Profile for Archmage Alex

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cehck tihs out in General
Skip to My Lou
Member # 40
Profile Homepage #30
He he, after I posted it I thought, "wait a second, did I already post this here once?" In my defense, it is still very interesting and was new to some people. :D

I see once again my mistake of thinking it is possible to post someting interesting and have it taken as a passing amusement rather than having it analyzed to death and back again. Some of you people take things way too seriously. :P

Take the Personality Test! INTJ 100% 75% 100% 44%
Huzzah for the Masterminds! for personality information.
The Sloganizer! "Swing your Archmage Alex."
Deep down, you wish you were a stick figure.
Posts: 1629 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Don't click here! in General
Skip to My Lou
Member # 40
Profile Homepage #16
Shock and amazement! When was the last time we had so many new members at once? And many of them actually staying for more than 3 posts?

Take the Personality Test! INTJ 100% 75% 100% 44%
Huzzah for the Masterminds! for personality information.
The Sloganizer! "Swing your Archmage Alex."
Deep down, you wish you were a stick figure.
Posts: 1629 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Avatars in General
Skip to My Lou
Member # 40
Profile Homepage #0
Why did we get rid of avatars again? The space they took up?

I still picture a lot of the oldbies by their Ikonboard avatars.

Take the Personality Test! INTJ 100% 75% 100% 44%
Huzzah for the Masterminds! for personality information.
The Sloganizer! "Swing your Archmage Alex."
Deep down, you wish you were a stick figure.
Posts: 1629 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
A very important date, and some statistics. in General
Skip to My Lou
Member # 40
Profile Homepage #29
You certainly find a lot of things really funny.

I can't recall when the anniversary is besides that it is in March, which you already knew.

Take the Personality Test! INTJ 100% 75% 100% 44%
Huzzah for the Masterminds! for personality information.
The Sloganizer! "Swing your Archmage Alex."
Deep down, you wish you were a stick figure.
Posts: 1629 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
cehck tihs out in General
Skip to My Lou
Member # 40
Profile Homepage #0
Acocdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are: the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

[ Thursday, March 10, 2005 07:53: Message edited by: Archmage Alex ]

Take the Personality Test! INTJ 100% 75% 100% 44%
Huzzah for the Masterminds! for personality information.
The Sloganizer! "Swing your Archmage Alex."
Deep down, you wish you were a stick figure.
Posts: 1629 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
4543 in General
Skip to My Lou
Member # 40
Profile Homepage #37
From my experience with these boards, it is likely that there is no further point.

As I said, the point is to have no point. Then you can mock people who guess a point. Even if there are exceptions, such as this thread, which does have the possibility of another point, pointlessness is a primary intent if not the primary intent.

Isn't it amusing? :)

Take the Personality Test! INTJ 100% 75% 100% 44%
Huzzah for the Masterminds! for personality information.
The Sloganizer! "Swing your Archmage Alex."
Deep down, you wish you were a stick figure.
Posts: 1629 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
That Sort of Thing in General
Skip to My Lou
Member # 40
Profile Homepage #48
For some reason the way you type makes me think you talk really, really fast.

Take the Personality Test! INTJ 100% 75% 100% 44%
Huzzah for the Masterminds! for personality information.
The Sloganizer! "Swing your Archmage Alex."
Deep down, you wish you were a stick figure.
Posts: 1629 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Your Thoughts .... in General
Skip to My Lou
Member # 40
Profile Homepage #33
Hooray for teetotalers! :D

[ Wednesday, March 09, 2005 09:48: Message edited by: Archmage Alex ]

Take the Personality Test! INTJ 100% 75% 100% 44%
Huzzah for the Masterminds! for personality information.
The Sloganizer! "Swing your Archmage Alex."
Deep down, you wish you were a stick figure.
Posts: 1629 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Hey Alorael in General
Skip to My Lou
Member # 40
Profile Homepage #31
I claim spontaneous generation.

Take the Personality Test! INTJ 100% 75% 100% 44%
Huzzah for the Masterminds! for personality information.
The Sloganizer! "Swing your Archmage Alex."
Deep down, you wish you were a stick figure.
Posts: 1629 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
That Sort of Thing in General
Skip to My Lou
Member # 40
Profile Homepage #35
I suggest decaf.

Take the Personality Test! INTJ 100% 75% 100% 44%
Huzzah for the Masterminds! for personality information.
The Sloganizer! "Swing your Archmage Alex."
Deep down, you wish you were a stick figure.
Posts: 1629 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Hey Alorael in General
Skip to My Lou
Member # 40
Profile Homepage #23
Four and three-quarters at last count.

Take the Personality Test! INTJ 100% 75% 100% 44%
Huzzah for the Masterminds! for personality information.
The Sloganizer! "Swing your Archmage Alex."
Deep down, you wish you were a stick figure.
Posts: 1629 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
4543 in General
Skip to My Lou
Member # 40
Profile Homepage #15
I'd explain, but I enjoy the fun more than I do not enjoy it.

Take the Personality Test! INTJ 100% 75% 100% 44%
Huzzah for the Masterminds! for personality information.
The Sloganizer! "Swing your Archmage Alex."
Deep down, you wish you were a stick figure.
Posts: 1629 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Just a random question in General
Skip to My Lou
Member # 40
Profile Homepage #20
Maybe if Drakey's in the mood we can get him to give you Gostmaster Peneral.

Take the Personality Test! INTJ 100% 75% 100% 44%
Huzzah for the Masterminds! for personality information.
The Sloganizer! "Swing your Archmage Alex."
Deep down, you wish you were a stick figure.
Posts: 1629 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
4543 in General
Skip to My Lou
Member # 40
Profile Homepage #12
Of course that was the reason! Can you not see how the statement has restored Universal Harmony?! Or something like that. I sometimes wonder if I am the only one that is able to see that the lack of a point can be a point.

Take the Personality Test! INTJ 100% 75% 100% 44%
Huzzah for the Masterminds! for personality information.
The Sloganizer! "Swing your Archmage Alex."
Deep down, you wish you were a stick figure.
Posts: 1629 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Oh... in General
Skip to My Lou
Member # 40
Profile Homepage #5
Originally written by Fire Shards:

As they say, "Leave your sanity at the door."
Where is this door? Perhaps I will finally be able to locate where I placed my sanity.

Take the Personality Test! INTJ 100% 75% 100% 44%
Huzzah for the Masterminds! for personality information.
The Sloganizer! "Swing your Archmage Alex."
Deep down, you wish you were a stick figure.
Posts: 1629 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Hey Alorael in General
Skip to My Lou
Member # 40
Profile Homepage #17
A healthy argument could be made that we really could have done without the above thread. :rolleyes:

Take the Personality Test! INTJ 100% 75% 100% 44%
Huzzah for the Masterminds! for personality information.
The Sloganizer! "Swing your Archmage Alex."
Deep down, you wish you were a stick figure.
Posts: 1629 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
That Sort of Thing in General
Skip to My Lou
Member # 40
Profile Homepage #19
A woodchuck would chuck as much as he could if a woodchuck could chuck wood. Or so I'm told.

What is a woodchuck anyway? And how exactly does one "chuck" wood?

I wish I were in charge of custom titles.

[ Monday, March 07, 2005 13:27: Message edited by: Archmage Alex ]

Take the Personality Test! INTJ 100% 75% 100% 44%
Huzzah for the Masterminds! for personality information.
The Sloganizer! "Swing your Archmage Alex."
Deep down, you wish you were a stick figure.
Posts: 1629 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Pervasive Duality in General
Skip to My Lou
Member # 40
Profile Homepage #1
I see a staircase.

Take the Personality Test! INTJ 100% 75% 100% 44%
Huzzah for the Masterminds! for personality information.
The Sloganizer! "Swing your Archmage Alex."
Deep down, you wish you were a stick figure.
Posts: 1629 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
First Aid skill: anything good about it? in Blades of Avernum
Skip to My Lou
Member # 40
Profile Homepage #12
Originally written by Solomon Strokes:

...characters with 4 First Aid skill would gain 20 HP every 5 turns.
I really like that idea. In Exile I always gave my characters the Recuperation ability. Having something besides elusive and not so amazing rings of great health to up your HP recovery speed would be nice.

Take the Personality Test!
Deep down, you wish you were a stick figure.
Posts: 1629 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Illegal distribution on the BoAC in Blades of Avernum
Skip to My Lou
Member # 40
Profile Homepage #86
Just because I find irony so delicious, I must comment that I like how Overwhelming claims to do things for the good of the BoA community when such a significant portion of the BoA community is telling him exactly what they feel. The irony is overwhelming.

Take the Personality Test!
Deep down, you wish you were a stick figure.
Posts: 1629 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Avernum 4 wish list. in General
Skip to My Lou
Member # 40
Profile Homepage #9
The thing is, we don't want him to just replace the two spells people like the least with two new spells and make minor modifications to 2 others. That is what happened in A1-2-3-BoA.

We want the total number of spells doubled (at least) with the number and variety being closer to that of the exiles.

SUPER-IMPORTANT-MUST-HAVE: Unlock doors actually unlocks doors! If this is the only change to spells that we get, it would still be a very good one.

[ Thursday, December 30, 2004 07:18: Message edited by: Archmage Alex ]

Take the Personality Test! INTJ 100% 75% 100% 44%
Huzzah for the Masterminds! for personality information.
The Sloganizer! "Swing your Archmage Alex."
Deep down, you wish you were a stick figure.
Posts: 1629 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Speculating about Avernum 4's plot in General
Skip to My Lou
Member # 40
Profile Homepage #31
I loved the variety and number of spells in E3/BoE! I was greaty saddened by the way Jeff cut it down from 124 spells to 40. Sure, there were few, like Symbiosis, that were mostly useless and only cast once or twice for the novelty, but more spells is better!

A vast selection of spells kept combat more interesting. It made opportunity for more varied tactics. Area of effect spells were great! I also really miss being able to make magic barriers, summon demons, see the map of the whole area, poison your weapon, create clouds of ice/fire/shock/sleep/cursing, identify your items, create webs, actually unlock doors with your unlock doors spell (curse BoA!!!), make your party resistant to magic, stealth, kill, paralysis, antimagic cloud, flight, mindduel, death arrows, quickfire, shockwave, manna, wound, disease, holy scourge, detect life, remove curse, sticks to snakes, martyr's shield, revive, guardian, mass charm, protective circle, word of recall, divine thud.

I would rather have 300 spells with only 1/2 of them being practical/useful than 40 spells with 7/8 being practical/useful.

[ Tuesday, December 28, 2004 09:38: Message edited by: Archmage Alex ]

Take the Personality Test! INTJ 100% 75% 100% 44%
Huzzah for the Masterminds! for personality information.
The Sloganizer! "Swing your Archmage Alex."
Deep down, you wish you were a stick figure.
Posts: 1629 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Anyone with insane relatives? in General
Skip to My Lou
Member # 40
Profile Homepage #7
My older sister has a chemical imbalance. She takes medication for it, but with only limited success. She is unable to see that she has a problem. Fortuanately, she doesn't tend to be violent, however, she is frequently irrational and has trouble following paths of logic.

For example, earlier today she had my dad drive her to work. She owns her own car, is fully capable of driving, and it is extemely inconvenient for my dad to drop her off and now my mom and I have to drop her car off to her so she can get home. Reasoning doesn't work, logic has no effect. She canstantly insists on strange things and continues to insist until you have clearly said "no" about 15 times or you agree.

It can be difficult, but we just try to help her with out giving giving in to her more irrational or strange requests.

Take the Personality Test! INTJ 100% 75% 100% 44%
Huzzah for the Masterminds! for personality information.
The Sloganizer! "Swing your Archmage Alex."
Deep down, you wish you were a stick figure.
Posts: 1629 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
If you've got an imagination, look here in General
Skip to My Lou
Member # 40
Profile Homepage #1
Five minutes later, George is found on the ground, dead. Countless "long [and] pointless" pieces of spam surround the body.

Take the Personality Test! INTJ 100% 75% 100% 44%
Huzzah for the Masterminds! for personality information.
The Sloganizer! "Swing your Archmage Alex."
Deep down, you wish you were a stick figure.
Posts: 1629 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Does anyone have the old versions of Exile? in The Exile Trilogy
Skip to My Lou
Member # 40
Profile Homepage #3
According to my computer, my copy of E3 was last modified April 1997. When did it get a graphics face-lift?

I would replay E3, but after you've beaten it 17 times in every way you can think of (all sliths, Anama, all mages, singleton, etc.) it gets kinda hard to remain interested.

Take the Personality Test!
Deep down, you wish you were a stick figure.
Posts: 1629 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
