Profile for Slp006
Field | Value |
Displayed name | Slp006 |
Member number | 5986 |
Title | Warrior |
Postcount | 154 |
Homepage | |
Registered | Monday, June 20 2005 07:00 |
Recent posts
Author | Recent posts |
Cheats ? in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 5986
written Thursday, December 15 2005 08:10
I'm with Hawk King on this one. I personally don't get much satisfaction out of being killed in the middle of my adventuring, and completing a difficult task after much anguish in Spiderweb games usually leaves me feeling depressed because of all of the misery experienced while trying to work at something that is supposed to be a source of relaxation and happiness. Cheats keep me relaxed and happy, so long as they don't mess with the storyline in glitchy ways. Besides, it's great fun running around between quests with a singleton on Torment annihilating various creatures with nothing but a stick...particularly when they call your character "doomed, puny, weak," etc. Nothing irritates me more when some pompous enemy ends up victorious. Even so, A4 seems to be rather balanced and rich with plot, so purists and cheaters alike are going to have a great time. -------------------- Wu wei... it's the only way Posts: 154 | Registered: Monday, June 20 2005 07:00 |
First Impressions in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 5986
written Wednesday, December 14 2005 16:43
I like Avernum 4 so far; I expected a greater number of new sounds and graphics, but storylines have always been the defining aspect of Spiderweb games. As long as the yarn stays entertaining, I know I'll have purchased a fun RPG. I happen to like the Geneforge interface better than the Exile interface, so the visual change in A4 is welcome. Avernum 4 is definitely not another Geneforge, at any rate. -------------------- Wu wei... it's the only way Posts: 154 | Registered: Monday, June 20 2005 07:00 |
Phobias in General | |
Member # 5986
written Sunday, August 7 2005 20:24
My only real phobia is one of cockroaches. I avoid bees, and I'm uncomfortable in crowds, but roaches are the only things that can get me into a panic, for some reason. Most insects don't bother me too much; it's just the cockroach that gets me. Perhaps it's because they crawl around even when their innards are lose and don't stop twitching when they should be dead by my standards. Gah! Playing Bad Mojo helped ease the fear slightly, but Didn't make them seem any less like vermin that deserve to be destroyed before they take over the world. -------------------- Wu wei... it's the only way Posts: 154 | Registered: Monday, June 20 2005 07:00 |
Human cloning in General | |
Member # 5986
written Saturday, August 6 2005 16:35
Reproductive/germ-line cloning of anything, human or beast, is rather pointless, in most cases. I know of some modified pigs that are being used to harvest organs for humans, and that isn't too bad; controlled cloning and recombining of certain livestock animals (and plants too) can be beneficial for those who need to consume them. Harvesting humans in the same way is ridiculous, as we do not have the genetic capacity for domestication (as pigs and cows do), and would lead miserable lives as someone's organ dummy. It might work if one lobotomized a clone after it developed and put it in some sort of cryogenic suspension fluid, but that's something that requires further research in other branches of biochemistry and is the kind of "extreme" use of cloning that would cause most rational people to fear cloning programs, and most irrational people to ban genetic research altogether. Therapeutic cloning, however, is an excellent use of cloning procedures. The potential to heal damaged spinal cords, brains, and the prospect of harvesting in vitro organs for a person who needs them are both too great to ignore. Future kidney transplant recipients will no longer have to take immuno-depressant drugs, for example, if they have their own spare keyed to their body waiting in reserve for them. Therapy is the major reason why cloning hasn't been scrapped altogether, and with good reason. I'll keep an eye on things, too. This is my field after all, so as I advance, it's my responsibility as a scientist to make sure my brother and sister lab-rats don't get too crazy with their ideas. Granted, I'm just one person and my pair of eyes won't be much in the scheme of things, but every little bit counts, eh? :D I'm pleased that Jeros brought this up, actually. It filled me with zeal for the University. Excellent. -------------------- Wu wei... it's the only way Posts: 154 | Registered: Monday, June 20 2005 07:00 |
I am wed. in General | |
Member # 5986
written Tuesday, August 2 2005 15:32
This is glorious news for you. And for many of us. Nerds are once again given proof that our lives aren't necessarily meant to be lonely. May it all work out nicely, and your nights upon nights upon nights in the future be as good as the wedding night. Keep feeding the flames. -------------------- Wu wei... it's the only way Posts: 154 | Registered: Monday, June 20 2005 07:00 |
Scariest thing... in General | |
Member # 5986
written Monday, August 1 2005 19:12
Myst really creeped me out when I was six. Seeing Achenar's room full of torture implements in the Mechanical Age scarred me forever. Note that this isn't really a spoiler, if you don't know about Myst. -------------------- Wu wei... it's the only way Posts: 154 | Registered: Monday, June 20 2005 07:00 |
Official Election Final Round Voting in General | |
Member # 5986
written Sunday, July 31 2005 17:24
Well, first, go to System Preferences, then Sound. Now increase the input volume. I assume you're using OS X. I hope that solves the sensitivity issue. Now, get ready. It's time for the Spam Song, Slp edition! :P Only a few unlucky people will be able to download it from the following reliable link: If you get an error message, use this one, though it might not work at all: Who needs dignity? Not me. Not even a shred. Believe it or not, this is the 5th take of my singing of this one. [ Sunday, July 31, 2005 17:26: Message edited by: Slp006 ] -------------------- Wu wei... it's the only way Posts: 154 | Registered: Monday, June 20 2005 07:00 |
Official Election Final Round Voting in General | |
Member # 5986
written Sunday, July 31 2005 10:55
I'm sorry about your Rottweiler. Losing a friend is usually very hard, and dogs are often the best of those. Good luck with your Rat Terrier. She's extremely cute, as a good puppy should be. I think you're being too generous with the three months scenario. I would give it eight, maybe six if she mellows out a little. My male Jack Russel (now known as a Parson Russel Terrier) had a very long puppy phase that lasted almost a year and a half. However, male terriers are very naughty creatures. Keep the toys handy, because you have a destroyer of things on your hands, and tennis balls everywhere. I have yet to know a terrier who can resist a good tennis ball. Or a bad one. Oh, and they're smart too. Watch out. You're going to be exhausted after the first couple of weeks. ;) I think you picked an excellent breed. -------------------- Wu wei... it's the only way Posts: 154 | Registered: Monday, June 20 2005 07:00 |
The more the merrier, eh? in General | |
Member # 5986
written Sunday, July 31 2005 05:17
It was a toss-up between Another One Bites the Dust and Yellow Submarine for me. I eventually went with the Queen, since it's got a very simple range of notes, but Stug's right. I think Yellow Submarine would have been a better choice since it's got a definite, flowing melody to which you can sing. Ah well; it looks like it might win regardless of my vote, anyway. -------------------- Wu wei... it's the only way Posts: 154 | Registered: Monday, June 20 2005 07:00 |
Which song should I sing for the SW community? in General | |
Member # 5986
written Sunday, July 31 2005 05:07
The results are in. I'll be singing the Spam Song very soon. It'll be posted on the boards later today or tomorrow depending on when I shake off this infernal drowsiness. That song requires some zeal, no? -------------------- Wu wei... it's the only way Posts: 154 | Registered: Monday, June 20 2005 07:00 |
Long-distance relationships? in General | |
Member # 5986
written Saturday, July 30 2005 19:03
I don't place a lot of faith in long-distance relationships, but not just because of the commitment issue. Sure, you're faithful to each other, and I think it's great you are so trusting, but you haven't been with each other in person and you already want him to live with you. You might discover that living with the person is very difficult, even if he behaves a certain way on the Internet (as the "Anonymity" thread has proved). After all, right now you don't have to wake up with the person, do chores with the person, split bills, etc. All of those opportunities for arguments might cause the relationship a lot of trouble. However, if you're able to tolerate how he is in real life, and vice-versa, then you'll be fine. I guess the potential for true love is worth the risk, but make sure that you communicate well with your partner in "Real Life" once everything falls into place. I hope it all works out. -------------------- Wu wei... it's the only way Posts: 154 | Registered: Monday, June 20 2005 07:00 |
Insomnia. in General | |
Member # 5986
written Saturday, July 30 2005 18:46
I think this insomnia is caused by the fact that I've been taking naps at strange hours during the day. I usually get an hour and a half of sleep these days if I really focus on getting to bed. I'm going to start sleeping at a certain time and waking up at a certain time to get back on schedule. I imagine the beer suggestions are prudent, but right now some good old herbal remedies are working decently. I'm rather sleepy. But thank you for the suggestions and comments; eventually I'll be able to sleep normally again. -------------------- Wu wei... it's the only way Posts: 154 | Registered: Monday, June 20 2005 07:00 |
The 10th planet! in General | |
Member # 5986
written Saturday, July 30 2005 03:52
Actually, theoretical physicists often think FTL is possible via galactic wormholes. Most people think theoretical physics is a load of dreck, though. ;) I don't think so though, entirely. I have a feeling that once we begin to understand black hole physics much more than what current science covers, everything will fall into place. Oh, and then there's the problem of finding a fuel source that's capable of releasing controlled bursts of energy at levels high enough to promote light speed jumps. hey would most likely be jumps, I assume, because anything more than a hop would be hard for anyone to handle, even with basic knowledge of hyperspace travel. Maybe Schro will come up with some superspeed chemical by mistake and turn the scientific community upside-down. *These theories are backed by a firm foundation of sleep deprivation.* -------------------- Wu wei... it's the only way Posts: 154 | Registered: Monday, June 20 2005 07:00 |
The 10th planet! in General | |
Member # 5986
written Saturday, July 30 2005 00:45
In a few hundred years or maybe a few hundred hundred years, we'll establish military outposts on all of the Pluto-ish planets in the Solar system to protect ourselves from malicious Alien Invaders. And then life will become similar to a Galactic Core scenario. Somewhere, somehow, Richard White will then breach the laws of temporal physics and grin at the state of affairs, feeling vindicated at last. -------------------- Wu wei... it's the only way Posts: 154 | Registered: Monday, June 20 2005 07:00 |
Web "anonymity" vs. real life identity in General | |
Member # 5986
written Saturday, July 30 2005 00:28
That's true; someone could look up, say, Schrodinger's name on Google and find his postings here. I wouldn't post here as if it were a diary, but I'm not about to "be on my best behavior." Hopefully an employer will realize that yet another persona, the corporate/professional persona, is much different from any other, especially an Internet persona. No sane employer expects an individual to act like a saintly little peon while off duty, and the insane ones have more reliable ways to check on you than Google to make sure they aren't losing a valuable asset. Just don't write down anything you'd be terribly embarrassed if your parents decided to read it (in any situation, RL or not). I find that's a good barometer, since parents also have a knack for reading diaries as well and freaking out. Unless your parents are completely off the wall, a potential boss won't have a problem with something your parents don't have a problem with. [ Saturday, July 30, 2005 00:29: Message edited by: Slp006 ] -------------------- Wu wei... it's the only way Posts: 154 | Registered: Monday, June 20 2005 07:00 |
Insomnia. in General | |
Member # 5986
written Saturday, July 30 2005 00:07
It's a real pain, especially when you're extremely tired but can't fall asleep. I've been suffering from it all summer, and if you look at the times of many of my postings, you'll find that they're rather early in the morning for someone who operates on EST. Hence, I was wondering if any of you have some favorite methods of conquering the inability to fall asleep. They might be able to help me cope until I can force my circadian discords back into rhythms with willpower and perhaps an over-the-counter sleeping aid. :P -------------------- Wu wei... it's the only way Posts: 154 | Registered: Monday, June 20 2005 07:00 |
Official Election Final Round Voting in General | |
Member # 5986
written Friday, July 29 2005 23:53
quote:Pfft. Let us be the judge of that. Besides, I also consider myself pretty bad. I'm expecting more laughs and biting comments than words of praise. Warm up those cords, Ash! :) [ Saturday, July 30, 2005 00:09: Message edited by: Slp006 ] -------------------- Wu wei... it's the only way Posts: 154 | Registered: Monday, June 20 2005 07:00 |
What's your favorite cereal? in General | |
Member # 5986
written Friday, July 29 2005 23:44
Cookie Crisp! I remember that one being the only cereal my mother wouldn't buy me because she thought cereal was too unhealthy if it tried to mimic chocolate chip cookies. However, looked at the ingredients one day and decided to buy me a box, knowing that it wasn't much like cookies after all. Needless to say, I was one disenchanted little seven-year old. Well, only for a while. I still liked it because I could pretend I was being a naughty rebel child by eating cookies for breakfast. :rolleyes: Anyway, I was upset I found out they had changed the Cookie Crip mascots from the robber and his faithful hound Chip to merely a redrawn Chip. I really hate it when "they" change things I like. -------------------- Wu wei... it's the only way Posts: 154 | Registered: Monday, June 20 2005 07:00 |
Web "anonymity" vs. real life identity in General | |
Member # 5986
written Friday, July 29 2005 23:29
A web identity cannot ever be a persona to hide behind, simply because anyone willing to put some effort into a background check can figure out whomever is behind a handle. This is why I've been more willing to shed anonymity than in the past. Until I had the cynical realization that Internet privacy is an absolute farce a few years ago and might as well chuck the disguise, I always tried to keep what people know about the "real me" to a minimum. I also discovered that I behave online just as I would in real life, so I'm not really so attached to the idea of "Slp006" being separate from "me." I respect others' desires for privacy very much, however, since some people aren't as blunt and cynical as I am about web handles. I'd prefer that people would respect the way I carry myself online enough to make a conclusion about my character that's at least accurate on the surface, and keep any slanderous judgments to themselves. But that's not always going to be the case, I imagine. So if/when someone finds something that taints my Internet handle and spews rumors all over the Web, I'd probably just ignore it and hope that those who are familiar with my mannerisms can distinguish info from misinfo. If Slp006 started to become hated unduly, then I would lay this handle to rest and keep to myself on the Internet more often. It's disheartening, but the moment one decides to release a bit of information about their real-life self is the moment one takes the risk of developing a tainted reputation online. Developing a friendly relationship with somebody online is involves risks that most people accept. I'd prefer my close Internet fiends to be open with me, but if they aren't, then that's fine. I'll trust them less than I would if they were open, but that's the also the case when I meet people in the real world. I think it's really bad form to force somebody into revealing themselves, but some people are simply too rude to leave well enough alone. I hope nobody's foolish enough to think Drakey is a right-wing, liberal hating extremist, besides. I know this was an extreme example used to prove a point, but still... "OMG DF = KKK??? :mad: :mad: U R soooooooooo stuipd Drakefire" Right. It's always a possibility that we'll see that in the not too distant future in some horribly misspelled topic thread. My cynical self wouldn't put that past some uppity newb on the board who believes everything from a Google search. -------------------- Wu wei... it's the only way Posts: 154 | Registered: Monday, June 20 2005 07:00 |
Official Election Final Round Voting in General | |
Member # 5986
written Thursday, July 28 2005 22:54
quote:I'll give it a shot. Of course, I'm no longer any kind of singer like I was six years ago; my voice cracked and everything sort of stopped in terms of singing afterwards. Be careful what you wish for, Zeviz. ;) I'll give any interested parties/people the chance to vote for one of ten lovely tunes, which I will later butcher vocally! Check the related poll! [ Thursday, July 28, 2005 22:57: Message edited by: Slp006 ] -------------------- Wu wei... it's the only way Posts: 154 | Registered: Monday, June 20 2005 07:00 |
Which song should I sing for the SW community? in General | |
Member # 5986
written Thursday, July 28 2005 22:51
quote:I decided Zeviz would not be the only one to lower the bar. As I've often read in a certain moderator's sig, Bandwagons are fun! ;) I've given the community the option to "pick their poison," effectively. Voting will officially end Sunday at 7 AM, Board Time. Choose wisely. Poll Information This poll contains 1 question(s). 32 user(s) have voted. Voting stopped at July 31, 2005 07:00 AM board time. function launch_voter () { launch_window(";d=vote;pollid=DnFrWMVAMHxJ"); return true; } // end launch_voter function launch_viewer () { launch_window(";d=view;pollid=DnFrWMVAMHxJ"); return true; } // end launch_viewer function launch_window (url) { preview = url, "preview", "width=550,height=300,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status,menubar=no,scrollbars,resizable,copyhistory=no" ); window.preview.focus(); return preview; } // end launch_window ![]() ![]() -------------------- Wu wei... it's the only way Posts: 154 | Registered: Monday, June 20 2005 07:00 |
Do you trust people? in General | |
Member # 5986
written Thursday, July 28 2005 11:19
I tend to distrust people at first, but if they earn my respect, they get to know everything they want. Unfortunately, it doesn't take much to earn my respect. One or two good, deep conversations is likely to do it. As such, I consider myself gullible, but I'm not a bad judge of character; no one has betrayed me yet. This is probably because I only speak to a few close friends regularly. I'm sure that if I tried to get closer to my many acquaintances I would be stabbed in the back sooner or later. I trust people on Spidweb, and why not? You all seem civilized enough, or at least too insane to cause damage. I feared exposing my true identity over the Internet for a very long time, but now I figure that if anyone uses the information that I've put on the web to find me, then so be it. If they want to use that info to say, sneak into my room at night to kill me, I say that if they really want to go through all of that trouble to rub out little old me, then they deserve some type of gratification at the end of their quest. :P Oh yes, and I think people trust me soon after I speak to them. If I don't speak to them, I end up intimidating them into silence, or so many of my friends have told me once we've talked about our first impressions of each other. -------------------- Wu wei... it's the only way Posts: 154 | Registered: Monday, June 20 2005 07:00 |
Official Election Final Round Voting in General | |
Member # 5986
written Wednesday, July 27 2005 21:23
quote:1. Thanks. I don't mean to sound boring. It's just that I hate making recordings of my own voice, so I end up sounding flat due to the thoughts of my voice sounding foolish that flow through my brain. I'm also glad that Zeviz got to hear it. 2. I agree. ADoS could reach the level of Stug with practice. [ Wednesday, July 27, 2005 22:33: Message edited by: Slp006 ] -------------------- Wu wei... it's the only way Posts: 154 | Registered: Monday, June 20 2005 07:00 |
Favorite game... in General | |
Member # 5986
written Wednesday, July 27 2005 18:55
Well, let's see... I always enjoyed Starfox, either the SNES version or N64 version. The release of Starfox Adventures killed my love for the franchise though, and I haven't touched it since. Earthbound is my favorite RPG without question. It's a very unique game, and I still play it occasionally despite having beaten it at least 20 times. Since it has a cult following, many fans have released utilities that allow one to mod a ROM of their games, even for the Mac OS. That's great fun for me. Morrowind is number two. D&D is in a category above all others. I also enjoy watching baseball, boxing, badminton, and the occasional basketball or soccer game. I can only watch badminton on TV every four years with the coming of the Olympics. There are many other games I enjoy, but these are the ones I can think of at the moment that fit the "favorite" category. -------------------- Wu wei... it's the only way Posts: 154 | Registered: Monday, June 20 2005 07:00 |
Official Election Final Round Voting in General | |
Member # 5986
written Wednesday, July 27 2005 18:39
Wow, Stug. That wasn't half bad! Have you practiced your vocal skill with the Beatles, or are you just simply a better singer than I would expect most people to be? -------------------- Wu wei... it's the only way Posts: 154 | Registered: Monday, June 20 2005 07:00 |