Profile for Xoid
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Displayed name | Xoid |
Member number | 932 |
Title | Shock Trooper |
Postcount | 215 |
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Registered | Sunday, April 7 2002 08:00 |
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Help Me. (A.K.A Look at my Scenario) in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 932
written Tuesday, March 14 2006 04:30
Definately. It shows a lot of potential. Needs to be fleshed out, but could be a great lil' scenario. EDIT: Some of the error messages were achieved through stepping on special encounters, others through entering a town. If I had time, I could have trawled through the scripts and pointed out errors, but I'm sleepy. You may want to get something like Notepad++ or Crimson Editor and use the 'C' or 'C++' language for syntax highlighting. It's close enough that it'll help you spot errors in your code faster. [ Tuesday, March 14, 2006 04:34: Message edited by: CPeters ] -------------------- Microsoft Patents Ones, Zeroes (March 25, 1998) "Asians are good at Starcraft because they're always squinting, thus they can see things sharply. Remember to always squint in war." ~ Sun-Tzu Posts: 215 | Registered: Sunday, April 7 2002 08:00 |
Help Me. (A.K.A Look at my Scenario) in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 932
written Tuesday, March 14 2006 04:08
I'm sorry that I was unable to be more helpful; the problem is that it is both short and incomplete. Apart from the fact that the dialogue is generally a notch above what I've begrudgingly becommed accustomed to, that there are bugs and that it is incomplete, there is not much more that can be said. With all that in mind it looks very good, so far. I (mostly) like the atmosphere you're creating, but I doubt you'd add surrealist style humour simply to appease my prediliction for it. -------------------- Microsoft Patents Ones, Zeroes (March 25, 1998) "Asians are good at Starcraft because they're always squinting, thus they can see things sharply. Remember to always squint in war." ~ Sun-Tzu Posts: 215 | Registered: Sunday, April 7 2002 08:00 |
Yay, a Website! in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 932
written Tuesday, March 14 2006 03:51
I never said the trial cost anything, only that "apparently it requires a credit card". If that is incorrect, then one of the posts on the two sites I linked to was incorrect. I objected to the company demanding my email address for a download, and having the gall to force junkmail down my throat. (Their disclaimer says they'll send you promotions. They can take that and StuffIt right up their...) so I didn't even get far enough to verify if they require a credit card. WinRAR is a program that can compress/decompress RAR files. Kinda logical since the RAR format was designed by the guy who makes it. Linky: DOSRAR's & WinRAR's "Homepage". Incidentally, if you're looking for killer compression, try UHarc or it's more mature command line version. Or if you don't mind a six day decompression, maybe the *.paq format is more to your tastes. :P -------------------- Microsoft Patents Ones, Zeroes (March 25, 1998) "Asians are good at Starcraft because they're always squinting, thus they can see things sharply. Remember to always squint in war." ~ Sun-Tzu Posts: 215 | Registered: Sunday, April 7 2002 08:00 |
Help Me. (A.K.A Look at my Scenario) in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 932
written Tuesday, March 14 2006 03:41
A huge, unsorted list of observations and bugs: Error Message: "Fort Bluebird Error: Unmatched parenthesis in line 65".Dialogue - Jessica: "...pause. _Then, weel, when..." should be "...pause. _Then, well, when..."Dialogue - Rita: She says nothing.Error Message: "Fort Bluebird Error: Improper command in line 48."Error Message: "Fort Bluebird Error: State not ended properly in line 9."Error Message: "Outdoors Error: Missing semicolon in line 0".Intro text doesn't display properly: it doesn't fit.Initial special encounter: "There also doesn't seem to be any..." should be changed to just "There doesn't seem to be any...". Also: "...get upto speed..." should be "...get up to speed...".Dialogue - Bill (Weapons): "'d prefer to muck out a dragon, or..." should be either "'d prefer to muck about with a dragon, or..." OR "'d prefer to muck around with a dragon, or..." OR something similar.Special encounter - Fort Orchid (1): the encounter at the smithy does not get turned off after triggering it the first time.Special encounter - Fort Orchid (1): I think that the encounter at the temple; "...yet high-ceiled temple, a..." should be "...yet high-ceilinged temple, a..." - someone correct me if I'm wrong here.Error Message: "Fort Orchid Error: Unmatched parenthesis in line 69". Unless you are saving the script in Mac format, (plain carriage return) as opposed to Windows format (carriage return & linefeed) you will get incorrect line numbers from BoA.Outdoors (0,0): Make your forests less 'uniform'. They don't seem chaotic enough to actually be a forest.Fort Orchid (1): Barracks has nothing in the lockers.Fort Bluebird (2): Barracks (x25,y45), kitchen (x40,y45), and the "Women's Toilets" (x13,y43) are completely barren. Spice it up a little.Fort Bluebird (2): Not all the doors at the "Women's Toilets" (x13,y43) are locked.Fort Bluebird (2): Demon pit is non-exitable. Add a stairway, prevent the party from jumping in, or let them starve to death for being numbnuts.Fort Bluebird (3): Completely empty. If unneeded, delete it.Fort Bluebird (3): Height is set incorrectly in a storage area, near x45,y12.Fort Bluebird (3): Floor type 42 & 43 are used at the edges, causing an unnatural repeating set of floor tiles. [ Tuesday, March 14, 2006 03:41: Message edited by: CPeters ] -------------------- Microsoft Patents Ones, Zeroes (March 25, 1998) "Asians are good at Starcraft because they're always squinting, thus they can see things sharply. Remember to always squint in war." ~ Sun-Tzu Posts: 215 | Registered: Sunday, April 7 2002 08:00 |
Yay, a Website! in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 932
written Tuesday, March 14 2006 02:13
quote:I deliberatley linked to an older site because I wanted to show the controversy that lead to the people abandoning the *.gif format. I had erroneously assumed it was common knowledge that the patent was ending. From various sources I've read, the patent has already expired in some countries, and there are of course, countries that care nothing for patents. quote:Well you're going to hate this then... quote:There are enough reasons here and here as to why I hate StuffIt. My most legitimate concerns are that the *.sit format is both propriety and inefficient. Despite that, I looked up the Windows version and attempted to download the "free trial". Requiring me to provide my email address was enough for me to seek an alternative. Apparently they need a credit card too for Windows users. And the windows version is bloated, they did a poor job of porting the mess. Perhaps the reason you are satiated with StuffIt is simply because Mac does not have the sheer number of applications developed for it that Windows does. When you've got a thousand and one programs to choose from, you tend to get picky. [ Tuesday, March 14, 2006 03:59: Message edited by: CPeters ] -------------------- Microsoft Patents Ones, Zeroes (March 25, 1998) "Asians are good at Starcraft because they're always squinting, thus they can see things sharply. Remember to always squint in war." ~ Sun-Tzu Posts: 215 | Registered: Sunday, April 7 2002 08:00 |
Best of the Avernum series? in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 932
written Saturday, March 11 2006 06:36
:rolleyes: ... die bad topic, die! Could one of the admins ammed the CoC to make posting these never ending "which spiderweb game is the best" topics a bannable offence? I know that it's wishful thinking, but... pretty please with sugar on top? -------------------- Microsoft Patents Ones, Zeroes (March 25, 1998) "Asians are good at Starcraft because they're always squinting, thus they can see things sharply. Remember to always squint in war." ~ Sun-Tzu Posts: 215 | Registered: Sunday, April 7 2002 08:00 |
Got any A3 or A2 Trainers? in The Avernum Trilogy | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 932
written Saturday, March 11 2006 06:27
A highly unintelligent thing to say, '1337 h4x0r'. If you tacked onto the end of your post something like: "But apart from it being illegal, if Spiderweb doesn't make any money, you won't see another Avernum. Period.", it might not have seemed like you were advocating software piracy. As your post stands now, however, is another story. -------------------- Microsoft Patents Ones, Zeroes (March 25, 1998) "Asians are good at Starcraft because they're always squinting, thus they can see things sharply. Remember to always squint in war." ~ Sun-Tzu Posts: 215 | Registered: Sunday, April 7 2002 08:00 |
Hall of Many Pillars (A2) in The Avernum Trilogy | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 932
written Saturday, March 11 2006 06:07
Please refrain from double posting, triple posting too, for what it's worth. -------------------- Microsoft Patents Ones, Zeroes (March 25, 1998) "Asians are good at Starcraft because they're always squinting, thus they can see things sharply. Remember to always squint in war." ~ Sun-Tzu Posts: 215 | Registered: Sunday, April 7 2002 08:00 |
A4 Windows 99% cpu time in Tech Support | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 932
written Saturday, March 11 2006 06:05
I've often gotten CPU usage at around 97-99% when using any Spiderweb game that came after Avernum 2, including the A4 demo I fleeting tried out. I'll use an example where I can actually remember the details: Blades of Avernum slowed down to less than snail's pace when an NPC was trying to return to their starting position and couldn't. CPU load went from almost nothing (20~%) to almost everything (97-99%). Regardless of whether this is an issue with Jeff's code, or the OS itself, It would be nice if he done a little experimenting and tried to find a work-around of some sort. Personally, seeing some of his source from the BoA Editor, I'd be inclined to say that it is an issue with Jeff's code in general. While it might work fine in most circumstances, truly well written code can almost always compensate for an OS's deficiencies. -------------------- Microsoft Patents Ones, Zeroes (March 25, 1998) "Asians are good at Starcraft because they're always squinting, thus they can see things sharply. Remember to always squint in war." ~ Sun-Tzu Posts: 215 | Registered: Sunday, April 7 2002 08:00 |
Yay, a Website! in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 932
written Saturday, March 11 2006 05:06
quote:Oops... that is what happens when I write something late at night and only give it a once over. I'll be correcting it to read *.pict by the time you read this. What's this about *.pdf being the post-OS X metafile format? That is a format intended for cross-platform documents, not mere images. Doesn't OS X have any adopted/native image format? quote:About the *.gif format being patented: it is the compression algorithm that is the source of all legal troubles with that dinosaur. This site has an excellent overview of the whole debacle that is the *.gif format. -------------------- Microsoft Patents Ones, Zeroes (March 25, 1998) "Asians are good at Starcraft because they're always squinting, thus they can see things sharply. Remember to always squint in war." ~ Sun-Tzu Posts: 215 | Registered: Sunday, April 7 2002 08:00 |
Yay, a Website! in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 932
written Saturday, March 11 2006 05:06
quote:Oops... that is what happens when I write something late at night and only give it a once over. I'll be correcting it to read *.pict by the time you read this. What's this about *.pdf being the post-OS X metafile format? That is a format intended for cross-platform documents, not mere images. Doesn't OS X have any adopted/native image format? quote:About the *.gif format being patented: it is the compression algorithm that is the source of all legal troubles with that dinosaur. This site has an excellent overview of the whole debacle that is the *.gif format. -------------------- Microsoft Patents Ones, Zeroes (March 25, 1998) "Asians are good at Starcraft because they're always squinting, thus they can see things sharply. Remember to always squint in war." ~ Sun-Tzu Posts: 215 | Registered: Sunday, April 7 2002 08:00 |
Yay, a Website! in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 932
written Friday, March 10 2006 11:33
I feel like Johnny-come-lately, but I'll point a few things out while they're still somewhat relevant: @ Niemand: you might like to provide a *.zip of the source if you wouldn't mind seeing someone port your utilities. Alternatively you could just use *.zip format - it shouldn't be too hard for Mac Users to find a program for openning a *.zip. That may sound a little selfish of me, but most programs I've seen that can open a *.zip are a <1Mb download. Most programs I've seen that can open a *.sit are a >10Mb download. I'd prefer not downloading the bloated monstrosity that is Stuffit or its competitors if at all possible. @ Webmasters: when making a web page, please be conscientious of modem users by using the 'right' image format for each particular image. An incomplete list of common image formats & some basic Info on them: *.bmp - Windows's native format, it's inefficient but can have high levels of detail.*.pict - Macintosh's former native format, it's inefficient but can have high levels of detail. *.jpg - Lossy compression format, often causes image quality to drop significantly when used on images with large areas of the exact same colour. Use *.jpg's for pictures with many different colours. *.png - A format with support for transparency and excellent compression for images with large areas of the exact same colour. *.gif - A format with support for transparency and animation. Limited to 8 bit colour. [ Saturday, March 11, 2006 05:07: Message edited by: CPeters ] -------------------- Microsoft Patents Ones, Zeroes (March 25, 1998) "Asians are good at Starcraft because they're always squinting, thus they can see things sharply. Remember to always squint in war." ~ Sun-Tzu Posts: 215 | Registered: Sunday, April 7 2002 08:00 |
Yay, a Website! in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 932
written Friday, March 10 2006 11:33
I feel like Johnny-come-lately, but I'll point a few things out while they're still somewhat relevant: @ Niemand: you might like to provide a *.zip of the source if you wouldn't mind seeing someone port your utilities. Alternatively you could just use *.zip format - it shouldn't be too hard for Mac Users to find a program for openning a *.zip. That may sound a little selfish of me, but most programs I've seen that can open a *.zip are a <1Mb download. Most programs I've seen that can open a *.sit are a >10Mb download. I'd prefer not downloading the bloated monstrosity that is Stuffit or its competitors if at all possible. @ Webmasters: when making a web page, please be conscientious of modem users by using the 'right' image format for each particular image. An incomplete list of common image formats & some basic Info on them: *.bmp - Windows's native format, it's inefficient but can have high levels of detail.*.pict - Macintosh's former native format, it's inefficient but can have high levels of detail. *.jpg - Lossy compression format, often causes image quality to drop significantly when used on images with large areas of the exact same colour. Use *.jpg's for pictures with many different colours. *.png - A format with support for transparency and excellent compression for images with large areas of the exact same colour. *.gif - A format with support for transparency and animation. Limited to 8 bit colour. [ Saturday, March 11, 2006 05:07: Message edited by: CPeters ] -------------------- Microsoft Patents Ones, Zeroes (March 25, 1998) "Asians are good at Starcraft because they're always squinting, thus they can see things sharply. Remember to always squint in war." ~ Sun-Tzu Posts: 215 | Registered: Sunday, April 7 2002 08:00 |
Calls and variables - 1 in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 932
written Wednesday, March 1 2006 00:17
@Thralni (Or anyone else interested in another way of achieving the same thing): If for some reason you absolutely do not want to use hidden groups, you could always use this instead: Ideally, you would check to make sure that "userx - 1,usery - 2" is empty first. I'll leave that as an exercise for other people to play with. 'Cause I couldn't be bothered right now. -------------------- Microsoft Patents Ones, Zeroes (March 25, 1998) "Asians are good at Starcraft because they're always squinting, thus they can see things sharply. Remember to always squint in war." ~ Sun-Tzu Posts: 215 | Registered: Sunday, April 7 2002 08:00 |
Calls and variables - 1 in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 932
written Wednesday, March 1 2006 00:17
@Thralni (Or anyone else interested in another way of achieving the same thing): If for some reason you absolutely do not want to use hidden groups, you could always use this instead: Ideally, you would check to make sure that "userx - 1,usery - 2" is empty first. I'll leave that as an exercise for other people to play with. 'Cause I couldn't be bothered right now. -------------------- Microsoft Patents Ones, Zeroes (March 25, 1998) "Asians are good at Starcraft because they're always squinting, thus they can see things sharply. Remember to always squint in war." ~ Sun-Tzu Posts: 215 | Registered: Sunday, April 7 2002 08:00 |
BUGS! in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 932
written Saturday, February 18 2006 14:44
Considering the fact that I've rewritten the door.txt repeatedly, noticed BASE_TRAP_XP and couldn't find its documentation at the time, I really should have brought it up. Sorry about my lack of vigilance. -------------------- Microsoft Patents Ones, Zeroes (March 25, 1998) "Asians are good at Starcraft because they're always squinting, thus they can see things sharply. Remember to always squint in war." ~ Sun-Tzu Posts: 215 | Registered: Sunday, April 7 2002 08:00 |
BUGS! in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 932
written Saturday, February 18 2006 14:44
Considering the fact that I've rewritten the door.txt repeatedly, noticed BASE_TRAP_XP and couldn't find its documentation at the time, I really should have brought it up. Sorry about my lack of vigilance. -------------------- Microsoft Patents Ones, Zeroes (March 25, 1998) "Asians are good at Starcraft because they're always squinting, thus they can see things sharply. Remember to always squint in war." ~ Sun-Tzu Posts: 215 | Registered: Sunday, April 7 2002 08:00 |
Terrain script calls in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 932
written Tuesday, January 24 2006 19:13
quote:With other games I write pretty much everything from scratch - I don't care if I'm reinventing the wheel if I can do it better. (I'm not stupid: if someone does write code that is functionally equivalent or close to what I've already got, I'll use it.) I have written a couple of scripts from scratch, but I rarely do it anymore. I've written about a half dozen mostly from scratch. I only do either of the former when it's easier to write from scratch than to adapt someone else's work. quote:Frankly, someone with serious knowledge of Avernumscript and plenty of time needs to rewrite the documentation. It's not like Jeff is going to actually proof read the documentation he wrote. -------------------- Microsoft Patents Ones, Zeroes (March 25, 1998) "Asians are good at Starcraft because they're always squinting, thus they can see things sharply. Remember to always squint in war." ~ Sun-Tzu Posts: 215 | Registered: Sunday, April 7 2002 08:00 |
Terrain script calls in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 932
written Tuesday, January 24 2006 19:13
quote:With other games I write pretty much everything from scratch - I don't care if I'm reinventing the wheel if I can do it better. (I'm not stupid: if someone does write code that is functionally equivalent or close to what I've already got, I'll use it.) I have written a couple of scripts from scratch, but I rarely do it anymore. I've written about a half dozen mostly from scratch. I only do either of the former when it's easier to write from scratch than to adapt someone else's work. quote:Frankly, someone with serious knowledge of Avernumscript and plenty of time needs to rewrite the documentation. It's not like Jeff is going to actually proof read the documentation he wrote. -------------------- Microsoft Patents Ones, Zeroes (March 25, 1998) "Asians are good at Starcraft because they're always squinting, thus they can see things sharply. Remember to always squint in war." ~ Sun-Tzu Posts: 215 | Registered: Sunday, April 7 2002 08:00 |
gf3 help in Geneforge Series | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 932
written Monday, January 23 2006 01:50
This is a bug that I experienced more often that I would have liked. It had to do with using the boat at Dhonal's Keep that goes to the first island. For some reason or another, (after doing something stupid, usually) I'd load the autosave (it autosaves when you use the boat) and start travelling around Dhonal's Island. I would get the map for Greenwood Isle. The same thing happens if you load the autosave for travelling from any of the boats, and then leave the zone via land. You can work around it by avoiding the autosave slot if you see a boat in the picture OR click where the zone's icon would be. The second method is a pain in the arse. [ Monday, January 23, 2006 01:53: Message edited by: CPeters ] -------------------- Microsoft Patents Ones, Zeroes (March 25, 1998) "Asians are good at Starcraft because they're always squinting, thus they can see things sharply. Remember to always squint in war." ~ Sun-Tzu Posts: 215 | Registered: Sunday, April 7 2002 08:00 |
GF2: guardian claymore or puresteel blade in Geneforge Series | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 932
written Monday, January 23 2006 01:41
It has been a couple of months since I even looked at a Geneforge game, so I can't remember everything off the top of my head. But, for what it's worth... It's all a balancing act really. For a Agent or Shaper, you'd want something different. I have the impression you are using a guardian though. There is a late to really-late game puresteel weapon that hits harder than the guardian claymore or a puresteel blade. Has some sort of stat boosting effect as well. I can't remember what its name was. IIRC, you can only get it as a Taker, and you have to get stat drained by the creation that gives it to you. I agree with Dikiyoba on the pure damage output - I always had slightly higher damage output from the puresteel blade. But (my recollection is not perfect here) if the guardian claymore adds strength to your creations as well, and you actually have a powerful creation, then the claymore's stat boosts pay off. -------------------- Microsoft Patents Ones, Zeroes (March 25, 1998) "Asians are good at Starcraft because they're always squinting, thus they can see things sharply. Remember to always squint in war." ~ Sun-Tzu Posts: 215 | Registered: Sunday, April 7 2002 08:00 |
It's the A2Template! in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 932
written Monday, January 23 2006 01:29
After a heavily extended gaming spree that consisted of six FPSs, four RPGs and two RTS games... I'm back. Sorry, but I felt that 12 games to completion (playing every class, side and strategy - at maximum difficulty) in three weeks earns me bragging rights. It also proves that I have no life. One thing I could never in school was meet a deadline. It appears I still can't. I'm starting work again on this project. ETA for v1.0.2 is TBD. Ugh... too many acronyms. As for the moment, I'm off for a sugar-fix. I'm sure my pixie sticks are somewhere around here... -------------------- Microsoft Patents Ones, Zeroes (March 25, 1998) "Asians are good at Starcraft because they're always squinting, thus they can see things sharply. Remember to always squint in war." ~ Sun-Tzu Posts: 215 | Registered: Sunday, April 7 2002 08:00 |
It's the A2Template! in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 932
written Monday, January 23 2006 01:29
After a heavily extended gaming spree that consisted of six FPSs, four RPGs and two RTS games... I'm back. Sorry, but I felt that 12 games to completion (playing every class, side and strategy - at maximum difficulty) in three weeks earns me bragging rights. It also proves that I have no life. One thing I could never in school was meet a deadline. It appears I still can't. I'm starting work again on this project. ETA for v1.0.2 is TBD. Ugh... too many acronyms. As for the moment, I'm off for a sugar-fix. I'm sure my pixie sticks are somewhere around here... -------------------- Microsoft Patents Ones, Zeroes (March 25, 1998) "Asians are good at Starcraft because they're always squinting, thus they can see things sharply. Remember to always squint in war." ~ Sun-Tzu Posts: 215 | Registered: Sunday, April 7 2002 08:00 |
Custom graphics - graphics prog for win in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 932
written Sunday, January 8 2006 09:03
I use MSPaint for the fine details, and Irfanview for resampling, format conversion, editing the palette, etc. For freeware that is under a meg, Irfanview ain't bad by any stretch of the imagination. -------------------- Microsoft Patents Ones, Zeroes (March 25, 1998) "Asians are good at Starcraft because they're always squinting, thus they can see things sharply. Remember to always squint in war." ~ Sun-Tzu Posts: 215 | Registered: Sunday, April 7 2002 08:00 |
Custom graphics - graphics prog for win in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 932
written Sunday, January 8 2006 09:03
I use MSPaint for the fine details, and Irfanview for resampling, format conversion, editing the palette, etc. For freeware that is under a meg, Irfanview ain't bad by any stretch of the imagination. -------------------- Microsoft Patents Ones, Zeroes (March 25, 1998) "Asians are good at Starcraft because they're always squinting, thus they can see things sharply. Remember to always squint in war." ~ Sun-Tzu Posts: 215 | Registered: Sunday, April 7 2002 08:00 |