Profile for Murder He Wrote

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I have an intriguing question for my fellow Spidweb users in General
Member # 3320
Profile #37
I've had to correct lots of people for using the wrong term as well. It irritates me when people use the other word. But, it does prove your point.

Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?"
Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two Corpses. Everything's fine."

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Holding the Tavern Front -RP in General
Member # 3320
Profile #75
OOC: Mind if I let my character go berserk as well? As I am in a bad mood here at home, I welcome it heartily.

IC: Schostas stops casting spells when he hears that the little girl is being held captive. "He runs out of the back room and into the main part of the inn. The bartender is nowhere to be found. He speaks to a nearby soldier. "Where did the bartender go?" The soldier answers him with a tone of fear. "He grabbed his sword and ran outside to kill the man holding Neris captive." Schostas was stunned when he heard this. "Is he crazy!!!!! He'll be killed!!! He has no armor on and won't last long in his state!! I have to help him!"

Schostas runs up to his room and pulls his throwing stars out of his bag. He has a large load of them and carefully adds poison to them. Then he carefully slips them into his pocket. Then he grabs his black great sword and applies poison to that. Oddly enough, it only takes a few drops of poison to cause the sword to suddenly start flowing with poison. This was a surprise to him. It had never done this before. Then he picks it up and rushes down the stairs into the main hall. Then out the front door.

He sees the bartender about 20 yards away and the man with the little girl about 50 yards beyond that. The bartender is in a berserk rage currently and Schostas knows from experience that it won't last too much longer. He must get to him before he is slaughtered. Just then, an arrow strikes Schostas in the shoulder. That did it. He wasn't in a rage until that point. He was running out into this fight only to save the bartender from his own death. But now the arrow has set off his "chaotic" rage.

OOC: Chaotic rage is different from berserker rage. When a person is in a chaotic or berserker rage, all hell can break loose. A berserker rage will only last for so long and gives the person wielding it superhuman strength. The problem is that when it goes away, it weakens the person horrifically. They almost seem to die when they come out of it.

A chaotic rage is a rage that also gives the person wielding it superhuman strength. But can last indefinitely as long as the person still has a reason to be mad. When a person comes out of chaotic rage, they are not weakened like they would be if they went berserk. They just feel overly tired and need to rest a while.

Any major injuries sustained through berserker rage can be fatal when the person comes out of it. But minor injuries are ignored when the person is berserk. A person in a chaotic rage possesses an ability like that of Wolverine. They can heal their damage as long as it isn't too major. Major wounds can be fatal when a person comes out of a chaotic rage, if not treated quickly after.

Sorry for the long OOCs. I will continue my character's fight soon.

Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?"
Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two Corpses. Everything's fine."

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
I have an intriguing question for my fellow Spidweb users in General
Member # 3320
Profile #4
Don't worry; I have no intention of letting this topic turn into the dating game. IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards I have an intriguing question for my fellow Spidweb users_files/cool.gif) I merely wanted to know if there were any other people out there like me. I like being on this website, and I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize my membership. I prefer to respect the rules of a site and stay on the side of the law whenever possible.

If this turns into a free-for-all flirt-fest, I will ask a moderator to close it. For now, I just want to find people here who I have something in common with. I don't have very many friends where I live and I don't have many contacts on the Internet to talk to. I feel better when I have someone after my own heart to talk to. IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards I have an intriguing question for my fellow Spidweb users_files/smile.gif)

Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?"
Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two Corpses. Everything's fine."

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
I have an intriguing question for my fellow Spidweb users in General
Member # 3320
Profile #0
I know this is absolutely none of my business, but I have an insatiable curiosity and feel the need to ask something crazy. IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards I have an intriguing question for my fellow Spidweb users_files/tongue.gif)IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards I have an intriguing question for my fellow Spidweb users_files/rolleyes.gif) Do we have any gays, bisexuals, lesbians, or transsexuals here at the site? This is not meant to single out people. Although it might.

To get the ball rolling, I will start. I am gay and I am tired of sitting in the shadows. IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards I have an intriguing question for my fellow Spidweb users_files/cool.gif) Since I am currently not making fun of anybody, I am under the impression that I am not breaking any rules with this question. I just like to get to know people better. I am not looking for a date. And I do not like hitting on people. I am just your average everyday 18-year-old. Except I am gay. IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards I have an intriguing question for my fellow Spidweb users_files/rolleyes.gif)

I am just hoping that there are other people here who won't feel too embarrassed about posting under this topic. It's just that I am afraid of entering a chat room for people like myself. I prefer to talk to people at a place I am familiar with. I hope someone posts here.

Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?"
Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two Corpses. Everything's fine."

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Top 10 Annoying Bastards in General
Member # 3320
Profile #9
No one on this site is a bastard. People are just cranky from sitting in front of their computer screen for so long that their hands have gone limp, theirs eyes are blood shot from staring for too long without blinking, and they become malnurished because they don't want to miss one iota of action.

Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?"
Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two Corpses. Everything's fine."

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Baltazar the Mad (RP) in General
Member # 3320
Profile #310
OOC: Because of the fact that I am getting yelled at in two different RPs right now, I will have to take Alcove out of this RP somehow for a while. I am sick and tired of being criticized for suggesting something in an RP. Ever since I came here, it has been nag, nag, nag. Well since it won't stop, then I now understand that I seem to be a burden in this RP and the other as well. Consider me shot from both for a while. Your burden has gone.

IC: Alcove wakes up after passing out on the bed from all the magical terror she just endured. She is now soaking wet with sweat and every muscle in her body aches. She tears the metal ring around her neck off and the power crystal falls on the bed. As soon as it comes off, she senses a malevolent evil presence nearby. Then she hears a voice come from what seems to be the other side of the barrier. It sounds like Arcadia again. "Ha ha!!!! Foolish woman!! You shouldn't have removed that crystal!! Now you are open to my wrath and are at my mercy!!!!!"

Just then, a hole is torn through the magical barrier in the doorway and it dissipates. A lich lord is now standing in front of her. It speaks to her with Arcadia's voice. "I don't know how my spirit got into this lich's body, but I will take full advantage of it!!!! Prepare to die Alcove!!!!!!"

Alcove is scared stiff, but she then realizes that her magical powers are back. She backs up against the wall of the room and quickly says a series of words. With a white flash of light, Alcove disappears from the room and reappears outside the tower, a distance away. She is now a hundred yards from the tower. She hears a voice yelling from the tower out at her. "Curse you Alcove!!!!! When did you get your powers back?!!! I'll get you yet!!!! And with that, the lich turns around and walks away from the window.

Alcove has no idea what to do. Realizing her powers are back once again, she chants a few words and floats into the air. She then proceeds to the top level of the tower and enters through a window. She runs to a blank wall, pushes a brick and a door swings inward. She runs inside and pushes on the brick again. The wall slams shut behind her as she grabs a torch that's hanging on the wall. She casts a spark spell and lights the torch up. She then locks several deadbolts on the door, and then turns to face the room. She is now standing in her private strong room.

She has enough food and water to hold out in here for a long time. She walks around and lights the other torches in the room. She walks over to a blank wall and thrusts her hand into it. It passes right though. "Ha! I thought it was there. Right where I remembered it." It turns out that there is an illusion machine setup on the sill of a window in the room. It gives the appearance of a solid brick wall on the inside and outside. "Well, at least I have all of the essentials."

She even had a privy placed in the room, as well as a bed. "Thank god I am the only person who knows this room exists. Not even Baltazar knows about it. I thank you Theodus for this blessed gift." With that, she sits down at a table in the room and listens to the sounds of fighting coming from below her.

OOC: Now my character will be out of the way until the fight against Baltazar. Have fun.

(Looks around in the Study)
Colonel Mustard: "Just checking."
Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?"
Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine."

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Zombie Attack RP 2 in General
Member # 3320
Profile #20
OOC: THAT IS IT!!!! Omlette!! I have had enough of your constant meddling. I therefore have no choice but to remove my character from this RP, if you are going to sit there and accuse me of potentially stealing the plot. Are you going to yell at me in the Holding the Tavern Front RP as well? I guess I have to figure out how to get my character out of town now. Or at least out of the way of the other characters so that I won't "hijack" the plot as you put it.

IC: Celisto realizes that staying in this town could be deadly for her, so she rushes back to the area where the inn is. She chants and raves for a few seconds and leaps off the roof. She carefully floats down to the ground and makes her way into the inn. Not surprisingly at all, the commander isn't there anymore.

So, she heads up to her room and removes the ward on her door with a spell. She unlocks the door and rushes into the room. She shuts the door behind her and locks it once more. Looking around at the safeness of her room, she decides that maybe staying in here will be safer.

She backs up a few feet from the door, and then chants for a few seconds. A yellow light shoots from her hands and strikes the door. The light begins turning purple and a magical barrier appears in front of the door. "There is no possible way that anyone can get in to her room now," she thinks to herself. She is safe for a while. She figures it will be too risky to try to leave town. She had better stay walled up in her room until the fight is over or she is needed.

She walks up to the window and looks out. She sees people running back and forth in the street screaming. Then she sees undead beginning to walk along the street and soldiers trying to fight them off. She goes over to her bed and sits down trying to clear her mind of the horror terrorizing the streets of the town. She lies down or her bed and with an uneasy feeling in her mind, tries to go to sleep.

OOC: You brought it on Omlette. Now I refuse to bring my character back into the RP anytime soon. If you think my intention is to take over this RP, then I have no reason to stay in this RP and listen to your pithy remarks.


Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?"
Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two Corpses. Everything's fine."

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Zombie Attack RP 2 in General
Member # 3320
Profile #15
OOC: Time for another appearance. I didn't get to fight much in the last one.

IC: Celisto makes her way to the battle and as she passes an alley, she catches some movement out of the corner of her eye. She turns to see a group of undead chasing two soldiers down the alley away from her. The soldiers are obviously outnumbered and she can see that their blades and armor are heavily damaged. If she doesn't do something to help them, the undead will most certainly kill the soldiers. She proceeds to run down the alley after them.

When she reaches the other end, she sees a sight that chills her to the bone. The soldiers have run into an ambush. As far as she can see along the street from one end to the other are undead. It hits her that this isn't a normal undead infestation. "There has to be a necromancer behind this," she thinks to herself. She realizes she has to do something quickly to help the soldiers, so she prepares several death arrow spells.

The undead have now completely surrounded the soldiers and as the soldiers attempt to fight back, they move in for the kill. Celisto brings her hands up over her head and then begins moving them in a slight circular manner while above her head. Blue light and sparks start emanating from them as she beings chanting and raving. Suddenly the bright white light flashes from her hands and then she brings them back down. Her manner becomes manic and twitchy as she starts aiming at various undead. Then she pulls back her arms one at a time as if preparing to throw something.

The undead start taking notice of her and some begin moving towards her. Just then she lets her spells rip with lightning quick movements and one by one, blue balls of flashing lightning and bright white light are thrown from her hands. As the death arrow spells hit their targets, the undead go flying apart in every which direction. She first picks off the undead moving towards her, and then she concentrates on the undead, which are immediate threats to the soldiers.

She yells at the soldiers, "Get the hell out of Dodge now!!!! In other words, RUN while you still can!!! I'll hold them back from here until you bring help!!" The soldiers are stunned by her sudden appearance and power, but soon recover from their amazement and begin running like the blazes back through the alley. Celisto continues sending out death arrow spells at any zombie within 15 feet of her. When all of the zombies are at least 20 feet away from her, she decides its time to get out of range before she is exhausted.

She ceases throwing death arrows and begins ranting and raving words like that of the most ancient of cultures. Suddenly she juts her hands out palm-down beside her and begins to lift off of the ground. She continues rising until she is at the same level as the building roofs. She sees the zombies below her clawing at the air in desperation as they try to reach her. She gives a slight laugh and then lands on a roof. As she looks out at all the zombies in the street from one end to other, she sees something in the distance.

Her eyes grow wide as she makes out what it is. It's a necromancer. She can't make out any details, but she feels she must warn the townspeople before its too late. Just then, she catches movement at the other end of the street. "ANOTHER ONE!!!", she thinks in surprise. She fears the situation is worse than she first imagined. She runs across the roofs in the direction of the inn, hoping that the Commander of the army is still there.

OOC: There, now we have some necromancers. I hope I didn't bring some in too soon.

Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?"
Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two Corpses. Everything's fine."

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Baltazar the Mad (RP) in General
Member # 3320
Profile #306
I will edit this post into a storyline when someone mentions the horrific scream that Alcove let out and the sudden shaking of the tower. I don't like being the only person to notice things. I await others to post.

(Looks around in the Study)
Colonel Mustard: "Just checking."
Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?"
Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine."

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
How old are you? in General
Member # 3320
Profile #36
I'm overweight. Does it matter?

Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?"
Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two Corpses. Everything's fine."

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Holding the Tavern Front -RP in General
Member # 3320
Profile #69
OOC: I can't let this one die. Kogar, I hope I don't let you down with my post in response to Vincent's injuries.

IC: Schostas sensed that there was a loud noise nearby and so he came out of his sleeping trance. No one around him was to the wiser that he had been asleep. To them, he was sitting there through most of the battle just flipping through his spell book and studying each page carefully. As he woke up, he heard the now dying down sound of the great explosion that took place between the enemy’s fireball and Vincent's. He stood up and ran to the wall to see what was happening.

Smoke could be seen rising from the ground through the windows from what he could see, but he couldn't see much because of all the people standing in front of them and looking out. The bartender was one of the people there looking out of one of the windows and so he tapped him on the shoulder. The bartender turned around and had a horrified, yet triumphant expression on his face. "What d' ye want!!" Schostas thought carefully about what to ask him. "What happened? I was engrossed in my spell book when I heard a tremendous explosion."

The bartender looked at him with confusion and then distaste. "How in th' hell can ye just sit dere and read yer book when we are bein' attacked?!!! T'weren't for dat burnt fella dere, we'd all b' fried. See if ye can help him. I gota get back to m' work." And with that, the bartender went into the back room of the inn to fetch some supplies for the soldiers trying to make a stand off for the inn.

Schostas turned his attention to the man on the ground that was burned in the explosion. He walked over to him and crouched down beside him. "What happened?" Vincent looked up at him with a smile on his face, despite his bad burns and pain and answered.

"Well, I just bought the inn some time by killing most of people on one enemy side and some on the other. The enemy was creating a huge fireball to destroy the inn with, so I got up on the battlement and cast one of my anti-matter beam spells at the fireball. Man, you should have seen their faces. The soldiers all just stopped fighting one another suddenly and just stood there gawking at my anti-matter energy ball as it approached the enemy's huge fireball.

It was great man. They were so transfixed by my spell that that seemed paralyzed with amazement. I found it fun to watch them get burnt black like paper right where they stood from the searing heat of my spell, without any of them bothering to move much. Then when the shockwave hit them from the explosion resulting from my anti-matter ball hitting the enemy's fireball, it was just beautiful. They flew apart like leaves and I totally annihilated them. OW!!!! Do you think someone can help me with these burns now? Ooooh!!!"

Schostas looked at him and couldn't help but smile. He knew that even though Vincent couldn't actually see him through his hood, he knew that Vincent could tell he was smiling as well. "Well, I can help you. Can you walk?" Vincent looked up at him. "I think so. Help me up." Schostas tried to help Vincent up, but he slumped back down again from the pain. "Well, this might be difficult. It seems the only way I can get you to a bed is to pick you up and carry you myself. Is that all right with you?"

OOC: Your turn Kogar. I hope I did your character justice and played it well. While writing my scene, I was thinking of the scene from "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" when Sarah Connor was dreaming about Sky Net's nuclear attack. And the searing heat from the nuclear blast burned all the people in the playground like paper, while the shockwave blew them all apart like she described to Dr. Silberman, her criminal psychologist while she was in a mental hospital.

I envisioned the voice of your character being like that of the one man in "Aliens" that says, "That's it!! Game over man!! Game over!!!" After the spacecraft that was to take them to the main ship crashed.

Is there anyone else here who has seen these movies? It should give you an idea of what I mean. Sorry about the long OOCs.

Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?"
Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two Corpses. Everything's fine."

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Zombie Attack RP 2 in General
Member # 3320
Profile #10
OOC: If everyone else doesn't mind, I will join in as my previous character, Celisto. I won't bumble this RP up like I did the previous. I am a little sore that someone beat me to it setting up the sequel to the previous one, but it's my fault for not starting it sooner. There isn't much of a plot here yet, so I won't change it at all. I'll just add a twist.

IC: Celisto stands by window in the inn overlooking the street in front of it. She can see soldiers marching towards one end of town and thought she had heard the sound of someone shouting for adventurers and warriors a minute or two ago. She knew she had sensed an undead presence since she first entered town a month ago. It had be more than a year since she had left the little town in the caves, for the warmer climate of the surface.

[FLASHBACK] She realizes that the battle isn't over yet when she had examines the dead body of the Overlord a.k.a. Delgotto. It is hacked to pieces, but she manages to find the head and remove the helmet. She is horrified to see that it isn't the overlord at all, but his 1st General in charge. She sees that this area is now safe from the Delgotto's reach, since his army was almost completely exhausted in the attacks. But she realizes the battle between them is not over. After that day, she abruptly leaves the town, and never looks back.

[PRESENT] She knows that one day Delgotto will track her down again, but she believes that what is happening now, here on the surface, can't be connected to him. At least she hopes it isn't. She decides that she must do something to help. Even if this has nothing to do with Delgotto, she knows that an undead fight can easily get out of hand.

She stoops by her bed at a chest she brought with her. She opens it and looks inside. She sees Delgotto's spell book, the Liberate sword, the Quicksilver sword, her own small collection of weapons, and several magical items of her own that she brought with her or purchased along the way. She knows she will need some of these later, but decides to keep them locked up in this trunk until se needs them for sure. She won't risk the chance of someone finding and stealing her stuff.

She gets up, walks over to her wardrobe, and opens it. Inside are the magical cloaks she wore that day in the underground town. She takes off her commoner clothes and slips on the robes. She feels a tingling sensation over her whole body and smiles. She thinks to herself, "It feels good to wear these robes again.”

Then she walks over to the chest once again and pulls out an amulet she received in return for helping to destroy the first zombie attack. She is already wearing a power amulet, but decides to put this one on. The townspeople were unable to tell what its functions were, since the mayor was killed in the attack. But she knew what it did. It was the amulet of Crystallysis. It could be used to turn to yielder invisible. But, it had a result of draining the user considerably per use. But it could be used for an unlimited amount of time, as long as the yielder was clutching it.

She puts it on and then pulls out the Liberate sword. She then pulls out a sword sheath that she had bought recently, puts it on, and inserts the sword to it. It allows the sword to hang off of her back like Xena. She then pulls out a Magery ring, puts it on her finger, and shuts the chest. She pulls out a gold key and locks the chest. Then she slips it in her pocket and heads out the door, locking it behind her, and placing a very strong ward spell on it. She proceeds down the steps and through the inn to the entrance so she can join the others heading towards the undead invasion.

OOC: Sorry if that was so long, but I needed to reintroduce my character. If there is anyone here in this RP who hasn't read about my character yet, her description can be found on page 7 of the original Zombie Attack RP on page three of the General Board. I have no intentions of bringing the Overlord into this. That is up to the creator. As far as I am concerned, my character is just going out to help fight the undead invasion.

Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?"
Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two Corpses. Everything's fine."

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Baltazar the Mad (RP) in General
Member # 3320
Profile #302
OOC: Ok. I've wandered around for enough days now, waiting for time to pass in this RP. Time to act. I am a little upset that someone continued the Zombie RP without me. I was going to start the next one. But oh well. Doesn't matter. Let's bring Alcove back into the picture shall we.

IC: Alcove has been resting comfortably for 50 minutes with no result from the power crystal. She has just started to enter REM sleep when she feels like she is being choked. She opens her eyes and sees no one at all. But the feeling continues and she tries to sit up. It is then that she realizes that she is completely paralyzed.

The choking feeling begins to get stronger and stronger. Suddenly her eyesight goes and she is left in complete darkness. Then a horrible ringing begins in her ears. She starts sweating profusely and begins getting a strange taste in the back of her throat. Then her body starts convulsing and her temperature rises to a dangerous level. She feels as if she is soon going to explode or something else even worse is about to happen.

Then the ringing in her ears ceases and she starts hearing voices. Or at least one voice with what seems like a devilish undertone to it. She recognizes it. It is Arcadia. Alcove becomes terrified at the thought that Arcadia is alive and is in the room with her doing these things to her. Alcoves refuses to believe it is true though, and just tries to focus on the voice. The voice is fuzzy and jumbled and she can?t make out what is being said. Then the voice begins to clear a little and she can make out some words. Then a single message in a very loud booming voice becomes apparent.

"CURSE YOU ALCOVE!!!!! I THOUGHT I HAD FINALLY RUINED YOU FOR GOOD!!!! WHERE DID YOU GET THAT POWER CRYSTAL?!!!!! NO!!!!!! IT CAN'T BE!!!!!! NOT THE TOMECHLIA CRYSTAL!!!!! DAMN YOU!!!!! I WILL GET MY REVENGE SOMEDAY, ALCOVE!!!!! I WILL SEE YOU IN HELL!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!? The screaming continues and fades as though Arcadia is falling into an abyss. Then all is silent.

The convulsions of her body continue and her temperature reaches the death point and continues rising higher. Yet, somehow she is still alive. She continues sweating and then light flashes into her eyes. But not normal light. But light of all colors. Then her head begins throbbing and her heartbeat quickens. She suddenly hears an ear-piercing scream and realizes that it is her own. She doesn't know how she is able to scream, but she does. The screams is so loud and intense that it has to be heard for almost a mile around.

She suddenly gets the sensation that her body is floating and is no longer on the bed. She can make out the image of the ceiling moving closer and closer to her and then she stops in mid air and just hovers there. Then she feels a horrific stinging sensation where the power crystal is touching her neck. The next thing she knows, a feeling of being massively electrocuted. Her entire body now starts convulsing from the pulses of electricity that are entering it. She feels a tremendous wind start sweeping around her and sees lightning and a bright blue light twisting around her body.

She is still screaming horrifically when suddenly there is a staggering boom and she hears along with her screaming the sound of the entire tower shaking. Then, just as suddenly as the previous events had started, they abruptly cease. She feels the wind cease, the tower shaking end, her screaming stop, the convulsing and electrocution going away, and her body being released from the anti-gravity that had taken over it. Her body thumps back onto the bed and she passes out again.

OOC: I will wake her up in my next post. I have no idea where the idea for this post came from or how I was able to write it. But I did. IMAGE(rolleyez.gif)

(Looks around in the Study)
Colonel Mustard: "Just checking."
Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?"
Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine."

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Questions in desperate need of answering! in General
Member # 3320
Profile #10
1. I use private messages all the time. It's a way to talk privately with another member on the board without having everyone else listening in and giving their opinion.

2. Don't ask me, I never saw the entire movie. It was somewhat interesting, but not enough to make me want to rent it.

3. You've lost me there. I haven't watched or read enough fantasy stories to have any idea what you are talking about.

4. Some of it, but not all of it. I have also seen worse. Despite my short time here.

5. I listen to a whole variety. I have over three hundred songs downloaded to my computer. I like some pop/rock, some rock & roll, very little hard rock, country music, classical, orchestra music, all sorts of music. Even a smudge of rap. Even Broadway songs. I am a great lover of music.

Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?"
Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two Corpses. Everything's fine."

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
members who were once wanderers in General
Member # 3320
Profile #27
I feel like a cad because I joined in so late. Just out of curiousity, what are the ikon boards and the misc. topic? I hate being left in the dark.

Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?"
Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two Corpses. Everything's fine."

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
How old are you? in General
Member # 3320
Profile #0
I was just curious. How old are most of my fellow Spidweb users. I am 18. I will be 19 in January. I'm only curious. You don't have to tell if you don't want to. IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards How old are you_files/rolleyes.gif)

Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?"
Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two Corpses. Everything's fine."

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Baltazar the Mad (RP) in General
Member # 3320
Profile #288
OOC: This one is going to be short, since my character will be resting for an hour. This is a continuation of my previous post.

IC: Jade and Eferas help Alcove to a room with a bed and just as they are leaving, she asks Jade for a favor. "Jade, if I am to be undisturbed and be able to recuperate successfully within the next hour, you will need to seal off the room." Jade nods her head and goes outside the room. Eferas leaves as well and when both are out of the room, Jade faces the door and begins chanting and raving. She holds out her arms and hands perpendicular to her body.

A bight purple light explodes from her hands and stops at the doorway. Soon a bright purple barrier starts forming. As she finishes the spell, the entire doorway is covered and the room is sealed. Then Lightning shoots from her hands and strikes the barrier. The lightning starts flowing through the barrier like blood in arteries and veins throughout the body. Then the lightning ceases from her hands the spell is finished.

OOC: You won't be hearing from Alcove for a while. She needs time to recuperate. She will be brought back in when the rebels begin getting close to Baltazar.

(Looks around in the Study)
Colonel Mustard: "Just checking."
Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?"
Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine."

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Baltazar the Mad (RP) in General
Member # 3320
Profile #282
OOC: Is it just me, or did you never get around to removing all of the magical items from the bodies yet. Remember the golden phoenixes all over Alcove's robes? They will play a prominent part in my story. Also, the metal ring around Alcove's neck will become important in this post.

IC: Alcove feels drained of energy and hears voices in the room. She thinks she hears Arcadia, but the voice seems different. She sits up and opens her eyes. At first, she can see nothing. Then a blinding white light becomes visible. She grimaces at it and then tries to stand. She feels too weak and falls back down. Then images start becoming visible. She hears footsteps and looks in that direction. She sees the image of a man stooping over her and then he tries to reach into her pockets.

He gets a nasty surprise though. Even though she is almost completely drained of all her magical energy, the golden phoenixes on her robes flash and he is sent flying across the room. She forgot to warn him of the magical defenses of her cloaks. All images finally come into focus, and she sees that it is the strange mage from the other room. She looks over to where Arcadia was and sees her lying motionless on the ground. She then sees the image of Delgar standing halfway across the room.

Then she sees Jade moving around and trying to stand up. Alcove is confused and her mind seems blank. She attempts to heal herself, but is unable to. Her powers appear to be gone. She remembers the mind-duel, but nothing else. "What happened? Delgar, is Arcadia alive?" Delgar hears her asking questions and hurries over to answer them.

"Alcove, you were engaged in a mind-duel with Arcadia. Alas, she is dead. With her last bit of magical strength, she has cast a temporary curse on your mind. The curse killed her, but you will be unable to cast any magic for an undeterminable amount of time. Jade appears to have been released from her charming, but still has some of your powers. When you get your magical powers back, we will need you to release her from the grip of that amulet you put around her neck. She is a danger to herself as long as she has your powers."

Alcove stares at him with horror on her face as she hears his explanation. She then looks over at Jade and sees her finally get to her feet. Jade walks over to her and Alcove is surprised to see that she has a smile on her face. Jade speaks to her. "I understand that you had me charmed, to help you destroy Arcadia. While I don't approve of such a thing, I realize that you had to do, what you had to do. I still have some of your memory with me and I can see now why you hated her so much. But we must forget about that now and try to remove that curse she placed on you."

Jade searches her mind for a spell she might have received from Alcove. She then sees the pyramid shaped power crystal and the Ring of Endless Magery. She realizes that the power crystal can dissolve the curse and the ring can restore Alcove's magical energy back to normal again. "Alcove, do you still have the ring and the power crystal? Alcove looks at her in a confused manner and then speaks. "What ring and what power crystal?" Delgar looks over at Jade and then at Eferas, who meanwhile had managed to get back up again and join them. He is slightly singed.

"I'm afraid that the curse has erased more of her memory than I had first anticipated. Alcove, just empty your pockets." Alcove does as he asks and pulls a few red crystals out, a ring and a pyramid shape crystal. Jade picks up the ring and the power crystal. She notes that the power crystal has a metal ring hooked through it and then observes the golden metal ring around Alcove's neck. "Alcove, does that metal ring around your neck come off?" Alcove fingers her neck and then a clicking sound can be heard.

The golden metal ring comes off and she hands it to Jade. Jade attaches the power crystal to it and hands it back to Alcove. "Now put it back on." Alcove reattaches it around her neck. "That should soon release her from the dumbfounding curse. It will reverse what Arcadia has done. But it will take at least an hour to do so. Put the red crystals back in your pockets, Alcove. And put this ring on. We need to take you to a room where you can rest.? Eferas, and Jade help her to her feet and lead her off to a spare room with a bed.

OOC: Sorry if that was rather long. By the way, you did a very good job in that previous post Omlette. And don't forget to check you PMs. I sent you one a while ago that you can delete. IMAGE(rolleyey.gif)

[ Thursday, October 02, 2003 09:26: Message edited by: Murder, She Wrote ]

(Looks around in the Study)
Colonel Mustard: "Just checking."
Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?"
Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine."

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Holding the Tavern Front -RP in General
Member # 3320
Profile #55
OOC: Have we reached morning already? This fight between the Shadow and Asarton will be interesting to watch.

IC: Schostas continues to sleep while everyone around him thinks he is studying spells. Somehow, Schostas has even mastered turning pages in his sleep. (Don't ask me how). Everyone has either gone uncomfortably to sleep, is still treating there wounds, or is sitting up and is too afraid to go back to sleep. Meanwhile, Neris has made it back to the cellar through the tunnels, having squished several of the slimes along the way. She was so frightened, that she forgot about them.

The bartender is beginning to drift off to sleep. Suddenly there is a soft knocking noise in the floor of the back room. The bartender knows it is Neris, but doesn't want to acknowledge it. Then he here's her calling out faintly. "Da!! They are stormin' t' tunnels!! Da?!! Da?!! Can ye hear me?!!" The bartender suddenly rushes into the back room.

OOC: Premonition, I hope I imitated Neris well enough. By the way, I replied to your PM to me. Let’s get the scenes at the inn rolling, people. I got them going again. Let’s keep them going.

Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?"
Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two Corpses. Everything's fine."

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Baltazar the Mad (RP) in General
Member # 3320
Profile #268
Can someone please help me? I don't understand how a mind duel works. I would be grateful if someone could write a decent-lengthed fight scene with plenty of detail for me. I would do it, but I am not good with fight scenes and I don't know what happens during a mind duel. IMAGE(frown003.gif) And as a note to Fluffy and Mancire, I plan to revive your souls if I ever beat Arcadia. Tommy, where are you? I gave you your window to get Kyrissian back to the battle and you haven't been around. IMAGE(frown003.gif)

(Looks around in the Study)
Colonel Mustard: "Just checking."
Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?"
Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine."

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Baltazar the Mad (RP) in General
Member # 3320
Profile #262
OOC: I knew I should have sent out Haikaas. The imps will not disappear on their own. They are special creatures summoned by Alcove and only disappear after being killed by someone or destroyed by Alcove.

In addition, don't forget that Jade has that amulet and it causes whoever is looking at her to see Alcove's image because she touched her.

IC: Alcove enters the room and sees Arcadia and a new mage. She hadn't seen this one before, but had merely sensed him. She knew he was no real threat to her, so she began concentrating on Arcadia. The image of Delgar began to flicker and fade. She thought to herself. "Yes! The imps must have reached him and are distracting him.? She turns to Jade and speaks.

"Jade, you take the new mage, the old graying man in the corner, and I will take Arcadia." She smiles at Arcadia and then quickly runs out of the room. Arcadia's initial reaction is to run after her and that's what she does. Arcadia sprints out of the room after her and Alcove continues running through the halls until she comes to the Castle's training room. As she runs into the room, she looks behind her and sees Arcadia continuing to chase her. The room Alcove is running into is a huge room with seats all around it like an arena from ancient Rome.

The room is used for the training of soldiers for the kingdom. Other soldiers would come to watch the battles. It was a spectator sport-like thing. Like gladiator matches, except used for training. The room is one hundred feet long and the same distance wide. King Baltazar would sit in the box of seats right above the doorway she just ran through. The floor was stained with the blood that was shed during the training fights. There is a single window in three sides of the room and steps leading up to the seats. A single pillar holds up the roof in the middle of the room.

As Alcove reaches the opposite end of the room, she turns around and sees Arcadia opposite of her in the room. She speaks to her with a smirk on her face, "Well Arcadia, it seems we meet for our last battle. I brought you here so that we could have some privacy. Do you have your crystals ready?" Arcadia smiles back her and responds, "Do you think I would be such a fool to come here without them? I'm not an idiot Alcove. I know what you know. This should be an interesting fight. But, I will never be your prisoner. Baltazar is doomed, as are you."

Alcove looks at her with disgust and interjects. "I don't have a single iota of sympathy for Baltazar. I've wanted out of his kingdom for a long time. I plan to rebel against him with the rebels. I have been waiting a long time for the day that they would attack and overthrow him once and for all. But as for you, my dear Arcadia, we have a score to settle, here and now!!"

She pulls one of the red crystals from her pocket and starts chanting and raving. Soon a red beam of light and energy comes from the crystal and flies into Alcove's head. Arcadia does the same thing and has the same results. Suddenly a fiery orange light shoots from Alcove's hands and head, and just as suddenly, the same thing starts happening with Arcadia. The orange beams meet in the middle and the mind-duel begins.

OOC: There the scene is set up for the mind-duel. I don't know enough about mind dueling to continue this story scene. I need someone else to take over. I want this battle to last no less than three posts and no more than six if that is possible. This should be interesting.

Sorry for the long post. Please PM me if you find any mistakes in this storyline. I don?t like leaving mistakes in them. It makes it hard for people to understand what I am writing.

(Looks around in the Study)
Colonel Mustard: "Just checking."
Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?"
Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine."

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Holding the Tavern Front -RP in General
Member # 3320
Profile #45
OOC: Well I have to post something.

IC: Schostas was in one of the medical tents amazed by his power and enjoying his newfound ability. He was carefully studying the spell book and couldn't wait for the next day to come so he could try out some of the new spells he had learned.

Oddly enough, he controlled his anger when he was shot in his arm. He had never been able to do that before. Whether he could do the same the next day, only time could tell. All it would do is take a certain injury or anger at someone for him to show his true side.

Schostas decided it was time to sleep again, so he got himself up and out of the tent and returned to his usual seat in the corner at the inn. He propped his spell book up against the wall and ordered a meal. The girl didn't seem to be around and he noticed that when the bartender brought him his meal of butter fired chicken and Fettuccini Alfredo. He then asked for a glass and a bottle of Mogen David wine and the bartender soon brought him a both.

After eating his meal, he took the plate to the bartender and went back to his seat to enjoy his wine for a while. He sipped on it from the glass as he sat his spell book down and started studying it again. After drinking half the bottle, he took it to the bartender and told him to chill it until tomorrow. He then went back to his seat, and making sure that his hood completely hid his face, proceeded to fall asleep with the appearance of reading his spell book.

OOC: That should be enough for a while until someone else posts something.

Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?"
Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two Corpses. Everything's fine."

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Baltazar the Mad (RP) in General
Member # 3320
Profile #253
OOC: Now to get Alcove out of the passageway and back to the fight.

IC: Alcove studies the locket with earnest. It has a square hole in the middle of it. She then removes the power crystal from its case and examines it carefully. It seems that the pointed end of the pyramid shaped crystal might fit in the square hole. She places the tip in the hole and it suddenly emits a green light.

Then the power crystal adheres to the locket for a few seconds. White light starts to appear through the side of the locket, and then she hears a clicking sound, like a lock unlocking. Then suddenly the locket snaps open the green and white light ceases. She stares in awe at what she is seeing. It almost seems like a dream. She is looking at one of the rarest of all artifacts.

It is a Ring of Endless Magery. Alcove takes it out of the now open locket and slips it on her finger. She feels a warmth run through her body and her magical energy restore itself. She now feels fully restored back to her former self. She then slips the ring off of her finger and then puts it in her pocket, as she does with the power crystal. Then she hangs the charm necklace back on one of the hooks and presses the brick back in. The wall swings around again and locks into place, showing all the weapons once more.

Alcove then walks out of the weapons closet, shuts the door, and locks it. She then proceeds out of the passageway and back into the hall. She begins to walk back to the battle. When she is halfway there, she stops at a window. She realizes that she can pinpoint where Delgar is and maybe she can't slow his progress in the tower for a while. She begins chanting and raving again and soon several imps appear around her. "I want you to go and distract Delgar for a while at this area." She shows the imps with her mind where she wants them to go and then sends them on their way.

The imps take off out the window and proceed to the location that Delgar is currently hiding at. She only wants the imps to slow him down and distract him for a while. She realizes that he is too important to kill, but must be stopped for a while. Otherwise, he will continue to stand between Alcove and Arcadia. With the imps distracting him, he will have to remove his presence from the tower for a while in order to fend them off. With that in knowledge, she heads towards the battle and quite possibly, her last battle against Arcadia.

She knows she must eventually release Jade from her charming and kill Arcadia once and for all. But she fears it may be at the cost of her own life. Nevertheless, Arcadia must be stopped and Baltazar will have to be killed. She rounds the corner and sees the doorway. The sounds of battle still echo from it as she walks through the doorway and begins to fight, hoping that the imps will get to Delgar soon.

OOC: It is up to you people to continue the fight. Arcadia will die and Alcove might end up zapped of all strength. But I want Alcove to survive. And the ring in Alcove?s pocket is meant to go to Jade for her battle against Arcadia and Baltazar. Let?s get down to the battle now shall we? IMAGE(rolleyex.gif) If someone can come up with something for the power crystal, that would be nice too.

[ Sunday, September 28, 2003 15:02: Message edited by: Murder, She Wrote ]

(Looks around in the Study)
Colonel Mustard: "Just checking."
Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?"
Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine."

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Baltazar the Mad (RP) in General
Member # 3320
Profile #248
OOC: Omlette, you are making things weirder than I intended they get. I had a plan for my character, but now I will have to take drastic measures to ensure she and Jade both survive.

IC: Alcove starts to awaken from her slight comatose state. She immediately hears the sounds of battle and attempts to get up. Unfortunately, she is very weak. After a few minutes, she manages to muster enough strength to get up. She realizes she will be unable to do anything in the present state she is in, so she decides to try to heal herself. She chants the correct words and manages to summon up some extra strength. She begins to feel much stronger and finally goes out to investigate the scene of the current fighting.

She walks out into the hall and then down to the lounge room. She finds the door off its hinges and lying on the floor. There are blasts of magical energy coming through the doorway and hitting the wall, producing sizeable damage to them. The clones she created are now bloody messes on the floor. Alcove walks up to the doorway from the side and peers in. She sees Arcadia and Eferas flinging all sorts of magical bolts at Jade. And Jade is dodging all of them and fighting back.

Alcove realized that this isn't right. She was supposed to be in the thick of the battle, not Jade. She didn't want Jade to be harmed. Then she saw him. She recognizes the hologram of Delgar and realizes that as long as he is around, not much could be done in this fight. The battle would go on indefinitely as long as he was around. It occurs to Alcove that she must get rid of him somehow.

She leaves the scene of the battle and goes back to the hall with the passageway. She walks up to the illusionary wall and reenters the passage. She goes back to the weapons room and unlocks the door again. She goes inside and presses a brick in the weapons wall. The wall swings on a pivot and soon she sees the back of the weapons wall.

There are two ivory pegs and a small shelf with a glass case on it on this side of the wall. On one of the pegs is strange charm necklace, with a two-inch thick locket on it, a gold protection circlet, and in the glass case, a power crystal in the shape of a pyramid. She removes the protection circlet from the peg and puts it on. Then she takes the charm necklace off of the peg. She examines the locket. She once heard a rumor that if it contained a valuable artifact from the Exile Wars. But it was sealed by some sort of magic.

It was found in the hand of a high priest who was slaughtered by Baltazar. With the death of the priest, went the possible solution to opening the locket. Oddly enough, this power crystal was found on an altar in the same temple. The protection circlet was claimed from the dead king Theodus's treasury. It was on a shelf surrounded by traps. Now Alcove was wearing it. It was given to her by Baltazar as a present for her loyalty. The power crystal was given to her for safekeeping, as was the locket charm. She just had to figure out now how the Power Crystal was used to open the locket.

OOC: I will continue this later. The post is getting too long.

(Looks around in the Study)
Colonel Mustard: "Just checking."
Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?"
Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine."

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Baltazar the Mad (RP) in General
Member # 3320
Profile #242
Zephyr, I hope you were considering the clones to be the real mages. Jade is around the corner controlling them, and Alcove is passed out on a bed in a nearby room. Don't be giving the game away for me so soon. And Tommy, it is up to you to see that Kyrissian comes back with the imps.

I am not posting anymore until someone continues the story. I mean the fight scene. I don't possess the ability to draw up fights. IMAGE(frown002.gif)

(Looks around in the Study)
Colonel Mustard: "Just checking."
Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?"
Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two corpses. Everything's fine."

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
