Profile for Lord Sylak
Field | Value |
Displayed name | Lord Sylak |
Member number | 1152 |
Title | Shock Trooper |
Postcount | 319 |
Homepage | http://localhost |
Registered | Tuesday, May 14 2002 07:00 |
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Author | Recent posts |
Congratulations Jeff in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 1152
written Monday, February 18 2008 18:48
You forget that even if you stab Jeff, he is powerful enough to destroy you before you draw your edge -------------------- -Sylak Proud Member of the Church of Devine Luchere Way too many lifeforms are carbon-based. Put this in your signature/AIM Profile if you're not. Posts: 319 | Registered: Tuesday, May 14 2002 07:00 |
Homeland : The Stone of Night is now officially a freeware game in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 1152
written Wednesday, February 13 2008 18:13
Hodamn i reappear and i've missed something cool. Maybe i should start regularing the forums again... But I remember trying this game not too long after it was released, and having issues cause my nice, new, Gateway GC-333 w/a whopping 64MB of RAM, couldn't handle it very well. God I miss the old days of Spidweb, before the closing of the Slith vs Nephil thread and when we still had the Misc board... fun times for those who remember them -------------------- -Sylak Proud Member of the Church of Devine Luchere Way too many lifeforms are carbon-based. Put this in your signature/AIM Profile if you're not. Posts: 319 | Registered: Tuesday, May 14 2002 07:00 |
Jeff, please respond - Magic and Avernum 5 in Avernum 4 | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 1152
written Tuesday, April 3 2007 18:27
quote:A/E3 comes to mind when you can't kill the Dragon babies, lest angering the dragon and not getting your cool two-handed special-effect sword (i forget which one it was) -------------------- -Sylak Proud Member of the Church of Devine Luchere Way too many lifeforms are carbon-based. Put this in your signature/AIM Profile if you're not. Posts: 319 | Registered: Tuesday, May 14 2002 07:00 |
Alorael for Admin in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 1152
written Tuesday, April 3 2007 17:57
quote:Thanks, I knew i had good portions of that bad, but i didn't know it was approximately half. However, it was close to how i heard it (partially form TM, and partially from someone else) And i think i guessed at the Ikonboard thing, so my bad at that. And thinking back on it, it wasn't Imban but it was somebody who very much reminded me of him and im not sure why. :/ -------------------- -Sylak Proud Member of the Church of Devine Luchere Way too many lifeforms are carbon-based. Put this in your signature/AIM Profile if you're not. Posts: 319 | Registered: Tuesday, May 14 2002 07:00 |
Alorael for Admin in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 1152
written Monday, April 2 2007 14:27
Alorael, imo, would be a great admin, but keep in mind guys, Forums aren't always (read "almost never") a democracy. Despite my now random and infrequent visits to the forum, back when i used to be a regular, Alorael was one of the prominent figures on the board, probably the most prominent, as Moderator of the Miscellaneous forum. Most of you don't remember that, and weather thats good or bad isn't my call. However, Aloreal is one of the few members from then that i can still see around. The others being Drakey, Imban, *I, TM, and Tails. Tails was soon banned for something goatse-related (if i remember correctly), and Imban was constantly banned then unbanned in those days (if i remember correctly, although i may be confusing him with somebody). Then there was Johnnyfeds, but thats another thread altogether... Now, for my view on the TM thing. I don't know waht he did to get banned this time, and i probably don't care. However, before my time on the Iknoboards, he was an Administrator. Now, the following story may be wrong, but its how i remember being told. TM was both Admin, and solely responsible for the Nethergate board. One day, (form what i've gathered) a very raunchy banner image appeared one day,and TM was removed and banned. I've been told be some people he had no involvement with it, and others it was him. When the UBB Switch was made, and he got his prolific Member #4, he was reinstated as a Nethergate Moderator. When i joined, (i believe around the creation of Polaris on ezBoards)he wasn't currently a moderator. But the point is, that TM has had powers in the past, and i have no way of knowing if he was responsible with those powers or not, being that when i last say him as an admin i was about 12 and had just gotten on the internet as your typical n00b (still cant spell though :P ) And, if he's been banned, theres a good reason, and if Jeff says he's gone then he's gone. As much as i admire TM, he's had more than enough chances: most members don't even get as many as he did. -------------------- -Sylak Proud Member of the Church of Devine Luchere Way too many lifeforms are carbon-based. Put this in your signature/AIM Profile if you're not. Posts: 319 | Registered: Tuesday, May 14 2002 07:00 |
Nethergate: Resurrection in Nethergate | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 1152
written Monday, April 2 2007 14:01
Why did i recall reading thaa in several places then? I know it got quite a few rewards and that those of us who loved it mostly still play it and keep discovering random quirks -------------------- -Sylak Proud Member of the Church of Devine Luchere Way too many lifeforms are carbon-based. Put this in your signature/AIM Profile if you're not. Posts: 319 | Registered: Tuesday, May 14 2002 07:00 |
Nethergate: Resurrection in Nethergate | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 1152
written Sunday, April 1 2007 19:14
Ok, if nobody's going to say it, WHAT ABOUT THE PUZZLE CUBE? WILL WE HAVE AN ANSWER AS TO WHAT IT DOES???!! Or did is it just removed? quote:You realize that up until the Geneforge Series (not the first Geneforge game mind you) that Nethergate was the #1 selling Spidweb game, right? [ Sunday, April 01, 2007 19:20: Message edited by: Lord Sylak ] -------------------- -Sylak Proud Member of the Church of Devine Luchere Way too many lifeforms are carbon-based. Put this in your signature/AIM Profile if you're not. Posts: 319 | Registered: Tuesday, May 14 2002 07:00 |
Jeff linked to on Slashdot in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 1152
written Thursday, February 15 2007 19:09
Ok, i know that there a lot of people who who don't care and a lot of people who do, but our mighty overlord Jeff Vogel has had his latest View from the Bottom post linked to on Slashdot. I just though a lot of you who didn't already know would find it cool. -------------------- -Sylak Proud Member of the Church of Devine Luchere Way too many lifeforms are carbon-based. Put this in your signature/AIM Profile if you're not. Posts: 319 | Registered: Tuesday, May 14 2002 07:00 |
Nethergate News in Nethergate | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 1152
written Monday, April 17 2006 22:38
Honestly? This news demands i return my displayed name to what i used to have it at. -------------------- -Sylak Proud Member of the Church of Devine Luchere Way too many lifeforms are carbon-based. Put this in your signature/AIM Profile if you're not. Posts: 319 | Registered: Tuesday, May 14 2002 07:00 |
old vs new version in Nethergate | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 1152
written Tuesday, March 28 2006 11:16
I think Nethergate is very owrth tis price. Remember, the world size is actually that X2 because thigns work diffrently as Romans and Celts. Also, i hope my OS 8.6 box will be able to play the new Nethergate whe it comes out [ Tuesday, March 28, 2006 11:18: Message edited by: Yamato Ishida ] -------------------- -Sylak Proud Member of the Church of Devine Luchere Way too many lifeforms are carbon-based. Put this in your signature/AIM Profile if you're not. Posts: 319 | Registered: Tuesday, May 14 2002 07:00 |
Avernum V in Avernum 4 | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 1152
written Tuesday, March 21 2006 15:43
The only thing i want to seein A5 is X's Anvil spell, to hell with the plot so long as i can drop an anvil on an enemy (or group of enemies) -------------------- -Sylak Proud Member of the Church of Devine Luchere Way too many lifeforms are carbon-based. Put this in your signature/AIM Profile if you're not. Posts: 319 | Registered: Tuesday, May 14 2002 07:00 |
need help breaking those barriers in Avernum 4 | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 1152
written Tuesday, March 21 2006 15:18
Your browser is reacting in error to a little snippet of code which was dloating around here a whiel ago which should just make register date and location backwards. -------------------- -Sylak Proud Member of the Church of Devine Luchere Way too many lifeforms are carbon-based. Put this in your signature/AIM Profile if you're not. Posts: 319 | Registered: Tuesday, May 14 2002 07:00 |
need help breaking those barriers in Avernum 4 | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 1152
written Sunday, March 19 2006 16:55
so, i killed the pesky demon in the tower colony, and i was told by the guy that upstairs i could find break barriers. So, where is it? ive looked in 2 books but cant get to the third because my pericign crystals dont break it. Am i confusing this with another quest, or m i jsut having crappy luck? -------------------- -Sylak Proud Member of the Church of Devine Luchere Way too many lifeforms are carbon-based. Put this in your signature/AIM Profile if you're not. Posts: 319 | Registered: Tuesday, May 14 2002 07:00 |
Windows version in Avernum 4 | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 1152
written Friday, February 24 2006 19:46
you post twice in a row to doublwe post, not necisarily witihn x amount of seconds. and if 3000 and lower are oldbies, that means im an oldbie. 1152 - i love that number. ITs my screen resolution too, but im getting off topic. -------------------- -Sylak Proud Member of the Church of Devine Luchere Way too many lifeforms are carbon-based. Put this in your signature/AIM Profile if you're not. Posts: 319 | Registered: Tuesday, May 14 2002 07:00 |
Favorite Charecter? in Nethergate | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 1152
written Wednesday, February 22 2006 20:07
i heard the word pronounced somewhere as [See-d] but i forget where. -------------------- -Sylak Proud Member of the Church of Devine Luchere Way too many lifeforms are carbon-based. Put this in your signature/AIM Profile if you're not. Posts: 319 | Registered: Tuesday, May 14 2002 07:00 |
number of people - Ocean Bound in Richard White Games | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 1152
written Wednesday, February 15 2006 18:38
Ok, so ive had OceanBound installed on my mac for about a year now, just never got arround to playing it. So, now i start playing it, and i notice something: every level i advance i start with less people. is there a way to get more people? am i doing something wrong that thisd happens? -------------------- -Sylak Proud Member of the Church of Devine Luchere Way too many lifeforms are carbon-based. Put this in your signature/AIM Profile if you're not. Posts: 319 | Registered: Tuesday, May 14 2002 07:00 |
Favorite Charecter? in Nethergate | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 1152
written Wednesday, February 15 2006 18:34
Goboo was the best charctor, aside from Hiawatha. The 6th char persons kick ass, there is no doubt. -------------------- -Sylak Proud Member of the Church of Devine Luchere Way too many lifeforms are carbon-based. Put this in your signature/AIM Profile if you're not. Posts: 319 | Registered: Tuesday, May 14 2002 07:00 |
hey there will be nethergate2? in Nethergate | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 1152
written Thursday, February 9 2006 08:00
ah, but taht was the beauty of it, its challenging appeal and intriging mystery of how to beat it and beat everything. Not even any of the guides ocem close to knowing all tis secrets. -------------------- -Sylak Proud Member of the Church of Devine Luchere Way too many lifeforms are carbon-based. Put this in your signature/AIM Profile if you're not. Posts: 319 | Registered: Tuesday, May 14 2002 07:00 |
Holy Mac Windows Batman! in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 1152
written Wednesday, January 11 2006 16:24
I'd rahter run Mac System 6 if i had a choice, but theres no software for it and colour is limited. But, theordically, you can compile WINE for OSX or get the FreeBSD Binary of WINE and be all set. Transgaming already makes Cedegea for OSX PPC, so you can game for a price. But, i have yet to get Spidweb games working in a free version of WINE in Linux, bu thten again, if oyu have a Mac, you can run the Mac Native ones. And, that brings me to a very good point about a few x86's: 2+2=4.000000000001 -------------------- -Sylak Proud Member of the Church of Devine Luchere Way too many lifeforms are carbon-based. Put this in your signature/AIM Profile if you're not. Posts: 319 | Registered: Tuesday, May 14 2002 07:00 |
What is Scribbane? in The Avernum Trilogy | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 1152
written Thursday, January 5 2006 17:44
this question should be added to the "FAQ" on te forums, if not already there. -------------------- -Sylak Proud Member of the Church of Devine Luchere Way too many lifeforms are carbon-based. Put this in your signature/AIM Profile if you're not. Posts: 319 | Registered: Tuesday, May 14 2002 07:00 |
Swords or Spears? in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 1152
written Thursday, January 5 2006 17:30
So, i was playing Avernum a little while ago, and started wondering: how many people use Melee and how many use Pole weapons in the games? I also wonder fi the answer is connected with a person's personality. [Thuryl's EDIT: Fixed spelling in topic title. It was itching my eyes.] [ Thursday, January 05, 2006 20:13: Message edited by: Thuryl ] Poll Information This poll contains 1 question(s). 35 user(s) have voted. function launch_voter () { launch_window(";d=vote;pollid=HAEjClpNBNhv"); return true; } // end launch_voter function launch_viewer () { launch_window(";d=view;pollid=HAEjClpNBNhv"); return true; } // end launch_viewer function launch_window (url) { preview = url, "preview", "width=550,height=300,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status,menubar=no,scrollbars,resizable,copyhistory=no" ); window.preview.focus(); return preview; } // end launch_window ![]() ![]() -------------------- -Sylak Proud Member of the Church of Devine Luchere Way too many lifeforms are carbon-based. Put this in your signature/AIM Profile if you're not. Posts: 319 | Registered: Tuesday, May 14 2002 07:00 |
Looking for similar games. in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 1152
written Thursday, January 5 2006 17:19
I beleive he means one tah can only be played with an internal network, like over IPX. I don't beleive any of theese exsist, but pleanty of people play FPS games as RPG online games in clans and guilds. -------------------- -Sylak Proud Member of the Church of Devine Luchere Way too many lifeforms are carbon-based. Put this in your signature/AIM Profile if you're not. Posts: 319 | Registered: Tuesday, May 14 2002 07:00 |
Wikipedia: Skribbane in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 1152
written Thursday, January 5 2006 17:05
The answer is simple: make sure Skribbane is on Encyclopedia Etharian, and to make thoose people calling Vanthai fancruft shut up, take EE's Vanthai entry, with proper permission of cource, and repost it on Wikipedia, as most say there is way to little info -------------------- -Sylak Proud Member of the Church of Devine Luchere Way too many lifeforms are carbon-based. Put this in your signature/AIM Profile if you're not. Posts: 319 | Registered: Tuesday, May 14 2002 07:00 |
1945 in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 1152
written Wednesday, January 4 2006 19:36
I'm gonna take an educated shot in the dark and say the rocks are pltonium, used in makign the atomic bombs dropped on Japan? -------------------- -Sylak Proud Member of the Church of Devine Luchere Way too many lifeforms are carbon-based. Put this in your signature/AIM Profile if you're not. Posts: 319 | Registered: Tuesday, May 14 2002 07:00 |
1945 in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 1152
written Tuesday, January 3 2006 10:58
the last one is of Harry Truman, Joseph Stalin, and Winston Churchil at the Potsdam Conference after World War II which was intended to establish post-war order in the World, including the partitioning of Germany amoungst the allies. -------------------- -Sylak Proud Member of the Church of Devine Luchere Way too many lifeforms are carbon-based. Put this in your signature/AIM Profile if you're not. Posts: 319 | Registered: Tuesday, May 14 2002 07:00 |