Profile for Suspicious Vlish
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Displayed name | Suspicious Vlish |
Member number | 2245 |
Title | Infiltrator |
Postcount | 522 |
Homepage | http://N/A |
Registered | Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
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SYNERGY LIST: GF4?Where To Find Stuff And What It Does in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Monday, July 2 2007 21:11
Shaped Fibre Cloak after killing Mosheh. -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Vlish under-rated in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Monday, July 2 2007 20:14
Dikiyobi: quote:So? Power is relative. The fact that the Vlish is the best 2nd tier creation speaks strongly in its favour. I'm Lvl24 at the moment, and have sunk 10 points into magic shaping. Three vlish with one charged easily cleaned up Mysithius in Thorton. It was laughable... Myssy had a 20% chance to hit (uncursed), and only done approximately 20-30 damage on a connect. -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Vlish under-rated in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Monday, July 2 2007 17:42
Random: quote:I'm not arguing that the old game vlish was 'superior', but the GF4 vanilla vlish is still pretty good. It beats the other tier 2 creations hands down. quote:From memory, they slowed and stunned. quote:I cast Regenerate on my charged vlishies. Given that I'm playing a 'deadweight' (not really) Shaper, I have quite a significant amount in healing craft. The free spellcraft throughout the game is also helping my regenerate spell last for reasonable lengths of time. [ Monday, July 02, 2007 17:43: Message edited by: Suspicious Vlish ] -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Vlish under-rated in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Monday, July 2 2007 04:37
It is mid year holidays up here, so I've been running a Lifecrafter who focuses primarily on disposable creations and supporting magic (Blessing and Healing). The experience so far has really left me questioning the mantra that the Vlish is a 'shadow of its former self'. They may not be the underpriced monsters they were in GF3, but they are still by far the best tier 2 creation, and are superior to the glaahk and battle alpha in tier 3. The vanilla vlish has more health than a roamer, is a reliable hitter, and has some sort of intrinsic ability to dodge. Most vanilla enemies prior to Gamma camp seem to only have a 50% chance of hitting. Reduce this to 25% if cursed. Vlish also have decent physical, acid, poison and magic resist. I've been meddling with the Charged Vlish, with positive results. Although far more costly, it is highly effective against powerful enemies. Despite being the same level, and having the same stats, as the vanilla vlish, the Charged Vlish deals approximately 1/3 greater damage with vlish bolts and tentacle. It also has a +40% chance to hit when compared with its little vlish brother. Slow pretty much cripples any deadly high level opponents. I managed to take down the Old Golem in the Sandros mines with just 2 charged vlish and a vanilla vlish. Added to which, the Charged Vlishy has cold immunity. I've found this to be quite useful in several situations. The Parasitic Shade was a breeze as its frozen touch left my Charged Vlish unscathed, while my other Vlish were wailing about it. The Forgotten One fell prey to two charged Vlish enchanted with Spine Shield. It will be interesting to see how well my Vlish will hold up in Burwood. -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Creation Combo! in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Tuesday, June 19 2007 16:21
I use magic and fire. Never battle. Magic: Artila, Vlish, Wingbolt, Gazer Fire: Fyora, Drayk, Kyshakk, Drakon -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Secret Quests? in Geneforge Series | |
Member # 2245
written Thursday, May 31 2007 06:40
Trinity, what is the end to the story? I never completed his quest on Gull's Isle. [ Thursday, May 31, 2007 06:43: Message edited by: Suspicious Vlish ] -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
G5 wishlist. in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Wednesday, May 30 2007 00:05
The ability to make low level creations while in combat is an excellent idea. Another idea which I'm rather fond of is "Wild Shaping". That is, in desperation, the PC will fire off random bursts of 'Shaping' energy. What creation is generated is random (ergo. any monster in the database), its stats are random, and whether it is friendly/hostile would also be random (although higher character levels could improve your chances of a friendly creation) -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Script question about Creations in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Friday, May 18 2007 22:58
quote:The Thorny Artila from that place where you assist the scout to find the Shaper camp. -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Script question about Creations in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Wednesday, May 16 2007 20:38
I personally think it would be great if a veteran created a mod for GF4 which: a. Fixed up a couple of bugs observed in the creations (failure of creation strength item boosts to be taken into account, a lack of Ur-Glaahk stunning, and a lack of plated bug poison). b. Give an optional component, where the user could overwrite some of the crappy new creations (ie. Unstable Thahd, Plated Artila, Corrupted Vlish), with the creations from a previous GF. I miss Searing Artilas, Thahd Shades, and Terror Vlish :( -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
The warrior challenge. in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Sunday, May 13 2007 20:59
DV: quote:*shrugs* Post a video on youtube, and I'll believe you. Try using this: quote:How many times did you have to reload? quote:Why?! The 10 damage reflection just isn't worth it, IMHO. quote:That's one point on which we agreed. Augmenting a weapon with the Ivory Skull for a melee character. -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
The warrior challenge. in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Sunday, May 13 2007 19:35
DV: quote:That doesn't even make sense in theory. Logic tells me that the Stun effect would wear off pretty quickly, and then your foe would chase you down and whip your thorn baton toting ass. Perhaps you could post a video on Youtube showing your 'Stun Blade + Missile' tactic in action? quote:I'd say that winning that fight would be nigh on impossible. Probably as difficult as using a Wizardslayer to escape Irenicus's chateau (BG2) with the Tactics mod installed. quote:Yeah, I always disagreed with the mainstream assessment that the Vlish was merely 'a former shadow' of its cousins from the previous Geneforges. It's still the most powerful, and useful, second tier creation. The curse ability is darn useful. I've noticed a damage increase of approximately 15-20 when my Vlishy attacks a second time. It also approximately halves the chance of the enemy to hit. Added to which, Vlish seem to be very good at dodging. For example, my Vlish had a 50%-75% chance to dodge non-cursed clawbug attacks. Add to that the innate physical resist, and you have a winner. I still am making Vlish at the very end of the game. [ Sunday, May 13, 2007 19:46: Message edited by: Suspicious Vlish ] -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
The warrior challenge. in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Sunday, May 13 2007 04:42
DV: quote:In the Windows version, you can't move once you have attacked... -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Best weapon for a Shaper focusing on Creations? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Saturday, May 12 2007 15:22
DV: quote:You thick headed dunce! This has nothing whatsoever to do with me failing to think 'outside the box'. The problem is that you lack the skills to adequately comprehend literature. Go away and get a first grade education, and then maybe you'll have something worthwhile to say. Until then, you're just another village idiot (on the same par as ET), whose opinion is worth diddly squat. [ Saturday, May 12, 2007 15:26: Message edited by: Suspicious Vlish ] -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Best weapon for a Shaper focusing on Creations? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Friday, May 11 2007 03:21
DV: quote:??? Did you read my original post? I'm asking which weapon would be best for a Shaper focusing on creating powerful creations. If the claim about the strength boost bug is indeed correct, then it's clear that the Captain's Shiv if by far the best weapon for a 'deadweight' Shaper. Which is fantastic, given that it's found rather early in the game. -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Best weapon for a Shaper focusing on Creations? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Sunday, May 6 2007 03:30
Thuryl: quote:Are you sure that that applies to the Windows version? Because in my version, my Creations receive a strength boost when I equip the Guardian Claymore... -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Best weapon for a Shaper focusing on Creations? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Saturday, May 5 2007 23:42
Is the creation armour the Captain's Shiv bestows worthwhile? It doesn't seem like a significant amount. Then again, something is better than nothing... -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Best weapon for a Shaper focusing on Creations? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Saturday, May 5 2007 19:35
I'm having a little trouble deciding which weapon is best for a Shaper who focuses of mainly on creations. The options include: - Captain's Shiv: 4-16, +4% armor, +2 Blessing Magic, +8 creation armor, +1 creation dexterity - Living Knife: 4-16, +4% armor, +1 Creation Strength, +1 Creation Dexterity - Guardian Claymore: 11-55 Damage, +2 strength, +2 Quick Action, +2 Creation Strength - Thirsting Knife: 7-28 Damage, +8 Vampiric Touch, +5 Fire Res, +2 Creation Strength, +1 Creation Dexterity. [ Saturday, May 05, 2007 19:36: Message edited by: Suspicious Vlish ] Poll Information This poll contains 1 question(s). 13 user(s) have voted. You may not view the results of this poll without voting. function launch_voter () { launch_window(";d=vote;pollid=SccIzNGryHSW"); return true; } // end launch_voter function launch_viewer () { launch_window(";d=view;pollid=SccIzNGryHSW"); return true; } // end launch_viewer function launch_window (url) { preview = url, "preview", "width=550,height=300,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status,menubar=no,scrollbars,resizable,copyhistory=no" ); window.preview.focus(); return preview; } // end launch_window ![]() ![]() -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Geneforge 5 in Geneforge Series | |
Member # 2245
written Thursday, May 3 2007 15:26
Nepharim: quote:Drayk -> Drakon -> Ur-Drakon From memory, if you use the Geneforge in GF2, you start to grow claws and scales (?), until the transformation goes wrong and you die in horrible agony. I'm not so sure if it's far fetched. A lot more genetic modification is needed for a human-Drakon transformation than a Drayk-Drakon transformation, though. -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Geneforge 5 in Geneforge Series | |
Member # 2245
written Thursday, May 3 2007 03:28
Maybe as a reward for joining the Drakons, you could be shaped into a Drakon! :D -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
How irritating in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Tuesday, May 1 2007 03:55
It's interesting that there are detailed articles on the creation stats in GF2 and GF4, but not in GF1 or 3. I wonder why that is? :confused: -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
How irritating in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Tuesday, May 1 2007 03:12
Stillness: quote:I agree that there is a 'net lameness' in melee creations. As Glaahks have been nerfed, I'd be so bold as to say that there aren't any worthwhile battle creations in GF4. Melee is just too weak in GF4, both for creations and your PC. Glaahks/Ur-Glaahks did have their use in GF1-GF3, when stun was quite deadly. Rotgroths were just excellent in GF2 (far more effective than Drakons!), and passable in GF3. And I must admit, I was rather fond of Thahd Shades in both GF2 and GF3. I still remember ambushing the Taker Breeding pits with a bunch of Thahd Shades which were impervious to cryoa and cyrodrayk breath attacks. IMHO, Thahd Shades and Searing Artila are both under-rated creations. Neph: quote:I've never been fond of roamers. They are just overpriced artilas. -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
How irritating in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Monday, April 30 2007 04:06
Thuryl: quote:Oh, I was a little unclear. When I say 'invest in', I mean it literally (ergo. spend money on the 'Create Fyora' or 'Create Drayk' creation conjuring spells). quote:Well, Ur-Glaahks have stunned in GF1, 2 and 3, so why not in GF4? Past Geneforge experience, + the ingame description, sort of indicates that Ur-Glaahks should have potent stun ability. -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
How irritating in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Sunday, April 29 2007 14:26
Oops! I missed the humble but effective Drayk. Yeah, the Drayk has remained a very useful and potent creation since GF1. -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Dhonal's Isle... is it possible? in Geneforge Series | |
Member # 2245
written Saturday, April 28 2007 03:38
I'm just curious, but is it possible to reach the Creator's Hall without attacking any rebels, and/or ordering Greiner to mobilize his troops? It would sure make for some interesting role-play opportunities :P -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
How irritating in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 2245
written Saturday, April 28 2007 03:35
Yes. But I thought that if the Ur-Glaahk stunning power was so powerful (as Jeff's ingame description says), two or three might be able to suck away ALL of the AP's of the enemy, and hence leave them unable to attack. But my theory was blown out of the water upon realizing that Ur-Glaahks don't stun. Oh well, I guess that's one less useless creation to invest money in. From my own experience, creations worth investing in: - Fyora - Artila - Vlish - Wingbolt - Kyshakk - Gazer - Drakon -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |