Profile for Yatta
Field | Value |
Displayed name | Yatta |
Member number | 798 |
Title | Agent |
Postcount | 1046 |
Homepage | |
Registered | Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
Recent posts
Author | Recent posts |
I'm Back in General | |
Member # 798
written Thursday, November 20 2003 13:48
Well This well be my last full post. I should say my caring words to everyone. And Imban thinks that I should keep my hurtful words to myself, too. ^_^ [ Thursday, November 20, 2003 14:27: Message edited by: Imban ] -------------------- Look Ma, I'm banned! Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
Some Motrax Poetry in General | |
Member # 798
written Monday, November 17 2003 17:14
I only gave two posts left. -------------------- Look Ma, I'm banned! Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
Liberal or Labour in General | |
Member # 798
written Monday, November 17 2003 17:13
I'm moderate. -------------------- Look Ma, I'm banned! Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
I'm Back in General | |
Member # 798
written Monday, November 17 2003 17:11
I know you hate me. But you are going to hate me even more after you finish this topic. First what does it take to get banned from this site. I have did everything possible to get myself banned. Maybe I should use profanity, I already did. Maybe I should advertise porn. Just please bann me. It would make me much happier. You know what I'll just have myself killed. There will be four topics after this. The first three I will complete the fourth I will only write partial because I will be getting killed. My Spiderweb life is very short. So I can't stay and chat. -------------------- Look Ma, I'm banned! Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
Culture in General | |
Member # 798
written Sunday, November 2 2003 18:02
There is diffrent cultures. There is Newyork like cultore, Wall Street, Stock Exchanges, Buying stocks, selling stocks. Then there is Rulal cultore, farms, villas,grapes, pigs ect. So you have the urban cultore vs rulal cultore. Then there is suburban cultore which has blended in with urban cultore over the years. -------------------- Look Ma, I'm banned! Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
Yet another RP in General | |
Member # 798
written Sunday, November 2 2003 17:40
I'll join, my character will be NightMan. Name. Nightman Race.Alien from the Galaxy of Argentina Home Town. The Planet of Krpton. Sex. Male Religion. Pagant alien religion that has not yet been discovered hieght. 6'ft wieght 210 pounds Description. wears a very dark robe that covers his body. -------------------- Look Ma, I'm banned! Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
Happy Halloween. in General | |
Member # 798
written Friday, October 31 2003 16:29
Happy Halloween. I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Halloween. I am lucky to live in NewEngland because we have a lot of hauntd Places. We have light Houses in CapeCod which are said to be haunted. We have the Gloucetor Triangle, The Entire Town of Salem Ma. And The Borden House. Anyway what haunted places are near where you live. -------------------- Look Ma, I'm banned! Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
Funny Movies in General | |
Member # 798
written Friday, October 10 2003 15:35
I would love to see the Holly Grail. Weekend at Burnies is a funny movie. But I was a big fan of Weekend At Burnies two. -------------------- Look Ma, I'm banned! Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
A tragedy... in General | |
Member # 798
written Friday, October 10 2003 15:29
55 so young. I did hear he was on crack or coke in his younger day. That probily contribute to his stroke. That's what happens when you do bad stuff. -------------------- Look Ma, I'm banned! Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
Everything I ever needed to know about life... in General | |
Member # 798
written Friday, October 10 2003 15:25
Can we talk about something more interesting, like what we could learn from Godzilla movies. 1)If you are in NewJersey and see Godzilla get the Hell out of there. 2)Learn how to drive a tank. 3)Don't light off Atomic bombs neare a Harbor-river, Godzilla might be sleeping there. -------------------- Look Ma, I'm banned! Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
I'm not really here in General | |
Member # 798
written Sunday, September 28 2003 08:05
Ahh so cursing will get one banned. Good all I have to do then is talk as I normally talk. (You have probily figured out that I use the F word to a excess) -------------------- Look Ma, I'm banned! Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
Im back too! in General | |
Member # 798
written Sunday, September 28 2003 07:59
Maybe he was banned. (Wink Wink) -------------------- Look Ma, I'm banned! Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
Funny Movies in General | |
Member # 798
written Sunday, September 28 2003 07:53
A really funny movie is WTF do I have to do to get banned. -------------------- Look Ma, I'm banned! Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
Culture in General | |
Member # 798
written Sunday, September 28 2003 07:42
Wait I'm still here. I thought I would be banned by now. Why am I not banned. This is pointless I should be banned. If I was a admin I would bann myself. -------------------- Look Ma, I'm banned! Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
Around the Universe in However Long it Takes! in General | |
Member # 798
written Tuesday, September 16 2003 15:38
The shipspower goes out. Suddenly in the middle of the recreation room a circle of fire emerges. Then The Lord of Evil emerges from the circle with the 2001 space odysee theme playing in the background. The Lord of Evil is wearing a thick brown robe that covers his entire body and is holding a very tall staff. Then the power goes back on, the circle of fire dies out and the theme stops. The Lord of Evil says,I have returned from Hell. Then he dissapered in a puff of smoke. -------------------- Look Ma, I'm banned! Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
ASTRONOMY UPDATE: Mars in General | |
Member # 798
written Sunday, September 7 2003 08:22
Can we please drop the booger subject it's very disgusting. Can we talk about something less disgusting but more gruesome like how Jimmy Hendrix chocked to death on his own vomit. -------------------- Look Ma, I'm banned! Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
The FCC in General | |
Member # 798
written Wednesday, July 30 2003 15:20
That makes no sense. -------------------- Look Ma, I'm banned! Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
The FCC in General | |
Member # 798
written Tuesday, July 29 2003 11:23
Can someone explain to me what the Federal Communication Commisions purpose is, without giving me a headache. -------------------- Look Ma, I'm banned! Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
United States Conflict Avatars (Cont.) in General | |
Member # 798
written Monday, July 28 2003 06:59
No I was talking about there height half a millenium ago. And The US is a tossed sald, just like Canda. Spainish is spoken just as common as English, in some parts, (Texas, NewMexico, Southern California) even more. Sure the races don't get along and they never will. But we are still a tossed salad. Why we have a strong influx of Latin Americans in The U.S. Sure the immigrants frome Latin America will never move up, and all there decendents will be at the bottom of the Social ladder because there not white. And Yes if you are white or Asian in the U.S you have better opitunities than Hispanics or African Americans. Who am I kidding, The U.S is a extreamly racist country. We could never gain racial Equality because we think Hispanics and African Americans are uncivilized. We are totally ignorant, maybe Canada is more liberaled, open minded, and much more smarter. I mean the only thing the U.S has going for it is a strong Military, which we use to bully small third world nations. We are nothing more than a big, uneducated bully. I order this topic to be blocked before someone gets offended. -------------------- Look Ma, I'm banned! Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
The FCC in General | |
Member # 798
written Monday, July 28 2003 06:34
I personally are against The FCC, and I am going to write a book called Wars with The FCC. But if you watch Modern day American Movies you will notice that Censorship has gone out the window. I mean if you watch a R rated movie there is all sorts of swearing and sex. So I think that Censorship has been replaced by the ratings code, and The FCC is merly a ratings systom. Which I am glade, because back in the 1950's people couldn't even sleep in the same bed on T.V. It was riduclusly funny, watch a old T.V show, the worse they say is Darn. However when the 1970's rolled around Censorship went out the window on T.V, and they crossed the boarder with censorship in movies in the 60's. I think what happend was with Vietnam, The war on Drugs and everything else people said,"Our world is not Idle, so why try to make it look that way on T.V and Movies". And the American Entertainment Industry was changed forever, even books where changed. There was a time when If a book had the f word in it it would not be published, because it didn't follow the rules of our society. My how times have changed. -------------------- Look Ma, I'm banned! Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
United States Conflict Avatars (Cont.) in General | |
Member # 798
written Sunday, July 27 2003 14:34
I think Britian is kool because they had a big Empire in the 19'th centory. And BTW, it is not proven that my Ancestors came frome Spain. But my Ancestors did come frome Italy, And I think Italy and Spain are kool because there Empires had sharp looking uniforms. And who was the wanna be Mafiosa who ran Italy. The Mafiosa thing is a steryotyp, and I hate when people think Italy is a Mafia Wonderland. Yes the LacosaNosa did run Sicily in the late 19'th centory to the early 20'th centory, but that was a long time ago. And The Familys who ran Sicily where not Wannabe Mafia, they where the real things. The Bloods,and The Crypts are wanna be Mafia.Anyway, no ofense Canda, you have a strong Econemy and everything, but your military is feeble. -------------------- Look Ma, I'm banned! Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
Looking for a shoulder to cry on... in General | |
Member # 798
written Sunday, July 27 2003 13:04
I offer my condolences IZZ. I know how it feels like. My grandfather on my mothers side died of a terrible death with cancer when I was six. My grandmother on my fathers side died of a terrible death with Radiation disease a few years ago. And my grandfather on my fathers side died suddenly of a stroke this past year. Plus my last great uncle on my mothers fathers side died of Cancer of the blood last week. And my father lost his leg before I was born on a construction Job. But I heard this old story, "One day a womans husband died. The woman went to the witchdoctor and said, My husband died, please give me a cure to bring him back to life. The witchdoctor said bring a herb frome a family who has not experienced death. The woman went to all the homes in the village, but everyone in that Village had experienced death at one point. The woman then realized everyone in the World has experienced death at one point and burried her husband." I know this is hard to hear but everyone has experienced death in there life, the only thing we can do is move on. As for Ed, he is a cold hearted bastard who sounds like he wants to be banned. -------------------- Look Ma, I'm banned! Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
Happy Fourth of July! in General | |
Member # 798
written Thursday, July 24 2003 17:46
Webster said Nordic Nations Style of Pirates. There are diffrent styles of Pirates. The pirates that stole at sea was one type. I have no Idea where they came frome. And the Pirates frome The Nordic nations who invaded and took peoples land was Nordic style Pirates. -------------------- Look Ma, I'm banned! Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
Iraqi aftermath in General | |
Member # 798
written Wednesday, July 23 2003 19:28
I personally do not think we should be in Iraq. I allso think The Iraqies are better off that Saddams sons are dead, but I don't think Iraq will be safe untile Saddame is killed. And I allso believe Binladden and Oma should be killed before the U.S pulls out of the MidEast. But I don't think the U.S will pull out of the MidEast Anytime soon, I have a feeling The War on Terrorism will take a good 20 years. Not to mention the thousands of Innocent lives that will get killed. But The War on Terrrorism is more like a obligation than a choice, so I guess none of us has a say in This war. Neither Liberald or Conservative -------------------- Look Ma, I'm banned! Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
United States Conflict Avatars (Cont.) in General | |
Member # 798
written Wednesday, July 23 2003 19:10
I did read your post, it was you rambling on about a bunch of **** no one cares about. -------------------- Look Ma, I'm banned! Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |