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The Mountain of Shadows RP in General
Member # 3320
Profile #164
Edith drifts off to sleep along side Filbert. As long as he doesn't touch her while she is sleeping, she doesn't mind. As she lapses into deep sleep, she begins to dream about her father going off on the expedition and then coming back and dying. She starts wandering through various memories of her life after his death. All the hard days of alchemical study. Trying to study her mother's notes on spell-casting and failing at most of it. Practicing her fighting skills based on what she could remember. Being taught at the castle by a witch about potions and poisons. Walking amongst the huge bookshelves of the kingdom's grand library full of endless knowledge.

Then she comes upon the memory of the day she found the book on myths. She recalls reading each and every detail about the myth surrounding The Mountain of Shadows. Everything about the mountain's supposed history and about Órloki. She remembers the vow she made. To one day, when the right opportunity presented itself, jump at the chance to travel to the mountain and avenge her father's death.

Edith's dreams continue in this manner for several hours, until she suddenly starts to dream about Tuulentekija, as if something changed the channel in her mind. She ponders in her dream over why she feels that she knows him. However, just as she starts turning over the possibilities, she becomes aware of something touching her back and roaming over her right breast. Thinking that it’s Filbert, she snaps out of sleep instantly and, grabbing the object with her left hand, she hurls it over in front of the campfire. Getting up rapidly, she sees what it is and immediately becomes aware of hissing all around her.

Instead of screaming like any regular woman would, she yells loudly to rouse everyone. "JUST OUR DAMNED LUCK!!!! SNAKES!!!"

[ Wednesday, August 17, 2005 20:09: Message edited by: Sir Sherlock Holmes ]

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes

Gay Christian Network
The Polaris Board
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Blurred book in bandit fort in The Avernum Trilogy
Member # 3320
Profile #0
There is a book in the bandit fort above Fort Saffron. When you try to read it, it says that the dampness has blurred the words in the book and maybe someone could tell you how to read it. Is this a red herring or is there someone that can tell you how to actually read it?

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes

Gay Christian Network
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Hidden room in Dharmon in The Avernum Trilogy
Member # 3320
Profile #0
I noticed a room in the Southwest corner of Dharmon that has no entrance, but it shows up clearly using Far Sight. I can find no info about it anywhere though.

It's past the man that tells you about the brooch, and past the living statue. Any clue what it is for?

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes

Gay Christian Network
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
What's your most embarassing moment? in General
Member # 3320
Profile #19
I had two rather embarrassing moments. Pretty much the only ones I can remember anymore.

The first was when I was still thinking, "God could make me straight" back in like 9th grade. My mom told me that the mother of this one girl from church said that her daughter had an interest in insects. So I figured, what can I lose by trying to chat her up? So, I went and sat at her table at lunch and said, "So, I hear that you're interested in bugs." To say the least, she gave me a weird and horrified look and turned red. And I realized that I said it to her in front of the whole table, which also heard it. Turns out that she was EXTREMELY shy. And I realized then that I had just made an idiot of myself. I was trying to chat up a girl when I had had never done it before and had just used what was probably the word pick-up line ever.

The other was when I was performing on TV Night, which was a talent show the school held every year. And during the beginning of the song I was singing, I choked. Then when I recovered, the CD that was playing over the speakers skipped, and I had to find my place in the song again. I felt horrible afterward.

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes

Gay Christian Network
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Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
The Mountain of Shadows RP in General
Member # 3320
Profile #138
Edith watches Tuulentekija as he starts marching towards the mountain and calls to him in a very serious tone. "Halt, soldier!! The answer to that question is simplicity itself, yet could very easily cost you your life if you aren’t prepared. We are being tested by the demon's minions to assess our strength and potential in being able to reach him. Most people don't make it through the first test, and those that do, do not survive the mountain. I know that all too well."

Tuulentekija stops and turns around to face Edith with a skeptical questioning look. "What do you mean by 'you know all too well'? What do you know that you aren’t telling us? You sense things we do not and you know things we obviously don’t. How about leveling with us here and now?"

Edith looks visibly disturbed by this line of questioning, but maintains her expression of seriousness. She sits down on a stump and explains.

"Very well. I sense things because my mother was a mage in practice. Her magical blood was passed on to me. However, I was only ever able to learn some basic spells in my lifetime. You see my mother never got the chance to teach me any of her knowledge. She died in childbirth bringing me into this world. My father ended up raising me. He was a wealthy aristocrat, but was also a retired warrior. He even taught me some good fighting skills. I was more interested in alchemy, though. But before I had gotten the chance to start studying it, the rumors came. When I turned 20, fantastic rumors started sweeping the kingdom about how an entire party of warriors and soldiers from a neighboring kingdom had simply vanished while investigating the legend of the Mountain of Shadows.

One day my father decided to form his own expedition to investigate the fate of the other party and to see if he could verify the legend’s authenticity. We said our goodbyes and he and his group departed from the town. Almost two weeks went by without any sign of them. We began to fear the worst and then one day, our fears were realized. A man in rusted armor, covered in severe wounds, limped his way into the village tavern. He managed to gasp out, '...the mountain... the Mountain of Shadows...' Then he collapsed dead onto the floor."

"And I take it that this man was one of the men from the party?" replied Tuulentekija.

Edith answers with a sorrowful tone in her voice. "It wasn't just one of the men from the party, it was my father."

Edith looks up at Tuulentekija, who is looking down at her with a cold, disturbed expression. "And he was the only one that ever made it back?"

Thinking intently, she responds. "As far as I know, yes. It all happened more than 20 years ago. I never heard word of anyone else ever making it back since then."

Edith goes to stand up, and as she does, she sees Cain and Filbert standing directly behind her. Cain is the first to speak.

"So we are going to be tested? Well I say bring it on."

"What?!! Are we sure that we want to be tested?! I don’t!" Filbert babbles.

Edith smirks at them. "I’m ready. I know some interesting fighting techniques to keep his minions on their toes. And just because I am a lousy mage doesn’t mean I am a lousy alchemist. I can mix up a good surprise for whatever comes our way. Speaking of which..."

She pulls out a small hammer and a pair of tongs and starts to remove the canines from each of the wolves by breaking them from the bone. Looking up at the men, she sees they are staring at her with puzzled faces. She goes back to removing more canines and answers the question before they ask it.

"I'm sure that none of you are aware that wolf canines are a valuable alchemical ingredient. I get my hands on them so very seldomly and I certainly can't pass up an opportunity like this. However, I never hunt a wolf to get them. I only take them from dead wolves that I find. Understand?"

Looking up at the party again, she can see that they appear to be satisfied with her explanation. After a few minutes, she gets to the last wolf. After finishing with it, she starts to stand up, but stops abruptly only part way. She bends back down and starts examining something.

"Oh my. I wonder who this was. I certainly don’t recognize him. Poor thing."

The three men gather around her and see a man lying on the ground in front of a tree, partially buried under the body of the largest wolf. He is obviously dead from the nature of the fatal wounds to his throat. Edith closes the dead man’s open eyes and stands up.

"Well, we obviously can’t help him now, so we better get moving. Keep yourselves alert. I suggest we watch each other’s backs."

[ Thursday, August 11, 2005 18:23: Message edited by: Sir Sherlock Holmes ]

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes

Gay Christian Network
The Polaris Board
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
The Mountain of Shadows RP in General
Member # 3320
Profile #129
Something tells me this is going to be a long, hard trip she thinks to herself as she follows Tuulentekija. Suddenly he gives an audible cry of surprise and stops abruptly.

"Is it a wolf?!" asks Filbert nervously. Tuulentekija answers in a rather serious manner.

"No. It's something much worse than that."

Edith starts getting curious as to what he is staring at, so she walks up beside him, and the others do the same. It doesn't take her long to see what he is looking at. "Well, dear me. What an interesting development."

She looks ahead down the path at a large heap of twisted rusting metal. And just off to the side of it, almost hidden in the bushes, lies a decapitated body wearing a black cloak, the head lying about five feet away from it. Almost humorously, she nudges Tuulentekija and muses, "Well, this isn't something you find every day in our forest. Looks like the other party had been here."

Tuulentekija turns to face them. "Hmmm. I agree. It appears that the party of adventurers and undead encountered a group of animated armor led by a necromancer. They can't be too far away."

He walks over to the armor and inspects it while Filbert fidgets with some of it. Edith in the meantime takes the time to examine her surroundings while Cain goes over to the body and starts going through its pockets. He seems to be disappointed in not finding anything right away. "Darn! They must have cleaned him out. Hello, what's this?"

Edith sees him remove a ring from the man's finger and pocket it. He then stands up and goes over to inspect the armor. Tuulentekija stands up just as Cain crouches down and then walks back over to Edith.

"Well, that definitely had once been a bunch of animated armor. That necromancer had obviously been controlling them. They must have run into the other party and attacked them. I think it's safe to say that the other party won. Uh… Miss Edith, are you okay?"

He looks at her blank face as she stares off down the path. He looks in the same direction, but doesn't see anything. When he looks back at her, her face is no longer blank. She now has a look of bewilderment and worry on her face.

"Miss Edith, what's the matter?" She continues to stare, but answers.

"I... I sense something. I feel that there is evil nearby. Evil and death. Something else has happened further down the path. Listen... I can’t hear any birds singing… I don't see any animals moving about... everything is dead still."

Suddenly, as if some unknown force is pulling her forward, she starts walking slowly down the path.

[ Tuesday, August 09, 2005 21:40: Message edited by: Sir Sherlock Holmes ]

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes

Gay Christian Network
The Polaris Board
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Peter Jennings has died in General
Member # 3320
Profile #0
I knew about this last night already, but I just thought others might like to know if they haven't heard yet.

Peter Jennings was a news anchor for ABC World News for 22 years. He died of Lung Cancer. 1938 - 2005

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes

Gay Christian Network
The Polaris Board
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The Mountain of Shadows RP in General
Member # 3320
Profile #106
OOC: I should post more often.

IC: Since leaving the tavern, Edith has already exchanged words with a man who has to be the worst example an adventurer that she has ever met. In all likelihood, he will probably be more hindrance than help on this trip, but she isn't one to judge people until they prove her theory.

While the other two compare maps, she and the man go to purchase some equipment. Having the available money, she has no trouble buying all she needs. The man too, seems to have plenty of money to spend. Stopping at her home on the way back, she gathers up a second knapsack of items, and rejoins the man with all of her supplies. She is met with a look of bewilderment.

"What do you need all of that for? We're only going on a short trip."

"Short? You’re joking, right, Mr...."

"My name is Filbert."

"Mr. Filbert. Surely you're aware that this trip could be dangerous and that we could be gone for days or weeks?"

"Weeks?! Why would we be gone that long?! We are only going to track down and kill the undead."

"Oh come on. You can't be so dense that you didn't notice those men sizing up the mountain. It's obvious that they want to go on a treasure hunt. Besides, those undead are perfectly harmless. I do not intend to harm them."

"Treasure hunt? But that's just a myth. And since when were any undead harmless?"

Edith rolls her eyes and replies. "Because I have met harmless undead in my time and I know harmless ones when I see them." Shortly after this conversation, they rejoin the other two men.

"Ah, I see you are finally ready to leave. Good. We'll leave within an hour. But first, you should come here and take a look to this new map of ours..."

Edith breaks into his sentence immediately. "Wait, wait, wait. Now hold on just a minute. Since leaving you to buy equipment, I have been introduced to Filbert here. However, I still have no clue as to who either of you are and I refuse to take another step until we have been properly introduced. I'll start. My name is Edith."

The man in the iron mask moves to speak first with a likely smile on his face under the mask. "Well, Miss Edith, my name is Tuulentekija."

The assassin replies promptly on cue, though slightly irritated, "My name is Cain."

Satisfied, she says, "There, now, that wasn't so hard. You may continue with what you were going to show us, Cain."

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes

Gay Christian Network
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The Mountain of Shadows RP in General
Member # 3320
Profile #87
I wanted to go just ONE RP for once without being yelled at by someone.

Marvin, your character IS present. I just didn't mention him being there because Edith was too lost in thought to notice. That's why I wrote in that Edith wasn't paying any attention to any of the conversations after she saw the man in the iron mask. She had lost her train of thought and therefore, wasn't aware of your presence or any of the iron man's other responses.

I might as well tell you now that you cannot expect everyone to include your character in his or her posts. I learned that the hard way.

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes

Gay Christian Network
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Long-distance relationships? in General
Member # 3320
Profile #31
I am like two and a half years older than him. Our relationship is doing just fine currently.

Why is everyone so doubtful of us? To me, true love knows no bounds.

Besides, my chances of meeting someone nearby is very slim, if not non-existent. If we are destined to be together, I'm not about to let distance or time get in the way.

[ Wednesday, August 03, 2005 11:18: Message edited by: Sir Sherlock Holmes ]

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes

Gay Christian Network
The Polaris Board
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
The Mountain of Shadows RP in General
Member # 3320
Profile #73
"Uh... Miss Edith?" After waving his hand in front of her face for a minute or two and shouting at her, he decides to try something else. He grabs her shoulders and shakes her a little. "Miss Edith, ma'am, are ya in there? Come back to us Miss Edith!"

She finally comes around after a more violent shaking.

"Oh! I, uh... yes. I-I'm alright." She looks around for a few seconds, but sees no sign of the man in the iron mask. "Amos, on second thought, I'm feeling a little faint. I think I'll take one of your rooms today instead of going back to my lodgings. The USUAL, if you please."

"Ah, right away, Miss Edith. Sally! Sally, me girl, lead Miss Edith to the cella' suite."

One of the barmaids takes Edith down the basement stairs and off to a secluded room, surprisingly clean in mild contrast to the rest of the filthy basement. As she gets herself settled in, the barmaid brings her a jug of water and a clean mug and then leaves her for the night. Edith sleeps rather well, yet at the same time, somewhat uneasily. Pictures of the man in the iron mask haunt her dreams and twice she wakes up in a cold sweat.

In the morning, a different barmaid comes and wakes her up.

"Miss Edith, time to wake up. It's morning. Would you like some breakfast?"

"(Yawn) Well, Ellie, tell you what. I'll come upstairs to the bar for once as a change. I get tired of eating breakfast down here alone every time I sleep here. I'll be up in a few minutes."

Ellie eagerly runs back upstairs to tell Amos while Edith freshens up. After about 15 minutes, she is at the bar ordering her breakfast. Just as it comes and she is about to take her first bite though, a man appears at the door to the bar and shouts.

"Anyone interested in a little hike to the mountains?"

She takes a bite of her food and turns her head to inspect him. He has the air and authority of an assassin, and yet his overall appearance is that of a thief or of a rather cunning man with a bit less brains than his cranial development should have allowed for. Just when she has decided to ignore him, she hears someone else in the bar shout back.


Not particularly listening to his other words, she turns her head in the opposite direction after taking another bite of her food and ceases to chew when she sees that its the man in the iron mask.

For a minute, Edith sits stunned and stares blankly at the man. Eventually, however, she comes out of it, quits staring at the man, and starts thinking intently to herself. Lost in thought, she doesn't hear the rest of the conversation and turning back to her food, she starts chewing again. After a minute or two, she comes to a decision within herself. Between swallowing and taking another bite of food, she raises her hand and gives a single, loud response, all the while not once looking up from her plate.

"I'll join."

[ Wednesday, August 03, 2005 10:16: Message edited by: Sir Sherlock Holmes ]

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes

Gay Christian Network
The Polaris Board
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Say your prayers... in General
Member # 3320
Profile #4
We used to pray before our Sunday meal, but never at every meal.

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes

Gay Christian Network
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The Mountain of Shadows RP in General
Member # 3320
Profile #30
OOC: Hmmmm. 12 people already. Geez.

IC: When she hears the foreign tongue being spoken, Edith turns her head slightly to catch a glance of what is happening. She sees the man in the iron mask running out the door. As she listens intently to the commotion outside, she can hear talk of the undead soldier being in the well. She rolls her eyes and gets up out of her seat to go watch this foolish escapade. Grabbing her mug, she walks to the door to go outside and collides with the man wearing the green robes and iron mask as he is hurriedly coming back in.

Her mug crashes to the ground and the remainder of her wine mixes with broken pottery from the mug and the dust of the floor.

"Great! There goes my 20 gold. Plus 5 more for the mug. You should really watch where y..."

When she looks up and sees that she has run into the man in the iron mask, she immediately loses her train of thought.

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes

Gay Christian Network
The Polaris Board
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Long-distance relationships? in General
Member # 3320
Profile #23
My update was pretty much my first post. I won't have anything new to report until...

1. I get my insurance money...

2. I get a call from the Housing people...

3. Another year goes by and my boyfriend graduates.

4. I am able to move...

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes

Gay Christian Network
The Polaris Board
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Ah...It's good to be back. in General
Member # 3320
Profile #5
Hello. I think I remember you.

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes

Gay Christian Network
The Polaris Board
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Long-distance relationships? in General
Member # 3320
Profile #18
It's difficult to describe to people how I can be satisfied with my relationship without ever having actually met my boyfriend. Because of the fact that we can't meet until he graduates, I've had to learn to be patient.

And others say how can you be sure of what it will be like when you are living together. We have been talking online for over a year now and we share everything with each other. We talk about what each other is like. We have pretty much discussed everything we need to discuss. We know much how each other acts daily. For us there is no need to meet each other to date or anything. We know we are compatible with each other.

However, how to explain to people how it is that we know there will be no problems is not easy. We take things on faith, while many people would rather take things on experience. Our religious convictions, despite what some have said, are what hold things together for us. We believe that God brought us together, and that we are soul mates, so we are determined to make things work no matter what. And if we must wait two or more years to be together, we are fine with that. Time and distance mean nothing to us.

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes

Gay Christian Network
The Polaris Board
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
The Mountain of Shadows RP in General
Member # 3320
Profile #4
:rolleyes: One of these days I will remember to check for recent posts before posting mine. Mine took place before the previous post.

OOC: The temptation to see if I can still write at all becomes irresistible. I'll make an attempt at this RP.

IC: The spectacle she has just witnessed hasn't moved Edith in the least bit. She continues to stare blankly into her mug of wine.

The bartender doesn't usually get to serve his stock of wine often, as it is difficult to come by in these parts and most of the townspeople can't afford it. But as Edith is a more aristocratic customer, and regular in her visits, he always has a bottle set-aside for her to drink.

He walks up to her table as the other townspeople argue bitterly about what they should do about the undead soldier.

"Are ya daft or somethin' me girl? It seems that yer a wee bit too unconcerned abou' what just happened. Tha' was undead tha' was just in 'ere!"

She continues to stare into her wine as she calmly answers back. "Sir, I've come across lots of undead in my time. Both friendly and deadly. I detected no hostility in that dead soldier. So it concerns me very little."

The bartender scratches his head and shrugs his shoulders before heading back to the bar, saying as he goes, "Well, yer definitely a strange one Miss Edith. Mos' ladies would be terrified."

For the first time she looks up from her wine and over at the bar. "You're forgetting' sir that I'm no lady." The bartender rolls his eyes as he starts to scrub off the bar where the dead soldier had sloshed some of his drink on it. Edith's eyes wander from the bar to the floor where the barmaid is still mopping up the mess.

Suddenly a shiver goes up and down her spine as she senses someone watching her. She casts her eyes around the room quickly and just manages to catch a man wearing green robes and an iron mask quickly turning his eyes away from her. She studies him for a few seconds and immediately gets the feeling that he is a foreigner. Having satisfied herself that she has studied him thoroughly, she turns back to her wine and takes a swig of it. She then settles uneasily into staring into her mug again.

OOC: Edith is a woman approaching middle age, around her late 40s, but despite her age, she looks as if she isn't a day over 20. She is around 6 feet tall and weighs around 250 lbs. Oddly enough she doesn't look the least bit fat at all. Her features are too strong to suggest great beauty, making the term handsome more appropriate. She wears her bright red hair up in a bun and, for some odd reason has what looks like a bunch of hat pins sticking through the bun in various places like a pin cushion (Think of the Japanese ladies you sometimes see in art).

She wears a gray-dyed belt around her jet-black robes and has a long sheathed dagger hooked onto it. The hood on her robes has a mask attached to the front that can be worn over the face and when done so, gives the wearer a mysterious appearance. Black leather boots and a medium-sized black knapsack, bulging at its seams and reeking of herbs and spices, completes the dark ensemble. Around her neck she wears a gold key on a silver chain, has a ruby ring on one hand, and what looks like an onyx ring on the other.

[ Monday, August 01, 2005 10:06: Message edited by: Sir Sherlock Holmes ]

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes

Gay Christian Network
The Polaris Board
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Long-distance relationships? in General
Member # 3320
Profile #0
I decided, since I've returned, that I might as well ask a serious question to get a good topic going.

What's your opinion of long-distance relationships? Do you think they can work? Why or why not?

I'll start. I think they can work. With the right amount of planning and if the love is deep enough, I think distance becomes something of little consequence.

I'm in a long-distance relationship. My boyfriend lives more than 1,000 miles from me. I live in Pennsylvania and he lives in Arkansas. We are very much in love and have been committed to each other for over a year now. Next year, after he graduates from high school, I will be taking a bus trip to go there and bring him here to live with me.

We are both Christians, so we are strictly committed to each other. We both trust each other enough that we believe neither of us will cheat on the other. We have never met each other in person, but have exchanged pictures... again out of trust... and for the moment our only means of communicating in through Instant Messengers online.

So, what does everyone else think about long-distance relationships?

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes

Gay Christian Network
The Polaris Board
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
RP List in General
Member # 3320
Profile #19
I can't imagine why my RP was considered good... or completed, for that matter. It never finished.

By some twisted state of mind I became a kind of control freak in the RP, something I apologize for. Alec's meddling didn't help either.

At any rate, if another RP were to start up, I would have second thoughts about joining it. I didn't fair well in my absence from the site. I think I've burned out in the writing department. Besides, I already screwed up enough RPs. I don't need to leave a lesion on another one.

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes

Gay Christian Network
The Polaris Board
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Shield Ring in The Avernum Trilogy
Member # 3320
Profile #0
Does anyone have any idea if this ring is useful or not? I cannot figure out if it does any shielding at all. And I can find no descriptions for it online.

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes

Gay Christian Network
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Food... in The Avernum Trilogy
Member # 3320
Profile #0
In the first Avernum, does each person have to carry food or can one person carry enough for the whole party?

I'm finding that the food takes up an unnecessary amount of space in the inventory.

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes

Gay Christian Network
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
I have to admit... in General
Member # 3320
Profile #15
Originally written by **lianeoT**:

Glad you've started playing Avernum. So have you regestered it or only played the demo?
So far just the demo. If all goes well, I'll register it.

[ Friday, July 22, 2005 10:07: Message edited by: Sir Sherlock Holmes ]

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes

Gay Christian Network
The Polaris Board
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
I have to admit... in General
Member # 3320
Profile #3
I'm doing great. I got approved for disability insurance last month. If the Section 8 Housing people (Reduced income housing) EVER call me to set up an appointment to update my case, I'll be getting an apartment too.

I can definitely say that I should have an apartment by Fall at least.

I haven't been around for so long because I went through an anti-message board spell for about nine months. I hadn't been very active on any message boards online during that length of time. Which is why I have been absent from Polaris as well.

Can't say I have any clue why. Only now am I beginning to feel up to it again. Probably due to the impending freedom from my parents that I am looking forward to.

I think the out-of-hand problems I had with Alec had something to do with my leaving. But I'm sure it was more than that. Otherwise I would have continued going to other message boards online.

But anyways, it feels great to be back.

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes

Gay Christian Network
The Polaris Board
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
I have to admit... in General
Member # 3320
Profile #0
...Avernum certainly is fun. Today I started playing it for the first time and I am enjoying it most heartily.

I decided to give it a try again and I had no trouble figuring things out this time.

My hat is off to Jeff for creating some really great games.

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes

Gay Christian Network
The Polaris Board
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Slowing down the walking in The Avernum Trilogy
Member # 3320
Profile #2
I think I've hit upon something. I used my right mouse button instead of the left out of curiosity and found that the characters started moving one step at a time instead of two.

Not sure though if this works with anyone else's mouse.

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes

Gay Christian Network
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
