Profile for Jigga
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Displayed name | Jigga |
Member number | 1823 |
Title | Infiltrator |
Postcount | 530 |
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Registered | Sunday, September 1 2002 07:00 |
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Louvre Update in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 1823
written Monday, June 2 2003 05:30
Yey, somebody complemented me! I would do more, just as ADoS says about himself, however, in my case, I just can't really be bothered. -------------------- Riot Shields Voodoo Economics It's just business Cattle prods And the IMF I trust I can rely on your vote Posts: 530 | Registered: Sunday, September 1 2002 07:00 |
What feature that the Avernum series lacked would you most like to see in BoA? in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 1823
written Monday, June 2 2003 05:25
I'm almost certain that you could use the door locking script to make lockpicking illegal, no, wait, I am certain. You could get it to check lockpicking against first aid skill if you liked, and then summon 12 dogs if your first aid divided by your strength plus dexterity equaled four and you fail to open the door while simultaniously being on horse back, if you really wanted to. (The only bit that I'm unsure about is the horseback bit, I'm fairly sure of the rest.) -------------------- Riot Shields Voodoo Economics It's just business Cattle prods And the IMF I trust I can rely on your vote Posts: 530 | Registered: Sunday, September 1 2002 07:00 |
Make kills from your summons give you experience? in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 1823
written Monday, June 2 2003 05:19
How would it increase tactical depth may I ask? -------------------- Riot Shields Voodoo Economics It's just business Cattle prods And the IMF I trust I can rely on your vote Posts: 530 | Registered: Sunday, September 1 2002 07:00 |
Hi in General | |
Member # 1823
written Monday, June 2 2003 05:10
Ah, je pensais pour quoi cette thread etait seulement longue- c'etait le Francais et le Deutch et l'Espangnol et il n'est pas sur la topic. Ich bin die Mitfahrgelegenheit [ Monday, June 02, 2003 05:13: Message edited by: Jigga ] -------------------- Riot Shields Voodoo Economics It's just business Cattle prods And the IMF I trust I can rely on your vote Posts: 530 | Registered: Sunday, September 1 2002 07:00 |
Announcement on the status of Scorpius and Ed Lemur in General | |
Member # 1823
written Monday, June 2 2003 05:01
quote:Then you can apologise for unintentionally upsetting David in your post at the top of the page, and David can apologise for usetting you. You can then leave it at that, as obviously nobody is going to be changing anyone else's mind on the issue. The best you can do is just agree to disagree, yes? -------------------- Riot Shields Voodoo Economics It's just business Cattle prods And the IMF I trust I can rely on your vote Posts: 530 | Registered: Sunday, September 1 2002 07:00 |
Announcement on the status of Scorpius and Ed Lemur in General | |
Member # 1823
written Sunday, June 1 2003 08:16
I do find it ironic that those preaching tolerance are so intolerant of other people's beliefs. If you wish people to be tolerant of others, practice what you preach, no matter how wrong the other person's views are, because it's really starting to p*** me off. -------------------- Riot Shields Voodoo Economics It's just business Cattle prods And the IMF I trust I can rely on your vote Posts: 530 | Registered: Sunday, September 1 2002 07:00 |
Poll for Atheists and Agnostics... in General | |
Member # 1823
written Sunday, June 1 2003 08:09
Wasn't this already a theological discussion anyway? -------------------- Riot Shields Voodoo Economics It's just business Cattle prods And the IMF I trust I can rely on your vote Posts: 530 | Registered: Sunday, September 1 2002 07:00 |
Limit of PCs? in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 1823
written Sunday, June 1 2003 02:52
With things like this, it's usually best for the designer to tell the player not to take more than one PC (or provide a prefab). If the player decides to ignore this advice, it's them who loses out, same as if they take a high level party into a low level scenario. And, did Jeff ever say that NPCs would be allowed? I know he said originally that they wouldn't, but did her then give in, or get thwarted by his own programming genius, as he said on other matters? EDIT: Questions end in question marks, and sometimes begin with them too, especially if you're Spanish. [ Sunday, June 01, 2003 02:53: Message edited by: Jigga ] -------------------- Riot Shields Voodoo Economics It's just business Cattle prods And the IMF I trust I can rely on your vote Posts: 530 | Registered: Sunday, September 1 2002 07:00 |
Poll for Atheists and Agnostics... in General | |
Member # 1823
written Sunday, June 1 2003 02:44
quote:Before the Big Bang there was no space time, and in any case, no laws of physics for it to create an anomoly of . Anyway, what caused the anomoly? -------------------- Riot Shields Voodoo Economics It's just business Cattle prods And the IMF I trust I can rely on your vote Posts: 530 | Registered: Sunday, September 1 2002 07:00 |
Announcement on the status of Scorpius and Ed Lemur in General | |
Member # 1823
written Sunday, June 1 2003 02:34
Ow, it's pretty damn hot from th flames in here. Anyway: This may be of interest (well, most of the threads here seem to be about homosexuality):;f=7 -------------------- Riot Shields Voodoo Economics It's just business Cattle prods And the IMF I trust I can rely on your vote Posts: 530 | Registered: Sunday, September 1 2002 07:00 |
Announcement on the status of Scorpius and Ed Lemur in General | |
Member # 1823
written Wednesday, May 28 2003 08:20
"The Bible is not a sexist, racist work, no matter how you choose to look at it. " Correction: "The Bible is not a sexist, racist work, in probably most of the many ways you can look at it. " The thing is, in some of the ways you can llok at it, you can look at it in ways that say: "Kill all non-Christians" - I'm sure mosty of you are familiar with "Do whatever you like - it doesn't matter" - Someone could draw these inferences from some of Paul's letters. Et Cetera. --- And, a bit late, on the topic of Genesis - I'm fairly sure Adam is pretty similar to the word "man" - meaning perhaps that Adam, was not one man, but Man. The same goes with many names in Genesis, possibly referring to stages in Man's developement/evolution. -------------------- Riot Shields Voodoo Economics It's just business Cattle prods And the IMF I trust I can rely on your vote Posts: 530 | Registered: Sunday, September 1 2002 07:00 |
Echolyn in General | |
Member # 1823
written Sunday, May 25 2003 00:54
quote:Dave Gilmour most definitely disapproves. -------------------- Riot Shields Voodoo Economics It's just business Cattle prods And the IMF I trust I can rely on your vote Posts: 530 | Registered: Sunday, September 1 2002 07:00 |
Poll for Atheists and Agnostics... in General | |
Member # 1823
written Saturday, May 24 2003 05:09
The irony of that is that it is already, in a way, true. We step around natural selection by all the machines and stuff that we have made. Instead of letting our environment kill us, we change it, or adapt in a non biological way, by, for example, inventing sun block. -------------------- Riot Shields Voodoo Economics It's just business Cattle prods And the IMF I trust I can rely on your vote Posts: 530 | Registered: Sunday, September 1 2002 07:00 |
Poll for Atheists and Agnostics... in General | |
Member # 1823
written Friday, May 23 2003 09:03
quote:From my experience nearly all Christians (me included) believe in evolution to a certain extent (even some of my more fundementalist leaning friends believe in "micro evolution"). I would then say that most Christians believe in evolution to a large extent. After all, evolution seems like a pretty good creation that God has made. -------------------- Riot Shields Voodoo Economics It's just business Cattle prods And the IMF I trust I can rely on your vote Posts: 530 | Registered: Sunday, September 1 2002 07:00 |
Bham. in General | |
Member # 1823
written Friday, May 23 2003 08:54
quote:I'm sure TGM was referring to us all going off to play patience, or , er, kick a football against a wall. What else could he mean (says innocently)? (And by football, I mean "soccer" ball, not undersized rugby ball) -------------------- Riot Shields Voodoo Economics It's just business Cattle prods And the IMF I trust I can rely on your vote Posts: 530 | Registered: Sunday, September 1 2002 07:00 |
No Taxes! in General | |
Member # 1823
written Thursday, May 22 2003 07:24
quote:A higher money supply, by, for example lowering interest rates, will result in people having a higher disposable income. They will then consume more. As consumption is a component of aggregate demand, demand will increase. As such, growth will happen, along with inflation. On the point of full capacity. My point was just to point out what would theoretically happen at that point, whereas of course nearly all economies operate at a point slightly below capacity, meaning that both price level and GDP will be affected by demand. -------------------- Riot Shields Voodoo Economics It's just business Cattle prods And the IMF I trust I can rely on your vote Posts: 530 | Registered: Sunday, September 1 2002 07:00 |
No Taxes! in General | |
Member # 1823
written Wednesday, May 21 2003 10:20
quote:A growth in the money supply will cause growth, as long as there is not full capacity. Along with this growth will be healthy inflation. However, at full capacity, or with very low suplly, just inflation will result. -------------------- Riot Shields Voodoo Economics It's just business Cattle prods And the IMF I trust I can rely on your vote Posts: 530 | Registered: Sunday, September 1 2002 07:00 |
Home of the Free in General | |
Member # 1823
written Tuesday, May 20 2003 07:30
quote: [ Tuesday, May 20, 2003 07:32: Message edited by: Jigga ] -------------------- Riot Shields Voodoo Economics It's just business Cattle prods And the IMF I trust I can rely on your vote Posts: 530 | Registered: Sunday, September 1 2002 07:00 |
Home of the Free in General | |
Member # 1823
written Monday, May 19 2003 10:16
Well, yes, smuggling is a big source, which, being stupid, I forgot. But then smuggled weapons are already on the black market, and they must have got there somehow, probably by one of the methods I named. However, banning guns will still limit one of the main sources of illegal weapons on the black market, which can always help. Of course customs checks also must be vigorous to try and prevent smuggling as much as possible, but that is a different matter. And Iolanda, your English was excellent. The best I could say in German is that I am a donkey (Ich bin ein Aesel or something like that) -------------------- Riot Shields Voodoo Economics It's just business Cattle prods And the IMF I trust I can rely on your vote Posts: 530 | Registered: Sunday, September 1 2002 07:00 |
Home of the Free in General | |
Member # 1823
written Sunday, May 18 2003 10:47
And you must consider how these things get onto the black market in the first place. There are two possible sources that I can think of. Firstly - from the military. Now, it is extremely unlikely that guns would go from the military, as they are extraordinarilly well protected. Secondly - from those who buy guns legally in the first place, by whatever means (eg. theft, selling on etc.) Now, if people were not allowed to buy these guns in the first place (ie. guns were banned) they would not get onto the black market - severely reducing the number of guns available to buy for criminals. -------------------- Riot Shields Voodoo Economics It's just business Cattle prods And the IMF I trust I can rely on your vote Posts: 530 | Registered: Sunday, September 1 2002 07:00 |
Home of the Free in General | |
Member # 1823
written Friday, May 16 2003 08:24
quote: -------------------- Riot Shields Voodoo Economics It's just business Cattle prods And the IMF I trust I can rely on your vote Posts: 530 | Registered: Sunday, September 1 2002 07:00 |
:) :P ;) in General | |
Member # 1823
written Thursday, May 15 2003 10:27
I believe I have used smilies only about 10 times. Most of them were in one post. Maybe I'm just boring. ![]() -------------------- Riot Shields Voodoo Economics It's just business Cattle prods And the IMF I trust I can rely on your vote Posts: 530 | Registered: Sunday, September 1 2002 07:00 |
Crossfire in General | |
Member # 1823
written Monday, May 12 2003 11:10
Calvinism?! As in everything is predetermined, and if you aren't predetermined to go to heaven you get tortured forever in hell? Or is there a different sort of Calvinism? -------------------- Riot Shields Voodoo Economics It's just business Cattle prods And the IMF I trust I can rely on your vote Posts: 530 | Registered: Sunday, September 1 2002 07:00 |
What World Leader to like best. in General | |
Member # 1823
written Monday, May 12 2003 11:06
On the subject of Babar: Is it pronounced: Bah - Bar. (Bah as in "bad") or: Bar - Bar (both as in "bar") This came up a couple of days ago with some mates. It is of utmost importance. -------------------- Riot Shields Voodoo Economics It's just business Cattle prods And the IMF I trust I can rely on your vote Posts: 530 | Registered: Sunday, September 1 2002 07:00 |
USA = USSR in General | |
Member # 1823
written Monday, May 12 2003 10:59
quote:1. So dictators except for Saddam are great. Who cares about them. Let them torture people and ignore democracy. At least they're loyal to us. Yeh! 2.Because "kicking Heinie of the world" (whatever the hell "Heinie" is supposed to mean). Yay, lets all boast about our nation because we have no morals and we attack lots of people and kick their Heinie. We're great. Yeh, lets kill those bloody foreigners. PS:I would really appretiate a definition of the word "Heinie". I keep doubting that it is in fact a proper noun. -------------------- Riot Shields Voodoo Economics It's just business Cattle prods And the IMF I trust I can rely on your vote Posts: 530 | Registered: Sunday, September 1 2002 07:00 |