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What is better Shapers or Rebels? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 10430
Profile #71


The Rebels are far too desperate and uncaring for civilian lives.

I always find it hilarious how so many posters are willing to condemn the Rebels for simply fighting a war as it is meant to be fought against a callous and genocidal regime.

The fact of the matter is that the Shapers took the fight to innocent Drayks and serviles during their purging and/or enslavement of anything considered to independent to live, both prior to the events on Sucia, during and after the events on Sucia, and during and after the events at Drypeak. Now they lure the fight to heavily populated areas in their own territory, showing little concern for their own civilians.
And when put on the back foot, they are willing to mass produce their own insane creations to ravage the lands instead of negotiating a peace with those whom they have oppressed for centuries.

This attitude is reflected in the Rebel ending for Geneforge 3, where the Shaper Council states that they will continue fighting against overwhelming odds, as even if the world is turned into a burnt husk, they will be masters of it.

Some pro-Shaper loyalists would rationalize "By that stage, the worms are already out of the can, the Shapers are just making an already bad situation worse, who cares." No doubt that's true, but if you lose you lose, resorting to hiding behind hordes of mad creations and civilians in your own country while you fight, only so that you can retain your position of privilege over other life forms, is as petty and cowardly as you can get.
What's the point of the Shapers even fighting at that stage? To preserve tyranny? To 'rule over a burnt husk'? To oppress those who simply want to 'be free' (or to exist, in the case of the Drayks/Drakons/Gazers)?

This is why the humans in Geneforge seem like such ignorant scumbags. Very few of them will say "You retard Shapers, what on earth are you thinking? You created Drayks, Drakons, Eyebeasts and serviles, started a war with them, and now you're hiding behind us while they retaliate? WTF?! You are killing your own subjects you pompous arrogant airheads".

No, instead the Rebellion is criticised for simply doing what is required to survive. They whine about the Rebellion because it does not inconvenience itself to not kill the 'civilians' of the enemy, despite the Shapers themselves clearly not caring about the welfare of their own subjects.

This just confirms in my mind that any restraint on behalf of the Rebellion should not be expected, because there is very little sympathy for their cause amongst the ranks of Shapers and humans. This doesn't mean that the rebels should just give up and submit to being reabsorbed by their Shaper masters. Quite the contrary. It just means they shouldn't worry about killing civilians anymore, they can just loosen up on their moral rigidity and start fighting the war like wars are supposed to be fought.

There's the enemy to Creation emancipation, wipe it out. No, it's not just the Shapers hiding behind their creations and Outsider subjects, it is every one of them, they are all enemies. The Outsider loyalist humans don't just supply the Shapers and fight in their army, they support Shaper idealogy, they support Shaper supremacy and exploitation of their creations.

So there's no reason for the Drakons to neglect employing certain tactics which result in indiscriminant slaughter. They can release the Unbound with no qualms whatsoever.

[ Sunday, February 24, 2008 21:03: Message edited by: Lepus timidus ]

"I am Barzhal, and I am here to ask you a question:
Is a man not entitled to the products of his own essence?

No, says the servile in Medab. It belongs to the oppressed.
No, says the Shaper in Terrestia. It belongs to the Shaper Council.
No, says the Trakovite in hiding. It belongs to no-one.

I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something
different. I chose the impossible. I chose… Ascension."
Posts: 136 | Registered: Wednesday, September 12 2007 07:00
What is better Shapers or Rebels? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 10430
Profile #69
Originally written by Xel'Raga:

[QB]Creations simply don't have the diversity of thought that humans do. It just isn't built into them. They're hardwired to follow certain patterns of thought,



and the Drayks and Drakons were war machines, so they are hardwired to follow violent thoughts.


Dryss (a Drakon) from the Taker Toll road in GF2:

The PC:
"That is too bad. Creations should not have to fight to be free. But if they must ...

Dryss: ""Yesss. I suppose I would not kill and eat the Shapersss if I could avoid it. I would rather have happy, quiet life, being wealthy and eating meat. But that isss not the life I was created into.";

Issss-Ta (a Drayk), from Zhass-Usss in GF2:

PC: "You don't want the Shapers to be destroyed?"

Issss-Ta: "I do not want it to be necessary. But remember, it was your kind who created us, and then you decided that we should no longer exist. We have to defend ourselves."


It's okay for the humans to target Drayks and Drakons for extermination because the Drayks and Drakons are unanimously against them.

False. Even the most anti-human of the Drakons didn't wish to engage in the extermination of homo sapiens.


If the Drayks were in power, then the humans would have been targeted for extermination.

More speculation.

"I am Barzhal, and I am here to ask you a question:
Is a man not entitled to the products of his own essence?

No, says the servile in Medab. It belongs to the oppressed.
No, says the Shaper in Terrestia. It belongs to the Shaper Council.
No, says the Trakovite in hiding. It belongs to no-one.

I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something
different. I chose the impossible. I chose… Ascension."
Posts: 136 | Registered: Wednesday, September 12 2007 07:00
Which armour provides more protection? in The Avernum Trilogy
Member # 10430
Profile #1
Wow, the robe is significantly better at reducing damage than the plate mail, by an average of 20 points. I just tested it against some guards.

"I am Barzhal, and I am here to ask you a question:
Is a man not entitled to the products of his own essence?

No, says the servile in Medab. It belongs to the oppressed.
No, says the Shaper in Terrestia. It belongs to the Shaper Council.
No, says the Trakovite in hiding. It belongs to no-one.

I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something
different. I chose the impossible. I chose… Ascension."
Posts: 136 | Registered: Wednesday, September 12 2007 07:00
Which armour provides more protection? in The Avernum Trilogy
Member # 10430
Profile #0
I'm playing on Torment, btw:

Steel Plate Mail: Prevents 1-40 + 2 damage. 25% attack penalty.

Radiant Robe: Prevents 1-8 damage. 30% Protection from Melee Damage. 20% resistance to acid and magic damage.

At first I thought that the steel plate mail would be superior, but the radiant robe has 30% protection from melee damage, which is huge (that's about 1/3 guaranteed reduction). Added to which, you don't get a reduction to attack penalty, and it's one seventh the weight of plate mail.

"I am Barzhal, and I am here to ask you a question:
Is a man not entitled to the products of his own essence?

No, says the servile in Medab. It belongs to the oppressed.
No, says the Shaper in Terrestia. It belongs to the Shaper Council.
No, says the Trakovite in hiding. It belongs to no-one.

I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something
different. I chose the impossible. I chose… Ascension."
Posts: 136 | Registered: Wednesday, September 12 2007 07:00
Move Mountains in the Filth Factory in The Avernum Trilogy
Member # 10430
Profile #0
At two points in the Filth Factory, some reasonably good loot is blocked by Mossy Boulders, which can only be removed by Move Mountains Level 3.

Such a thing doesn't make sense, since you can only get Lvl 3 Move Mountains muuucch later in the game. And it's not as if you can revisit the Filth Factory after clearing it...

"I am Barzhal, and I am here to ask you a question:
Is a man not entitled to the products of his own essence?

No, says the servile in Medab. It belongs to the oppressed.
No, says the Shaper in Terrestia. It belongs to the Shaper Council.
No, says the Trakovite in hiding. It belongs to no-one.

I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something
different. I chose the impossible. I chose… Ascension."
Posts: 136 | Registered: Wednesday, September 12 2007 07:00
Xian Chain Mail in The Avernum Trilogy
Member # 10430
Profile #2
Yeah, the occasional disease can be dealt with.

Drat. Doesn't anyone have the stats for this armour?

"I am Barzhal, and I am here to ask you a question:
Is a man not entitled to the products of his own essence?

No, says the servile in Medab. It belongs to the oppressed.
No, says the Shaper in Terrestia. It belongs to the Shaper Council.
No, says the Trakovite in hiding. It belongs to no-one.

I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something
different. I chose the impossible. I chose… Ascension."
Posts: 136 | Registered: Wednesday, September 12 2007 07:00
Xian Chain Mail in The Avernum Trilogy
Member # 10430
Profile #0
The listed statistics for this armour seem awesome, but I've read elsewhere that it has 'unmentioned negative effects'. What are these unmentioned effects?

"I am Barzhal, and I am here to ask you a question:
Is a man not entitled to the products of his own essence?

No, says the servile in Medab. It belongs to the oppressed.
No, says the Shaper in Terrestia. It belongs to the Shaper Council.
No, says the Trakovite in hiding. It belongs to no-one.

I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something
different. I chose the impossible. I chose… Ascension."
Posts: 136 | Registered: Wednesday, September 12 2007 07:00
Why is attempted murder illegal? in General
Member # 10430
Profile #13

People are charged and convicted for attempted crimes because there is clear intent to commit a crime

But aren't crimes meant to consist of two elements? Actus reus (the guilty act) and mens rea (intent to commit the crime). How does 'attempted murder' satisfy actus reus?

"I am Barzhal, and I am here to ask you a question:
Is a man not entitled to the products of his own essence?

No, says the servile in Medab. It belongs to the oppressed.
No, says the Shaper in Terrestia. It belongs to the Shaper Council.
No, says the Trakovite in hiding. It belongs to no-one.

I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something
different. I chose the impossible. I chose… Ascension."
Posts: 136 | Registered: Wednesday, September 12 2007 07:00
Why aren't their any cats or dogs in Geneforge? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 10430
Profile #16
If you play through Geneforge 2, Jeff makes reference to 'the twisted trees which destroy buildings' in a very descriptive manner about 200 times before you reach the concealed tunnel.

Perhaps he would have been better off writing descriptive monologues regarding cats, dogs, and defecation?

"You reach the concealed tunnels, but realize that you have travelled for over a week without defecating. As you squat behind a twisted tre.. (doh, scratch that) bush and strain your bowels, you see a cat speed past you, being pursued by a dog. It does your heart good to know that there pussy is abundant in this remote colony."

Man, I'm so good. I think Jeff should hire me to write the script for his game, and he can just stick to the programming aspect.

"I am Barzhal, and I am here to ask you a question:
Is a man not entitled to the products of his own essence?

No, says the servile in Medab. It belongs to the oppressed.
No, says the Shaper in Terrestia. It belongs to the Shaper Council.
No, says the Trakovite in hiding. It belongs to no-one.

I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something
different. I chose the impossible. I chose… Ascension."
Posts: 136 | Registered: Wednesday, September 12 2007 07:00
Why aren't their any cats or dogs in Geneforge? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 10430
Profile #14
Why don't we see the humans defecating in Geneforge?

"I am Barzhal, and I am here to ask you a question:
Is a man not entitled to the products of his own essence?

No, says the servile in Medab. It belongs to the oppressed.
No, says the Shaper in Terrestia. It belongs to the Shaper Council.
No, says the Trakovite in hiding. It belongs to no-one.

I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something
different. I chose the impossible. I chose… Ascension."
Posts: 136 | Registered: Wednesday, September 12 2007 07:00
Revised political-geneforge sympathies poll in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 10430
Profile #175

I really do not believe that any political things such as democrats have any correlation to Geneforge, why?

I don't see how rebelling against a tyrannical government automatically makes one a radical left winger. Were the American revolutionaries Communists?

"I am Barzhal, and I am here to ask you a question:
Is a man not entitled to the products of his own essence?

No, says the servile in Medab. It belongs to the oppressed.
No, says the Shaper in Terrestia. It belongs to the Shaper Council.
No, says the Trakovite in hiding. It belongs to no-one.

I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something
different. I chose the impossible. I chose… Ascension."
Posts: 136 | Registered: Wednesday, September 12 2007 07:00
Editing Geneforge Maps? in Geneforge Series
Member # 10430
Profile #3
So you can get the satisfying feeling of terraforming entire zones like a 'true Shaper'?

"I am Barzhal, and I am here to ask you a question:
Is a man not entitled to the products of his own essence?

No, says the servile in Medab. It belongs to the oppressed.
No, says the Shaper in Terrestia. It belongs to the Shaper Council.
No, says the Trakovite in hiding. It belongs to no-one.

I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something
different. I chose the impossible. I chose… Ascension."
Posts: 136 | Registered: Wednesday, September 12 2007 07:00
Geneforge 2 Sects you can join in Geneforge Series
Member # 10430
Profile #4
Loyalists = Dirt cheap Tier 1 to Tier 3 creations (including Create Drayk).

Awakened = Level 7 spells early in the game. Access to a few extra merchants and minor quests.

Barzites = Access to Tier 4 creations and Level 7 spells, a few minor quests, and 7 extra potent canisters.

Takers = Able to negotiate Taker lands and take their stuff for free, access to one extra minor quest, the Puresteel Soulblade, a wandmaker, and a cool joinable glowing drayk.

[ Monday, December 17, 2007 14:55: Message edited by: Lepus timidus ]

"I am Barzhal, and I am here to ask you a question:
Is a man not entitled to the products of his own essence?

No, says the servile in Medab. It belongs to the oppressed.
No, says the Shaper in Terrestia. It belongs to the Shaper Council.
No, says the Trakovite in hiding. It belongs to no-one.

I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something
different. I chose the impossible. I chose… Ascension."
Posts: 136 | Registered: Wednesday, September 12 2007 07:00
G2 - editing items (letter to rising) in Geneforge Series
Member # 10430
Profile #1
Usually I dump all the plot items/artifacts/collectables/so-so items that I don't have the heart to sell, at a friendly town's entrance, or near a merchant.

If you do the same (I suspect a lot of people do), maybe you should go back and check your junk piles.

"I am Barzhal, and I am here to ask you a question:
Is a man not entitled to the products of his own essence?

No, says the servile in Medab. It belongs to the oppressed.
No, says the Shaper in Terrestia. It belongs to the Shaper Council.
No, says the Trakovite in hiding. It belongs to no-one.

I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something
different. I chose the impossible. I chose… Ascension."
Posts: 136 | Registered: Wednesday, September 12 2007 07:00
Which Geneforge Game is best? in Geneforge Series
Member # 10430
Profile #8
Geneforge 1 is by the far the best game, possibly a masterpiece of PC gaming. Geneforge 2 is a close second. Too bad it had that lame 'you have to train before using canisters to get maximum skill' mechanics. I wish someone would write a script to fix that.

"I am Barzhal, and I am here to ask you a question:
Is a man not entitled to the products of his own essence?

No, says the servile in Medab. It belongs to the oppressed.
No, says the Shaper in Terrestia. It belongs to the Shaper Council.
No, says the Trakovite in hiding. It belongs to no-one.

I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something
different. I chose the impossible. I chose… Ascension."
Posts: 136 | Registered: Wednesday, September 12 2007 07:00
Which Geneforge Game is worst? in Geneforge Series
Member # 10430
Profile #4

Originally written by Janitorial Closet:
Hmm. Why do so many of you hate G3? What is wrong with it?

Repetitive, constricted, and poorly written. It's obvious that Jeff cut a lot of corners in GF3. I usually can not be bothered playing the game any further once I have reached the 4th island.

To summarize, GF3 lacks the atmosphere and immersive storyline presented in GF1, the freedom and new creations/spells in GF2, and the revamping that occurred in GF4.

[ Friday, December 14, 2007 16:01: Message edited by: Lepus timidus ]

"I am Barzhal, and I am here to ask you a question:
Is a man not entitled to the products of his own essence?

No, says the servile in Medab. It belongs to the oppressed.
No, says the Shaper in Terrestia. It belongs to the Shaper Council.
No, says the Trakovite in hiding. It belongs to no-one.

I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something
different. I chose the impossible. I chose… Ascension."
Posts: 136 | Registered: Wednesday, September 12 2007 07:00
New character build in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 10430
Profile #9
Originally written by Taliesin:

After playing all the Geneforge series as a shaper, lifecrafter, and shocktrooper, I am thinking of playing G4 again, this time as a servile. I had heard that a huge QA and Parry boost at the beginning worked wonders for melee Guardians in the first few games (especially G2), but I believe that it doesn't help as much anymore. What do you guys think should be the first place I put skill points as a melee/mental servile? (Other than melee and mental magic, haha.)
You might as well just play an infiltrator which is magic heavy and melee medium, because you'll end up ahead.

As to your build, I wouldn't bother parry, as it's been useless ever since GF3. The chance to parry is slim, and the damage reduction is laughable. If you want to stand up to more damage, sink points into endurance.

As I learnt the hard way, missile skills are useless in GF4. Why? Well:

- The alteration to the move and attack mechanics means that any melee monster can just walk up to you and smack you in the first round of combat. So you might as well just engage in hand to hand combat.

- Submission batons and null wands have been nerfed, because stun doesn't do diddly.

- Even a servile will do more ranged damage with their spells than with batons/wands.

- If you want to do physical damage, run up and hit them with your sword. Note that swords can get enhancements that missiles can't, such as curse and slow.

- Crystals only remain effective if you invest heavily in missile and dexterity. So essentially, you're making a huge investment in order to use crystals. Is it worth it? Not from my experience.

"I am Barzhal, and I am here to ask you a question:
Is a man not entitled to the products of his own essence?

No, says the servile in Medab. It belongs to the oppressed.
No, says the Shaper in Terrestia. It belongs to the Shaper Council.
No, says the Trakovite in hiding. It belongs to no-one.

I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something
different. I chose the impossible. I chose… Ascension."
Posts: 136 | Registered: Wednesday, September 12 2007 07:00
Revised political-geneforge sympathies poll in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 10430
Profile #160

LT do you have any proof for your whole thing of Drakons are as diverse as humans in being greedy and power-hungry and all that?

There is a huge diversity of opinion amongst the Drakons, even in Geneforge 4. I'm not going to trawl through the scripts, simply because I don't have the patience.

To make my point regarding Drakons vs. humans, I'll just point to several general facts that I'm sure you can't dispute. The bulk of the Drakon resistance is interested in Shaping and reshaping itself, purely to carry out the war against the Shapers. They need to empower themselves in order to survive.

Now, for comparison, let's look at the humans. You have:

- The Shapers, who obtain power the traditional way, in order to rule over non-Shapers and enforce their dictates.

- The non-Shaper rebels, many of whom side with the Rebellion so that they can Reshape themselves and gain illicit powers.

- The Monarchs of the game, who are aligned with no-one except themselves, and seek to experiment with forbidden Shaping in order to become gods. Note that Monarch isn't exactly unique. For example: Barzhal and his cohort, Danette and her cohort, Phariton, Goetsche, Trajkov and his minions.

I guess Danette isn't exactly 'unaligned', but she was independent from the Shapers for a period on Sucia, when she went behind their backs and created the Geneforge/canisters.

IMHO, the bulk of the humans in Geneforge have demonstrated themselves greedy for power, and it is usually the humans who are willing to go insane to obtain that power.

The difference is that I don't believe the humans have a sound reason (they merely want power for powers sake, or to stand over others), whereas the Drakons state that they need more power to survive.

In fact, ever since GF2, the Drayks/Drakons have been repeating like a 'mantra' "We must shape and reshape, to become strong enough to take the battle to the Shapers".

And to be honest, I do believe that the Drakons are sincere when they say this. The fact that as a society, they are overshadowing non-Drakonian races as they continue to empower themselves, is an unpleasant side effect. But it's not as if the Drakons don't attempt to share power with non-Drakons (eg. the human Geneforges, the Shaping of the serviles and humans, the canisters)

So in conclusion, I'm going to say as far as generalisations go, the humans are at least as power-hungry as the Drakons.

"I am Barzhal, and I am here to ask you a question:
Is a man not entitled to the products of his own essence?

No, says the servile in Medab. It belongs to the oppressed.
No, says the Shaper in Terrestia. It belongs to the Shaper Council.
No, says the Trakovite in hiding. It belongs to no-one.

I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something
different. I chose the impossible. I chose… Ascension."
Posts: 136 | Registered: Wednesday, September 12 2007 07:00
Revised political-geneforge sympathies poll in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 10430
Profile #158

Dikiyoba- So you like the ending in which the maximum amount of death and destruction is dealt?

And you like the ending where systematic genocide occurs?


I understand that there is diversity in Drakon thought,

Good. Since we both agree that there is diversity in Drakon thought, and that they ARE capable of both tolerance and rational thought, isn't it an act of injustice to target them all for extermination?

Don't you agree that if the Shapers stopped their genocidal campaign, the Drakons might become less extreme, and a more tolerant and rational ideologue would prevail might prevail amongst them?


but seriously, who is going to argue that they are mostly, with very, very few exceptions, greedy and powerhungary with little regard to any consequenses other than to themselves (even that doesn't always stop them!).

I'm not denying that the Drakons are capable of being both greedy and power hungry, but they aren't any greedier or power hungry than humans, IMHO.

Humans in this game have been seen to risk death to gain Shaping powers (Danette and her troupe, the rebel humans, Barzhal and his cohort, and Monarch), and show an enormous amount of greed (witness the merchant near the Cairn Gates who fleeces refugees).

And even if Drakons have a greater tendency to be greedy and power hungry, that still isn't an excuse to target the race for extermination. They aren't mindless monsters. They are just like sapient human beings. They have flaws, strengths and fears. There is a diversity of thought and opinion amongst their ranks.
Some are temperamental and quick to anger, while others are susceptible to reason. When you strip away the superficialities, you realize that Drakons are simply just another band of humans, with a different physical form.

And there is no way we would tolerate systematic genocide against humans. Is there?


There is a big difference between "steriotyping" a Drakon and steriotyping a human.

No, there isn't. It ignores the context of the scenario, and it's just lazy.


Also, LT, serviles were hardwired to not be able to do magic, and it has worked other than serviles flailing themselves to madness or altering their genes (also leads to madness) so I don't see your poin.

Serviles were hardwired to not be able to do magic, but they can. And not all of the serviles who attempt to 'purify' themselves end up mad, although admittedly the probability of doing so is high!

"I am Barzhal, and I am here to ask you a question:
Is a man not entitled to the products of his own essence?

No, says the servile in Medab. It belongs to the oppressed.
No, says the Shaper in Terrestia. It belongs to the Shaper Council.
No, says the Trakovite in hiding. It belongs to no-one.

I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something
different. I chose the impossible. I chose… Ascension."
Posts: 136 | Registered: Wednesday, September 12 2007 07:00
*becomes violently ill, vomits profusely* in General
Member # 10430
Profile #19
The government has been capable of spying on civilians for decades. ECHELON, anyone?

"I am Barzhal, and I am here to ask you a question:
Is a man not entitled to the products of his own essence?

No, says the servile in Medab. It belongs to the oppressed.
No, says the Shaper in Terrestia. It belongs to the Shaper Council.
No, says the Trakovite in hiding. It belongs to no-one.

I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something
different. I chose the impossible. I chose… Ascension."
Posts: 136 | Registered: Wednesday, September 12 2007 07:00
Revised political-geneforge sympathies poll in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 10430
Profile #146
Originally written by Nioca:

Originally written by Safey:

I think that argueing over which is morally right and which is morally wrong. This is war and both have shown that they will do anthing the win.
Except that the Shapers are still abiding by most of their rules even while at war. Think about it: No loose rogues killing whatever they might wander into, no leveling random towns for the sake of slaughter, diplomatic dealings with mutinous situations... The Shapers may not be morally right, but they're a considerable improvement over the Drakons.

And as has been pointed out many times previously on this forum, the situations aren't symmetrical. The Rebels are losing. They are in a more desperate situation than the Shapers, hence they resort to more desperate measures.

The concept of 'desperate times call for desperate measures' is clearly demonstrated by the Rebel ending. When the Shapers are put on the back foot by the Unbound, they unleash their own uncontrollable rogues. And Shapers have the moral highground? Ho hum.

Thoughts of Chaos:

If Ghaldring takes the thoughts of other Drakons into account, it's only because he's afraid that his rule will come to a violent end if he doesn't do his absolute best to offend none of them.

Yep, but as we now both agree, Ghaldring does take the thoughts and opinions of other Drakons into account. This must mean that Ghaldring's beliefs on coexistence with humans must be shared by (at least) a significant number of powerful Drakons. If Ghaldring's beliefs were radically different from that of the majority of Drakons, it follows that he would have been deposed a long time ago.


And being too independent is being on the verge of waging racial war, at least for the Drakons. The original Drayks, no, but they were close, and there's no telling what a few more generations of Shaping would have done.

You conclude racial war from the premise of independence. I don't agree with such a train of logic. And I especially don't agree with a policy of irrational fear, where one genocides independent beings merely because they might become a threat.


That's because creations simply don't have the diversity of thought that humans do. It just isn't built into them. They're hardwired to follow certain patterns of thought, and the Drayks and Drakons were war machines, so they are hardwired to follow violent thoughts.

What on earth? I certainly don't agree with the above. And as to being 'hardwired' to follow certain patterns of thought, weren't the serviles hardwired to be unable to cast magic? And weren't they also 'hardwired' to be docile and completely dependent on Shapers?


It's okay for the humans to target Drayks and Drakons for extermination because the Drayks and Drakons are unanimously against them.

Complete and utter nonsense. The reverse claim that "It's okay for Drayks and Drakons to target humans for extermination, because the humans are unanimously against them." would be incorrect, but significantly more tenable than what you are claiming.


The original slaughtering of Drayks was wrong, and Nalyd does not support that at all,

That's good. Clearly you have some understanding of justice.


but the current war is justified.

How on earth can the 'current war' perpetuated by the Shapers be justified, when they are merely trying to finish what they have started (ie. The elimination of all Drayks?)


If the Drayks were in power, then the humans would have been targeted for extermination.

That's supposition, and contradicted by many in game quotes where many Drayks make it clear that they are willing to coexist along humans.


That [not wishing to carry out a war of extermination against the Shapers unless it was necessary] was the minority view once, back in GF2. Not now.

I'm not sure if that above was a minority opinion or not regarding the Takers. What it does demonstrate is that both Drayks and Drakons are not 'hardwired' to wanting to carry out wars just for the fun of it, or even for vengeance.


But Derenton Freehold is incredibly well staffed. If they tried, they could take back the lands that were lost, if not Poryphra itself.

If Derenton Freehold was so well staffed, then it wouldn't have lost the surrounding lands in the first place, the Rebel armies wouldn't have been routed, and the Shaper army wouldn't have established a foothold in Poryphra.


As stated before, Ghaldring's reign is hardly universally acknowledged.

Ghaldring is universally acknowledged as the leader of the Rebels. For goodness sake, he was the one who spawned the current Rebellion.


So what if Non-Drakons are better soldiers? It doesn't take war effectiveness to be an effective general or leader.

Let's say you have a resistance movement consisting of several sects who share a common goal (eg. to turf out foreign invaders), and one particular sect has significantly more success against fighting the invaders. Who should lead the united resistance movement?

And please, let's not deny the Drakons are looked up to by the rest of the Rebellion. While many non-Drakon rebels don't like the Drakons, they still rely on them to save their bacon.

It was the Drakons who Shaped the serviles, hence empowering them. It was the Drakons who created the two human Geneforges. It was the Drakons who made the canister technology available to the humans. It was the Drakons who empowered the leader of the human resistance (ie. Lilita)

It was the Drakons who created the bulk of the Creations which captured Terrestia. It is the Drakons who created the Unbound, hence winning a war which everyone thought was lost.

Some Drakons can be intolerable in their attitudes towards the 'lesser races', and hopefully that will be rectified in the future. But when the **** hits the fan, everyone comes a runnin' back to them. This point is neatly demonstrated in Northforge.

When you mention to Issss-Ta that the Shapers have infilitrated Northforge: "Issss-Ta looks alarmed by this news. You know what fate befalls any drayk that falls into Shaper hands. Report to Karikiss in the inner Shaping hallsss. He and the other drakonsss can arrange a defense."


Because the desire for knowledge, however violent, is almost always warranted.

We're going to have to agree to disagree.


The Drakons may Shape out of necessity, but they do not Shape Unbound out of necessity.

Yes they do. What happens in the ending where the Unbound are not shaped?


quote: How many people would not have died or suffered if the Nazis hadn't engaged in cruel and unnecessary experiments, such as burning prisoners with phosphorus bombs so that doctors could examine the wounds?

Quite a few. Your point?

My point is that we must consider whether a piece of research will have a net benefit or net loss effect. You shouldn't just conduct research for the fun of it, especially when valuable resources and the welfare of sentient beings are at stake.


That is a problem with the Shapers, not with Shaping.

Um, yes, precisely. I've never argued against Shaping, per se, but merely the fact that the bulk of the research performed by Shapers is frivolous and cruel.


The Shapers occasionally performing research applicable to peacetime does excuse the majority devoted to wartime.

No it doesn't. The Shapers are accountable for all experiments that they perform, not just the ones which have beneficial results. There is no reason why the Shapers couldn't focus exclusively on research which benefited not only the Shapers, but all of human and creation kind.


What we have here is a basic difference of opinion. You think that it is not worthwhile. Nalyd thinks that it is.

I never said that Shaping isn't worthwhile. What I have said is that some fields of Shaping (the random modification of sentient creatures for warfare) are not worthwhile during centuries of peace.

[ Thursday, December 06, 2007 17:55: Message edited by: Lepus timidus ]

"I am Barzhal, and I am here to ask you a question:
Is a man not entitled to the products of his own essence?

No, says the servile in Medab. It belongs to the oppressed.
No, says the Shaper in Terrestia. It belongs to the Shaper Council.
No, says the Trakovite in hiding. It belongs to no-one.

I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something
different. I chose the impossible. I chose… Ascension."
Posts: 136 | Registered: Wednesday, September 12 2007 07:00
Hardest Spiderweb Game EVER!! in General
Member # 10430
Profile #21
Exile I was a headache, simply because it took a while to accumulate any decent equipment. Exile II was challenging. I clearly remember getting ripped to pieces when fighting that big Empire battalion in Chapter 1.

I found Geneforge 3 quite difficult as well, simply because you didn't gain power as quickly as in GF1 and 2, while facing difficult enemies very early on (eg. The Warped Spawner on Island 1)

"I am Barzhal, and I am here to ask you a question:
Is a man not entitled to the products of his own essence?

No, says the servile in Medab. It belongs to the oppressed.
No, says the Shaper in Terrestia. It belongs to the Shaper Council.
No, says the Trakovite in hiding. It belongs to no-one.

I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something
different. I chose the impossible. I chose… Ascension."
Posts: 136 | Registered: Wednesday, September 12 2007 07:00
Who do you want to see in Geneforge 5 in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 10430
Profile #25
ET (phone home?):


I like your signature as well.

Thanks! It's adapted from 'Bioshock', where the chap quoted was actually quite similar to Barzhal in some aspects. The original quote is:


I am Andrew Ryan and I am here to ask you a question:
Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his own brow?
No, says the man in Washington. It belongs to the poor.
No, says the man in the Vatican. It belongs to God.
No, says the man in Moscow. It belongs to everyone.

I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something
different. I chose the impossible. I chose…


Come to think of it, since you're a fan of Barzhal and his vision of the 'improved homo sapien' via genetic manipulation, you'd probably enjoy Bioshock. But you need a pretty powerful graphics card.


Too bad Barzahl died before the Trakovites existed, though.

Yeah, I know. But I couldn't think of anything else. The Takers wouldn't really fit well, because they encourage self-Shaping in the extreme.

"I am Barzhal, and I am here to ask you a question:
Is a man not entitled to the products of his own essence?

No, says the servile in Medab. It belongs to the oppressed.
No, says the Shaper in Terrestia. It belongs to the Shaper Council.
No, says the Trakovite in hiding. It belongs to no-one.

I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something
different. I chose the impossible. I chose… Ascension."
Posts: 136 | Registered: Wednesday, September 12 2007 07:00
Revised political-geneforge sympathies poll in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 10430
Profile #127

While he can be a bit overwhelming, I doubt a single post from Nalyd constitutes a whinefest. I, for one, thought it an appropriate riposte.

Yes. I found that the following comment was an 'appropriate riposte.'


You know exactly what he meant. Don't be an idiot. Keep the debate impersonal.

I mean, telling me to remain impersonal when I responded tongue in cheek to a particular rude poster calling me 'deluded'. He puts Faux News 'fair and balanced' analytical skills to shame, hmmm?

Oh, and note how he tells me not to be an idiot, while in the same breath stating that we should keep the debate impersonal. Such a tactic is surely conducive to a pleasant and to the point discussion.

It seems that some members on these boards can dish it out, but can't take it.

So let's end this posturing and empty rhetoric, and get back to the discussion at hand, hmmm? You could start by providing some sort of evidence to support your blanket statements regarding the Drakon race. You claim that you've already posted this evidence, so it shouldn't be too hard for you to comb through your previous posts and paste it into a new reply, minus the prattle and insults.

"I am Barzhal, and I am here to ask you a question:
Is a man not entitled to the products of his own essence?

No, says the servile in Medab. It belongs to the oppressed.
No, says the Shaper in Terrestia. It belongs to the Shaper Council.
No, says the Trakovite in hiding. It belongs to no-one.

I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something
different. I chose the impossible. I chose… Ascension."
Posts: 136 | Registered: Wednesday, September 12 2007 07:00
Revised political-geneforge sympathies poll in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 10430
Profile #125

It's interesting to notice how you decided to do this when I started presenting facts that backed up my arguments.

Was that before or after you called me 'deluded', while having the nerve to utter the term 'friend' in the same insult?

Note how no one protested when you verbally attacked me. In case anyone has forgotten, the insult was something along the lines of: "You, my friend, are deluded".

Yet when I responded with the tongue in cheek comment: "You are friends with fools? Is that wise?", there is a sudden whinefest.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a little verbal jousting in any argument. But when all an argument consists of is posturing, empty rhetoric and unsupported claims, that's when I begin to lose interest.

It is apparent my arguments fall on deaf ears when it comes to you, and as such, I'll keep my debate to more reasonable members.

What arguments are they exactly? Are they the ones which claim that "All Drakons are X", and when I provide quotations to demonstrate that not all Drakons are X, you backpeddle and claim "All Drakons, except Y and Z, are X".

Note that at no time do you provide any actual in game evidence to support your blanket statements. I'm going to have to conclude that you treat your assertions as axioms.

"I am Barzhal, and I am here to ask you a question:
Is a man not entitled to the products of his own essence?

No, says the servile in Medab. It belongs to the oppressed.
No, says the Shaper in Terrestia. It belongs to the Shaper Council.
No, says the Trakovite in hiding. It belongs to no-one.

I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something
different. I chose the impossible. I chose… Ascension."
Posts: 136 | Registered: Wednesday, September 12 2007 07:00
