Profile for IT .
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Displayed name | IT . |
Member number | 6485 |
Title | Warrior |
Postcount | 60 |
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Registered | Friday, November 18 2005 08:00 |
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Author | Recent posts |
I Depend On Them All in The Avernum Trilogy | |
Member # 6485
written Friday, April 7 2006 16:28
quote:Well it is possable - - - - With charecter editer PS Old Scratch you never answered my questoin: are you from the ambrosia boards? -------------------- I love Spiderweb Software!! Who doesn't? My hints on making a new party. USE CHARECTER EDITER!! ---------------------------------- 10 million Cave giant chiefs + 1 million drake lords ageinst me = easy Posts: 60 | Registered: Friday, November 18 2005 08:00 |
A Great Series, And . . . in The Avernum Trilogy | |
Member # 6485
written Tuesday, April 4 2006 16:38
Old Scratch do you happen to be from the ambrosia boards? And it was just an experiment so if enough people say it's bad they'll probably switch it to the avernum engine -------------------- I love Spiderweb Software!! Who doesn't? My hints on making a new party. USE CHARECTER EDITER!! ---------------------------------- 10 million Cave giant chiefs + 1 million drake lords ageinst me = easy Posts: 60 | Registered: Friday, November 18 2005 08:00 |
Hi agien in General | |
Member # 6485
written Wednesday, March 29 2006 17:41
Hey guys been a while eh? Remember me? Well I've been gone lately on a new game forum. I expected to be gone a week but MAN time flies. Hows things going did anybody quit? -------------------- I love Spiderweb Software!! Who doesn't? My hints on making a new party. USE CHARECTER EDITER!! ---------------------------------- 10 million Cave giant chiefs + 1 million drake lords ageinst me = easy Posts: 60 | Registered: Friday, November 18 2005 08:00 |
What will come after Avernum4 for Windows? in General | |
Member # 6485
written Saturday, January 28 2006 18:10
IF Nethrogate 2 comes out I hope that it will have somthing other then Romans and Celts Hmmmmm MANGOLS AND CHINESE!!! :D -------------------- I love Spiderweb Software!! Who doesn't? My hints on making a new party. USE CHARECTER EDITER!! ---------------------------------- 10 million Cave giant chiefs + 1 million drake lords ageinst me = easy Posts: 60 | Registered: Friday, November 18 2005 08:00 |
Oops in General | |
Member # 6485
written Saturday, January 28 2006 17:57
Well Thuryl I didn't notice you gone but welcome back -------------------- I love Spiderweb Software!! Who doesn't? My hints on making a new party. USE CHARECTER EDITER!! ---------------------------------- 10 million Cave giant chiefs + 1 million drake lords ageinst me = easy Posts: 60 | Registered: Friday, November 18 2005 08:00 |
how do i get into the vahantai lands or what ever they are called in The Avernum Trilogy | |
Member # 6485
written Saturday, January 28 2006 17:46
I'd like to add on to Drakefyres' idea when your at black water go south to a boat row out go east until you get to a hut enter take everything go SE until you come to a narrow passageway enter keep going south until you get to a cave enter and bow to who do ya' call him so that you don't get the dreaded curse go west then south until you can't go south any more go east go north park your boat keep going north and expect a very un-welcoming army ;) and I think you can pick it up from there -------------------- I love Spiderweb Software!! Who doesn't? My hints on making a new party. USE CHARECTER EDITER!! ---------------------------------- 10 million Cave giant chiefs + 1 million drake lords ageinst me = easy Posts: 60 | Registered: Friday, November 18 2005 08:00 |
AV1: Demonslayer pieces (The tip?) in The Avernum Trilogy | |
Member # 6485
written Saturday, January 28 2006 17:28
Warning you only have one chance at getting the tip. so DON'T SCREW UP!!! It happened to me and I had to start over -------------------- I love Spiderweb Software!! Who doesn't? My hints on making a new party. USE CHARECTER EDITER!! ---------------------------------- 10 million Cave giant chiefs + 1 million drake lords ageinst me = easy Posts: 60 | Registered: Friday, November 18 2005 08:00 |
Favourite Avernum Game in The Avernum Trilogy | |
Member # 6485
written Saturday, January 28 2006 11:20
A3 Is Great better graphics harder enemies cool items Nightime (I only wish everybody would go to sleep at night Robbing time! }:-D ) -------------------- I love Spiderweb Software!! Who doesn't? My hints on making a new party. USE CHARECTER EDITER!! ---------------------------------- 10 million Cave giant chiefs + 1 million drake lords ageinst me = easy Posts: 60 | Registered: Friday, November 18 2005 08:00 |
Geneforge series in Geneforge Series | |
Member # 6485
written Friday, January 27 2006 16:39
I don't really like the idea of smashing all the Geneforge weboards together. How about you Poll Information This poll contains 1 question(s). 16 user(s) have voted. You may not view the results of this poll without voting. function launch_voter () { launch_window(";d=vote;pollid=WYaggedHGybz"); return true; } // end launch_voter function launch_viewer () { launch_window(";d=view;pollid=WYaggedHGybz"); return true; } // end launch_viewer function launch_window (url) { preview = url, "preview", "width=550,height=300,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status,menubar=no,scrollbars,resizable,copyhistory=no" ); window.preview.focus(); return preview; } // end launch_window ![]() ![]() -------------------- I love Spiderweb Software!! Who doesn't? My hints on making a new party. USE CHARECTER EDITER!! ---------------------------------- 10 million Cave giant chiefs + 1 million drake lords ageinst me = easy Posts: 60 | Registered: Friday, November 18 2005 08:00 |
Charge ion cannons. in General | |
Member # 6485
written Friday, January 27 2006 16:33
SWEET!! Real life Galactic Core!! Also known as: The Galactic Core age! :D -------------------- I love Spiderweb Software!! Who doesn't? My hints on making a new party. USE CHARECTER EDITER!! ---------------------------------- 10 million Cave giant chiefs + 1 million drake lords ageinst me = easy Posts: 60 | Registered: Friday, November 18 2005 08:00 |
Upgrade in the implants in Richard White Games | |
Member # 6485
written Friday, January 27 2006 16:25
I hope I don't sound stupid but what are implants :confused: -------------------- I love Spiderweb Software!! Who doesn't? My hints on making a new party. USE CHARECTER EDITER!! ---------------------------------- 10 million Cave giant chiefs + 1 million drake lords ageinst me = easy Posts: 60 | Registered: Friday, November 18 2005 08:00 |
Nephil the Frail? in The Avernum Trilogy | |
Member # 6485
written Friday, January 27 2006 16:14
Well I was wondering if Nephils were "Frailer" Then Humans or Sliths. Because every time My nephil got killed he would turn to dust even by swords. Is this true? -------------------- I love Spiderweb Software!! Who doesn't? My hints on making a new party. USE CHARECTER EDITER!! ---------------------------------- 10 million Cave giant chiefs + 1 million drake lords ageinst me = easy Posts: 60 | Registered: Friday, November 18 2005 08:00 |
A1: Priest Spells in The Avernum Trilogy | |
Member # 6485
written Friday, January 27 2006 16:07
SPOILER Use charecter editer :P (go to see statics-Spells Click on the spell untill three (3) coin thingies appear -------------------- I love Spiderweb Software!! Who doesn't? My hints on making a new party. USE CHARECTER EDITER!! ---------------------------------- 10 million Cave giant chiefs + 1 million drake lords ageinst me = easy Posts: 60 | Registered: Friday, November 18 2005 08:00 |
xian stuff in The Avernum Trilogy | |
Member # 6485
written Friday, January 27 2006 16:02
Well This is my opinoin but the only usefull Xian item is the coins and ale :D The dumb ones are the stuff you can wear including the pouch The fun ones are the shrub Tome and skull :D I think thats all of them Also what does the Xian Platemail Do? -------------------- I love Spiderweb Software!! Who doesn't? My hints on making a new party. USE CHARECTER EDITER!! ---------------------------------- 10 million Cave giant chiefs + 1 million drake lords ageinst me = easy Posts: 60 | Registered: Friday, November 18 2005 08:00 |
The best items in A3 in The Avernum Trilogy | |
Member # 6485
written Tuesday, December 27 2005 07:25
499 pachters plate mail :cool: 426 ring of endless magery 430 wyrm slayer sword (have draky update this spelled sword gsword) 419 xian ale 415 xian coins 463-464 ale and wine just for fun 484 beastslayer 313-319, 322-325 mind crystales 320 thirsting blade -------------------- I love Spiderweb Software!! Who doesn't? My hints on making a new party. USE CHARECTER EDITER!! ---------------------------------- 10 million Cave giant chiefs + 1 million drake lords ageinst me = easy Posts: 60 | Registered: Friday, November 18 2005 08:00 |
grumble... mutter... freaking bugs! DIE! in General | |
Member # 6485
written Tuesday, December 27 2005 05:40
I hate bugs so much I almost destroyed my computer Have you ever seen a misquto half a inch long that you swated it and it crunched really happend to me -------------------- I love Spiderweb Software!! Who doesn't? My hints on making a new party. USE CHARECTER EDITER!! ---------------------------------- 10 million Cave giant chiefs + 1 million drake lords ageinst me = easy Posts: 60 | Registered: Friday, November 18 2005 08:00 |
Item list + charecter editer in Geneforge Series | |
Member # 6485
written Tuesday, December 27 2005 05:28
I looked on the item list to find that there were artilary (the acid spewing slugs) eyes and the like what do they do? 423 also which editor is for mac? do they work? -------------------- I love Spiderweb Software!! Who doesn't? My hints on making a new party. USE CHARECTER EDITER!! ---------------------------------- 10 million Cave giant chiefs + 1 million drake lords ageinst me = easy Posts: 60 | Registered: Friday, November 18 2005 08:00 |
training and creation question in Geneforge Series | |
Member # 6485
written Thursday, December 22 2005 14:15
Probably YES considering your on tormant but on easy waste of essence -------------------- I love Spiderweb Software!! Who doesn't? My hints on making a new party. USE CHARECTER EDITER!! ---------------------------------- 10 million Cave giant chiefs + 1 million drake lords ageinst me = easy Posts: 60 | Registered: Friday, November 18 2005 08:00 |
Creatures (gulp) rogue in Geneforge Series | |
Member # 6485
written Thursday, December 22 2005 14:12
could you get a scrreen shot? -------------------- I love Spiderweb Software!! Who doesn't? My hints on making a new party. USE CHARECTER EDITER!! ---------------------------------- 10 million Cave giant chiefs + 1 million drake lords ageinst me = easy Posts: 60 | Registered: Friday, November 18 2005 08:00 |
Slightly Belated Celebratory Topic in General | |
Member # 6485
written Thursday, December 22 2005 13:56
:( Were is it? it's just blank here :mad: -------------------- I love Spiderweb Software!! Who doesn't? My hints on making a new party. USE CHARECTER EDITER!! ---------------------------------- 10 million Cave giant chiefs + 1 million drake lords ageinst me = easy Posts: 60 | Registered: Friday, November 18 2005 08:00 |
The End is near... in General | |
Member # 6485
written Thursday, December 22 2005 13:41
quote:yes it's true but all religons are good as long as they don't kill other people right? -------------------- I love Spiderweb Software!! Who doesn't? My hints on making a new party. USE CHARECTER EDITER!! ---------------------------------- 10 million Cave giant chiefs + 1 million drake lords ageinst me = easy Posts: 60 | Registered: Friday, November 18 2005 08:00 |
hey there will be nethergate2? in Nethergate | |
Member # 6485
written Thursday, December 22 2005 12:54
What is it and personaly i like Nethrogate better then Avernum because the enemies are tougher and because they keep the yellow goblin graphics :D -------------------- I love Spiderweb Software!! Who doesn't? My hints on making a new party. USE CHARECTER EDITER!! ---------------------------------- 10 million Cave giant chiefs + 1 million drake lords ageinst me = easy Posts: 60 | Registered: Friday, November 18 2005 08:00 |
Creatures (gulp) rogue in Geneforge Series | |
Member # 6485
written Thursday, December 22 2005 12:42
Can my creatures go rouge? I've had a speech bubble apear on my creatures but "peace button" returnes them to normal [ Friday, December 23, 2005 10:08: Message edited by: Kelandon ] -------------------- I love Spiderweb Software!! Who doesn't? My hints on making a new party. USE CHARECTER EDITER!! ---------------------------------- 10 million Cave giant chiefs + 1 million drake lords ageinst me = easy Posts: 60 | Registered: Friday, November 18 2005 08:00 |
Haakai in The Avernum Trilogy | |
Member # 6485
written Thursday, December 22 2005 12:31
I agree Haakis are hard enough for weak NPC's also you need Repel spirit L3 in order to damage Demons and haakies :P quote:I'm pretty shur there demons that know preist spells Liches know top 3 preist spells and there an undead wizard -------------------- I love Spiderweb Software!! Who doesn't? My hints on making a new party. USE CHARECTER EDITER!! ---------------------------------- 10 million Cave giant chiefs + 1 million drake lords ageinst me = easy Posts: 60 | Registered: Friday, November 18 2005 08:00 |
Av2: Suicidal Mage in The Avernum Trilogy | |
Member # 6485
written Thursday, December 22 2005 12:22
I'm to lazy to read all this so I'll just answer your qustions 1 I believe you find it from athron I'm not 100% shure 2 liches 3 ice drakes 4 see a walk through I don't want to spoil it ;) PS have you been to the Easter egg -------------------- I love Spiderweb Software!! Who doesn't? My hints on making a new party. USE CHARECTER EDITER!! ---------------------------------- 10 million Cave giant chiefs + 1 million drake lords ageinst me = easy Posts: 60 | Registered: Friday, November 18 2005 08:00 |