Profile for EatAChinchilla
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Displayed name | EatAChinchilla |
Member number | 1229 |
Title | Warrior |
Postcount | 69 |
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Registered | Tuesday, May 28 2002 07:00 |
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How did you first find out about Spidweb's games and what is it first games you play? in General | |
Member # 1229
written Saturday, April 2 2005 00:24
I found Avernum 2 first via I couldn't believe how good it was. I found the site later on, and was subsequently introduced to Avernum 1 and 3 (both have been played, unfinished, and deleted repeatedly for no remembered reason). I loved the first Geneforge (Agent is my favourite class by far), haven't finished the 2nd yet, got a bit tiresome, am about to embark on Geneforge 3. I also like BOA, but the Avernum series are getting a bit tiresome for me. Posts: 69 | Registered: Tuesday, May 28 2002 07:00 |
Geneforge 3 Questions in General | |
Member # 1229
written Friday, March 18 2005 10:42
Another example of "illegal but not bad:" Actually, it's more like "illegal but not not really smeging hilarious", to me. :P Posts: 69 | Registered: Tuesday, May 28 2002 07:00 |
Tell of your favorite plot twist in a game *spoiler* in General | |
Member # 1229
written Wednesday, April 28 2004 21:07
quote:Eeee hee hee hee hee... Wooden... ![]() Posts: 69 | Registered: Tuesday, May 28 2002 07:00 |
Dungeons and Dragons? in General | |
Member # 1229
written Sunday, April 18 2004 21:41
quote:My friends and I were planning to do something like that... five people in all. Too bad our dear GM is too frickin' lazy to make it. ![]() Posts: 69 | Registered: Tuesday, May 28 2002 07:00 |
Turns out.... in General | |
Member # 1229
written Sunday, April 18 2004 21:33
I couldn't get past the first Dark Tower book. Way too much Christian symbolism for me to handle, considering that I'm allergic to it. Yes, allergic to Christian symbolism. I've had it ever since I started going to this bloody Christian elementry school where they tell you, oh no, they aren't imposing their religion on you, and proceed to shove it down your throat. Posts: 69 | Registered: Tuesday, May 28 2002 07:00 |
Tell of your favorite plot twist in a game *spoiler* in General | |
Member # 1229
written Sunday, April 18 2004 21:30
My favorite plot twist would definitely have to be the one in Max Payne 2, where you beat the game on the hardest difficulty... it was worth playing for me, considering how depressed the ending made me when I played on 'fugitive' difficulty. I also loved that Max Payne 'you are in a computer game' thing. ![]() Hell, even the Vlad thing was enjoyable. ...Yes, I am a huge fan of Max Payne. The twist when you join the NSA in Deus Ex is pretty cool too. Posts: 69 | Registered: Tuesday, May 28 2002 07:00 |
Suicide in General | |
Member # 1229
written Thursday, March 11 2004 21:54
quote:Just as a bit of trivia: I read that during the period of our history when romanticism flourished, when the book The Sorrows of Young Werther was published, it was once banned because the suicide rate went up when it hit the shelves! Strange beings, we humans are. Posts: 69 | Registered: Tuesday, May 28 2002 07:00 |
This sentence describes a topic containing an entirely self-referential short story. in General | |
Member # 1229
written Tuesday, March 9 2004 19:39
This story made me want to go mad and possibly spout random and meaningless sentences that have no relation to eachother. Something along the lines of: LIZARDS! I'M GONNA EAT YOU! BLOOD OF THE INNOCENT! I EXIST ONLY TO SERVE! POWER TO THE GENERATORS! JUSTICE IS DONE! FRUIT SALAD? MORE PRECIOUS THAN A POT OF GOLD! And so ends my poetic masterpiece. EDIT: Rah roh. Pardon the double post. [ Tuesday, March 09, 2004 19:40: Message edited by: EatAChinchilla ] Posts: 69 | Registered: Tuesday, May 28 2002 07:00 |
This sentence describes a topic containing an entirely self-referential short story. in General | |
Member # 1229
written Tuesday, March 9 2004 19:38
This story made me want to go mad and possibly spout random and meaningless sentences that have no relation to eachother. Something along the lines of: LIZARDS! I'M GONNA EAT YOU! BLOOD OF THE INNOCENT! I EXIST ONLY TO SERVE! POWER TO THE GENERATORS! JUSTICE IS DONE! FRUIT SALAD? MORE PRECIOUS THAN A POT OF GOLD! And such ends my poetic masterpiece. Posts: 69 | Registered: Tuesday, May 28 2002 07:00 |
Suicide in General | |
Member # 1229
written Tuesday, March 9 2004 19:24
A 12 year old friend of mine tried to commit suicide a while back. She announced her plans to me over MSN - I can't remember ever feeling so powerless as I tried to calm her down via text message. As a teenager, once in a while I considered suicide, but never seriously. I've always thought the teenage suicide was a bit overrated anyway. I'm convinced that, whatever happens, almost no problem is worth taking my life for. I'm sorry for your loss, Griffon. ![]() [ Tuesday, March 09, 2004 19:25: Message edited by: EatAChinchilla ] Posts: 69 | Registered: Tuesday, May 28 2002 07:00 |
Best Free RPG's and MMORPG in General | |
Member # 1229
written Thursday, March 4 2004 06:37
quote:NOT RUNESCAPE!!!! ![]() Please, no, it's bottom-barrel bad... my schoolmates used to play it on the computer when they were allowed to do such, so I've had more than my share of that game... The graphics suck, the gameplay sucks, and half the time all you do is KILL NPCS INDISCRIMINATELY TO LEVEL UP... From what I have seen, Runescape appears to be the embodiment of everything bad in MMORPGs today. Don't contribute to a monster. Life's worth more than that. [ Thursday, March 04, 2004 06:44: Message edited by: EatAChinchilla ] Posts: 69 | Registered: Tuesday, May 28 2002 07:00 |
For all the English kniggets out there... in General | |
Member # 1229
written Thursday, March 4 2004 06:32
I lived in London for 5 years... one third of my life so far... does that count? ![]() Also, I myself fancy black tea. And mint. Mint is sometimes good. Posts: 69 | Registered: Tuesday, May 28 2002 07:00 |
RPG Hybrids in General | |
Member # 1229
written Thursday, March 4 2004 06:20
quote:Did you go through all the endings?I went only through Helios AI's ending.[/quote]I myself went through Tong's ending. It was so... so beautiful... I couldn't bear to have the world any other way... ![]() Deus Ex was legendary. Posts: 69 | Registered: Tuesday, May 28 2002 07:00 |
We know where you're going! in General | |
Member # 1229
written Sunday, February 1 2004 11:05
I spent a few minutes moving my mouse around screaming incoherently while it was chased by those scary eyeballs. It's fun when you're still half-asleep. Posts: 69 | Registered: Tuesday, May 28 2002 07:00 |
I am not trying to sound persistent, but... in General | |
Member # 1229
written Thursday, January 29 2004 21:36
quote::eek: My God, a month? Do you guys have too much idle time on your hands or something? (wait, don't answer that) Uh... anyway, what's so terrible about the idea of a Geneforge RP thread? Posts: 69 | Registered: Tuesday, May 28 2002 07:00 |
Back??? in General | |
Member # 1229
written Friday, January 23 2004 13:06
quote:Wow. Sounds like you got a teency bit of an esteem problem there, fella. Posts: 69 | Registered: Tuesday, May 28 2002 07:00 |
I am not trying to sound persistent, but... in General | |
Member # 1229
written Friday, January 23 2004 12:51
quote:Xian Custard? :P I've been pondering making a Geneforge RP thread, and I've begun planning it out in my head... from what I'm making, it's going to be interesting. Posts: 69 | Registered: Tuesday, May 28 2002 07:00 |
So, who does the next RP belong to? in General | |
Member # 1229
written Thursday, January 8 2004 15:08
Wow, first I heard of an RP lineup. The idea of a Geneforge RP thread has been buzzing around my head constantly... difficult to create a story for that though, as Spiderweb's new world is so vastly unknown and so centered around one small thing that it's hard to think up ideas. I'll ponder on this more. Posts: 69 | Registered: Tuesday, May 28 2002 07:00 |
Which Spiderweb game would you like to live in in General | |
Member # 1229
written Thursday, December 18 2003 16:41
I've always preferred Geneforge over any of the other Spiderweb games... the world seems more detailed to me, but then again I've only actually bought Avernum 2, and I never had the patience to put up with the game engine in the Exile games. :-P I'd want to live in the world of Geneforge... provided I'm the hero. :-P Posts: 69 | Registered: Tuesday, May 28 2002 07:00 |
Baltazar the Mad (RP) in General | |
Member # 1229
written Sunday, October 12 2003 22:41
OOC: Sorry guys, I've copped out. There's too much in my daily schedule to keep doing this. Was fun. Posts: 69 | Registered: Tuesday, May 28 2002 07:00 |
Baltazar the Mad (RP) in General | |
Member # 1229
written Thursday, September 25 2003 04:13
OOC: Um, okay, I apologize, but I cannot read that many posts. Could someone... summarize what has happened so far, for me, so I can get back into role-playing. Yes, I know, it's my fault for not having stuck with this, but personal issues have come up, and now, with those currently aside, I want to get back into this. Thank you. ![]() Posts: 69 | Registered: Tuesday, May 28 2002 07:00 |
Baltazar the Mad (RP) in General | |
Member # 1229
written Wednesday, September 24 2003 17:55
OOC: I am really sorry I haven't been around. My life has been a hectic mess. I'll read through and reply. Posts: 69 | Registered: Tuesday, May 28 2002 07:00 |
What kind of RP sterotype are you? in General | |
Member # 1229
written Saturday, September 20 2003 16:30
Royal Pain (sarcasm is a gift), Spirit Mage, Squire (though before I was a bard...) and Chaotic Good Elf Bard. Damn, I wanna be a half-elf. Posts: 69 | Registered: Tuesday, May 28 2002 07:00 |
Baltazar the Mad (RP) in General | |
Member # 1229
written Thursday, September 18 2003 20:50
Theobold looked blankly after the strange creature disappearing into the darkness of the cave. "Spiders," he spoke, slowly, nodding as if to convince himself that all he just saw was real. "Talking spiders." He looked up at Arrianne, and he could see she was frowning. "Are you familiar with those... things?" Theobold asked, turning his neck toward her. "I am," she replied, not looking at him. "They are an... odd breed of spiders. Friendly ones. They would not harm us." "Friendly talking spiders. I see," Theobold replied. He looked down the tunnel, and began thinking. It was worth investigating, he decided, what with a mage scanning the air above him. Perhaps, if his luck held, it would even lead into Baltazar's tower. The Gods knew how those secret passages had been useful to them. "Alright," Theobold said resolutely. "We'll go down there. And if those 'things' try to eat us, well, I suppose you'll just eat them, won't you? He smirked slightly at Arrianne, the first show of expression he had shown since she had met him. She frowned back at him in return. "...Why are you insist on taking me with you, human?" Theobold, who was at this time wading through the leaves toward the dug tunnel, stopped, and turned back towards her. It took a long time for him to answer. "I don't know. Maybe I actually trust your words. Maybe I'm just asking for a quick death at your hands. At any rate, I have to keep an eye on you, otherwise, if I'm not mistaken, you'll go preying on innocent people. I don't want that." Arrianne took a moment of looking at the strange man, curiously. After a moment, she said, slowly "And if I decided to feed on you down in that dark tunnel... what will you do then?" This time it was her turn to smirk. "Then it'd give me a good reason to kill you. Besides, even if you did catch me off guard, I'd still kill you and then I'd kill myself. Now, are you coming, or not?" OOC: Your turn premonition. Posts: 69 | Registered: Tuesday, May 28 2002 07:00 |
Baltazar the Mad (RP) in General | |
Member # 1229
written Wednesday, September 17 2003 14:02
The vampire had finished speaking, and Theobold was still standing, looking at her with tension. It would be so easy to reach for an arrow, notch it to his bow, pull back on the string, and shoot her through the heart. *So* easy to do away with the unholy creature. But something was stopping him. Something, maybe the pleading tone in her voice, or the comeliness of her pale face. Maybe he actually believed what she said (as if he could trust the words from such an evil monster!). But, mercy conquered him, and so, to the surprise of the vampire, he sat down silently against a rock across from her. Silent, but alert, ready to strike if she tried anything. For, though he had never actually met a vampire, he knew that they were devious, and deceitful. They'd try anything to get what they want. But now he had a real problem. Since he didn't kill the vampire, he'd either have to help it survive, and leave it to die. But he had to keep an eye on it to make sure it didn't harm the living. So now, not only did he have to sneak into a magical tower, probably loaded to the walls with wizardly obstacles and traps, and kill a powerful mage, but he also had to keep an eye on a vampire. He cursed himself for being so stupid. Before he could ponder this more, however, the vampire seemed to start. Quickly shifting out of his thoughts and raising his eyes, Theobold automatically lifted up his bow and reached for an arrow. When he found that she wasn't going to attack, Theobold spoke. "What is it?" "A mage eye," she croaked from her weakened voice. "We're being watched." Theobold got to his feet and scanned the sky for any sign of observers. A mage eye? he pondered. Theobold first looked alarmed, then irritated. After all the effort of not being seen, his cover gets blown! Theobold was slowly realizing that this was not a good day. "We have to get out of this place as quickly as possible. Likely they'll be sending guards to check on us. Can you walk?" The vampire looked up at him with her brow furrowed, curious as to what he would be planning. Not in any state of mind to inquire, however, she merely nodded. "Get up then. I want to get into a shaded area as quickly as possible. Maybe we can find some dense woodlands. Or a cave. Follow me." Arrianne slowly crawled up the rock with her back and got to her feet. Then, staggering a little, she followed the human, eager to be out of sunlight. OOC: Sorry for controlling your character, premonition. ![]() [ Wednesday, September 17, 2003 14:04: Message edited by: EatAChinchilla ] Posts: 69 | Registered: Tuesday, May 28 2002 07:00 |