Profile for Milla
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Displayed name | Milla |
Member number | 65 |
Title | Infiltrator |
Postcount | 650 |
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Registered | Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
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Weird Dreams in General | |
Member # 65
written Monday, October 20 2003 19:41
A really wierd dream I had was last year, I was in my dad's old green car and my dad was driving us to someone he knew;s house. I looked out the car window and saw all these rabbits and goanna's sitting in meadow. We get to dad's friend's house and the police are there and the front door of the house has been ripped of it's hinges. The policeman starts saying something when suddenly there is a usagi standing in the driveway (It looked just like it does on E3 except life-sized) it starts attacking people but I kind of hang back and start wishing I wasn't there. I woke up in my bed ( note this is still a dream ) and go out and talk to my mum about my dream. I remember this dream because of what she said. She asked me this, "Why didn't you stay and fight?" I then woke up for real. -------------------- ...a sadist is only someone that is terribly nice to a masochist... Want to find out how nasty you really are? visit: now! Also look at my site here This is also a good site Posts: 650 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
I am new here...... in General | |
Member # 65
written Monday, October 20 2003 19:25
Yeah, most who copy Alorael's sig get sniped. ![]() Other than that, welcome to the Spidweb boards and have great time. I also volunteer to test your scenario when it gets to the beta-testing stage. -------------------- ...a sadist is only someone that is terribly nice to a masochist... Want to find out how nasty you really are? visit: now! Also look at my site here This is also a good site Posts: 650 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Time in General | |
Member # 65
written Sunday, October 19 2003 20:08
It is 3:09pm Eastern Australia Time (GMT+10) An it is 10.08 on the message boards. [ Sunday, October 19, 2003 20:10: Message edited by: Milla ] -------------------- ...a sadist is only someone that is terribly nice to a masochist... Want to find out how nasty you really are? visit: now! Also look at my site here This is also a good site Posts: 650 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
How long you been playing Spiderweb in General | |
Member # 65
written Sunday, October 19 2003 20:05
I first played E2 (original graphics) in Mid-1998. I never bothered reading the rules (It took a while to figure out how to attack with meelee weapon) and at first thought the game to be not that good but something kept me playing it. I would always create parties with mages/priests and archers. It was by accident I learnt how to use a sword. After that I began to enjoy the game emensely. I then went on the internet to learn about E1. I was surprised to find that they had made E3 and downloaded it immediatly. I haven't looked back since. I can thank spiderweb games for giving me an interest in rpg's and teaching me what pacifist meant. (I learnt that after creating an all pacifist party and going into combat for the first time.) -------------------- ...a sadist is only someone that is terribly nice to a masochist... Want to find out how nasty you really are? visit: now! Also look at my site here This is also a good site Posts: 650 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Reoccurring Dreams in General | |
Member # 65
written Saturday, October 18 2003 16:53
I have been told that I sometimes say things like "It t'was the cat!" and "This little piggy went to Fiji," in my sleep. -------------------- ...a sadist is only someone that is terribly nice to a masochist... Want to find out how nasty you really are? visit: now! Also look at my site here This is also a good site Posts: 650 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Weird Dreams in General | |
Member # 65
written Thursday, October 16 2003 20:23
Well I have had several weird dreams but can't remember them all. But I do remember that I have been killed three times in dreams. # I was first killed by people who were riding those sticks with horses heads and wheels. They were invading my house an I got shot in the chest # The second time I dreamt that I got shot in the forehead by some kid in the school hallway. I that dream I died but came back to life with a lump in my forehead. # The third and most recent time was when I was shot in the back by my mother. Other strange dreams include... # Lying on top of a thousand cockroaches. I woke up with the feeling that things were crawling up my back. # Something happened to the world so that most of it was covered by water and had only a few Islands. I was a princess/ruler of one of them. # Arguing with my reflection. -------------------- ...a sadist is only someone that is terribly nice to a masochist... Want to find out how nasty you really are? visit: now! Also look at my site here This is also a good site Posts: 650 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Reoccurring Dreams in General | |
Member # 65
written Thursday, October 16 2003 20:11
I had this really creepy and weird dream within a dream a couple of months ago. I was dreaming then woke up and went into the kitchen then suddenly my my mum appears and we start talking then arguing. She then takes out a gun out of he pocket and shoots me in the back. I then fall to ground and see her shooting me two more times in the back. The world blacked out and woke up for real. I could hear that my mum was in the kitchen. I remember my first thought was to lie really still and not make a sound. On a happier note, has anyone wanted something so much but couldn't get it? so much so that you have dreams where the thing that you want is near but just out of reach? I have. I really wanted this book but didn't have enough money for it. I started having dreams were I was in a giant bookshop and the book was on a bookstand behind the counter. I tried to get anyone's attention but no-one noticed me. The dreams got to point where I was dreaming that I was in canoe on the Indian or Atlantic Ocean in a storm, looking for the book. I remember that I go washed up onto the beach at Perth. When I finally got the book, the dreams stopped. Anything like that happen to you? -------------------- ...a sadist is only someone that is terribly nice to a masochist... Want to find out how nasty you really are? visit: now! Also look at my site here This is also a good site Posts: 650 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
How old are you? in General | |
Member # 65
written Wednesday, October 15 2003 22:17
Weight;I"m not saying and besides I don't know how to convert my weight into pounds. As for height,I'm 1.74m. -------------------- ...a sadist is only someone that is terribly nice to a masochist... Want to find out how nasty you really are? visit: now! Also look at my site here This is also a good site Posts: 650 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
I have an intriguing question for my fellow Spidweb users in General | |
Member # 65
written Monday, October 13 2003 23:24
I'm straight but also know all about the assumptions. At school, all because I am not attracted to anyone in the school, some assume I am a lesbian. It is the same for a friend of mine who wears her hair short and is athletic. Someone recently spread the rumour that she had a girlfriend in another school. [ Tuesday, October 14, 2003 20:51: Message edited by: Milla ] -------------------- ...a sadist is only someone that is terribly nice to a masochist... Want to find out how nasty you really are? visit: now! Also look at my site here This is also a good site Posts: 650 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Spiderweb Boards Demographics in General | |
Member # 65
written Monday, October 13 2003 23:00
Australia and Australasia are two different things. Australia is the country I was born in. Australasia is the area of the world that includes Australia, New Zealand and various islands. I put it like that to make it more precise. ![]() [ Monday, October 13, 2003 23:26: Message edited by: Milla ] -------------------- ...a sadist is only someone that is terribly nice to a masochist... Want to find out how nasty you really are? visit: now! Also look at my site here This is also a good site Posts: 650 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Spiderweb Boards Demographics in General | |
Member # 65
written Monday, October 13 2003 22:30
I was just wondering what these demographics of the message boards are. I also think it will be interesting to see who visits these boards. One last thing, please answer truthfully. EDIT: Australasia in question two means Australia,NZ and the many other islands in the area. [ Monday, October 13, 2003 23:14: Message edited by: Milla ] Poll Information This poll contains 3 question(s). 38 user(s) have voted. function launch_voter () { launch_window(";d=vote;pollid=pBbjEqggeTXL"); return true; } // end launch_voter function launch_viewer () { launch_window(";d=view;pollid=pBbjEqggeTXL"); return true; } // end launch_viewer function launch_window (url) { preview = url, "preview", "width=550,height=300,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status,menubar=no,scrollbars,resizable,copyhistory=no" ); window.preview.focus(); return preview; } // end launch_window ![]() ![]() -------------------- ...a sadist is only someone that is terribly nice to a masochist... Want to find out how nasty you really are? visit: now! Also look at my site here This is also a good site Posts: 650 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
It's been a while, but... in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 65
written Monday, October 13 2003 22:16
I like the sound of the butchering knife --My Idea-- Soulsucker- a set of clawed-gloves that drain life. (I'll add the damage thing later) 33% chance of lifedrain (Or is it health drain? :confused: ) 2 handed weapon I know that *I created phantom gloves in BOE with soulsucker ability. But I first made my soulsucker gloves a year ago using BOE. -------------------- Milla-Displacer Beastie This is also a good site Posts: 650 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Baltazar the Mad (RP) in General | |
Member # 65
written Monday, October 13 2003 22:03
IC: --Pre-battle-- Eve stood perfectly still and centered herself, She couldn't let doubt and fear of death enter her mind when she was so close to her goal. The final battle awaited and the atmosphere was filled with nervousness and adrenaline. Eve gave herself a look-over, checking her armour was in place and drew her weapons, trembling slightly with barely contained energy. OOC:Didn't read Namothil's post through and is going to wait for others to post. [ Monday, October 13, 2003 22:06: Message edited by: Milla ] -------------------- "Heads don't roll, they bounce!" Want to find out how nasty you really are? now! Also look at my site here This is also a good site Posts: 650 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Zombie Attack RP 2 in General | |
Member # 65
written Monday, October 13 2003 21:07
IC: Having levitated up onto the inn's roof, Nys surveyed the battle-scene. It had had changed drastically, when one of the fighters had killed the necromancer she had almost let out a sigh of relief. Then the a portal had opened and a new host of undead had emerged. Nys tried to think of what she could do to help. The portal she realised it must have had something to ground the portal on this end. Sending her magic out into the sky, stormclouds came into being supernaturally fast, centering around Nys. She focused her thoughts on the her adversary-the portal. With flash of light a lightening bolt struck the portal. It wavered, then flickered back to full strength. She tried again, this time hitting the ground surrounding the portal. This time the portal flickered out of existence and came back much weaker than before. Nys nodded to herself she had thought as much. The portal was grounded her because someone had enscribed runes into the ground beforehand. Desarcrating the runes meant ungrounding the portal on this side. Third time lucky, she thought as she tried again this time using her staff to increase the power. The resulting lighting bolt cut deep into the ground, leaving scorch marks and effectivetly destroying the runes. With a final shudder, the portal died out leaving the undead stranded. I never realised I could do that she thought with some amazement then shrugged. She learnt something new everyday. She then concentrated on a group of ghasts, sending a lightning bolt into a group of them. -------------------- ...a sadist is only someone that is terribly nice to a masochist... Want to find out how nasty you really are? now! Also look at my site here This is also a good site Posts: 650 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Louvre up to 437 graphics! in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 65
written Monday, October 13 2003 20:36
Void Master, I just sent an email with a better quality version of the drake rider. -------------------- Milla-Displacer Beastie This is also a good site Posts: 650 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Looking for a graphic converter in Tech Support | |
Member # 65
written Sunday, October 12 2003 21:16
Thankyou! I don't know why I thought it started with A. -------------------- Milla-Displacer Beastie This is also a good site Posts: 650 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Looking for a graphic converter in Tech Support | |
Member # 65
written Sunday, October 12 2003 20:22
Last year I asked this question and got a great answer but the thing is that I got a new computer and have forgotten the name of the program. I remember this * It's name started with A * It was freeware * I am sure it was a german company * It's logo was a red creature Anyone know what program it was? -------------------- Milla-Displacer Beastie This is also a good site Posts: 650 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
What's your credit card number? in General | |
Member # 65
written Sunday, October 12 2003 20:05
The end is coming ! Besides that, I don't have an credit card but this what the number would be if I did: 7894 1324 7476 7666/666 -------------------- ...a sadist is only someone that is terribly nice to a masochist... Want to find out how nasty you really are? visit: now! Also look at my site here This is also a good site Posts: 650 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Memories... (the sequel) in General | |
Member # 65
written Saturday, October 11 2003 13:52
I remember that! There was also the Dao,Mao,Tao thing which ended up being stopped for some reason or another. -------------------- ...a sadist is only someone that is terribly nice to a masochist... Want to find out how nasty you really are? visit: now! Also look at my site here This is also a good site Posts: 650 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Zombie Attack RP 2 in General | |
Member # 65
written Thursday, October 9 2003 19:32
IC: --Battle Field-- As quickly as the battle had started it ended, the last zombie fell to the ground and there was that kind of silence which is so fragile many are loathe to disturb it. But life must go on. The guards checked for injured while the mercenaries' went back to their various lodgings to rest. --The Inn-- Nys grabbed some food and ate it ravenously, she always felt hungry after using alot of magic. She then sat on her bed a read through her adventuring journals, trying to see if she had encountered anything like this before. [ Thursday, October 09, 2003 19:34: Message edited by: Milla ] -------------------- ...a sadist is only someone that is terribly nice to a masochist... Want to find out how nasty you really are? now! Also look at my site here This is also a good site Posts: 650 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Memories... (the sequel) in General | |
Member # 65
written Thursday, October 9 2003 15:57
There was also the "Black Marks". I also remember the first post I posted there. It basic said "Hi! I'm a newbie". The first reply was from TM who bascially said that this topic was for a chatroom or something, then someone called Game Pu (who had a sailor moon avatar) said I was allowed to post there because it in Misc. The topic ended up being about Satanism and sadisticism (some word like that). On that board I was called Sliver Ethereal. After a month I realised that I had spelt my name wrong. -------------------- ...a sadist is only someone that is terribly nice to a masochist... Want to find out how nasty you really are? visit: now! Also look at my site here This is also a good site Posts: 650 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
The preview feature. in General | |
Member # 65
written Thursday, October 9 2003 15:49
Never used it before -------------------- ...a sadist is only someone that is terribly nice to a masochist... Want to find out how nasty you really are? now! Also look at my site here This is also a good site Posts: 650 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Coming Soon - Blades of Avernum in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 65
written Thursday, October 9 2003 15:34
Can we pre-order right now? -------------------- Milla-Displacer Beastie This is also a good site Posts: 650 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Memories... (the sequel) in General | |
Member # 65
written Thursday, October 9 2003 10:51
I joined the community 4 years ago and fondly remembers the News In Exile topic started by Black Wombat. -------------------- ...a sadist is only someone that is terribly nice to a masochist... Want to find out how nasty you really are? visit: now! Also look at my site here This is also a good site Posts: 650 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Zombie Attack RP 2 in General | |
Member # 65
written Tuesday, October 7 2003 23:38
I really liked the zombie RP but could not join for it was to late for new characters. --Character-- Name: Nys Tajare Hair: Green (accidental dye job,don't ask) Eyes: Almond shaped and grey Class: Nature Mage- a mage that can control the elements. Background: Nys went to a magery school on the surface to become a mage but got into trouble alot because of the strange things (like hailstorms and the like) that happened around her when she got emotional. It had got to a point were she was about to be kicked out of the school. The teachers then discovered that she possessed powers to control nature-a rare kind of magic. They then kept her isolated from the other students until she gained control over her power. After leaving the school she joined an adventuring band where she gained experiance before going solo. Equipment:Blue robes and a Ash Staff with mithral runes lacing it. It helps channel her magic when using it for powerful spells. IC: Nys Tajare enter the town of Kade (I didn't no if the town had a name yet.) apparently the had a zombie infestation. She heard the guard's proclemation and walked up to the guard. "Sir," she said to get his attention "You said are in need of fighters, I can only use a staff but surely someone with skills in magic could not go amiss?" The guard looked her over, his eyes straying to her hair. Nys sighed with annoyance in her head, everyone did that! "We need any help we can get," he said eventually "Is the infestation that bad?" "There isn't that many zombies now but I have this feeling..." the man trailed off,staring into the distance "Anyway, go and book a room in the inn and be ready for attacks," --The inn-- Nys walked into the inn and asked for a room. "That will be 15 gold please," the innkeeper asked. She paid the man and he gave her a key. "Your room is upstairs and third on the left" Nys walked up the stairs and unlocked the room. It was decorated sparsely but was comfortable and acceptable for her needs. She put down her affects and looked outside it was nice town she thought. Nys sat down on her bed and began to meditate, in prepareness of the attacks that would surely come. OOC:Just setting the scene. I have never played a mage before so it will be interesting. EDIT: IC: A couple of hours had passed when the alarm bells sounded. THe undead were attacking. With a sigh Nys grabbed her staff and ran down the stairs and out into the toen square. Staying away from the main fighting she centered herself. Raising a arm she envisioned a group of the zombies being surrounded by fire. A surge of power that was very familar to her pulsed through her arm. To the casual observer it seemed as if air had caught alight around a group of zombies making the spontanusly combust. [ Tuesday, October 07, 2003 23:50: Message edited by: Milla ] -------------------- ...a sadist is only someone that is terribly nice to a masochist... Want to find out how nasty you really are? now! Also look at my site here This is also a good site Posts: 650 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |