Profile for Radiant
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Displayed name | Radiant |
Member number | 409 |
Title | Master Jeweller |
Postcount | 798 |
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Registered | Monday, December 17 2001 08:00 |
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Pratchettian Mathematics in General | |
Master Jeweller
Member # 409
written Friday, September 12 2003 03:17
I believe the relevant equation is Knowledge = Power = Energy = Mass Therefore large quantities of knowledge (i.e. books and libraries) have distorting effects on space similar to those mass has. This gives rise to the whole L-Space theory. (probably not an accurate quote. Oh well. Try -------------------- Freude, schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heilighthum! Deine Zauber binden wieder, was die Mode streng getheilt, Alle Menschen werden Brüder, wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt. Pieter Simoons aka Radiant Official Crystal Shard and SubTerra webpage Posts: 798 | Registered: Monday, December 17 2001 08:00 |
Leylines once more in General | |
Master Jeweller
Member # 409
written Wednesday, September 10 2003 02:10
If the game crashes on you again, please find the autosave.ley file and send it to me (, that might help. I'll just come with a beta 0.21 quickly, it's no fun for everybody if it keeps crashing. Good to hear the speed is at least decent. Might of Giants and Eagle's Flight do have an upkeep now (1 mana/week). And Rejuv is a lot more expensive because it affects ALL your units. Some of the other planned enchantments include Invis and Magick Shield. -------------------- Freude, schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heilighthum! Deine Zauber binden wieder, was die Mode streng getheilt, Alle Menschen werden Brüder, wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt. Pieter Simoons aka Radiant Official Crystal Shard and SubTerra webpage Posts: 798 | Registered: Monday, December 17 2001 08:00 |
Leylines once more in General | |
Master Jeweller
Member # 409
written Monday, September 8 2003 01:03
MW -> No, it was in this forum. But topics occasionally get removed by the mods when they're old and haven't gotten any replies lately. So consider this thread the new Leylines beta thread. I wonder what your system specs are? I guess on some systems the counter just won't get up to 100 anyway. As long as the game is playable I won't mind. As to the crash, that's annoying yes. It could be a screensaver popping up? -------------------- Freude, schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heilighthum! Deine Zauber binden wieder, was die Mode streng getheilt, Alle Menschen werden Brüder, wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt. Pieter Simoons aka Radiant Official Crystal Shard and SubTerra webpage Posts: 798 | Registered: Monday, December 17 2001 08:00 |
Leylines once more in General | |
Master Jeweller
Member # 409
written Friday, September 5 2003 02:23
Thank you Omelette. Bugs noted. No music was intentional. But I have some good tunes found! By the way I'd like to know what you think of the special resources (i.e. gold mine, Leyline, healing pool etc) I'm still looking into what would make a scripting language more useful. I guess I'll just simplify it a lot and provide some sample scripts. -------------------- Freude, schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heilighthum! Deine Zauber binden wieder, was die Mode streng getheilt, Alle Menschen werden Brüder, wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt. Pieter Simoons aka Radiant Official Crystal Shard and SubTerra webpage Posts: 798 | Registered: Monday, December 17 2001 08:00 |
"98% of all statistics are made up" in General | |
Master Jeweller
Member # 409
written Friday, September 5 2003 02:14
"You can use statistics to prove everything. 28% of all people know that." - Homer Simpson "Statisticians have an important profession in this life. They provide a reasonable backing for all the arbitrary decisions their superiors want to make." - Statistic Funnies - And people who don't know what arbitrary mean should click here:;f=14;t=000134;p=2 People with large feet are more intelligent than people with small feet. (which is 'true' if you consider that children, who have smaller feet, score less than adults on many intelligence-type tests) If you stockpile enough data, there will eventually appear a correlation between two items that are in fact not related at all. This is a basic law of statistics and follows from mathematical chance. Example: a correlation exists between the difference in length between your middle finger and the finger next to it, and your sexual preferences. This does not mean that either is cause for the other. -------------------- Freude, schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heilighthum! Deine Zauber binden wieder, was die Mode streng getheilt, Alle Menschen werden Brüder, wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt. Pieter Simoons aka Radiant Official Crystal Shard and SubTerra webpage Posts: 798 | Registered: Monday, December 17 2001 08:00 |
Your favourite anime in General | |
Master Jeweller
Member # 409
written Wednesday, September 3 2003 00:41
Either Princess Mononoke, Ghost in the Shell, or the Final Fantasy movie (if that one qualifies as anime). And don't nobody mention DBZ. -------------------- Freude, schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heilighthum! Deine Zauber binden wieder, was die Mode streng getheilt, Alle Menschen werden Brüder, wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt. Pieter Simoons aka Radiant Official Crystal Shard and SubTerra webpage Posts: 798 | Registered: Monday, December 17 2001 08:00 |
Leylines once more in General | |
Master Jeweller
Member # 409
written Monday, September 1 2003 00:05
Hi there, Crystal Shard is back with what hopefully will be the final beta version of Leylines. The download link is: (windows) (i386 linux) (that would be a turn-based strategy game in a fantasy setting, for those that didn't know or weren't involved in earlier beta-testing). NOTE that some options in the game are not accessible yet. These include the Race and Magic selectors, and the Heroes button. This is because we're still working on play balance there. The first beta had a bug that occasionally popped up a 'register now' window. That was a bug (the window in fact was from SubTerra ![]() no way (yet) to register and you aren't locked out of anything by not doing so. Because of the reactions on the first beta we've added some more features after all. These include a hotkey system for spells, some special terrain resources (one of which heals undead units), and the ability to build watchtowers. We're still working on a decent AI but making good progress (which unfortunately isn't visible in this version). Finally, you can see the game's relative speed in the lower left corner. This does skyrocket on some computers. However should it drop below 100% for a lengthy amount of time please let me know. Everybody, thanks for your feedback and support so far. If you see any other bugs I'd be happy to kill them for you. -------------------- Freude, schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heilighthum! Deine Zauber binden wieder, was die Mode streng getheilt, Alle Menschen werden Brüder, wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt. Pieter Simoons aka Radiant Official Crystal Shard and SubTerra webpage Posts: 798 | Registered: Monday, December 17 2001 08:00 |
Element Test in General | |
Master Jeweller
Member # 409
written Friday, August 29 2003 08:04
Hm... I wonder what you had in mind (I can think of a couple things ranging from tarot and astrology to alchemy and common sense). Anyway. 1. give it back OR save it, depending on whom it belongs to (whether they need the $1000 and if I like them) 2.This seems very elementary ![]() Anyway the only practical places listed are the mountain and the island (no plains, forest or swamp, either...) so I'd have to go for the mountain. 3.That was also elementary. My answer would be whatever the opponent is not suspecting, which would fit best in either 2 or 3. -------------------- Freude, schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heilighthum! Deine Zauber binden wieder, was die Mode streng getheilt, Alle Menschen werden Brüder, wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt. Pieter Simoons aka Radiant Official Crystal Shard and SubTerra webpage Posts: 798 | Registered: Monday, December 17 2001 08:00 |
Hello there everyone....what game are you playing now? in General | |
Master Jeweller
Member # 409
written Wednesday, August 27 2003 05:46
Earthsea by Ursula le Guin -------------------- Freude, schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heilighthum! Deine Zauber binden wieder, was die Mode streng getheilt, Alle Menschen werden Brüder, wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt. Pieter Simoons aka Radiant Official Crystal Shard and SubTerra webpage Posts: 798 | Registered: Monday, December 17 2001 08:00 |
D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) - Influences? Players? Opinions? in General | |
Master Jeweller
Member # 409
written Friday, August 22 2003 07:55
Munchkins query, "What's a munchkin?" (sorry, couldn't resist). -------------------- Freude, schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heilighthum! Deine Zauber binden wieder, was die Mode streng getheilt, Alle Menschen werden Brüder, wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt. Pieter Simoons aka Radiant Official Crystal Shard and SubTerra webpage Posts: 798 | Registered: Monday, December 17 2001 08:00 |
How about new spidweb game ? in General | |
Master Jeweller
Member # 409
written Friday, August 22 2003 04:18
Excuse me if I didn't quite get it, but are you saying that Spiderweb might produce new games in the future, and asking if we might be interested in those games? (which would produce two resounding YESes for answers) -------------------- Freude, schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heilighthum! Deine Zauber binden wieder, was die Mode streng getheilt, Alle Menschen werden Brüder, wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt. Pieter Simoons aka Radiant Official Crystal Shard and SubTerra webpage Posts: 798 | Registered: Monday, December 17 2001 08:00 |
D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) - Influences? Players? Opinions? in General | |
Master Jeweller
Member # 409
written Wednesday, August 20 2003 02:29
Ahh, I remember mastering Paranoia for a group once who hadn't heard of it before. I told them beforehand that one of the might be a mutant or in a secret society. Of course they all were, and some of them were clever enough to realize this; but two guys did not, and thought they were the special one, and tried all sorts of things in hiding it from the others. I can still see the look on their faces when I told them... ![]() (also there was a mutant detector helmet that all of them wanted to have because they could be found out otherwise. Of course when one of them finally put it on it detected the closest mutant at a range of zero meters, then self destructed...) -------------------- Freude, schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heilighthum! Deine Zauber binden wieder, was die Mode streng getheilt, Alle Menschen werden Brüder, wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt. Pieter Simoons aka Radiant Official Crystal Shard and SubTerra webpage Posts: 798 | Registered: Monday, December 17 2001 08:00 |
Who is who? in General | |
Master Jeweller
Member # 409
written Monday, August 18 2003 04:05
"Person who has a cool and interesting middle name" ? -------------------- Freude, schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heilighthum! Deine Zauber binden wieder, was die Mode streng getheilt, Alle Menschen werden Brüder, wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt. Pieter Simoons aka Radiant Official Crystal Shard and SubTerra webpage Posts: 798 | Registered: Monday, December 17 2001 08:00 |
D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) - Influences? Players? Opinions? in General | |
Master Jeweller
Member # 409
written Monday, August 18 2003 04:04
Paranoia is great! I especially love mastering it, and it's great anti-munchkin therapy too. There's even a novel about it called 'title deleted for security reasons'. -------------------- Freude, schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heilighthum! Deine Zauber binden wieder, was die Mode streng getheilt, Alle Menschen werden Brüder, wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt. Pieter Simoons aka Radiant Official Crystal Shard and SubTerra webpage Posts: 798 | Registered: Monday, December 17 2001 08:00 |
This could be useful, maybe in General | |
Master Jeweller
Member # 409
written Monday, August 18 2003 04:02
Actually walking through the game like this can give some interesting insights on how it was made or what was changed. Now I haven't tried it on any Avernum game, but I've found some interesting areas in Eye of the Beholder and Ultima VII-2 that were not used in the plot but are still there. -------------------- Freude, schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heilighthum! Deine Zauber binden wieder, was die Mode streng getheilt, Alle Menschen werden Brüder, wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt. Pieter Simoons aka Radiant Official Crystal Shard and SubTerra webpage Posts: 798 | Registered: Monday, December 17 2001 08:00 |
Intelligence in General | |
Master Jeweller
Member # 409
written Tuesday, August 12 2003 06:17
Arancaytar -> Probably, but then you asked how many people in this board think they're above the 50% mark of the entire world, and I asked how many think they're above the 75% mark of this particular board. -------------------- Freude, schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heilighthum! Deine Zauber binden wieder, was die Mode streng getheilt, Alle Menschen werden Brüder, wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt. Pieter Simoons aka Radiant Official Crystal Shard and SubTerra webpage Posts: 798 | Registered: Monday, December 17 2001 08:00 |
D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) - Influences? Players? Opinions? in General | |
Master Jeweller
Member # 409
written Tuesday, August 12 2003 06:16
Your calculator-wielding friend seems to much of a munchkin, or power-gamer. Of course D&D has a tendency to turn players into power-gamers, but for casual players the only math you'll ever have to do is calculate if (some value) + (roll of 1d20) >= (target value). That's so simple I hesitate to even call it math. Roleplaying isn't about rules. If it was, it would be called roll-playing. If you have a good storyteller he can just tell you to 'roll a die and tell me the value' and then he'll grin at you and not tell you what the die was for. I've had gaming nights in which I didn't even touch a single die. As a side point I object to using D&D as an example for roleplaying in general, as there are other RPGs out there, and lots of them. In order from less to more math-and-dice-heavy, some examples would be Amber DRPG, Simplex, Buffy, FUDGE, Whitewolf (aka Vampire, Werewolf,Mage etc), D&D, EarthDawn GURPS and SWORD. As to which is better, that's a matter of opinion. I tend to stick with rules-light games as they have more atmosphere. -------------------- Freude, schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heilighthum! Deine Zauber binden wieder, was die Mode streng getheilt, Alle Menschen werden Brüder, wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt. Pieter Simoons aka Radiant Official Crystal Shard and SubTerra webpage Posts: 798 | Registered: Monday, December 17 2001 08:00 |
Intelligence in General | |
Master Jeweller
Member # 409
written Monday, August 11 2003 00:09
Wasn't this a psychological test that shows that roughly 75% of any group believes they're part of the top 25% of that group (in intelligence or anything else that you ask) ? -------------------- Freude, schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heilighthum! Deine Zauber binden wieder, was die Mode streng getheilt, Alle Menschen werden Brüder, wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt. Pieter Simoons aka Radiant Official Crystal Shard and SubTerra webpage Posts: 798 | Registered: Monday, December 17 2001 08:00 |
Ask everyone anything. in General | |
Master Jeweller
Member # 409
written Thursday, August 7 2003 06:34
Seaweed -> That's exactly what I'm talking about. For instance in Pratchett's Guards Guards!, a dragon is summoned by making people in the city believe that there's a dragon; and in Hogfather, the hogfather (i.e. santa claus) is nearly destroyed by causing children to lose belief in them. And in Mage: the Ascension, one of the magical factions is called the Technocracy, and they have succeeded over the past centuries in making most people believe in, say, healing through the use of syringes and little pille, and therefore it works. Now I don't believe this stuff IRL, but it's a great background for fantasy settings. As to your wizard lighting a lamp, he invokes a chain of reactions by his gesturing and willpower. This (for instance) channels the aether in a certain area to produce a flame, and light a candle. So magic is a different chain of effects to produce a similar effect. Note that to any non-magician, grabbing a match would be a lot easier. Magic is understandable only if it conforms to some sort of logic (and even if we aren't usually told how the logic works, in just about any fantasy setting or game there is some sort of logic). Limits, too. For instance faerie magic won't work against cold iron (by myth), or the unmaking of any object is Forbidden (Eddings). -------------------- Freude, schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heilighthum! Deine Zauber binden wieder, was die Mode streng getheilt, Alle Menschen werden Brüder, wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt. Pieter Simoons aka Radiant Official Crystal Shard and SubTerra webpage Posts: 798 | Registered: Monday, December 17 2001 08:00 |
Ask everyone anything. in General | |
Master Jeweller
Member # 409
written Wednesday, August 6 2003 01:33
I believe Terry Pratchett said that 'sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology' (Ponder Stibbons, I believe, in The Last Hero). Which is an obvious spoof of Clarke. Anyway in just about any mythology, fantasy book or gaming system I've heard of there is a certain logic to Magic. It tends to have rules, laws and correct procedures (i.e. spells). For instance, the runic language from Weis & Hickman's Deathgate; the invoked runes from LeGuin's Earthsea; the 'Will and the Way' from Eddings' Belgariad and the plain mind magic from Lackey's Last Herald Mage. Most roleplaying games (both computer and paper) consider magic sort of a science with specified spells that often have logic to them. And the very best example is of course Mage: the Ascension (by White Wolf) with its entire idea of flexible reality (also found in Pratchett books) which can be summarized by 'the truth is what I SAY it is' but which logically only works if enough people actually believe you. That's why coincidental magic is a lot easier to perform than shooting fireballs from your hand. Even if there's nobody around to see it. -------------------- Freude, schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heilighthum! Deine Zauber binden wieder, was die Mode streng getheilt, Alle Menschen werden Brüder, wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt. Pieter Simoons aka Radiant Official Crystal Shard and SubTerra webpage Posts: 798 | Registered: Monday, December 17 2001 08:00 |
Ask everyone anything. in General | |
Master Jeweller
Member # 409
written Tuesday, August 5 2003 02:37
There are no conspiracies. Trust us. (waves hand in a Obiwan-type manner) How does one create a crop circle? -------------------- Freude, schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heilighthum! Deine Zauber binden wieder, was die Mode streng getheilt, Alle Menschen werden Brüder, wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt. Pieter Simoons aka Radiant Official Crystal Shard and SubTerra webpage Posts: 798 | Registered: Monday, December 17 2001 08:00 |
Will a Geneforge 2 Win Beta Test Happen? in General | |
Master Jeweller
Member # 409
written Thursday, July 31 2003 00:47
Actually there are plans for a mac port. The linux port uses SDL which should easily port to a mac if I compensate for endianness. I'll just have to get my multimedia teacher to approve me getting access to a mac here at Leiden U. In the meantime, the current version runs under Virtual PC. -------------------- Freude, schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heilighthum! Deine Zauber binden wieder, was die Mode streng getheilt, Alle Menschen werden Brüder, wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt. Pieter Simoons aka Radiant Official Crystal Shard and SubTerra webpage Posts: 798 | Registered: Monday, December 17 2001 08:00 |
Will a Geneforge 2 Win Beta Test Happen? in General | |
Master Jeweller
Member # 409
written Tuesday, July 29 2003 00:39
People interested in beta testing are welcome to try Leylines, which is currently in beta stages. Simply download and try the game and tell me if you find any bugs or don't understand something. Link is in my sig. Note that the tutorial doesn't fully work in the current version; this will be fixed shortly. -------------------- Freude, schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heilighthum! Deine Zauber binden wieder, was die Mode streng getheilt, Alle Menschen werden Brüder, wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt. Pieter Simoons aka Radiant Official Crystal Shard and SubTerra webpage Posts: 798 | Registered: Monday, December 17 2001 08:00 |
The FCC in General | |
Master Jeweller
Member # 409
written Monday, July 28 2003 02:42
I fail to see the relevance of the constitution here. The more relevant issues are 1) does it stand up to public opinion, and 2) does it generate money. -------------------- Freude, schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heilighthum! Deine Zauber binden wieder, was die Mode streng getheilt, Alle Menschen werden Brüder, wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt. Pieter Simoons aka Radiant Official Crystal Shard and SubTerra webpage Posts: 798 | Registered: Monday, December 17 2001 08:00 |
Running Mac programs on a PC. in Tech Support | |
Master Jeweller
Member # 409
written Monday, July 28 2003 02:40
I suppose you could install Linux on your PC (it's free) and I believe that a Mac emulator exists for Linux. Of course that's not exactly an easy solution. -------------------- Pieter Simoons, aka Radiant Official Crystal Shard and SubTerra webpage Posts: 798 | Registered: Monday, December 17 2001 08:00 |