Profile for WiKiSpidweb

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I know it's been a while... in General
Member # 3441
Profile Homepage #0
...but I couldn't help but post this.
Check this out.

Any idea who put this there?

"As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it." --Albert Einstein
Posts: 536 | Registered: Sunday, September 7 2003 07:00
The Political Compass (Armed and Dangerous) in General
Member # 3441
Profile Homepage #92
Economic Left/Right: -4.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.15

Which is funny since I consider myself to be Economically moderate and socially conservative. To me, these results could use more statistical rigor, for example giving the results as a percentile of other users rather than a raw score.

"As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it." --Albert Einstein
Posts: 536 | Registered: Sunday, September 7 2003 07:00
What have you been reading lately? in General
Member # 3441
Profile Homepage #526
I've started reading Steven King's Dark Tower series. It's incredible.

"As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it." --Albert Einstein
Posts: 536 | Registered: Sunday, September 7 2003 07:00
Raise your hand if you LOVE Linear RPG's! in General
Member # 3441
Profile Homepage #40
If all you want is a huge game world, you can't get much bigger than WoW. Granted, the plot is fragmented (i.e. non-existent), but still the world is huge.

"As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it." --Albert Einstein
Posts: 536 | Registered: Sunday, September 7 2003 07:00
# of games bought from jeff in General
Member # 3441
Profile Homepage #46

"As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it." --Albert Einstein
Posts: 536 | Registered: Sunday, September 7 2003 07:00
Raise your hand if you LOVE Linear RPG's! in General
Member # 3441
Profile Homepage #30
So your main complaint is with world size?

"As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it." --Albert Einstein
Posts: 536 | Registered: Sunday, September 7 2003 07:00
Raise your hand if you LOVE Linear RPG's! in General
Member # 3441
Profile Homepage #15
While KOTOR II only had two endings, it had endless variation in choices of which characters to befriend and what actions to make in order to influence those characters. I will admit that the worlds themselves were small, and I would have loved larger worlds to explore, but that has nothing to do with linearity vs. non-linearity.

"As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it." --Albert Einstein
Posts: 536 | Registered: Sunday, September 7 2003 07:00
Raise your hand if you LOVE Linear RPG's! in General
Member # 3441
Profile Homepage #10
I'm not exactly sure what you mean. KOTOR I and II had many optional quests and even side games like pazaak (or whatever the card game was called) and swoop racing. The stories were engaging and they had a neat game engine. While they were not exactly non-linear games, they certainly allowed for enough variation to make replay worthwhile.

"As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it." --Albert Einstein
Posts: 536 | Registered: Sunday, September 7 2003 07:00
What have you been reading lately? in General
Member # 3441
Profile Homepage #513
Oh wow, I hadn't realized he was dead yet. I knew he was terminally ill, but I was hoping for him to finish the series before he died.

"As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it." --Albert Einstein
Posts: 536 | Registered: Sunday, September 7 2003 07:00
The Future in General
Member # 3441
Profile Homepage #41
Jeff needs to put a disclaimer in the registration screen- "By registering an account on this forum, you allow any ideas that you yourself posted to be used in any way by Spiderweb Software."

But in more refined legal terms, of course.
I think that what you are missing is that, even if there were no legal obstacles to using other peoples ideas, Jeff still wouldn't do it. His video games are his expressions and creations and he would be selling himself short to use someone else's ideas.

"As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it." --Albert Einstein
Posts: 536 | Registered: Sunday, September 7 2003 07:00
Spiderweb podcast in General
Member # 3441
Profile Homepage #26
Not sure what version, but it uses the Speex codec, and I know mac users don't have any trouble using it.

"As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it." --Albert Einstein
Posts: 536 | Registered: Sunday, September 7 2003 07:00
Spiderweb podcast in General
Member # 3441
Profile Homepage #22
I don't know if this would be any help, but I have a Ventrilo server, if this would help with the multiple people angle.

"As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it." --Albert Einstein
Posts: 536 | Registered: Sunday, September 7 2003 07:00
Down to Earth IC in General
Member # 3441
Profile Homepage #9
Wris Storn hammered with a vengeance at the small lump of bronze sitting on his anvil. The dull clang it made stood in marked contrast to the piercing ring of iron. He stopped, startled, when he heard a voice nearby.

"Master Storn?" asked a self-important man standing at the entrance to his workshop.

"That'd be me, sir." he replied warily. These official types always meant trouble.

"I have bill of acquisition for certain goods in your possession."

"A bill of what?" They loved their big words.

"A bill of acquisition." replied the official in a condescending voice, "It means that you have something, and we are taking it." Wris longed to wipe the smirk off his face. "It's all quite routine, I assure you."

"Routine for you perhaps. Just what do you intend to take, and by what authority? I assure you I have no contraband goods, I'm a blacksmith, not a thief."

The official took out a scroll and opened it. "By the authority of Emperor Faltrast, this agent is authorized to seize any and all iron products possessed by the citizens of Somala."

Wris laghed. "If you think I'm still working with iron, sir, the way prices have soared recently, you'd have to be mad."

The agent found no cause for mirth. "Master Storn, I am authorized to seize all iron products. Surely that anvil is not made out of bronze. Nor, I believe is that hammer."

The laughter died on Wris's face. "You are mad. You'd have to kill a blacksmith before you'd get him to part with his tools."

Now the agent smiled. "Funny, I didn't think a dead man would be much use to a wife seven months pregnant. I doubt your little boy would be happy his daddy died to save his tools either. Now step aside and let my men collect your iron, or face the consequences. You wouldn't be the first to resist, but I assure you it didn't do the others any good."

Wris felt his heart sink to his stomach. This bastard was going to take away his livelihood and there was nothing he could do about it. Seething, he stepped aside.

[ Monday, September 10, 2007 19:39: Message edited by: WiKiSpidweb ]

"As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it." --Albert Einstein
Posts: 536 | Registered: Sunday, September 7 2003 07:00
Down to Earth OOC in General
Member # 3441
Profile Homepage #29
I've never done one of these before, but I thought I'd give it a try.

Name: Wris Storn
Age: 24
Occupation: Blacksmith
Backstory: Wris is known throughout Somala as an honest, hardworking man who loves his craft. As far as most people are concerned, he is a completely unremarkable person. He has a wife, Golda, who is pregnant, and a son, Owain. His loyalties lay with Somala, more than the Empire.

I thought it would be interesting to have a common place man as my character, but obviously he will be more impacted by the story than most, as iron is critical to his work.

I'll probably post a bit about his reaction to having his iron confiscated as my first bit, if that's okay.

"As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it." --Albert Einstein
Posts: 536 | Registered: Sunday, September 7 2003 07:00
What are you learning right now? in General
Member # 3441
Profile Homepage #56
Third Year Aerospace Engineering:
Introduction to Aerospace Flight (Aero I)
Flight Structures
Structures and Properties of Aerospace Materials
Modeling Methods
Measurement Lab

"As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it." --Albert Einstein
Posts: 536 | Registered: Sunday, September 7 2003 07:00
I Win in General
Member # 3441
Profile Homepage #8
Who got 9999? I wanted it, but it was getting too late so I went to bed.

"As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it." --Albert Einstein
Posts: 536 | Registered: Sunday, September 7 2003 07:00
BioShock in General
Member # 3441
Profile Homepage #2
I've seen the demo... meh, it looks good, if you are into FPS's. I like the background music a lot.

"As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it." --Albert Einstein
Posts: 536 | Registered: Sunday, September 7 2003 07:00
What was the last book that made you go "Wow"? in General
Member # 3441
Profile Homepage #22
Harry Potter... no I'm serious.
Other recent books I've been impressed by are Justinian by Harry Turtledove (using the pseudonym H.N. Turteltaub), and Regina's Song by David and Leigh Eddings.

"As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it." --Albert Einstein
Posts: 536 | Registered: Sunday, September 7 2003 07:00
Traveling Internationally in General
Member # 3441
Profile Homepage #2
Yeah, but Romanian mathematicians are in a league of their own.

"As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it." --Albert Einstein
Posts: 536 | Registered: Sunday, September 7 2003 07:00
Harry Potter *WITH SPOILERS* in General
Member # 3441
Profile Homepage #57
Yeah, I linked to that on the previous page. I'm just saying it would have been nice to have that worked into the epilogue, rather than having it revealed in an interview.

"As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it." --Albert Einstein
Posts: 536 | Registered: Sunday, September 7 2003 07:00
Harry Potter *WITH SPOILERS* in General
Member # 3441
Profile Homepage #54
I have mixed feelings about the epilogue. From one perspective, I do appreciate the way Rowling takes us full circle to seeing Harry and Ginny's, and Ron and Hermione's children leaving for Hogwarts. Neville's post as Herbology professor was fitting if somewhat predictable. Harry's comments about Snape being one of the bravest men Harry has known was touching, and I enjoyed the brief eye contact and nod from Draco. On the other hand, we were having simply too many names thrown at us. It took me a second read through to figure out who the bloody hell Victoire was. Also Albus Severus is a terrible name. It also left out details about what Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione did with there lives besides reproducing after the story ends.

"As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it." --Albert Einstein
Posts: 536 | Registered: Sunday, September 7 2003 07:00
Harry Potter *WITH SPOILERS* in General
Member # 3441
Profile Homepage #49
Maybe I'm just a hopeless Potter-head, unable to see flaws which others find so glaringly obvious, but I love Harry's character. I think it's because so much of myself in him. He's a loose cannon, he's awkward around girls, he's not incredibly talented, he's easily distracted. That's basically me in a nutshell. And yet I hope that I could cope half as well as he does in the situations in which he is placed. Let's face it: growing up sans parents in the house of a psychologically abusive aunt and uncle does not lend itself to social genius. The fact that he is willing to risk his life time after time for a world that is largely unappreciative of him is extremely heroic to me.

I have to admit it's funny to see people complaining that Harry is to flawed, because I've heard so many others complain that he is too perfect. I guess it's a matter of taste.

"As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it." --Albert Einstein
Posts: 536 | Registered: Sunday, September 7 2003 07:00
Harry Potter *WITH SPOILERS* in General
Member # 3441
Profile Homepage #34
This should clear things up a bit.

"As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it." --Albert Einstein
Posts: 536 | Registered: Sunday, September 7 2003 07:00
Final Fantasy in General
Member # 3441
Profile Homepage #4
The only one I have ever actually played was 9 (I <3 Vivi), using the co-op mode. I have watched my roommate play X-2 and 12, though.

"As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it." --Albert Einstein
Posts: 536 | Registered: Sunday, September 7 2003 07:00
Seperated from a loved one. in General
Member # 3441
Profile Homepage #4
I would tell you you've come to the wrong place for relationship help, but this is probably a collection of some of the more intelligent and thoughtful, though insane, people on the web. What I don't understand is why you would think that this is the right place to go for these problems.

"As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it." --Albert Einstein
Posts: 536 | Registered: Sunday, September 7 2003 07:00
