Profile for The_Nazgul
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Displayed name | The_Nazgul |
Member number | 2940 |
Title | Infiltrator |
Postcount | 469 |
Homepage | http://---- |
Registered | Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
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What's Your Faction? in General | |
Member # 2940
written Friday, August 26 2005 00:50
quote:You just game me an idea for my scenario. :P -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
I am the best. in General | |
Member # 2940
written Thursday, August 25 2005 13:35
Congrats you really are the BEST! IT'S AMAZING :eek: ! Wow, 3 years in these forums and that's the first time I recall the use that eek face. :eek: ...2nd! :eek: ...3rd!! :eek: ...4th!!! ...I'm on a role!*cough* [ Thursday, August 25, 2005 13:40: Message edited by: The_Nazgul ] -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Do you like school? in General | |
Member # 2940
written Thursday, August 25 2005 13:15
I liked it, mostly for the people. The waking up early thing I couldn't take very well. :P -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Pralgad or Pralgrad? in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 2940
written Thursday, August 25 2005 03:59
quote:Well you MUST wait. As I said, it's only 10% complete. Thank me when I finish it, chances are Avernum 4 will come out right before my scenario. :D -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
What's Your Faction? in General | |
Member # 2940
written Thursday, August 25 2005 03:50
I picked "other", thinking about the Rebels. The rebels have it tough and they are real fighters, most of them never get the "prize" of being exiled, they just got executed on the spot. You would have to be either very brave or very stupid to openly oppose the empire and fight it. EDIT: Hey Chicho, nice to see another chilean around! Soy de conce pero vivo en Inglaterra. :D -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
JV and Change in General | |
Member # 2940
written Thursday, August 25 2005 03:40
I'm just eager to see how much Avernum has changed since the war in Avernum 2. -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Pralgad or Pralgrad? in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 2940
written Wednesday, August 24 2005 09:47
I am pretty sure it's Aizo and Pralgad. quote:I thought the same thing. I'm actually working on a scenario taking place in a MAYOR port city of Aizo (of my creation). Of course, because of the demans of making a sceario in a cosmopolitan city, things are going pretty slow. I have made 60% of the plotline, about 10% of the actual game and about 5 custom graphics. Be warned, this scenario will have a very small outdoors. Most of the action takes place within the big city itself. (Making a whole province would be suicide or would most likely result in a lame scenario.) -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Avernum 4? in General | |
Member # 2940
written Wednesday, August 24 2005 05:36
I also felt that way about the Avernum graphics, but ultimately I think I'll be able to see through the new graphics and appreciate the storyline. The Geneforge graphics are "bulkier" and give a feeling of density when on screen, whereas the Avernum ones were lighter, this added some elegance to them and the space around them. I certainly understand the feeling of those disappointed by the Geneforge look of Avernum, it must feel like a brick in the face. But I also think the game will make the nostalgic player forget that as he gets his first mission in Averum and eventually gets sucked into the storyline. [ Wednesday, August 24, 2005 05:37: Message edited by: The_Nazgul ] -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Avernum 4? in General | |
Member # 2940
written Wednesday, August 24 2005 04:24
quote:Good, that gives hope for those of us who can't get through the Geneforgish looks of it. I would rather wait 6 more months than see a poor graphic selection. quote:Very true. After all, what made most of us here fans of this game back in Exile 1 was not the graphics but the awesome plot. If the storyline is as good as the previous games of the Exile/Avernum series, then I guess graphics won't really matter. ...I just hope it's not another monster plague thing. Fingers crossed. [ Wednesday, August 24, 2005 04:25: Message edited by: The_Nazgul ] -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Public relation for BoA in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 2940
written Wednesday, August 24 2005 04:02
quote:I laughed. I'll remind you to keep that moniker... Aranfoolcaytar :P , actually, that moniker suits you now more than ever. :D Btw, thanks for the translation. [ Wednesday, August 24, 2005 04:22: Message edited by: The_Nazgul ] -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Your Favorite Source of Energy in General | |
Member # 2940
written Tuesday, August 23 2005 11:57
Yes, there will be a crisis, worse than the Asian one. We will all probably live to see that. -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
were did TM go? in General | |
Member # 2940
written Tuesday, August 23 2005 06:57
I think I'll regret asking but why was he banned? -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Identify the drawings. in General | |
Member # 2940
written Tuesday, August 23 2005 06:34
What's that on Sir David's helmet? Looks like a volcano eruption. -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
A place you'd like to visit... in General | |
Member # 2940
written Tuesday, August 23 2005 06:21
You could get to the Antartica by Chile or Argentina quite easily, the trip there is also quite exiting...and cold. You may also learn why Magellan called the Pacific Ocean "Pacific" after sailing through those parts. -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
goodbye people in General | |
Member # 2940
written Tuesday, August 23 2005 06:01
*Standig at the door.* He will return, they all do. Next time he will remember to leave his sanity at the door. *Gives one last look at the turtles, throws in some sanity and walks inside, slaming the door behind him.* -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
A place you'd like to visit... in General | |
Member # 2940
written Monday, August 22 2005 15:49
I have been to places around the globe, but I have yet to explore my own country. Northern Chile,Atacama desert, the driest place on Earth. I'm from the mid-south, I have never seen the desert or any desert for that matter. They say it's also one of the best spots in the world to see the stars because there are no clouds or light interference (no one lives there anyway)"Valley of the Moon" is one of the spots I want to see. They also tested the Mars rovers there, apparently it's the closest thing to Mars on Earth and since it is unlikely I will travel to mars... Then again, I have yet to visit Easter Island. I really want to take a picture of me with one of those cool bigheaded stone freaks. :cool: ![]() And then there's also the unforgiving but majestic south tip of Chile, "Estrecho de Magallanes" and "Torres de Paine", ![]() All in all, as a city bred person, I know nothing about my country whatsoever. That's why I want to visit those places. :P [ Monday, August 22, 2005 15:51: Message edited by: The_Nazgul ] -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
The Mountain of Shadows RP in General | |
Member # 2940
written Monday, August 22 2005 09:40
OOC: You can join, but please listen to Aran's instructions. It will make your posts much easier to read. Also, if your character belongs to that mysterious underground tribe then you can't have black hair. According to Zephir's description you were all cursed with silver or grey hair (something like that). And Zephir, please don't quote the hole chunk of text, it slows down the loading of the page and it's not really necessary. IC: Cain walked faster and faster, so fast he could tell the group was having trouble following him, especially because of the ground they were now walking on. Every step further up the mountain was received by bigger chunks of snow and frost; it was also getting very gold because there were less trees and foliage to block the cold winds. The slope was also increasing considerably. Needless to say, the Mountain of Shadows looked even more intimidating. Suddenly Cain stopped. The others also stopped somewhat relieved. "What is it?" Asked Tuulentekija, hardly affected by the weather. Cain simply pointed to the ground. Tuulentekija replied sombrely "We are not alone." Filbert shivered "Wolves, beasts, snakes? What is it this time?" There was no time for a response. A humanoid figure jumped out of the foliage, twin blades in hand. "Get down!" Shouted Tuulentekija as he pushed Filbert to the ground and parried one of the attacking blades with his own. The ambusher was a human and by the looks of things, a very skilled blade master. To Cain's surprise Tuulentekija and the attacker were involved in a fierce display of blade clashing and swinging, the stranger was slowly getting the upper hand. Edith who had remained silent most of the journey was finally speaking, not to communicate with anyone but to invoke some mysterious power of her own, the attacker was not going to wait for her though as he finally managed to push Tuulentekija's blade aside and charge towards Edith. Filbert, who was in the way, suddenly sprung in to action adopting a defensive position in front of the charging attacker, the blade master smiled at him as he lifted his twin blades. "Filbert! Get out of his way!" Shouted Tuulentekija. Suddenly, what appeared to a silver object, flied across the trail towards the back of the blade master. Somehow, the charging blade master detected the missile and turned in a fantastic display of swordsmanship, shattering Cain's incoming dagger. Just as everyone gasped at the display, the blade master choked. He trembled slightly, fell on his knees and then head on into the snow, behind him, Filbert held his blood covered sword. "I…I killed him." Filbert muttered. Cain snorted. Surely Edith had placed a blessing or hasting spell on that fool. Upon inspection, Cain noted that Edith looked as impressed as Tuulentekija by Filberts sudden stroke. Hmm…Maybe the kid will be of some use after all. OOC: That guy was a scout from the blade master clan roaming the woods. A little help for the other guys at the cursed village. One blademaster down. ;) [ Tuesday, August 23, 2005 00:31: Message edited by: The_Nazgul ] -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Suggestions for G4 creations in Geneforge Series | |
Member # 2940
written Sunday, August 21 2005 06:20
Ok, a few more ideas. 3) This one was also mentioned. In the previous Geneforge series we have seen the "Charged" variety of creations. It would be great if some master shaper or drakon could teach you how to shape the charged creations. Another option is to find some sort of one-time-use-only platform to charge any of you'r creations. (This would require no new graphics.) 4) The "Inferno Artilla" could be available as some sort of easter egg? (Again, no new graphics.) 5) An absolute new "legal" creation for the Shapers (With new graphics and all). Rebels have the huge advantage in creations, specially in the "air" department with the Drakons. Because of this, Shapers are forced to come up with a flying creation to, in a way, counter it. Obviously not as strong or intelligent as the Drakons, this new breed (Something like a dragoon maybe?) would require little essence. They would be weak, dumb but very fast, loyal and easy to control (Like a flying Fyora). With this new creation Shapers would be able to ambush small Drakon groups and overwhelm them. 6) Someone mentioned this idea and I quite liked it. The hauling creation could be a modified Ornk. In all Geneforge series de penalty for carrying items is huge and unlike Avernum series you only have 1 pickup able character with very limited space, especially as the game develops further and you need to carry many charms and infiltrator items. A little hauling creation would make things much easier. This option is available in another game some of you might know, “Escape Velocity”. In that game you have the option of converting cargo space to weapons space. This weapons/cargo choice could be implemented in Geneforge 4 with this hauling creation. -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Suggestions for G4 creations in Geneforge Series | |
Member # 2940
written Saturday, August 20 2005 03:48
While reading the suggestions for Geneforge 4, I thought this to be a topic on it's own. Please justify. These are some of my suggestions, others mentioned them already: 1)Clockwork creations. Like Golems, movin Pylon things and maybe a couple more. They would be vary hard to make creations, inmune to mental spells. Because of the war going on Shapers and Rebels alike are forced to find new alternatives to shaping powerfull creatures with little essence costs. The result is a new cast of Shaper/Mechanics. The player would require huge amounts of Mechanics and Shapings skills. The clockwork creations would use very little essence, but would require some hard to find limited materials. 2)Living tools, Batoons and the like. It would be great if you could shape and breed these things, have you'r little breeding pit. You would need to feed the things and maintain them in some way. more later... -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Hello in General | |
Member # 2940
written Saturday, August 20 2005 01:41
Welcome Destrier, I have no knowledge on knitting, excuse my ignorance in the matter. -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Statistics Keep the Turtles Happy in General | |
Member # 2940
written Thursday, August 18 2005 10:29
Amazing, some people post in a month almost as much as me in a year! -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
any chance of.... in General | |
Member # 2940
written Wednesday, August 17 2005 06:33
Unlikely. It is fun to think about it though. I would choose Ermaria, because of the factions, races and creatures in it. -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
The Mountain of Shadows RP in General | |
Member # 2940
written Tuesday, August 16 2005 18:35
OOC: Bonjour! I'm back from France. I noticed the party my character Cain is in has turned him into a talkative and ironic type of character. He was actually meant to be a no-nonsense assassin of few words, but never mind that, it's nothing I can't fix. Besides I deserve it for not explaining my character further before leaving. IC: Finally some peace and quiet. Cain thought while enjoying the night watch. The journey so far was already getting on his nerves; he didn't know for how much longer he would be able to carry out his stupid adventurer/assassin façade. Of all the members it was the kid, Filbert, who exasperated him the most. He had killed others less annoying than him. Edith he could stand, her knowledge of the magic arts would serve him well. But it was the foreigner Tuulentekija the one that intrigued him the most, were did he get those ancient maps? He seemed to have an old connection with the mountain. Cain shrugged and decided to take his mind away from the others for a moment. He reached into his pocket and retrieved the pages from the old diary he had found at his temporary housing in the village. He made sure no one was around and read the interesting bits carefully: Week 16, Day 2. "The drums and clanking of armor still follow us, they are restless. We have reached yet another chamber inside this maze of a mountain, we all want to get out, only five of us remain and none of us are interested in anything but getting out of here alive. Sigmund had promised treasure but this cursed mountain has brought only death upon us. I want to go back to the village and earn my bread and gold with the crop…I just want to leave, I'm so afraid. Sigmund says we are moving out again." Week 16, Day 3. "Miracle! Finally some treasure. Or something like it. Fredy stumbled with some sort of workshop for the dark things that dwell here. Maybe one of Orloki's workshops. The Priest says the place is charged with negative energy our Mage however, like the rest of us, is interested in the artifact that dominates the center of the chamber, protected by some runes there is some sort of… Suddenly Cain heard noises nearby; he could see Tuulentekija through the foliage, returning to the camp. Curses! Thought Cain as he pocketed his papers. "Hello Tuulentekija, anything interesting out there?" Asked Cain. "Not really. You should get some sleep now. I'll take the next shift." Replied Tuulentekija. "Nonsense," responded Cain. "I have rested well enough back in the village and have done nothing but a little walk ever since." He paused for a moment and stared at the fire. "Tell me Tuulentekija, If you don't mind me asking. Where are you from?". [ Wednesday, August 17, 2005 01:29: Message edited by: The_Nazgul ] -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
The Mountain of Shadows RP in General | |
Member # 2940
written Wednesday, August 3 2005 22:09
OOC: Ok, I'm leaving for France, just a bit more than a week. Use and manipulate my character as you see fit, just don't kill it. -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
The 10th planet! in General | |
Member # 2940
written Wednesday, August 3 2005 06:58
Got an update on the tenth planet, 2003-UB313's actual alias or name is "Xena". That's more like it, isn't it. Also, the Intarnational Astronomy Union decided to clarify the definition of "planet". If it is changed Xena would not count as a planet, but neither will Pluto!. On the other hand, if it remains the same, our solar sistem could have another dozen planets! -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |