Profile for The Abridged Series
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Displayed name | The Abridged Series |
Member number | 2080 |
Title | Guardian |
Postcount | 1918 |
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Registered | Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00 |
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Around the place in however long it takes! in General | |
Member # 2080
written Wednesday, April 9 2003 06:40
*LF, who is still protected by his Avatar spell(see the Exile Trilogy and BoE), ignores GtGD and buys another McFlurry(sp? haven't been to McDonalds[sp?] in a while). LF: Hey GtGD, you want a MacFlurry(sp?)? GtGD: Sure. *LF buys GtGD a McFlurry(sp?)and the two stop the meaningless and highly idiotic fighting. [ Wednesday, April 09, 2003 06:41: Message edited by: Lone Flame ] Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00 |
New Silver Inn v2.0 in General | |
Member # 2080
written Tuesday, April 8 2003 16:48
*Mars walks up to Alex and pulls out a Cloak of Selective Invisibility. Alex: What is that? Mars: Didn't you read the action description thingy? Alex: What are you talking about? Mars: Nevermind. It's a Cloak of Selective Invisibility. Alex: Right... And what is with that armband thing? Mars: I'll show you. *Mars pushes a button and the dagger pops out and Mars slices a crate in half. Alex: How is that blending in? Mars: That's what the cloak's for. Alex: Whatever... Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00 |
Around the place in however long it takes! in General | |
Member # 2080
written Tuesday, April 8 2003 15:58
OOC: Actually I want to make something of your stupidly long signature, but it's not worth the effort. IC... *LF simply castes an Avatar spell. LF: Oh wait... fire?!? OOC: Why am I wasting 12 spell points for a simple fireball?!? Oh well... IC... LF: Is it too much to ask that you stop being a dult? GtGD: Yes! LF: Fair enough. Wanna see my Deathglider? GtGD: Sure! *Shortly after seeing the Deathglider, GtGD knocks LF unconcious. 5 five minutes into flying the Deathglider, GtGD crashes the thing into a mountain. LF arises from the ground. The GtGD gets up LF: Holy hell! He won't die! Dammit! Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00 |
Around the place in however long it takes! in General | |
Member # 2080
written Tuesday, April 8 2003 15:22
*LF destroys the meteor with a particle beam. LF: Stop bringing meteors to destroy the planet, you dolt. Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00 |
New Silver Inn v2.0 in General | |
Member # 2080
written Monday, April 7 2003 18:37
OOC: Yay! A boat trip! IC... Mars: Hey Alex, I hear that y'all are going on a trip across the ocean. Can I come? *Alex looks at Mars's right arm and sees that there isn't a hand there. Alex: I guess so, although you really shouldn't be doing stuff without your other arm. Mars: This isn't a problem. I still have magic. And I do have this. *Mars pushes a button on his armband and a long dagger pops out. Mars then slices a chair in half. Alex: Cool. Mars: Oh yeah, I almost forgot... *Mars puts on a ring of regeneration in place of his ring of resistance. Then Mars puts on an Onyx Amulet to supliment the loss of the ring as best he can. [ Monday, April 07, 2003 18:40: Message edited by: Lone Flame ] Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00 |
New Silver Inn v2.0 in General | |
Member # 2080
written Sunday, April 6 2003 19:08
OOC: I should have known. All I killed was a bloody augmented shade of the archmage. Oh well. I'll get him next time. IC... Mars: Hmmm... Let's see here. I now only have one hand. What could I possibly do with only one hand?!!? *Mars thinks for a bit, then he goes up to his(formerly LF's) room and thinks. After some pacing around he trips on some scrap metal. Mars: Is it too much to ask that... Hey wait a sec... I've got it! *Mars goes outside and summons a slith a gathers some clay, which Mars transforms into a mold. The slith takes the mold to Mars's room. After some work Mars makes a small forge in his room and makes armband with a retractable dagger, which he puts on after desummoning the slith. After some testing Mars is certain of the capabilities of the armband. Mars: Now that's more like it. I'll see just how well this thing really works on my next mission. Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00 |
New Silver Inn v2.0 in General | |
Member # 2080
written Saturday, April 5 2003 05:24
*LF goes off on a journy to find his lost jacket... Mars: Now that that's over, I think I'll replace my depleted supply of throwing knives... *Mars does a MGS style raid on the chick fort. He sneak his way to the forge. Mars: Ah good, it's just the way I left it. *Mars prepares the forge to make throwing daggers. After he makes about 20 of them, he trips on a breastplate left carelessly on the floor and his right hand gets caught in the way of the liquid metal that was going into the mold. Mars(in a very loud voice): OW!!!!!! Dear god it hurts!!!! *Suddenly a whole bunch of guards barge into the forge and see Mars rolling around on the ground with one less hand than he had when he entered the fort. Guard: What are you doing here? Mars: Well, I was making weapons, but now I think I'll leave before I loose another body part. Guard: Good choice. *Mars grabs his throwing daggers and storms out of the fort. OOC: Ye holy edit! Alex is right. We don't need to be pulling a DBZ(making a very short fight take over a week to complet) [ Saturday, April 05, 2003 05:26: Message edited by: Lone Flame ] Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00 |
Around the place in however long it takes! in General | |
Member # 2080
written Saturday, April 5 2003 04:57
*LF buys a McFlurry(sp?), 2 Cheeseburgers, 2 fries, and a Dr Pepper. LF: Hey, get what you want, cause I'm buying. Everyone: Yay! OOC: To the dude who said it's "poker", not "poke", shik ara, you dolt. It's called a "typo". Perhaps you've heard of them!?! Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00 |
Around the place in however long it takes! in General | |
Member # 2080
written Thursday, April 3 2003 16:46
*LF walks around the Russian base and notices 2 Female Russian guards playing a variant of poke, while being half naked(while outside) LF: What do ya know, the stereotypes were very wrong. Cool. *LF jions the game. 5 minutes later LF is standing around with no cloths on(good thing he's a Slith). LF: Good game comrad. Shall we play a rematch? *After being turned down by the hot Russian guards, LF goes back inside to put his cloths back on. Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00 |
New Silver Inn v2.0 in General | |
Member # 2080
written Wednesday, April 2 2003 18:32
OOC: Lethalis, when LF(the character) is involved almost anything's possible. However, Mars did finsih that battle before your bunch was done with what they were doing see he & LF teleported to y'all to help out. IC... Lethalis: Weren't you supposed to be fighting that Slith archmage guy? Mars: Yeah. I defeated him. No thanks to LF. Wiseman(sarcasticly): Big suprise there. LF: I got you to the place and kept you from walking into the demon world. That's my contribution. Now I'm going back to my room to get my stuff and leave. Mars: But you're dead. What could you possibly do with stuff. Besides I've taken all of your stuff and pawned it already. LF: What!?! You son of a.... Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00 |
Around the place in however long it takes! in General | |
Member # 2080
written Wednesday, April 2 2003 18:06
*LF walks out and proves that the 1rst moon landing was indeed fabricated. LF: I knew it! Now I shall tell the world. *Suddenly a lawyer appears and forces LF to sign a paper saying that he can't tell anyone about what he knows. LF: Frell! Even in space they still can get me... Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00 |
New Silver Inn v2.0 in General | |
Member # 2080
written Tuesday, April 1 2003 17:34
*Mars castes a Cure 3 on Lethalis. LF: Get up! Lethalis: What the... What happened? LF: You died... and this is Hell! Lethalis: Makes sense. After all, you're here. LF: Actually I was just messing around. Lethalis: But aren't you supposed to be dead? LF: Actually I made it to a plain of higher existance, but was kicked out for annoying people. Wiseman: Not suprised. Anyway, welcome back... I guess... *LF teleports everyone out of the place and Mars castes repeated Fire 3, Firestorm, and Meteo spells on the base thingy, thus transforming it into a pool of moltan rock. Then Mars collapses. LF: Silly humans... *Wiseman tries to smack LF, but his hand goes through him. After that, they drag Mars back to the inn to recover. Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00 |
Around the place in however long it takes! in General | |
Member # 2080
written Monday, March 31 2003 16:09
OOC: Hey GtGD, by "rain fire" do you mean massive balls of fire falling from the sky, or the much stranger, but cooler, "fire falling from the sky as rain does(in drops)"? Btw, I'm the fire god, so nothing you can do is better or anywhere near as good as what I can do. Behold Pyrokenesis, and Magic. [ Monday, March 31, 2003 16:10: Message edited by: Lone Flame ] Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00 |
New Silver Inn v2.0 in General | |
Member # 2080
written Monday, March 31 2003 15:58
*With the evil Slith Archmage dispatched, Mars and LF rejion the warriors. Mars: Hey, Wiseman what's... Holy frell! *Mars rushes a necromancer, while LF annoys... I mean, distracts another. Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00 |
New Silver Inn v2.0 in General | |
Member # 2080
written Monday, March 31 2003 03:49
OOC: *LF starts laughing. Mars: What's so funny? LF: These guys just beat up a retarded demon with delusions of being all-powerful. *LF explains the details to Mars. Mars: That is funny. IC... Mars: LF, why aren't you helping me? LF: Sorry, got side tracked... Mars: How... nevermind. *Mars rips out the archmage's heart and decapitates him. Then LF castes Soul Fire on the body, destroying the archmage's soul. Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00 |
New Silver Inn v2.0 in General | |
Member # 2080
written Sunday, March 30 2003 19:10
*Mars just laughs at the image. Slith dude: What's so funny? Mars: You didn't actually kill a child. Slith dude: Yes I did. LF: No you didn't. Slith dude: Prove it! LF: You were just playing mind tricks on Mars. Much like what you did to me, only Mars was a bit better equiped to handle it. Slith dude: But how? Mars: A Ring of Will, you idiot. Slith dude: But you can't have more than 2 rings equiped! Mars: It's called taking one off and replacing it with another. LF: Now we shall continue to have more pointless dialog with you instead of killing you right away, but only if you don't kill us while we're talking to ourselves about how badly we're losing when you bring out a lot of power out of nowhere and start winning the fight. Slith dude: What is this, DBZ?!!?!? Mars: Good point. Let us kill this mage and go home. *Mars blasts the archmage with a Flare spell. Then the archmage counters with a Divine Thud spell. LF summons a she-demon. Mars: Hey LF, why'd you bring Martha Steward into this? LF: Just cause. Archmage: Back you wrecked demon! *The archmage kills Martha Steward. Mars: You have just done the universe a great service, but you're still gonna die. *Mars castes Quick, then Reflect. Then he castes Flare and Firestorm on the archmage. The archmage counters with a Kill spell, but it's bounced back at him. Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00 |
Around the place in however long it takes! in General | |
Member # 2080
written Sunday, March 30 2003 16:53
OOC: John had Steve stripped of his ability to do anything, thus forcing Steve to quit. The John ran Apple like his own personal hell, and layed off a whole bunch of people, thus inspiring the shirt with a picture of Steve with "this is Apple" written under it and a picture of John with "this is Apple on drugs" written on it. *LF questions why his Apple looks like a fried egg... Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00 |
New Silver Inn v2.0 in General | |
Member # 2080
written Sunday, March 30 2003 16:33
That Slith Archmage guy: What the.... How did you find me?!!? Mars: I don't know. LF, how did we find him? LF: I don't know. By all accounts it doesn't make sense. OOC... JHM3: LF, come up with an explanation for you and Mars finding that Slith dude. That Slith dude: I have a name! JHM3: I don't know it, so shut up. Mars: I've got it! LF used his specture powers to locate that slith dude. JHM3: Kind of weak but it'll have to do. IC... LF: I can see into the past and the future, for I know many things. Slith dude: What?!?! You son of a... Mars: This time I won't think twice about killing you, you sadistic.... LF: ...whinning, worthless... Mars: waste of a body. Slith dude: Did you really have to work together on that, or do you share the same brain. Mars: You piece of... I'll frelling kill you! *Mars lunges at the archmage, but the archmage teleports out of the way. Slith dude: Pathetic humans. Weak and foolish. LF: Hey Slith boy, you forgot about me... *The archmage turns his sights away from Mars, and is blasted by one of Mars's fireball spells. Slith dude: Cheap shot. Now the child dies. *An image of a child dying a horrible death appears in Mars's mind. Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00 |
Around the place in however long it takes! in General | |
Member # 2080
written Friday, March 28 2003 13:27
*LF proceeds to beat up random people for no reason. LF: This isn't very fun... *LF impales a guy who's messing with a child, only to find out the guy is the child's brother. LF: Dammit! *LF revives the guy. Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00 |
Around the place in however long it takes! in General | |
Member # 2080
written Thursday, March 27 2003 18:18
OOC: Yeah, it's 2003, but that doesn't stop me from buy Apple stock and killing that backstabing guy from Pepsi. IC... *LF trips the Milk Seller and ADoS beats the frell out of him. Then ADoS takes the Milk Seller's wallet and thanks LF. Finally ADoS departs to do... stuff. LF: Wierd. Oh well. Now to stop some drug rings and bring down some (censored due to adult theme). *LF goes off to stop a local street gang and ends up in a fight scene that resembles a low quality Kung Fu flick. Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00 |
New Silver Inn v2.0 in General | |
Member # 2080
written Thursday, March 27 2003 18:10
*Mars kills an assasin that appears to be fleeing from something. Mars: Strange. Oh well. *Mars and LF finally make it to the chamber of Slith archmage(whatever his name is) OOC: Could someone tell me his name so I can do the epic fight scene? Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00 |
Around the place in however long it takes! in General | |
Member # 2080
written Thursday, March 27 2003 15:50
OOC: JF, that's not how time travel works, your body doesn't change, unless you kill or harm your past self. IC... *LF buys a nice chunk of Apple Stock, Microsoft stock, and IBM stock. Then he lets the profits go into a bank account. Then he kills that Pepsi guy who screwed over Steve Jobs. Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00 |
Around the place in however long it takes! in General | |
Member # 2080
written Wednesday, March 26 2003 18:02
*LF pulls out the piece of wood that had impaled him when he fell onto the fruit stand. LF: (several onomilus profanties) That bloody hurt. *LF castes a healing spell on himself and tries to figure out where the bus went... Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00 |
Around the place in however long it takes! in General | |
Member # 2080
written Wednesday, March 26 2003 16:39
*Mars ponders what the Desert guys meant by that..... Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00 |
Some ideas Jeff will never look at.... in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 2080
written Wednesday, March 26 2003 15:35
1rst of all not all of us are computer programmers or really smart. You clearly have me confused with the person I could have been. 2 very different people. Now quit pretending that just cause you can do it, us average people can to. 2nd. I still don't get it. That explanation makes no sense. -------------------- "These sunglasses sure make it difficult to see in the dark, but I refuse to take them off because I'm an American and Americans always wear sunglasses." Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00 |