't stopped but had moved up his body. It was getting annoying... OOC: Ok Enraged slith can decide what will happen next Cherrio! [ Friday, September 26, 2003 22:36: Message edited by: *Milla* ] -------------------- "Heads don't roll, they bounce!" Want to find out how nasty you really are? now! Also look at my site here This is also a good site Posts: 650 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Member # 2242
written Friday, September 26 2003 19:02
OOC: Firedrake will move ahead, disarming traps and disabling tougher enemies to help the rebels advance on the upper levels, they'll probably find him on the fourth or fifth level, unable to move a door without help... Firedrake moved cautiously ahead, carefully finding and disarming traps he can find. (Don't want to get hit by another Lightning spell. He proceded until he ran into a strange room. -------------------- "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes back into you." -Friedrich Nietzsche "There is no dodging the quad laser." -Ignignok Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, November 14 2002 08:00 |
Member # 517
written Saturday, September 27 2003 00:57
OOC: Firedrake, that strange room had better not be where Arcadia and Eferas are. We're just on the edge of getting the battle worked out, so kindly leave us alone to do so. That goes for everyone else, too. Kthxbye. -E- -------------------- Let them eat cake! Polaris Boards: The System is Up. Perennially. Posts: 2314 | Registered: Tuesday, January 15 2002 08:00 |
Member # 2940
written Saturday, September 27 2003 07:01
Back in Baltazars chambers... Baltazars had observed every battle with intrest learning the moves, strategies and spells off all his unprobable oponents. Baltazar: Lets see...the gate to my tower is sealed and my army wont brake in any time soon...the garrison I had inside the tower is almost finished that beast Fluffy and a few small bands are are I have left wondering the tower. Mmm, that Alcove betrayed me...I can sense the bracelet no longer, how dare she defy me!! I shall deal with her later...I have more important things to care about right now. Baltazar moved to the middle of the chamber and comenced a summoning spell, the chanting grew stronger and stronger with each passing seccond until it abruptly stoped. Then he proceded to make a cut on his hand, he presed on the wound and released some blood of his own on the floor around him. As the blood touched the ground it started bubbling and expanding. Baltazar: ...These pitfull warriors think they are good fighters lets see what they can do against my creations. The blood soon started to evaporate into four separate figures, as the vapor gained form a humanoid figure was assembling. When all of it concluded four tall undead were standing around Baltazar...they were Lich Lords, masters of the nether, Commanders of the undead legions. The four tormented undead stared blankly at Baltazar. ![]() Baltazar muttered a few words in some unknown long forgotten laguage as he concluded the Lich Lords walked out of the door and down to meet the Rebels who dared to walk into the upper levels of the tower. Baltazat laughed. The most magical of all of the necromantic forms, Liches have an innate ability to cast deadly spells and cause immense damage to their opponents. Although Liches are not physically strong, their extensive command of the magical sphere makes them deadly forces in combat. The right choice for Baltazars situation. (Siris time: 7:OOPM) OOC: If you encounter any Lich you may not slay it in less than four posts. I will also command them every now and then, so be weary by taking your character too far away from the rest of the group...hehe. [ Saturday, September 27, 2003 07:08: Message edited by: The_Nazgul ] -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3320
written Saturday, September 27 2003 16:28
OOC: This post may end up weird, but it's for a good reason. It may also humor you to know that my one finger is terribly sore. That means that every word I type is with pain. ![]() And two can play that game with Delgar. IC: Alcove and Jade continue through the hall. Jade passes a window and senses something. She goes back to the window and peers out of it. "Jade, wait. I sense something. I am receiving a mental message from someone, but it is extremely weak. I recognize it though. It is from Kyrissian. She is my best general and she is badly injured. I will send two of my imps to retrieve her. Strange that I didn't notice it before. As though someone else was sending it to me. Oh, well." Alcove starts chanting and raving waving her hands. And once more imps appear in front of her. "Go and bring Kyrissian back to the tower. She is badly injured and needs immediate help. Go, NOW!!!!" The Imps take off out the window and the two mages once again continue walking through the hall, with Alcove scanning along the way. As they round a corner, they come to a shut door. Then Alcove senses something. She can't make it out, but it is coming from behind the door. "Jade, stop!!! Don't go through that door. I sense something odd behind it. It goes into the castle's "lounging" area. That is where we go to relax. But there is a strange aurora coming from it. I am not going to risk your life and let you go first. Just wait a minute." Alcove faces the door and begins chanting and raving again. A red light begins emanating form her and then it turns yellow. Alcove crouches down and touches the ground in two places. Where she touched the ground, a small orb suddenly appears. She stands up and the orbs begin to grow in size. They continue to grow until they are the same size as Alcove and Jade. Then they both begin to take a humanoid form. Finally, the light disappears and the figures take full form. OOC: I will continue this storyline in my next post. This one was too long, but it was certainly worth it. It will add new twists to the story. You are going to love it. ![]() ![]() [ Saturday, September 27, 2003 18:25: Message edited by: Murder, She Wrote ] -------------------- (Looks around in the Study) Colonel Mustard: "Just checking." Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2242
written Saturday, September 27 2003 18:16
OOC: LOL, that pic of the liches is from Eye of the Beholder 3. Omlette, I'm on the third floor, and there is nothing human near me. Don't get angry at me without cause. IC: Firedrake looked across the room. On the far end was the exit. In between, a river of lava. In fact, almost the entire length of the room was nothing but lava. FD looked at the other side, looking for a switch, noticing several platforms above the river and on the sides of the room. He jumped up onto a lower platform and began to move from platform to platform. Around the middle, Firedrake stopped, noticing a large machine generating the lava. "So, that's the source of the lava. I'll take that out so the heavier and less agile rebels can cross," Firedrake said to himself. At that very second, several imps teleported in, each standing on a platform nearby. Firedrake did several flips and jumps, moving around avoiding the fireballs tossed at him. He landed next to an imp, hitting it with several well-placed strokes of the sword. It disintigrated, and Firedrake moved on. He then was hit by a fireball, knocking off balance and almost of the platform as he took twice the amount of normal damage from the fireball. Two of the imps flew over to the platform in a effort to ensure that FD would not recover. However, when they got there, he was gone. They looked at each other confused, and then Firedrake pulled himself up from below the platform and beheaded the two. The remaining two decided that they'd rather run, and teleported out. Firedrake then manuevered around the platforms, reaching the machine. He took his sword and drove it into the machine, causing it to begin to spark and malfunction, getting away from the machine, FD watches it explode. Firedrake advanced to the next room. This room was darker, and much damper, and there were many different types of statues in this room. Firedrake moved carefully ahead, disarming traps as he went. OOC: The rebels should be able to quickly advance through the tower since Firedrake is disabling traps, there are few of Baltazar's troops inside his tower, and the liches are on the upper levels. -------------------- "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes back into you." -Friedrich Nietzsche "There is no dodging the quad laser." -Ignignok Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, November 14 2002 08:00 |
Member # 169
written Saturday, September 27 2003 18:29
'Aggh. Something... summoned. Don't recognize the sensation... not a demon, anyway. Probably not friendly, and if it is, I'd rather not have that kind of friend. Right. Assume it's evil. Now, what feels like this... Not living, or a very odd form of life... possibly undead... I hope not, cold enchatments aren't very useful against undead.' A guard stepped around the corner. Namothil's first stroke slashed through the guard's halberd, leaving him backpedalling while trying to draw his sword. 'Idiot. Should have stuck with his partner. If he had one, that is.' Another stroke, and the guard collapsed. 'These areas don't seem to be heavily travelled. I need to climb. Baltazar's up there somewhere... hmmm... That was probably him summoning something. Alright, what do I know about him... of course. Probably is undead, since he's used them before. Feels powerful, too. Hopefully I can avoid them... No, I doubt my senses are sharp enough to make that practical, even if they aren't concealing themselves. Better get back with some of the others.' Posts: 422 | Registered: Tuesday, October 16 2001 07:00 |
Member # 3320
written Saturday, September 27 2003 18:48
OOC: Here is the second half of the storyline. Enjoy. IC: Jade just stares in awe at what she is seeing. The two figures standing in front of them are exact copies of both her and Alcove. Alcove suddenly turns to Jade. "Jade, take my hand." Jade looks at her in confusion as Alcove takes off one of her Placita gloves and puts out her hand. Jade responds, "Why?" Alcove explains, "It might be wise if you absorb some of my magical energy and powers for a short time. Just give me your hand. Remember when I said that with that amulet all you have to do is touch a person to absorb some of their powers and their image. If they see three of me and one of you, they will be confused. Do you understand what I mean?" Jade nods and reaches out her hand to take Alcove's. When she takes Alcove's hand, both it and the Mercury Amulet starts to glow bright blue and then Jade begins to feel light-headed. Power seems to pulse from Alcove as blue light continues to envelop both of them. Jade starts seeing things through new eyes. She sees the grudge between Arcadia and Alcove, the cruelness and power of Baltazar, and everything Alcove has ever experienced in her life. Just then, the glow turns orange and Alcove starts sweating profusely. Her muscles start to spasm and the same starts happening to Jade. Then Alcove starts feeling light-headed. She then cries out, "Jade!!!! STOP!!! Let GO!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" And with that, she collapses on the ground, breaking the connection of their hands and the transfer of temporary powers to Jade. Nonetheless, it was completed. Jade just then comes to her senses and realizes what has happened. She looks at Alcove and then over at the mage doubles. Having absorbed some of Alcove's mind, she knows what Alcove intended to do with them. She wanted to send them into the room first to see if it was safe, all the while controlling them with her mind. Now that Alcove was out cold, it was up to Jade to do it instead. Jade realizes that Alcove is a sitting duck while passed out and so she drags her to a nearby room that has a bed in it and lays her down on it to rest. Then she goes back to where the clones are. She decides to go around the corner out of sight and control them. She starts concentrating on them and soon is able to see through their eyes. She decides to have the one that looks like Alcove go through the door first. So, she has it open the door and begin walking through it. OOC: I?ll leave it up to someone else to continue the story. I said it would be a twist in the story. By the way, these clones will respond like Alcove or Jade normally would and are actual flesh and blood. The only difference between them and the actual mages is that their magic is much weaker and is almost the same as an illusion. The clones have magic, but it won?t do as much damage as the real mage would. They are summoned creatures. You get the point. [ Saturday, September 27, 2003 19:39: Message edited by: Murder, She Wrote ] -------------------- (Looks around in the Study) Colonel Mustard: "Just checking." Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 27
written Saturday, September 27 2003 20:49
OOC: Well, um, I dont want to make it too onesided, but Fluffy is in sort of a demonic rage... he is about 20 times stronger and faster than usual. He also has Baltazar keeping a broad survaliance over him. IC: *Baltazar notices the Werecat clawing at Fluffy.* Baltazar *Telepathicly*: "Fluffy, look at this weak pathetic creature standing in your way. A lowly cat, I might add. Kill it immediatly!" *Baltazar waves his hands around and down in the tunnel Fluffy starts to glow.* *Fluffy falls over clutching his head and screaming horribly. His fur turns red, and his claws start to grow longer.* Baltazar: "Hahaha, very good my fighting machine. Lets see them put up a fight now." *Fluffy roars with fury shaking the tunnel.* *Eve jumps on Fluffy again, ripping at him with her claws.* *Fluffy no longer feels any pain, there is nothing he can think about except blood and death.* *He bashes Eve in the side of the head with his paw and then slams her into the wall. He then rakes her across the chest.* *Eve, a Werecat, does not take much notice of the wound, but does notice that it seems to burn like fire. She swipes at Fluffy's face, and bites at his arm franticly, trying to get out of his iron like grip.* *A few brave Rebel soldiers run to help, and start slashing at Fluffy's back with their swords.* *Fluffy throws Eve across the room and swings around grabing two of the soldiers, then bites their heads off and throws their bodies away. Then with two swipes of his claws, the other soldiers are decapitated.* OOC: I really dont want to make anyone mad, but think of Fluffy right now as Wolverine combined with the Hulk, in a super feral rage. Um, maybe not that powerful but I think you get the idea. And just because he is really strong doesn't make him slow. He is not a freaking Godzilla. ![]() -------------------- Live teh fez. Posts: 1233 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Member # 2339
written Sunday, September 28 2003 04:52
*Mancire looks out of the lounge to see 2 mages making clones of themselves.* *Suddenly, at the lounge, a soul flies through the door.* Mancire's Spirit: "Hello, clones." *He flies over to the real Alcove and Jade.* "Hello, there are some other undead in that lounge." *He flies down to where Fluffy is.* "I have to choice but to do this, my fine, furry friend." *He then flies INSIDE of Fluffy. Fluffy then feels a freezing sensation as Mancire's SPECTRE is inside him. Fluffy hears him in his head.* "Snap OUT of it, Fluffy! You can't let Baltazar control you! Fight it! FIGHT IT! Why, with all ytour strength, you can FORCE Baltazar to restore your clan!" OOC: The last words he heard as a drake-man were:"I am willing to fight for you, but I know I will die if I try to buy time for your soldiers to assemble. You must promise me that if I die then you must return my clan to normal. Promise me this, please my lord." IC: *Fluffy tried to shake Mancire out of him, but the inner Fluffy heard him, and gained confidence in trying to free himself.* [ Sunday, September 28, 2003 06:01: Message edited by: Zephyr Tempest, the Wielder of Ice ] -------------------- Entertaining songs !Click here to get to the misc. boards! Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!! Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 200 computers: read more! "AH-CHOO!" -George Washington Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00 |
Member # 3320
written Sunday, September 28 2003 05:36
Zephyr, I hope you were considering the clones to be the real mages. Jade is around the corner controlling them, and Alcove is passed out on a bed in a nearby room. Don't be giving the game away for me so soon. And Tommy, it is up to you to see that Kyrissian comes back with the imps. I am not posting anymore until someone continues the story. I mean the fight scene. I don't possess the ability to draw up fights. ![]() -------------------- (Looks around in the Study) Colonel Mustard: "Just checking." Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2339
written Sunday, September 28 2003 06:00
Mancire's spirit wouldn't have known they were clones if he hadn't seen them in the making. -------------------- Entertaining songs !Click here to get to the misc. boards! Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!! Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 200 computers: read more! "AH-CHOO!" -George Washington Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Sunday, September 28 2003 06:28
OOC: MSW, that's a pity. If you don't post, I'll have to, I guess. Omlette said it'd be up to me. So, both of you, don't flame me if what I post is not to your liking; after all you told me to do this. ![]() ![]() IC: The two clones ((this is from the viewpoint of Alcove/Jade, so it's known they're clones), controlled by Jade, stepped up to the door. Jade had received a good bit of Alcove's power in the transfer, but her skill at controlling summonings was not as good by far for her lack of experience. The two illusions moved forward a bit clumsily, but Jade was learning fast. She thought for a while to decide on the spells both of them would cast, then softly muttered "Go." as she silently commanded the Alcove clone to break down the door with a force spell. *** "KABOOM!" Eferas had been expecting the ambush, but he was still startled more than a little by the sudden unexpected explosion, as the door vanished in a cloud of splinters. So now it begins. Eferas raised his staff, even as Arcadia and Delgar's two demons moved into combat position. "Efer'eaa!" - Flaming Shield - Eferas shouted as he leveled his staff at the two figures that stormed through the opening. A brilliant sheet of flame erupted in front of the mages and brought light into the room, not harming them but impeding their progress. The real Arcadia, meanwhile, threw an energy bolt at Alcove, which narrowly missed her chest, but struck her arm. The two demons lumbered towards Jade and Alcove, walking through the flame wall unharmed. Jade launched a silver projectile against one of them, which struck its chest but did little harm. Eferas cleared his throat, and cast a Flaming Arrow at Alcove, who was moderately injured by it. Alcove responded with a nasty looking blue lightning, which missed Eferas' chest by a few nailsbreadths, but singed his robe. He could feel the crackling heat on his face and along the whole side of his body, and could only marvel at how he would live through this battle. ((ooc: MSW, I hope I didn't play any of your characters wrongly. I didn't hesitate to injure the attackers since they're only clones. I really can't do more of this now. Omlette, are the two illusions still in place? Do you want to have the demons survive? I'd prefer to leave Arcadia alive, but that's not my decision of course. Anyone care to follow this post up?)) -------------------- Visit The Santharian Dream and its RP board. Or the Encyclopaedia Ermariana! Got a brain? Go to Polaris! "It is as if everyone had lost their sense To a conspiracy for downfall and desperance And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey (freely translated). Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
Member # 1046
written Sunday, September 28 2003 06:39
OOC: SW is pretty much on the same floor as FD. IC: Shadow Wolf sensed a sudden cold unholy force above. Liches? he said to himself. He concentrated some more. Oh damn, Balthazar must've summoned the greater Liches. As he turned the corner, he saw a guard looking the other way. Sleeping on the job, huh? the blademaster thought, then gagged the guard's mouth and stabbed him several times in critical areas. "Fool." -------------------- Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands. -------------------- Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00 |
Member # 517
written Sunday, September 28 2003 06:43
The two clones advance into the room, casting spells blindly (OOC: remember I mentioned the darkness spell?) in the directions of the spells Eferas and Arcadia are throwing. Suddenly, the two demons descend on them from either side of the door. Jade is in a panic. What's going on? What's that darkness? And what just attacked them? Suddenly, she sees one of the claws of the demons around the doors. Aha! Demons! Ordering the clones to prepare antidemon spells. As the demons are ravaged, she searches Alcove's memory for a way of dispelling the darkness inside the room. At last, she finds a spell she thinks might work. Waving her hands above her head, she shouts the power words, and is gratified to see the darkness disappear. Then, a voice distracts her. 'My dear lady, that was extremely painful.' 'What? Who're Delgar, aren't you?' 'The very same.' And with no further ado, Delgar starts waving his hands and chanting. A large ball of light begins to form between them. Responding, Jade turns towards him and casts an energy bolt. He quickly dodges to one side, and continues chanting. Jade casts another spell at him, and another, but he dodges them all. Then, the Alcove part of her mind realises what's going on: It's another illusion! Ignore him! Turning back to the room, Jade finds the two clones trying to cast ravage spells on Eferas and Arcadia. Even as she takes control of them once again, the two mages respond with a simultaneous fire bolt and a kill spell, destroying the Alcove clone completely. Stopping, they turn and look at Jade's clone, expecting the charm to have worn off, but she just prepares another spell. Delgar appears behind them. 'It's not actually Jade. It's a kind of illusion, but it has substance. You can kill it quite safely, and ignore its spells-they're still spells, but not nearly as powerful as the real things. Jade is outside in the corridor, but watch out-she's somehow got Alcove's spirit inside her.' Casting more spells, the duo bring down Jade's clone, just as Jade herself marches into the room. From the look in her eyes, though, it is clear that Alcove, not Jade, is control in Jade's body-the charm spell and the amulet have combined to give Alcove complete control. Throwing down a smoky crystal, Jade begins the rites for a mindduel... -E- [ Sunday, September 28, 2003 07:00: Message edited by: Omlette ] -------------------- Let them eat cake! Polaris Boards: The System is Up. Perennially. Posts: 2314 | Registered: Tuesday, January 15 2002 08:00 |
Member # 2242
written Sunday, September 28 2003 07:45
Firedrake walks across the floor carefully, looking for traps. As he passes a pair of statues the eyes begin to glow red. Firedrake draws his sword, ready for the statues to attack. Instead, a trap door opens below him and he begins to fall down a chute. Unable to catch the sides before falling in, Firedrake falls down the chute, falling for what seems like forever. The bottom of the chute begins to show light, and Firedrake stabs his long sword into the metal of the chute, attempting to stop himself. He stops just before hitting the end. He jumps down. "Damn, I must be back on the floor we began on. Oh well, I'll just get right back up there and..." he thinks to himself, but he then hears the sound of battle. Roars of some beast fighting another beast and the clashing of armor. Firedrake heads in the direction of the fighting to see if he's needed. OOC: I guess I want to get into the fight against Fluffy. Then I'll have Firedrake go back upstairs with the entire group, until he gets to the statue room where a huge door on the other side blocks any progress. (It'll take more than 1 person to mess with the switches to open it, there on opposite sides of the room) -------------------- "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes back into you." -Friedrich Nietzsche "There is no dodging the quad laser." -Ignignok Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, November 14 2002 08:00 |
Member # 3320
written Sunday, September 28 2003 10:26
OOC: Omlette, you are making things weirder than I intended they get. I had a plan for my character, but now I will have to take drastic measures to ensure she and Jade both survive. IC: Alcove starts to awaken from her slight comatose state. She immediately hears the sounds of battle and attempts to get up. Unfortunately, she is very weak. After a few minutes, she manages to muster enough strength to get up. She realizes she will be unable to do anything in the present state she is in, so she decides to try to heal herself. She chants the correct words and manages to summon up some extra strength. She begins to feel much stronger and finally goes out to investigate the scene of the current fighting. She walks out into the hall and then down to the lounge room. She finds the door off its hinges and lying on the floor. There are blasts of magical energy coming through the doorway and hitting the wall, producing sizeable damage to them. The clones she created are now bloody messes on the floor. Alcove walks up to the doorway from the side and peers in. She sees Arcadia and Eferas flinging all sorts of magical bolts at Jade. And Jade is dodging all of them and fighting back. Alcove realized that this isn't right. She was supposed to be in the thick of the battle, not Jade. She didn't want Jade to be harmed. Then she saw him. She recognizes the hologram of Delgar and realizes that as long as he is around, not much could be done in this fight. The battle would go on indefinitely as long as he was around. It occurs to Alcove that she must get rid of him somehow. She leaves the scene of the battle and goes back to the hall with the passageway. She walks up to the illusionary wall and reenters the passage. She goes back to the weapons room and unlocks the door again. She goes inside and presses a brick in the weapons wall. The wall swings on a pivot and soon she sees the back of the weapons wall. There are two ivory pegs and a small shelf with a glass case on it on this side of the wall. On one of the pegs is strange charm necklace, with a two-inch thick locket on it, a gold protection circlet, and in the glass case, a power crystal in the shape of a pyramid. She removes the protection circlet from the peg and puts it on. Then she takes the charm necklace off of the peg. She examines the locket. She once heard a rumor that if it contained a valuable artifact from the Exile Wars. But it was sealed by some sort of magic. It was found in the hand of a high priest who was slaughtered by Baltazar. With the death of the priest, went the possible solution to opening the locket. Oddly enough, this power crystal was found on an altar in the same temple. The protection circlet was claimed from the dead king Theodus's treasury. It was on a shelf surrounded by traps. Now Alcove was wearing it. It was given to her by Baltazar as a present for her loyalty. The power crystal was given to her for safekeeping, as was the locket charm. She just had to figure out now how the Power Crystal was used to open the locket. OOC: I will continue this later. The post is getting too long. -------------------- (Looks around in the Study) Colonel Mustard: "Just checking." Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 1046
written Sunday, September 28 2003 10:52
OOC: why must things always go your way but not his? jeez. IC: (later) [ Sunday, September 28, 2003 10:52: Message edited by: Osama bin Wise Man ] -------------------- Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands. -------------------- Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00 |