Profile for Frozen Feet

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Attention: in General
Member # 4248
Profile #10

Lowly novices. You didn't hear about this until now? Fools!

I've said this before and I will say it now: We hail to you O mighty Flying Spaghetti Monster!

[ Sunday, August 21, 2005 06:23: Message edited by: Frozen Feet ]

Somebody PLEASE turn the heat on.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
what is YOUR fav band or type of music in General
Member # 4248
Profile #21
Rock and heavy metal.

Somebody PLEASE turn the heat on.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
Statistics Keep the Turtles Happy in General
Member # 4248
Profile #25
Yippee, I'm the...


God, I'm such a ridiculously slow poster.

Somebody PLEASE turn the heat on.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
The Mountain of Shadows RP in General
Member # 4248
Profile #167
"Ah, you want to know where I'm from?" said Tuulentekija and sat beside Cain. "I come from a small village which, in your tongue, would be called the Eagle's Beak. It lies in the north-east, some thousand miles from here."

"Thousand miles?" Cain said and gave Tuulentekija a puzzled look. "You've come a long way. A very long way I should say."

"You can say so" Tuulentekija replied and threw a branch to the fire. "But distance doesn't really mean anything to me now. I've done everything I had to, now I can use the time I have left for anything that comes to my mind."

"So why have you come here?" Cain tried to ask but was interrupted by something flying out of the tent.

"Snakes! There are snakes all over!" Edith yelled.

"Snakes?! Where!?" said Filbert and jumped to his feet, forgetting he was in a tent. They were lucky that the tent didn't collapse.

"If there are snakes in the tent, then just take your sleeping bags and come out. That's much easier than driving a whole nest of vipers away" Cain said and rose to catch the snake Edith had hurled out of the tent. "Besides this is a good oppurtunity to get ourselves little extra supplies. These snakes make good eating."

"They do?" asked Filbert, while he and Edith crawled out of the tent.

"Yup" replied Tuulentekija. "Alongside with bugs, they are the main source of nourishments for those who want to spare their food during a long journey. Now, let's pull that tent down and put it up someplace else. It's well past midnight, and I personally would like to sleep a little before the sunrise."

Somebody PLEASE turn the heat on.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
If you could invite 4 people to a dinner in any form... in General
Member # 4248
Profile #94
You know, I once wondered why Satan is called the prince of darkness. Then it came to me, that since God created Satan (and darkness as well) and is in all ways superior to him, then of course He must be the king! And since Stalin killed a lot more people than Hitler...

Somebody PLEASE turn the heat on.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
The Mountain of Shadows RP in General
Member # 4248
Profile #154
"Back away. Slowly." Tuulentekija said while pulling his sword out of his robes. Cain lifted an eyebrow. "I didn't know you were armed. How did you manage -?"

Tuulentekija lifted his hand to tell Cain to stop. "We have time for questions later. Concentrate on those beasts" Tuulentekija whispered with a low voice. "These are true worgs. They are wolves enchanted with malignant magic, and we propably can't kill them as easily as we killed the first one."

The enchanted worgs were snarling just a dozen feet away from the party. Tuulentekija was sure they would attack at any moment, and had already unsheathed his sword and taken a fighting stance, when the beasts did something which surprised him completely.

The worgs jumped forward and struck their teeth to their dead companion and dragged it to the shadows. "No jo on." Tuulentekija muttered and put his sword away.

"What just happened?" asked Filbert with a nervous tone in his voice. "Why did they leave us alone?"

"Deep down they are normal wolves and have the normal instincts of wolves" Tuulentekija replied and turned to face the others. "When hungry enough, wolves will gladly eat their wounded brothers. We should get going. It'll be dark soon, and we still have to find a good spot for a camp."

"Are you sure they won't come back?" Cain asked while they were walking forwards.

"Not if we get far enough. Their hunger is satisfied and whatever force created them doesn't want them to kill us" Tuulentekija said. "At least, not tonight."


It was almost midnight when they finally decided to camp aside the path they were following. Tuulentekija put up their tent while the others made a fire from the nearby branches. Cain volunteered to take the first shift as a nightwatch, and Edith and Filbert went to sleep. Tuulentekija in turn said that he would go to a little walk and come back later. Cain said it would be quite unwise to away from the fire when there were wolves around, but Tuulentekija assured he would be fine. Not that Cain listened to a word he said, of course. If somebody wanted to take a leak in wolf-infested forest and get himself killed while doing so, well, it wouldn't be any his business, so Cain let Tuulentekija go.

Tuulentekija walked around the dark forest, singing. Not that it would help, but singing in his home tongue somehow comforted him. How long has been since I last talked to someone of my own people? he asked himself. Five years? Or six? Maybe I should consider going back someday. Well, I don't have to worry about that if the mountain proves to be the challenge I've been looking for. Oh well...

Tuulentekija walked around for a short while, inspected the forest around him and tried to sense if something was out of place. But he failed; there was nothing abnormal in the forest, no weird sensations because of supernatural presence. Quite hard to believe there are demons running loose around here he shrugged and decided to go back to the camp to get some rest.

Somebody PLEASE turn the heat on.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
If you could invite 4 people to a dinner in any form... in General
Member # 4248
Profile #84
Originally written by Contra:

Neither God nor Satan are persons per se, and thus void in this discussion.
That's too bad. Let's swap them to Stalin and Hitler!

Somebody PLEASE turn the heat on.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
What's your most embarassing moment? in General
Member # 4248
Profile #15
Embarasment? What is embarasment? Oh, now I know, you're talking about when...


Somebody PLEASE turn the heat on.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
If you could invite 4 people to a dinner in any form... in General
Member # 4248
Profile #69
I'd invite God, Satan, George W. Bush and good ol' Osama Bin Laden. yes, that would definetly be intresting.

Somebody PLEASE turn the heat on.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
If you could meet one person off this board.. in General
Member # 4248
Profile #28 I'll go fetch my dice.

Somebody PLEASE turn the heat on.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
The Mountain of Shadows RP in General
Member # 4248
Profile #137
Where is she taking us? Tuulentekija pondered. It is as if she knows something we don't. Oh well, there's no real reason to try to stop her. We're going to the right direction anyway.

Tuulentekija took out his compass and looked to the sky. The sun is well down to the west already. It's late afternoon. We should consider building a camp soon. Then suddenly, when Tuulentekija lowered his head again, Edith stopped. It didn't take long for tuulentekija to see why.

"What on earth?" he shouted while gazing to the dead bodies of wolves. There were signs of fight everywhere around him. Seemingly, someone had attacked the wolves. Or then the wolves had attacked someone, and died as a result. But why? Tuulentekija wondered. Wolves normally don't attack people if they aren't extremely hungry, and these wolves look well fed. There's definetly something strange going around here... Just then, as if she had read Tuulentekija's mind, Edith spoke. "These wolves weren't alone. There was something... someone with them, guiding them."

Tuulentekija glanced at Edith. "But who or what was that? Wolves have minds of their own, and they are much more intelligent than dogs. They aren't easily controllable, not even with magic." Then, while saying that, Tuulentekija noticed that Edith was shivering once again.

"Haven't you heard the legends of the demon?" Edith said. "The legends of Órloki, the creature who drove king Albert's minions away, and promised to kill all humans who would ever again come to it's mountain?"

Tuulentekija turned his gaze to the mountain. "No I haven't" he said, but in the meantime several thoughts were crossing his mind. The dream he had had back in the tavern suddenly made sense.

"But may I ask one thing, Miss Edith" he said, still staring at the mountain. "If there's a demon on that mountain, why hasn't it fulfilled it's threat yet?" Then, without saying anything else, Tuulentekija started marching towards the mountain with a determined expression behind his mask.

Somebody PLEASE turn the heat on.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
The Mountain of Shadows RP in General
Member # 4248
Profile #118
Now this is strange Tuulentekija thought when they finally arrived to the spot they had seen the birds fleeing from. I haven't seen this many wolf tracks since I left home! And this close to a town... I don't think this is normal. Normally they'd avoid people as good as they can!

"Uh. I don't think we should be here." Filbert said and eyed their surroundings nervously. "Shut up" Cain replied and turned to Edith. "You live around he, don't you. Is it normal around here that a pack of wolves this big goes wanders this near to a town?"

"No, it isn't. But these are not normal wolves. They live on the mountain..." Edith stopped and shivered.

They live on the mountain? But I thought... Tuulentekija thought and his eyes widened behind his mask. "Are you sure?" he asked from Edith. "Yes, they do. I've heard travellers tell they live near the summit and..."

" Near the summit?! " Tuulentekija replied with dibeleif in his voice. "That's impossible! What they would eat up there? What they would breath? Even most birds don't fly that high" he said and shook his head.

"Uh, shouldn't we be going?" Cain asked. "These tracks are still fresh, and I don't feel comfortable with a pack of wolves running around."

"He's right" Edith said and glanced at Cain. "The wolves of the mountain are dangerous. We should get going."

Tuulentekija rose, and started walking. They are right. It is dangerous to stay he thought. But if these wolves... no, they can't be wolves, they have to be something if these creatures live on the mountain, then aren't we heading straight to their lair?

Tuulentekija looked over his shoulder to the other three who were following. He knew he could survive from the wolves, as long as there wouldn't be a wolf big enough to bite his head off. Of course, he was quite confident there would be one judging from the tracks they had seen, but he could spot a creature that big from far enough so he could go around it. But what about the other three?

Yes, indeed, what about them? Tuulentekija pondered while walking forward.

Somebody PLEASE turn the heat on.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
The Mountain of Shadows RP in General
Member # 4248
Profile #105

"Do you have a map?" asked Tuulentekija from Cain while Filbert and Edith were buying their equipment. "Of course. Why do you need that?" Cain answered and glanced to his weird, masked companion.

"I just thought it would be good to plan our route a little" Tuulentekija said. "Also, my map is a little outdated, so I don't think we can trust it fully."

"Okay then" Cain said and pulled a wrapped-up parchment out of his sleeve. Tuulentekija inspected Cain's map carefully while rolling his own map open. "So we are currently here..." he said and pointed Cain's map. "Your map has a river drawn north-west from here. Strange. My map doesn't."

"But your map has markings of all known entrances to the undermountain passages" Cain said and lifted his eyebrows. "I didn't even know somebody had cartographed the mountain in that detail..."

"But your's has much more inns and towns drawn on it. Hmmm, I didn't realize my map was that badly outdated..." Tuulentekija muttered. "I'll tell you what. We should buy a little parchment and ink. I have an idea..."


When Filbert and Edith finally came back with their newly purchased equipment, Cain and Tuulentekija had already finished with their project.

"Ah, I see you are finally ready to leave" Cain said with a little of sarcasm in his voice. "Good. We'll leave within an hour. But first, you should come here and take a look to this new map of our's..."

OoC: Marvin, Nazgul is away for a while, so we quite have to drag his char around.

Somebody PLEASE turn the heat on.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
Human cloning in General
Member # 4248
Profile #40
Originally written by Chief Spider watching The Simpsons:

And about the overpopulation: ...people will die off due to lack of natural resources if the world becomes overpopulated for no more than a few years, and people will be forced to stop using fossil fuels eventually if the global warming theory proves itself valid in the near future.

And what do you think is happening now?

Somebody PLEASE turn the heat on.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
Human cloning in General
Member # 4248
Profile #20

Somebody PLEASE turn the heat on.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
What's your religion? in General
Member # 4248
Profile #12
agnosticism 83%

Buddhism 83%

Christianity 75%

Paganism 71%

Islam 58%

Hinduism 58%

Satanism 42%

Judaism 25%

atheism 21%

So I am an agnostic with a mix of budhist, pagan and christian beliefs. A nice combination I have here...

Somebody PLEASE turn the heat on.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
Human cloning in General
Member # 4248
Profile #17
About overpopulation: World is already overpopulated, or at least will become so in a dozen of years. We didn't need clones to do that.

EDIT: Try to believe already, good people, that a clone will never, ever be an exact copy. It'll only be a younger twin of yours, and twins rarely share the same habits, interests and personalities.

[ Friday, August 05, 2005 04:06: Message edited by: Frozen Feet ]

Somebody PLEASE turn the heat on.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
The Mountain of Shadows RP in General
Member # 4248
Profile #67
"Sorry, madame. I'll gladly by you a new drink... madame?"

Tuulentekija stared at the woman. She had frozen from horror. The expression on her face brought up memories... terrible memories about...

Melody Tuulentekija gasped.

"Uh, I'll buy the drink later on, if that is alright with you..." he said. Edith remained silent. Tuulentekija walked past her, grabbed his backpack from the nearby chair, paid of a one night's sleep to the tavern keeper and hurried to his room.


"Who are you?" shouted Tuulentekija to a gigantic figure infront of him. "I am the master of this mountain" answered the giant. "I'm glad that you have finally arrived, O' greatest of the warriors!"

"Enough of the sarcasm!" Tuulentekija cried while flying around the giants head. It reminded him of a wolf's head. "Tell where I am and how do I get out of here!"

"Oh, but you haven't even come to me yet" laughed the giant. "You are still sleeping in your own room, in the Winged Pig, completely unaware of your surroundings!" "I... I am?" asked Tuulentekija and then he woke up...


Now that was a weird dream pondered Tuulentekija while eating his breakfast in the shadiest corner of the tavern. Maybe I should go to the monastery after all. These kinds of things need quick answers. Just while these thoughts crossed his mind, the amateur he had seen yesterday stepped to the tavern.

"Anyone interested in a little hike to the mountains?" the amateur shouted. Tuulentekija knew that it'd propably be a mistake to join some random band of adventurers, but he also didn't want to climb the mountains alone.

"Sure" he shouted back. "Just as long as you have all the necessary things to climb the mountains. I already have bought all necessary equipment myself, but I don't feel like buying them for a beginner like you."

Tuulentekija chuckled when he saw the expression on the man's face. Now that hit a spot he thought. However, the man didn't do anything which Tuulentekija would have considered as 'stupid'. Instead the man simply said: "Fine then, I'll count you in. Any others who want to join us?"

Tuulentekija was very satisfied with the man's response. Now this one could have some potential in him he thought and a wide smile spread across his face under his mask. This trip could turn out intresting. Intresting indeed...

[ Wednesday, August 03, 2005 07:16: Message edited by: Frozen Feet ]

Somebody PLEASE turn the heat on.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
"I built time machines" in General
Member # 4248
Profile #7
Well, it is a pure fact that customers are dumb. And if you need more proof for that, take a look to the other stories that site has to offer.

Somebody PLEASE turn the heat on.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
"I built time machines" in General
Member # 4248
Profile #0
Hee hee hee :D

[ Tuesday, August 02, 2005 06:26: Message edited by: Frozen Feet ]

Somebody PLEASE turn the heat on.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
The Mountain of Shadows RP in General
Member # 4248
Profile #24
Originally written by Arancaytar has left the building.:

OOC: Is it my character he's been ogling, or is it Sherlock's? Just for clarification.



Tuulentekija stared the townspeople in amazement. All this for one undead? Oh please. This place is full of armed strangers, why on earth they think a dusty skeleton could be more dangerous? he thought. He really hasn't even done anything to them. And I thought Aramians were dumb. Oh well...

Just then he saw an armed stranger talking to few of the townsmen. He seemingly had convinced the townspeople that it would be too dangerous for them to attack the undead creature, and had offered to sacrifice himself instead. Yet another greedy adventurer who wants the glory for himself Tuulentekija frowned. Don't these amateurs have better things to do?

Just then he saw the undead soldier crawling out of the well. Townspeople gave out angry shouts and the stranger pulled out his weapon to finish the creature off. "May you live trough intresting times, my friend" Tuulentekija said and pointed at the stranger. Then, laughing maniacally he stepped back to the tavern.

Somebody PLEASE turn the heat on.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
Scariest thing... in General
Member # 4248
Profile #22
I've had several uneasy experiences, but this goes above all. You see, I was walking trough a snowy field like every schoolday in winter, when suddenly I became sure that somebody was watching me. Then I suddenly realized that there was this guy walking ahead of me who looked awfully familiar...

This weird illusion lasted for about five seconds, and it made me extremely paranoid for several days. Imagining somebody is behind you is one thing but when that 'somebody' is your own self, then it is quite another...

Somebody PLEASE turn the heat on.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
The Mountain of Shadows RP in General
Member # 4248
Profile #18
OoC: Wow I got many people intrested. I have an itch that this RP will become long and succesful...

Also, to keep track who is who, I made a brief list of people and their characters. As we already have 12 (!) players, more people aren't allowed to join. Sorry. Now for the list:

Frozen Feet : Tuulentekija, a mysterious foreigner.

Arachnid : Curys, a skeletal warrior.

Zephyr Tempest : Caecus, a blind ghost armor.

Marvin, the paranoid android : No char yet.

Sir Sherlock Holmes : Edith a local noblewoman.

Arancaytar : Harf'er'melóra, a shadow elf.

Wise Man : Andros, a mutant assasin fleeing the Guild of Blademasters.

Ephesos : Brother Sequioa, a druid of some order or another.

Lt. Sullust : Lt. Sullust, a mysterious warrior searching for Órloki.

Lady Davida : An Easterling assasin called Lisha.

Spring : Aramian spie called Brail.

The_Nazgul : A traveller called Cain.

Also, Marvin, please post your character as soon as possible. I'll also try to track locations of our characters from this point on. If you notice errors, please note me. And now, back to the story...


Tuulentekija stared at a woman sitting at the opposite corner of the tavern.
Now, I shouldn't be staring to strangers Tuulentekija reminded himself, It's impolite. But when have I last seen a woman? Seven months ago? I think I can look at her a little bit longer...

However, just when these thoughts crossed his mind, the woman twitched and turned to look at him. Tuulentekija quickly turned his gaze to other people in the tavern.

He had seen two undead warriors to run out of the door, a shadow elf to sit beside one and several other weird people to come and go. Now this place has some weird customers he thought and returned to his ale.

The ale was bitter, lame and bad in general, but heck, it was ale and he had last had some two years ago, so the taste really didn't matter a bit.

Tuulentekija rolled out his map. Now where should I go next? he thought. There aren't many towns or villages after this. The nearest place worthwhile of visiting is the dreamer monk monastery, but I have no need of interpreting my dreams. I haven't even had any since I left Melody to Eagle's beak.

Suddenly Tuulentekija heard a shout coming from outside the tavern. "No tama voi osoittaatua mielenkiintoseksi *)" he muttered and sprinted outside...

OoC: *) Now this could turn out intresting. I'm going to use this version of finnish more in the future. If your characters hear him say something with it, just say they heard him say something in foreign tongue.

[ Tuesday, August 02, 2005 05:37: Message edited by: Frozen Feet ]

Somebody PLEASE turn the heat on.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
The Mountain of Shadows RP in General
Member # 4248
Profile #0

"It is not known how much truth the old legends contain, if any. But still, the people of Aram have told the same stories for millenias; stories about huge treasures buried inside the Mountain of Shadows and the unfortunate king Albert, who lost them to a foul entity called Órloki.

Long ago, they say, king Albert ordered the treasury of his kingdom to be moved to the Mountain of Shadows, a tall and steep mountain which stood on the border of his nation. "That mountain" his majesty said "is an ideal place for the new treasury. It is guarded by the tall mountains from west and south and by the vast and impassable woods from the east. Our enemies have no way of stealing our treasures from there!"

Of course, the king had some opposers, but as always, they kept their mouths shut. And thus the king started a huge operation of moving all the treasures of his kingdom to the Mountain of Shadows.

During several dozens of years, Albert's minions dug hundreds of passages and tunnels in the mountain. All was going well, and most of Albert's treasures had already been moved to the vaults inside mountain. But then, just when the work was near completion, something horrible happened.

The exact details are ofcourse long forgotten, but seemingly Albert's minions found and awoke something that should have been left alone.

When the messengers finally reached Albert, they had a very weird tale to tell. The messengers told him, that while digging a new tunnel near the summit, they had found a weird creature buried under a thick layer of snow. First they had thought it had died, buried by an avalanche, but when they got closer, they saw it was not so.

The creature had jumped back to it's feet, growling and raging like a demon from hell. First they had tried to fight it, but they had been no match against it. And when they tried to call reinforcements, the creature had called hordes of wolves to drive away the intruders, and finally managed to kill or drive away every single man near, on or inside the mountain. The last ones fleeing from the mountain had heard the creature, who called itself 'Órloki', claim the mountain, and the lands around it as well, it's, and threatened to kill all humans who would ever come near it.

The king was devastated. He had just lost all the wealth of his kingdom, and grimly realized what it would mean: without anything to pay for his armies and counselors, his kingdom would be doomed. And history shows he was right; soon after the events on Mountain of Shadows the king died (supposedly of old age and shock, but it could have been otherwise), and his land was divided between his three sons. His sons weren't in good terms with each other, so they formed three independent nations; those nations still exist novadays as Aram, The Kingdom of Truth and The Eastern Land. These nations are still in cold terms and always competing with each other.

However, no signs of Órloki or evidence of it's existence have been ever found. The legend, however, still lives on, and tales of the legendary treasures buried inside the mountain still draw adventurers to the mountain like sugar draws flies. Most have, of course, come back empty-handed and some have not returned at all, but the lucky few who have come back filthy rich still inspire new adventurers to leave their homes in search of fame and fortune...

IC: Tuulentekija stared at he mountain ahead of him. Although it was still dozens of miles away it still filled the whole horizon.

How on earth Albert's minions managed to climb on that thing's summit? he pondered. Heck, I bet there's not enough air up there even for a taalu to live. They must have had some really powerful magic with them.

Tuulentekija had travelled for months since his departure from the Icy Fortress, and although he had constanly replenished his supplies with everything at hand, they were still running awfully low. Tuulentekija rolled his map open and took a good look at it.

Lucky me , he thought. There's should be a small town few miles north-west. I should be able to get there tomorrow, if I just walk as fast as I can. I suppose I can fill my bags there, and a good nights sleep wouldn't hurt either.

Tuulentekija put the map away and started walking once again. His legs were sore from his long journey, and he hadn't slept since he had reached the border of the 'thick and impassable woods'. Funny. When Albert's cartographers draw a map of this region, the forest continued all the way to the sea. It must've never crossed his mind that his sons would hack the whole forest down.

After a few hours of walking, Tuulentekija finally saw the town he was heading to. Smoke was rising from the chimneys and noise of people talking could be heard a mile away. When Tuulentekija walked past the first buildings, some people turned to look at the weird newcomer. They had, however, seen many weird people coming and going lately, so they soon returned to their own businesses. Perhaps it was better that way.

Finally here , Tuulentekija thought and inspected the tavern infront of him. It was a badly built and worn old building, but nothing compared to some other places he had slept in. A small, worn sign had a winged pig painted on it, but Tuulentekija didn't waste time to look it any closer. Then, after ensuring his sword was still where it was supposed to be, he opened the door and stepped inside...

OoC: Tuulentekija is a rather short man dressed in dark green and worn robes. His face is completely covered by an iron mask. He is carrying around a huge backpack and a long, finely crafted sword which he has concealed within his robes. He speaks with a weird intonation, which clearly indicates that he's not one of the locals. He has deep black eyes, which can make staring at them quite frightening.

About the rules: I suppose you all know quite well which things are not allowed in RPs. If you don't, I'll make a brief list here: No god characters, no bunnying (ie. controlling other people's characters) and no killing of other people's characters without their permission. There are no special victory conditions in this RP, just go'n'get the treasure and try to stay alive. We lose if no-one manages to get back home alive. Did I make myself clear?

[ Monday, August 01, 2005 05:07: Message edited by: Frozen Feet ]

Somebody PLEASE turn the heat on.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
The 10th planet! in General
Member # 4248
Profile #30
I'm very curious about what will happen to earth if they really manage to create a black hole.

Somebody PLEASE turn the heat on.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
