Profile for ef
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Displayed name | ef |
Member number | 2476 |
Title | Guardian |
Postcount | 1828 |
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Registered | Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00 |
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New Silver Inn v2.0 in General | |
Member # 2476
written Friday, May 2 2003 04:49
OOC: Cool it. And outgrow your very erroneous belief that everyone is looking down on you with contempt. We do not owe you anything. But you owe yourself a great deal. Self-respect for instance. No respect we show you will suffice, as long as you do not respect and accept the all of you, as you ought to. There are people on this board who carry invisible burdens of no less severe imprint than yours puts on you. And they do not all receive as much support as you obviously do. Intelligence alone does not create a good RPer. There are still a few things you have to learn. Oh, and I was not refering to writing, when I said that my thought and feeling differs from yours, because I'm older. Lastly, I'd like to remind us all, myself included, that this is an RP and not a private message board. -------------------- Polaris Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00 |
New Silver Inn v2.0 in General | |
Member # 2476
written Thursday, May 1 2003 17:49
OOC: I did take you serious or I would not have responded. Nor did I question your intelligence. But I have much reason to doubt that you know the rules of RPs, from observing how you conducted yourself in other peoples games. No, do not post your story here, the RP is not the right place to do that. Start a new topic and put it there. We are all essentially equal. Being a lot older than you and most of the others here probably shows in the way I think and feel and express myself. Zephyr, you cannot barter with me. And you are not consequent. What do you want, my respect or my pity? [ Thursday, May 01, 2003 17:56: Message edited by: ef ] -------------------- Polaris Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00 |
Crossfire in General | |
Member # 2476
written Thursday, May 1 2003 17:35
I agree with David. Joy and sorrow are the two 'chambers' of the heart. So whatever brings up joy involves your heart and is a good path to follow. -------------------- Polaris Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00 |
New Silver Inn v2.0 in General | |
Member # 2476
written Thursday, May 1 2003 17:19
OOC: Imagine that instead of writing it yourself, you shared the writing of your story with a few friends of yours. You start it and after a while hand it on to a friend. Now he does not like what you came up with, does not react to it and starts a story of his own. Then comes the next guy. That one does not bother to read what you both wrote, just knows this is about dragons and starts to write about dragons. You'll never get a story that way. But it is possible and famous authors have done it. An RP is such a shared writing. It is something special that needs practise. -------------------- Polaris Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00 |
New Silver Inn v2.0 in General | |
Member # 2476
written Thursday, May 1 2003 17:02
OOC: No, Zephyr, you may not. Ragnar gave you an opportunity to write stories, and he would have reacted to them and interacted with you. He is one of the best writers on the board, so learning from him is an honour, and not a punishment, as you seem to think. You cannot play this kind of game without the ability to write small story lines that are in tune with those of other players and interact with them. You are obviously only interested in battles. That is not enough. I'm sorry. -------------------- Polaris Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00 |
Palm Sunday in General | |
Member # 2476
written Wednesday, April 30 2003 17:04
Get a hold on yourself, JF. He didn't say that. He said that she had close contact to the demented albinian dictator. But that was not what I wanted to know. I asked you why people who do not hold Christmas and Easter sacred hate Mother Theresa. I did not understand that. -------------------- Polaris Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00 |
Palm Sunday in General | |
Member # 2476
written Tuesday, April 29 2003 15:10
Hated Mother Theresa? Why? -------------------- Polaris Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00 |
New Silver Inn v2.0 in General | |
Member # 2476
written Tuesday, April 29 2003 15:03
"Lone Flame, Firedrake, Archmage, Namothil, listen to me - Wise Man needs you, he faces an army. I'll teleport you all - now!" And Wise Man saw his friends appear beside him. "I keep contact, Wise Man, if you want Lethalis, say so, I can bring him. And just for old times sake, and as I feel annoyed -" the army looked a bit green all of a sudden, one crouched and threw up, others bent over, shuddering and twisting "this should help a bit, your turn now, guys." -------------------- Polaris Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00 |
New Silver Inn v2.0 in General | |
Member # 2476
written Tuesday, April 29 2003 03:27
OOC: Zephyr, if you come in as yourself, a young apprentice, I would give you a try. But you seem to have outlived Ragnar's patience and it is therefore up to him. Should he agree, then I would like you to stay with him at the inn and help him run and protect it - and he may teach you to take part in an RP without antagonizing everyone. But I will not ask it of him, it is his decision. -------------------- Polaris Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00 |
New Silver Inn v2.0 in General | |
Member # 2476
written Monday, April 28 2003 14:50
OOC: My, I just logged in. Wait a minute. "Wise Man! That went bad. I'll get you - slowly - there." Wise Man materialized in the restaurant, unconscious and bleeding heavily. "So much for low profiles" ef murmured (Alec forgive me, can't let him die) "now the healing." She knelt beside him, stopped the bleeding, all the time casting healing spells, until she saw some colour return to his face and heard his breathing. "Right, I need a room now to put him in." She turned to the restaurant's owner who stood close, eyeing her suspiciously, and ordered a vehicle to bring Wise Man to the hotel Lord Szas had provided. All the time looking as arrogant and haughty as she was up to. [ Monday, April 28, 2003 15:23: Message edited by: ef ] -------------------- Polaris Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00 |
Crossfire in General | |
Member # 2476
written Monday, April 28 2003 06:58
quote:People who suffer from psychic disorder may sometimes prefer grass or pot to an increased intake of neuroleptica and/or antidepressives, as the side effects are less uncomfortable. Unrest and depression feel less severe. Cannabis is used in the treatment of cancer patients in combination with morphine, as it annihilates the nausea morphine often brings up, while heightening and lengthening its anaesthetic efficacy. It is also used in the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis because of its antispasmodic potential. -------------------- Polaris Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00 |
Crossfire in General | |
Member # 2476
written Sunday, April 27 2003 22:53
quote:I need time to take that in. It is touching something essential within me. Not to own my own life, not to be free to choose for myself. You teach me to look upon my country with friendlier eyes than I've done in a long while. quote:Well, I do. Quite a few of us over here are rather food conscious. Junk food is not on my list. If I eat something like that I'm sick for two to three days. My body is not used to all those preservatives, artificial colours, and artficial flavours. They are slightly toxic and I react to that. Eating them regularly builds up some sort of immunity, as is the case with every toxic substance. Believe me, for someone not used to that kind of food, marihuana is easier to digest. quote:Who wouldn't. Creativity needs the freedom of risk. Quite frankly, David, if I am not free to go to the devil should that be my choice, there's little chance I'll ever see a ray of true light. [ Sunday, April 27, 2003 23:22: Message edited by: ef ] -------------------- Polaris Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00 |
Crossfire in General | |
Member # 2476
written Sunday, April 27 2003 20:17
Ehem. We used to bake cookies with it. Is suicide illegal in he US? Or are you kidding? -------------------- Polaris Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00 |
Palm Sunday in General | |
Member # 2476
written Sunday, April 27 2003 12:30
Ever put it in the oven and let some cheese melt on it? Mmh. -------------------- Polaris Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00 |
Palm Sunday in General | |
Member # 2476
written Sunday, April 27 2003 08:11
Thank you for explaining. Pesach is Passah where I live and Matze wafers are not tasteless, not at all. [ Sunday, April 27, 2003 08:13: Message edited by: ef ] -------------------- Polaris Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00 |
Palm Sunday in General | |
Member # 2476
written Sunday, April 27 2003 07:06
Zeitgeist/ Zeit=time Geist=spirit I must own, I don't know what Passover is. I'm not familiar with that expression. I always thought of the hebrew 'Easter' as the Passah time. -------------------- Polaris Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00 |
Crossfire in General | |
Member # 2476
written Sunday, April 27 2003 03:58
Why do you advocate so much control, David? I mean, noone can turn me into someone I'm not. What can be forced on me is mere surface adaptation. The more pressure is put on that, the more people will become estranged from what they essentially are. They will need even more tranquilizers, anti depressives, sleeping pills and kick ups than they do already. Don't make me rant on the toxic side effects of those. -------------------- Polaris Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00 |
New Silver Inn v2.0 in General | |
Member # 2476
written Saturday, April 26 2003 14:31
"Well, Archmage and Wise Man, if you want to join Firedrake in his quest, do so. I'll linger here for a while, try their coffee, listen and watch. So return to this place later on." -------------------- Polaris Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00 |
Crossfire in General | |
Member # 2476
written Saturday, April 26 2003 12:01
Legalizing small amounts has not increased the intake in my country, but it has decriminalized (is that a word?) those who use it. And that's a good thing. I don't know about your country, in mine the kids always knew how to get it, legal or not. Pot and the good old Mary Jane are not big problems. Crack, ecstasy and such, they are. -------------------- Polaris Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00 |
New Silver Inn v2.0 in General | |
Member # 2476
written Wednesday, April 23 2003 09:43
OOC: quote:That's about what I expect Lord Szas will do to me for not having controlled my people. -------------------- Polaris Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00 |
New Silver Inn v2.0 in General | |
Member # 2476
written Tuesday, April 22 2003 17:33
An opulent meal was laid out before them. ef eyed it, torn between suspicion and curiosity. "Don't ask me what this is. There are quite a few things here I've never seen nor heard about. We'll have to find out. Enjoy while you can. I'm listening in on Mars. It won't be long before he's managed to become the talk of the town. We will be in for it as usual. So relax, enjoy, mind your manners and get ourselves a good reputation at this place as long as we are still able to focus on such minor details. A toast to you all. I just imagine the face of Lord Szas when he finds out what Mars has been doing. Be alert, be awake, be yourselves and survive." -------------------- Polaris Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00 |
1,000 in General | |
Member # 2476
written Tuesday, April 22 2003 16:13
Happy post day - when will you be 'frolicking'? [ Tuesday, April 22, 2003 16:15: Message edited by: ef ] -------------------- Polaris Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00 |
Crossfire in General | |
Member # 2476
written Monday, April 21 2003 18:29
That was not the happiest period in my life, Alec. But I did not find that drugs helped. Strangely they have a better effect on you when you are happy. But you don't take them when you are. Oh well, running away has never worked for me. [ Monday, April 21, 2003 18:31: Message edited by: ef ] -------------------- Polaris Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00 |
Crossfire in General | |
Member # 2476
written Monday, April 21 2003 17:52
Ownership of small amounts of Hashish and Marihuana has been legalized in my country for some time now. I have not heard of any abuse following that legalization. From what I see and hear around me and also from my own experiences when I was young you seem to need a predisposition for addiction to develop a (psychic) dependency on either drug. I never did, nor did I ever feel an urge towards a more regular intake than the occasional pipe or joint (no outcry, please, I was young in a wild time). As with other toxic substances, alcohol and cigarettes for instance, some can use them safely, others not. I myself stopped, when some idiot mixed my pot with opium without telling me. I definitely did not like what happened then and wished no repetition of such dramas. It did not make me crave for more, so I was relatively safe, probably. But someone with a different disposition might have longed for more. And what happened to me then, happens to a lot of teens now in the discos, who closely watch their cokes to protect themselves from an unwanted and unprepared for acquaintance with crack or ecstasy. I have patients who suffer from the long term damages of drug abuse. And that's not so nice. [ Monday, April 21, 2003 18:24: Message edited by: ef ] -------------------- Polaris Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00 |
New Silver Inn v2.0 in General | |
Member # 2476
written Monday, April 21 2003 17:17
Lord Szas had left them to go and prepare for their accomodation and Mars had gone off to a blacksmith. ef, feeling slightly bored and wishing for action, invited her whole group to a good dinner in a restaurant she saw close by. She gave Mars the direction before he vanished and approached the building leisurely. "Let's eat something and keep our eyes open to watch and observe people and their behaviourisms. May come in useful somewhen. Also I'm a little curious as to what is served here. And Archmage Alex still needs some building up." OOC: I have nothing special in mind. But we could become aware of differences in manners and speech and movement or some such thing. -------------------- Polaris Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00 |