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Displayed name | Synergy |
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Registered | Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
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Avernum:4 vs Blades Of Avernum which is the best? in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 6292
written Wednesday, January 4 2006 07:46
It bothers me that English really seems to be dumbing down due to "popular" useage. We are losing the meanings of more and more once perfectly useful words. Take for example the similar sorts of words, "fantastic", "wonderful", "awesome", "terrific". Fantastic once implied a fantastical/fantasy element to a thing. Wonderful once implied a sense of wonder. Awesome was spoken only of things which truly inspired awe. Terrific once spoke of things that induced terror. Now, through popular, sloppy, dumbed down useage, they all mean the exact same insipid, vague thing "great/cool". What word do I use now when I want to describe something that is truly awesome? What adjective do I use to discuss something that is laden with fantasy elements so as to make it unbelievable? So, popular useage argument alone doesn't convince me we're making a step in a wise or ueful direction with meaning, semantics, or grammar. English was once much more precise than it is now, and that bothers me, if for no other reason than it makes for sloppier communication and greater possibility of miscommunication—probably the number one cause of conflict in the world in general. It's me/It's I...I only pointed this out as a curiosity, since "It's I" sounds dreadfully awkward now, though still technically is the originally correct form, whatever it has become now. The Russians use it that way. The French don't. One could argue who is more correct, I suppose. If we dig a little deeper, I we will find that better is still technically to be used to compare two things, whereas best is a superlative which requires three or more comparisions. I learned this in no uncertain terms in college English, for whatever that is worth. Again, common useage with ignorance or disregard to this original rule has rendered it almost non-existent in everyday use. If this difference between better and best never existed, why do we have the two words instead of just one or the other in the first place. They are otherwise indistinguishable in meaning. -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Where is the key ? in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 6292
written Wednesday, January 4 2006 06:35
quote:Heh, some of us might find this "misspelling" amusingly appropriate under the circumstances. Mimi the Mercenary has a nice ring to it, do you think? [ Wednesday, January 04, 2006 06:36: Message edited by: Synergy ] -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Avernum:4 vs Blades Of Avernum which is the best? in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 6292
written Wednesday, January 4 2006 06:30
quote:For anyone who wishes to improve English skills, here is an example of one very common error many make: using the superlative "best" when comparing only two things. In this case, the question would be, "Which is better?" "Which is best" would apply to three or more choices. Probably the most common grammar mistake in English is saying, "It's me." While, common misuse has made the correct form, "It is I" sound wrong, it is correct. Just like you would say, "I am it" and not "Me is it", which shows why this is the case just a bit better. This has been uninvited grammar police interjection number 27b. We now return you to your regularly-scheduled deprogramming. -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
To keep or not to keep. in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 6292
written Wednesday, January 4 2006 06:23
Some items I can remembere which fulfill quests: Tongs, Pliers, Hammer, Fine Steel, 3 Fine Leather, 3 Curing Elixirs, Graymold, Shackles, Mortar & Pestle, Towel, two Vahnatai Cloaks, one Fine Waveblade, 20 bags of meal, 20 bottles of wine, 4 bottles of Gremlin wine. If you want to set aside about 2 each emeralds, rubies, and gold, just in case you want to make one or two items later in the game with them, it would be sufficient. I start setting this stuff aside from the beginning of a game at this point, especially the meal, which I can have 20 of from the Fort Monastery/Grindstone area alone. If you stick things by the pylon in any city, it will be easy to get to later. -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Nephilim Mystery BUG in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 6292
written Tuesday, January 3 2006 18:32
A right tarty lass, this one. Maybe someone should let the bee out of her bonnet. -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Nephil sighting in General | |
Member # 6292
written Tuesday, January 3 2006 18:11
Here is all the Bible has to say about Nephilim, and there's nothing about angels here. Humans are the only beings ever called sons of God. Anything else is conjecture or superstition. Mostly, these Nephilim were just big, evidently. Genesis 3:3 ¶ Then the LORD said, "My spirit shall not abide in man for ever, for he is flesh, but his days shall be a hundred and twenty years." 4 ¶ The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown. Numbers 13:32 So they brought to the people of Israel an evil report of the land which they had spied out, saying, "The land, through which we have gone, to spy it out, is a land that devours its inhabitants; and all the people that we saw in it are men of great stature. 33 And there we saw the Nephilim (the sons of Anak, who come from the Nephilim); and we seemed to ourselves like grasshoppers, and so we seemed to them." -------------------- A4 Items List A4 Singleton G4 Items List G4 Forging List G4 Insidious Infiltrator NR Items List Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Singleton party in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 6292
written Monday, January 2 2006 16:08
Well, I'm not saying I am disappointed with my game. It's been a lot of fun, gratifying, and remarkably successful. There is something really appealing to me about only operating one character at all times. What has been disappointing are the details I have forgotten before I got there...barrier locations, and the fact that Dispel Barrier comes from a spellbook, and not teaching by Kelner. Those have been two big Oops in my game, to no ill effect, but to my annoyance. I would strategize my PC construct differently knowing what I know now. Thing is, I'm not sure what that is now, because of the need for Arcane Lore and Mage Spells high enough to get Dispel Barrier. I'd have to rethink this now. -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
How do I counter a Fear spell? in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 6292
written Monday, January 2 2006 16:00
Hamar? Really? I was thinking I had seen Unshackle Mind earlier, but wrote down my info for Hamar wrong. Good catch, Vlish. -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Singleton party in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 6292
written Monday, January 2 2006 15:58
Well, my singleton game is rapidly drawing to a close now. I am down to the final confrontation, or I should say series of confrontations in the north Remote Lands. Lack of Dispel Barrier is a serious bummer. Slarty or others trying singletons, make note: If you want to use Craftmaster Strine to get Knowledge Brews or get into the upper part of Erika's ruin or raid the Castle treasury or enter any other of a couple dozen barrier-guarded locations, you're going to have to get Dispel Barrier. The path under the river to Strine is blocked by a half dozen barriers which do not respond to Piercing Crystals. Basically, once you leave the Eastern Gallery, about the only thing that a Piercing Crystal will break is the barriers to the test sites. Otherwise, they are worthless. I'm really really bummed not being able to pay a little visit to Strine. I have a LOT of wasted herbs. I think I could have made about 15 Knowledge brews. That would have been good for some Dex and Strength I wish I had right now. I'm pretty much stuck with what I have at this point for the rest of the game, unless I earn one more level on my way into the ruin. I'll give one more report and some conclusions when I finish. Color me Highly Disappointed just now. Being singleton has been wonderful in many regards, and kind of a drag missing out on spellbooks, caches, and everything behind barriers on the other hand. -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Testing chambers *spoilers* in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 6292
written Monday, January 2 2006 15:42
The third test is in the NW corner of the chitrach tunnels under the Eastern Gallery. Be sure to bring your Piercing Crystal. If you're playing the demo, two tests is all you get. -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
How do I counter a Fear spell? in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 6292
written Monday, January 2 2006 15:39
Unshackle Mind can be learned at Fort Dranlon—beyond the registration barrier for the demo. -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Postaroni, Pizzabella! in General | |
Member # 6292
written Monday, January 2 2006 15:30
Sycophanticidal would be good custom name for Diki, assuming he sticks around long enough to earn one. -------------------- A4 Items List A4 Singleton G4 Items List G4 Forging List G4 Insidious Infiltrator NR Items List Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Testing chambers *spoilers* in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 6292
written Monday, January 2 2006 11:24
Wait, how many tests have you done...five or six? You must have done all six. The Abyss test is the sixth and last one in the game. You did the fifth test in the ruins NE of Fort Remote in between, I take it, in order to get into the Abyss test room. Kind of leaves you wanting even more, huh? -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Dynamic Duo. in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 6292
written Monday, January 2 2006 11:16
Are you going to make your mage a full mage? The combined model I was considering would stop mageliness at around level 9 at Dispel Barrier. It's really hard to imagine doing well in this game on Torment without one tankish PC in the party. You know how much you get swarmed at times. I guess with NM, you can give both some decent armor if you want though. Let's have regular reports and hear how it goes, eh? ADD: One is really nice because there is no micromanagement of two PC's and one can fit in anywhere, often out of sight, and steal a lot very easily. Two is nice because you can utilize more of the plethora of cool items to good effect. I have the Shockwave Bow, but never use it because I am having too much fun aciding with the Decay Bow or reaping the benefits of the newly-acquired Eliavri Bow. [ Monday, January 02, 2006 11:21: Message edited by: Synergy ] -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Postaroni, Pizzabella! in General | |
Member # 6292
written Monday, January 2 2006 11:11
What I am always trying to figure out is what inspires each custom title. Why was Kel "White Rabbit", for instance...a love of surrealist literature? Always late for an important date? Which reminds me—why is Aran a "Very Important Date"? Meanwhile, does Kel really like "Frolicking In Postland" any better? White Rabbit had more dignity and mystique, if you ask me. Not that any of this is keeping me awake at night, but it all gets curiouser and curiouser as I get more thinkier and thinkier. -------------------- A4 Items List A4 Singleton G4 Items List G4 Forging List G4 Insidious Infiltrator NR Items List Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Dynamic Duo. in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 6292
written Monday, January 2 2006 10:58
Sounds like fun DeVlish one. Why not make one neph a Mage/Priest with Tool Use (concentrate all that overlap ability like Intelligence, Magery, Unlock Doors ability in one PC with DT/Pure Spirit) and make the other your unstoppable tank...DT/EW with awesome offensive/defensive ability including the free bows? Spread the Lore around or give more to the fighter. Just a thought, and I might be tempted to try it too, unless I do another singleton run. I had started a duo kind of like I described above, but went back to the singleton game. -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Singleton party in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 6292
written Monday, January 2 2006 10:47
quote:Steel Skin is a priest spell I picked up on my way up to Divine Retribution, and is used before any significant confrontation. I cast Enduring Armor the moment I set foot outside any town. I haven't really had any problem not having Prismatic Shield. I have been charmed or terrified in about three or four battles during this singleton game, with no dire results in any situation. Well, my first attempt on Kolokh before I got a strategy down was lethal once he terrified me and laid waste to me while I was dumbly running into the wall instead of wisely out of the room. And the ghosts in the Giant Lands scared my nephil for a few turns, but you'd be scared too if you saw a roomful of ghosts. I think a good mix of dodginess and resistances works well, but it could be fun to focus strongly on just one or the other and see how it works. The game does seem to reward balance quite well, rather than extremes. I predict I will finish this game soon with little serious difficulty. I am thinking another run as a singleton on Tricky or Torment with a Priest/Melee nephil with some Nature Lore, but little to no Tool Use and no Arcane Lore. -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Singleton party in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 6292
written Monday, January 2 2006 06:04
Here is an update on my singleton venture. I am at Level 40, just shy of 41. I’ve cleaned out the Great Cave entirely, except I just remembered I forgot to pay a little visit to the savage slith lands from the tunnel near the Castle, so I’m heading back now. The shades are destroyed, and none required more than 2-3 attempts. For one I used Invulnerability potions (the one in Blosk was particularly pesky), but the others succumbed readily to my tank magician. The Bow of Decay and Oozing Blade in combination are proving a deadly duo of weaponry on the offense. I get to acid and poison many of my foes and the acid is especially brutal after 2-4 hits from my bow. On foes who riposte or otherwise damage me back on strikes, I just acid bowstrike them at close range instead. A strategy I am using often is getting up next to foes to keep them from using spells or archery, but still using the acid bow along with the poisoned sword. I got Captain Call in Silvar to train me in Blademaster and Parry after killing the shades. I’d already gotten Quick Strike much ealier (in Almaria I think), as money is not a problem. I have 10,000 left over at the moment. I had over 20, 000 not long ago. I made it to the Basalt Fortress and survived the final confrontation there—it took two attempts, and I was only able to save one of my friendly assistants out of the four I started with (I have no Mass Healing, though, come to think of it, I have the money...I should go get it to Mass Heal friendly helpers hereafter.) I patiently destroyed seven pylons to carve a clear and easy path in, then mopped up everything on the way out and on a couple return visits (I can only carry so much as a singleton, alas). I liberated the Spire in a lightning ninja assault run, which was great fun. Killing the final foe took a while, but was not diffficult. I hightailed it after that right up to Bargha where I could finally buy two levels of Divine Retribution. Yay! I put it immediately to good use on some Spire rebel scum, and it clocked in at 136 HP against an archer. Not too shabby. I also have gotten 110 HP out of my Oozing blade against an archer, unbelievably, though normally, I’m getting 20’s-80’s from the blade, depending on defenses of foes. In my previous two complete games with parties of four, I was getting 20’s-40’s out of melee strikes typically. Perhaps the 22 Blademaster I have now is helping, you think? I got some lovely Answering Gauntlets made for me in Bargha (the first thing I’ve had made for myself in a long long time in this game.) The riposte and parry bonuses from those gloves are making a very noticeable difference. It is very gratifying to watch a warrior bounce 45 HP of damage back onto himself. I have finished all of the Testing site battles now with little trouble with any of them. Anything with freezing power like basilisks, (except pylons) have no effect on me. I just run up and acid/poison them to death at my leisure. One of the Spire Arena foes cast Terror on me and I ran off for a bit, but that is the first mind control experience I’ve suffered in quite some time. I am not using bonus AP gear, but have opted for my most tanklike defenses since my defenses aren’t quite as good as I would like stat-wise. I am just starting to add more Dexterity now and will add Gymnastics when I get it trainable. I am done with Priest spells FINALLY (at 15 for DR). I have 10 Bows and 13 Sharpshooter, 4 Quick Strike, 12 Parry (!), 3 Anatomy, 8 Gymnastics, 3 Riposte, 5 Lethal Blow, 14 Magery, 2 Resistance. Most of these are from natural bonuses, gear bonuses, and two levels trained where possible. I am not trainable in any of these (excluding Bows) yet. I have 223 HP when augmented and 175 SP, still with only 4 Intelligence. Magery is making my spells very potent now. I haven’t touched Spellcraft except for the two levels I could buy. My Strength is only 7, barely enough to carry the minimal gear, potions, and alternate weapons I like to have along. Every single battle or challenge I have been worried about has proven surprisingly manageable. My toughest battle so far has been the east demon under Patrick’s Tower, because of his four pylons. That was hard work and took 3-4 attempts to manhandle. I agree a Divinely Touched nephil with Pure Spirit would probably make the most potent and affordable combination, though my nephil here with DT and Elite Warrior is doing mighty fine, having great melee and Bow ability for his EW status. He can walk in just about anywhere tanklike and hack away, keeping magic for healing, shielding, hasting, and the occasional Daze, Icy Rain, Divine Fire, and now...Divine Retribution!!! DR is a priest’s best friend, and easily the most gratifying spell to employ in the whole game. My luck is only at five, since I’m not using the Clover Boots anymore. The defensive/resistant properties of the accidentally over-factored Gazerskin Sandals are too good to pass up. I have 108% armor, and 79-94% in everything else except Mental, which is a paltry 27%. My mage spells stopped at 9, but could have stopped at 8 (just enough for Lightning Spray was all I needed, and even that could be foregone probably, considering it is not a true area spell). If one chose to forego LS and maybe even Augmentation (which is really not necessary often at all and can be done with potions as Slarty suggests), then the Warrior Priest could add just enough Mage spells to get Unlock Doors, which is, what...only 6 in Mage Spells. My verdict is still out on whether or not Arcane Lore is necessary. I am doing quite nicely with only level 2 spells in everything. If one chose to forego thieving abilities and AL, then one could either get some decent Nature Lore to help ward off pesky critters and uncover more herbs and loot in caches. This is what I miss most, being able to open caches, well, that and dispelling barriers. If one chose to forego AL, TU, and NL, then one could have a mightily defensive, dodgy fighter and priest. I think any one of these variations would work. Mine is far from optimal, and is still kicking butt nonetheless. NEXT: teach the uppity sliths a lesson or two, then carve a beeline to Craftmaster Strine and see how many Knowledge Brews I can chug. [ Monday, January 02, 2006 07:25: Message edited by: Synergy ] -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Kolokh on Torment (spoilers) in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 6292
written Monday, January 2 2006 05:27
If you go check out the Singleton thread, I elaborated in there how I recently beat Kolokh with surprisingly little difficulty, and using no Invulnerability Potions, with my singleton. It was as simple as darting (hasted) from the doorway into his line of sight, dousing him with acid, darting back out of sight many times, then bombing him with some Repel Spirit. Timber! [ Monday, January 02, 2006 06:17: Message edited by: Synergy ] -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Reptile Island (spoilers) in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 6292
written Monday, January 2 2006 05:24
Trinity, you're right, there are two quests for the island route. One you get in Silvar, and one you get in Cotra. I can't remember more specifically than that, but I know at least one request comes from a female, and one of them is from the boatmaker in Silvar...I think. -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Fort Remote (SPOILERS!) in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 6292
written Monday, January 2 2006 03:45
The second Crystal Key is in the basalt fortress, so that one's not so helpful for getting TO the fortress any easier. -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
The Enduring Priest-Tank in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 6292
written Monday, January 2 2006 03:36
Care to give a breakdown of how you allocated your original skill points and what you've been pumping up so far? -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Testing chambers *spoilers* in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 6292
written Monday, January 2 2006 03:31
Not a bad place to try a Madness Scroll while you're at it too. Those can be fun to whip out at the right party. I think Daze was very useful for my singleton, who recently got through this fourth test on his first try no problem. With Daze, which Ephesos taught me to love, he could kill one worm at a time while the others were frozen. Have the golems pounding on your most bullet-proof PC in the meantime. -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Kolokh on Torment (spoilers) in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 6292
written Monday, January 2 2006 03:27
Kolokh doesn't ever move, he's so conceited. You don't have to walk out the door or close it to escape his attacks. Just get your PC's out of his line of sight, and the worst he will do is summon something up in the meantime...or do nothing at all. -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Giscard in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 6292
written Monday, January 2 2006 03:20
I've been paying attention in my current game, and there is a lot of Gremlin Wine to be had, scattered throughout the land. I've probably seen at least ten bottles this game so far. Wine sellers often have a bottle or two. The guy west of Fort Samuels has some, for instance, and enemy lairs sometimes have one lying around. Anyone should be able to come up with four bottles eventually even if they are starting with none when they get the Giscard quest. -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |