Profile for Talent in a Previous Life
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Displayed name | Talent in a Previous Life |
Member number | 3098 |
Title | This Side Towards Enemy |
Postcount | 961 |
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Registered | Thursday, June 12 2003 07:00 |
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Family Guy!!!! in General | |
This Side Towards Enemy
Member # 3098
written Wednesday, June 15 2005 01:01
Of course it will. Even if it gets axed, the fanboys will all go out and buy the DVD until it's put back on the TV. I've not seen much Family Guy, but the little I have seen bored me rigid. -------------------- Voice of Reasonable Morality Posts: 961 | Registered: Thursday, June 12 2003 07:00 |
A Picture is Worth... in General | |
This Side Towards Enemy
Member # 3098
written Tuesday, June 14 2005 13:56
Trying to diagnose someone's mental state from one single picture is merely an updated, less scientific and rather more moronic version of phrenology. -------------------- Voice of Reasonable Morality Posts: 961 | Registered: Thursday, June 12 2003 07:00 |
Michael Jackson Walks free... in General | |
This Side Towards Enemy
Member # 3098
written Tuesday, June 14 2005 13:51
If 12 men and women, competent to make a fair decision based on the facts presented to them, can agree that he's not guilty of the crimes of which he is accused, then he is not guilty. Unless you can think of a reasonable argument why your prejudices trumps the entire corpus of law, might I advise that you adopt rationality? -------------------- Voice of Reasonable Morality Posts: 961 | Registered: Thursday, June 12 2003 07:00 |
Books Being Made Into Movies in General | |
This Side Towards Enemy
Member # 3098
written Tuesday, June 14 2005 13:43
Eagle: a) I have no idea who this Alexei Tjatchskov you spoke of is. You're thinking of Vassily Zaitsev. And the year would be '42. b) I have read Enemy at the Gates. It is a big non-fiction book. The episodes around which the movie is built take up perhaps 20 pages of the book and are heavily fleshed out with imaginary details or replaced with pure fiction. The bit just before the German sniper shoots the man jumping across a gap? Where the victim raises his helmet to get the the German to fire? In reality he did so, the German officer stuck his head up and Zaitsev shot him through it. This rather shows why filming non-fiction books is going to be contentious. As far as I can see, a book is no worse a start for an idea than a screenplay. The problem is that when you read a book you really like which is being filmed, you know almost every little change is going to irritate you. There are some books that I absolutely loved that I would simply rather not see filmed, because odds on they'd be transformed into a commercially productive vehicle that would horrify any fans of the original format. -------------------- Voice of Reasonable Morality Posts: 961 | Registered: Thursday, June 12 2003 07:00 |
Just because :) in General | |
This Side Towards Enemy
Member # 3098
written Tuesday, June 14 2005 09:17
Interesting theory. Trouble is it that good though they are on paper, the Lions come from the British Isles. We're not great at reliability. -------------------- Voice of Reasonable Morality Posts: 961 | Registered: Thursday, June 12 2003 07:00 |
What is yours favuorite in General | |
This Side Towards Enemy
Member # 3098
written Monday, June 13 2005 07:17
![]() -------------------- Voice of Reasonable Morality Posts: 961 | Registered: Thursday, June 12 2003 07:00 |
Eagle's cooking recipies (and other's) in General | |
This Side Towards Enemy
Member # 3098
written Monday, June 13 2005 07:11
Bread sandwich 1. Take two pieces of bread. Preferably no more than 3 days out of date, or you'll have to waste time tearing the mould bits off. Bread also goes hard if you leave it out too long, and after a certain stage your loaf's only use will be as a primitive cudgel. So make sure you get the edible stuff. 2. Stick the pieces one on top of the other. I suppose if you're being cultured you could cut the sandwich in half or stick it on a plate or something. 3. Wander off gnawing. -------------------- Voice of Reasonable Morality Posts: 961 | Registered: Thursday, June 12 2003 07:00 |
Recommended Reading in General | |
This Side Towards Enemy
Member # 3098
written Monday, June 13 2005 07:02
Salmon of Doubt isn't strictly a Dirk Gently book, either. It's essentially the bits and pieces that were left on his hard drive. The Dirk Gently bit only stretches to about five chapters of that, as I recall. -------------------- Voice of Reasonable Morality Posts: 961 | Registered: Thursday, June 12 2003 07:00 |
What are you addicted to? in General | |
This Side Towards Enemy
Member # 3098
written Monday, June 13 2005 06:58
quote:Did the sarcasm fairy kill your parents or something? -------------------- Voice of Reasonable Morality Posts: 961 | Registered: Thursday, June 12 2003 07:00 |
LHS. in General | |
This Side Towards Enemy
Member # 3098
written Saturday, June 11 2005 06:36
That doesn't mean that any allegations should not be investigated as fully as they are able to be, however. Innocent until proven guilty is not the same as ignoring it until you can't any longer. -------------------- Voice of Reasonable Morality Posts: 961 | Registered: Thursday, June 12 2003 07:00 |
Magic: the Gathering in General | |
This Side Towards Enemy
Member # 3098
written Saturday, June 11 2005 06:24
I played a very little bit, but I didn't want to spend much money on it, so it never became a major hobby. Gave up about 3 years ago. My friends played it rather more and I believe a couple of them still go to the occasional sealed-deck tournament, but other than that they've given up. -------------------- Voice of Reasonable Morality Posts: 961 | Registered: Thursday, June 12 2003 07:00 |
ROLL CALL in General | |
This Side Towards Enemy
Member # 3098
written Saturday, June 11 2005 06:16
![]() The defence rests, your honour. -------------------- Voice of Reasonable Morality Posts: 961 | Registered: Thursday, June 12 2003 07:00 |
Recommended Reading in General | |
This Side Towards Enemy
Member # 3098
written Saturday, June 11 2005 06:12
I'd like to second Toast's earlier recommendation of RIchard Morgan. Having said that, I'd recommend you read Altered Carbon or Market Forces first, since whilst I enjoyed Woken Furies I don't think it was as good. Also note that if you're at all easily offended, he's not the author you're looking for. I won about £10 off my friends a few months back playing a game where you picked a page and paragraph number without looking at the book and if it contained maiming, sex, unnecessar swearing or reference to neurachem, you won the pot. I'm currently rereading The Power and the Glory, by Graham Greene. It's an extraordinarily moving and beautifully written book. -------------------- Voice of Reasonable Morality Posts: 961 | Registered: Thursday, June 12 2003 07:00 |
What are you addicted to? in General | |
This Side Towards Enemy
Member # 3098
written Saturday, June 11 2005 05:59
He posted an inoffensive picture. Where's the problem? Besides, there is no such thing as the age of rationality on the internet, because the consequences for actions are negligible. -------------------- Voice of Reasonable Morality Posts: 961 | Registered: Thursday, June 12 2003 07:00 |
Who are you? and What's your IQ? in General | |
This Side Towards Enemy
Member # 3098
written Thursday, June 9 2005 05:26
Surely you should have been able to do that at high school, however. I'm not saying that students can't branch out if they feel like it, but earlier in education they undoubtedly will have done to some degree so if they want to use university to specialise, that option should also be available. -------------------- Voice of Reasonable Morality Posts: 961 | Registered: Thursday, June 12 2003 07:00 |
Who are you? and What's your IQ? in General | |
This Side Towards Enemy
Member # 3098
written Wednesday, June 8 2005 13:07
quote:That, to all intents and purposes, is a history course. And to properly analyse, you need a lot of background knowledge. My synoptic paper for history revolves around the idea of taking a collection of sources, analysing them taking into account own knowledge and coming to a balanced and logically robust conclusion. But without a vast amount of background knowledge any argument you put forward is going to brushed aside as if it were made of dust. This is the sort of example I was thinking of when I pointed out that it's phenomenally hard to teach in the abstract. I've no doubt you could fit in enough detail to do this to a reasonable level. However you'd need to do this for every area of the course, which would eat up time and stop students picking the area they like and concentrating on it. This is why I'd hate taking the International Baccalaureate and prefer the British university course system to the American (in principle, I've yet to try either in practice.) If I want to study Latin and Ancient Greek, I should be able to do that rather than have to take a science subject I have little interest in or need for. If I want to go to university to study Dark Age England, I should be able to do that rather than having to take courses on the nature of logic, where I may already use the basic principles without even thinking about it because they're obvious (or part of GCSE maths) and I may not need any more. The smarter students should pick up critical thinking on their own, by and large. The occasional bit of assistance might not go amiss but I simply don't see the point of deliberately teaching it to any great extent. -------------------- Voice of Reasonable Morality Posts: 961 | Registered: Thursday, June 12 2003 07:00 |
Your Favorite Comic Book/Graphic Novel in General | |
This Side Towards Enemy
Member # 3098
written Tuesday, June 7 2005 09:09
Transmetropolitan, by a mile. Can't decide which is the best one, because I'm still in the process of accumulating the series. -------------------- Voice of Reasonable Morality Posts: 961 | Registered: Thursday, June 12 2003 07:00 |
Have You Ever Used Alorael's Signature in General | |
This Side Towards Enemy
Member # 3098
written Tuesday, June 7 2005 09:08
quote:Just because you've never gone in for verbal bukkake, doesn't mean that others, such as TM, find it anything less than fulfilling. -------------------- Voice of Reasonable Morality Posts: 961 | Registered: Thursday, June 12 2003 07:00 |
How do I use polls? in General | |
This Side Towards Enemy
Member # 3098
written Tuesday, June 7 2005 09:04
Alternatively, you may find this version more useful: Run, do not walk, to the mains. Pull the cables out, turning your computer off. Take the computer out into a clear area and lay about it with a sledgehammer until it resembles a fine white paste. Gather this together into a bag. Stick this bag inside a sack. Stick this sack inside a bin. Stick this bin inside 10 metres of lead shielding. Arrange to have this dropped in the Marianas Trench. Avoid electricity in all its forms for the rest of your life. Remember kids, if you can't walk and chew gum, posting polls is not for you. -------------------- Voice of Reasonable Morality Posts: 961 | Registered: Thursday, June 12 2003 07:00 |
ever felt anyone envys you just because you are intelligent? in General | |
This Side Towards Enemy
Member # 3098
written Tuesday, June 7 2005 09:00
Insensitivity works best when done with a smile on your face, I think. Whether you're serious or just joking. On a more relevant note, have you considered not giving a damn what your contemporaries think of you? That is arrogance, but it's very effective arrogance. If you think they don't understand your inner depths, then presumably you're in the best position to know. On the other hand, the boards' general view of you could be correct. But if that's the case, a deserved rather than undeserved reputation for arrogance is the least of your problems. Just remember: breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. Do not stop, or you will die. -------------------- Voice of Reasonable Morality Posts: 961 | Registered: Thursday, June 12 2003 07:00 |
Worst Game EVER! in General | |
This Side Towards Enemy
Member # 3098
written Tuesday, June 7 2005 08:52
Incredibly dumb though the AI on it was (and I haven't yet got round to downloading the Underdogs copy where they improved it) Ascendancy was still a great game. -------------------- Voice of Reasonable Morality Posts: 961 | Registered: Thursday, June 12 2003 07:00 |
Insults in General | |
This Side Towards Enemy
Member # 3098
written Tuesday, June 7 2005 08:47
I'd say that I've seen a fair amount of ugly thin people. Largely because of facial features, although in one case because the junkie look is just not attractive. It's all dependent on what you think looks attractive and the weight you attach to the various elements. And lowbrow and homophobic though the humour is, Eraserhead did make his one valid point in this thread. As an insult, that tends to have its intended effect. [ Tuesday, June 07, 2005 08:49: Message edited by: Unpleasantness for its Own Sake ] -------------------- Voice of Reasonable Morality Posts: 961 | Registered: Thursday, June 12 2003 07:00 |
Avatar? Yours? Possibly? in General | |
This Side Towards Enemy
Member # 3098
written Tuesday, June 7 2005 08:42
![]() This seems like the most likely candidate. Although in reality I've always been happy with a blank space. -------------------- Voice of Reasonable Morality Posts: 961 | Registered: Thursday, June 12 2003 07:00 |
Who are you? and What's your IQ? in General | |
This Side Towards Enemy
Member # 3098
written Tuesday, June 7 2005 08:29
How exactly do you propose to teach critical thinking to a large group without starting from a lower level than many of the group are already capable of? And how do you intend to teach high-level critical thinking without specialisation and maintain the interest of your audience? -------------------- Voice of Reasonable Morality Posts: 961 | Registered: Thursday, June 12 2003 07:00 |
What are you addicted to? in General | |
This Side Towards Enemy
Member # 3098
written Tuesday, June 7 2005 08:13
Insulin. -------------------- Voice of Reasonable Morality Posts: 961 | Registered: Thursday, June 12 2003 07:00 |