GF2: guardian claymore or puresteel blade

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AuthorTopic: GF2: guardian claymore or puresteel blade
Member # 2759
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Which one do people think is better? The puresteel blade does more damage, but the guardian claymore boosts strength and quick action.

[ Sunday, January 22, 2006 10:07: Message edited by: Micawber ]

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Member # 6600
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I personally like the guardian claymore better but the difference in damage (and the fact that my strength and quick action are high by the time there is a puresteel blade available) makes me reluctantly change to the puresteel.

Posts: 4346 | Registered: Friday, December 23 2005 08:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 932
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It has been a couple of months since I even looked at a Geneforge game, so I can't remember everything off the top of my head. But, for what it's worth...

It's all a balancing act really. For a Agent or Shaper, you'd want something different. I have the impression you are using a guardian though.

There is a late to really-late game puresteel weapon that hits harder than the guardian claymore or a puresteel blade. Has some sort of stat boosting effect as well. I can't remember what its name was. IIRC, you can only get it as a Taker, and you have to get stat drained by the creation that gives it to you.

I agree with Dikiyoba on the pure damage output - I always had slightly higher damage output from the puresteel blade. But (my recollection is not perfect here) if the guardian claymore adds strength to your creations as well, and you actually have a powerful creation, then the claymore's stat boosts pay off.

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Originally written by CPeters:

There is a late to really-late game puresteel weapon that hits harder than the guardian claymore or a puresteel blade. Has some sort of stat boosting effect as well. I can't remember what its name was. IIRC, you can only get it as a Taker, and you have to get stat drained by the creation that gives it to you.

Radiant Soulblade.

"..The seventh wave of Thrall stumbled and climbed over the slippery, piled dead and Mazzarin saw The Watcher with them and at last knew the number of his days."
Posts: 522 | Registered: Wednesday, May 4 2005 07:00
Member # 2759
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Originally written by CPeters:

But (my recollection is not perfect here) if the guardian claymore adds strength to your creations as well, and you actually have a powerful creation, then the claymore's stat boosts pay off.
I can confirm it gives +2 strength to your creation(s) as well as your PC (in this case a guardian, as you correctly deduced). But I'm not sure how much difference +2 strength really makes to my gazer's attack; no more can I quantify how much the +2 strength boosts my PC's attack. It would simply be too boring to do a proper controlled trial.

Thanks anyway.

"I can't read this thread with that image. But then, that's not a complaint." -Scorpius

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But if you don't have creations, the bonus to a creations' strength means nothing.

Dikiyoba plays solo. More experience, tougher combat.
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Originally written by Micawber:

Originally written by CPeters:

But (my recollection is not perfect here) if the guardian claymore adds strength to your creations as well, and you actually have a powerful creation, then the claymore's stat boosts pay off.
I can confirm it gives +2 strength to your creation(s) as well as your PC (in this case a guardian, as you correctly deduced). But I'm not sure how much difference +2 strength really makes to my gazer's attack; no more can I quantify how much the +2 strength boosts my PC's attack. It would simply be too boring to do a proper controlled trial.

Thanks anyway.

Luckily, we have had many tech-geeks before you do this boring stuff for us.
+2 strenght means another two levels of damage in combat, and another 10% to hit in melee. What's a level? Check your gameguide, where it lists spells. A gaxer uses Kill, if I am not mistaken, so another level would mean..2-16 extra damage, I think.
For your Guardian, it would depend on what level the Guardian Glaymore has. I don't know this, but he will have an icnreased 10% chance to hit, and the damage increase is sizeable still.
Not to mention that it helps carrying around stuff, resist stun, an d the Quick Action is nice too.
Really, in G2, no other weapon can touch it. In G3, all melee weapons blow, and yet this one still comes up on top.

"..The seventh wave of Thrall stumbled and climbed over the slippery, piled dead and Mazzarin saw The Watcher with them and at last knew the number of his days."
Posts: 522 | Registered: Wednesday, May 4 2005 07:00
Member # 6581
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For a Shaper, the Claymore it's definitly the best.
For a Guardian, like me, using the Claymore is better for the bonuses: the damage can be improved with a gold crystal, if you want.

This indecision remember my indecision when I changed my Puresteel plate with the Crystalline Shourd: the Shourd don't have much defense like the Puresteel, but it's better anyway. Trust me.

[ Monday, January 30, 2006 04:03: Message edited by: MagmaDragoon ]

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Posts: 1310 | Registered: Tuesday, December 20 2005 08:00
Member # 5785
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For a Guardian, you should use Emerald Chestguard. Provides better defence and higher damage in combat. Crystaline Shroud is only for Shapers.

Using melee weapons as a Guardian in G3 is really though. An example is the Guardian Claymore doing 10-80 damage in G2, and 10-40 in G3. That's half the damage.
Wands, crystals and javelines, however, have an increased usefulness. Playing a "Hunter Guardian" is both challenging and fun, and deals out more damage than melee weapons compared to the investment in skillpoints.

"..The seventh wave of Thrall stumbled and climbed over the slippery, piled dead and Mazzarin saw The Watcher with them and at last knew the number of his days."
Posts: 522 | Registered: Wednesday, May 4 2005 07:00
Member # 5870
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Even the radiant puresteel soulblade is no match for oozing blade in most cases. Oozing blade is the only melee weapon in geneforge series does no-physical damage. A mere of 3d4 damage is nothing compared with 50% physical resistance.
Posts: 122 | Registered: Tuesday, May 31 2005 07:00
Member # 2759
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An oozing blade is not very useful against rotghroths, and anyway I never found one in GF2.

"I can't read this thread with that image. But then, that's not a complaint." -Scorpius

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Posts: 1104 | Registered: Monday, March 10 2003 08:00
Member # 5870
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Originally written by Micawber:

An oozing blade is not very useful against rotghroths, and anyway I never found one in GF2.
Right, worthless against rotghroths, which had an acid resistance of 80%. In this game few foes have an acid resistance over 20%, while most top monsters(drakons, golems, rotghroths) have a physical resistance of 50%. Unfortunately the flame blade and froze blade doen't work (only do physical damage), or even if they do as much as a stick (1d4), will be the best weapon against rotghroths. No oozing blade nor need one in gf2, for there is no significiant resistance in gf2.
Posts: 122 | Registered: Tuesday, May 31 2005 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 6754
Profile #12
The Guardian Claymore is better. Because it's called the Guardian Claymore. And that sounds cool.

... It depends. If you tend toward really heavy armor (-2 to hit points for just a Steel Breastplate) you need the Claymore's strength advantage to avoid becoming encumbered, and its quick action bonus offsets the fact that it doesn't do as much damage. If you're a guardian, take the Claymore and buy a lot of cheap quick action. If you're an Agent, there's less of an advantage, but the Claymore might still be preferable.

One of these words is mispelled.
Posts: 284 | Registered: Tuesday, January 31 2006 08:00
Member # 6632
Profile #13
I'll add my vote to the Guardian claymore.

As to why (in Geneforge 2):
Puresteel is 13-104, or 1-8 * (13+strength+melee)
Guardian claymore is 10-80, or 1-8 * (10+strength+melee).
Also +2 strength, +2 quick action, +2 creation strength

In effect the choice is 1-8 more damage versus carry weight, QA, creation str.

Note that +2 creation strength adds +10% to the chance to hit of creations melee and ranged attacks. I doubt dex has an effect of this, despite the in-game documentation.
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