'Wut do u look like?"
Author | Topic: 'Wut do u look like?" |
Member # 2000
written Monday, April 28 2003 19:43
I was remembering a time long ago back on IB when there was a thread involving pictures of what certain members look like. Unfortunatly SOMEONE (TM I think) got pictures from a link in my member info that lead to a webpage that contained pictures of me. I still remember what quite a few people look like. Considering about 2% of the same people from back then inhabit these boards now few people will care...But I have decided to do it again simply because I was bored senseless tonight and had taken some odd pictures of myself. (Considering it's Geocities you will have to copy and paste these links in a new browser window for them to work) http://www.geocities.com/sinisterchan/Picture1.jpg Me wrapped in tape. I should have taken the headphones off. Man did I rip out hairs. http://www.geocities.com/sinisterchan/Picture2.jpg Me with a humourous Monk hat on, a AA Battery up my nose, a very under used retainer sticking from my mouth, a spoon behind my ear... head phones around my neck...and one VERY Fat Rat www.geocities.com/sinisterchan/Picture3.jpg Tonight I relised I am more flexable then I thought...I can stick my foot into my mouth. I could have gone further but the taste was repulsive. [ Monday, April 28, 2003 20:06: Message edited by: Lemur Industries ] -------------------- Since Imban Likes to Edit my Posts ... ... And Drakey likes to edit your signature. Stop it, Ed. Posts: 141 | Registered: Wednesday, October 2 2002 07:00 |
Member # 521
written Monday, April 28 2003 20:38
[ Monday, April 28, 2003 20:39: Message edited by: Ikari Gendo ] -------------------- I am not really here. Posts: 956 | Registered: Wednesday, January 16 2002 08:00 |
Post Navel Trauma ^_^
Member # 67
written Tuesday, April 29 2003 04:16
Me doing... well, never mind what I am doing: www.srcf.ucam.org/~eet23/me.jpg I can stick my foot in my mouth too, but you are not getting a photo of it. [ Tuesday, April 29, 2003 04:18: Message edited by: Khoth ] -------------------- Grammar wenches beware: This is the house that the malt that the rat that the cat that the dog that the cow that the maiden that the man that the priest that the cock that the farmer kept waked married kissed milked tossed worried killed ate lay in. My Website BoA BetterEditor for MacOS X desperance.net - Leave your sanity at the door Posts: 1798 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 631
written Tuesday, April 29 2003 04:56
Hmm I don't see why you all care but http://home.attbi.com/~lisa.gallien/Band/Alex.html is me. I can stick my foot in my mouth too! Yay4Us! -------------------- jesus saves, all others take full damage Posts: 329 | Registered: Wednesday, February 13 2002 08:00 |
Veteran* Member # 2286
written Tuesday, April 29 2003 06:16
I'd post a pic of myself, but that would ruin the image of Misterness, and you'd just laugh everytime you see me posting.. If you are haxors enough, though, you'll find it.. -------------------- Meet the savior. KYMCO Super Fever will force you to do so. Haw. Posts: 911 | Registered: Sunday, November 24 2002 08:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 335
written Tuesday, April 29 2003 07:47
I've been told I resemble the mailman once or twice... ?Alorael, who doesn't have any pictures of himself on his computer anyway, and he doesn't have a scanner. But trust him, your day is better for not seeing him. Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00 |
Member # 366
written Tuesday, April 29 2003 08:17
I'm just very very small, with pink hair, interesting piercings and tattoos, and wear a suit to work. -------------------- I say never be complete. I say stop being perfect. I say let's evolve. Let the chips fall where they may. Posts: 1277 | Registered: Sunday, December 9 2001 08:00 |
Member # 1851
written Tuesday, April 29 2003 09:58
Oh heavens.. I can't imagine why I'm posting these.. There just isn't any good pictures of me in existence, less alone on my computer! Still, whatever the case is, here I am.. almost completely: http://gamma.nic.fi/~ribla17/omakuvamiet.jpg http://gamma.nic.fi/~ribla17/omakuvaokei.jpg I'd give you the link to the small picture of me, the one from my Elfwood gallery, but the place has been down for some days now. It makes me sad. -------------------- "It won't do any good, Garion. I had you once, and I can take you again any time I want to. You're not strong enough to refuse me." - Asharak the murgo (Pawn of Prophecy, by Eddings) My Homepage - Geneforge - My Elfwood Gallery - WannabeCool Forums So many strange ones around. Don't you think? Posts: 1308 | Registered: Sunday, September 8 2002 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 1444
written Tuesday, April 29 2003 10:49
Here is one of me :rolleyes: : Here ![]() Posts: 250 | Registered: Saturday, July 6 2002 07:00 |
Member # 32
written Tuesday, April 29 2003 11:25
Majordomo made website which has a pictures of a few of the other members. I have since forgotten the website. If you manage to find it, there should be a picture of me there. -------------------- Lt. Sullust Cogito Ergo Sum Polaris Posts: 2462 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Member # 1169
written Tuesday, April 29 2003 11:48
As if there weren't enough people stalking me already. YOU'LL NEVER SEE ME! MWA HA HA HA HA! -------------------- "Man hands down misery to man. It deepens like a coastal shelf. Get out as early as you can, and don't have any kids yourself."--Philip Larkin, "This Be the Verse" Fear the wrath of the Grammar Wench, lest ye be cut down by the Glistening Scythe. Posts: 1150 | Registered: Friday, May 17 2002 07:00 |
Member # 73
written Tuesday, April 29 2003 13:11
quote:Aww... ![]() I have brown hair, brown eyes, I'm about 5'10", and I wear carpenter jeans and a shirt. I'm not too good at descriptions. I don't believe I have any pictures of myself. I may still have a picture of me, KoK, and my sister somewhere on the computer, but I don't feel like looking for it. EDIT: Actually, I dress pretty much the same as Khoth did in that picture. [ Tuesday, April 29, 2003 13:20: Message edited by: The Almighty Doer of Stuff ] -------------------- My BoE graphics archive is finally getting started! Yay! I hope you like my graphics.My BoE Graphics An absurdly fun Flash game- Refridgerator Raid! --------- The Lyceum- A board for BoE. Yes it is. Really. Stop staring at me! Stop it, I say! Oh, sorry... Posts: 2957 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 1506
written Tuesday, April 29 2003 13:27
Khoth, you are really cute. Just thought you'd like to know. As I mentioned on the new "About me" topic, I recently put the best picture I could find in my profile. I am the one facing away from the camera. The other girls are my marching band horn section. -------------------- desperance.net -- Come on in, we don't bite. Well, I don't. Posts: 218 | Registered: Saturday, July 13 2002 07:00 |
Member # 39
written Tuesday, April 29 2003 14:05
*woofs* In any case, Khoth looks like a goddamned Brit. There are no photos extant of me that are legal or appropriate to post here. I plead the fifth. -------------------- desperance.net - honestly, no biting. Posts: 1074 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Tuesday, April 29 2003 14:20
Hmmm... the last photo taken of me involved 3 days of camping (shower- and bathless, of course), the dirt that results from being on an island composed almost entirely of mud, a bright sun which resulted in me squinting, and the surprise common to those who do not know their picture is about to be taken. Even if I could find it, and even if it were more than a negative, I would not post it. You'll just have to wait... unless someone trustworthy can convince me of the usefulness of scanning my own face directly. As for a description, though... 5'6", average size, not weak-looking but not particularly buff either, brown hair + eyes (which see through glasses), always in a T-shirt and cargo pants/shorts... green and tan, respectively, when possible... um... other than that, I've been told I look like Harry Potter, that I don't look like Harry Potter at all, that I'm cute for a 9th grader, that I look Slovak, that I look German, that I look English... I don't know, I guess it depends on the day =] -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon TEH CONSPIRACY IZ ALL In case of emergency, break glass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
Member # 2669
written Tuesday, April 29 2003 14:27
![]() I hope not too many people post actual pictures of themselves. I have some pretty vivid mental images of a lot of people, and i'd rather not have them ruined. Khoth used to be a holographic Gamorrean Guard surrounded by books. Goodbye to that one. -------------------- ... Posts: 647 | Registered: Wednesday, February 19 2003 08:00 |
Member # 4
written Tuesday, April 29 2003 16:14
Black Squirrel! Guess what? http://www.geocities.com/terrorsmartyr/EVIL_BlackSquirrel.gif You lose. ![]() Khoth! Guess what? http://www.geocities.com/terrorsmartyr/EVIL_Khoth.gif You lose. ![]() Ed Lemur! Guess what? http://www.geocities.com/terrorsmartyr/EVIL_EdLemur.gif You lose. ![]() King Micah! Guess what? http://www.geocities.com/terrorsmartyr/EVIL_KingMicah.gif You lose. ![]() No offense intended with any of these, but let's face it, you were asking for it. ![]() -------------------- Rate My Scenarios! Streila Spies Unbalanced Accounts Inn of Blades Echoes Echoes: Assault Echoes: Black Horse Echoes: Pawns Bandits Echoes: Combat/Skirmish Two Strands Bandits II: Ballad of the Red Star Roses of Reckoning (BoE) Corporeus The Claim Roses of Reckoning (BoA) Nebulous Times Hence Emerald Mountain Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00 |
Member # 314
written Tuesday, April 29 2003 16:30
quote:ASL? -------------------- CLICK HERE IF YOU LOVE JESUS ADoS is like a magical punching bag that swings into your fist even when you're not trying to hit it. -Djur Posts: 554 | Registered: Sunday, November 25 2001 08:00 |
Member # 165
written Tuesday, April 29 2003 16:33
Indeterminate/indeterminate/Finland, which pretty much sums it up for everyone from that part of the world. Abundant and clear evidence leading to such a conclusion exists. I would post a photo here but I am lazy. And also, the Gendo work does not work for you, my dear man Micah. I bear a striking resemblance to Timon, plus a little weight, hair, and age, and minus a little tan and good taste. For those of you who don't know what Timon looks like, you don't deserve to know what I look like. ![]() [ Tuesday, April 29, 2003 16:36: Message edited by: J'Ondule La Banniere Noire ] -------------------- desperance -- je me souviens arena -- et je me souviens de vous Posts: 2449 | Registered: Monday, October 15 2001 07:00 |
Member # 39
written Tuesday, April 29 2003 16:36
TM! Bro! Why'd you do that? Stop cribbing my jokes, b! I look surprisingly unlike any of you. I am glad about that. I would like me to be fat while I smoke. You're all freakish. Khoth, you look like my grandmother. Micah, you look like my grandfather. Scorpius looks like I'd want to punch him in the face, and Ed looks like I already have. EDIT: SULLUST! SAM! BUSHY! LOWTAX! [ Tuesday, April 29, 2003 17:16: Message edited by: M. Boeh ] -------------------- desperance.net - honestly, no biting. Posts: 1074 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Member # 1886
written Tuesday, April 29 2003 17:09
I don't have any pictures that are up to date, but I can describe myself. I'm a three eyed, hunch-backed troll covered in pathy orange and green fur and I move myself around on all three of my asymetrical limbs... Oh, you meant what I really look like? Well, I have a face that some people call cute, big blue-green eyes that are framed by a pair of glasses that aren't too detrimental to my looks. I have dark blonde hair that is usually cropped short (about an inch), and sticks straight up to hide a very unsightly cowlick. I have a baby face, so I usually keep a bit of a stubble on my face, just to keep people from thinking I'm still only 16 (I'm actually 22). BTW Riibu: Despite your claims to the contrary, I think that you look good in that picture. I'm a bit too old for you though, so I will refrain from asking the same kind of rude question Scorpius did. -------------------- "The hippogryph is an amazing creature rarely seen outside of the wild. The tricky thing about hippogryphs is their incredible jaw strength. One terrible clamp of their beaks could rip a huge beast apart in seconds. Let's see what happens when I stick my hand inside..." *roaring, SNAP! *rider screams ?Hippogryph rider, WC III Some cool WoT art here Nono! Bad Surfer!! This is it, The Document That no Evil Overlord can do Without Posts: 505 | Registered: Saturday, September 14 2002 07:00 |
Member # 165
written Tuesday, April 29 2003 17:13
I kid because I love. To say any more about whatever else I might really have to say about those members concerned in my post would severely incriminate me, so I won't. -------------------- desperance -- je me souviens arena -- et je me souviens de vous Posts: 2449 | Registered: Monday, October 15 2001 07:00 |
Member # 2870
written Tuesday, April 29 2003 17:37
Hmmmm... good question. I am about five foot, near-black hair, and dark brown eyes. I seem hairier than most because my arm&leg hair show up against my skin. I look Iranian, and for those of you that are going "huh?" I look rather Arab. I also have this mustache. I have had it since the third grade or perhaps earlier and I am proud of it. -------------------- All your base are belong to us!!!! http://people.cornell.edu/pages/slp29/ayb.html Posts: 138 | Registered: Saturday, April 12 2003 07:00 |
Member # 1925
written Tuesday, April 29 2003 22:56
I'm 179 cm, lean & muscular with close-cropped dirt coloured hair, average facial features, green eyes and glasses. -------------------- The golden rules are: 1.Strike fast 2.Strike hard 3.Strike first Posts: 24 | Registered: Monday, September 23 2002 07:00 |
Member # 366
written Wednesday, April 30 2003 00:52
So do none of you have interesting tattoos or body piercings??? -------------------- I say never be complete. I say stop being perfect. I say let's evolve. Let the chips fall where they may. Posts: 1277 | Registered: Sunday, December 9 2001 08:00 |