Profile for Suspicious Vlish
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Displayed name | Suspicious Vlish |
Member number | 2245 |
Title | Infiltrator |
Postcount | 522 |
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Registered | Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
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Are Drakons superior beings? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Monday, March 26 2007 22:53
Still: quote:I think the majority of posters here (including you) do 'get it'. It's just a couple of the more stubborn ones which seem to be a little confused. -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Best PC class? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Monday, March 26 2007 12:41
I've actually played the Battle Servile to the end of the game, and ironically, I found that it's more difficult than a Shocktrooper. As a previous poster mentioned, an extra 100hp doesn't seem to matter when you're being attacked by several wingbolts. And about Daze. Yes, it has been nerfed. Enemies become more resistant as you progress through the game, despite the fact that I boost Mental Magic. -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Are Drakons superior beings? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Monday, March 26 2007 12:38
Stillness: quote:Yes, that was precisely my point. The very reason that the Drakons and creations will be able to hide in the mountains is because the Unbound will be doing the dirty work in the front lines. I must have mentioned this about 10 times, and yet some people are still grappling with the concept. -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Something I never understood in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Sunday, March 25 2007 22:01
None of the explainations here really make much sense. It's pretty much a well known concept that cavalry have an advantage over infantry (unless said infantry are armed with pikes/spears). There's no reason whatsoever to justify an absence of unmounted guardians/soldiers (or even Shapers/Agents). Personally, I think it just comes down to laziness on Jeff's part. I find it really hard to take an army seriously, if it lacks light and heavy cavalry. -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Something I never understood in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Sunday, March 25 2007 14:28
Here you have an Empire which possesses the fantastic ability to Shape. Wingbolts, Kyshakks, and Rotgroths. Yet the Shapers WALK EVERYWHERE. Why has Jeff neglected to put mounted troops in the game? I mean, seriously, you'd think a Shaping empire would be able to create half-decent mounts... -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Why were these game decisions made? in Geneforge Series | |
Member # 2245
written Saturday, March 24 2007 20:33
I agree with the analogy that Geneforge is like a rough diamond. Geneforge is a fun game with a lot of potential, but some of the flaws and game mechanics need to polished out. Jeff should: 1. Listen to his fan base more often. 2. Seriously consider getting several long time fans to read and edit his game script. 3. Reform the Creation system. -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Trakovite Ending? (Spoilers?) in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Friday, March 23 2007 13:49
Yes, it's possible. Turn the power up to 'Hi' before releasing the Unbound. Just make sure you're in good standing with the Rebels, otherwise you'll be a very sad lifecrafter after getting this ending. -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Are Drakons superior beings? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Friday, March 23 2007 13:46
silver: quote:Although I have them on ignore, I can imagine the response. "But we just KNOW that Drakons use serviles for all manual labour, so that quote must mean that only serviles were responsible for construction! Hence Drakons use serviles for all manual labour!" Don't both quoting anything from the game. It's quite apparent that it doesn't matter a jot to Emp. -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
National anthem for the rebels in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Friday, March 23 2007 04:30
I think that "The Internationale" would be highly appropriate for the Rebellion: [URL=[/URL] [ Friday, March 23, 2007 04:31: Message edited by: Waylander ] -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Are Drakons superior beings? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Friday, March 23 2007 04:29
I also wonder exactly how Drakons are more warlike than humans? The only reason the Shapers weren't at war prior to the Rebellion was due to the fact that they had already crushed all opposition. Unless you count the Sholai, who are waaayyy across the sea. ;) [ Friday, March 23, 2007 04:38: Message edited by: Waylander ] -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Are Drakons superior beings? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Thursday, March 22 2007 21:07
Stillness: quote:So Emp is maintaining that he, uhhh, won? Fascinating. I guess if he defines winning as 'refusing to concede a point, while bludgeoning your opponent with the same refuted arguments and irrelevancies ad nauseum until he tires', then I guess you could say he won. What finally made me realize that any discussion with Emp about the issue is pointless is the simple fact that he makes his opinion about the Drakons an axiom. He essentially re-interprets (or, if it can not be re-interpreted... ignores) every fact so that his axiom is not threatened. We have observed two excellent examples of this: 1. When he stubbornly refused to admit that the Drakons designed Northforge to accomodate for art. His attempt to weasel out of that one amounted to this: "What? There is room for art in Northforge? It MUST have been the serviles, because I'm pretty sure that Drakons can't appreciate art. Despite the fact that its clear that the Drakons designed Northforge. Hence Drakons don't appreciate art." Circular logic, anyone? 2. When he re-interpets any apparently 'compassioniate' act as having a selfish ulterior motive. "Ghaldring says he wants to protect the serviles with the Unbound? Why, he must be lying, because Drakons don't feel empathy! Hence there is no evidence that suggests that Drakons feel empathy! Again, circular logic anyone? The final straw is when Emp goes introducing irrelevancies in an order to obfuscate the argument. There are numerous examples of this on the thread. So essentially, I can't be bothered to waste any more of my precious time in a futile argument, on a muggy hot Friday. Emp is welcome to boast that he 'won' this confrontation, if it makes him feel a little better inside. I doubt he has much else to be proud of outside this forum, so why not let him have his little 'victory'? [ Thursday, March 22, 2007 21:08: Message edited by: Waylander ] -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Are Drakons superior beings? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Thursday, March 22 2007 20:31
That's up to you to decide. I'm asking you the question, after all! -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Are Drakons superior beings? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Thursday, March 22 2007 20:21
Now that I've added Emp and Retlew to my ignore list, I'm quite free to continue discussion with the more rational posters on this forum. The initial topic, before this thread was derailed, was whether Drakons are superior to humans/other sapient creations. Questions? Comments? [ Thursday, March 22, 2007 20:21: Message edited by: Waylander ] -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Are Drakons superior beings? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Thursday, March 22 2007 16:18
*sigh* This has just become ridiculous, and a waste of my time. I've decided not to dignify any of Emp's or Retlew's future comments with a response. -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Are Drakons superior beings? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Thursday, March 22 2007 15:02
I know. It's hyperbole to claim that the Rebellion stopped functioning when there was rivalry between Ghaldring and Salassdar. -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Are Drakons superior beings? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Thursday, March 22 2007 14:29
quote:1. Hyperbole. The Rebellion continues to function, despite the power struggles. 'Operation Unbound' was proceeding, despite the rivalry between Salassdar and Ghalrding. 2. Merely because a political system falls in shambles once there is a power struggle in no way demonstrates that it is 'non-complex'. In fact, I'd argue that such a trait shows considerable complexity. quote:Even if this were true, I fail to see how this supports your claim that the Drakons political system lacked 'complexity'. Great Britain's history has shown us time and time again that the country can't operate smoothly without a monarch at its head. Yet despite this, Great Britian had a highly complex political system, with a House of Commons and Lords. quote:Well, no, it's NOT a stupid question. You have yet to justify your assertion that dictatorships are always less complex than non-dictatorships (such as anarchy and libertarian communism). Your argument pretty much consists of "Dictatorships are less complex than non-dictatorships BECAUSE I SAY SO! What, you're questioning me? Are you stupid?" quote:No. Wrong again. Ghaldring came to power because he won the popular support of the Drakons, and because of his political manueverings. Salassdar was part of a new generation of Drakon... younger, stronger, and more arrogant. quote:When you post such absurdities, I almost lose my patience. However, then I remember that your generation can't read. Nothing in your quote demonstrates that Salassdar was more or less powerful than Ghaldring. The assertion that Ghaldring was very powerful does not equate to him being more powerful than Salassdar. Try again. quote:As usual, you miss the point, and are obfuscating the issue. It doesn't matter how Cromwell came to power (although it certainly involved bloodshed). All that matters is that he was the 'alpha-male' of the pack, and pretty much ruled Britain with an iron hand. Hell, Hitler was voted High Chancellor by Parliament... will you try to claim that he wasn't a dictator? In fact, your observations continue to vindicate my arguments. Examples such as Cromwell and Hitler show that dictatorships can indeed have avery complex political structure. Quite often, dictatorships are implemented and sustained via complex manipulations in the political body (ie. Parliament), or 'behind the scenes' manipulation (the Medici Family of Florence). quote:Hint: Merely calling someone's argument 'crap' doesn't amount to an effective rebuttal. Try again, kid. quote:Once again, you're obfuscating this issue. You're denying that the Drakon's possess creativity. I responded by pointing out that they have made new creations, even if they are alterations of pre-existing creations. Whether they are more creative than humans is really subjective opinion. quote:Nope. Go back over my previous post and try reading them again. Once again, I'll be patient, because I know that your generation has some trouble comprehending sentences more than 5 words long. quote:For goodness sake, I've clarified what I meant in previous posts, and on previous threads. And that is, Drakons don't aim to genocide sapient beings. Why are you still picking at this? I wasn't 'wrong', I merely needed to elaborate, and I have done so numerous times. Hint: If your opponent tells you that he was never arguing that point, you don't attempt to refute it. It just makes you look like an idiot. quote:For once I agree with you. It's wasn't the best analogy to demonstrate the concept of 'genocide' and sentient species. Either way, except for a small proportion of society, we don't condemn chicken farming as the 'mass murder' of chickens, precisely because they aren't sapient. Perhaps a more appropriate example is the Dodo on Mauritius. The Dodo was driven to extinction by the Dutch, but I hardly hear anyone label their destruction as 'genocide'. Which just demonstrates that the term 'genocide' doesn't apply to non-sapient species. -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Quick Avernum 5 Update, March '07 in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 2245
written Thursday, March 22 2007 00:52
For God's sake, Solberg is going to be in Avernum AGAIN? Give me a break. Just hearing that has forced me to reach that conclusion that I will not play Avernum 5. -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Best PC class? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Wednesday, March 21 2007 22:40
Before talking about my own experiences with each of the 5 PC classes, I want to ask Geneforgers here their opinion of the 'best' PC class. While 'what is best' can be subjective, I think we should take into account: 1. Survivability 2. Rate of damage output. 3. Adaptability (how well a PC can react to varying battles). 4. Thrill of playing. ---------------- Now, after my own experiences with each of the 5 classes, I've come to some general conclusions. 1. The servile battle mage is by far the 'best'. His hitpoints rival that of a warrior, and the ability to invest in magic further augments his fantastic battle abilities. 2. The 'agent-like' infiltrator has actually decreased in usefulness. This is due to the fact that its no longer as easy to avoid being hit. In previous Geneforges, an agent could quite easily avoid her foes, not take a point of damage, and eliminate everything. However, the new system of 'Anyone can attack, as long as they have AP's left' means that its very hard to avoid the foe. Added to which, the Daze spells seem to be nerfed. The Infiltrator's low HP, the fact that powerful spells are not present for at least the 1st third of the game, and the difficulty to avoid opponents, makes the Infiltrator have very low survivability. 3. The Shocktrooper seems like a nerfed version of the Battle Mage. Fewer HP's, and no magic to compliment your attacks? Lame. The 'bonus' of being able to Shape well is offset by the fact that any class can quite easily Shape. 4. The Lifecrafter suffers from the same flaws as the Infilitrator. 'Dead weight, 1 endurance Lifecrafters' are no longer practical, as its easy for enemies to hit you, and they tend to have area of effect attacks. 5. Soldiers, like Shock Troopers, are just nerfed Battle Mages. Poll Information This poll contains 1 question(s). 27 user(s) have voted. You may not view the results of this poll without voting. function launch_voter () { launch_window(";d=vote;pollid=ygelIjTBkFRs"); return true; } // end launch_voter function launch_viewer () { launch_window(";d=view;pollid=ygelIjTBkFRs"); return true; } // end launch_viewer function launch_window (url) { preview = url, "preview", "width=550,height=300,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status,menubar=no,scrollbars,resizable,copyhistory=no" ); window.preview.focus(); return preview; } // end launch_window ![]() ![]() -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Are Drakons superior beings? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Wednesday, March 21 2007 20:18
Emp: quote:1. I'd argue that the form of government we observe in the Drakonian society is an oligarchy. 2. You seem to imply that dictatorships aren't complex. How are democracies, oligarchies, or aristocracies more or less complex than a dictatorship? The mere existence of a dictatorship is not concrete proof that the political system is not complex. Ancient Rome was a dictatorship for at least 3 times in its history, including the rule under Caesar, and during the time of Hannibal. Yet I doubt you'd postulate that the political system of Ancient Rome during those times was 'not complex'. quote:In the animal world, Caesar would be what we call an 'alpha male'. In the animal world, Cromwell would have been what we call an 'alpha male'. You're pretty much saying that since a society has a leader, it can't be complex. What a load of crock. Your arguments get weaker by the second. quote:Salissar attempted to garner support from his fellow Drakons in the Council meetings. Ghaldring, through subtle manipulations, not only regained leadership in the eyes of the Drakons, but also managed to depose his younger, and stronger rival. In the wild, the younger, stronger male usually becomes alpha male. However, in Drakonian society, we see the exact opposite. Ghaldring, a much older, wiser, and politically educated Drakon, is able to hold sway. quote:And? What's your point? The difference is that goats do not possess introspection, whereas Drakons do. Drakons don't duel because it is some sort of ingrained animalistic behaviour. They do so because they have a rigid code of honour, where it is proper to meet your opponent, one on one. Also note that animals don't 'pay their respects' to defeated rivals. Yet we see Ghaldring do exactly that with Salassdar. Also, the dead Drakons remains are borne out of the room with respect by his fellow Drakons. Have fun trying to demonstrate that such behaviour exists in 'dumb animals'. quote:Perhaps. But it was clear from the comments of the Drakon council that they condemned Salassdar's attacks because they were impolite. Otherwise they wouldn't have sought to compensate you. quote:The Takers and Drakons have invented numerous creation types. Once again, check out the Taker dumping grounds. And if you try to claim that they were all based on pre-existed models, I'd merely reply with the observation that so were the Wingbolt, Kyshakk and War Trall. quote:No. What is does show is that the Drakons can sometimes put the priority of 'winning a war' above the comfort of the serviles. All great leaders of wars and revolutions sometimes need to break a few eggs to make an omelette. I've put forward numerous examples which clearly demonstrate that Drakons do indeed feel empathy for others, which you have conveniently ignored. You can cite as many 'nasty' action of the Drakons are you want... the mere existence of even one expression of empathy by the Drakons invalidates your argument. quote:We've already been over this. The Unbound aren't sapient. The Unbound apparently fit your own description of 'violent killing machines' who kill without rational thought. You might as well claim that chicken farming is genocide. Why do you continue to repeat the same old BS arguments ad nauseum, when they have already been addressed? [ Wednesday, March 21, 2007 20:20: Message edited by: Waylander ] -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Are Drakons superior beings? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Wednesday, March 21 2007 16:12
Retlew: quote:Whatever. The Anti-Drakon argument pretty much contend that Drakons are mindless, selfish, killing machines. Stillness and myself have pointed out time and time again that Drakons actually share many similiarities with the sapient servile/humans/drayks, and are in fact not simply violent killing machines. To summarize our arguments in support of this: 1. The Drakon's have a complex political structure, as observed in GF4. There are clear protocols (aka. Council meetings, and Greta mentioning that Drakon political procedure is very long-winded), there is a clear social ladder, and alliances form depending on the Drakonian's idealogy. 2. A sense of honour. The Drakon's disapprove of Salassdar's attempted assassination, despite the fact that they despise humans. They prefer to fight honourable duels, even with their inferiors. They pay homage to dead rivals (Ghaldring to Salassdar). In GF3, the Drakon on the 5th island bowed to you out of respect as an equal before attacking. 3. A sense of humour. This is observed in the Council Meeting, where the Drakons laugh at Salassdar's humiliation. 4. The ability to be creative. I've pointed out time and time again that the Takers/Drakons have constructed numerous fantastic variations of existing creations, and were responsible for bringing the Gazer into being. Emperor's response? "They haven't made as many new creations as the Shapers!" Given that the Drakon's have only been existence for a fraction of the time that the Shapers have, that isn't such a huge shock. 5. An inclination to be aesthetic. Drakon's clearly have some appreciation for art and jewellery. 6. Empathy for what they term as 'lesser species'. The Drakons as a species appear to have a maternal instinct to protect the serviles. 7. A sense of justice. Drakons are able to recognize that killing a creature merely for the crime of existing is unjust. -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Are Drakons superior beings? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Wednesday, March 21 2007 12:25
Oh for goodness sakes, this is getting ridiculous. This debate has pretty much degenerated to Emp and Retlew stressing over and over again that Drakons are mindless killing machines, to which Stillness and I reply "But they do X, Y and Z! That isn't exactly what you'd expect of a mindless killing machine!" To which we are given the reply "BUT THEY ARE, BUT THEY ARE! BUT THEY ARE! THEY WERE CREATED THAT WAY! FINGERS IN EARS, LALALALA!" And then this absurdity about the Drakons 'hiding'. 1. You can't hide forever. The serviles on Sucia demonstrate that concept. The Shaper Empire is far reaching, and it's only a matter of time before you are found, even if you are in Barred Territory. Added to which, a Drakon doesn't 'blend in' as well as a servile. 2. Why should they hide? Was 'hiding in the attic' the only moral option that the Jews could have employed during Nazi dominion? This just gets more and more absurd. "The Drakons fight back against a race which would genocide them, hence they are single-minded and violent." What a load of garbage! And then that nonsense about Drakons being 'created' to be killing machines, hence they MUST be killing machines. Huh? The Shapers created the serviles to be mindless, dependent on the Shapers, and unable to use magic. That sure worked out well, didn't it? Just because the Shapers 'intend' for a trait to be present in their creation, does not mean that it will be. [ Wednesday, March 21, 2007 14:16: Message edited by: Waylander ] -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Are Drakons superior beings? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Tuesday, March 20 2007 18:48
Retlew: quote:How the hell are they unjustified? Stillness has drawn on actual material from the games. If the Drakons don't have a sense of humour, why did they laugh at Salassdar when you make a fool out of him? If the Drakons don't have some sense of ethics, why do they disapprove of Salassdar's attempted assassination, despite many of the Drakon's clear contempt for humans? If you ask me, you're just sticking your fingers and in your ears and screaming "I can't hear you!" at the top of your voice whenever we draw upon relevant material. You pretend that anything that contradicts your worldview doesn't exist. quote:The only problems exist in your head. The analogy is quite fitting. quote:What's that got to do with anything? Tell me, do you support the notion of hunting down everyone with mutant powers in the X-Men world? Merely because someone has the 'potential' to be dangerous, they must be exterminated? Huh? quote:1. Neither you or Emp have proven such a thing. We've seen one or two Drakons who enjoy to hoard, whereas the rest seem pre-occupied with mounting a resistance against the Shapers. 2. And so what if the Drakons are greedy? It's said by many that quite a few Jews were greedy (in fact, it's a common stereotype). Since when does being greedy constitute an excuse for genocide? quote:1. Unsupported nonsense. 2. The Shapers have a need for the control of everything. So to remain consistent, you should support the Rebellion. quote:That's pedantic nonsense, and you know it. The only reason Drakon's shape so freely is because they are on the verge of extinction. Your drivel is the equivalent of a Nazi claiming "See, the Jews must be exterminated! They are a violent and disruptive people!" when the Jewish led an uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto. quote:I ignore your 'arguments' because they generally aren't worth my time. -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
I Killed the Unbound in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Tuesday, March 20 2007 14:56
It's not spam. Muffin is just acting like a living tool. [ Tuesday, March 20, 2007 14:56: Message edited by: Waylander ] -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Are Drakons superior beings? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Tuesday, March 20 2007 14:53
Emp: quote:Huh? The mere existence of Rebel Humans is not proof that they sympathize for the plight of the Drakons. The Rebel Humans have rebelled for two major reasons (sympathy for the plight of the serviles and/or just being sick of the way in which the Shapers dominate them.), yet I have yet to actually see any rebel humans state that the genocide of the drayk/drakon kind is the reason that they signed up to be a rebel. If you can find any human rebel who clearly sympathizes with the plight of the drayks/drakons, please post it! -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Are Drakons superior beings? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Tuesday, March 20 2007 13:19
Emp: quote:No offense meant, Emp, but I think you're struggling to come to grips with a simple concept. Whether you like it or, the Shapers are an elitist human sect, which have progressed on a campaign to genocide the drayks and drakons. They have been indirectly/directly supported by most humans, while the rest of the human population sits back and does nothing. I have seen not one jot of sympathy from the humans in regards to the plight of the Drakons. Allow me to draw on an analogy. Pretend you are a Jew whose race is being purged by Nazis. You're continually hunted by Nazis, fingered by non-Nazi Germans, and receive doses of anti-semitism from the German population is general. Would you be fond of the German people? Even though not every German is a Nazi, you cannot blame the Jews throughout WWII for having a hatred of all Germans. -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |