Avatar? Yours? Possibly?
Author | Topic: Avatar? Yours? Possibly? |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5585
written Thursday, May 26 2005 16:52
This ![]() tapwave [ Thursday, May 26, 2005 16:53: Message edited by: EviL_TiM ] -------------------- Important Information about Stuff Posts: 258 | Registered: Wednesday, March 9 2005 08:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 3898
written Friday, May 27 2005 17:27
A picture of a beholder, the same as it is at Polaris. Except I haven't made a post at Polaris for ages. -------------------- ~Note : The professional newbie's advice should not be taken seriously, or at all.~ LINKAGE Posts: 364 | Registered: Saturday, January 17 2004 08:00 |
Member # 5450
written Friday, May 27 2005 22:47
The one I have on Polaris, and the only one I would have: -------------------- I'll put a Spring in your step. Polaris Posts: 2396 | Registered: Saturday, January 29 2005 08:00 |
Member # 4267
written Friday, May 27 2005 23:34
![]() [ Friday, May 27, 2005 23:36: Message edited by: Ezrah, Kitty of Wonder ^.^ ] -------------------- If everyone would just forgive someone else, so much pain would be taken off of all of our shoulders... but as tenderness is a virtue it is also a failing, any who would do such a thing usually fall to those who wouldn't. - Ezrah Posts: 50 | Registered: Thursday, April 15 2004 07:00 |
Member # 5886
written Monday, June 6 2005 17:15
Pucker up! http://www.museum.vic.gov.au/spidersparlour/images/en000015.jpg (nice pedipalps, eh?) A bit more reserved and stately: http://www.larvalbug.com/bbeast8-04.jpg Now there's a nice piece of... http://www.snapsandbytes.co.uk/spider01.jpg [ Monday, June 06, 2005 18:03: Message edited by: Aranea Hirsuta ] -------------------- My friend! Do not fear the flames of the demonic legion! Let the flames incinerate your weakness, strip away all neuroses, and transform you into a newly-forged brazen GOD! Then you will show the subhuman supplicants the true meaning of domination and the proper use of POWER! --Daemon Pavidum Posts: 52 | Registered: Friday, June 3 2005 07:00 |
Nuke and Pave
Member # 24
written Monday, June 6 2005 18:25
I'd use the same avatar I had when we had avatars on this board and on the iconboard: PS I still imagine some people here as their iconboard avatars. (TM is the scary muppet he posted, Djur is a green frog, Drakey is an old man with white beard.) PPS For those who are wondering where "canned" custom title for spammers came from, when this board had avatars, the people who were banned for spamming would have their avatar set to a can of spam and their title set to "canned". [ Monday, June 06, 2005 18:30: Message edited by: Zeviz ] -------------------- Be careful with a word, as you would with a sword, For it too has the power to kill. However well placed word, unlike a well placed sword, Can also have the power to heal. Posts: 2649 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Member # 4
written Monday, June 6 2005 19:05
Truth is, Sweetums and I are very much alike. We both are large, hairy and sources of hilarity. We also read Marxist literary critics and take advantage of Japanese twelve year olds. ... Wait a second... -------------------- 人 た ち を 燃 え る た め に 俺 は か れ ら に 火 を 上 げ る か ら 死 ん だ Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00 |
Member # 3521
written Monday, June 6 2005 20:08
I've got a small pool of avatars, to which I have no special desire to add. Most of them have been used in some forum or another, but I wouldn't mind recycling them. This would be the most likely choice: ![]() But I'd also consider using either of these: ![]() ![]() ...or a smaller version of my profile picture. My Desp avatar is for Desp alone. -------------------- Stughalf "Delusion arises from anger. The mind is bewildered by delusion. Reasoning is destroyed when the mind is bewildered. One falls down when reasoning is destroyed."- The Bhagavad Gita. Posts: 1798 | Registered: Sunday, October 5 2003 07:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Monday, June 6 2005 20:21
This man: ![]() -------------------- The Encyclopaedia Ermariana <-- Now a Wiki! "Polaris leers down from the black vault, winking hideously like an insane watching eye which strives to convey some strange message, yet recalls nothing save that it once had a message to convey." --- HP Lovecraft. "I single Aran out due to his nasty temperament, and his superior intellect." --- SupaNik Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
This Side Towards Enemy
Member # 3098
written Tuesday, June 7 2005 08:42
![]() This seems like the most likely candidate. Although in reality I've always been happy with a blank space. -------------------- Voice of Reasonable Morality Posts: 961 | Registered: Thursday, June 12 2003 07:00 |
Member # 73
written Tuesday, June 7 2005 13:15
My avatars: ![]() Carl the Clam ![]() Mr. Q (animated) ![]() A line drawing of my nose ![]() A stylized drawing of my nose ![]() What a computer virus looks like [ Tuesday, June 07, 2005 13:18: Message edited by: The Almighty Doer of Stuff ] -------------------- The Lyceum - The Headquarters of the Blades designing community The Louvre - The Blades of Avernum graphics database Alexandria - The Blades of Exile Scenario database BoE Webring - Self explanatory Polaris - Free porn here Odd Todd - Fun for the unemployed (and everyone else too) Famous Last Words - A local pop-punk band They Might Be Giants - Four websites for one of the greatest bands in existance -------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Posts: 2957 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Member # 3349
written Tuesday, June 7 2005 14:52
I like the computer virus one. -------------------- And everybody say....Yatta! Posts: 1287 | Registered: Thursday, August 14 2003 07:00 |
Member # 5450
written Tuesday, June 7 2005 14:55
So do I, except they are not what I pictured them to be. [ Tuesday, June 07, 2005 15:02: Message edited by: SprungSpring ] -------------------- I'll put a Spring in your step. Polaris Posts: 2396 | Registered: Saturday, January 29 2005 08:00 |
Member # 73
written Tuesday, June 7 2005 16:12
I have larger versions of all of those except the Mr. Q one. I do have a larger non-animated Mr. Q picture though. Why does the Mr. Q avatar's animation stop when it reaches the end of frame four? Is it just me? It's supposed to show Mr. Q, then show him close up, then say "MR. Q IS WATCHING YOU", then "ALWAYS WATCHING", then repeat. -------------------- The Lyceum - The Headquarters of the Blades designing community The Louvre - The Blades of Avernum graphics database Alexandria - The Blades of Exile Scenario database BoE Webring - Self explanatory Polaris - Free porn here Odd Todd - Fun for the unemployed (and everyone else too) Famous Last Words - A local pop-punk band They Might Be Giants - Four websites for one of the greatest bands in existance -------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Posts: 2957 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Member # 869
written Tuesday, June 7 2005 16:24
It isn't just you. Apparently you haven't correctly set the animation to loop. -------------------- My BoE Page Bandwagons are fun! Roots Hunted! Posts: 9973 | Registered: Saturday, March 30 2002 08:00 |
Too Sexy for my Title
Member # 5654
written Tuesday, June 7 2005 16:27
![]() Posts: 1035 | Registered: Friday, April 1 2005 08:00 |
Member # 5437
written Tuesday, June 7 2005 16:38
![]() -------------------- Nena Posts: 2032 | Registered: Wednesday, January 26 2005 08:00 |
Member # 73
written Tuesday, June 7 2005 18:06
Okay, it works now. Thanks! -------------------- The Lyceum - The Headquarters of the Blades designing community The Louvre - The Blades of Avernum graphics database Alexandria - The Blades of Exile Scenario database BoE Webring - Self explanatory Polaris - Free porn here Odd Todd - Fun for the unemployed (and everyone else too) Famous Last Words - A local pop-punk band They Might Be Giants - Four websites for one of the greatest bands in existance -------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Posts: 2957 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Member # 5450
written Tuesday, June 7 2005 18:08
Mr Q. looks good. A bit odd, but good. I now understand why you would put that as your avatar. -------------------- I'll put a Spring in your step. Polaris Posts: 2396 | Registered: Saturday, January 29 2005 08:00 |
Member # 4248
written Wednesday, June 8 2005 04:52
![]() This could do, if I just could shrink to a proper size. -------------------- Somebody PLEASE turn the heat on. Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00 |
La Canaliste
Member # 5563
written Wednesday, June 8 2005 06:09
I give in. ![]() or ![]() -------------------- I am a pale shadow of the previous self. quote: Deep down, you know you should have voted for Alcritas! Posts: 387 | Registered: Tuesday, March 1 2005 08:00 |
Member # 3349
written Wednesday, June 8 2005 11:03
quote:Nice. -------------------- And everybody say....Yatta! Posts: 1287 | Registered: Thursday, August 14 2003 07:00 |
Member # 618
written Wednesday, June 8 2005 12:13
Tut-tut, young Liam, just because it's half a foot away from being considered hentai. Saunders, I bow to your superior taste, as Winnie the Pooh is so the best. Frozen, just use Paint and drag it in. Failing that, most graphics programs have a "resize" option. -------------------- Aut Tace Aut Loquere Meliora Silencio Posts: 1487 | Registered: Sunday, February 10 2002 08:00 |
Member # 4614
written Wednesday, June 8 2005 17:22
I take most of the pictures I post here directly off the Google image search screen. That way, they're always plenty small. Oof, wow, Marlenny. :eek: :eek: -------------------- -ben4808 For those who love to spam: CSM Forums RIFQ Posts: 3360 | Registered: Friday, June 25 2004 07:00 |
Member # 5450
written Wednesday, June 8 2005 22:57
quote:Oh so thats what it is! I had to look twice before I recognized it. -------------------- I'll put a Spring in your step. Polaris Posts: 2396 | Registered: Saturday, January 29 2005 08:00 |