Profile for Redstart
Field | Value |
Displayed name | Redstart |
Member number | 6666 |
Title | Shock Trooper |
Postcount | 353 |
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Registered | Monday, January 9 2006 08:00 |
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A! in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6666
written Tuesday, March 4 2008 22:06
No. Absolutely no jokes to be made about Germans. None. Posts: 353 | Registered: Monday, January 9 2006 08:00 |
save editing in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6666
written Thursday, February 14 2008 06:56
I already gave you a link in the tech support topic you posted your question in. But in order to be slightly more helpful: look in "Documents". And if they're not there... oh, I dunno... try searching for files called "items" everywhere. That might help. Or not. Posts: 353 | Registered: Monday, January 9 2006 08:00 |
Windows Vista 32 and 64 compablity with Spiderweb Products in Tech Support | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6666
written Thursday, February 14 2008 06:51
Let me know if nothing here works. Posts: 353 | Registered: Monday, January 9 2006 08:00 |
Windows Vista 32 and 64 compablity with Spiderweb Products in Tech Support | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6666
written Monday, February 11 2008 11:41
I downloaded Exile 1, Exile 3 and Nethergate (the original). The first two would not run, not even in compatibility mode, but Nethergate installed and started just fine. Based on that, games running the Nethergate/Avernum engine or newer will probably work on Vista x64. I guess it's possible to get the Exiles to run with some OS trickery, but I wouldn't know how. Posts: 353 | Registered: Monday, January 9 2006 08:00 |
Best game to buy in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6666
written Monday, February 11 2008 10:41
I'd recommend trying Exile 2 or 3 and Nethergate: Resurrection. They're all favorites of long-time fans and are quite different from what the latest games are like. Also, since all Spiderweb games are free to try out, it isn't very hard to find out which game you like best. As for A5, you won't have to wait very long for it to come out anyway. Posts: 353 | Registered: Monday, January 9 2006 08:00 |
Spiderweb Demographics 2008 in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6666
written Thursday, February 7 2008 07:46
quote:Ifwhiteamericatoldthetruthforonedayit'sworldwouldfallapart Or so I've heard. [ Thursday, February 07, 2008 07:47: Message edited by: Redstart ] Posts: 353 | Registered: Monday, January 9 2006 08:00 |
Spiderweb Demographics 2008 in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6666
written Tuesday, February 5 2008 10:47
Something about you being Alo's bot maybe? Or was it the other way around? I forget. Anyways, it's clear that someone's been having a laugh with the poll: A person who speaks Finnish, but isn't a Finn? Someone who speaks Korean and/or Arabic? Not likely. Posts: 353 | Registered: Monday, January 9 2006 08:00 |
Vacation in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6666
written Friday, February 1 2008 14:21
By your logic, neither is there a U.S. Unless you count Mormon scripture. Thank God for Mormons! Posts: 353 | Registered: Monday, January 9 2006 08:00 |
Jeremy Beadle in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6666
written Thursday, January 31 2008 07:14
I remember Beadle's About! They aired it over here a long(ish) time ago, too. It was a pretty decent candid camera show, or maybe I was just the right age for enjoying it. Can't say I'm very saddened by his death though, considering I haven't heard anything about him since those days. Posts: 353 | Registered: Monday, January 9 2006 08:00 |
Windows Vista 32 and 64 compablity with Spiderweb Products in Tech Support | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6666
written Wednesday, January 16 2008 09:19
64-bit Vista here. No problems, at least with the newer games. I've understood that Nethergate (the original) and earlier games won't work. Posts: 353 | Registered: Monday, January 9 2006 08:00 |
Hei! in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6666
written Wednesday, January 16 2008 09:18
quote:Yeah, I agree, and I'm sure if you ask any Finn they'd agree that eating salmiakki (salted liquorice) is no great feat. That's why I was so surprised to see a few of the Americans I work with take one taste, make some not-so-flattering comparisons, and then leave the bag for us hungry Finns. Ah well, I guess it's an acquired taste. Posts: 353 | Registered: Monday, January 9 2006 08:00 |
Hei! in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6666
written Monday, January 14 2008 20:37
quote:First buy a normal sized bag of "salmiakki". If you can eat the contents in less than an hour and keep it down, you're ready for the big challenge. You should also try "mämmi". Posts: 353 | Registered: Monday, January 9 2006 08:00 |
You saw this thread coming!!! in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6666
written Sunday, January 13 2008 10:47
quote:Man, that would be great. Posts: 353 | Registered: Monday, January 9 2006 08:00 |
Hei! in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6666
written Sunday, January 13 2008 09:11
quote:You know, this reply can probably be used for just about anything and it'll still work. I had no idea you were so fluent in Finnish! Posts: 353 | Registered: Monday, January 9 2006 08:00 |
Hei! in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6666
written Saturday, January 12 2008 22:56
Hei Scorpius! Minäkin olen suomalainen, ja asun aivan lähelläsi Espoossa! Onpa mukava tavata muita suomalaisia täällä Internetissä, mutta voisitko kuitenkin käyttää tämän foorumin tavallista keskustelukieltä, englantia? Olet hämmentänyt viestilläsi monia nuorempia foorumin käyttäjiä, ja sehän ei kuulu tapoihisi! Posts: 353 | Registered: Monday, January 9 2006 08:00 |
What are you learning right now? in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6666
written Saturday, January 12 2008 01:06
I'm learning how overtime and working weekends is part of the fun. Posts: 353 | Registered: Monday, January 9 2006 08:00 |
Problem opening BoA scenarios in Tech Support | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6666
written Wednesday, January 9 2008 08:53
Try creating the folders for the scenarios yourself. For example, with A Visit to the Madhouse, I have the scenario in "Blades of Avernum\Blades of Avernum Scenarios\A Visit to the Madhouse(Win)", and it works fine. All BoA scenarios are supposed to be in their separate folders in the "Blades of Avernum Scenarios" folder, and after checking the Madhouse zip file in Tyranicus's database, at least that archive seemed to be missing the actual scenario folder. Posts: 353 | Registered: Monday, January 9 2006 08:00 |
Tips.. in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6666
written Friday, January 4 2008 04:25
Try Rats Aplenty. It's the highest ranked scenario not made by TM or Kelandon, and is intended for levels 1-7 (I think). Posts: 353 | Registered: Monday, January 9 2006 08:00 |
Happy Birthday, Drakey! in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6666
written Friday, December 21 2007 00:56
Congratulations! Hope you had a big party with cake and soda pop and party hats and all your friends were there, and... Posts: 353 | Registered: Monday, January 9 2006 08:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6666
written Saturday, December 15 2007 06:17
Not-Nija: You're in no position to give mods orders. Zebediah: Please avoid starting a new topic for everything you have to say. This could just as well have been posted in the poll thread in the Avernum trilogy forum. Posts: 353 | Registered: Monday, January 9 2006 08:00 |
The War on Christmas in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6666
written Thursday, December 13 2007 23:59
Just one more comment on stove pricing: quote:You're right, I haven't. Every apartment and house around here comes already equipped with one, and to-date I've never even heard of one single stove or oven breaking down. But having done a little research on my end, I was able to find pretty decent brand name oven+stove combos for ?350 (essentially the same $500 mentioned earlier). In addition to that you'd probably need to install ventilation for it, which would cost ~?100 plus installation. Oh, and the stuff you gave a link to did have "designer" on each of the product names - obviously that cranks up the price. Posts: 353 | Registered: Monday, January 9 2006 08:00 |
The War on Christmas in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6666
written Thursday, December 13 2007 10:19
quote:God, I hope you're exaggerating. Posts: 353 | Registered: Monday, January 9 2006 08:00 |
About the compiled versions of BOE on the Spiderweb Website. in Blades of Exile | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6666
written Monday, December 10 2007 04:28
They work fine for me, and I'm running 64-bit Vista. Dumb question: Are you sure you don't have "no sounds" checked in the preferences? Posts: 353 | Registered: Monday, January 9 2006 08:00 |
Urgent in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6666
written Wednesday, December 5 2007 07:17
I know the card number was initially sent encrypted. The reason I gave the warning was in case AnarhIztok decided to be extra helpful with his email á là: "Hello, I just purchased game X with credit card no. XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, and forgot the expiration date, which is YY/ZZ. My name is John Doe." Now that would've been dumb. Posts: 353 | Registered: Monday, January 9 2006 08:00 |
Urgent in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6666
written Monday, December 3 2007 06:33
Just don't give the card number out in the same email! Emails are unencrypted data, available to read for anyone with the required skills. Giving the expiration date, your name and explaining the situation should be sufficient. Posts: 353 | Registered: Monday, January 9 2006 08:00 |